#got7 regency romance
inyournightmares97 · 5 years
Her Dowry (Part 1)
The handsome Mr. Park Jinyoung is proud, haughty and says exactly what he thinks. He doesn’t need anyone meddling in his life... much less a spoiled and rich young heiress who is shamelessly in love with her own fortune.
Can two such selfish people ever find comfort in each other? 
Warnings: Regency!AU, pretty much a Jane Austen fanfic with GOT7 lol. Angst, Fluff, some attempts at me being posh and using big words that might seem cringey. Please don’t ask when I’ll update because I’m trying my best! 
Word Count:  3.1k
Part 2
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Dowry:  A dowry is an ancient custom that requires the transfer of parental property to a daughter at her marriage, rather than at her father’s death. The dowry is given by the bride’s family to the groom or his family.  In Victorian England, dowries were viewed by the upper class as an early payment of the daughter’s inheritance.  
 A man had to prove his worth in keeping his wife at the level of life she was accustomed to. A woman, often looking to improve her social standing, used a dowry as a lure.
Source: https://www.ancient-origins.net/history-ancient-traditions/putting-price-marriage-long-standing-custom-dowries-007222 
“I do not like her, brother," you muttered. "Something about her manner is extremely unpleasant to me.”
The bride was dressed in expensive white muslin, her dark hair cascading down her back and her brilliant smile lighting up the entire wedding ceremony. You sat silently in the pews, seething. 
What was the need for her to smile quite so brightly? What sort of a young woman could not even conceal her emotions and contain her happiness? You found her conduct particularly distasteful. A bride shouldn’t be smiling like a fool on her wedding day. She should look elegant and composed. 
“I think she looks absolutely beautiful,” your brother whispered to you. 
You turned your head sharply to frown at him. Colonel Jackson Wang had dressed in his uniform for the occasion. He stood out brightly among the other wedding guests, with his red coat and dashing good looks. There was really no need for Jackson to have arrived to the church in his uniform but he had chosen to do so regardless. Your brother never shied away from attention. He also particularly enjoyed that of the female kind; women loved officers. 
“You think all women are beautiful,” you replied dismissively. You had no interest in your brother’s frivolous remarks and smug smiles on this gloomy morning. 
“It is the truth. All women are beautiful and Jaebum’s bride is no exception. If you will permit me to say so, dear sister, I believe that it is not Jaebum’s wife that you are displeased with. Rather, it seems to be the fact that our brother is getting married at all,” Jackson replied knowingly. 
You pressed your lips together in indignance. How could Jackson accuse you of such a thing? You had no reason to oppose Jaebum’s marriage. Your eldest brother could marry whomever he pleased, but you only wished that he hadn’t chosen Miss Park of all women. She was nothing more than a pretty face and a sweet smile that had seduced your brother into matrimony. Underneath his stiff demeanor and stern face, your brother was truthfully a weak man. Jaebum was drawn to small and delicate things so Miss Park had captured his soft heart in a matter of days. 
“She looks far too happy,” you insisted. “Why does she need to be smiling so much?”
Jackson folded his arms across his chest. “She is marrying the man she loves.”
“She is marrying a rich man from a noble family,” you replied stubbornly. “Jaebum is the heir to Father’s properties and everyone knows that he will come into an enormous fortune. Do you remember how vocal she was about her adoration of our estate when she joined us for dinner last week? I have no doubt she is waiting for Father to die so that she may call herself mistress of our home and parade about as though it belongs to her.”
“Ah, so there it is,” Jackson said with a small laugh. He had known that there was something on your mind and now you had finally exposed your true feelings. Your cheeks heated up in anger as your brother smirked at you. “You are worried that you will no longer be the only woman in our family, and that Miss Park will have more right over our home once she becomes Mrs. Lim than you will. Am I wrong, dear sister?”
You tensed. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
Jackson chuckled and reached across to squeeze your hand in a gesture of comfort. “You need not worry, you will always be our dear, adorable little sister-“
You pushed his hand away and frowned. “Shall we focus on the ceremony?”
It was a small and beautiful ceremony but it only made you more bitter as it progressed. The vows were read out and rings exchanged; rings which you had gone into town and had custom-made for your brother since you knew that Jaebum could never be trusted to choose the appropriate ones if left to himself. As Jaebum exchanged rings with the woman he had chosen to spend the remainder of his life with, your gaze drifted around the church. 
Jaebum had insisted that the wedding remain small and that the announcement in the papers be made only after the ceremony was completed. He had never liked too much show or grandeur about things. 
You wondered what Miss Park liked. 
The Lims’ estate and the money, most likely. A private wedding was a small sacrifice for an ensuing life of luxury. 
You had made the necessary inquiries into the Park family the moment Jaebum sent a letter from London stating that he was engaged to marry a woman whom he had been courting for a few months. He explained that Miss Park was a fine, beautiful young lady of simple tastes and an excessively sweet demeanor. Jaebum’s letter to you had, cleverly, not delved into detail about this mysterious Miss Park. 
But you had laid your hands on a similar letter Jaebum had sent to Colonel Jackson. In his less careful exchange with his brother, Jaebum had revealed that he was smitten for Miss Park and that she was the purest soul he had ever met in his life. He believed that she was a woman with a heart of gold who treated everyone around her with the deepest compassion and had possibly never so much as told a lie. 
It was pathetic how easily men were seduced. You had expected better from Jaebum. 
The Parks were a family of nobility and although they could never rival your family’s wealth, they had certainly amassed a good fortune. You heard that they owned a house in London (which was where Miss Park had been staying with her mother when your brother had fallen for her seductive trap) in addition to an average-sized estate in the countryside. Miss Park’s father had passed away four years ago and so his entire fortune fell upon her younger brother, Mr. Park Jinyoung. 
That insufferable Mr. Park Jinyoung. 
He had arrived at Portsmouth with his sister and mother two weeks ago to prepare for the wedding. Just as his sister was beautiful, Mr. Park Jinyoung was exceedingly handsome. He had a charming smile and a calm, observant gaze that could make any woman feel weak. Mr. Park was eloquent in his speech and graceful in his manner. 
The Park siblings had become the talk of the town within days of their arrival. Miss Park for having secured the affections of the stiff Mr. Lim Jaebum, and Mr. Park for simply being so handsome and agreeable and having such a lovely smile. 
You had to confess that your own heart had fluttered at the first sight of Park Jinyoung. You considered yourself in possession of an excellent taste for everything aesthetic and you knew that this man’s features could not have been more flawless if they had been drawn by a skilled artist. You had smiled prettily at Mr. Park and exchanged a few playful flirtations until you were suddenly and shockingly exposed to his true character. 
Mr. Park Jinyoung was a rude, conceited man who had no appreciation for art of any form. 
During the Parks’ fourth evening in town Mr. and Miss Park had joined your family for evening tea. It was too cruel to separate the young lovers when their wedding was mere days away, and your Father had decided that it was prudent to invite the young Parks to the estate for dinner rather than risk having Jaebum be seen loitering about their lodgings in town in hopes of being admitted to see his beloved. There was a call for entertainment and you had graciously stepped up to play the piano while the company enjoyed their tea. 
You were pleased to be able to show off your performance. Surely Miss Park could not possess the musical talent that you had acquired and honed from an early age. This was the one arena in which you were certain that she could not rival you. You played one of the most difficult pieces you had learned and were treated to a fond round of applause from your family. Jackson had always been enthusiastic about your music and even Jaebum seemed impressed. Your Father clapped with a proud smile on his face. 
“Oh, that was quite delightful!” The young Miss Park was quick to praise your performance once you returned to your seat. She had been going to great lengths to befriend you, but you were determined to be cold to her. “I have heard so much about Miss Lim’s musical talents but to hear her perform in person is something else entirely. How much effort and practice you must have put in to reach that level of skill! Was it not lovely, Jinyoung?”
You smiled to yourself, awaiting the praise that was surely to come from Mr. Park. He had been watching you intently during your performance and you were well used to general admiration regarding your music. The young gentlemen of the locality were among your most ardent admirers. You were certain that you would have Mr. Park Jinyoung smitten with you before his sister could tie the knot. 
You batted your eyelashes at him and spoke in a sweet tone. “Yes, Mr. Park, I am very eager to hear what you thought of my performance.” 
Mr. Park sipped his tea coolly. His dark eyes flickered to you and he gave you a small, tight-lipped smile as he set his tea cup down on the table in front of him. 
“You certainly possess great potential, Miss Lim,” he replied calmly. 
You could not have been more shocked if Mr. Park Jinyoung had chosen to throw his unfinished tea in your face. Potential? Whatever could he mean by that? You had been learning how to play the piano since you were a small child of seven. That was fourteen years of uninterrupted learning, of your Father hiring the best music teachers and you dedicating all of your free time to the practice and perfection of the art. Father had bought you a priceless instrument for your twelfth birthday which was your most prized possession. You were undoubtedly the most skilled woman in all of Portsmouth and this horrible, rude, tasteless man had the audacity to tell you that you had potential? As though you were a small child? 
You had never been so affronted. 
“I have dedicated myself to learning how to play the instrument for over fourteen years now, Mr. Park,” you informed him coldly. “I am certain that any potential I might have had has already been realized. Perhaps you had best not pass critical judgement if you are not in a position to judge.”
The corner of Mr. Park’s beautiful lips turned up in a smug smile. 
“Well, a woman so confident in her own skills can hardly be seeking my praise,” Mr. Park Jinyoung replied. You suddenly detested his handsome, charming face as he smiled at you. “After all, you are evidently the superior musician and I cannot claim to know more about the instrument or about music than you do. Such words would serve no purpose but to flatter you, since I am inferior to you in knowledge and taste. If you do not believe my criticism, then of what value is my praise?”
Your cheeks flushed red in anger as you glared at him. “I believe even a dog knows good music when he hears it-“
Colonel Jackson interrupted your outburst with a laugh and quickly began a tangential conversation about how he and Jaebum planned to go riding the next morning. Your brother was aware of your tendency to throw little tantrums when you did not get what you wanted. He offered an invitation to Mr. Park to distract the company from the unpleasantness which you would unleash upon it. 
Mr. Park gracefully accepted Jackson’s invitation to join the men on a ride but you saw the little smirk that he directed towards you. You fumed in silence for the rest of the evening until the Parks took their leave and then you approached Jaebum firmly. 
“I don’t like him,” you told your eldest brother, making no attempt to withhold your pettiness. “He is rude and has absolutely no manners. Are you going to allow a man like that to become our family? I cannot let it happen.”
Jaebum leaned back in his chair and raised an eyebrow at you. He did not seem surprised. “Well, then, it is fortunate for both of us that I intend to marry his sister and not him.”
You folded your arms across your chest childishly. “I don’t like Miss Park either. She smiles too much.”
Jackson laughed and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “Indeed. Surely a woman with any decency must go about frowning at everyone the way you were frowning at Mr. Park Jinyoung all evening, am I right, dear sister?” Jackson teased, causing you to push him away from you and pout while turning to your Father. 
“Papa! Was Mr. Park not extremely rude to me earlier?” you demanded. 
Your Father sighed and gave you a small, fond smile. “He certainly was, my dear. How ignorant of him to not possess the acumen to appreciate your music. I thought that the piece was very well-played and I have certainly never heard anyone play it better than you. But let us not dwell too long on the man. He will leave Portsmouth soon after the wedding and we may scarcely have to see him again.”
You smiled happily and went to your Father, placing a sweet kiss on his cheek that made him smile at you. “Papa, you understand me so much better than my brothers. I will play another piece for you before I go to bed, shall I?”
Your Father chuckled and nodded. “Yes, let us hear another.”
Your temper tantrum was assuaged by your Father’s praise of your subsequent performance, but you still remembered the words spoken by Mr. Park. Not only had he failed to apologize, he continued to speak to you in a calm and agreeable manner as though he had never said anything to offend. Jackson and Jaebum both returned from their ride with him and decided that they liked him very much. It seemed that Mr. Park was a skilled rider and an excellent conversationalist. 
You were very much alone in your hatred and distaste for Mr. Park Jinyoung. 
The wedding ceremony ended happily with warm tears, clapping and cheers. Despite your hatred for Mr. Park and distaste for his sister, you still felt emotional at the sight of Jaebum looking so happy. You had never seen your brother looking as contented as when he was beside Miss Park. 
The newly wedded couple left the church hand-in-hand, smiling and waving as they boarded the carriage that would take them directly to the countryside for their honeymoon. 
“Well, there goes our brother, off to celebrate bliss in matrimony,” Jackson commented with a smile as the carriage drove off. You bit your lip to conceal the lump in your throat. You were happy and proud that Jaebum had found a wife but you suddenly realized that you would miss your brother greatly. You had always been the most important woman in Jaebum’s life. Even though he teased you and admonished you constantly, you looked up to him a great deal. The feeling was bittersweet. 
You were watching the carriage roll away into the distance so intensely that you did not notice the arrival of Mr. Park Jinyoung. He was dressed very smartly, as he always was, and Jackson waved a hand to obtain his attention. 
“Ah! Mr. Park!” Colonel Jackson called out cheerfully. “Was that not a beautiful ceremony?”
Mr. Park Jinyoung nodded and smiled. “It was beautiful indeed, and very heartfelt. My mother could not control her tears during the ceremony and so she had to return to our lodgings directly. I hope you will be kind enough to excuse her absence at the wedding breakfast.”
“Certainly, it is no matter at all. I hope Mrs. Park is in good health?”
Jinyoung smiled. “Yes, of course. Her emotions are her only ailment.”
Colonel Jackson laughed and clapped Jinyoung heartily on the back. “Well, what good luck that the ceremony went well and all is done. I don’t suppose we shall be hearing from the newly wedded couple until they return from their honeymoon. And we shall be very sad to see you go, Mr. Park! We have grown to love your company here in Portsmouth; haven’t we, sister?”
You gave Jackson a dirty look. You would not be manipulated into exchanging pleasant greetings with this rude man. 
“Perhaps love is too strong a word to be used for a man we have known for little over a week, brother. One can hardly judge a man’s character in so short a period.”
Mr. Park chuckled. “I beg you will not press Miss Lim to offer me praise, Colonel Jackson. I fear that she will only begin to hate me even more,” he commented, eyes twinkling as he turned to look at you. “Perhaps I will find an opportunity to redeem myself in your regard, Miss Lim, for I intend to stay at Portsmouth a little longer. Certain business opportunities have arisen. I was hoping your family would be so kind as to lend us a manservant so that my mother may return to London ahead of me.”
Jackson’s expression brightened while your heart sank. Did Park Jinyoung truly intend to stay? Your silent distress was accompanied by your brother’s loud and cheerful enthusiasm. 
“Oh! What excellent news, Mr. Park! We shall certainly send some of our most trustworthy servants to accompany your mother to London. And you cannot stay in those lodgings any longer for you are now a part of our family!” Jackson cried cheerfully. “Once you have safely sent your mother home, you must come and conduct your business in Portsmouth while staying with us on the estate!”
You glared at Jackson. “Jackson! Should we not seek Father’s permission before hastily extending such an invitation-“
Jackson shook his head dismissively. “Father would never expect Mr. Park to stay at the lodgings when we have so many spare rooms on the estate! Now that the wedding is officiated, it would be inappropriate if we failed to make Mr. Park welcome for as long as he intends to stay in Portsmouth,” he insisted, turning to Jinyoung. “I will speak to Father and we will send someone to have your things transferred tomorrow.”
Mr. Park smiled. “Your hospitality is greatly appreciated, Colonel Jackson.”
You clenched your fists and seethed silently.
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suhosguardian · 5 years
Fic Recommendations...🙃
So I don’t know but this may be a little different to normal fic recs? I’m not really sure but I’m just gonna list my favourite writers and my favourite stories from them soooo this might be a really long post but you know what? WHO CARES THESE PEOPLE DESERVE OUR LOVE!!! 
@marshmallow-phd aka. my favourite writer on Tumblr - AN ABSOLUTE WRITING GOD, will take you on an emotional rollarcoaster - brilliant, just brilliant. Has so many more brilliant stories but I’m just gonna link my absolute favouritessss. 
The Experiments - EXO OT12 - LuckyOne!AU - The best fan fiction I have ever read. Hands down. Nothing will ever compare to this story. I can’t really say much about this story without spoiling it but just WOW. - It was because of this story that Junmyeon became my bias. 🤭 The sequel The Wanderers is just as good, but the Experiments just takes the cake for me. 
The Untamed Universe - EXO OT12 - Werewolf!AU - There is a personalised series for 8 out of 12 of the members, and each story is so beautifully constructed and so different from the last which is what makes it so goooodddd. You don’t have to read them in order, but I recommend that you do in order to get the full story. However, my two favourite stories within this Universe are undoubtedly
Fighting Instinct - Jongdae (Part One).  
Charming Instruction  - Junmyeon (Part Five). This one resonated particularly well with me because the protagonists life goals are almost exactly the same as my own which just made the read so much more enjoyable for me. 
The Sins of the Father - EXO - Junmyeon - Mafia!AU My favourite genre to read is MafiaAu’s so this was pretty much my ideal story. Again, the world crafting is brilliant, the use of language amazing. And has a Luhan spinoff that is currently being written. 🙃
Now I’m just gonna list some other favourites. 
My Soul to Keep - Demon!AU - Kris - EXO
My Soul to Burn - Demon!AU - Minseok - EXO
Prey in the Knight - Vampire!AU - Kris - EXO
Crimes of the Heart - Vampire!AU - Luhan - EXO
His Heart at Stake - Vampire!AU - Minseok - EXO
His Brightest Star -  Mafia!AU - Jaebum - GOT7
@krreader - she has like 1000 masterlists because she has written so much it’s amazing, it also means that I literally can’t pick my favourites. 
Diamond Maknae - BTS - The diamond maknae series is brilliant, 8th member of BTS and it also incorporates other groups as well. I highly recommend thissssss!!!!
Like a Butterfly - BTS - Yoongi -  NonIdol!AU/ SingleDad!AU - Again I can’t say too much without spoiling it but it is so soft but angsty and it has a really really good ending. 
Competition - BTS & GOT7 - Jungkook, Taehyung, Jackson and BamBam. Fluff and angst. 4 boys fighting over a girl. I really love this  story. 
Now we come to a group of writers I refer to as ‘the New Rat Pack’ (George Clooney Matt Damon, Andy Garcia, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Casey Affleck, Scott Caan, Elliott Gould, Bernie Mac and Carl Reiner - literally anyone in Ocean’s Eleven) of Tumblr Writers because they are so freaking amazing you can literally identify their group by the EXO Customs Series because they are all each writing a section of that but just wow. Okay, I’m just gonna list the writers and my all time favourite piece because if I don’t limit myself we will be here forever. 
@ninibears-erigom-fics - an actual Queen 
Pretty Little Vixen - Jongin - I feel so predictable having that one as my favourite but IT’S JUST WRITTEN SO FREAKING WELL - carshop!au, gang!au, racer!au - smut, angst, violence. (ongoing) 
Sinful Pleasure - demon!Kyungsoo, demon!Chanyeol, demon!Jongdae - SMUT 
@kimjongdaely - (her part of EXO Customs; The Art of Sin is fantastic!)
Alluring - EXO OT9 - Mafia!AU & Motorcycle!AU - I dare you to find a happy ending. 😉 
Dichotomy - Junmyeon and Baekhyun - arrangedmarriage!au -angst, fluff, smut (ongoing)  
Collateral - EXO - Mafia!AU - Violence, Smut (ongoing)
The Taste of Gold - Baekhyun - CEO!AU - Fluff - this is one of my all time favourites!!!
Diamond Freckles - the smutty kinda angsty bonus chapter! 😉
Replay - Junmyeon - Superhero!AU, angst, fluff, smut
@mint-yooxgi - AKA THE YANDERE QUEEN
Monster Series - Yandere!AU’s - this series is so creepy but so freaking goooooddddd - my personal favourites within this however are 
I Own You - CEO!Baekhyun - Horror, Angst, Smut
You’re Next - SerialKiller!Jongin (this one is actually terrifying tho like I had to sleep with my light on) - Horror, Angst, Semi-Smut
Seal The Deal - Demon!Chanyeol - Angst, Horror, Smut (this one is probably my favourite one)
Angelic - Baekhyun - Fluff
Untitled - EXO - Junmyeon - he’s a YouTube Travel Vlogger, its just so soft and beautiful. It’s just really happy and I think that is what I like most about it.
Rumors - EXO - Junmyeon - Office!AU
Look After You - SHINEE - Minho - Regency!AU/SingleParent!AU
Which One? - Ji Soo or Joo Hyuk - CoffeeShop!AU 
@vampwrrr - you could read through the entire masterlist and not find a dud story. 
Haunted House - Junmyeon - hands down one of the fluffiest things I have read and I love it so much - just read it, it’s so beautiful.
End of the World as We Know It - Junmyeon - I guess you could call this an Apocalypse!AU? Maybe? But again sooooo fluffy and is full of Myeon’s bad puns it’s such a great storyyyyy!!!!
the dark side of the moon   & all it’s side stories!!!  - BTS - Jimin - Werewolf!AU - Smut 
catch your death  - BTS - Hoseok - Hybrid!AU - Royalty!AU - Smut 
@optimizche - another of my all time favourite authors!!! The whole masterlist is brilliant! 
The Brat Trilogy - EXO - Sehun and Junmyeon - SMUT - I LOVE THIS TRILOGY SO MUCH
My Answer - EXO - Junmyeon and Kris - Smut, Fluff, Angst (ongoing) 
I Give Up - Baekhyun - Fluff, Smut, ANGST OH LORD THE ANGST -I love this story so much like I have made all my friends read it! 😂(I stand by Chapter 22 being the best chapter, I love it so much.)
2am - Minseok -  Romance, Smut, Angst - its kinda happening at the same time as I Give Up I think? 
Run Little Rabbit Trilogy - WolfShifter!Hoseok - Smut, Angst, Fluff
A Court of Curses - VampirePrince!Hoseok - Smut, Fluff, Angst
20 Things (and Counting) I Hades About You  - Hades!Jimin - Crack, Angst
I worked on this for 24hrs fkn help. When I said that this would be long I didn’t expect it to be 1000+ words I’m so sorry.... If I’ve missed anyone I’ll add them in when I remember! 🙃 ❤️❤️❤️
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