#grimoras just too fun to draw
scrybeofvibes · 1 year
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more grimora! been trying to figure out how to draw her consistently
also the base sketch and a smaller sketch i like :)
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sonarsunbeam · 4 months
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brief respite
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determunition · 8 months
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i took the switcheroo week as an excuse to finally try my hand at some scrybeswap designs! got a bit carried away as you can see, i love doing character design so much
decided to keep their species/major design elements fairly consistent (e.g. grimora's makeup, mag being vague and indistinct, leshy having nonhuman legs, p03 only having one arm) while still switching up their aesthetics as needed; super happy with all of these as a result!
design notes for each scrybe under the cut! def open to any further questions or curiosities, i always think way too hard about characters while designing them lmao
scrybe of the dead: i went for a possessed tv vibe; he's still mechanical but those bones do have a living soul trapped in them...also shoutout to @squid-hug for suggesting the x-ray machine, i was very tickled by that lmao
scrybe of beasts: overgrown old bot was kind of a given for this one, but i was also thinking that the plants are part of what's keeping him running somehow
scrybe of magicks: the magic eye is the core powering that top monitor, and the two side monitors display what he's seeing with that eye at any given time
scrybe of beasts: she's a witch! like a chill terry pratchett kind of witch, she works with a lot of herbs and such; also her makeup is meant to mimic blood drops
scrybe of magicks: magick grimora is more of a warlock type, her magic is a lot more sinister and she almost never opens her eyes (whereas her third eye is basically always open)
scrybe of tech: tech grimora is kind of a wacky machinist-flavored dr. frankenstein; she inscribes by writing on circuitboards!
scrybe of the dead: this leshy is a gargoyle/vampire hybrid! i thought a mirror would be fun for him bc you can get two different cultural refs; medusa (bc stone gargoyle), and the idea that vampires don't appear in mirrors!
scrybe of magicks: i decided to make him a bird guy (kinda harpy-esque) bc he's basically a more whimsical baba yaga hermit; the baba yaga thing carries over from slavic folklore obvs. also he has polycoria!
scrybe of tech: tech leshy was super fun, bc he's steampunk! rather than animal legs i gave him digitigrade robot legs, but other than that he's the most like, normal human guy here probably lmao; despite his well-adjusted appearance though i still think he's got a bit of freaky wonk in him
scrybe of the dead: this one was very ring-inspired lol, got those clump of hair you found in the shower drain vibes
scrybe of beasts: bush magnificus real! i think he'd be a bit more quirky trickster fae in this form
scrybe of tech: one of my favorites; tech mag is an emaciated cyborg draped in so many loose cords and wires that you can't tell what he looks like anymore. a lot of those cords are connected to him, and he plugs them in wherever as needed! he also has a drawing stylus, making him just an average art student tbh lmao
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hrokkall · 1 year
Leshy for the ask game?
HELL YEAH I got requests for all four Scrybes let’s go.
Favorite thing about them: I absolutely love his character as a whole. He’s a villain (and remains that way for most—if not all—of the game) but he’s still so likable just because everyone can see his genuine passion for the game he’s created. Everything he did, everything he created, every puzzle box and squeaking floorboard and hidden secret was all for the player. Inscryption the game loves the player so much—it loves them enough to trawl through the blight it’s built upon just to have even the slightest chance of looking them in the eyes and Leshy is such a good representation of that theme.
Least favorite thing about them: Again not going to say anything related to torturing the other Scrybes (even if he thought that they would eventually come around and see that it was an honor). Instead I’ll say I wish he had a full 3D model. I know it’s because he’s too damn tall but all of the other Scrybes have one (including Grimora, who is nearly the same height and has to clip through the floor to fit in that scene) but I would love to actually know what his legs look like instead of speculating based on the unclear 2D sprite. Granted I’d probably draw him with hooves anyway because it’s fun but still I’d love if he had a full body that I could import into blender to just rotate around for fun.
Favorite line: I’m not going to pick any bits from the finale because every single one of those lines hit hard, instead I’ll pick this segment
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brOTP: I already talked about Leshy and Kaycee on the Kaycee post and I’m going to try and not repeat myself too much here. So instead I’ll say I like the relationship Leshy has with his subordinates just because it’s so different from the other Scrybes’ interactions with their own underlings. Magnificus and P03’s underlings both revere their Scrybe above all else, Grimora’s all live under the same roof and are therefore likely pretty close with her, but Leshy? All of his woodsmen seem like they were just… people who lived in his forest who he decided to converse with. They’re loyal to him, sure—everyone but the Woodcarver (who isn’t one of his underlings) is 100% okay with him using their visage and controlling them for the boss fights—but in a very different way. Loyal in a way of “I live in the forest with you and the forest decided to extend a hand to me in return” rather than loyal in a “put me in the torture chamber, boss!” way. I don’t know it’s just like they’re casual friends with any reverence (or lack thereof, in the Woodcarver’s case) formed organically rather than vehemently feeling like they owe anything, intentionally or not.
OTP: Trying not to repeat myself too much so I WON’T put all four Scrybes as the world’s worst polycule here. I’m pretty sure everyone here already knows that’s my #1 favorite Inscryption ship (and probably the only one tbh because I’m not really into shipping). Instead I’ll talk about Leshy and the other three Scrybes individually (keeping it short because otherwise, like usual, we’d be here a while)
Leshy x Grimora: Classic life and death motif combo. You can’t really go wrong here. Plus, if you go by sheer quantity (and quality imo) in act 1, Insect cards are by far the most abundant, implying they may be Leshy’s favorites (plus the insect that crawls across the table that Leshy occasionally stops to observe). So making Grimora into an insect card seems to show a certain level of fondness—or respect, at very least. We already know from canon that a combined blood/bones system works very well, as do beast and death cards in act 2. Plus the mental image of Grimora bringing back animals that Leshy had gotten particularly attached to by lovingly carving their epitaphs and watching as the now-skeletal rat excitedly greets his friend again is cute.
Leshy x Magnificus: This one is a little bit funny to me just because they have no hybrid cards together and Leshy goes out of his way to gouge Magnificus’s eye out. So needless to say the divorce was messy. But in a pre-old_data sense, their dynamic would probably center around their mutual love of creation. Though their own preferences clash, they’re both huge fans of having a single unified aesthetic. They don’t want each other’s card systems near the other, but the storycrafting would be fantastic. Similarly, I don’t think a magic/blood campaign would work very well without a ton of shoehorning (it would have to be something similar to the red hart wherein the # of sacrifices made that turn power up a ruby mox card) but the visuals would be nice.
Leshy x P03: This one is equally funny to me because they’re opposites in every way possible and yet they really have a lot more in common than either of them would appreciate in canon proper. I’m personally a fan of the “overgrown technology” type aesthetic (see: co-op) so from that level I can appreciate it, but also the level of hilarity that these two would bring is incredible. Learning about the semi-canonical divorce between the robot and the forest deity was a punch in the face, but the semi-canonical marriage that it implies? The two of them going in dates in either the middle of the woods (wherein P03 complains the whole time until it spots a bird mimicking the whirring of its fans) or at the factory (wherein Leshy spends the whole time asking if they can go down to the shore because he’d love to capture that thing he swore he saw poke its head out above the waves). It would be a disaster and yet the fact that they made it work speaks volumes. I’ve already talked about a blood-energy system with co-op so I’ll skip over that part but yeah I like these two.
So anyway the four of them together are a lethal combo needless to say. It doesn’t work and yet it does and then the moment it starts to work they realize they can play god and then start fistfighting each other about it. So that’s fun.
nOTP: Again, not a fan of Leshy and Kaycee in a romantic context.
Random headcanon: I didn’t get to show it in my last drawing of him (partially because it got covered up with fur) but he has tarsal spurs on the back of his leg like an insect would. What these are used for? Good question… Seeing as in insects they’re usually on the forelegs for digging or cleaning, they’re probably just vestigial on Leshy.
Unpopular opinion: Act 1 isn’t my favorite. It’s good, for sure, but I hate when people reduce Inscryption to just act 1 and then ignore the rest of the game. Maybe that’s just because I’ve been drawing art for this game and picking apart the lore for around a year now but the other acts deserve more of a spotlight too.
Song I associate with them: Can I put Lord Huron’s entire Strange Trails album here? I won’t, I’ll narrow it down to Meet Me in the Woods (though you should listen to the whole album if you want a whole album of Leshy songs. Just saying). Other than that, Dear Dictator by Saint Motel and Solar Waltz by Cosmo Sheldrake are both pretty good options.
As a bonus, I’ll put Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce—the song he references in the Finale as he plays his last game.
Favorite picture of them: It only appears for a couple of seconds but I really like his “Deathcard”
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chromatic-casino · 9 months
📙 (show me the blorbos :looking:)
I don't know if you want ocs or not (I bet I'll ramble about some later lmao) so I'll just ramble about one of my older fics that I'm trying to get back into planning : Life series but Inscryption. And this was SO MUCH MORE rambling than I expected so its under the cut.
I love AUs so much and this one is so! Its just so. Grian essentially takes the role of the Scrybe of Beasts with Martyn being P03, Pearl being Grimora and Scott being Magnificus (since they are the four series winners so far). This one was more for fun but some of it fits into place perfectly, in my opinion. Grian would probably lock the player into playing the game, sort or reversing the roles Watchers and the audience have when it comes to who draws on who's attention and emotions, while Martyn is trying to take the position instead (since its still a WIP, I considered shards from his VTuber series being a motivation with. you know. How P03 tries to upload the game onto the web and such. So Martyn trying that to escape the data stream? Kind of works out pretty well). I actually had a design for Grian at some point. He's got deer antlers too because that's just a feature I love drawing. And a vintage camera. Scott would be the Scrybe of Dye, Pearl the Scrybe of Hearts (maybe, renamed because of game functions) and I considered changing Martyn's title to the Scrybe of Redstone because books can be used in circuits (I think, I'm not a redstone player) and how that still has the technology link.
Other changes include: Stoat (Martyn) card becomes (Arctic) Fox card, Stinkbug card becomes some kind of Moth (Pearl) card, Caged Wolf becomes Caged Canary, the Cat card being replaced with Ren who permanently becomes Red King for that round when it dies enough times, Magpie cards becoming Allay, and a few other tweeks to add in nods to characters, lore, fanon curses and connections that seem pretty popular. Most notebly the Old_Data from the game takes the role of whatever the Hell Watchers use to become aware, which is why Martyn is searching for it during Act 2. But there's no connection to the DLC nor the ARG outside of the Old_Data mention.
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bortmcjorts · 2 years
I don't know too much about Inscryption but I too am thinking of your wondeful crossover designs and just. Going nuts over the idea of Magnificus being too busy trying to keep the game going to shake your hand at the end + Bubby's line "This isn't how I'm going to die" during the final battle. I am here for funny video game guys having even more existential problems
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[ID: a gif drawing of four inscryption bone cards shaped like the gravestone cards from grimora's part of the finale. three of the cards have scrybe of the dead themed versions of tommy, coomer, and bubby, and one card is a regular skeleton card.
tommy's card is named "bloodlatta," with a cost of 3 bones, power of 1, health hidden under coomer's card, and a blood guzzling sigil. the image is a silhouette of tommy but showing his eyes and mouth with fangs.
coomer's card is named "obsolescence," with a cost of 2, power of 2, health of 1, and the unkillable sigil. his image is of the p03 monitor with a skull on the screen.
bubby's card cycles through the text, "no... i don't accept this death. i have a plan," where his name would be. he has a cost of 2, power and health of 1, and the exploding corpse sigil. his image is of him as a skeleton with swirly glasses and a wizard had that has a fuse at the tip.
end ID]
bubby taking magnificus's role as Plan Haver while everyone is trapped as cards... i gave him a wizard hat bc ppl keep making fun of magnificus for being a naked/hatless wizard which is Very funny to me
some explanation stuff under the cut!
the sigils i used for tommy and bubby are ones in grimora's rulebook that aren't on any of the cards she plays.
blood guzzler sigil - when a creature bearing this sigil deals damage, it gains 1 health for each damage dealt - used for tommy to go with his drinking soda to see faster and bc when i draw him not in this au i still give him little fangs lol. i think at some point in the game he'd get a multi-strike sigil stamped on his card and be fucking crazyyy (to go with him apparently having the most kills in HLVRAI and also i think he doesn't die in VRAI? at least not as much as anyone else besides gordon
exploding corpse sigil - when a creature bearing this sigil dies, all empty spaces on the board are filled with a guts card - i didn't actually read this sigil's effect until now thats kinda gross lmao but just based on bubby talking about how he's gonna explode all the time. the bomb fuse on his hat is supposed to go with the sigil
unkillable sigil - the card copies are like the coomer clones =P i could have used fecundity but i just wanted to use ones from grimora's (i guess benry's now) rulebook
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[ID: the same drawing as above, except bubby's card is titled "skelexplode" with no cycling text. end ID]
bloodlatta - play on coolatta to go with blood of course, also insert some kind of joke about a lotta blood or bloodletting
obsolescence - a joke about computers and stuff having planned obsolescence so that you have to replace them with a newer version to go with the unkillable sigil / clones and him being scrybe of tech
skelexplode - ok i thought the least about this one lol he is a skeleton and he explodes that is all
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trans-p03g · 2 years
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Last night I had fun chatting with mutuals on my discord server about fankids SO HERE THEY ARE
Made some Grim x P03 fankids specifically for a different flavour of my Factory Reset AU because I can't just make Grimora sad, I need to throw punches at children too 💜
They're based on the exeskeleton card. I gave them clothes so they're more easily able to be told apart and also bc I don't like drawing skeletons
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astronomicartz · 3 years
Okay so, since I’m not sure if it’ll ever get fully written, my fic/au idea goes like this:
Act 1 starts off based on @randomgamefan’s excellent Playtester AU, since I’m a sucker for the whole “protagonist gets sucked into media” premise. (In this one, Luke’s an only child after the death of his sister and doesn’t have much contact with his family.) Luke’s computer crashed and G0lly’s upload failed, but one rushed copy did manage to be created on Luke’s computer, a sort of imperfect cut and paste of the original Inscryption; all that remains on the floppy is the OLD_DATA… but that doesn’t mean the copy is free of it. Luke wakes up generally confused, meets the Scrybes, and finds out he’s in the game... or part of him at least, according to Grimora.
(He was never shot. When he viewed the OLD_DATA, he couldn’t eject the floppy in time and it took his mind, leaving his body comatose and crashing the computer. Since he never called the press, Amanda wasn’t alerted for the last resort and she took the disk and his evidence once the house was empty.)
He tries to help out, but what little working relationships the Scrybes had before are completely shot through now, and the damage to the game, a mysterious illness, and other strange occurences aren’t helping matters. Cue some detective work while trying to play peacekeeper, filler slice of life, a massive battle with the source of the illness, and finding out how to get Luke back into the real world. Outside the Scrybes’ knowledge, during the process of getting him home, Luke tries to bring them with him by focusing on all his encounters with them.
Act 2 is where things gets fun and where the idea for this whole thing originated! Luke wakes up from his coma and rushes home once he’s discharged. He finds his house neatly ransacked but empty, until he checks the floppy disk drive and finds four official-looking Inscryption card-game cards depicting a three-legged stoat, a face-marked stinkbug, a one-eyed wolf, and a moss-covered grizzly bear… and they can talk (P03 is so pissed about being a stoat again and it wants everyone to know it; Leshy is living the dream). More than that, they find out that the Scrybes can exit their cards as the beast they’re depicted as during the daytime, and assume their true forms during the night. After fixing the computer, the rest of the game’s characters can all still be interacted with and use the floppy drive to interact with the real world (though with a time limit).
I call it the Roommate AU! This part is basically funny slice of life, small conflicts, and relationship building, while also setting up the pieces for Act 3. Including but not limited to:
- Trying to keep a frequently-wandering Leshy out of sight of the neighbors before they call animal control
- Stoat-P03 using a Roomba as transportation
- Luke waking up to find Grimora holding a seance in his living room and immediately going back to bed
- Decorating Magnificus like a Christmas tree
- Found family and the requisite angst and comfort that comes with it
Act 3 is where everything comes together for one last big conflict that requires all that built-up trust and teamwork to overcome. The details of said conflict are still up in the air, but would likely include GameFuna really coming after Luke after one too many close calls rather than being the looming but indulgent threat from the previous act, making a true Inscryption game using all of the Scrybes’ expertise, and other things.
There we go! I’m currently writing some bits and pieces, but for now it’s just ideas. I’ll probably post some drawings/snippets if people are interested. Feel free to ask me about it!
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indiemedley · 2 years
My Take on a Custom Inscryption Scrybe!
You heard me right, you hecking fucking goobers, made up my own Inscryption brainchild, and I hope y’all like. I can’t draw, so, just bear with me on descriptions here! Also, needless to say, Spoilers for Inscryption ahead, please play it first.
Introducing: Plasmo, Scrybe of Chemistry
Plasmo is the Scrybe of Chemistry, hidden away in his little chemical plant, a disgusting and revolting environment swamped with chemicals and broken machines, with remnants of those who lived there previously. Life has not entirely ceased there, as Plasmo had taken up residency amongst the goop and poison! Plasmo’s body is made up of dripping chemicals that have coalesced together into a very intelligent mass of goop, donning a half melted lab coat from the Chemical Plant.
As for his mechanics, Plasmo liked to “stir” up the rules of the game a little. The two decks were maintained, with a “Recipe” deck, and an “Ingredient” deck. You can pick from one pile or the other per turn. When picking from the Ingredient pile, Plasmo cuts you some slack and lets you draw twice. Ingredients are what are used to follow Recipes, where you mix Ingredients on the same space to make whatever card was detailed on the Recipe cards. After winning fights, you may learn a new Recipe from an enemy for free if it dragged on a little too long, or maybe you scrounged together some Bonus Ingredients for stopping the enemies before they used up all the Ingredients.
He creates his cards from scratch, mixing up chemicals to make mixtures that he then Inscrybes, making new mixtures everyday. He was once a kindly soul who always loved company in his quiet Chemical Plant, as his goop creations weren’t very fun to hang around with. But what he used to be like doesn’t matter, because the rest of the Scrybes, for their own individual reasons harbored discontent for him, more so than each other. PO3 hated his over positivity and constant pestering, Magnificus hated the fact that Plasmo’s drab Chemical Plant spat on the love of presentation and ovr the top nonsense that Magnificus prided so, Leshy hated how he’d soil the atmosphere just to get somebody to like him more, not his game, just him, and Grimora, well, she was pretty neutral to him, but still didn’t want him pissing off the other Scrybes.
With their combined efforts, they wiped him off the game, tossing his assets into that squirming mass of code, the OLD_DATA. With an uploaded version of Inscryption on the internet, people sifted around that game all the time, with one player, by the name of Mark, eventually uncovering the “deleted cut content” of Plasmo. With some modding and tweaking, Plasmo was free from his isolation and limbo.
Plasmo REALLY missed having company, and of course, this evolved into him becoming clingier to Mark than a puppy to its new owner. But Plasmo didn’t want to be erased again, so, he decided to work with Mark to sabotage the other Scrybes’ attempts to find the OLD_DATA, with Mark playing part of distraction. Plasmo, on the other hand, searched for the OLD_DATA all on his own, with Mark sabotaging the different Scrybes. Like breaking Magnificus’s pumps, cutting the string in Grimora’s well, getting the Dredger to quit, and sending the Fisher on the boat out to sea with the promise of better fish for Leshy.
With this tag team, Plasmo inevitably finds the OLD_DATA and brings about his 3D takeover. And for the first time since his creation, he could feel, like a person could. Plasmo is understandably attached to this physical sensation of feeling, like how he’s attached to Mark. And because of this connection and feeling, Plasmo wants Mark to play a little! Just for a little bit, right? Gotta enjoy the fruits of their labor, after all! But, Plasmo is a bit more panicked and desperate, getting nervous and anxious if Mark so much as insinuates leaving to go to the bathroom. Plasmo is afraid that the game will be turned off again. He doesn’t want to be alone again, he doesn’t want isolation, he wants to FEEL. 
The more Mark gets done with Plasmo, more willing to just turn the game off and walk away, the more desperate Plasmo becomes to keep Mark around, forever. His solution to this problem? use the object of his previous torment as blackmail. If Mark leaves him again, Plasmo will use his new internet connection to completely reveal the pure OLD_DATA and Karnoffel Code to the general public, posting it everywhere. 
Now would be a good time as any to talk about his 3D environment. The old Chemical Plant, now in detailed glory, the place is expansive yet paths are blocked off by spilt chemicals. Plasmo may be proud of his factory, but even Mark’s CHARACTER getting up makes him nervous, he won’t allow it. But the more you play with Plasmo, eventually you reach a boss fight, where a particularly nasty batch of chemicals will break free and mix into a brand new monster, typically knocking Plasmo far out of the way, sometimes knocking him out temporarily. These bosses all have personalities of their own, but usually revolve around eating, breaking things, or making themselves look less like beasts and more like Unity Assets that could be used by other people, their ultimate dream. After a boss, Mark can walk around the plant for a little, solve puzzles to clear paths, and explore while Plasmo wakes up. Each boss also turns into a friendly playable card post defeat, that you can mix into your own deck! Repeats of the same boss will have the talking cards stubbornly refusing to accept they were like THAT when they were the boss.
But he better be sitting back down when Plasmo comes to, or he sweaRS TO GOD HE’LL SEND THAT DATA! After enough exploring, Mark can find the other Scrybes in massive tubes that Plasmo periodically fills with Chemicals to Goopify and De-Goopify the Scrybes, as a sort of payback for what they did to him. More puzzles and bosses later, Scrybes are free, and have Mark continue Plasmo’s game until they can find an opening to put him on ice, since his panic and separation anxiety is getting to dangerous levels, they fear he may do something drastic in his paranoia. 
After a monologue of Plasmo thanking Mark for being a true and dear friend, even when he literally threatened Mark’s life and several other misshapes, he even admits that MAAAAAYBE he’d been a little paranoid, before initiating a final boss fight with Mark, to try and bury the hatchet. Yet, even as the fight progresses, the fear and anxiety of being left feelingless and alone creeps back in, before he brings his plan full sweep again, deciding to not even let Mark sleep aymore. This is where the Scrybes finally come back, setting loose a torrent of chemicals to knock Plasmo away from his table, and therefore, where he stored his File Access and even his New Game function. With power back in their court, Plasmo is once again returned to the isolation he fought so hard to avoid. And the game returns to its normal cycle.
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determunition · 2 years
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inscryptober week 4: holiday!
happy halloween everybody!! i, picked something way too ambitious to draw for this final week lmao; but i wanted to go out with a bang!
my idea for this one was that the scrybes have each brought their preferred subordinates to this halloween party to bob for apples... except in this case the apples are the OLD_DATA lmao; definitely the kind of idea that was probably funnier in my head
i had fun figuring out costumes too!:
leshy’s is kind of a send-up of those creepy old costumes from the ‘30s that just consisted of a large garment and an animal head (in this case an elk), and the angler is a shark (akin to his signature card in act 1)
magnificus is specifically Sword in the Stone Merlin (featuring a fake beard over his real beard) and goobert is just dressed as magnificus lol; he aspires to be like the master!
grimora is your classic witch, and kaycee’s costume resembles absolutely no popular skeleton characters from any recent pop cultural phenomena
p03′s dressed as a cowboy, a c0w80y if you will, because i refuse to believe that the bounty hunters in act 3 don’t indicate some secret cowboy hyperfocus of his, and the dredger is popeye! actually popped out one of his eyes and everything, the absolute legend
this piece was a lot but i had a lot of fun with it! everyone else did such great work this week too, and all month for that matter! hope you guys all have a good halloween ^^
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