#baut has an interesting character arc as sb whose family is filipino-american
fiddles-ifs · 3 months
Bautista is a bit funny for me as an international fan of GW because I had a homeroom teacher with the same name, I wonder how they'd do in that position LOL. I do appreciate their character 'cause I don't often see my country in media, or really any of SEA that much, this is the first time I've seen it represented in IF specifically.
hehe thanks!!!
Bautista as a homeroom teacher would be the long-suffering type that tries to remain stoic even when their students catapult pencils into the ceiling. Their students swing wildly between thinking they're a hardass and (for the most part unintentionally) the funniest person alive. They try and impart important life lessons onto their students, but just end up exasperatedly explaining that no, carving your eraser into a throwing star shape is not technically a weapon, but that does not mean you can throw it at each other. Now read this passage from this book about World War II and shut up.
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