#had a lot of fun doing the shading on murphs hair
sapphic--kiwi · 10 months
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commission I did for @jamscandraw of Steve and their OC Murph at Luz’s King-ceañera 💜💛
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
62 of 2022
country stereotypes survey thing.
This survey is biased af and it’s rather based on what someone has heard about all these countries/nationalities/whatever. Still, fun to take just for lolz XD
° B R I T I S H ° You drink a lot of tea. You know what a brolly is. Deal or No Deal has taken over your life. You wanted Ben to win X Factor. You use the word “bugger"or the phrase "bloody hell.” Fish and Chips are yummy. You can eat a Full English Breakfast. You dislike emos almost as much as you dislike chavs.
Its football…not soccer. You believe the correct way to spell ‘Color’ is 'Colour’, and 'Center’ is 'Centre. Total: 5
° A U S T R A L I A N ° You wear flip flops all year. You call flipflops thongs not flip flops. You love a backyard barbie. You know a barbie is not a doll. You love the beach. Sometimes you swear without realizing. You’re a sports fanatic. You are tanned. You’re a bit of a bogan. You have an Australian something Total: 4
° I T A L I A N ° The Sopranos is a great show. Your last name ends in a vowel. Your grandmother makes her own sauces You know how a real meatball tastes. You know Italian songs. You have dark hair and dark eye color. // my eyes are grey, but quite a dark shade tbh You speak some italian. You are under 5'10’'   You know what a italian horn is. Pizza/spaghetti is the best food in the world! You talk with your hands. Total: 7
° S P A N I S H ° You say member instead of Remember. You speak spanish or some. You like tacos. // isn’t this Mexican?? YoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr. You are dark skinned. You know what a Puta is. You talk fast occasionally. You have had highlights or have dyed your hair. You know what platanos are. Total: 4
° R U S S I A N ° You say villian as: Vee-lon. You get short tempered. You know of somebody named Natasha. You get cold easily. Rain is fun for you. You get into contests all the time. You can easily make do with the cold weather. Total: 3
° I R I S H ° You think beer is the best. You have a bad temper. Your last name starts with a Mc, Murph, O’, Fitz or ends with a ley, on, un, an, in, ry, ly, y. You have blue or green eyes. You like the color green. You have been to a st. pattys day party. You have a family member from Ireland. You have red hair. You have/had freckles. Your family get togethers always include drinking and singing. Total: 4
° A F R I C A N  A M E R I C A N ° (but how is it a country??) You say nigga/nukka casually You have nappy hair. You like rap. You know how to shoot a gun. You think President George Walker Bush is racist.   You like chicken. You like watermelon. You can dance. You can 'sing’ gospel. Total: 2
° A S I A N ° (how is it a country at all either?) You have slanty/small eyes. // slanted, but it’s a dysmorphic trait, so You like rice a lot. You are good at math. You have played the piano. You have family from asia. You laugh sometimes covering your mouth. Most people think you’re chinese You call hurricanes typhoons. You go to Baulko. // I have no idea what it is Total:45
° G E R M A N ° You like bread. You think German Chocolate is good. You Speak some German You know what Schnitzel is. You went to Pre-school. You’re over 5'2. Total: 5
° C A N A D I A N ° You like/play/played hockey. You love beer. You say “eh”. You know what poutine is. You speak some french. You love Tim Horton’s. At one point you lived in a farm house. You watch/watched degrassi. Total: 5
° A M E R I C A N ° You hate foreigners. You hate non-Christians. You’re lazy. You have had an abortion. But love the penalty. You don’t read. You shop at Wal-Mart. // there’s no Wal-Mart in Europe, as far as I know You think this survey is rather biased.   Total: 1
° B E L G I A N ° you grow some small vegetables in the yard. you like French fries. you think Belgian chocolate rules. you know that the 'official best beer in the world’ is Belgian. you speak both Dutch and French // at varying levels, though, I’m fluent in Dutch you like Belgian waffles. you call a pub or bar a café. you fully realize and acknowledge that your football team sucks. you drive/own a French or German car. you have a lot of comments on your government. // wait, about my what? XD Total: 9
° D U T C H ° you like the color orange. you are a football enthusiast. you often go to 'coffee shops’. // been once and loved it, tbh you know what is meant by 'coffee shops’ you tend to overreact and show your emotions. you have a cheerful nature. you like the sea. you are good at building/handiwork/projects. you tend to favour the megalomania. Total: 4
° N O R W E G I A N ° You like/hate the rain. You love trolls. You know what lutefisk is. You have been whale hunting/seeing. Food made with potatoes and flour rule. Fish is a huge part of your diet. You have blue or green eyes and have blonde or brown hair. You know how to fish and have fished before. Total: 3
° F R E N C H ° You like French toast. You speak a little or are fluent in French. You have eaten a snail. You like fashion. You know how to cook You have been to France. You are either a Catholic, a Muslim, a Protestant or a Jew. You enjoy going to cafes to watch people Total: 6
You are: Belgian. I am indeed.
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Will Ye Go Lassie? (Part 1)
Request: Okay this one is for Murphy and Reader is Doc's granddaughter visiting from another country (The Boys don't know her yet)! Soulmate AU's: 1) If your soulmate dyes their hair, your eyes turn into that color and you wish your soulmate wouldn’t change it again because you really like this shade in your eyes. 2) Your tattoo is like a mood ring, it changes its color depending on what your soulmate is feeling at the moment and you’re not sure exactly what rainbow means. Okay thank you for your time! - @meadow-melody
Pairing: Murphy MacManus x Reader
Word Count: 1660
Warning: A lot of cussing but... that’s kinda to be expected from a Boondock Saints fic
Summary: Reader is from Ireland but she goes to Boston to help her grandfather at his bar, McGinty’s. What happens when two brothers and their newest partner in crime come and disrupt the somewhat peaceful life you’d built since you’d come to Boston? What happens when you make a very important discovery about the younger brother?
A/N: I tweaked it a bit to make the story flow a bit better, I hope you don’t mind! Events take place during the events of All Saints Day. I’m not sure how many parts this is going to be, but I’m excited to write this story! It might seem slow right now but it’ll pick up as the story goes on -Jo
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A loud knocking broke your concentration from counting the money from the cash register after the bar finally closed for the night. You were wary, with good reason. Only trouble ever came knocking this late at night. You started to grab for the small handgun you kept under the bar for just this occasion, but your grandfather stopped you.
“No need to worry yourself, l-l-lass,” he stuttered out. He hobbled over to the door. “I’ve got it.”
You hurried over to try and beat him there, but he’d already gripped the handle. “Grandad-!”
“Doc!” You heard two voices say.
“Boys! It’s so good to see ya. Come in, come in!” He ushered the three men inside. The two in the black coats quickly made themselves at home, not even noticing you in their hurry to get to the alcohol. Almost instantly you didn’t like them. I just cleaned that fucking counter, you thought irritably.
The third man cleared his throat loudly, to get the attention of the other two. The one with the darker hair noticed. “Oh yeah. Doc, this is our Mexican!”
Your grandad shook hands with him. “Nice to meet you, lad. They call me FUCK. ASS.”
The man only nodded, not even bothered by Grandad’s outburst. “How ya doin, Fuck Ass? I’m Romeo.” He turned his gaze over to you and you crossed your arms over your chest as his eyes wandered down. He put on what he probably thought was a charming smile. “Hiya, I’m Romeo. And you are?”
You scoffed. “Not Juliet.” You blew away a stray piece of green hair from your face, making a mental note to change it again. This green was getting old… Maybe that dark purple again. It was your favorite, after all.
He pursed his lips, nodded and shrugged his shoulders. “Fair enough.”
Finally, the two whom your grandfather greeted so warmly noticed you standing there. The blondish one spoke first. “And who might you be?”
You raised an eyebrow. “You first.”
Doc knew you were eventually going to get hostile so he intervened. “Calm down, lass. Boys this is my g-g-granddaughter, Y/n. She’s been st-st-st- living here for about a year now.” He looked to you. “These two are Connor and Murphy.” He gestured to the blond first, and then the dark-haired one.
Murphy jumped down from the counter and tucked his cigarette behind his ear. “A pleasure to meet ya, Y/n.” He held out his hand, and you stared for a second before shaking it.
“I know.”
He smirked, letting go of your hand. “I think I like you.”
You shrugged, though you had to admit… The man was attractive. There was something about him that had the promise of luring you in. “I’d like you two more if you clean up your mess over there.” You nodded your head towards the bar. “I had just cleaned it off. I’m not doing it again, but I’m not going to get any rest unless its spotless.”
“No worries, lass,” Connor said.
“Follow me, lads.” Doc started leading them to the upstairs storage room. “I’ve got something I want to show you.” You followed behind them all, not sure if you were meant to go or not. You hung back when they reached the top. “This here used to be a speak-easy back in the 40s. I only use it for storage now.”
Connor and Murphy took a good look around. “Holy shit,” they muttered together. The mark on your arm twinged a little, signaling that your soul mate’s mood has changed. It wasn’t often that you felt it anymore, their mood changed so often. Though it usually stayed purple, when they were happy. Occasionally it would turn to red or green when they were pissed or nervous, respectively. They felt other things too, obviously, but those three were the most common. You wondered if they were boring. Your eyes always stayed the same brown, so you knew they never colored their hair, and they more often than not kept feeling the same few emotions. Grey was an iffy color, you’d been told that’s what the color turns when your soulmate is scared.
You looked down at the oddly shaped mark on your arm. Sure enough, it was bright purple.
“This is so fucking cool!” Romeo said loudly, bringing you back to the present.
“Nobody else knows it’s up here,” Grandad said. “You’ll be safe.”
“And if anyone ever comes looking for you,” you added, “you can just get out through the fire escape.” You didn’t miss the look Murphy gave you as he took another drink from the bottle of Guinness in his hand.
Romeo could barely contain his excitement, “You know what this is?! This is our hideout. We got a fucking hideout, man!” He had the biggest grin on his face, and you couldn’t help but grin too at his childlike excitement.
The brothers laughed at him. “What are ya, fucking five years old?” Connor chuckled, wiping the grin slowly off Romeo’s face.
“You know Rome,” Murphy started, blowing off a pool cue. “We’ve got sticks, and blankets. You can make yourself a fort.” He laughed loudly.
You’d had enough of their teasing, it was starting to sound mean. “You know what?” You walked over and yanked the pool stick out of Murphy’s hands. “That sounds like a fucking good idea. Wanna make a blanket fort, Romeo?”
His smile returned and he turned to look at the boys. “Man fuck the both of you, this is fucking sweet.” He trailed behind you. “We even have a fucking pinball machine, man!”
It didn’t take long to build a makeshift fort out of some blankets, chairs, and a couple of pool cues. You even made a sign that said to enter required a password. Romeo high fived you and you both went back to the pool table where Doc, Connor, and Murphy were pouring several drinks and eating pizza they’d ordered. Despite being an Irish bartender, you didn’t drink very often. Your grandad knew this and didn’t say anything when he noticed you hadn’t taken a sip. The others were too drunk to notice either way. They goofed off and you laughed when Murphy accidentally rolled himself off of the table, and when Connor chased Romeo around the room with what you hoped was a fake lobster.
Finally, late at night things were starting to get tense. You and Doc stood on one side facing the boys on the other. Connor and your grandad stared each other down, while Murphy’s green-eyed gaze was locked with yours. “Not this time you little shit,” Doc said fiercely. You smirked at the man across from you.
“You got this, Grandad.”
Connor nodded. “We’ll see about that old man.” He braced himself and gripped the sides of the pool table. “Would somebody please come over here and-“
“- me up the-“
“Yes!” The boys cheered. Murphy fell down laughing, kicking his feet up and down on the pool table. Romeo clapped and guffawed. Connor shouted, “I took ya down, old man, I took ya down!”
Doc tried shushing them because they were too loud, grinning as he did so. You took initiative. “I’ve got this, Grandad.” You slammed your hands down on the table and yelled, “Cut the shit, boys!” They quieted almost immediately.
Murphy held his hands up as you glared down at his still grinning face. You took notice of the mark on his arm, a color that was somewhere between red and purple. The mark looked similar to yours but… It couldn’t be. You were seeing things. “Calm down, lass. It’s just a bit of fun.”
You just looked him up and down before you smirked and sauntered away back downstairs to gather your things. “I’m off, Grandad! Goodnight!”
Your hand had just reached the door handle when the mark on your arm heated again, Before you could look, someone took hold of your wrist. Murphy turned you around. “Aren’t ya gonna say goodnight to us, lass?” He put his hands in his jeans pockets, and looked up at you through his eyelashes.
“Us?” you questioned. “I only see you down here, Murph.”
“You caught me,” he grinned. “Why don’t you stay a while? Besides it’s dangerous out there this late at night.”
Seeing he was actually concerned for you, your face softened. “Don’t worry, I can take care of myself. Plus some of us actually have jobs to get to tomorrow and for that I need sleep.”
“You work here! It would save you time.” He winked at you, his green eyes sparkling.
You opened your mouth before you could stop yourself. “You have the prettiest eyes, you know that?”
He was visibly shocked at your outburst, but then he shrugged. “My soul mate, she likes to change her hair color. At least I think she’s a girl. She’s had this green for a while.”
That sounded familiar. “Oh yeah? What other colors does she do?”
He shifted, like he wasn’t sure how to talk about it; or that he wasn’t used to talking about it. “Mostly dark colors, but never what you’d call a normal color.”
“Hm…” You were about to drop the subject and say goodnight, but his next words caught you by surprise.
“I usually know what she’s going to do though, by the mark.” He held up his wrist and you finally saw it clearly. It was the same shape as yours, in the exact same place… But the color was a mix of all the different colors. You gasped but he continued speaking, not noticing the colors on his soul mark. “It’s only ever green, purple, or blue. My favorite is this purple she does though. It makes my eyes look really intimidating...”
His voice trailed off as your mind began to wander. Never in a million years did you think this day would come.
You just met your soul mate.
TAGS: @meadow-melody @fangirl1802
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