#gross poldeggan
blu-b · 6 years
Gross Poldeggan for the ship meme :)
​Thanks for that :D
Imma do this for a modern AU if you don’t mind, because the actual period setting seems a bit difficult. Also, this is after they have overcome (most of) their differences and established a somewhat stable relationship….probably. ^^
Give me a ship and I’ll tell you …..
for Ross Poldark/George Warleggan
Who cooks: They’re both not bad at it, but usually they go out. Ross is not what you’d call a fancy food enthusiast. He’ll shovel down whatever is placed before him most of the time, not caring what it is or what it tastes like. It grates on George’s nerves, this indifference, because where George comes from, meals are not just about the ingestion of nourishments - they’re celebrated feasts of exquisite taste. Ross used to laugh at it until one day George took him out to a restaurant where one of the Warleggans’ former chefs was now Maître de Cuisine. Ross said nothing, but the way his eyes popped at the taste of the gold-dusted mousse noisette encased in white chocolate spoke volumes. The next day, Ross made enquiries into professional cooking lessons because he wants to learn how to spoil his posh boy properly.
Who does the laundry and other chores: At first, George insisted they hire staff for that. A maid, at least, and a decent butler. He was even willing to pay for their salaries. But when the butler walked in on them at an inopportune moment, and the maid had a scare when she surprised them in the broom chamber, George began to see the point. He still doesn’t like certain chores. For example, he hates doing the dishes and cleaning hair out of the siphons, so Ross does that while George has no problem vacuuming or steaming Ross’ ever-crumpled clothes. They do the laundry together, but sometimes it ends with George being bent over the washing machine.
How many children do they have: George is really good with kids, Ross thinks as he watches him handle Demelza’s three brats with ultimate grace and care. The smallest, but a babe, relaxes instantly and stops crying at once when George picks her up and rocks her gently; and the middle one is glued to his lips when George reads to him in that meticulous voice of his. Ross himself likes kids, although he hasn’t thought about having some of his own - not yet, not with George because, well, it’s going to be difficult, the adoption process and everything, and who knows if they’re ready to raise kids at all. But then he sees George look longingly at all the smiling kids at the playground, and out of a whim he puts his arm around George’s waist and whispers in his ear: “How many do you want?” And George just smiles and whispers back, “A whole barn full for a start.”
Who’s more dominate: Everyone assumes it’s Ross who has the last word in their relationship, but little do they know what happens behind closed doors in the Poldark/Warleggan household once the lights are out. George has a possessive streak that he hides well in public, but every now and then it comes through, especially when he catches Ross working his charm on some of the ladies. As CEO of one of the most promising financial ventures in recent years George is used to having his orders obeyed, and boy does Ross love it when George’s voice drops low once they’re in the bedroo. It takes on that particular tone that makes Ross shiver in anticipation when he’s ordered onto the bed and told to keep still no matter what. And Ross obeys every time because he loves George being in charge; he loves giving up control and having his temper tamed by the only one who can.
Favorite nonsexual activity & Their favorite place to be together: 
It’s long walks at the clifftops after dinner, watching the sun set over the rolling waves at Hendrawna Beach. Sometimes they’re holding hands as they climb up the steep path, but most of the time they just walk in silence next to each other because this is still too new, too strange, this whole relationship thing they’ve skidded into, and it will yet take them yet a while to get used to the thought that they’d rather lie down together in the soft sands instead of pushing each other over the cliff’s edge.
Any traditions: Their entire relationship was built on a tradition of mutual hatred that reached back into the times of their fathers. Why exactly there had been such animosity between their families was lost to history, but George and Ross had both grown up profoundly disliking each other just for the sake of it. They’d worked through a lot of bullshit; threats and insults and spoiled business deals; mutual broken noses and bruises in places that were far too intimate even when they were still enemies. Then came that day that changed everything; the day that had Ross question all he believed in as he sat staring at a pale figure in a white hospital bed, wondering if he was going to lose the one person that had always understood him better than anyone else, even if neither of them liked to admit that. But that, too, passed with time and George struggled back to life and Ross held his hand, each of them finally realising they didn’t find each other quite as bad, and every year since then Ross buys a single white rose on what’s the closest to an anniversary they’ll ever have.
Their “song”: One day George comes home earlier than usual due to unforeseen but pleasant circumstances at the bank that grant him one of his rare afternoons off. He tosses his scarf and jacket over the wardrobe and climbs the carpeted stairs on a quest to find his absent boyfriend. He finds Ross in the bedroom, and the sight confuses the hell out of him. Ross has his headphones on, the heavy, old-fashioned ones, and swaying his hips he sings loudly (and wrong) to “Love is a battlefield” and George has to stifle a laugh because really, Ross, but on the other hand it’s oh so true he can’t help it. And from then on, every time when that song is on the radio, George just shoots Ross this look that says I know it all.
What they do for each other on holidays: Whenever George has one of his rare days off (running his little financial empire is hard work, especially since he’s ventured into real estate recently and opened another entire branch of business), he likes to sleep in. Like, really sleep in, way past midday, waking up to soft afternoon light and a gentle breeze, and preferably Ross next to him, stark naked (George still blushes at such thoughts). And Ross is just grateful for this, although he’d never admit that he doesn’t really like waking up alone most mornings when George has long since left work work and only the faint warmth of him remains on his side of the bed. So when there’s a day off, Ross just likes to stay in bed with him and it’s all long and lazy making out and maybe, maybe Ross can be persuaded to fetch some of those strawberries from the kitchen….
Where did they go for their honeymoon: Everyone assumes they’re married, maybe because they’re really good at bitching at each other like an old couple, but no, there’s actually no certificate and no ring on their fingers and no ‘til-death-do-us-part between them. Why, they don’t exactly know. It’s just never come up, sort of. Ross says he doesn’t need a paper anyway, and George just shrugs it off; it’s something that he’s not to partial about (although he was brought up to hope for a proper, decent, reputable marriage one day, he can’t quite shake that). So he’s caught a bit off-guard when Ross one day walks in carrying holiday catalogues and just outright asks him, “Where’d you want to go for a honeymoon?” And George says he doesn’t know, has never really thought about it, and he’s a bit nervous and then there’s Ross pulling out an envelope, smiling kind of lopsided and scratching his unruly curls. “Hope you’ll like it,” Ross says somewhat sheepishly and oh god, of course George’ll like it, he’ll like it anywhere with Ross, but…“Wait, doesn’t the proposal come before the honeymoon?”
“I was just getting to that, baby.”
Where did they first meet: They’ve kind of been around each other for like, forever? Certainly since Ross can think consciously, because he tends to forget that George is actually two years older than he although he doesn’t look the part. So, it was some time before school, he thinks, maybe in Truro, or at the fair over in Sawle, that he first took sight of George? He doesn’t remember, memories blurring into one, and then there’s other faces…Elizabeth, with whom it hadn’t worked out, and then Demelza, with whom it had worked out, just not long enough, and Margaret, who made things work out no matter what, but then, again, always, George. And Ross kind of likes the thought; likes to think that they’ve been around each other for, like, maybe, forever?
Any pets:  George wanted a cat and Ross wanted….no pet at all, if he was honest. He had nothing against either cat or dog, but actually having one around the house…well, he certainly wasn’t encouraging the idea. George on the other hand insisted a kitty was a wonderful addition to their household “if we can’t have kids, we should at least have a cat”, and “do you know cats are known to calm hot tempers, Ross? Maybe you should try,” to which Ross only replied with a roll of his eyes. 
“Maybe I’ll think about it - if you behave tonight.”
“You bet I will,” George purred and licked his lips.
What do they fight over: Sometimes they fight over the smallest, silliest things, like who placed the banana on the counter or who left the bathroom door ajar. Sometimes it’s more than that; it’s about George’s borderline hostile family or about how Ross’ newest investment isn’t going to pay off. And yet some other times, it gets nasty and mean and one of them ends up storming off (Ross) or hiding themselves to cry (George), and they curse each other and make up their mind that that was it, they’re going to leave. And then they remember that this was what drew them together in the first place, their constant fighting, and that they’re like fire and water, constantly setting each other off. But they have worked through this in the past and they have orvercome worse, and so Ross always comes back and George always comes out of hiding, and they’ll take each other’s hands and look into each other’s eyes, and it’s as good as a “I’m sorry” from their lips. 
Do they go on vacations, if so where: Sometimes, they went to London together, and sometimes to St. Ives, but always on business, always when either Ross had something to do at the art gallery or George was wanted at the bank. They never went there for leisure. Elizabeth and Verity weren’t even sure either of them was aware of that, but the girls unanimously agreed that their boys - one’s ex and the other one’s cousin - definitely were in for a time away from home, at a place that had nothing to do with either’s work. And so they worked on a plan. They roped Demelza in, a childhood friend of Ross’ who owned a travel agency, and the tomboyish redhead declared she knew “just the place” for the loverboys. So some weeks later, on occasion of a family dinner hosted by Elizabeth (which just by chance happened on the boy’s anniversary), she presented them with a hand-drawn paper-voucher wrapped in garish pink paper. It had a lovely picture of a cabin in France, amidst lavender fields and surrounded by mountains, and below was written in Demelza’s scraggly handwriting: “You’ll like it there! Very picturesque. Lots of solitude. No one will see when you do it in the pool.”
Yes, wohoooo, I’m sorry this took me so long. I don’t know what possessed me to answer this with little tiny ficlet-bits, but it was definitely fun, so thank you for sending this ask! :)
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patricsfox · 7 years
Ross Poldark/George Warleggan - Both Reached For The Gun (CHICAGO)
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ninetiesnecklace · 7 years
Remember how I started writing a thing? This is part two.
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gross-poldeggan · 8 years
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blu-b · 7 years
Rating: Mature Categories: F/M, M/M Fandom: Poldark (TV 2015) Relationships: George Warleggan/Elizabeth Warleggan George Warleggan/Ross Poldark (implied/mentioned) Additional Tags: Erotica Crossdressing Crossdressing Kink Gender or Sex Swap Sexual Fantasy Imagined Threesome - F/M/M Masturbation Bisexuality 18th Century setting Fashion kink (although that's more on the author's part) Language: English Words: 3830 Status: Completed Summary: George loves Elizabeth. He also loves fashionable clothes. One day, those two loves collide and the outcome is most surprising. Notes: The product of an intense day's work, this just needed to happen. I just have a thing for George in pretty dresses, okay? Also, I wrote a hetero pairing *gasps* The Warleggans rock! But there is some George/Ross implied and mentioned, I'm (not) sorry, I couldn't help it.
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blu-b · 7 years
do you take requests for Gross fics?
Tbh that depends entirely on 1) the request and 2) my time. I don’t get a lot of the first but I don’t have a lot of the latter, and there are still so many stories in my head that I want to get written out in what little time I have. That said, why not just send in your prompt because I’m curious and we’ll see what I can do about it :)
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patricsfox · 7 years
Absolutely unambiguous dialogues in “Poldark”s3ep1
(George)-Why have you really come? (Ross)-To make a bargain with you (George) -Always if you have something I want (Ross) -I do.Myself! (George) -O_O (Ross) -Out of your life (George) ->_>
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patricsfox · 7 years
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Modern AU, where Demelza is so fucking tired from Ross' mine and contraband adventures, so she sends him to striptease gay-bar to earn money with his All-Cornwall-Famous biceps. Also this is the story where George Warleggan chokes on whiskey and falls from the bar stool.
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ninetiesnecklace · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Poldark (TV 2015), Poldark - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ross Poldark/George Warleggan Characters: Ross Poldark, George Warleggan Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Desk Sex, Warleggan Bank, Bottom Ross, Top George, Rough Sex, Slight Power Play Summary:
“Why have you come here?” George asked. “To look at your empire,” Ross said slowly.
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ninetiesnecklace · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Poldark (TV 2015), Poldark - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ross Poldark/George Warleggan Characters: Ross Poldark, George Warleggan Additional Tags: Stockings, blowjob, Finger Fucking,  Shameless Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Summary:
Ross enjoys George in silk stockings.
This is just shameless pwp. Because I have a lady boner for George. Especially in lingerie.
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patricsfox · 7 years
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I prefer this version of Tauriel  (*´▽`*)
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blu-b · 8 years
A Ross Poldark / George Warleggan fic Chapters: 5/7 Rating: bumped from M to E
....I promised smut....here it comes. ^^
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