#h e l lo new pals
stfusid-blog1 · 5 years
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— ❝ wait is that DACRE MONTGOMERY ? or is that SIDNEY “SID” CHAMBERS who arrived in las vegas ONE month ago? HE is a TWENTY FOUR year old. last time i checked they were a BOUNCER @ THE DOLLHOUSE. rumour has it they’re very RESOURCEFUL and very RECKLESS. the CISMALE reminds me of HELL’S BELLS by AC/DC.
Sup, yall? I’m PJ, a 20 year old hooligan from New York who uses he/him pronouns. I work pretty much full time at the moment between an aquarium and an airport but I’m usually home by 6/6:30 every night. Anyway, enough about me! Here’s Sid, a real bitch of a dude.
TW: Alcohol, Drugs, Death
Sid was born to junkie parents who really couldn’t care about much besides chasing their next high. He lived in a trailer park for his first decade of life and then, after both of his parents ended up dead, he was sent to live with his great aunt.
Aunt Gertie could barely take care of herself, let alone raise a 10 year old with behavioral issues. Still, she tried her best. He always had clean clothes, there was food in the cabinets, whatever toys he wanted would be in his room the next day. But it still wasn’t enough.
He was smart, all of his teachers knew it, but he would act out in class which would often land him in detention. Somehow though, his grades were still fine. Good enough that he was able to graduate high school early, despite coming in drunk or high almost every day.
After graduating at 17, he realized that he had absolutely zero life plans. Honestly, he was kinda surprised that he was still kicking. But college definitely wasn’t the path for him so he became a welding apprentice. 
He was 18 when he started dating Teddy Green. If asked, he would say that he liked her, and he really did. But then she dropped the bomb that she was pregnant and that was that, Sid was gone. Kids were never on his radar and he was fairly certain they never would be. Sometimes he feels bad about it, but then he remembers his own parents and is reminded that he’d probably never make the cut to be a good father. 
When Aunt Gertie passed away, Sid decided that there was nothing left in his little town, so he packed his car and headed to Las Vegas. He arrived a month ago and had been working odd jobs but after a plumbing incident gone wrong, he started looking for an actual job. That’s when he found The Dollhouse, where he’s been working as a bouncer for approximately three days.
Sid has... a temper. He will fight ANYONE without a second thought. He doesn’t take shit from anybody, which isn’t a bad way to be when you’re working as a bouncer.
He’s pretty reckless and doesn’t really think about consequences before he does something. If it pops into his head, there’s a 99.9% chance that he will either say or do whats on his mind. It doesn’t always work out in his favor, much like his temper.
Some wanted connections!
Maybe a coworker? Someone who works at the Dollhouse
A childhood friend? Maybe someone who has also made their way to Vegas?
A long lost family member? He thinks that his family is all dead.
Literally ANYTHING! I want all the plots~
I realize that this is a disaster post but I just wanted to get it all out there. I’m positive that I’ll be adding an about page soon and then I’ll put some more details into his biography. Until then, feel free to like this if you want me to sliiidee into those dms or add me on discord! @pjnfluff#3272
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piereone · 4 years
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howdy pals! por acá babylon de nuevo presentando otro personaje lleno de traumas y temas sin resolver. el muchachote se llama piero leone tiene 39 años y pertenece al aquelarre pheme. abajo del readmore les dejo un poco más de su historia pa q lo conozcan. ya saben como es la cosa, le dan like y voy corriendo a sus dms para que podamos planear algo noooice. <3 dejo por acá el post de las conexiones de mey por si a alguien le interesa algo con ella tmbn. /o @7mconexiones​
bueno como dije ya ahí arriba, su nombre es piero leone, su familia es italo-americana y tiene 39 años de edad.
es un jugador de fútbol americano actualmente retirado ( en realidad lo hicieron retirarse por posesión de drogas ) que ejerce como el actual entrenador de los new england patriots, un equipo de la nfl.
es del aquelarre pheme obvi.
bueno cuestión que este dude se crió con una familia super judgy y muy de cabeza cerrada y encima conservadores, periodt. white trash.
por tal cosa siempre ha sentido que nunca pudo vivir felizmente su vida y demás, porque siempre tuvo que guardarse muchas cosas en la presencia de sus padres y el resto de la familia, porque con ellos siempre fue un hombre de pocas opiniones y de lo más perfecto que existe ya que siempre obraba para que no hubieran comentarios de él. básicamente un esclavo del que dirán.
pero su realidad era una completamente diferente, porque comete abuso de sustancias muchas veces ( un escándalo cuando pasó lo de su retiro btw ) y además es bisexual con un especian lean hacia los hombres, un detalle que su familia no sabe NI SABRÁ porque. . . . ,
tiene como prometida a una modelo uvu yes yes yes. que vive en nueva york y pues cuando piero se escapa para nola pues tiene casi q otra vida.
en cuanto a su personalidad es de esos tipos que no le caen bien a nadie y que nunca tiene nada bueno q decir, simplemente es un a s s h o l e todo a causa de ser un infeliz de mierda por culpa de su familia.
*cruza los dedos* esperemos pueda tener un arco de personaje y pueda ser una persona nice, cambiada y que no esté reprimido en ningún aspecto, pero eso está en manos de ustedes ahreñ. uvu
es un chaotic evil all the way y además es un acuario 🥴🥴🥴
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josiebnntt · 4 years
☾ * » Is that JOSEPHINE BENNET? Wow, they do look a lot like KENDALL JENNER. I hear she is a SEVENTEEN year old SENIOR who originally attended CARNIFEX Academy. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be IMPULSIVE and STUBBORN, but on the bright side they can also be LOYAL and PASSIONATE. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
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Hi everyone, again x 2. lol. I’m Lo. CST.
I’m back, again lol. I see a lot of new people, so here’s my intro. I actually have a full time job and go to uni in the afternoons but I won’t have any classes until September. So I’ll be free most afternoons. I’ll try to be as active as I can. Though I’ll be lurking a lot and might reply a bit in the morning since I’m currently doing home office. I’m so up for old plots and new plots. If you want to plot or just chat, don’t hesitate and hit me up or like ♡ this post.
I used to have a lot of RPing experienced, but to be honest I haven’t done it a lot lately. So yes I might be a little rusty, help me out lol.
Here’s a lot more about Josie:
B A C K G R O U N D   S T O R Y
» Josephine Eliana Bennett. Her family and close friends call her J, Jo, Josie, Eli, Elle or Bennett. 
» Born November 2nd, which makes her a Scorpio in New Orleans, Louisiana. 
» She comes from a wealthy family. Her parents travel a lot, so she isn’t really close to them. She’s close to her Tita, which basically raised her and her siblings. She grew up with everything except her parents love and support.
» Her Tita is not part of the family by blood, but she’s always been there for them to help out raised the Bennett kids. She’s pretty old and wise.
» Josie has two older brothers; Jenkin [24], Jacques [21], a younger sister; Jules who died when she was 7 and a younger brother; Jaden [11]. She is closest to Jacques, due to their personalities.
» Her sister died by drowning and Jo blames herself for it, even though she was only 9 at the time and not responsible for it. She believes her parents blame her for it as well, another reason why she isn’t close to them.
» She started doing art after her sister died, at age 9. Her Tita got her some lessons. It helped her deal with her sister’s death. Therapeutic.She's really good at it, but she has never been that serious about it. Not to become a professional artist. She kept on doing it and it’s the only thing she’s pretty much passionate about.
» Her family ancestors have been attending to Carnifex since it opened, just like her and her siblings.
» Her parents are true believers of the Carnifex / Luxor rivalry and that Carnifex is a thousand times better. Trying to get her parents attention and love she joined the Churchill circle. She beliefs in the cause, specially in a way to get her parents approval even though they aren’t aware of it. She would do anything to prove Carnifex is better than Luxor. Though she would play dumb; a true devil in disguised. UPDATE: She’s not part of the churchill circle anymore, but was.
» She wasn’t in school for a couple of months during the destruction of Carnifex and the transferring of the students, due to a family emergency (or that’s what she made everyone believe). Approved by her previous school and her parents. So she basically join Luxor Academy, a few months after the other’s did though she probably already knows a lot of the students. (This was back on July 2020)
L A S T  C O U P L E  O F  M O N T H S
SEPTEMBER 2019 - MAY 1st, 2020:
» She’s been in school but keeps a very low profile. 
» She started dating this college student, Bentley Boem. He really got her into stronger drugs; cannabis, cocaine, etc. So she started spending less time around school and more time with him and his pals.
»  When she was in Luxor you could spot her in class or sleeping in her dorm. She wasn’t a big participant of school events or her classmate events. She stop doing art as well. 
» Her relationship with her parents is worst. She’s pretty sure they believe she doesn’t exist anymore. She does keep in touch with her siblings but they are so far away, sometimes weeks go by.  
» She doesn’t believe she’s a drug addict but she hasn’t try to leave them, so who knows.
» She just broke up with Bentley. She’s not sure if they were actually a couple, but now she’s going to be more active around school. 
» Josie is super impulsive and stubborn, which kind of makes unpredictable.
» She likes to party a lot, drink and take substances that will make her forget and relax. Her best mood is when she’s in the clouds. 
» She’s not close to people, unless you have won her over. She doesn’t show her feelings much, so she can be really cold to people even in a hard situation. But not mean, unless you ask for it. She does like to socialize a lot in a superficial kind of way.
» She’s bisexual. She has never fallen in love, though she did had a few crushes and relationships before. Finds people attractive easily. She flirts, hook ups a lot and it’s not shy about it.
» She’s super protective over the people that have won her over and loyal to them.  
» She’s independent in every kind of way.
» Even though she’s passionate about the things that she loves, like art and plants. She likes to keep this passions secret, only for her.
» She likes to pretend she’s a good girl, even though she wouldn’t hide the fact that she likes to party. Truly she is mean and capable of doing a lot of things.
»  She loves nature and meditating and dancing.
» She likes gardening and mixing herbs for fun.
» She can play the piano, really well. Her grandma taught her.
» She speaks fluent, spanish and french as well.
» She’s not afraid of the water and she can swim, but she rather stay away from pools, lakes, the ocean.
» She has two cats, a snake and a tarantula back home.
Visual Arts
Dance - Contemporary
National Honors Society (Dropped)
Events Committee (Dropped)
This are just some basic ideas, to be honest I’m open to anything you have in mind:
» Hook up: Jackson Kingston.
» Churchill Partners / Close Friends: Chesire Elswood.
» Childhood Friend: Alek Addington.
» Close Friend: Dawn Penning.
» Exes:
» Competitive Rivals: Maia Croft.
» Distant Family
» Frenemies
» Anything and more.
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fleurdebleue · 5 years
While I’m uh, coh▎rent enough to talk and able to talk, I feel like telling a st▎ry. Maybe it won’t gl░tc▆ so much and everybody will be able to r▆ad it.
So, this was... ages ago. Like, I’m talking centuries. I could give you the exact amo▆▍t of years, but let’s round it up to 1200. Time acts fu▆▍y back where I’m from, that’s probably bec▀ ▍se of people like me. (We were kind of comm▎n, so people ended up ge▎▎ing used to the time distortions, since too much m▓ssing around with higher forces caused time to go all out of so▓ts for everyone.)
I was in a party with roughly five to six other people, situation depending. There was the “pal▚din” Aedn, the “cleric” Lily, the “▚arlock” Xav, the “▃ogue” Sky, ▎he “sword▊age” Marin, an▊ me, the... wel▒, I gu▂ss technically I’d be the “range▛”. Those are really loose labels, just so you ca▟ understand how all of us worked, more or less. As a whole, we were all consid▚red Hunters. T▌e best of the best, actually. If it weren’t for w▊at happened at the ▄nd, ▘e could have been legends. Now no one even speaks of us anymore. Ah, whatever, this i▜▕’t ▀hat sto▇y.
This ▟tory is about Aedn▐ Marin, an▇ I. The others were taking ▖are of their families, so us three were the only ▔nes ▒v▎ilable.
I ▓hink I was about uhhh... 28 at the ti▇▉? 28, 29. Somew▃ere around there. (I to▌▖ you. Time is weird there.)
▃ut! Regardless. We d▇cid▆d to go t▉ a taver▝ and get ourselves drunk as all ▟uck. It was ▍fter ▕ hunt, and our next one wasn▊t due for at LEAST another three weeks. (We▄re the ones y▄u call when things ha▖e gone t█ hell in a handbasket and cast▁es are being ripped to shred▁. Pretty t▖ll order of a group of five p▓ople, if you don’t count our Guild Leader occasionally joi▘ing us on a hunt.) You know, relax a little bit, h▓ve a little ▓un, pay for everybody’s drinks. Being gentlemen and whatnot.
Ma▎in, the bloody wank, dared me that I c█uldn’t outdrink Aedn. T▊ey knew I would take u▇ on t▁e dare because My Pride Is Stupid A▜d Weird L░ke That.
See, the problem was▖’▜ the drinking. The problem was w▀o I was drinking with. 
Aedn is w█at most w▚uld consider “the stereotype tank”. Big dude, heavy set wi▂h ▄uscle (not bodybuilder but like▎ BUILT to take hits be█ter than I was), for fuck’s sake his usual damned weapon was a greatsword built with ▋tarmetal. (Starmetal is alr▍ady heavy as it is, Aedn scared me ▓ll the time with ho▜ ▇asily he could swing that thing around like I did wi▂h chain-locked sickles▐) And most of all, he’s Glaswegian w▐o grew u▗ half in Glasgo▆ and half in the ▎hoddy parts of Dublin. He can f▁cki▗g drink my fellas▃
I grew up in Louisiana, around a stickler of a Lich who already didn’t care for drinking. 
(Leans into the mic.) You know this ▖sn’t going ▙o go well already but I’m telli▊g you anyway▐
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a ligh▎weight, Lucife▗ can tell you that much. But w▌ile I c▋n hold ▔y liquor ▏uite well, drinking to▇ much at once ░ill make me sick and shaky inste▄d ▊f get▓ing me d▇unk▕ The first ten drinks went down like no▒hing. E▗eventh, I could feel ▂ys▂lf trying to s▏op dri▒king and in▉tead wantin▏ to heave up everythin▏. My prideful arse tho▇ght it wo▕ld be a goo▀ idea to shove aside my n▋▟▛ea and keep drinking. Twentieth, I'm no▉ sure if I wa█ properly buz▌ed or so sick to my stomach that I could no longer get myself t▍ want to thro▂ up. Thirti▄th, there were bet▂ go▔ng up to see who would ▆o down fir▃t: Aedn or me. Th▒rty first? ▋ooking at the glass made me want to fuck▂▖▘ pass out. Logic said ▔o stop and take ▌are of myself p▀operly, pride said I could do it. Of cou▁se, I liste▕ed to my pride.
Even Aed▎ w▀s telli▁g me to take a break but lo and behold I took it as a c░allenge and not ▅ concerned ▆arning▝ I'm Booboo ▚he Fool.
S▆mewhere along th▋ ▊ine of my dri▊king I heard "I got a new shipmen▟ o▎ dwarve▟ brew" and I blacked ▄ut after that. I woke up t▛o ▊ays later t▉ a not so proud face of my Guild Leade▆ lookin▜ a▃ ▔e, with Aedn nervously sitti▃g at the ▎able in the ▚orner with a pint ▌f ale.
A▐▆arently I c▅all▎nged a noble to a fight ▓hile I was "bl▋cked out" a▙d embar▊assed him by winning. A s░ber trai▍ed noble lost a fight to a dru▇k exhausted Hunter. That is. Just s█d. An▞way I'm currently drinkin▒ now and I'm about to fucki█g pass out again on th▅ couch so see ya when I'm back to ▃ormal.
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cleoxortiz · 5 years
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭  𝐛𝐚𝐳.
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( ARON PIPER, CISMALE, HE/HIM ) Oh hello, you must be SEBASTIAN "BAZ" MARQUEZ it’s so nice to meet you. Is it true that you’re a SIXTEEN year old LEGACY student and in your SIXTH? I should warn you, rumour has it you’re pretty HEDONISTIC & SPOILED but I think you’re really FUN-LOVING & FREE-SPIRITED - people like to gossip around here, but you’ll find out for yourself. Let me show you to SALISBURY. ( JOCEY, 23, EST, SHE/HER )
rip carter. gone, but not forgotten. herrree is an equally chaotic dumbass! clearly elite has  taken over my life and aron piper is the loml. my need to get this done won over my need for this intro to be good so lmfao. hit that like button and i’ll msg ya for plotty mcplots with my hot mess of a child.
name : sebastian javier cristiano marquez nickname : baz age : sixteen gender : cismale sexuality : pansexual hometown : madrid, spain
━  the marquez family is known to have a bit of a controversial reputation, mostly surrounding how they made their fortune. officially, marquez enterprises is an imports/exports company that controls the major ports in spain, and owns several businesses throughout europe and latin america.
━  but off the books? well, let’s just say there may be rumours that they’re involved in some shady business and have quite a few interesting contacts from all around the world. regardless, it’s common knowledge that the marquezes are filthy dirty rich, enjoy living extravagantly and lavishly, and are practically seen as spanish royalty.
━  baz is the baby of his family. growing up, his parents and his older sister, sabina, always took care of him and took on all the responsibility, so he never had to. he never had to learn how to be responsible, what consequences were or how to look out for himself because there was always someone to take care of it all for him. so, he is about as spoiled and irresponsible as a clueless, rich brat can be - just coasting through life on his trust fund.
━  completely oblivious and ignorant to the real world, you could say that baz has always lived his life through rose coloured glasses. problems are never serious problems (unless, of course, they’re his problems - in which case, it’s the end of the fucking world) and they’re never something a little (or a lot) of partying can’t fix. or a lot of sex. partying and sex. sex and partying. it’s the perfect recipe to fix just about anything. how can anyone argue with that kind of logic?
━  baz has never really been good at anything. his grades are below average, his coordination skills in sports are very below average and his artistic skills are just about nonexistent. the only thing he is good at, and will proudly say so, is having fun. whether it’s throwing the best parties, knowing the hottest clubs or having the coolest connections, baz will have you covered. going to the met gala after party, vacationing with the kardashians, being invited to leo dicaprio’s private island - his stories and adventures are endless. 
━  baz is the type to fall hard and fast. he loves love, but he’s also not the greatest at it because he’s always so fickle and indecisive. he “falls in love” faster than kim k can post a new insta. being the dramatic little shit that he is, this also means that he gets his heart “broken” on the reg. as well. baz is known to be very flirty and affectionate with just about anyone and everyone, so it’s hard to say if he’s kissing you because he’s just being friendly, or because he likes you and wants to get in your skirt/pants. or both. porque no los dos?
HOEMANCE  ━  his best gal pal. the bonnie to his clyde, but in the most platonic soulmates, legal, non-murder-y way. or the thelma to his louise? or the other way around. he doesn’t know the difference rip. basically partners in crime, ride or dies, hoes for life. if you invite one, the other will automatically show, no questions asked.  taken by ophelia sinclair BROMANCE  ━  his best bro friend. i love a good pair of chaotic dumbasses who encourage each other’s dumbassery. BONUS POINTS if we make this a trio (if you watched elite, you know da bro vibez). just some bro friends who’ve been there through each other’s good and bad shit, y’know?  taken by nathaniel darlington CHILDHOOD FRIEND  ━  grew up together. maybe their parents are friends, in which case they might know about the marquez’s family secrets?? they played house together and all that cute shit. “if we’re not married by the time we’re 30, promise you’ll kill me. or marry me.” P L E A S EEEE. i am a H O E for that angsty childhood friend catching feelz cliche omg.  EX (BEST?) FRIEND  ━  used to be friends, maybe even best friends, but somehow grew apart. or maybe some shit went down that caused the rift. maybe they found out about baz’s family and noped tf out. IDK. so many possibilities.  taken by preston morgans HELLA HEART EYES FOR YOU  ━  baz crushes on everyone at one point or another. he’s a slu for romance, what can i say. and also just a slu in general. basically people he’s crushing on. could be reciprocated, could be unreciprocated. anything and everything goes.  taken by rydel hooh, alex morgan FWBs/BOOTY CALL  ━  self-explanatory methinks?? just a forewarning that baz catches feelings so damn easily, so this will likely not be just a chill ‘3am text > dance with no pants > fist bump and peace out’ sitch lolol. it can definitely start out that way, buuuut it will probably get messy oops.  taken by nathaniel darlington EXES  ━  baz dates around so damn much, he’s probably got a long list of ex lovers who he was in a relationship with for like... a month max. or something. he loves love, but he sucks at love so either he ended it, or they ended it. there can definitely be some linger feelings. maybe baz regrets breaking up.  taken by maggie stevenson, charlie williams MOM/DAD FRIEND  ━  listen, his sister can’t always be around to save his ass, so he needs a responsible friend around to make sure he doesn’t die, or try to buy a maserati for all his friends, or something idek. also doubles as a good influence ig??  taken by rose baker & charlie williams STUDY BUDDY/TUTOR  ━  baz is borderline failing his classes and pretty sure the only reason he isn’t is because his grades are being bought. and he’s not even buying GOOD grades!!! he desperately needs a good study buddy and/or tutor who will get him to even crack a textbook open.  taken by elizabeth morley & charlie williams
das it fam, das all i got. ofc i’m always open to anything not listed here. btw, unless a plot is crossed out, i am always down for more people filling that plot!
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garagenoodle25 · 2 years
China Work Visa
3 - Visa free for each "Passport For Public Affairs" or "Passport For Official Trip". Visa free also applies to collective passports for public affairs. 2 - Visa free only for holders of "E-series" regular passports. Demand for H-1B staff has soared in recent years, with far more applications than out there visas. In fact, in every of the past 5 years, the program’s cap has been reached within every week of the appliance interval opening, which happens in April each year. Embassy or Consulate that usually processes visas for residents of that country. For example, if the wedding took place in Iran the place the U.S. does not have an Embassy or Consulate, the petition would be despatched to Turkey. However, they will have to have a present valid passport and a return ticket to exit Costa Rica inside ninety days. It usually takes 4 working days to course of a Chinese work visa utility. There are several different ways to apply for a China work visa. Additionally, individuals can apply directly at the Chinese embassy, their native consulate or different diplomatic areas. Once an applicant has obtained a residence allow, he/she can then apply for a China work permit, which allows them to legally work in the country. Generally, the employer of the applicant will apply for the work allow on behalf of the applicant. You can apply for a visa by looking out for and emailing your local consulate (such as one in New York, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., etc). Travelers will have the power to learn the questions on the EVUS type in Mandarin Chinese. If a traveler is unable to provide answers to the questions in English, they may wish to search help from third parties, corresponding to a trusted pal, member of the family or journey agent, to complete the form in English on the traveler’s behalf. Third parties may even have the power to evaluation accomplished applications or approved purposes. We anticipate that the overwhelming majority of EVUS enrollments shall be processed and permitted inside minutes. EVUS is designed to replace a traveler’s biographic and admissibility information on a periodic basis (every two years, or after obtaining a new passport and/or maximum validity (10-year) U.S. visa). Chinese Visa, China Visa Utility The video does an excellent job of providing you with an overview of how to get your work visa for China, although we've more updated data below. Passengers not complying with the entry or transit regulations might be deported by same or returning aircraft. Copy of your airline ticket or travel agent itinerary exhibiting your name in addition to travel information. I really have learn the description of Concierge Service and I agree To Travel Visa Pro terms & companies. Our Concierge Team will attain out to you inside 2 enterprise hours to debate your Passport & Visa wants for your upcoming journey. To start your Concierge order, simply click "Yes, add Concierge Service", fill out the quite simple kind, and our Concierge Team will reach out to you within 3 enterprise hours to get your Passport and/or Visa order began. In order to get a Turkish e-Visa for China, all Chinese vacationers should fill in the Turkey e-Visa utility form with their private details and passport data. This is required for both business visas and tourist visas. The Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners, which went into effect on 1 September 2013, mandates some basic documentation for securing a Chinese visa. The most notable change is the requirement of a a name for participation when making use of for most kinds of visa, which may only be issued by a resident of Mainland China or a company based mostly in Mainland China. The solely exceptions to this rule are for type G and L applicants, who can both obtain a LOI, or produce their paid round-trip tickets plus the resort reservations throughout their keep in Mainland China. That are residents of Amur Oblast might go to Heihe and not utilizing a visa for a day. The visitor stays solely throughout the cities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, Huizhou and Shantou. Depart Mainland China on a flight, cruise ship or prepare inside 24 hours after arrival. This article is in regards to the visa coverage of the mainland of the People's Republic of China. For the visa coverage of Hong Kong SAR, see Visa policy of Hong Kong. Taiwan Work Visa And Allow The letter should bear the signature of the inviting contact in China and the company seal. Applicants who have previously held China visas are required to submit the passport containing those visas, along with the current passport. A legitimate signed passport with at least six months validity remaining and at least two clean visa page. Similar to journalist visas, there are 2 types of visas for students – the X1 visa for college students trying to examine in China for over one hundred eighty days, and the X2 for lower than 180 days. As the 'G' transit visa is not all the time needed, you need to examine together with your travel agent or tour operator if you'll really need one, or whether or not you presumably can remain in the airport with out it. For these looking to go to Hainan, the southern tropical island province, you may even be eligible to even go to the area visa-free as part of a tour group! A letter from the corporate in the U.S. stating the aim and period of the journey and that the corporate will take care of all the financial bills of the applicant in the course of the intended stay in China. An applicant who was born in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan is required to submit his /her Chinese passport or final overseas passport with a Chinese visa when he/she applies for a Chinese visa together with his / her current passport. A a call for participation (P/U) from the ministry of international affairs in China. An applicant who was born in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan is required to submit his /her Chinese passport or final international passport with a Chinese visa when he/she applies for a Chinese visa with together with his / her present passport. It takes only a few minutes to complete the online Turkish visa kind from China. Basic personal particulars, passport information, and journey data are required. More details about e-passports is available on the DHS web site. You will need to have a passport that is valid for no less than 6 months after your planned departure from the United States (unless exempted bycountry-specific agreements). For families, each member of your liked ones, together with infants and kids, must have his/her personal passport. In order to journey and not utilizing a visa on the VWP, you should have authorization through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization previous to boarding a U.S. certain air or sea provider. Customs and Border Protection to determine eligibility to travel underneath the VWP to the United States for tourism or enterprise. Visit theESTA webpageon the CBP website for extra info. Non visa-exempt nationals of ASEAN countries listed below can go to Guilin without a visa for a maximum of 6 days if they travel with an permitted tour group and enter China from Guilin Liangjiang International Airport. They may not go to different cities within Guangxi or other elements of Mainland China. Passengers who boarded the cruise with out becoming a member of a tour group may apply to affix an current group supplied the travel company relays the knowledge to the Chinese authorities and receives approval before the ship's arrival. In addition, 24-hour and 144-hour TWOV insurance policies apply to those that are not joining a tour group and are leaving China by air, train or sea in 24 or 144 hours relying on their nationality. China Visa Service When attending the approved consular interview, the applicant should provide the passport with which they may intend to journey and the finished visa utility type. First time candidates not born in Hong Kong or Macau are also able to apply for Exit and Entry Permit on-line from 8 February 2017. Unlike these certified for the no-fee Entry Permit or Entry and Exit Permit on arrival, the applicants are required to pay a processing payment of NT$600. Foreign/Overseas Chinese students getting into Taiwan with resident visa are required to use for an Alien Resident Certificate inside 15 days upon their arrival in Taiwan. Such application is to be made on the customer service offices of the National Immigration Agency positioned in the respective cities/counties by which the students are residing. A return/onward travel ticket, which proves you intend to leave after your stay in Taiwan is over. Stating whether or not you're submitting an application on somebody else’s behalf. Space between crown and the photo’s upper edge to be between 10 and 70 pixels, and distance from the underside edge to the horizontal line via the middle of the eyes should be higher than 256 pixels. Every utility for visa will be thought-about on its own deserves. Nationals of Indonesia who possess a sound Japan Visa Waiver Registration are eligible for an R.O.C. Travel Authorization Certificate from the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior. This could additionally be obtained in advance both through a government diplomatic workplace or through a web-based utility. Since 12 January 2016, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ROC began to implement the eVisa Program. Citizens of the following nations can apply for a single-entry eVisa to go to Taiwan for lower than 30 days. On 7 October 2016, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ROC additional expanded the listing of nations eligible to use for eVisa. NWOHRs are subject to immigration management while in Taiwan, and might solely remain in Taiwan for a restricted time approved by the entry permit or the immigration officer. Those with none of the above-listed paperwork shall be denied entry to Taiwan. Momentary Employee Visas Bermuda– British Overseas Territories citizens of Bermuda do not need a visa to visit the United States beneath most circumstances for up to a hundred and eighty days. During https://www.chinavisa.com.tw/conduct/ for which a country has been designated for TPS, TPS beneficiaries may remain within the United States and may acquire work authorization. However, TPS doesn't lead to everlasting resident status. One suggestion is to practice English conversation with a native speaker earlier than the interview. If you are coming to the united states solely to review English, be ready to elucidate how English shall be useful for you in your home nation. 8 CFR 212.1 Documentary requirements for nonimmigrants, Code of Federal Regulations, January 21, 2021. Only holders of passports with a national identification quantity. Turkey — certain nationalities can get hold of an digital Turkish visa if holding a valid US visa. Philippines — 7 days for nationals of China and 14 days for nationals India only. 護照申請 do not want a visa to work beneath the TN standing (unless they live outside Canada with non-Canadian household members) while Mexican citizens require a TN visa. Spouse and dependent kids of a TN professional can be admitted into the United States in the TD standing. The R-1 visa is issued to temporary spiritual employees. They should have been a member of a religious denomination having a bona fide non-profit religious organization in the United States for a minimum of 2 years. You ought to schedule an appointment in your visa interview at theU.S. Embassy or Consulate, however be aware that it could be harder to qualify for a visa exterior of the country where you reside. Therefore, a sound U.S. visa in an expired passport remains to be legitimate. The approval of a petition does not guarantee that you will be issued a visa. Do not make last travel plans or purchase tickets till you have a visa. Member firms of the KPMG community of unbiased companies are affiliated with KPMG International. Visa Necessities For Visiting China The length of stay is 60 days per entry for L and M visas, 90 days for S2 visas, and one hundred twenty days for Q2 visas. Visa candidates who are of Chinese descent can take pleasure in a 180-day length of keep when applying for Q2 visas. The application payment is C$100, and, since applying via a Visa Center is mandatory when in Canada, an "software service charge" can also be charged with each utility. A variety of visas issued for people planning to remain in China for greater than 180 days require conversion right into a ‘temporary residence permit’, which is basically a long-term visa, inside 30 days from entering the nation. While holders of other visas aren't permitted to work in China, aside from these with business visas, the holder of a residence permit is free to work legally in China. The holder can additionally be able to freely enter and exit the nation for the period of the allow validity, normally up to 5 years. Then inside 30 days of entry you have to apply for a residence allow. That allow can be utilized to enter and exit China for its validity, which by legislation have to be between 180 days and 5 years. The actual validity of your reentry allow will rely, at this level, on local coverage as a end result of there is no nationwide coverage in place right now. Under the model new regulation, the family members of a international national who holds a resident allow for research may qualify for a “resident permit for private affairs.” I assume your liked ones members’ old visas are L visas. So the question is whether or not they can switch from an L visa to a “resident allow for private affairs” within the China. If you have a brand new passport, you'll need to enroll in EVUS before your next journey to the United States. We suggest you enroll no less than one week earlier than you're scheduled to go away for the United States. EVUS will not require the traveler to submit a photograph or fingerprints. This replace will require the traveler to reply a collection of questions about himself/herself, and his/her job, background and travel history/destination. Yes, the internet site will be obtainable in each English and Mandarin Chinese. However, all 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visa holders must reply the EVUS questions in English. China Visa If you're a passport holder of one of the below international locations or territories, your passport might be stamped with a a quantity of entry 90-day visit visa that's legitimate for six months from the date of problem, and for a keep of 90 days in whole. Citizens of the below European nations are also entitled to use for a pre-arranged visit visa if their 90-day visa on arrival has been absolutely utilized. A journey doc from an embassy may be issued as either a single or multiple entry visa. You will be asked to input your personal info, order data, and fee info. After inputting your data, click on “Place Order” which can create your accomplished order type, then print it out and signal it. If you could have visited China earlier than, then you have to provide a copy of the earlier Chinese visa. The application form should be printed on one side solely. If you might have a minimal of one year of remaining validity in your U.S. passport, it is possible for you to to get a 10-year China visa. You will need to have an original signed U.S passport that should nonetheless be legitimate for at least 6 months from the date of entry into China. There are some safety questions that must be answered as a part of the Turkey visa requirements for Chinese citizens. 1) If you reside near a Chinese consulate or the Chinese embassy, you might go instantly there and use the walk-in service to obtain your visa. ACC will file for your preliminary visa papers (JW-202 and the Invitation to Study at Minzu), that are issued in Beijing. These papers, with every individual student’s visa information, might be despatched to the ACC workplace at Hamilton College. Total quantity includes vacationers, enterprise folks, students, change guests, momentary workers and households, diplomats and other representatives and all other classes of non-immigrant admissions (I-94). The length of stay allowed will depend upon the visa required and nationality of the citizen. Eligible travelers arriving at Taipei Songshan, Kaohsiung International, or Taichung airports can't acquire a visa on arrival, however they might be issued a quick lived entry permit. However, as soon as inside the country, they're obliged to obtain a visa from a authorities office. In accordance with the established legal guidelines, citizens who're nationals of these eligible international locations can obtain a visa on arrival at one designated port of entry in Taiwan , in addition to emergency and short-term passport holders issued by visa-exempt countries. The protocol of applying for a Taiwanese eVisa includes pre-registering an internet software. Visa Rules Eased For Recipients Of Chinese Language Vaccines The deadliest wave of COVID has simply passed by way of Romania, the EU's second least vaccinated country, and officials have... Lijian stated that “China stands ready to advance mutual recognition of vaccination with different international locations, ” although no concrete plans have been but revealed. Proclamation 9992 of February 29, 2020 , which restricted the "entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of all aliens who had been physically current inside the Islamic Republic of Iran, during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States," until exempted or otherwise excepted. 2 weeks or more since an individual received a whole sequence of a vaccine or combination of vaccines listed by CDC in Technical Instructions. Foreigners holding diplomatic, service, courtesy or C visas are nonetheless permitted to enter China. China continues to pursue an aggressive "Zero-COVID" strategy which has been largely successful at maintaining the virus at bay. COVID vaccination in China is completely voluntary and over 80% of the population is absolutely vaccinated with domestically developed and produced Chinese vaccines. Proof of vaccination just isn't required to enter public venues or interact in another aspects of day by day life. His remarks reignited discussions concerning the effectiveness of China-made vaccines, especially as Gao has not supplied data displaying how efficient the Chinese-made vaccines are in opposition to the virus. She added she would consider the protection and efficacy of any vaccine earlier than getting inoculated. She stated she most well-liked to wait for Beijing to import the Pfizer vaccine and would then pay for the shots herself. She added that she was in no hurry to get inoculated because of the lack of data on all the vaccines. Zimbabwe vice chairman and Minister of Health Constantino Chiwenga holds up his vaccination certificate after receiving the primary shot of Sinopharm, the COVID-19 vaccine from China, Feb. 18, 2021.
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im-basically-logan · 6 years
welcome back to the routine of me yelling about the latest sander sides vid! everything will be under the cut but just know there are obviously spoilers.
see you on the other side lmao
they all did that intro all at once???? damn!
thomas... what are you doing. also Joan’s line of thought is what i thought of first lmao
“... just how weird that was” indeed. look at the nerd risin on in tho!
“feeling it...”
Logan’s groan of frustration to thomas saying “motivated” is a big mood
“now you’re just pandering to my fondness for being told that im right” lmaoooo
logan’s sass is great
i love logan too, thomas
deceit flipped them off jdkshgjkfdhs
i sure hope he doesnt excrete slime jfc
they actually looked at the painting on the wall omfg. logan being confused by it’s abstract look is hilarious imo
existentialism ACTIVATED
when they were trying to get virgil to come out?? roman was literally pulling him omfggg why
also patton and logan just sorta told him to come out but pulling could still be a thing in that regard but rOMAN TUGGED ON HIM
back on topic--”YOU PULLED MY HAIR”
roman back at it again with the weird phrases!
“I would talk about you in another room” “...fair enough”
roman’s facial expressions are amazing
“i think you’re just being a jerk” hgjksd roman’s pouty face lmao
yay roman complimented logan!!!
“myth of the great manbaby” what the hell roman
when you break the fourth wall column and make everyone uncomfortable
i love the drawing things for roman’s thinking. he is creativity after all
the thing about financial perception is great-- i love listening to logan talk kgdfhgkdfl give us a podcast. (jk jk)
the fact that logan indirectly acknowledges he’s a nerd lmaooo
virgil spawning in and saying “i’m listeninnnnng”
“hi virgil” “sup thomas”
ngl roman, that idea is pretty... bad sorry
“but you just called me a little bratty baby--” “A- DUB DUBGFBBFJK THOMAS”
“holy sh-” THOMAS
is aunt patty a real person??
constantly circling the answer lmao
windshield of diamond...? i mean diamonds can be clear but-
“we’re talking about a car, not a horse” lo... logan it’s a metaphor
“i hope you know that my agreeing to a point i made is not a win for you”
once again i love the little animations
thomas playing an elongated word association game is me tbh
“a.. scripted series” “nods in agreement” KJEHGJDFK THE FOURTH WALL HAS BEEN DESTROYED
nexus... instrument??? oh wait nvm
“quixotic, quarreling. quaaaaaaaaaaaah” and the little shake as he said “im not good at nicknames” lmao
circadian rhythm? who’s she???
ok listen i know logan is right about the sleeping schedule but also??? no?? thanks??
“but twitter!” “tumblr?” “tinder?” “twinster!” JDFKJDS
“my twin kinda looks like you, logan!” REALLY ROMAN?
and then all the remy fans went insane...
“copulating” LOGAN
pancake and pillow fights jffkhgsf
“BRO-gan” JDSKHASJK didnt thomas say that in a tweet lmao
“okay dad” “y’called?”
“love you patton” “love you thomas”
“BUT A BIG MEAL MAKES ME SLEEPY” oh jeez i’ve never tried doing that and i probably wont-- thanks logan lol
“this snack over here is wondering if you’re finished or not!” roman..?? what??
i love logan’s face when he’s about to start rambling again lmao
i just noticed the amazing sound design for the handwriting effects, kudos to you guys!!
“shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots i endorse, are vaccines” agreed but also logan n o
look at his face tho he looks sorta proud of himself
“why are you drinking... out of a blender” "this is the biggest container that i have” th-thomas..??? my god lmao
“but how is it good for you?” “how?” logan is slytherclaw tbh
“CORN! ... to eat”
nice pie chart
roman’s face at 16:06 is a mood
“and health...! facts!”
logan being a literal encyclopedia is amazing... also fairly robotic wouldnt you say (hahaha)
but also roman brushing his teeth immediately after dlsjgdfkl
roman throwing a little temper tantrum lmaooo
“elms need tending..”
i like to think roman just has imagery dancing around for thomas and logan to see in his hand or smth. or he’s awkwardly projecting it idfk
17:43 logan is a mood (i say this a lot bear with me)
roman, sorry buddy, but shakespeare plagiarized a lot of things and frankly i believe thats a big no no for you? (remember the originality episode oof)
“FORGET SLEEP” same roman
“then you will care for your friends more than they have ever been cared for in their. entire. LIFE” “yES”
“i dont know the meaning of the word...” “it means ridiculous” “oh really?” ROMAN??? HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT?
all the other times logan has used preposterous just went over his head????
hasnt roman USED the word preposterous?????
i go straight to logan’s thinking. roman get the heck out of there? dont fight a chimera with a broken leg plz
“how can you be teaching me so many things but also be so wrong today?” WOW ROMAN LMAO
20:09 Logan...ok listen, somebody just send me a bunch of screenshots of their faces in this video plz
“pardon me while i laugh! .... ha” ok the motions before he “laughed” looked oddly like deceit...
hello yes?? can we get a sander sides soundtrack??? the music while logan explains the worth of living is great
“uber yawn” im sorry roman, w h a t
ok there we go
aww logan’s little smirk
“that sounds cool..” roman is such a dork jkdshfs
logans little bounce at 23:43 gives me life
awww they’re getting along
the next video thomas was hinting at... the puppet show
also i would’ve mentioned this earlier but i forgot but I THINK THATS A NEW SHIRT? :O
“every dog has it’s day” Virgil: patton n o
“may the force be with you” lmao
patton sounds oddly... solemn? it just sounds slightly lower than patton’s usual voice??? i dunno im reading into things
take it easy guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!
we’re at the end! im so proud of thomas, talyn, and joan! amazin as usual. Also best wishes to Joan’s recovery. they better rest after this
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gawaine · 6 years
by popular demand: welcome to the saga of Fuckboy Supreme
*sigh* aka i’m dumb, what’s new
i’m going to try and keep this short bc ffs
Fuckboy Supreme (FS for short). Mr Popular of my cohort. hangs out at the back w/ the rest of the rugby boys. blonde, blue eyed... not my type.
i’d identified him as the FS of the year early on and Blonde Pop and I established that he, and my other friend Steffan, were probably the two best looking single guys in our course (not saying much). I heard that he was from money and was clearly trying to hide it (E much?) and I saw a lot of similarities. he was interesting to watch every now and then but I didn’t think we’d ever really cross paths.
except one day, we end up thrown together in clin. skills, alongside his best friend + housemate (Human Shield, for future reference. he becomes important later) and we kind of chat and lo and behold, he’s actually a pretty chill guy? nice enough to talk to. to the point where I tell my friends this (we all sit together down at the front) and I shock both FS and HS when I see them around and say hi (after HS and I spend a hospital shift together on NICU). more importantly, in that clin. skills session, me and HS are meant to “watch [FS] closely” to give feedback and I notice that this dude’s legs are absolutely insane, sculpted out of effing marble, and that same day, he’s happy to whip off his shirt (we’re doing resp. exams) and keep it off as he talks to someone. and I see he has a scar on his shoulder and ofc bc ME I’m like “omg sO PRETTY AND CLEAN” and he lets me basically play around with his weird af shoulder (old injury, post-surgery) as he chats to one of our tutors and I’m chatting to another tutor about the scarring. and he smells clean and he’s not super sculpted, as one would expect, but he’s lean in a natural, soft kinda way and i’m like okay, cool. and we chat a little and he’s nice about me not having a science background and w/e.
weeks go by, we say hi every now and then. then I slowly become obsessed with his legs.
it’s a slow process but the boy keeps walking into lectures, right by my seat to get to his, and he wears shorts and seriously... l e g s. but I’m wary of this so I’m happy to objectify him and for a time it works; idgaf if he notices (he doesn’t) and my friends find it hilarious, but I tell them I’m not interested in anything above the neck (or really, anything that isn’t thighs down) bc happy to stare and not know a thing about his personality thank you very much.
... I go out of my way to stand by that. and then, in a particularly shitty lecture one day, as I’m contemplating trying a psych shift, I realise the only person I know of who’s done what I’m interested in is... FS.
I decide fuck it, I’ll just message and ask - no being polite or friendly, straight to the point bc it’s work and I’m not there to open a door (even though, and I tell the girls this, by opening up messaging I feel like I am). this causes a non-stop 45min FB chat - I mean non-stop - and he’s hilarious. super hilarious. he’s also flirting w/ me and whilst I know this is all bc he’s FS (and I tell him so - he finds it v. funny), it’s a fun convo and it’s harmless and I reckon he’s just playing up bc we’re both bored.
... things escalate quickly.
we message back and forth a lot - he’s very quick and sharp, so he keeps up w/ me easily, but I’m treating him as I would anyone else. this lasts a while, but he keeps flirting and I keep telling him he’s a moron and eventually say if he keeps it up I’m just going to treat him like a psych experiment.
... I assume him continuing means he knows i’m being serious.
he becomes my psych experiment. lots of things being studied, including E and stuff from my dissertation etc etc and although at this point I know we’re embroiled in a weird power struggle, I stop giving a fucks because hey, he’s an experiment to me and i’m an unofficial therapist for him, right? win win. i don’t NEED to give a fuck about how it comes across.
2 weeks later, i’m sitting in the library while he’s at home, and we end up arguing over FB. he starts off polite but it quickly becomes i’m being intrusive, messaging him a lot, etc; why can’t I treat him like Aussie Essex (Blonde Pop’s housemate and my friend, as well as FS’) aka a normal friend and I’m like “lol but we’re not friends”, which we’ve both acknowledged before, but my stance is: I know things about him bc I asked specific things bc psychoanalysis. He doesn’t know anything about me. Friendship is mutual, that isn’t. basically I’m like “look, i’m sorry, have a nice life” in nicer words (bc I’m lost bc in my mind - I TOLD him he was a psych experiment??) and he’s all “what so you’re going to ignore me forever now haha” in not so many words and I’m like ???, but when he doesn’t respond, i’m like cool, we’re dead to each other, fine.
the girls notice how fucking ICE COLD we are w/ each other when we’re in the common room, though we wouldn’t normally talk, and Trout (not indicative of her face; a girl we both know, a member of the School - aka the group of girls who worship FS and his friends in my year, they have literally sat at FS’ feet before - who at this point, has been watching me and FS for a while) gets smug. bear in mind, after that first FB chat, I was throwing an event as co-president of the trauma society and was making the rounds around the common room to see who was coming and, after some initial back and forth, I commanded FS to come and he was like “fuck OKAY. okay? shit yes, okay” (he didn’t come and was meant to help me get numbers, but he fucked that too. idk if it was deliberate. it was a success anyway tho so w/e) and Trout was all ?!?!?! because she watches FS like a hawk and so he and I talking clearly confused her
but then a few days later he sees me sitting alone in lectures where I don’t usually sit and he’s like “morning Hannah” and, too shocked to do anything else, I auto-reply “morning [FS]” and just like that we’re okay again?
after the fight, I message him once - a silly message in a lecture by a 1st world Barbie - to test his reaction to the lecture more than anything else, but he doesn’t reply, which I suspected, but after that... no FB. I refuse to break that rule.
BUT I do grab him a couple of times when he walks by my seat in the break; I apologise face-to-face after he says hi and he apologises for the misunderstanding regarding the argument (he may have said hi after that?? idk) and he basically demands we’re friends and I’m like yeah whatever sure pal
but then he walks in one day wearing a beanie just like E’s and I. i just. it becomes a thing. i have a really cute bobble hat I wear every day bc our lecture theatre is colder than the Arctic fucking circle and so as I joke about him competing, I’m really freaking out bc that’s when I realise just how MUCH he reminds me of E. this hat becomes a Thing. I grab it one time and threaten to keep it hostage with Blonde Pop in front of all of his friends and they look at me like I’m insane, confused, lost at how I, a Front Row Person, dares to challenge FS. I’m literally in high school again.
aware of that, I die it down... and long story short, somehow, FS starts saying hi more and more in the morning and we have these mini chats (once the hat thing dies down), but it’s really tiny.
then I fuck up my wrist.
it pisses me off bc he’s clearly curious but doesn’t ask and I’m like “further proof we’re not friends” to myself but by this point, so much little shit has happened that all of my friends know what’s going on (lbr they did anyway) and his School are aware of me too - but OH - so there was this med school ball thing and we both went and that’s when I got more E vibes and I was like “fuck this” bc the more I avoided it the more it was happening and he was avoiding me and so AFTER that I was like “fuck this” and planned on ignoring him but that just... didn’t happen (I’m omitting so much of the finer details).
so yeah, he’s annoying me about my wrist bc he’s eavesdropping when I talk to my friend about it, but... nothing? so I’m like w/e fuck this dude and by this point, as an accidental by product of me being pissed with him at the ball (and myself), I’m dealing with some other male Situations and it’s pissing me off 
bUT then exam week arrives and we have a really lovely chat before anatomy and he’s being all sweet and friendly and the School is confused and HS is confused (HS is perpetually confused when it comes to me and FS, which is odd, bc otherwise we’re pretty chill w/ each other) but at this point something doesn’t feel right bc I’m good w/ body language, right? communication, esp non-verbal, is my thing. and he’s being weird.
then I come home for the weekend to get my wrist seen to and Blonde Pop goes out with everyone else to celebrate exams being over (I leave with 2 of my other friends right after) and FS sees Blonde Pop, who he’s spoken to bc of me enough times now, and he asks where I am - and that’s weird bc we NEVER have spoken in a social setting so I’m like??
we get back; he stops before lectures and comments on my temporary cast (fracture clinic appointment tomorrow guys, prayer circle) and says something like “oh, well it’s good it’s completely immobilised” (30mins later i realise why this bothered me; he’s quoted me directly from when he was eavesdropping on me and my friend discussing the injury accidentally, and I’m like aHA I KNEW IT) and I make a flippant comment about yeah, but it’s not great for getting dressed in the morning and he’s like “oh, I’ll help you get dressed” and I look at him like wtf bc lol he’s such a moron but also ??? but then he sees Kelly and bolts, though he was laughing too and trying to justify that comment (badly) and for perspective, I tell Kelly and she immediately picks up my phone to see it and I’m like no, this just happened in person and she’s like what the actual fUCK bc that is not the level FS and I are in person so it’s not just me ok
and then later I see him sitting with Aussie Essex and when I go to speak to AE he’s like “hi??” and me, not hearing him but seeing him watching me, am all flippantly like “oh hey” and carry on but it throws me tf off bc we’ve had our one convo of the day inside the lecture theatre and this is getting weird and i’m immediately like ?? did he sit with Aussie Essex knowing I’d say hi? wtf?
then it’s the end of term pub quiz collecting money for charity (I’m using so much ‘then’, it’s disgusting and u can see i’m not in writer mode) and my gut tells me to avoid FS bc he’s leaving after lectures the next day but everyone is like wtf no come, it’ll be chill, so I do, and it’s fine, and he’s there and right in my line of vision but i’m like w/e w/e and we kinda say hi but it’s in passing and at this point, I’m on good terms with like... the majority of the guys in his little gang (he lives with 4 of them, so I’m polite to all of them on some level) and so when HS is introducing me to his gf, it’s fine... until he’s like “oh btw I forgot to tell you - this is [FS’] girl”
things escalate quickly. first FS sends me hearts, I flip him off, then he starts talking and I can’t hear so I go over and that’s when I get fucking ambushed by his housemate, who I only have spoken to once or so but know his gf but will hereby be known as Buttface... about how they’ve all (FS’ friends) given every girl on each row a percentage of how much they think that girl fancies FS. I’ve scored one of the highest - 73%, alongside another girl with a slight reputation (no judgement) who has been all over FS the majority of the night so far.
the more I defend myself, the more Buttface claims that’s proof of it being true (as a lit grad, do you know how much that logic offends me???) and FS only repeats that he wasn’t a part of the convo, it was only about him so not to blame him. but he listens smugly. things escalate. i’m ashamed to admit i’m so thrown off that i am not my best and as things continue to escalate, i feel too blindsided to do what I want to (though I do half-slap FS once bc I can’t fully slap him in a room full of our course w/o Drama, and though I go to spill a drink on him twice, everyone stops me) and it’s a mess and once it’s over, i’m raging and have to leave. a lot of people stay out though, so half of the lecture is too hungover the next day... so I don’t see FS and that week, we broke off for Xmas break. but before i left, I nudged HS and was like “wtf so you and your house talk about me a lot...” (literally aLL OF FS’ housemates are familiar w/ the topic) and HS is like “nah, I reckon he fancies YOU” and I know HS is a shit stirrer so it pisses me off more
Blonde Pop is raging for me. Broski is like “meh, men”, though Percival takes offence at the shitty logic; but Deej and Cap (who I travelled with) are like lol what this is a victory. in the power struggle, you’re winning. he doesn’t think we know about all of this; but you’re clearly important enough for all of his housemates to know your name. Lulu and Dragon Jock see me the next day; I make Lulu give me a hug bc I’m like “am I giving off hoe vibes??” and Lulu, who is soft and smiley and a cinnamon roll, is all “nO IT’S LAD CULTURE AND IT’S RUBBISH” and it’s very cute and defensive of me and Dragon Jock is just like “lol i’ll hit ‘em”. which is nice.
general consensus is to ignore the fuck outta him come going back in 2 weeks but?? idk if I can? it’s not that simple bc we have the rest of the course together and I know that he’ll act like everything’s fine and if i say why i’m pissed, Buttface will use that as ‘proof’ (rather than me being horrified at their audacity, I mean CHRIST ON A STICK) and if I don’t, it’s still proof... Broski says this won’t go away anytime soon bc of that reason but that isn’t satisfactory either
and like i clearly try to blend into the bg to avoid drama and now i’m like? why bother?? when we all went for takeout in our last night in Swans before heading home, Cap was like “i find it hilarious how you have so much drama around you” and when I was all “i sit in my room and watch Netflix tho??”, he was like “... that’s why it’s hilarious” and tbh yes, but not in a funny way, in more of a dAMN IT way
fuck blending? it makes no difference? hence me accepting my femininity, bc... screw everyone else, I’ll do what the fuck I want 
but yeah. that’s the latest.
also, in slapping him, i felt his stubble and that was not the one.
berate me freely, go forth...
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eversall · 7 years
tagged by @claudiia--lightwood who is awesome go check her out!!
rules - copy and paste this in to a new text post, delete my answers and put in yours. when you’re done, tag up to 10 people!
a - age: 18
b - biggest fear: small enclosed spaces
c - current time: 10:56 pm
d - drink you had last: lemonade
e - every day starts with: coffee and me summoning up a ridiculous amount of willpower to get out of bed
f - favorite song: idk im in an ed sheeran mood rn
g - ghosts, are they real: sure, but i try not to think about them because i like sleep?
h - hometown: los angeles (catch @softjimon saying its london though)
i - in love with: summer break!! 
j - jealous of: the cities where my friends live now because now i have to wait until they visit from that city
k - killed someone: no thanks, way too much effort
l - last time you cried: may 5th, long story about why i remember the date exactly
m - middle name: i wasn’t cool enough to get one :(
n - number of siblings: i have one little brother who’s like my best pal we have great times together
o - one wish: to have a million wishes. jk - that all my friends and family and i are happy
p - person you last called/texted: while my little brother was sitting right next to me i dictated google voice to text him ‘you’re a poophead’ which about sums up the level of maturity we have when we’re together
q - question you’re always asked: you’re really 18??? to which my answer is ‘i understand the basis of this question but like do you think i’m really going to say oh no you got me i just lied for no reason?’
r - reason to smile: stupid jokes i love them so much
s - song last sang: move together by james bay
t - time you woke up: 8 am
u - underwear color: why though? did we run out of words that start with u? 
v - vacation destination: europe tour!! i really want to see scotland i hear it’s beautiful
w - worst habit: i’m perfect! jk i’m really slow to respond to people
x - xrays you’ve had: one time for my hand when i got a tiny fracture in my finger from playing basketball. maddie, you say, you’re so short, why would you be playing basketball? to which i tell you this was in seventh grade when i was taller than half of the boys in my class. 
y - your favorite food: my mom’s biryani
z - zodiac sign: scorpio
tagging: @softjimon @raphsantiagay @herondaleslewis @sunlewis @mxgnxsbane @simonlewhiss @annadalee @wellsyaha @winestainedflannel @earlsleg
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daizybethea-blog · 6 years
This Week’s Wedding Announcements
Alicia Hunt Ciccone and William Benjamin Thomas have been married April 14 on the Liberty Warehouse, an occasions area in Brooklyn. Decide Daryl L. Moore of the 333rd District Courtroom in Harris County, Tex., officiated, with blessings from the Rev. Anthony Andreassi, a Roman Catholic priest. Ms. Ciccone, 28, works in Houston as a guide at Bain & Firm, the Boston administration consulting agency, for which she primarily advises power corporations and different industrial companies. She graduated summa cum laude from Amherst Faculty, and acquired an M.B.A. from Stanford. The bride is the daughter of Barbara Hunt Ciccone and Dr. Joseph Ciccone of Brooklyn. The bride’s father is a psychiatrist in personal apply in Brooklyn. Her mom is a scientific psychologist, additionally in personal apply in Brooklyn. Mr. Thomas, 33, is a lawyer at McDowell Hetherington, a legislation agency primarily based in Houston, the place he focuses on power and enterprise litigation. He graduated summa cum laude from Texas Christian College and acquired a legislation diploma, magna cum laude, from Baylor. The groom served six years within the Texas Military Nationwide Guard, deploying to Baghdad as a area artillery officer. He’s the son of Barbara C. Thomas and William R. Thomas of Austin, Tex. The groom’s mom retired as a instructor at Highland Park Elementary Faculty in Austin. His father retired as an proprietor of Sonic Drive-In franchises within the Austin and San Antonio areas. The groom’s earlier marriage resulted in divorce. The couple met on a blind date in Houston in 2014. Jane-Coleman Harbison and Michael Anthony Cottone have been married April 14 on the Church of the Assumption in Nashville. The Rev. Gladstone Stevens, a Roman Catholic priest, carried out the ceremony. The bride, 29, is a historic preservation specialist with the Tennessee Historic Fee in Nashville. She graduated from Denison College in Granville, Ohio, and acquired a grasp’s diploma in historical past from McGill College in Montreal, the place she attended as a Fulbright scholar. She additionally acquired a grasp’s diploma in public humanities from Brown. She is a daughter of Patricia B. Harbison and William L. Harbison of Nashville. The bride’s father is a accomplice with the legislation agency Sherrard, Roe, Voigt and Harbison in Nashville and a former president of the Tennessee Bar Affiliation. Her mom is a breeder of championship Lakeland Terriers in Nashville. The bride’s paternal grandfather, the late William J. Harbison, was a chief justice of the Tennessee Supreme Courtroom from 1980 to 1982 and from 1987 to 1989. The groom, 28, is a lawyer at Bass, Berry and Sims, a Nashville legislation agency, the place he practices state and native tax litigation. He graduated from Center Tennessee State College in Murfreesboro, Tenn., and acquired a legislation diploma from the College of Tennessee. He’s a son of Juliann M. Cottone of Fairview, Tenn., and the late Daniel J. Cottone. The groom’s mom is an artwork instructor on the Fairview Elementary Faculty. His father was the proprietor and operator of a heating and air-conditioning enterprise that was additionally in Fairview. The couple met in 2014 on the marriage ceremony of the bride’s brother. Sara Michelle Hokin and Dr. Jonah Nathaniel Rubin are to be married April 15 on the Palmer Home Chicago, a lodge. Rabbi David Wolkenfeld is to officiate. The bride, 33, is the nationwide director of operations for Sport On! Sports activities four Ladies, a Chicago-based group that focuses on empowering ladies by means of sports activities. She graduated from the College of Tampa in Florida. She is a daughter of Sheri S. Hokin and Gary S. Hokin of Deerfield, In poor health. Her father is a monetary adviser at Hokin Funding Advisors in Northbrook, In poor health. Her mom is an insurance coverage dealer for Hokin Sternberg Insurance coverage Companies in Deerfield, In poor health. The groom, 35, is a gastroenterology fellow on the College of Maryland Medical Heart in Baltimore. He graduated from the College of Pennsylvania and acquired a grasp’s diploma in medical sciences at Boston College, from which he additionally acquired a medical diploma. He’s a son of Tamara L. Rubin and Joel D. Rubin of Chicago. His mom retired as a instructor at Romona Elementary Faculty in Wilmette, In poor health. His father is a lawyer at Seyfarth Shaw, a agency primarily based in Chicago. The couple met in November 2015 in Chicago by means of the relationship app JSwipe. Courtney Anne Walker and Dr. Bobby Allen Garcia have been married April 14 in San Juan Capistrano, Calif. The Rev. Domingo Romero, a Roman Catholic priest, carried out the ceremony on the Mission Basilica San Juan Capistrano. Mrs. Garcia, 33, works in Newport Seaside, Calif., as a senior vice chairman for portfolio administration on the Pacific Funding Administration Firm, an funding administration agency in Newport Seaside. She graduated from Columbia and acquired a grasp’s diploma in monetary engineering from the College of California, Berkeley. The bride is a daughter of Michele S. Walker and John F. Walker of Collegeville, Pa. The bride’s father is the chief working officer of PharmScript, a pharmacy chain primarily based in Somerset, N.J. Her mom is a scientific guide pharmacist working with PharmScript. The groom, 33, is a fellow in feminine pelvic medication and reconstructive surgical procedure at Louisiana State College in New Orleans. He graduated from Yale and acquired a medical diploma from the College of Texas Southwestern. Dr. Garcia is the son of Mary Ellen Garcia and Robert A. Garcia of McAllen, Tex. The groom’s mom retired as a preschool instructor at Cavazos Elementary Faculty in Edinburg, Tex. His father is a bodily training instructor and soccer coach at Barrientes Center Faculty in Edinburg. The couple met in 2016 by means of the League, a relationship app. Margaret Lindsey Kempner and Ian Barton McLean have been married April 14 on the Beverly Hills Lodge in Beverly Hills, Calif. The Rev. Lee Lasko, a minister ordained by the Unity West Church of Santa Monica, officiated. The bride, 31, who goes by Meggie, is a founding father of Kempner, a girls’s vogue model primarily based in New York. The bride additionally owns Meggie Kempner Design, and inside design firm in New York. She graduated from the College of Pennsylvania. She is a daughter of Cynthia H. Kempner and James L. Kempner of New York. The bride’s father is the president of LSH Companions, an impartial boutique funding financial institution in New York. The bride’s paternal grandmother, the late Nan Kempner, was a New York socialite. The groom, 33, works in New York as a senior vice chairman of Oaktree Capital Administration, an alternate funding administration agency primarily based in Los Angeles. He graduated from Harvard. He’s a son of Lindsay B. McLean and Stuart T. McLean of Cincinnati. The groom’s mom is a historian on the Indian Hill Historic Society in Indian Hill, Ohio. His father retired as a Medicare gross sales consultant within the Cincinnati workplace of Humana, a medical insurance firm primarily based in Louisville, Ky. He’s an impartial medical insurance agent in Cincinnati. The couple met in 2013 by means of a mutual pal on the Breakers Lodge in Palm Seaside, Fla. Rebecca Lynne Weiler and Dr. Bret Kenneth Sohn have been married April 14 at Disney’s Wedding Pavilion, an occasions area in Orlando, Fla. Rabbi Karen Allen officiated. The bride, 34, is a psychological well being and profession counselor in personal apply in New York and Nashville. She primarily works with sufferers coping with profession modifications, profession transitions and melancholy. She can be a singer, and has carried out at Carnegie Corridor as a part of the choir Important Voices USA. She graduated from State College of New York at Oneonta and acquired a grasp’s diploma in counseling from Fordham. The bride is a daughter of Robert Okay. Weiler of Syracuse and the late Andrea B. Weiler. The bride’s father is a legislation accomplice and chapter lawyer for the Syracuse legislation agency Bousquet Holstein. Her late mom was a social employee in Syracuse. The groom, 36, is a doctor and a fellow within the division of rheumatology at Vanderbilt. He graduated cum laude from St. George’s College Faculty of Medication in St. George’s, Grenada, and acquired a grasp’s diploma in immunology from New York Medical Faculty. Dr. Sohn is a son of Nancy R. Sohn and Stephen E. Sohn of Scarsdale, N.Y. His mother and father each work in Scarsdale. His mom is the president and chief govt officer of a market analysis firm bearing her identify. His father is the proprietor of a martial arts and health heart bearing his identify. The couple met in 2015 at a wine bar in Gotham West Market in New York. Lisa Helene Miller and Drew Joseph Michael Bradylyons have been married April 9 on the Thurgood Marshall United States Courtroom Home in New York. Decide Edgardo Ramos of the US District Courtroom for the Southern District of New York, officiated. The bride beforehand served as a legislation clerk for Decide Ramos in 2013 and 2014. Ms. Miller, 34, works in Miami as an assistant lawyer at the US lawyer’s workplace for the Southern District of Florida. She graduated cum laude from Cornell and acquired a legislation diploma from the College of Virginia. The bride is a daughter of Linda C. DeMarco Miller and Dr. Randolph A. Miller of Brentwood, Tenn. The bride’s father is a professor of biomedical informatics at Vanderbilt. He’s additionally an elected member of the Nationwide Academy of Medication. Her mom is an assistant principal at Martin Luther King Jr. Educational Magnet Excessive Faculty in Nashville. Mr. Bradylyons, additionally 34, is a prosecutor for the fraud part of the prison division of the US Division of Justice in Miami, the place he works primarily with circumstances involving well being care fraud. He graduated from Georgetown. He acquired a legislation diploma from the College of Michigan. The groom is the son of Kathleen Brady and Michael J. Lyons of Cambridge, Mass. His mom, a psychiatrist, is the director of Session Liaison Psychiatry for the Division of Public Well being at Tewksbury Hospital in Tewksbury, Mass. His father is a professor within the Division of Psychological and Mind Sciences at Boston College. The couple met in 2009 whereas working at Mayer Brown, a legislation agency in Manhattan. Portia Jamel Brown and Chaz Christian Clark have been married April 14 on the Sugarboo Farms, a non-public property in Blairsville, Ga. Ayan Das, a pal of the household who was ordained by means of the American Fellowship Church, officiated. The bride, 32, works in Atlanta as an account govt, in promoting gross sales, for Google. She graduated from Stanford and acquired a grasp’s diploma in enterprise analytics from N.Y.U. She is the daughter of Andree Y. Glenn of Memphis and Dr. James W. Brown of San Antonio. The bride’s father is a dentist in personal apply in San Antonio, who achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel in the US Navy. Her mom is the proprietor of Mustard Seed Studio, a stitching store in Memphis. She is the stepdaughter of Stephanie Brown and Dr. Steve Gadbois. The groom, 34, is a software program engineer in Atlanta at BlueFletch, the place he works on cell apps. He graduated from Morehouse Faculty in Atlanta. He’s a son of the late Valerie M. Manns of Honolulu and the late Benjamin Okay. Clark, who lived in Brooklyn. The groom’s mom was a nurse. His father was a company chef in Manhattan. The couple met in 2014 on Tinder. Dr. Priya Jitendra Ghelani and Dr. Shawn Laxmikant Shah have been married April 14 on the Omni Mandalay Lodge at Las Colinas in Irving, Tex. Mamta Kapadia, a Hindu priest, officiated. Dr. Ghelani, 29, is a fourth-year chief resident on the Jacobi/Montefiore Emergency Medication Residency Program within the Bronx. She graduated from the College of Texas at Austin and acquired a medical diploma from Texas Faculty of Osteopathic Medication in Fort Price. She is a daughter of Daksha J. Ghelani and Jitendra Okay. Ghelani of Richardson, Tex. The bride’s father retired as an digital engineer from the Dallas location of the Raytheon Firm, which makes a speciality of protection, civil authorities and cybersecurity options. Her mom is a medical coding specialist at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. Dr. Shah, 31, is a second-year gastroenterology and hepatology fellow on the NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Heart in Manhattan. He graduated magna cum laude with a level in microbiology and immunology in addition to economics from the College of Miami, and acquired a medical diploma from Florida State College. He’s a son of Kirtida L. Shah and Lax H. Shah of Pembroke Pines, Fla. The groom’s mom is a saleswoman at Bombay Bazaar, an attire wholesaler in Miami, which his father owns. The couple met in July 2013 at a Jain Household Institute convention in Detroit, and later that summer season had their first date at a Thai restaurant in Boston. Dr. Ghelani was doing a rotation close by at Boston Medical Heart on the time, whereas Dr. Shah drove down from Lebanon, N.H., the place he was doing a residency at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Heart. Diana Catherine Banks and Emile Christopher Thompson have been married April 14 at St. Augustine Catholic Church in Washington. The Rev. Robert Boxie, a Roman Catholic priest, carried out the ceremony. Ms. Banks, 36, is a senior counsel on the American Bankers Affiliation in Washington. She graduated from Stanford College and acquired a legislation diploma from Harvard. She was beforehand a deputy assistant secretary of protection throughout the Obama administration. She is the daughter of Yon N. Banks and William C. Banks of Columbus, Ga. The bride’s father retired from the Military, having achieved the rank of sergeant firstclass at Fort Benning, Ga. Her mom, who’s retired, labored as a custodian on the Swift Denim manufacturing unit, which manufactured denim shirts and denims in Columbus. Mr. Thompson, 34, works in Washington as an assistant United States lawyer for the District of Columbia. He graduated from Morehouse Faculty in Atlanta and acquired a legislation diploma from Wake Forest College in Winston-Salem, N.C. He’s a son of Marian C. Thompson and Charles E. Thompson of Durham, N.C. The groom’s mom serves on the board of trustees of Howard College in Washington. His father, who’s retired, was a mortgage dealer for a number of impartial brokerage corporations in North Carolina. The couple met in 2015 on Memorial Day at a barbecue hosted by mutual pals. Whitney Oudin Flesher and David Henry Tutor have been married April 14 at Bethesda-by-the-Sea, a church in Palm Seaside, Fla. The Rev. James R. Harlan, an Episcopal priest, carried out the ceremony. The bride, 29, is an M.B.A. candidate at N.Y.U. In September, she is to hitch the Estée Lauder Corporations, a cosmetics producer with headquarters in New York, as a part of a management improvement program. She graduated from Tulane and is a member of the Susan G. Komen Larger New York Metropolis’s Younger Professionals Committee, a philanthropic group. She is the daughter of Dora J. Flesher and Gregory W. Flesher of Little Rock, Ark. The bride’s father is a accomplice of Frost, an accounting agency there. He’s additionally the president of the George W. Donaghey Basis, which offers scholarship assist to the College of Arkansas at Little Rock. The bride’s mom is the volunteer chief monetary officer of Constructive Environment Reaches Children, a nonprofit youth group in Little Rock. She can be the president of the board of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Basis. The groom, 34, works in New York as a counsel within the Securities and Trade Fee’s Division of Enforcement. He graduated with honors from Wesleyan College and acquired a legislation diploma from Columbia, the place he was a Hamilton fellow. He’s the son of Maxine S. Tutor and Gerald W. Tutor of Newton, Mass. The groom’s mom retired as a psychiatric nurse practitioner within the Boston space. His father retired as a lawyer in personal apply in Newton. The couple’s first date was in 2014 at Bell E book and Candle, a restaurant in New York. Kiyomi Lillian Sakai Burchill and Joseph Daniel Couk have been married April 14 at Beatnik Studios, an artwork gallery and occasion area in Sacramento. Darrell Steinberg, the mayor of Sacramento, officiated. Ms. Burchill, 34, is the deputy secretary for legislative affairs on the California Well being and Human Companies Company in Sacramento. She graduated with distinction from Stanford and acquired a grasp’s diploma in public administration from the College of Southern California. She is a daughter of Naomi J. Sakai and Jim W. Burchill of Davis, Calif. The bride’s father retired because the president and chief govt of a public affairs agency bearing his identify. Her mom retired as an administrator and a counselor within the counseling and psychological providers division on the College of California, Davis. Mr. Couk, additionally 34, is an info expertise guide within the Sacramento workplace of KPMG, the auditing, accounting and consulting agency. He graduated from California State College, Chico. He’s a son of Jane E. Couk and Dr. Richard S. Couk of Chico. The groom’s mom manages his father’s personal dental apply there. The couple by no means bumped into one another throughout the six months in 2014 that they lived solely three doorways away from each other. They met at an area crowded music venue a 12 months after she moved. Jennifer Younger Zeckendorf and Michael Benjamin Tannenbaum have been married April 14 on the Union Membership of the Metropolis of New York, a non-public membership. Rabbi Dr. Ronald Sobel officiated. Ms. Zeckendorf, 29, is a junior structure skilled within the San Francisco workplace of the structure agency Skidmore Owings & Merrill, the place she primarily works on residential buildings. She graduated from Yale and acquired a grasp’s diploma in structure from Columbia. The bride is the daughter of Constance H. Zeckendorf of East Hampton, N.Y., and Arthur W. Zeckendorf of New York. The bride’s father is a co-chairman of Zeckendorf Improvement, an actual property developer there, and Terra Holdings, an organization that owns and operates Brown Harris Stevens and Halstead Property, two New York residential brokerage corporations. Her mom retired as an actual property agent in New York. Mr. Tannenbaum, 30, is the chief monetary officer of Brex, a monetary expertise and bank card firm in San Francisco. He graduated summa cum laude from Columbia. The groom is the son of Sara L. Goodman of Sudbury, Mass., and Steven N. Tannenbaum of Wellesley, Mass. The groom’s mom is a property accountant for The Bulfinch Corporations, an actual property agency in Needham, Mass. The groom’s father is the chief vice chairman and chief monetary officer of Tedor Pharmaceutical in Cumberland, R.I. The groom is the stepson of Wendy C. Tannenbaum and Peter B. Goodman. The couple met at a mutual pal’s Halloween social gathering in 2014. Jennifer Anne Crutchfield and Brian Duncan Price have been married April 14 at First Presbyterian Church in San Antonio. The Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller, a Presbyterian minister officiated, with the Rev. Dr. Scot Sherman, a minister with the Reformed Church of America, collaborating within the ceremony. Mrs. Price, 34, was till March a lead on the sustainability and social impression workforce at Adobe in San Francisco. She graduated from the College of Virginia, from which she additionally acquired an M.B.A. She additionally acquired a grasp’s diploma in financial improvement from Boston College. She is the daughter of Jana Heischman Crutchfield and William G. Crutchfield Jr., each of Charlottesville, Va. Mr. Price, 37, was till April 6 a developer of pc software program on the Mountain View, Calif., workplace of Addepar, a monetary expertise agency. He graduated from Stanford. He’s a son of Jane Smith Price and James C. Price of San Antonio. The couple met in February 2017 by means of the League, a relationship app. The bride and groom determined to go away their jobs to journey around the globe for at the least six months after the marriage. Marianne Eagan and Kevin Thomas Burrows have been married April 14 on the Ebell of Los Angeles, an occasions area. Donald Voogd, a cousin of the groom who’s a Common Life Church minister, officiated. The bride and groom, each 29, met at Harvard, the place they every graduated. Ms. Burrows is the director of operations at Partnership for Well being Analytic Analysis, a well being providers consulting agency in Beverly Hills, Calif. She additionally acquired a grasp’s diploma in worldwide well being coverage from the London Faculty of Economics and Political Science. The bride is a daughter of Thomas V. Eagan and Judith A. Eagan of Coral Gables, Fla. The bride’s father works in Miami as a accomplice with Squire Patton Boggs, a legislation agency primarily based in Cleveland. He’s additionally a deacon on the Church of the Epiphany in Miami. Her mom is a center college arithmetic instructor at Epiphany Catholic Faculty. Mr. Burrows is a screenwriter in Los Angeles. He’s a creator of the animated net collection “Gents Lobsters” and a author of the movie “Eggplant Emoji,” which is to be launched by Netflix. He additionally acquired an M.B.A. from Stanford. The groom is a son of Eric A. Burrows of Scottsdale, Ariz., and Linda S. Burrows of Solvang, Calif. The groom’s father is a historical past instructor at Mountain Pointe Excessive Faculty in Phoenix. The groom’s mom beforehand served as a president of each the Santa Ynez Valley Basis, a social providers group, and the Solvang Arts and Music Basis, a supplier of music education schemes. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/15/fashion/weddings/this-weeks-wedding-announcements.html?partner=rss&emc=rss https://www.news9ontime.com/this-weeks-wedding-announcements/
0 notes
onenationprinc-blog · 6 years
This Week’s Wedding Announcements
Alicia Hunt Ciccone and William Benjamin Thomas have been married April 14 on the Liberty Warehouse, an occasions area in Brooklyn. Decide Daryl L. Moore of the 333rd District Courtroom in Harris County, Tex., officiated, with blessings from the Rev. Anthony Andreassi, a Roman Catholic priest. Ms. Ciccone, 28, works in Houston as a guide at Bain & Firm, the Boston administration consulting agency, for which she primarily advises power corporations and different industrial companies. She graduated summa cum laude from Amherst Faculty, and acquired an M.B.A. from Stanford. The bride is the daughter of Barbara Hunt Ciccone and Dr. Joseph Ciccone of Brooklyn. The bride’s father is a psychiatrist in personal apply in Brooklyn. Her mom is a scientific psychologist, additionally in personal apply in Brooklyn. Mr. Thomas, 33, is a lawyer at McDowell Hetherington, a legislation agency primarily based in Houston, the place he focuses on power and enterprise litigation. He graduated summa cum laude from Texas Christian College and acquired a legislation diploma, magna cum laude, from Baylor. The groom served six years within the Texas Military Nationwide Guard, deploying to Baghdad as a area artillery officer. He’s the son of Barbara C. Thomas and William R. Thomas of Austin, Tex. The groom’s mom retired as a instructor at Highland Park Elementary Faculty in Austin. His father retired as an proprietor of Sonic Drive-In franchises within the Austin and San Antonio areas. The groom’s earlier marriage resulted in divorce. The couple met on a blind date in Houston in 2014. Jane-Coleman Harbison and Michael Anthony Cottone have been married April 14 on the Church of the Assumption in Nashville. The Rev. Gladstone Stevens, a Roman Catholic priest, carried out the ceremony. The bride, 29, is a historic preservation specialist with the Tennessee Historic Fee in Nashville. She graduated from Denison College in Granville, Ohio, and acquired a grasp’s diploma in historical past from McGill College in Montreal, the place she attended as a Fulbright scholar. She additionally acquired a grasp’s diploma in public humanities from Brown. She is a daughter of Patricia B. Harbison and William L. Harbison of Nashville. The bride’s father is a accomplice with the legislation agency Sherrard, Roe, Voigt and Harbison in Nashville and a former president of the Tennessee Bar Affiliation. Her mom is a breeder of championship Lakeland Terriers in Nashville. The bride’s paternal grandfather, the late William J. Harbison, was a chief justice of the Tennessee Supreme Courtroom from 1980 to 1982 and from 1987 to 1989. The groom, 28, is a lawyer at Bass, Berry and Sims, a Nashville legislation agency, the place he practices state and native tax litigation. He graduated from Center Tennessee State College in Murfreesboro, Tenn., and acquired a legislation diploma from the College of Tennessee. He’s a son of Juliann M. Cottone of Fairview, Tenn., and the late Daniel J. Cottone. The groom’s mom is an artwork instructor on the Fairview Elementary Faculty. His father was the proprietor and operator of a heating and air-conditioning enterprise that was additionally in Fairview. The couple met in 2014 on the marriage ceremony of the bride’s brother. Sara Michelle Hokin and Dr. Jonah Nathaniel Rubin are to be married April 15 on the Palmer Home Chicago, a lodge. Rabbi David Wolkenfeld is to officiate. The bride, 33, is the nationwide director of operations for Sport On! Sports activities four Ladies, a Chicago-based group that focuses on empowering ladies by means of sports activities. She graduated from the College of Tampa in Florida. She is a daughter of Sheri S. Hokin and Gary S. Hokin of Deerfield, In poor health. Her father is a monetary adviser at Hokin Funding Advisors in Northbrook, In poor health. Her mom is an insurance coverage dealer for Hokin Sternberg Insurance coverage Companies in Deerfield, In poor health. The groom, 35, is a gastroenterology fellow on the College of Maryland Medical Heart in Baltimore. He graduated from the College of Pennsylvania and acquired a grasp’s diploma in medical sciences at Boston College, from which he additionally acquired a medical diploma. He’s a son of Tamara L. Rubin and Joel D. Rubin of Chicago. His mom retired as a instructor at Romona Elementary Faculty in Wilmette, In poor health. His father is a lawyer at Seyfarth Shaw, a agency primarily based in Chicago. The couple met in November 2015 in Chicago by means of the relationship app JSwipe. Courtney Anne Walker and Dr. Bobby Allen Garcia have been married April 14 in San Juan Capistrano, Calif. The Rev. Domingo Romero, a Roman Catholic priest, carried out the ceremony on the Mission Basilica San Juan Capistrano. Mrs. Garcia, 33, works in Newport Seaside, Calif., as a senior vice chairman for portfolio administration on the Pacific Funding Administration Firm, an funding administration agency in Newport Seaside. She graduated from Columbia and acquired a grasp’s diploma in monetary engineering from the College of California, Berkeley. The bride is a daughter of Michele S. Walker and John F. Walker of Collegeville, Pa. The bride’s father is the chief working officer of PharmScript, a pharmacy chain primarily based in Somerset, N.J. Her mom is a scientific guide pharmacist working with PharmScript. The groom, 33, is a fellow in feminine pelvic medication and reconstructive surgical procedure at Louisiana State College in New Orleans. He graduated from Yale and acquired a medical diploma from the College of Texas Southwestern. Dr. Garcia is the son of Mary Ellen Garcia and Robert A. Garcia of McAllen, Tex. The groom’s mom retired as a preschool instructor at Cavazos Elementary Faculty in Edinburg, Tex. His father is a bodily training instructor and soccer coach at Barrientes Center Faculty in Edinburg. The couple met in 2016 by means of the League, a relationship app. Margaret Lindsey Kempner and Ian Barton McLean have been married April 14 on the Beverly Hills Lodge in Beverly Hills, Calif. The Rev. Lee Lasko, a minister ordained by the Unity West Church of Santa Monica, officiated. The bride, 31, who goes by Meggie, is a founding father of Kempner, a girls’s vogue model primarily based in New York. The bride additionally owns Meggie Kempner Design, and inside design firm in New York. She graduated from the College of Pennsylvania. She is a daughter of Cynthia H. Kempner and James L. Kempner of New York. The bride’s father is the president of LSH Companions, an impartial boutique funding financial institution in New York. The bride’s paternal grandmother, the late Nan Kempner, was a New York socialite. The groom, 33, works in New York as a senior vice chairman of Oaktree Capital Administration, an alternate funding administration agency primarily based in Los Angeles. He graduated from Harvard. He’s a son of Lindsay B. McLean and Stuart T. McLean of Cincinnati. The groom’s mom is a historian on the Indian Hill Historic Society in Indian Hill, Ohio. His father retired as a Medicare gross sales consultant within the Cincinnati workplace of Humana, a medical insurance firm primarily based in Louisville, Ky. He’s an impartial medical insurance agent in Cincinnati. The couple met in 2013 by means of a mutual pal on the Breakers Lodge in Palm Seaside, Fla. Rebecca Lynne Weiler and Dr. Bret Kenneth Sohn have been married April 14 at Disney’s Wedding Pavilion, an occasions area in Orlando, Fla. Rabbi Karen Allen officiated. The bride, 34, is a psychological well being and profession counselor in personal apply in New York and Nashville. She primarily works with sufferers coping with profession modifications, profession transitions and melancholy. She can be a singer, and has carried out at Carnegie Corridor as a part of the choir Important Voices USA. She graduated from State College of New York at Oneonta and acquired a grasp’s diploma in counseling from Fordham. The bride is a daughter of Robert Okay. Weiler of Syracuse and the late Andrea B. Weiler. The bride’s father is a legislation accomplice and chapter lawyer for the Syracuse legislation agency Bousquet Holstein. Her late mom was a social employee in Syracuse. The groom, 36, is a doctor and a fellow within the division of rheumatology at Vanderbilt. He graduated cum laude from St. George’s College Faculty of Medication in St. George’s, Grenada, and acquired a grasp’s diploma in immunology from New York Medical Faculty. Dr. Sohn is a son of Nancy R. Sohn and Stephen E. Sohn of Scarsdale, N.Y. His mother and father each work in Scarsdale. His mom is the president and chief govt officer of a market analysis firm bearing her identify. His father is the proprietor of a martial arts and health heart bearing his identify. The couple met in 2015 at a wine bar in Gotham West Market in New York. Lisa Helene Miller and Drew Joseph Michael Bradylyons have been married April 9 on the Thurgood Marshall United States Courtroom Home in New York. Decide Edgardo Ramos of the US District Courtroom for the Southern District of New York, officiated. The bride beforehand served as a legislation clerk for Decide Ramos in 2013 and 2014. Ms. Miller, 34, works in Miami as an assistant lawyer at the US lawyer’s workplace for the Southern District of Florida. She graduated cum laude from Cornell and acquired a legislation diploma from the College of Virginia. The bride is a daughter of Linda C. DeMarco Miller and Dr. Randolph A. Miller of Brentwood, Tenn. The bride’s father is a professor of biomedical informatics at Vanderbilt. He’s additionally an elected member of the Nationwide Academy of Medication. Her mom is an assistant principal at Martin Luther King Jr. Educational Magnet Excessive Faculty in Nashville. Mr. Bradylyons, additionally 34, is a prosecutor for the fraud part of the prison division of the US Division of Justice in Miami, the place he works primarily with circumstances involving well being care fraud. He graduated from Georgetown. He acquired a legislation diploma from the College of Michigan. The groom is the son of Kathleen Brady and Michael J. Lyons of Cambridge, Mass. His mom, a psychiatrist, is the director of Session Liaison Psychiatry for the Division of Public Well being at Tewksbury Hospital in Tewksbury, Mass. His father is a professor within the Division of Psychological and Mind Sciences at Boston College. The couple met in 2009 whereas working at Mayer Brown, a legislation agency in Manhattan. Portia Jamel Brown and Chaz Christian Clark have been married April 14 on the Sugarboo Farms, a non-public property in Blairsville, Ga. Ayan Das, a pal of the household who was ordained by means of the American Fellowship Church, officiated. The bride, 32, works in Atlanta as an account govt, in promoting gross sales, for Google. She graduated from Stanford and acquired a grasp’s diploma in enterprise analytics from N.Y.U. She is the daughter of Andree Y. Glenn of Memphis and Dr. James W. Brown of San Antonio. The bride’s father is a dentist in personal apply in San Antonio, who achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel in the US Navy. Her mom is the proprietor of Mustard Seed Studio, a stitching store in Memphis. She is the stepdaughter of Stephanie Brown and Dr. Steve Gadbois. The groom, 34, is a software program engineer in Atlanta at BlueFletch, the place he works on cell apps. He graduated from Morehouse Faculty in Atlanta. He’s a son of the late Valerie M. Manns of Honolulu and the late Benjamin Okay. Clark, who lived in Brooklyn. The groom’s mom was a nurse. His father was a company chef in Manhattan. The couple met in 2014 on Tinder. Dr. Priya Jitendra Ghelani and Dr. Shawn Laxmikant Shah have been married April 14 on the Omni Mandalay Lodge at Las Colinas in Irving, Tex. Mamta Kapadia, a Hindu priest, officiated. Dr. Ghelani, 29, is a fourth-year chief resident on the Jacobi/Montefiore Emergency Medication Residency Program within the Bronx. She graduated from the College of Texas at Austin and acquired a medical diploma from Texas Faculty of Osteopathic Medication in Fort Price. She is a daughter of Daksha J. Ghelani and Jitendra Okay. Ghelani of Richardson, Tex. The bride’s father retired as an digital engineer from the Dallas location of the Raytheon Firm, which makes a speciality of protection, civil authorities and cybersecurity options. Her mom is a medical coding specialist at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. Dr. Shah, 31, is a second-year gastroenterology and hepatology fellow on the NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Heart in Manhattan. He graduated magna cum laude with a level in microbiology and immunology in addition to economics from the College of Miami, and acquired a medical diploma from Florida State College. He’s a son of Kirtida L. Shah and Lax H. Shah of Pembroke Pines, Fla. The groom’s mom is a saleswoman at Bombay Bazaar, an attire wholesaler in Miami, which his father owns. The couple met in July 2013 at a Jain Household Institute convention in Detroit, and later that summer season had their first date at a Thai restaurant in Boston. Dr. Ghelani was doing a rotation close by at Boston Medical Heart on the time, whereas Dr. Shah drove down from Lebanon, N.H., the place he was doing a residency at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Heart. Diana Catherine Banks and Emile Christopher Thompson have been married April 14 at St. Augustine Catholic Church in Washington. The Rev. Robert Boxie, a Roman Catholic priest, carried out the ceremony. Ms. Banks, 36, is a senior counsel on the American Bankers Affiliation in Washington. She graduated from Stanford College and acquired a legislation diploma from Harvard. She was beforehand a deputy assistant secretary of protection throughout the Obama administration. She is the daughter of Yon N. Banks and William C. Banks of Columbus, Ga. The bride’s father retired from the Military, having achieved the rank of sergeant firstclass at Fort Benning, Ga. Her mom, who’s retired, labored as a custodian on the Swift Denim manufacturing unit, which manufactured denim shirts and denims in Columbus. Mr. Thompson, 34, works in Washington as an assistant United States lawyer for the District of Columbia. He graduated from Morehouse Faculty in Atlanta and acquired a legislation diploma from Wake Forest College in Winston-Salem, N.C. He’s a son of Marian C. Thompson and Charles E. Thompson of Durham, N.C. The groom’s mom serves on the board of trustees of Howard College in Washington. His father, who’s retired, was a mortgage dealer for a number of impartial brokerage corporations in North Carolina. The couple met in 2015 on Memorial Day at a barbecue hosted by mutual pals. Whitney Oudin Flesher and David Henry Tutor have been married April 14 at Bethesda-by-the-Sea, a church in Palm Seaside, Fla. The Rev. James R. Harlan, an Episcopal priest, carried out the ceremony. The bride, 29, is an M.B.A. candidate at N.Y.U. In September, she is to hitch the Estée Lauder Corporations, a cosmetics producer with headquarters in New York, as a part of a management improvement program. She graduated from Tulane and is a member of the Susan G. Komen Larger New York Metropolis’s Younger Professionals Committee, a philanthropic group. She is the daughter of Dora J. Flesher and Gregory W. Flesher of Little Rock, Ark. The bride’s father is a accomplice of Frost, an accounting agency there. He’s additionally the president of the George W. Donaghey Basis, which offers scholarship assist to the College of Arkansas at Little Rock. The bride’s mom is the volunteer chief monetary officer of Constructive Environment Reaches Children, a nonprofit youth group in Little Rock. She can be the president of the board of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Basis. The groom, 34, works in New York as a counsel within the Securities and Trade Fee’s Division of Enforcement. He graduated with honors from Wesleyan College and acquired a legislation diploma from Columbia, the place he was a Hamilton fellow. He’s the son of Maxine S. Tutor and Gerald W. Tutor of Newton, Mass. The groom’s mom retired as a psychiatric nurse practitioner within the Boston space. His father retired as a lawyer in personal apply in Newton. The couple’s first date was in 2014 at Bell E book and Candle, a restaurant in New York. Kiyomi Lillian Sakai Burchill and Joseph Daniel Couk have been married April 14 at Beatnik Studios, an artwork gallery and occasion area in Sacramento. Darrell Steinberg, the mayor of Sacramento, officiated. Ms. Burchill, 34, is the deputy secretary for legislative affairs on the California Well being and Human Companies Company in Sacramento. She graduated with distinction from Stanford and acquired a grasp’s diploma in public administration from the College of Southern California. She is a daughter of Naomi J. Sakai and Jim W. Burchill of Davis, Calif. The bride’s father retired because the president and chief govt of a public affairs agency bearing his identify. Her mom retired as an administrator and a counselor within the counseling and psychological providers division on the College of California, Davis. Mr. Couk, additionally 34, is an info expertise guide within the Sacramento workplace of KPMG, the auditing, accounting and consulting agency. He graduated from California State College, Chico. He’s a son of Jane E. Couk and Dr. Richard S. Couk of Chico. The groom’s mom manages his father’s personal dental apply there. The couple by no means bumped into one another throughout the six months in 2014 that they lived solely three doorways away from each other. They met at an area crowded music venue a 12 months after she moved. Jennifer Younger Zeckendorf and Michael Benjamin Tannenbaum have been married April 14 on the Union Membership of the Metropolis of New York, a non-public membership. Rabbi Dr. Ronald Sobel officiated. Ms. Zeckendorf, 29, is a junior structure skilled within the San Francisco workplace of the structure agency Skidmore Owings & Merrill, the place she primarily works on residential buildings. She graduated from Yale and acquired a grasp’s diploma in structure from Columbia. The bride is the daughter of Constance H. Zeckendorf of East Hampton, N.Y., and Arthur W. Zeckendorf of New York. The bride’s father is a co-chairman of Zeckendorf Improvement, an actual property developer there, and Terra Holdings, an organization that owns and operates Brown Harris Stevens and Halstead Property, two New York residential brokerage corporations. Her mom retired as an actual property agent in New York. Mr. Tannenbaum, 30, is the chief monetary officer of Brex, a monetary expertise and bank card firm in San Francisco. He graduated summa cum laude from Columbia. The groom is the son of Sara L. Goodman of Sudbury, Mass., and Steven N. Tannenbaum of Wellesley, Mass. The groom’s mom is a property accountant for The Bulfinch Corporations, an actual property agency in Needham, Mass. The groom’s father is the chief vice chairman and chief monetary officer of Tedor Pharmaceutical in Cumberland, R.I. The groom is the stepson of Wendy C. Tannenbaum and Peter B. Goodman. The couple met at a mutual pal’s Halloween social gathering in 2014. Jennifer Anne Crutchfield and Brian Duncan Price have been married April 14 at First Presbyterian Church in San Antonio. The Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller, a Presbyterian minister officiated, with the Rev. Dr. Scot Sherman, a minister with the Reformed Church of America, collaborating within the ceremony. Mrs. Price, 34, was till March a lead on the sustainability and social impression workforce at Adobe in San Francisco. She graduated from the College of Virginia, from which she additionally acquired an M.B.A. She additionally acquired a grasp’s diploma in financial improvement from Boston College. She is the daughter of Jana Heischman Crutchfield and William G. Crutchfield Jr., each of Charlottesville, Va. Mr. Price, 37, was till April 6 a developer of pc software program on the Mountain View, Calif., workplace of Addepar, a monetary expertise agency. He graduated from Stanford. He’s a son of Jane Smith Price and James C. Price of San Antonio. The couple met in February 2017 by means of the League, a relationship app. The bride and groom determined to go away their jobs to journey around the globe for at the least six months after the marriage. Marianne Eagan and Kevin Thomas Burrows have been married April 14 on the Ebell of Los Angeles, an occasions area. Donald Voogd, a cousin of the groom who’s a Common Life Church minister, officiated. The bride and groom, each 29, met at Harvard, the place they every graduated. Ms. Burrows is the director of operations at Partnership for Well being Analytic Analysis, a well being providers consulting agency in Beverly Hills, Calif. She additionally acquired a grasp’s diploma in worldwide well being coverage from the London Faculty of Economics and Political Science. The bride is a daughter of Thomas V. Eagan and Judith A. Eagan of Coral Gables, Fla. The bride’s father works in Miami as a accomplice with Squire Patton Boggs, a legislation agency primarily based in Cleveland. He’s additionally a deacon on the Church of the Epiphany in Miami. Her mom is a center college arithmetic instructor at Epiphany Catholic Faculty. Mr. Burrows is a screenwriter in Los Angeles. He’s a creator of the animated net collection “Gents Lobsters” and a author of the movie “Eggplant Emoji,” which is to be launched by Netflix. He additionally acquired an M.B.A. from Stanford. The groom is a son of Eric A. Burrows of Scottsdale, Ariz., and Linda S. Burrows of Solvang, Calif. The groom’s father is a historical past instructor at Mountain Pointe Excessive Faculty in Phoenix. The groom’s mom beforehand served as a president of each the Santa Ynez Valley Basis, a social providers group, and the Solvang Arts and Music Basis, a supplier of music education schemes. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/15/fashion/weddings/this-weeks-wedding-announcements.html?partner=rss&emc=rss https://www.news9ontime.com/this-weeks-wedding-announcements/
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