fiddles-ifs · 3 months
Bautista is a bit funny for me as an international fan of GW because I had a homeroom teacher with the same name, I wonder how they'd do in that position LOL. I do appreciate their character 'cause I don't often see my country in media, or really any of SEA that much, this is the first time I've seen it represented in IF specifically.
hehe thanks!!!
Bautista as a homeroom teacher would be the long-suffering type that tries to remain stoic even when their students catapult pencils into the ceiling. Their students swing wildly between thinking they're a hardass and (for the most part unintentionally) the funniest person alive. They try and impart important life lessons onto their students, but just end up exasperatedly explaining that no, carving your eraser into a throwing star shape is not technically a weapon, but that does not mean you can throw it at each other. Now read this passage from this book about World War II and shut up.
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fiddles-ifs · 6 months
I've seen that ask mention the Greenwarden update, but the site itself is showing no update? And I can't go any further on the bar route then I did last time?
The “update” is more of a general situation update, rather than a dedicated game update. You can read a little bit more about it here!
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fiddles-ifs · 1 year
Question: for Greenwarden, the default name proposed for my character was "Robin Goodfellow." That's the name I tend to use while online so I don't need to use my real one, so I was just wondering if that name is the example for all players at that point in the game and is a strange but fun coincidence! I am loving the game so far!
Just a fun coincidence!! Specifically it’s in reference to Puck the fairy from A Midsummer Night’s Dream (and wider English folklore) :]
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fiddles-ifs · 4 months
Could you tell us more about each of the ROs personalities? Maybe just even some silly little facts about them? 🖤
Bautista is a consummate stoic tech head; their time in the military rearranged some of their brain, so they jump to conclusions and bend to authority even when they really shouldn't, but they're your best friend. Marianna has more of a hair-trigger temper than Marc does, and generally speaking will be tougher on the player for their mistakes. They're allergic to cats but like them anyway, and they have two younger sisters. They can and will eat raw scorpion peppers and they don't get why no one likes their (spicy. so so so spicy. too spicy) firecracker sauce.
Nazeri grew up nouveau riche, which shows, but is otherwise a nice person with extraordinarily bad taste. Former CIA recruit, best driver in the cast, most fashionable in the cast, biggest ego of the cast. Asiyeh and Amir are both hijabi. Amir dresses like their name is Sock -- lots of bright colors, frogs, mushrooms, overalls, chunky shoes, etc. They wear glasses with fake lenses in them. Asiyeh and Asad are more into delicate, elegant muted pastels and minimalism. They have a thing for the tracker even before the game starts, which morphs into something of a friendly rivalry if they're not being romanced. Wakes up at 6 AM to jog and do yoga.
Devin is a total mystery to many, and operates as something of a community + spiritual leader + mayor + free therapist for the townspeople of Warden. They sure do enjoy their job! The last of Warden's long lineage of Graves, which has occupied the same role and home for two hundred years. They own and operate Marigold Cafe, which is one of the only places to go out and eat in town. They have a blue budgie named Marisol, who is deeply spoiled, and is the cafe's resident radio. Makes their own jewelry. Crochets. Bakes. They have a lot of time on their hands.
Trace is Warden's infamous nuisance animal. There are stories about them dating back to the early 1900s -- but where they came from, nobody knows. Fan of all music, hush puppies, and doggie chew toys. Best friends with Marisol the bird. Cannot read. The worst driver out of the entire cast, and in no circumstance should they be allowed behind the wheel. Technically they do not sleep.
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fiddles-ifs · 4 months
How do I decide between Bautista (big strong woman - hot) and Trace (eldritch monster who can kill me - hot)?
Multiple saves.
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fiddles-ifs · 4 months
ROs reaction to a happy MC? Like, one day the MC just comes in and has a soft smile on their face and are in just a peaceful mood
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fiddles-ifs · 4 months
Could you possibly give us a sneak peek or a little snippet of what dating each RO would look like for our MC?1
KIDDING, I just don't want to give too much away. I can give you a quick rundown though.
Bautista's romance is tangled up in a very dysfunctional, codependent friendship where you're basically already platonically married but also in the middle of a nasty divorce but also also you can't live without each other but also-
Nazeri has a little bit of enemies-to-lovers flavor that is compounded by Nazeri's poorly managed insecurities -- and their genuine suspicion that the Tracker isn't anything like they appear to be.
Devin is straight up enemies-to-lovers but is one of the sweeter romances, with a little bit of mentorship thrown in. Except you're both mentoring each other and are more alike than you care to comfortably admit.
Trace is insane and a little weird but also fun. They eat people. You're macking on somebody that's eaten people.
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fiddles-ifs · 7 months
my mc isnt trans and isnt cis but a secret third thing (deranged)
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fiddles-ifs · 4 months
First and foremost do we get a scene of the RO and MC snuggling or is that too domestic?
Secondly when spooning is the RO the big or the little spoon?
You might!
I know I've answered the spooning question before, but because Tumblr's search function is a nightmarish Miskatonic library, here's the updated answers:
Bautista: Big spoon (they run hot, so being the little spoon would make them Slick Mickey).
Nazeri: Spoon versatile. Can be big or little spoon.
Devin: Little spoon.
Trace: Spork (spoon that is pointy)
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fiddles-ifs · 4 months
Can you tell us what each ROs best and worst quality is?
Also, what would each RO say the best and worst quality of the MC is?
Bautista: Best quality is loyalty. Worst quality is obedience. They would say the MC's best quality is talent, and their worst quality is stubbornness.
Nazeri: Best quality is compassion. Worst quality is ego. They would also say the MC's best quality is talent, and their worst quality is attitude.
Devin: Best quality is also compassion. Worst quality is apathy. They would say the MC's best quality is fierceness, and their worst quality is nosiness.
Trace: Best quality is eagerness. Their worst quality is also eagerness. They don't have an opinion on the MC's best or worst qualities -- only that they're very, very interesting.
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fiddles-ifs · 4 months
How does each RO currently feel about the MC? I wanna assign songs to their current relationship
Heh. Well. 😏
Bautista: Oh my god. Oh my god?? Oh my god. You're going to get you both killed.
Nazeri: Literally don't know what's going on here but it pisses them off.
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Trace: Hahaha yaaaaaay!!! [chorus of snarling dog savaging a corpse ripping tearing Cronenberg gore noises]
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fiddles-ifs · 10 months
Bautista doesn't want tracker to take their name?
Foiled my plan to start introducing us as Bautista and Bautista. 😂
Not that they don’t want you to take their last name, they just have Issues.
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fiddles-ifs · 4 months
Without getting too into spoiler territory, I was just wondering if the MC and RO's can be happy one day? MC seems pretty... Messed up, for lack of a better word 👀
It'll take work, but yes! There is a happy ending for Greenwarden -- with the caveat that the MC's trauma is likely going to stay with them forever, and they won't be entirely "normal."
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fiddles-ifs · 6 months
I read the update and the dude Bautista and female mc fight is so jdjdhdksjsj like it reminds me of that audio. "Why you hitting a woman? Shut up and watch me hit this combo" 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Bautista’s hands are gender neutral (lovingly and violently)
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fiddles-ifs · 4 months
Hello! I'm quite new here and is there an intro post of sorts for the Ros (Greenwarden)? I can't seem to find it anywhere 🥹
Not yet, no! I forgot I didn't have an intro post for Greenwarden as in depth as TKP or Erinys. Here's some info! (Art and more coming soon in its own dedicated post)
BAUTISTA | (Gender selectable. She/her or he/him)
Age: Early 30s Ethnicity: Filipino-American Height: 6'4"/193.04
Your partner in the field, maybe your only friend, and the person holding your leash. Bautista has spent the majority of their life in the U.S. Marine Corps, but was discharged a few years ago for reasons they have so far declined to share with you. They've also been your most stable and longest serving partner to date. Navigating your weird, intimate-yet-distant relationship is awkward at best.
NAZERI | (Gender selectable. She/her, he/him, they/them)
Age: Mid 30s Ethnicity: Persian-American Height: 5'11"/180
Your organization's best and brightest Hunter -- humans mutated with a particular serum to better serve PIRA as solo commandos. Technically your superior officer while they join your team in Warden. This is less than ideal, because they're kind of douchey. Smells like gifted kid syndrome.
DEVIN GRAVES | (They/them)
Age: Late 20s Ethnicity: Afro-Cuban American Height: 5'4"/162
The last member of the mysterious Graves family, which has lived in and run Warden, West Virginia for centuries. They spend more time owning and operating the town's only local cafe/brunch spot rather than playing mayor -- but there's more to them than meets the eye...
TRACE | (Gender selectable. She/her, he/him)
Age: Unknown. Looks early-mid 30s Ethnicity: Anomaly. Can appear as anyone. Prefers to look like a scraggly White American Height: 5'8"/172.72
An Anomaly you meet while in Warden. Technically, your job is to kill them, but they eventually prove to be helpful. Eventually. It takes awhile -- and they have some unpleasant history with Warden and its residents.
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fiddles-ifs · 1 year
Arguably, Bautista is even more abnormal about Tracker than Nazeri is
Are you so entangled with another person that you're basically married even without (or maybe because of) the deranged romantic tension between the two of you? Have you ever been one half of a whole and if they rent the two of you apart you'd both wither on the vine? Is your best friend also the keeper to the keys of your cage, holding your leash, and other metaphors?
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