#guess who rewatched the shinigami arc :3
doomedclockworkdotmp3 · 10 months
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idk if ill actually finish this but i do like it so
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I’m done! Whew! I may go back and watch some of the filler arcs I missed but I finished all the canon episodes. Man that was a roller coaster. Pretty good ending though. I’m left with good nostalgic feelings. That’s the best kind of ending! Several thoughts on this awesome show:
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1) Tsukishima or whatever his name was needed to die. No ifs, ands or buts. In fact I was less mad when I found out Ginjo was behind the whole thing. Which is weird… but whatever I loathe Tsukishima and I really wished he’d perished, and if not for a contrived message he would have. I mean come on even Ichigo died from a fist sized hole in the chest.
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2. What is happening with everyone’s hair?! I love it! I love it too much actually because Kenpachi is rocking this hairstyle that seems reminiscent of Byakuya’s style and let me tell you I could noooot! Every time they panned to him I was like wait hold on? Am I seriously diggin Kenpachi right now? That’s a definitely yes, so crushing on him! Don’t get me started on Byakuya’s little style change. He’s so attractive it’s a little annoying. They should throw a mask on him like Kakashi so girls don’t swoon when he walks down the street for goodness sake.
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3. Anybody else get some serious broship vibes from Kenpachi and Byakuya? Cause I did and MAN I really need some broship fic of them now! Like Byakuya finally made a friend and it’s not AT ALL anyone you would think he would go for. But then again maybe it is, because it’s unbearably clear that while he can be an arrogant terd that whole icy front is just that. A front. He totally enjoys his rivalry with Kenpachi and he respects and dare I say even admires Ichigo. I mean let’s just highlight this bit of paraphrased gold, “I appreciate you, but if your Ichigo’s enemy I’m cutting you down no matter who you are”… this said under a form of insane hypnosis, past manipulation, whatever. The short of it is he loves that kid for whacking him upside the head and letting him know it’s okay for him to love his sister… but I’m getting off point here. I really wanna see some fics where Byakuya and Kenpachi just reek havoc on soul society during one of their challenges, or get drunk together (curtesy of a little experiment of Mayuri) and destroy a section of soul society with their newly discovered drunken fists and have to do the hangover, beaten up bloody and so undignified walk of shame to Captain Yamamoto the next morning 😂
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4. What is WRONG with Isshin?! Why does he have ZERO communication with his children?! It would be different if he didn’t know, but the first time he saw his kid walking around as a shinigami he didn’t think “hey maybe kid needs to know some things”. He couldn’t give the kiddo a bit of warning about Ginjo BEFORE the guy completed his goal and/or had Isshins daughters memories rewritten?! I just feel like with a short convo or two Ichigo could have been saved hours of worry, despair, and fighting through cluelessness of the enemies motives. Sheesh!
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5. I feel like I missed Kenapchi’s bankai. Didn’t he get one? I have a half memory of seeing it on the cover of a random bleach manga volume but did it ever make it on screen? I hope it wasn’t in any of the filler arcs I skipped 👀 but why would anyone put something like that in a filler arc? Maybe it was fan made…. Guess I’m going to have to do some research on that one cause if it’s onscreen it’s definitely something I need to see!
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6. This whole rewatch started because I watched the teaser for the new Bleach movie and so of course YouTube took it upon itself to rec a fmv about all of Ichigo’s forms and I got to Vasto Lord before I had to pause and pull up the show cause I wanted to see it lol! I just now unpaused the video and finished it and now I’m DEFINITELY going to have to go back and watch the filler (and movies???) because I missed whatever form Kushinada is, and also the True Zanpkato and Horn of Salvation looked really cool! .... So here’s a salute to the video that rekindled the Bleach flame!
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
As we all know, I am Perpetually Rewatching Bleach, and I hit the Reigai Arc a while ago, but I didn’t feel like recapping it, because recaps are a ton of work and I am Tired, but Bleach 333 might be the Bleachiest episode in all of Bleach, so I had to.
In the immortal words of Gideon the Ninth: “Things were happening too much.”
So, this is pretty deep into the arc-- all the lieutenants are in the World of the Living and all the (real) captains are in Soul Society, Nozomi has just unlocked her zanpakutou, and Reigai Zaraki and Byakuya showed up to start shit.
At the end of the last episode, all the lieutenants put their reiatsu in Nozomi’s sword (why does some variation of this happen every filler arc??) and she blew up Zaraki and Byakuya. The episode opens with Renji muttering “Did we get ‘em?” which is really how every episode should open. It looks like they successfully KO’d Zaraki, but Reigai Byakuya survived, and he proceeds to take out all the lieutenants with a single Soren Sokatsui.
This seems bad, but then, the Captain Commander shows up out of nowhere and sets Reigai Byakuya on fire. Yes. Really.
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Ichigo and Rukia get Yamamoto up to date, but the best part of this scene is that Renji is just...lying there in the middle of it, like a sleepy boi.
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All of sudden, more Reigai show up, and there’s a split screen reaction shot, but... it’s just of the unconscious lieutenants. Friends, I literally screamed. They made this episode just for me. We’re also going to start counting SSRS’s, because this episode has... a lot of them.
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I also want to point out the Ichigo, Nozomi and Kon seem to be entirely uninjured; Rukia, Chad and Uryuu are able to get themselves up, Renji is Hanging In There, and all the other lieutenants are toast. I am pretty sure this Says Something About the Lieutenant Class.
Oh God, there is so much Peak Renij Dialogue in this episode.
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At this point, Renji attempts to sit up, and falls down again.Good hustle, buddy, you tried.
Somewhere around here, my husband got up to let the dog out and he said, “pause it if anything good happens.” I had to pause it almost immediately because Reigai Ukitake and Kyouraku showed up and then this happened:
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There’s like 4 minutes straight of releasing, literally everything is on fire, and after being told to stay back like 5 times, Nozomi jumps into battle and we get split screen reaction shot #2.
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Nozomi attacks Kyouraku and Ichigo goes after Ukitake. Yamamoto literally grumbles “Those darn kids...” and then Unohana comes out of nowhere and casts four different binding in a row on Yamamoto while an electric bass guitar plays. I say this all the time, but this is exactly how I would fight if I were a shinigami fighting another shinigami: just bind the fuck out of them and then attack them while they’re down. This scene was incredibly gratifying to me, Unohana is the GOAT.
How’s Renji doing?
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Keep working at it, you’re doing great, pal.
The true purpose of filler arcs is more fights for characters that we didn’t get to see fight enough, and this episode delivers with some excellent Kyouraku and Ukitake throw-downs. Whoops, here’s reaction shot #3:
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Because his spiritual energy has been on its last legs this whole arc, Ichigo is supposed to use his powers very carefully, for example, not going to bankai or using Getsugas, except when he can’t think of anything else, which is constantly. #4.
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Did I mention that Fake Ukitake and Fake Kyouraku are Very Real Husbands this episode? Because they are.
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We cut back to Rukia and Renji (still prone) and Kon. Kon is Big Sad because he can’t help. I have no love for Kon, but I respect this great compliment he lays on Rukia after she punches him.
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Rukia and Renji decide they gotta go help and-- and Renji is UP! The man is up!
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Except that Yamamoto abruptly busts out of his wards and Rukia has to breathlessly gasp “What is this reiatsu?” as per her contract.
SHIT FAM the real Unohana is here and she’s got Dramatic Singers! Fake Unohana is literally about to pee herself and so would you if you say this coming for you:
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Wards still be exploding, Obligatory Renji Protects Rukia (and Kon) Shot!
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Split Screen Reaction Shot #5: Karakura Kids Edition
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Then, um this happened.
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This was my favorite SSRS in the episode because it was kinda high concept. Rukia starts talking in the left panel, but you can still see her arm moving the middle panel. Didn’t they do this in Pacific Rim, with the heads-up displays? Or maybe that was Voltron. I don’t care, I love this shit.
Anyway, when Renji picks up the dialogue, BAM, he takes over the middle.
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The fireball has done nothing to the Reigai, so we get a walking-thru-flames drama shot that ends with... yet another SSRS.
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They start to attack Yamamoto who is 1000% ready to throw down, but then Kageroza shows up and declares that he will be taking on the old man himself.
Ichigo gets real concerned that Kageroza will use Yamamoto’s power against him (Yamamoto is like, ‘whatever’). Nozomi volunteers to act like a decoy, and Kageroza does his villainous laugh, “you’ll never steal my spiritual pressure-- NANI??”  It turns out Nozomi already charged her sword up with the Head Captain’s spiritual pressure when Kageroza...was...checking his phone? I do not know how me missed this sneaky, sneaky maneuver:
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I guess he didn’t see anything because they were behind Ichigo’s back. Sure. Fine. Whatever.
Anyway, it’s not enough, so Yamamoto attacks. That’s not enough, so Ichigo unleashes his final Getsuga (not, like, the Final Getsuga, just like, the last one he has. Very confusing naming scheme here.)
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Does this count as another SSRS? It doesn’t do the BAM/BAM/BAM, so maybe Rukia/Renji/Kon have been in split screen mode this entire time, and it’s just a revisit. Whatever, I’m gonna count it. We’re up to 8.
Ichigo is now spent. He mumbles “Did I get ‘im?” and then falls out of the sky.
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“I NEED RENJI TO CATCH HIM,” I scream, while my husband winces and pinches the bridge of his nose. “GET UP, RENJI!” I yell. “YOU CAN DO IT.”
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He’s thinkin’ about it!
Oh, no, Ichigo, did not, in fact, “get ‘im.” Kageroza appears to have survived, which I guess justifies a SSRS #9.
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Look at Renji’s face. He’s ready. He’s goin’.
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And he’s off!!!! I LOVE THIS MAN.
UGH, we have to sit through Kageroza explaining how he survived the attack by absorbing Nozomi’s attack and Ichigo’s Getsuga who cares who cares who cares, get to the good stuff--
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Kageroza is powering up his attack, we’re gonna get the “To Be Continued..” any second, but NO there is STILL TIME FOR ONE MORE!
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Ten. TEN. This episode is only 22 minutes long and they managed to fit in 10 split screen reaction shots. I suspect this may be the record.
This entire episode was just split screen reactions shots, people powering up, shots of my OTP, and Renji catching Ichigo and then cradling him lovingly. Perfect episode. 1000/10.
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rainbow-filmnerd · 4 years
TMNT 2012
My Favorite Episode: Vision Quest (s3 e8). I do wish that the 2012 series had more mystical arcs like in the 2003 series, but I'm still content with what we got.
My Least Favorite Episode: A Foot Too Big (s3 e2). Although some good moments, I wasn't too fond of the two characters we got to see in this episode (there are some episodes I haven't seen since they first aired, so my opinions could change when I rewatch them)
My Favorite Arc: I guess the "Super Shredder" arc (s4 e20, e21, e25 and e26). All great episodes that ended the main story (Season 5 is an optional viewing! Though, I do consider the first four episodes to be part of the main narrative)
My Least Favorite Arc: Although not a bad bunch of episodes, "When Worlds Collide" is more of a two-parter than an arc imo.
My Favorite Ship: Apriltello!!!
My Favorite Character: Leonardo, Michelangelo, April O'Neil, Master Splinter, Karai, Donatello, Raphael...
My Favorite Season: Seasons 3 and 4
My Least Favorite Season: I enjoyed all five seasons, so I don't have a least favorite.
Who I wish would have stayed till the end: Splinter, Fugitoid, Casey Jones, Karai and Shinigami (I do consider the Crossover Arc as the series finale. I plan to do a headcanon list for this series)
Who I wish would have left the show sooner: I guess Vizioso or perhaps Mozar
Who I think is the most cheated character: I'm not entirely sure what that means, but if it means "underrated", Shinigami.
Who got more screen time than they maybe should: Although he appeared in all but one episode, Michelangelo was the representative face of TMNT 2012 in much of Nick's advertising for it during its run.
What drew me to it: I still vividly remember seeing an advertisement of the theme song two weeks prior to its premiere. I'm not entirely sure what drew me to it, but I enjoyed it.
What kept me watching: The animation, the characters, the story... This was another new show that I got to enjoy.
If I would recommend it: I know a lot of people love this show, but some who don't necessarily care for it. If you wanna give it a shot, go right ahead. It's what got me into Ninja Turtles, so I tend to feel a bit triggered when someone has nothing to like about it.
Send me another show if you all want!
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fabuloustrash05 · 6 years
Top 10 RaMona Moments
Happy RaMona Week everyone!
This ship has been around since the 80’s and in 2015 we got this ship back after 20+ years. They’re my favorite couple on the show and I wanted to do something for Ramona Week.
I did my research, rewatched the episodes, and read other people’s thoughts which I will add links to there posts and my other sources so you can check them out.
So here’s my contribution!
[[Disclaimer! I do not own any of these gifs. There are links to the original]]
10. Raph winks at Mona.
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One word to describe this moment: Adorable!
It was refreshing to see Raph confident around Mona and her being caught off guard with him flirting with her. It was something new from this ship, and it made me want more confident Raph.
Sometimes it’s the little moments that can be so special.
9. Raph asking Mona out.
While Donnie and Mikey have asked there crushes if they wanted to hang out with them, Raph got the courage to straight up asks Mona out on a date.
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The way he was getting nervous, Mona being confused with the question, then her telling him she would with him anywhere was so beautiful.
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8. Their reunion hug.
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Put yourself into Raph’s shoes shell at this moment. You’re father was killed by you’re greatest enemy, the ghost of your father came back for one last goodbye, you’ve seen demons and ghosts come from the fiery pits of hell, you’ve been turned into a vampire (since the monster arc was supposed to happen before when worlds collide), your life has basically been very stressful and scary lately.
You begin to feel lonely after seeing your siblings hanging out with their crushes when you have no one by your side, starting to doubt romance. You then find out that the love of your life, who you haven't seen in such a long time is coming back to see you. How happy would you be?! 
Raph needed that hug from Mona. He’s been through so much at that point that he just needs his girlfriend to comfort him.
7. Mona fantasizing about Raph doing push ups.
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This moment had me and others laughing for hours but all jokes aside, we need to look more into this.
Not only does this show more personality for Mona Lisa, but that no other love interest in the show has shown romantic interest in the turtles except Mona! 
This shows that she still loves him and thinks about him, and by the look on her face I’m guessing that the writers were probably hinting at something about there relationship... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
make babies already
[Link] [Link]
6. “She’s no Mona Lisa”
When Alopex was announced to be in the show some fans were worried that Raph would get a crush on her (because they had a relationship in the comics). At that point in the show Leo flirted with an alien chick even though he had feelings for Karai, Donnie flirted with and got kissed by Batgirl in the Adventure comics, and Mikey got a new crush, Shinigami. Raph on the other hand didn’t have any romantic feelings for Alopex or any other woman for that matter. 
He was impressed by Alopex but not interested in her. To which Raph then says to Chompy...
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This shows three things.
His loyalty to Mona Lisa.
He still thinks about her even though she’s far away.
To Raph no other woman will be better than Mona. Mona Lisa is the best fighter in Raph’s eyes. And no one will ever change his mind.
5. Their first kiss!
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Who could ever forget Ramona’s first kiss? From Raph’s cute little smile, to Mona pulling Raph in close to her, and then the kiss. After that I got on that ship and I’m never coming off.
I still remember when I first watch The Moons of Thalos 3 and when they kissed I was jumping around my room fangirling my heart out. 
I bet some Ramona shippers from the 80’s where happy as well. ;) 
Also that leg pop!
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4. Mona deciding to stay on earth.
Mona made a huge sacrifice to stay on earth with Raph. She choices to live on a planet that she is unfamiliar with. Love is about making sacrifices, and that’s what Mona did. 
This moment shows that Mona loves Raph so much that she’s willing to stay with him. No more long distance relationship. These two made a big step forward in there relationship and I’m proud of them for that.
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[Link] [Link]
3. Raph defending Mona and calling her his woman.
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This whole scene describes their relationship perfectly. Mona gets insulted by Bishop, Raph comes in to defend her, but then Mona steps in to defend herself! That entire scene was perfect. Especially when Raph said that Mona is his woman! Raph was stating that Mona is his and that no one should ever say anything bad about her. 
*looking at you Ramona haters* 
I also like to believe this is a little call back to when Raph said “What a woman” when they first met. 
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Thinking of it that way makes it a nice little touch. 👌
[Link] [Link]
2. “I will always love you”
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Love is a powerful thing, and saying that to your partner for the first time is a big deal. Raph and Mona at this point where in a puppy love phase. Some kisses, flirting, and even writing letters to each other (according to Armaggon).
Mona saying she loves Raph showed him and the audience that their relationship isn’t a fling or a simple crush...
They are actually in love with each other!
1. Raph forgiving Mona.
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The Evil of Dregg was a heart breaking episode for RaMona shippers. Mona’s betrayal hurt Raph. We all know Raph is the kinda guy who doesn’t let the little things go. Him forgiving her showed not only Raph’s maturity but their relationship growth! Him forgiving her proved that even if something or someone gets in the way of their relationship, in the end they’ll still stay by each other’s side and work through there problems together. Being able to get through the bad stuff is good for a relationship. There love is strong, not even blackmail can stop these two lovebirds from being together. 
And lets talk about when Raph holds Mona’s hand and the background turned into the galaxy with shining stars in the sky. Feeling like it’s only the two of them, to where the two warriors kiss, which I personally believe was the most beautiful Ramona kiss in the show.
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Thank you for reading my list!
Any moments I didn’t add to the list, consider them honorable mentions.
All these moments with these two are amazing, and I hope we will have more RaMona moments in future incarnations of TMNT.
And once again Happy RaMona Week!
More References/Sources:
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@raphmona @ramonainthegalaxy @ferchisreyes @starfiretheninja @bludinkdragonz @cabbuca @jazzymarie1006 @monarel
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