hkati · 7 years
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Notes this afternoon while the sun shown brightly through the red window filters on the black room. Considering fundamental relationships between concepts and their opposite faces. Illusion & Reality, Imagination & Perception, Light & Darkness with the potentials of space and movement in between.  I see color as the axis between light and darkness. Movement in the space between duality is the active, colorful, creation of one's life. Meaning is in this middle; significance is derived in the space between extremes. “The unbearable white radiance of primordial light is broken up by the prism of consciousness into a multi-colored rainbow of images and symbols.” — Erich Neumann. The Origins and History of Consciousness: The Psychological Stages in the Development of the Personality. Vol. 2. I interpret the above statement as the consciousness’ ability to create meaning from life as the method to create the soul. The rainbow of images and symbols is the meaning, the soul, that exists between one’s light of life and the darkness of oblivion. The prism is an unnatural space-time and mechanism of consciousness. We shine our light of life through the prism to create the colors, meaning, that is our soul shining out into the darkness. In the tangible world, we build our aesthetics to reflect this meaning, reciprocating back the soul we are creating within and beyond. When we create beauty, feeling, and meaning, we create Soul.
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