#greatruneof: radagon of the golden order
runeofgold · 1 year
Bottom Radagon Open starter 😏
Welcome to the open Bottom! Radagon starter! Only one may claim this starter! For my sake :,)
So, anyone is welcome to dom Radagon! He's very willing to take anything given to him.. He'll guide your character, whoever it may be, through the process if they are shy ;)
You can be a canon character, or your own! No incest, please. Radagon will remain submissive throughout the whole roleplay. So he won't switch, im sorry to disappoint. But for the more dominant crowd, do as you will with him! Make him a mess, treat him soft an gentle.. Anything 😏
You can either send me a DM to claim, or reblog and claim! First come first serve, ya dig? And don't worry! I may open another slot so someone else can get the chance to fuck Radagon's brains out! But for now, we will start with one person.
Enjoy! And remember.. Have fun with him~
What Elden Lord Radagon does in private, is unknown. He keeps to himself, he doesn't share secrets. Especially his own.. Like Marika, their time alone completely is sacred.
Radagon prefers being away from his other half, in his own privacy. He felt he could be free to do as he pleased, for just a little while. So what does he do?
Well, he opens up a special locked drawer of his dresser, regal as all of Leyndell was, and pulls out a special gift to him, from a time long passed now.
He bites his lower lip as he handles it.. It's cold, and decently sized. What is it, you may ask! Well, to put it crudely, it's a dildo. Carved from a beautiful stone which glimmered in the light, and reflected beautiful colors at the right angle.. But he didn't pull it out to look at it.
"Old friend... I request thy service once again..."
He says, to the inanimate object. Radagon excitedly prepared for his evening plan, supposed to be unbothered by any. So, his door is left unlocked. The second Elden Lord happily discards all his royal and regal clothes, becoming nude completely.
He slips on his sleep robe, decorated with golden runes, stars, and constellations a plenty. It's soft, and sleek. From behind, the robe certainly gives away the Lord's nudity. He gazes at the mirror a moment, to sneak a peek at himself.
Radagon smiles, and pretends to be bashful, hiding his form behind the excess of fabric his open robe has. He chuckles to himself, before he goes into his chest of personal belongings.
A glass bottle filled with his own personal concoction.. Filled with a giddy excitement, Radagon hurried around the room to blow out what candles helped light the room greatly. He only needs to see so much for what he's about to do.
So soon after the room has vastly dimmed, he gets onto the bed, and begins his little ritual for such an event. On his knees, the so soft fabric blesses his knees with it's gentle, cool touch. Radagon excitedly traces the false cock in his hands. So solid.. So heavy.
He sets it aside, to unscrew the metal cap on the glass bottle. Oh, he's certainly going to make a mess.. But who says things cannot be washed?
Radagon's breathing gets faster, harder as he gets ever closer to his want. He swallows in excitement, as he pours the liquid onto his fingers. It's a clear liquid, but it's far from watery. It's thick, and looks a tad like some sort of monster slime. But it's an organic lubricant.
Radagon's golden eyes watch as the liquid coats his skin. Pupils dilated as he then sits back, in the middle of the bed, and spreads his legs.
He's too eager to begin so soon, and he knows this. Have patience... The red haired Radagon sneaks his lubricated hand between his legs, past his flaccid cock, to his ring. And no.. There are no rings on his fingers.
Radagon gnaws his lower lip, as he begins to tease himself. Pressing against himself, tracing what lies hidden beyond the red forest.. His breath hitches, as his lubricated fingers slowly enter, working himself open as paitent as he can be.
A sweet, delicate moan leaves him as a finger slips into himself. He can feel his insides, warm, and inviting.. Too bad there won't be another body to warm the bed with him.. But he can work with thism
Or.. Will there be another?
Just as Radagon starts to move his finger within himself, his door opens. His eyes shoot wide and he gasps, he cannot cover himself in time for his.. Very unexpected guest.
The moment of panic had Radagon red faced, and ashamed.. But then he seen who it was.
A bashful smile makes its way unto Radagon's lips, and he looks to his guest.
"Oh... It's thou.."
His smile widens, and his eyes lid halfway.
"How about one such as thineself lend's me a hand.. Hm? Pretty please.. With a cherry on top?.. I can only beg thee so much.."
And with that statement, Radagon eases himself.
Do you like what you see? Your free to use him how you will, as you wish.. He's at your mercy.
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runeofgold · 1 year
"You Know I Can't."
It's what he said then, it's what he's saying now. It's.. What he'll keep saying.
Radagon's expression is sad, and pained as he tells his beloved daughter Ranni, the same thing he told her mother years ago. Taking her heart with him upon his departure.
Ranni's eyes, that deep and beautiful blue of her mother's, gloss over as she tries to blink the tears away.
Her bottom lip barely trembled, but still yet did it tremble. She'd always cry like this..
Oh how he yearned to embrace her, but he doesn't. Not because he's cold and hates her, his sweet little Ranni.. But. He can't.
There's this hollow feeling, opening in his chest, blooming outward like a flower of nothingness.
"But-... But why can't-.. Why can't thee just.. Leave this all behind?"
Ohh.. Ranni's voice is that painful little quiver, a heartbreaking tone upon Radagon's ears. He shakes his head, shoulders falling limp in some unspoken defeat. What is he not telling her? Why is he not telling her?!
"Ranni-... Thou should just hate me. It's.. Better off that way. What I did was unforgivable- horrid, truly. Thou knows I can't."
Radagon's voice is low, almost a mutter. He has no need to yell, not at Ranni. Never.. At Ranni. Or any children. He's so ashamed of himself, he only glances at Ranni for a moment, before the golden hue falls back to the ground.
"Why-?.. Father.. There's got to be more to this than just picking up and leaving us!.. Please.. I beg of thee.."
She can beg all she want. But Greater Will alone, she must not know.
"I.. Am terribly sorry, Ranni.. But this is fate. Destiny.. No matter how much I regret it anymore."
Ranni knew her father. Radagon was loving, and amazing father. There wasn't a day he didn't love his family. Not a single damn day. Why would he abandon his family? One he loved beyond his being..
There was something else at play. It made Ranni feel ignorant.. Because she cannot understand a single thing. A single tear slides down her cheek.
Radagon can't take it anymore, and quickly embraces Ranni. Pulling her in close, he's strong as he always has felt, but.. There was a certain coldness upon his skin.
Ranni remembered him being much warmer than this. When she was small.. Whenever he hugged her, she was encompassed with his ever loving warmth.
But she wraps her arms around him in return, holding him back. Her head rested against his chest, and he held Ranni so close. One hand rubbing her back, the other holding her head.
"I love thee-.. So much. Dearest daughter Ranni.. Thou will always have place in mine heart.. Never forget what I've done.. I can't."
Ranni quietly sobs into him. Knowing this.. Is the last time she can ever do this. Radagon holds her, all this while. He kisses the top of her head, as he always did.
Ranni was horribly saddened by this, because it's the last she'll ever get. Their life was wonderful,  before Radagon left them behind. She will never know the truth.. Will anyone but Radagon know?
They stay like that, a little while longer, until Radagon begins to slip away from Ranni.
"Love endlessly.. My precious child of the Moon. For there is nothing more sacred and precious.. Let thy love be thine succession, above all else."
Before he leaves, he pulls out a small pouch from his belt, before taking her hand, placing it into her palm. His hands clasped around hers, and he held her small and delicate hand between both of his.
Ranni didn't want him to let go. But he had to.
With a solemn expression Radagon turns to leave.
"This is goodbye.. For now, Ranni.."
She clutches the small pouch against her chest, above her beating heart, resisting the urge to cry more, and failing.
"Goodbye.. Father.."
She mutters, holding his gift in her hands, near and dear to her heart. Radagon stops, just before the other hall began, as if he had something to say. But alas.. Any words he had died right then and there, in his throat before they can even reach his mouth.
And so, the red haired Radagon leaves his daughter with similar hair alone, in the deafening silence of Leyndell's great castle hall.
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runeofgold · 1 year
Starter for: @swcrdstellaris
The Elden Lord Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order, and second husband to Marika the Eternal. Night fell unto Leyndell as autumn consumed summer. The black of night and twinkling stars overtook the blue sky and clouds.
He was alone, currently. Wandering the halls of Leyndell's marvelous castle was a blessing, in of itself. But.. Nothing can fill the hole in his heart. This hollow, yearning sadness which holds him at all hours of the day.
Divorced from his first wife Rennala, and seperated from their three beautiful children. Radahn, Rykard, and Ranni. He misses them all. They all were symbols of his pride and joy. All things he loved.. All the things he lost, along the way.
What of them now? He wonders, silently. There's not been a smile on his face for some time, and yet, Marika still plans on creating a child with him. It disgusts him.. That she had no consideration for him. But.. The call of the Greater Will heeds him, which beckoned him back here. How he wishes.. The times were simpler again.
The red haired Radagon sighs, arms behind his back, head lowered as he merely wanders. Only thoughts of his family haunt his mind, but his heart remain empty, and hollow.
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runeofgold · 1 year
what do the muses like to do in their spare time?
Good question! Lets see! :D
Marika: In her spare time, Marika likes to overlook Leyndell with a strong drink in hand, taking in all her gains, but as well.. Her losses. This life isn't all it was supposed to be to her. Being Queen, and messanger of the Greater Will gave her many grievances. So she sits in silence, pondering was this all truly worth it in the end. She prefers being alone, to gauge her thoughts.
Radagon: Takes a nice, hot, and steamy bath. Eases the muscles while washing away the dirt and grim of the day. He never stops moving, he's always doing something. When Radagon finally gets himself a moment, a bath is the go to! What next? A nice lovely nap.. If he's with Rennala, he'll go to her and she'll braid his hair.
Maliketh: Him? Spare time? Greater Will and Erdtree be damned, he's never had this 'spare time'. Guarding Destined Death requires his full attention.. He can never fully rest, when there are those plotting to steal it away, for their own use. But.. If he ever was releaved of his duty, he would make himself a nice hot meal, and after eating it, take a lovely nap under a willow tree on a sunny summer day in Leyndell.
Rennala: Oh she's got many things she loves to do in her spare time! She's a busy woman, but! She loves to knit, sit and admire Liurnia on her balcony (with or without Radagon), or just spends time with her loved one's! Despite being the Carian Queen, she's a lover of the simple things.
If you want angsty or steamy personal time of the muses feel free to ask! NSFW is totally allowed and encouraged!
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runeofgold · 1 year
Happy (Singles) Valentine's day! Let's have some headcanon's!
Marika: She's not exactly one for such silly holidays.. Not going to participate willingly. If she really hates it so bad, she'd go and lock herself in her room.. But she likes the attention. All the flowers, and stupid gifts, and chocolate too. Of course she says thank you, even if said gift is strange. Won't give back in return, however. Everything with her is one sided, she is a god. God's don't need to celebrate odd-ball love holidays. Will, in the end, rip up all the cards she got and uses them as kindling for her fireplace.. She read them all more than 20 times before doing so. But she's happy with the chocolate, at least.
Radagon: He LOVES Valentines day. He's an absolute menace to Marika, but Rennala? The one she's really looking forward to seeing! Radagon has gifts for everyone he can think of! Little white stuffed bears with hearts hand sewn by him, small chocolate boxes, and a lovely little card he wrote himself- to tell you how loved you are, regardless what day it is. For Rennala, though, my God's he's got the biggest teddy bear anyone will ever see for her! More than a mountain full of love for her, no amount of chocolate and sappy words can tell her how much she has, and will always mean to him. (He makes Marika sick.. Bleh.) He also had braided flowers into his hair. Unknowingly, Rennala planted one right where his braid begins. Dethorned, so he wouldn't get poked. He does not notice it.
Maliketh: Ooh no... No no no. You won't be catching him out and about, he's a beast, beasts don't need love.. Do they? He's surprised, the plethora of gifts and sweet words he's gotten today, no chocolate for rather obvious reasons. He's never tried it, in fear of hurting his stomach. He's got a specific diet and he's sticking to it- but roses are a very lovely gesture to him. Loves to sniff them gently, to avoid sucking one up his nose. He already had to hack up a petal or two because they got sucked into his nose.. But, in the end, he feels very loved and for once, seen for who he was, not what.
Rennala: Also loves Valentine's day! She has written her own cards, like Radagon. Candies and personalised gifts for those who she holds dear in her heart. ESPECIALLY her children, and Radagon. She knows Marika isn't very fond of the holiday, so she writes a little card with a few nice words, and a little candy for her. Everyone deserves a little love today, to remind them this world is not all black and white.. And love remains no matter the burdens of these Land's. She gifts her beloved children with bouquets of flowers, fruit, and chocolate. The candy comes seperate.. Radagon is the one she's really targeting today though. But what gift better than herself? She knows him well, and her presence is more than what money could buy. Radagon already ran around like a wild man, giving out cards and gifts.. With just the two of them, they couldn't ask for more than a quiet evening in each others arms, or holding hands, walking barefoot by the shoreline. Exchanging loving, soft words. But each other's presence means more to the other than any words can ever summarize.
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runeofgold · 1 year
Who topped Godfrey?
Marika smiles at the question, a regal hand raising to find place under her chin. A mischievous glint in her eyes before she speaks.
"Hmhm.. What a peculiar question, but I shall answer thee nontheless.. Twas I, of course. Who else might do so?"
Radagon raises a finger and opens his mouth, before Marika slaps a hand over his mouth.
"Silence, Thou has no say in the matter."
Radagon glares at her and grabs her wrist, taking her hand off his mouth.
"Tch- I shan't be silenced-.."
Radagon hisses, golden eyes narrowed at Marika, who's eyes are narrowed back. She snatches her wrist back from him.
"Twas thy own idea to end up under him, a number more than I have fingers on mine hand.."
Radagon says, Marika scoffs in offense and crosses her arms.
"How dare thee! Tis not the question!"
"I can respect a strong man.. I see why thou was always gazing at him.. His strong arms, his hard pecs-"
Marika then slaps a hand over his mouth, cheeks a frustrated red.
"Silence fool! Pay him no mind. He speaks nonsense.."
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runeofgold · 1 year
For the V-Day Event:
Kalila approached Radagon as he was prepared to leave her camp.
"I hear there is a rather...strange holiday this season, one that involves expression of feelings and alike..."
She fumbled with her satchel, pulling two objects from within.
"In honor of our friendship and of our respective journey, I wish you to have these..."
She placed a small golden compass in his hand and stung a wine skin around his neck. The objects looked so much smaller on his large form.
"The compass...to guide you home..where ever that may be...and the wine...well, to lift your spirits in dark times."
Kalila smiled. She didn't have much, but friendships were hard fought and seldom found in the Lands Between, and judging by the God-Lord's words, he was in need of a friend.
(AWW my heart 😭💙)
Radagon graciously smiles at Kalila, as she gifts him things of importance. A golden compass, to find his way, and a skin full of wine. What better gifts to leave with?
He grins, and can't help but pick up his good friend and give her a warm hug. His strong arms wrap around her, and hold her close. His eyes closed as he embraced her, a big smile on his face.
"Thank thee.. Kali. I've appriciated all thou has't given me, in company and gifts. There's nothing more amazing than the time we've spent, drunk or no by the fire.. I will cherish these gifts, for as long as I shall exist."
He says warmly, releasing her of his embrace, golden eyes gleaming with joy. He pecks her forehead with a small kiss, showing how greatful he is, and how much she is appreciated.
"Ah, before I leave.. Take this. Thou earned it, as thou had earned my companionship. Use it, sell it, do as thee wants with it.. It's thine to call whatever thee wish."
Radagon shifts his stance, to pull from behind him, a sword. It's been strapped to him the whole time he was here. He undoes the strap from around himself, and offers it to her with both hands.
"This Golden Sword is my gift, to thee. Our journey has been incredible and fun, and I can't wait to see whatelse we may bump into. Holiday or no, this, is thine.. From me, to thee. Shall thee ever run into trouble, it will protect one well."
He says, giving her the sword, and patting her on the shoulder with a warm smile, and gleam of cheer in his eyes.
"Until we meet again, Kali. May the Golden Sun shine upon thee, and thy travels be fruitful."
And with that, he leaves the camp.. Off on his next venture.
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runeofgold · 1 year
Im still sick- so I'm gonna give my headcanons on how the Big Four are when they have a cold!
Marika: She is not getting up. She's sneezing, and snuffly. Looks like hell, feels like it too. Pounding headache, and just.. Sounds terrible. Rarely gets sick, so sometimes she's hit really hard by the sudden cold. Will not tolerate being babied or nursed back to health, no one will see her until SHE is good and done with the cold. And no, there is no other way.
Radagon: Drama queen.. Acts like he's dying to Rennala/Marika, dramatic agony, back of his hand on his forehead as he moans and weeps about he's oh so terrible feeling.. How dreadful. To the normal person, though, he's completely fine. A sneeze and a sniffle here, a little clumsy because he can't think right/see perfectly like he usually can. Ungodly, hacks and sniffles CONSTANTLY.
Maliketh: Duty knows no rest. Regardless of how bad his runny nose is, how many times he has to blow his nose. He sneezes hard enough to blow someone away.. He doesn't care for himself, like he would Marika, or his neices/nephews. Maliketh just.. Leaves things how they are. He doesn't need to do anything.. Just let nature take its course and he'll be fine again in no time. Very sleepi...
Rennala: The only one who's normal in a sense of the word. She treats herself to some nice hot tea to help with her throat, and doses herself some medicine. The Queen has much to do! She can't sit on her royal dainty bum all day like Marika! She's always got tissues nearby, and tries to keep her sickness to herself, she doesn't want it to spread. Very polite about sneezing and coughing.
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runeofgold · 1 year
CW: angst, cursing
Ever since their entrapment in the Erdtree, Radagon has never been so disgusted, and betrayed by Marika. He holds himself, soft sobs which are strained and tired, he's been trying everything.. And nothing works. Nothing has worked..
So he sits as far as he can from Marika, who stands looking into the fog below their platform, now home. She's frowning.
"Silence thy sobs.. It's pathetic."
She says coldly, not even looking at him. Radagon sneers at her through his tears.
"I wouldn't be sobbing hadn't thee gone and ruin not only thine own life.. But mine, and every other living soul in these Land's.. Why couldn't thou be happy with what thee had?!"
Radagon says angrily, beginning to stand, ready to sock Marika one. She chuffs at him.
"I was bored of it all."
She says dully, not even looking at Radagon. Who scoffs back at her.
"Bored? BORED? Thou.. Bored? Thou fucking destroyed everything-.. Condemned innocent lives for thy own selfish wants! Thou art no ruler.. Thou is a selfish, conniving rat. I wish i was never part of thee.. Im so sick of thee walking all over me!"
Marika says nothing, as she silently looks off into nothingness.
"Thou was upset that everyone else had what thee didn't.. Love. A soul with value and consideration for anyone else but thineself.. Thou art lowest of the low, and I wish i could just have ignored thy call..."
Radagon doesn't make it to Marika, as he begins to crack in the face and body, crumbling to the floor with soft sobbings.
"Oh Rennala.. Rennala..."
Marika looks to her pitiful other half, and rolls her eyes.
"Won't thee quit thy incessant whining?.. Heavens above its terribly annoying. Thy words are meaningless, and thee speak to me as if I am nothing more-"
"Thou art NOTHING! Silence thyself! For only a damned fool dies on a hill of rot and bones!"
Radagon angrily barks. Marika stands to stay.. Quiet.
"Thou has't took everything- EVERYTHING from me.. I can have my damned emotions if thou can ruin the fucking world we once stood in..."
Radagon snarls lowly at her.
"I can't stand thy words anymore.. Thou art a fool thineself, believing thine silly words even mean something to me anymore."
Marika says flatly, not even phased by his insults, by his hatred of her.
"Tried and true, I hate thee with every ounce of mine being... And so I hate mine own existance.. For I never seek to please thee ever again."
In his distaste for her, Radagon kicks a loose rock at her, before getting up, and fading out of existence.. For he no longer needs to exist outside of Marika. Leaving her alone..
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runeofgold · 1 year
As Marika enters the room to ask him a question, she is met with a silencing finger from Radagon, who had his face in a hot, caffinated drink.
Marika scoffs and crosses her arms in offense.
'Thou must wait till i finish mine drink..'
Radagon says in Marika's head. She rolls her eyes, and waits. Impatiently tapping her foot all the while.
Radagon sipped away at his drink, seemingly as if he was holding it there to aggravate Marika.
After a minute of him drinking, Marika angryily uncrosses her arms and puts her hands on her hips.
She asks with a annoyed scowl. Radagon answers in her head again.
'Not yet...'
Another sigh and Marika waits.. Radagon sets his cup down. Marika opens her mouth to speak, but Radagon interrupts her.
He swallows.
"Now thee may speak."
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