#gosh darn it you made me think™
southieparkie · 1 year
bunny 36 46 56
36.) Who’s better at dealing with emotional trauma?
I’m being forced to come out of my Fluffy Comfort Shell and I don’t like it!!! /j
In all seriousness, prooobably Kenny. This question in particular is really interesting because Butters is sweet and bubbly even when he’s put through emotional turmoil. So you’d think it’d be him. But really, is he dealing with his pain or is he surpressing it and replacing it with his outgoing personality?
We’ve already seen a few screws come lose in canon (and literally in an entire one-hour special) that let us know there are a lot of things Butters wants/needs to talk about, but just doesn’t? Of course you have Professor Chaos, who is a personification of all of the things Butters wants to do to the world in response to the pain the world has put him through, but with Coon & Friends “defeating” him and denying Butters his right to vent through this persona, it ultimately hurts him more than helps him (he literally had to eat his own shit)
Then there’s Kenny who generally doesn’t say anything at all. Granted, there have been times where he snaps about things like his home life and his curse (cough cough Coon Trilogy. “It’s not pretty cool, Kyle, it fucking hurts!) but no major developmental poignancy, as far as I know. Definitely not a ‘Professor Chaos’ or ‘Victor Chaos’ level of snapping, but still pretty noteworthy in the grand scheme of things. Even then, he’s more than willing to put his own needs aside for others. He spent his hard earned cash on a doll for his little sister!! He could’ve spent that on food for the week or put the money into the house rent, but he choses his heart over his head and vows to make sure Karen doesn’t see as many stormy clouds as he does growing up.
So taking all of this information into consideration, I’d say Kenny would offer healthier, more effective ways to cope with Butters’ traumatic past in exchange for using those coping mechanisms on himself. Whether it be a method that requires distance, or a method that works best when he steps in and helps his boyfriend. Kenny would more than likely put the love of his life first and then figure his shit out once he has a feeling Butters is back afloat. I just think Kenny would be the lifejacket with a few holes punched into it and Butters would be the drowning civillian. One is too far gone to help himself or others, and the other is just on the brink of snapping but still has some energy and heart saved up to help his loved ones.
tl;dr - they’re both pretty fucked up and they’re both fairly dogshit at finding healty ways to fix that, but kenny is a weeeee bit better at it than leo is.
46.) Who gets most intense during a fight?
Ah yes, a n g s t
I’d say that Butters would have the most intensity during a fight because he’s the more emotional of the two. When he feels, he feels hard. Especially anger. The Bunny Episode even shows this! So does the episode where Butters snaps and beats up Dr. Oz on his TV show. Even in the very first Covid-related special, there’s a brief moment where he melts down over not being able to go to Build-A-Bear. So yeah, the boy is intense when he’s angry.
But this doesn’t mean Kenny isn’t prone to snapping and yelling either! Like previously mentioned, he snaps at Kyle and his friends for not taking his curse seriously in the Coon Trilogy. He does the same thing in that one episode where Kyle almost dies. (can’t remember the name rn) So his intensity, while being shown significantly less than Butters’, does exist.
They’d probably have different responses to yelling too though. If Butters yells at Kenny, he’ll just yell right back because he’s used to doing that with his parents at the family dinner table. But if Kenny’s voice goes up by even the smallest amount of volume. Butters is sobbing crying rolling on the floor throwing up shitting sliding down the wall (he just like me fr)
56.) Which of the two is the most competitive?
I answered that here!
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walkawaytall · 1 year
thoughts I've had about the Han/Leia dynamic that prove that my bar for relationships is on the ground (but, like, also prove that a lot of relationships in fiction somehow tunnel under my ground-level bar every chance they get)
"I appreciate that, despite having just spent several minutes yelling at each other in a public hallway, when they're both working, they interact like damn adults and don't do weird things like refuse to acknowledge each other over the comms**."
"The fact that they go from griping at each other nearly constantly to being nearly constantly affectionate and on each other's sides so quickly kind of indicates that the Echo Base Angst was probably just a bunch of hurt feelings from off-screen events and that these people actually like each other and have for quite awhile, which is good thing in a romantic relationship and also completely different from the interpretation that I do sometimes feel the movie wants us to have, which is that these two idiots yelled at each other for three years straight and then Han's Very Cool and Definitely Not Awkward Flirting for Cool Guys Only™ won the princess over without them ever addressing hating each other for years."
"You know, a huge red flag for unhealthy relationships is mocking your significant other in front of other people, which is a thing that Han could have easily done when Lando asked if they were having issues with C-3PO. Or he could have just overridden Leia entirely and asked for Lando's help, but he instead presented a united front even though he had literally just disagreed with her about trusting Lando when they were alone. I know it was just so they could make a joke. I know Lawrence Kasdan wasn't sitting there going, 'Hmm, how do I depict a healthy relationship where there's a disagreement and an outside party agrees with one of the people in the relationship?' But this is still (sadly) noteworthy."
"They still, like, maintain their personalities and wry senses of humor once they're together without degrading or making fun of one another in a mean way, which strikes a balance I've only seen depicted in fiction a handful of times."
"Han is obviously feeling insecure for plot contrivance reasons, but he apologizes for being needlessly snippy immediately. Go Han."
"This entire 'Is Leia in love with Luke?' subplot has never made any gosh-darn sense to me, no, not even when I was like eleven. But Han offering to step aside rather than getting mad at Leia or Luke or, I don't know, challenging Luke to a duel or something is actually a kind of mature thing to do."
I should note that I firmly believe all of these things happened on accident. At no point do I think the people in charge of writing these scripts were like, "Let's make these two dummies have a bizarrely functional relationship even when we throw nonsensical insecurities into the mix for no good reason". This is the same as Leia being Force-sensitive: they accidented themselves into a better and more cohesive plotline than what they originally intended. But it still works somehow, and I like how things turned out so much better than what it sort of seems like they were attempting to do.
(For clarity's sake: I'm only saying my bar is on the ground because I feel like all of this should just be a given in romantic relationships and I'm sitting here impressed that I've seen any of it depicted in fiction.)
**obviously, Han did just straight-up turn off his comm earlier in the movie which was admittedly immature, but at that point, I assumed he was off-duty since he's working on the Falcon, and I'm specifically talking about being able to work together despite whatever weird personal stuff you have going on with someone (where "weird personal stuff" isn't harming one or both parties, of course).
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
calico jack for the bingo mayhaps?
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ohOHOHHHHDODHSOHHBOHOH you poor sweet summer anon asker, do you know what beast you've awakened?
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i LOVE Calico Jack 👁️👁️
i have so many gosh darn thoughts about him. he is in my opinion unironically one of the most interesting characters in the whole show- he is SO Mysterious™ so you KNOW my lil theorist heart adores him 💕‼️
i rotate him in my mind 24/7. he consumes 97% of my thoughts. he is literally my sad little meow meow but in a serious he is probably depressed and has anxiety and needs therapy way. i need canon backstory on this old catboyman asap.
the "everyone else is wrong about them" is about the people who say he's a bad grandfather- he loves Kwazii so so so much and it shows in literally every interaction they have. he himself doesn't believe in all the monster stories he told Kwazii as a kitten, but he continues to go along with them anyway because he doesn't want to let him down. he would rather let Kwazii sound a false alarm octoalert, for "shaggy sea apes", than ruin the magic for him. you CAN'T tell me Mr. "It's just coastal erosion!" didn't know what a sloth was.
sure, he left Kwazii when he was a kitten, but I don't think he had any other choice. We know CJ and Kwazii aren't like other pirates, but they were from a huge family of em- if Jack had never left, then Kwazii would've never left either, and never would've become an Octonaut. and now Jack is trying to catch up on all the years he missed with his grandson, and trying his best to be a good agent, too. he was terrified of Barnacles finding out he made a mistake- and I just.... I think about that a lot.
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I also love his design; I know he's just Kwazii But Older and To The Left A Bit, but that works for me. it works really well. Calico Jack is a famous pirate, his real life counterpart literally designed the skull and crossbones logo—which adds all the more depth to Kwazii's whole "being recognized as a pirate before an Octonaut" problem.
I really like his peg leg, too. they could've just gave him one for the aesthetic, but they actually take it into consideration for a lot of small details: he leaves behind unique footprints in sand or mud, you can hear the sound of the wood hitting the metal of the Octoray when he walks in or on it, he hobbles on it slightly now and then. there's a whole episode in season 5—that I won't spoil, but it's really good, definitely one of my all time favourites.
I could probably say so much more but I'm gonna end this here lol <3 ✌️
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 years
heyas friend! would you be interested in taking about ethedis a little bit? she seems pretty cool from what I've seen so far, and I'm kinda curious about her :D
oh! well sure I'd love to! provided I can get my thoughts into a half-coherent state. I haven't really written anything about her publicly, mostly because I don't really write much of anything publicly. or privately, for that matter. it all just floats around in my head like some kinda thought-soup. or smoothie. so it will probably be helpful to write some of this down anyway lol
ahem! so Ethedis was my first character, so the early parts of her story pretty closely follow the elf-intro quests. main difference being that she wasn't there when the Refuge of Edhelion fell. according to the game it was attacked like 600 years ago, and I think she's waaaay younger than that. I wanna say like 300-something? yeah she's baby. I mean still an adult by elven standards but like, in spirit, she is baby.
but yea she ends up there just as an apprentice Loremaster who's traveling with the sons of Elrond, both to help in any way she can and because this was a good opportunity to study some recent-ish history. also even tho she's from Rivendell she's probably been to the Blue Mountains a couple times. she's actually fascinated by dwarven architecture and culture, so she jumped at the opportunity to join Elladan and Elrohir's party. she wasn't even initially gonna be allowed to come, but she gave Elrond good enough puppy-eyes 🥺 he was like "fine FINE you can go just stop looking at me like that".
Also, I'd been toying around with the idea that in her travels to and from Ered Luin in the past she might've met Amdir and became friends with him, so that just makes everything in Bree So Much Worse for her. because now not only is she experiencing the loss of a mortal friend for the first time, But she's the one who has to help put him down. (not to mention the guilt of "could I have prevented this if I made it to Bree sooner?") it takes her awhile to fully understand that he's like, gone gone, on account of her being so young and like This Has Never Happened Before. anyway yeah, fun stuff :)
good news is that she bounces back from that pretty quickly! I mean kinda. She's just putting her strong emotions to a more productive use, that being hunting down whatever bitchass Nazgul was responsible for her friend's death! she has no idea what she's getting into :)
as far as her personality goes, she's bright, cheerful, and a bit of an airhead (surprising for a Loremaster I know). she's not exactly stupid or anything (I just play it up for comedic effect sometimes lol) but she is young and therefore less experienced and wise than most other elves you would meet in the 3rd age. the benefit of that is that she's not nearly as Tired™ as many other 3rd age elves either, and can handle a lot of emotional distress without losing her sunshiny demeanor. good thing too! Corunir definitely could use a sunshiny friend, considering all he's been through.
OH! right, speaking of Corunir and Ethedis!
When I met Corunir in Aughaire I was just like "oh this poor guy. Ethedis, go /hug him he needs it" and their dynamic just kinda escalated from there. Ethedis the Sunshine Elf™️ just goes "sad ranger??? NOT on my watch!". Ethedis provides much needed emotional support, and Corunir keeps her from walking off cliffs or into pools of death-water. mutually beneficial relationship 😊
In my headcannon, after Ethe masters the watching stones she's able to get close enough to one to damage its heart so Corunir has a path through Rammas Deluon, and they do the rest of the Eriador epic line together. Corunir deff wouldn't have wanted to leave Ethedis to east Angmar on her own, he finally got a friend gosh darn it he's gotta make sure nothing happens to her!
also they hold hands sometimes 😳 maybe even cuddle,,,, 👉👈
gah I'm bad at talking about this, what I'm trying to say is that they're adorable together. I personally headcannon Corunir as demiromantic ace, and Ethe probably is too, so their relationship isn't romantic for like a long time (what can I say? my demiro ace self likes to project onto my blorbos). I'm not sure when they develop romantic feelings for one another. I think there isn't one point I can point to and say "that! there's when they fall in love!", it's more of a gradual thing that just always felt natural to them. they don't notice their relationship changing from platonic to romantic, whatever state it's in is just what feels right. it's like, they don't fall in love, they just kinda end up there at some point. I don't know if I'm making any sense lol. point is, yes I ship my OC who has a personality *vaguely* based on my own with my favorite ranger, what of it? what is life without at least one shamelessly self-indulgent ship? I think everyone should get at least one, as a treat :) also:
*gently slides this image of Corunir and Eth over bc my friend did a rly good job on it and I need u to Look At Them*
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anyway uh, yeah! that's some stuff about Ethedis :) my lil elf who's head is full of sunshine instead of braincells. I don't know how to end this post.
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Liveblog: Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower (replay)
It snowed yesterday so I am in the zone(tm) for this.
I’ve always wondered what would happen if Nancy left her room without taking her key card, but had too much anxiety to try it.
16 years later I realize that Christie is Dexter’s cousin (once removed). Maybe senior detective was a mistake.
“No one knows why Ezra added all these dead ends to the castle’s design” Because Illinois might have HH Holmes’ murder castle but gosh darn it if Ezra wasn’t gonna give Wisconsin a chocolate milk castle of the same caliber.
I don’t remember if they ever say what Ezra died of, but based on the menu I bet it was a fried bologna sandwich.
Chill portrait of Anne of Cleves, Henry VIII’s German 4th wife outside Nancy’s bedroom. Really completes the...French? vibe of the castle.
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Shout out to the writer who named him Jean Le Boeuf just so they could make a beef pun.
Lisa, employing the ole ‘bring up the the thing you did to take suspicion off you’ tactic.
Or maybe she’s just really proud of her work, making that hole in the wall. I don’t know.
Jacques: “Why is it you American girls never know how to separate business from pleasure? Well, a former history professor once told me it was because of Anglo protestant work ethic.
Less than two hours into her vacation and Nancy has learned that her fellow castle guest Lisa has committed multiple felonies. Because having fake passports and state IDs is a felony.
Also, while I appreciate the work she puts into keeping each persona different, ya gotta stick to the facts when it comes to what languages, you know, lady.
The flexibility to keep typing AND get open the door to get her boots. What CAN’T Beatrice Hotchkiss do? Besides remember Nancy’s name.
There is no way a single human can eat 50 drumsticks in one sitting. Food poisoning from old chicken drumsticks is not a way to go, professor!
Jacques has left for the day, so I guess everyone in the castle is just doing to starve until he comes back tomorrow.
This game made getting stuck in an elevator seem like a more likely occurrence than it has been so far in my life.
Dexter really made Nancy having to escape through the elevator ceiling into a leisure activity. Just something she was doing in her free time.
Nancy: “He sure is French.“ RUDE. True, but RUDE.
Time isn’t real, in game or in actual life, but how was Nancy’s letter supposed to reach George in this storm? Think of the poor postal service workers.
Was writing down ‘KEEP SEARCHING!’ in your to-do list really necessary, Dexter?
It’s 9am Jacques, time to defrost some chicken legs.
So apparently, I can’t count windows.
Why can’t Nancy just ask Dexter, ‘how many windows are on the face of this chocolate milk palace?’ Why do I have to keep throwing out numbers?
“Hey Jacques, what was it like bombing at the Olympics? Why are you crying, Jacques?”
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