masterselling · 1 year
Are you disciplined enough to GO ALL THE WAY?
#laserfocused #focus #noexcuses #dothework #weallneedsomehelp #discoveryou #purposedriven #notimefornegativity #eliminatetheexcuses #growthforward #growthentrepreneur #successfulthinking #hardworkpays #entrepreneurmindset #successjourney #findamentor #theforwardthinker #gettowork #instagram #originalcontentbyrn #motivation #bestofthebest #letsgo #goals
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
Quel outil (popup/leadpage) utiliser pour capturer des emails ?Bonjour, vous découvrirez dans cette vidéo des outils de captures d’emails pour vos campagnes de cold mailing.=> Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #emailing #massmailing #coldmailing #InboundMarketing #LocalBusiness #innovation #Scraping #innovationstrategy
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edcventuracounty · 2 years
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Entrepreneurs succeed in keeping economies healthy for many reasons. One of their strongest qualities is that they aren’t afraid to innovate, re-invent, or flip the paradigm, while established firms are content with the status quo. Nonetheless, their success story isn’t always without its fair share of ups and downs.
Innovative Entrepreneurs Drive Economic Growth
Entrepreneurs like Netflix or Google founders will readily introduce radical products or game-changing processes to the market. Their innovations play a crucial role in stirring economic growth. In contrast, established businesses may deliberately lack interest in innovation to protect their existing successful products. Those with an entrepreneurial spirit don’t have this fear, as commercializing their fresh ideas is often in their best interests.
Pros and Cons of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship brings the following benefits to the economy:
Economic health and growth
Challenges existing businesses to become more competitive
Adds new short-term and long-term jobs
Boost companies’ or economies’ productivity
Entrepreneurs are flexible and adaptive to change (can introduce radical market and economic models)
On the other hand, some cons related to entrepreneurship include:
The entrepreneurship drive is extremely rare
High risk of failure, which may place a hefty financial burden on taxpayers
May render established firms obsolete, sometimes causing massive layoffs
Can’t thrive in a highly-regulated market
Self-employment doesn’t always translate to significant entrepreneurship activity
Tips to Make the Economy More Entrepreneur-friendly
Entrepreneurship should get all the support it needs because it accounts for 20% of job creation. In 2020, startups in the U.S. created over 3 million new jobs. Here’s how to support entrepreneurs for job creation and economic growth:
Socio-cultural change and education
Access to business financing and subsidies
Supporting entrepreneurship
Promotion of multilateral and bilateral trade deals
A positive attitude toward innovation is necessary to encourage entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs require a sustained spirit and determination to break ranks with long-standing business traditions and introduce new radical models. The required socio-cultural change should begin in school, wherein higher education levels tend to spur entrepreneurial activity. Society must also embrace the role that immigrants play in business. Statistically, immigrants are twice as likely as native-born Americans to own a startup.
The lack of startup funds makes it difficult for young entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to fruition. Without banks deliberately lowering interest rates or easing their pre-qualification criteria for loans, many innovators wouldn’t go far with their brilliant ideas. Governments can chip in by backing startup loans with less strict requirements. Also, subsidies for new businesses can lower their market-entry cost.
Both the private sector and public service can nurture entrepreneurs by encouraging intrapreneurship. With this system, organizations provide their self-driven employees with the resources needed to create products or processes. It creates a platform for employees to learn entrepreneurship without assuming the financial risk.
The U.S. has many trade agreements with partner countries. However, these aren’t necessarily obvious to most startup owners. Perhaps education and awareness programs about export markets available to U.S. businesses can help promote entrepreneurship. Access to international and regional markets with reduced trade barriers can help entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create more jobs.
Entrepreneurs Are the Backbone of Economic Health
The disruption entrepreneurs create in the market is good for better economic performance. With the right support and resources for entrepreneurs, you can turn your ideas into a thriving business that creates jobs and helps drive economic growth. Consult our experts at Economic Development Collaborative today for more business advice and inspiration!
Source:- EDC| Blog 
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
Comment scraper efficacement une liste de commerçants physiques ?Bonjour à tous ! Nous vous invitons à découvrir cette vidéo, dans laquelle vous aurez accès à des outils vous permettant de scarper des business locaux. ^_-    => Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #Hustle #Hustling #Inbound #InboundMarketing #LocalBusiness #innovation #Scraping #innovationstrategy
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
Comment ajouter un CTA, tout en raccourcissant une url ?Bonjour à tous ! Voici des outils pour raccourcir vos urls qui sont parfois trop lognues pour les réseaux sociaux=> Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #reseauxsociaux #reseausocial #Inbound #InboundMarketing #LocalBusiness #innovation #Scraping #innovationstrategy
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
[COLD MAILING]Comment envoyer 10 000 mails, sans être considéré comme un spammeur ?Bonjour à tous ! Voici une liste d’outils pour le cold mailing.=> Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #massmailing #coldmailing #Inbound #InboundMarketing #LocalBusiness #innovation #Scraping #innovationstrategy
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
Quel est le meilleur service de Landing Page à l’heure actuelle ?Bonjour à tous ! VOici une liste d’outils pour fabriquer vos landing pages.=> Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #Hustle #Hustling #Inbound #InboundMarketing #LocalBusiness #innovation #Scraping #innovationstrategy
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
Quels sont les meilleurs outils pour effectuer un sondage ?Bonjour à tous ! Nous vous invitons à découvrir cette vidéo, dans laquelle vous aurez accès à des outils vous permettant de réaliser des sondages de façon simple et rapide.=> Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #Hustle #Hustling #Inbound #InboundMarketing #LocalBusiness #innovation #Scraping #innovationstrategy
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
Comment faire tourner des scripts H24, sans avoir son desktop allumé en permanence ?Bonjour à tous ! Vous vous êtes peut-être déjà trouvé dans la situation où il fallait laisser allumer votre PC pour faire tourner un script. Cela peut-être contraignant si vous n’avez qu’un seul ordinatuer. Cette vidéo pourrait vous aider à résoudre ce problème.=> Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #proy #vps #Inbound #InboundMarketing #LocalBusiness #innovation #Scraping #script
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
Comment repérer des mots-clés sur Facbook et en être averti ?Bonjour à tous ! Imaginez que vous puissiez recevoir des notifications chaque fois que quelqu’un exprime son besoin (lié à votre offre) sur Facebook!=> Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #Hustle #Hustling #Inbound #InboundMarketing #reseauxsociaux #innovation #alertgoogle #innovationstrategy
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
Comment liker automatiquement sur Facebook ?Bonjour à tous ! Dans cette vidéo nous présentons des outils d’automatisation Facebook pour Liker automatiquement des posts ou commentaires sur Facebook.=> Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #automatisation #Inbound #InboundMarketing #marketingautomation #innovation #facebook #innovationstrategy
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
Comment publier automatiquement sur Facebook ?Bonjour à tous, dans cette vidéo vous trouverez la liste des outils permettant la publication automatique de vos contenus sur Facebook.=> Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #automatisation #Inbound #InboundMarketing #marketingautomation #innovation #facebook #innovationstrategy
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
Quels sont les meilleurs prestataires de retargeting ?Bonjour,  dans cette vidéo, nous dressons la liste des plateformes de Retargetting disponibles sur le marché.=> Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #Hustle #Hustling #Inbound #InboundMarketing #advertising #innovation #retargeting #publicite
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
Comment vérifier l’état de son SEO gratuitement ?Bonjour à tous ! Nous vous invitons à découvrir cette vidéo, dans laquelle vous découvrirez des outils vous permettant d’analyser le référencement de votre site web.    => Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #Hustle #Hustling #Inbound #InboundMarketing #LocalBusiness #innovation #Scraping #innovationstrategy
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growthhackingfrance · 5 years
Quel service d’email automation devrais-je choisir ?Bonjour à tous ! Nous vous invitons à découvrir cette vidéo qui liste une série d’outils d’automatisation de mailing=> Pour une initiation au Growth Hacking : http://webinar.formationgrowthhacking.com=> Pour acheter la formation : http://promo.formationgrowthhacking.com#growthconsultant #growthentrepreneur #GrowthHack #GrowthHacker #GrowthHackers #growthhacking #growthhackingacademy #GrowthHackingAgency #growthhackingfrance #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingstyle #GrowthHackingTips #GrowthHackingTools #GrowthHacks #GrowthMarketing #GrowthMarketingTips #GrowthMindset #mailingautomation #autoamtisation #emailing #massmailing #LocalBusiness #innovation #Scraping #innovationstrategy
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