#gotta draw more val fanart
lepusrufus · 2 years
Being the kind of creative person that gets lots of cool ideas for projects at the drop of a hat is fun and games until my brain feels more like a room full of gremlins screeching about their ideas while I'm the wet rag looking artist that got banished in the corner by all the noise and decided to just read a book while crying and sipping on the paint water
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dapper-lil-arts · 23 days
I went on a giant Val and Issac binge and saw that you had drawn space dread like four years ago so I gotta ask.
Is she still your favorite? And do you plan to draw her again if she is since your art probably improved a ton since then?
I will say that four years is a pretty good indicator of if I'll draw em again or not lmao. Its a fun comic but i certainly don't imagine myself drawing more fanart just because! And yeah dread is fun! but i don't think i have a favorite rly, but if someone commissioned me I certainly would
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fanciestghost · 1 year
I go by basically any name irl/aside from "Ghost" since I don't feel connected to names and such. But my friends and I all dub me as "Ghost"
pronouns: they/them and he/him (either one pair used always, interchangeably, etc. idc) (demiboy + gender is complicated)
I'm 17
I tend to be pretty awkward sorray...
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☆Some of my interests/likes☆
Donnie Darko
The Great Gatsby
Certain animes/ones from middle school days
The Mandela Catalogue (Not super into the fandom, but I enjoy the fanart and the people here on tumblr)
I draw and stuff! Not much recently though, but I try!
I have ocs, but I recently I've just been using old ocs sometimes remaking them and just making self-inserts
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More info in my Carrd (in bio)
#ouija board ghost - me talking
#fwends - my friends
#vebjrpgrg - specifically val and jae
(p.s. I'm always changing things sometimes, so I'll probably add more banners + blinkies to this)
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VALLEY VAL (@vincells aka val) (in a qpr with 3/3)
JENIS S KENNEDY (@incoherentpng aka jae) (in a qpr with 3/3)
RIPPLE NIPPLE (@divingleadboy aka ripley)
WISTERIA (@diivalin aka ria)
ATLAS MY POOKIE (he doesn't have tumblr but I've gotta add them)
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(If any of the makers of the blinkies, etc. want credit someone message me with their tag and ill add it. @/sweetpeauserboxes (?) for the adam murray one :3)
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ravenwolfie97 · 2 years
2021 Art Summary
The time old tradition continues. I’ll be honest; this year was rough. Like, I scraped the bottom of the barrel for most of these months. Very little art was accomplished (or, at least, completed), and I had felt pretty bad about that the last couple months. But, as it turns out, I wasn’t alone in that. Every other artist I’ve seen has said they’ve been in the exact same boat. So I’m glad now that I could do what I could this year. And now, as always, I’ll share my journey through this year with you!
normally i don’t hide these under a readmore but this one kinda got away from me and i wanted to spare your and my dashboards this time
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HEY SO remember when i said i would work on my TOME Fan Animations every day all year? hahaha Yeah That Didn’t Happen I spent like ten days out of the month tops, and in that time I really only worked a little bit on storyboards and got almost all of my character’s talksprites redone. And I do like them! But yeah. I honestly don’t even know what will become of that project, if anything, at this point.
In addition to that, I participated yet again in Gotta Draw ‘Em All on deviantArt with Grookey as my muse. What a lil cutie. Sadly, this was the final event for that group, but I’m glad I was there to contribute to it.
I also continued my TOME server’s art challenge tradition of making a TOMERPG character from scratch, and Zeitgeist was born. I just think it’s got a cool design :>
Also! New thing I’m doing for this summary: some WIPs! because I did a lot of them and I’m upset that I didn’t ever get to finish them! So to kick it off here’s one that began in January and was last updated in June: a “six fanarts” part three exclusively for cute girls
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okay let’s continue
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i’ll tell you right now that this year is comprised of a lot of sketches because digital art was too hard or too time- or energy-consuming, so i tried to make them look really nice this time
This was the height of my Genshin fever, and the only prescription was playing it more and finally attempting to draw and write some stuff with it. Razor was the first actual character I drew, mainly cuz I love him lots, but also cuz I thought his design would lend well to my style. I also made myself a Genshin sona, as well as ones for Michael and Val (not shown cuz i couldn’t get a design figured out for Val at all): Raven (me) is a Hydro sword user, Michael is an Anemo bow user, and Val is a Pyro claymore user. Wanted to try my hand at making my own Genshin-esque designs after having lots of opinions on the actual characters and doing a bunch of edits on some of them.
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My Pokemon 25th anniversary pic was late, so it goes in here. I had such a fun time emulating Sugimori’s modern art style... even if it took forever to do.
Also Astra (my nb genshin traveler) got a redesign and I still haven’t made a proper ref for it. But they do look a lot cooler. I drew them at work :>
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I wanted to draw more genshin, so I asked for genshin to draw, and I attempted only one. but Venti was a good one. Got into Montero (Call Me By Your Name) too much and got Val vibes, and also watched Queer ✨ too much and loved the bisexual lighting in the third act too much, so. yeah. mix em together and that’s what i got And in a twist of fate, Tales of Lostclan re-entered my brain space because The Creator Found My Post and contacted me about it and we started chatting and it was great so I drew a Pepperpaw gijinka and named him Aiden.
Another WIP I wanted to share was my sketch for another TOME server art challenge, with Zetto in the Zero Escape universe. I really liked the prompt but again, digitization was my enemy this year.
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moving on!
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These are literally the only two things that happened this month. And they were both pretty late in. Drawing Diluc is easy to explain; I love him and wanted to try and draw him. The other one is much more interesting.
My friend @mew-cake​ started reading To Your Eternity (which later on in the year became an anime), and I enjoyed the bits and pieces she liveblogged. She posted something along the lines of “i wish i could write a story like this” and i was like Hell Yes let’s do it together. So we got to work, making a story I tentatively call Spirit of the Earth about an angel wanting to learn what life on Earth is like so it lives first as a tree, then a bird, then a cat, and then a variety of different humans. My recent fascination with philosophy and the themes Cake found within To Your Eternity inspired us to think on lots of aspects of life and love and hurt, and it was kinda beautiful. We should revisit it sometime.
i lied kind of, i really wanted to get this picture of Xiao done too. but i did not. here is the sketch tho
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and even though we were working on one original story, at the very end of the month, there was another idea coming together...
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SURPRISE, IT’S A DIFFERENT ORIGINAL STORY. It’s okay, we didn’t expect this either, but it happened anyway.
Cake had been saying that it would be cool for the two of us to be cast as anime rivals, and I was like yeah that would be cool. And then I had the most massive shower thought on that and it spiraled into this story premise. As much as I would love to completely gush about this new story, I wanna still keep most of it under wraps, so I’ll give a basic rundown. The two main characters, the “anime rivals” as they were initially, are Roxy (red/sketch) and Lalun (blue/full color), who have the powers of the Sun and the Moon respectively. In a world full of alchemical magic where many people control elements based on the solar system, Roxy and Lalun are two special cases and they’re being forced to fulfill a cosmic destiny for reasons largely unknown to them. Other characters here include: Alex (purple/sketch) who has the powers of Venus, which in this world corresponds with electricity; and Oliver (green/full color) who has the powers of Saturn, which are oriented with gravity control and telekinesis. These kids all go to school together and get into horrible situations against their will (and even at their will, sometimes). So all in all, it’s a time :3
One day we’ll show off all of our art for this, but for now, I’ll just give ya all the good stuff I did.
ALSO. WIP TIME BECAUSE I AM SO UPSET I NEVER REMEMBERED TO FINISH THIS. I liveblogged about SK8 The Infinity around this time too, and I loved it, and I drew parallels between the two main characters of that show with my two main OCs from The Dark Side: War on Destiny. So I drew Reki and Kyle together being cool bros
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okay anyway
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My Genshin brainrot has started to fade around now and it’d been replaced with Cosmic Legacy brainrot instead. I just... we loved these kids so much, man. So much cool stuff. Lots of funny filler. A whole bunch of suffering. Y’know. The usual.
I’ll just say it now too that most of August just had a few more Cosmic sketches. Not very much was happening with me creatively, and things were starting to grind me down. And, well... eventually things took a turn, and...
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Yeah, that also happened very suddenly. And we both had a lot of feelings to work out. It was a lot, and we couldn’t handle it very well - Stacey especially... considering the fact she had Two Partners now n all... but it all worked out. And all in all, it was an awesome moment, and a great turning point for me.
WIP time helps break up this part of the summary and i’m also pissed i couldn’t get this done in time because it was actually a timely piece. i started to do a 10  year anniversary redraw i’d been planning for Years and chickened out when it came to doing the background. so have this comparison with my Animal Jam OC Ferret for now
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okay back to girlfriend um
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this was honestly really tough to make hkjbbjlk Since our relationship started pretty late into the last month, our feelings spilled out more into the month after. And Boy Howdy, were there feelings. If I can be a little transparent, being able to freely express sexual feelings and thoughts with someone you trust is literally one of the most wonderful things. It’s just one more thing I don’t have to completely hide, and it feels awesome to be able to tell someone. And to have someone think of you and want you in that way? Absolutely insane. It still boggles my mind that someone can love me the way Stacey does. Honestly incredible.
also it’s not like i didn’t make any non-horny art during that time. they were just the only things i put effort into jklhjkl MOTIVATION HITS WHEN IT HITS, Y’ALL
this isn’t a WIP but it is more cosmic art i can share
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ok back to the program. god the art summary is off the rails this year
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Among some more girlfriend-related material, Stacey and Cake and I also had an aggie.io session where I drew some of my OCs poorly. Featured here are Sierra from Legends: Children of the Dragons, Mamoru from Cat Devil, and Val... from my brain. He’s just cool.
there was actually very little else than this, and that continued into...
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Yeah, barely anything happened this month. The RW ref is only half-finished, and I had meant to get that done in August. But I gave it to someone to actually use as reference here, so it counts, okay?
Here we have an actually decent picture of another Cosmic Legacy character named Mercutio, who’s the not-so-good guy. But he does good things for people. He’s a good father... right?
and then Stacey came up with a game in a dream called Everbound and I had to make at least a mock-up title screen for it. Thank you for getting me to make an art to fill the screen up, babe
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Thank God I got the inspiration to finally do that TWEWY self-insert pic only a few days ago, or else this would have been very empty. Additionally we have A Cool Character That Shall Not Be Explained on the right, whom I have added mainly because they are very cool and a piece of art that I completed in this month that I am proud of, as well as another Cool Character that I would be happy to explain about. So Stacey had recently been coming up with their own original story universe thing that’s essentially a radioactive wasteland full of animal mutants and hybrids. It’s mostly an excuse to make rad furry character designs, and I was all in on all of it, so I wanted to try and join in, so I made Calista! She’s a housecat/jellyfish hybrid with the ability to poison and shock people cuz that’s what jellyfish do. Haven’t done much with her, but she was a fun little character design challenge to do if nothing else :>
ANYWAY yeah this year sucked art-wise, but it was a good time regardless. I got a steady full-time job, I got car-driving abilities, and most importantly I have a lovely partner and wonderful friends to keep me sane and feel loved. No matter what happens in this year to come, all I know is I’ll make the most of it, and still find some things to make me happy.
...and maybe i’ll finally get some of those WIPs done OK BYE
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streb-z-fiok · 5 years
Alright you sweaty tennis balls here's the reveal not all of you have probably been waiting for,
[Insert crowd going wild,maury crowd clapping, bowling ball being thrown into crowd, intense happiness and clapping a confetti]
anyhow first contestant:
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Dude I just love ur art and you as a person tbh.
I would really like to get to know you more!! You seem awesome aksjjd
But on a side note, I hope you keep striving with your art and keep on goin.
(Take mah love uwu
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(Lol family feud reference kajssjd)
Anyhow man,,
U just the bomb diggity 👏👏👏👏
Also ur realism is awesome like holy shit. And ur face expressions that you draw crack me up lolll.
Seriously though in that firey hair holds a firey personality which could be good or bad but lets just go with good <:}👌
Lovin iiiiit
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(Oh its mom- oh well)
The little marshmallow uwu
But anyhow,
Dude ur art is the best don't deny it, I love it even though im not on ur profile that much I know its just👌👌👌
And ur animations are so good as well!!! Keep on doing it! It'll be big things one day!!
4th show:
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Now u precious bb,
I planned on sharing this early because it seemed like you needed it. And I was going to bur I just wanted to do it this way, even though you really did need it because ur going through a lot and just needed some motivation.
Yes you broke up with bappo and idek any of the situation, but you still have a chance at finding someone else.
It's still possible so dont think different for a second.
And for my other thing, you should really love ur art more val!! Its awesome and you've just shown maximum improvement these past fee months/ weeks. Its amazing but remember, just because you aren't as popular as con or whatever,doesn't mean you don't have people that love and support you all the way. You do!! And I am one of them. You just gotta keep believing and keep hope alive like I said.
Luv urself and don't forget to do it everyday.
Ur amazing, remember that!!
Fuck feet they're the devils spawn Lol. But yeah here!! And this is just one of the fanarts btw 👌😔
5th pickle:
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U precious cinnamon bun.
Ur not on here much but ur a pretty kewl person. And ur art skills are awesome for ur age like sjsjdjjdj. I be jelly lol.
I just hope in the future we're able to talk more! And become closer friends!
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(Literally a few seconds ago update)
Im not reading over it and im gonna post it as it is
I might do another one of these tho hmmm
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shining-stxrs · 4 years
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Here’s some headcanons for bad girl charlie!
She was under the impression that she could only be desired if you loved her and were dating her. She thought the only reason Val was making lewd comments about her was because he’s a pervert. She didn’t come to the conclusion that she’s actually sexy and people who didn’t know her intimately would want to fuck her. That’s why sleeping with val unleashed this wild side of her. He made her feel desired, sexy and wanted. He gave her confidence in and out of the bedroom. 
Her timid and nervous nature was replaced with confidence and sass. So once she comes across katie again she was able to rip that bitch a new one. Now she doesn’t give a shit about that bitch’s opinion. She’s havingg fun and that’s all that matters. 
Despite being jealous of val’s other whores if they receive more attention than her she’s still very nice to them and sweet in general. She’s like the mother hen of his sluts. She’s protector along with val. Her new rebellious lifestyle also gets her to sharpen her fighting skills when she beats the asses of would be rapists. 
Her look is teased up big hair. Along with a dark lipstick look. I’m think some black lip liner and dark red lipstick. She usually wears a club dress with fishnet tights and high heeled boots. All her outfits without fail will include fishnets. I’m thinking I’ll be commissioning her new design soon I just gotta find someone who draws hazbin hotel fanart. 
I’ve been listening to her playlist for muse and most of her taste in music is from the 2000′s so a lot of kesha, avril lavigne and britney spears. 
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