#granted. i only read up to like. 3.12
lunataurora · 2 months
ok to completely retread already well-walked paths but he/artstop/per was so boring to me i started hearing brutus
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andavs · 1 year
Genuine Beer in 9-1-1
There’s been a lot of talk about the Genuine beer that Buck and Eddie keep drinking, so I thought I’d make a post about it! But if we're talking about Genuine beer, I think it's only fair that we look at all of the other beer they use in the show too.
Just a quick note before we start: I don't think their prop department makes any of these. There are vendors that specialize in making props like this, and at least five of these come from the same company.
9-1-1 has a lot of commonly recurring brands of prop beer. They tend to use multiple brands at a time for variety, peaking at six used throughout 3b. There's also a bunch of one-offs they've only used once or twice that I didn't bother including here, and there's some that they've only used in the backgrounds, but I couldn't really read the labels.
They didn't really use prop beer bottles until Hen Begins (2.09), halfway through season 2. Most of the characters are shown drinking wine until Buck, Actually (2.08), and aside from one scene at the end of 1.10, those who do drink beer use a glass.
So without further ado: the beers of 9-1-1.
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Blind Fox Ale is used mostly in seasons 2 and 3. As of 6.15, it's tied with Genuine for most uses, with main characters drinking it nine times. It's shown on screen even more in the background, and pops up in 5a when Michael's drinking one.
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Alexander’s Famous Ale was used in a two episodes during season 2: Chim drinks it twice in Chimney Begins (2.12) and Athena and Hen drink it in Ocean's 9-1-1 (2.15). Red was drinking it at the bar in The One that Got Away (3.16). It's frequently used in the background by extras.
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Grand Ale first popped up in Kids Today (3.01) and stayed through season 3. Chim drank it twice, Michael had it at a Grant-Nash family dinner, and Buck also drank it in Fools (3.12).
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Cerveza Extra was used mostly in season three. Chimney was drinking one at the party for Buck in Kids Today (3.01), Buck had one sitting in front of him at the end of The Searchers (3.03), Chimney was making his way through several in Seize the Day (3.11) and Buck has one in front of him during the party at Eddie's later that episode. Buck also served it to Connor in Peru in Buck Begins (4.05).
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Mendoza Lager was added in season 5 and these are the three times we've seen it: Buck drinks it in Outside Looking In (5.11) while the team is at the bar, he drinks it again on the balcony with Maddie in Starting Over (5.18), and in Tomorrow (6.06), Hen was drinking it when she first met Karen.
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Rio Negro has been used a few times, and so far, Eddie’s the only main character who drinks it. Lena had one with him at the junkyard fight in Rage (3.05), he had one or two at the bar in Seize the Day (3.11) (and extras were also holding it during the party at his house later that episode), and he also drank it in Texas with his family in Hero Complex (5.17). As far as I can tell, this is the only beer that's this character-specific.
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Tux’s Red Ribbon was used once in season 1 at the very end of A Whole New You (1.10), when Chim was hosting a party. I didn't notice it again until In Another Life (6.11), where it was the only brand of beer anyone drank in Buck's coma dream. I'm wondering if they used it in the coma dream because they don't normally use it, to subtly emphasize that things are wrong, or if we're going to see it again sometime soon.
Which brings me to Genuine.
The first time I found Genuine being used is back in Hen Begins (2.09). It’s in the scene where she goes out with Athena, Bethanne (the female cop), and Casey (the gay firefighter). She’s the only one at their table drinking Genuine, though Casey also has a beer in a pint glass. That extra behind her looks like they might have it too.
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Note: this isn't the only brand to be used once earlier and then resurrected later; Tux's was used once in season one, and then again in season 6.
After that the show used other brands and I didn’t see it again until Fear-a-Phobia (5.13) when Chim and Hen drink it during their reunion.
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Buck and Eddie drink it in Let the Games Begin (6.01).
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The guy who blew up his cheating neighbor in Crash & Learn (6.02) was drinking Genuine.
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Buck gave one to Connor in Recovery (6.12). It wasn’t in his fridge a few scenes before when Maddie was stocking it for him (meaningful or continuity error?).
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Eddie had it in his fridge later in Recovery and grabbed two for him and Buck, but drank both himself when Buck fell asleep.
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Buck and Eddie were both drinking one while helping Chris with homework in Mixed Feelings (6.13).
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And Eddie had it again at the poker game. (Many of the extras around them were also drinking Genuine.)
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Eddie also had it in his fridge while on the phone with his mom in 6.15, and it's still there when he calls her again at the end.
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It's shown in Maddie and Chimney's fridge at the end of 6.16.
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All that kind of makes it seem like we're seeing it a lot more often lately, like maybe it's a sign of something building. Of the three beer brands we've seen the main characters drink in season 6, Genuine shows up the most by a wide margin. Mendoza Lager has only been in one scene, and Tux's in two (both in the coma dream).
So is it a sign of something being genuine? Uncovering something genuine? Their prop beer budget got cut and they can only afford one brand? Just the latest favorite in their rotation of prop beers and it doesn't mean anything at all? You be the judge!
(It seems like they try to cycle through brands for the core seven characters to drink every season or two. The ones that were most prevalent in seasons 2 and 3 still occasionally pop up in the background in later seasons, especially in bar scenes, or for characters like Michael and Red. And once you notice them, then you too might find yourself pointing excitedly when you spot a rogue Alexander's Famous Ale on a passing server's tray for the first time in two seasons.)
Bonus unrelated discovery from my search: Back in Hen Begins, Hen had the frog sponge holder first.
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elektranatchios · 7 years
do you prefer dceu flash? I don't want to make assumptions but if your twitter is anything to go by, it seems like you prefer ezra miller's version. I wanted to ask if you'd explain why because I think grant gustin makes a great barry allen on the tv show and dceu barry just looks like he's going to be a copycat of wally.
um. i don’t like part of the phrasing of your question because this really isn’t about ezra or grant (for me anyway), but about barry and his narrative. and i feel like i should state (even though i don’t owe it to anyone lmao) that i do love tv barry, i love him just the same because well, it’s barry.
which makes it infinitely worse for me to have to watch the way the show and the writing treats him? he doesn’t get to be smart OR fast very often (when he does it’s amazing - see barry coming up with the idea to phase an entire train of people on his own and doing it in 3.12, or stopping abracadabra from escaping into the wormhole this week - but that shit is so rare, so much so that people are SHOCKED when barry actually comes up with the solution himself for once). and jeez they dumb him down so much, solely to justify the existence of star labs - you can’t tell me you like seeing barry never knowing what to do or figuring it out on his own without asking those people for instructions? they made even fucking music meister faster than him. it’s now a running joke among viewers that barry allen actually isn’t the fastest man alive. lol do you think i like reading shit about tv!barry (or any version of barry for that matter)? but how can i or anyone else possibly disagree with those statements when you can see every episode that they won’t let that boy use his fucking brain and be the hero that he is. we are in year three and the boy still doesn’t have his flash ring!!!! i can’t believe this shit lmao. how is he ever gonna become the barry who creates gideon? i can’t lie this stuff really pisses me off.
and this dumbass notion that movie barry needs to be crucified because he is more like wally… the show had barry date linda (wally west’s soulmate), the big bad of the flash season 2 was zoom (wally’s biggest villain), they gave him the line “my name is barry allen and i am the fastest man alive” (which was only started in the comics after wally became the flash “my name is wally west and i am the fastest man alive”), and now the storyline with barry/savitar/iris is eerily reminiscent of wally and linda’s terminal velocity arc. wally west doesn’t get to keep a single thing that’s his on cw’s the flash but people wanna claim dceu barry is gonna be like wally based on what? two seconds of footage? take a seat, my guy. also. i love yj wally as much as the next person but that version of wally is not the be all end all of wally west pls stop. movie barry saying he needs friends is not the automatic equivalent of wallace rudolph west. and comparing the barry/henry scene in the jl trailer to the one in the flash pilot….it’s literally lifted from a n52 comic (source material says hello!)
so, in conclusion, i am psyched for dceu barry because i know they won’t hold back with his powers. he made his suit himself! (like comic barry! unlike show barry who needs cisco to make his suit……anyway). this however also doesn’t mean i hate tv barry lmao i’m just bitter the show is ugly and won’t let him shine. i /want/ for him to have all the things movie barry’s gonna have but can’t do much if the showrunners wanna keep being nasty
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