m-calculus · 1 year
I saw this and thought of Gordon
[Original source unknown]
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gordonthesquid · 1 year
May I interest you in some squids?
く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡 °o.° く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡 .°o.
く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡 o°.
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く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡 °.o°
I will always be interested in some squids. 🐙
Bloop bloop
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selene-tempest · 3 months
Me: Virgil!
Me: Virg!
Me: Virgy!
Virgil, running in: What's wrong? Are you okay? What do you need?
Me, lifts my arms and makes grabby hands: Uppies!
Virgil, looks at Scott: She forgot she'd already taken some, didn't she?
Me, pouting: I SAID UPPIES!
VIrgil, long suffering sigh as he scoops me up: Okay, up you come.
Me: Weeeeeeeeeee
A story of me, high off my nut on pain meds after my accident, as related to me today by @gordonthesquid and @scott-flyboy-tracy , and of which I have zero recollection.
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i-t-guy-in-the-sky · 6 months
My wife (and I suspect @gordonthesquid ) has changed the alarm sound of our bedside comm unit.
I was jolted into consciousness by the sound of a (very loud) round of applause.
Selene sat up, and began to wave regally while smiling.
I asked her what the heck was going on and she replied with "I decided that we should wake up to the recognition we deserve", then she got out of bed, curtseyed to me and strutted into the bathroom.
Fifteen minutes later I heard the distant sound of cheering coming from first Gordon's room (he responded by blasting music and singing along like he was performing at Madison Square Garden) and over that, the unmistakable sound of @scott-flyboy-tracy swearing.
I often wonder if I am the only sane one left in this house...
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squiddokiddo · 6 months
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This Squidmas I'd like to show off the socks I got last year, Christmas sharks and Christmas dinos.
What do ya think @gordonthesquid?
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
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This was inspired by this post by @gordonthesquid​ It didn’t quite end up where I was aiming, but I think Gords will enjoy it a little anyway?
I hope you enjoy it too :D Extra notes at the end :D
It was a shame Gordon wasn’t with him.
It was the first thought that crossed Virgil’s mind the moment the call came in.
“Aw, man, Gordy would love this.”
Apparently, Alan had the same thought.
“FAB, Thunderbird Five, diverting now.”
Thunderbird Two responded smoothly as he turned the great cargo plane onto her new trajectory. They had been in Bangladesh fishing flood victims out of a nasty storm. It had been a long day for both Alan and Virgil and John had been hesitant to send them onto another rescue, but it had to be done.
Christmas Island was any biologist’s dream, but in particular, a marine biologist’s dream. The native fauna were odd, endemic, and in Gordon’s words…well, Virgil didn’t have that many words in him right now.
And he was kinda missing those words.
If Gordon were here, tired or not, there would be babbling excitement, despite the rescue.
But their fish brother was still confined to the Island, recovering from his injuries. Virgil found himself cursing the Chaos Crew silently through his teeth yet again.
Maybe a special trip out here was called for as a treat.
The sun was on a setting trajectory as they approached the lone volcanic island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. “Christmas Island, Thunderbird Two on approach. We need clearance for air space above the harbour. Freighter in distress.”
“Roger, Thunderbird Two. The sky is yours.”
He dumped airspeed enough to engage VTOL and manoeuvred his ‘bird to a position directly above the foundering ship, not far off the main docking port of the Island. The boat was obviously off trajectory and heading towards a rocky headland.
If they had been moments later, this would have been a very different rescue.
It must have been fate for them to be in the area at the right time.
“Borkum II, Thunderbird Two here to assist. What is your status?”
There followed a calm and precise outline of a jammed propeller, a malfunction in a computer and a list of failures in an efficient system that left Virgil frowning.
But first to the immediate problem. “Thunderbird Five, John, can you kill their engines? They are reporting a computer failure. I’d rather solve half the problem before Two has to strain against that amount of power.”
“Attempting now, Thunderbird Two.”
“I’m dumping the module on the dock.” Get rid of Two’s weight in order to maximise her muscle.
It took moments, in which Eos reported success in navigating their computer network and gating a raft of viruses, all of which was leading John off in an investigative streak as to where they had all come from.
However, the engines were dead, and Two could do what she needed to do.
Four grapples and two enormous rear rocket engines brought the craft to a stop and stabilised her in the water. VTOL was enough to keep her steady and move her to a dock where she could be secured and her cargo unloaded, rather than strewn along the coast.
“Many thanks, International Rescue!”
“No problem, Borkum II.”
Virgil switched over comms. “Thunderbird Five, rescue complete. Retrieving the module and heading home.”
“FAB, Thunderbird Two.”
“I wish Gordon was here.” Alan was voicing Virgil’s thoughts again.
But those thoughts were derailed as he lined up Two to retrieve her module. One of the grapple launchers reported an error and failed to fire.
Virgil thumbed the dash seeking further information, but Two couldn’t give him anything conclusive.
“Five, we need to land on the Island. Can you get the necessary clearances? Grapple number four is showing a malfunction.”
“FAB, Thunderbird Two.” A moment. “You have clearance to land.”
“Thanks, John.”
He settled Two down beside her module in the carpark at the main docking facility.
“Now I really wish Gordon was here. He’s going to be pissed.”
Virgil climbed out of his pilot’s seat and his whole body creaked. He was tired, but he couldn’t agree more. “I’m going to check number four grapple. Why don’t you go and snap some holos before the sun sets?” Virgil reached into one of the cabin lockers and pulled out his holorecorder. “Here you go.”
Actually, now he had thought of it, he wouldn’t mind setting foot on the Island himself.
“Watch out for spectators.”
Alan’s eyes widened and he was immediately out of his seat. He grabbed the ‘recorder and jumped onto the hatch. “FAB, Virg.”
He disappeared below before Virgil could utter another word.
Virgil rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help smiling. “John, you got eyes on the squirt?”
“Always, Thunderbird Two.” But Virgil could hear the smile in John’s voice.
Back to work.
Stepping out into the tropical wet season was a familiar feeling. The dock itself was part of a large facility managing imports and exports. On the other side of the Island was the airport and air authority for the region. Christmas Island was part of Australia and despite being a fair distance around the globe from Tracy Island, it still had things in common with home.
He left his helmet in the cockpit, choosing to spend these few scant moments breathing the fresh air of another ocean.
He walked around to the grapple in question and shooting his own grapple gun up at Two’s undercarriage, hauled himself up there and had an argument with the much larger gun’s mechanical systems.
What he found equated to too much monsoon rain and a worn rubber washer that had degraded and jammed the system. A spare washer fixed the issue, but that also prompted the need to examine the three other grapple guns for similar damage.
In the end, he opted to swap them all out and threw off a note to Brains about finding a better material to support the movement of the heavy use equipment.
By the time he finished, the sun was kissing the horizon.
There was no sign of Alan.
“He’s signing autographs.”
Virgil blinked. “What?”
“Alan went down to the beach and some locals spotted him. Don’t worry, just five young girls. I’m keeping an eye on him.”
“Girls? Really?”
John snorted.
Okay, maybe Virgil was a little too tired. “Give him five and then call him back. I’m looking forward to dinner.” Maybe a barbecue. Steak, maybe a beer, sit back and watch the moon rise. Maybe he could drag John down and get Gordon out of his room…
Something clambered over his boot.
His boots were sturdy by nature and if the scampering creature hadn’t been bright red in the waning sunlight, he might not have realised it was there. But it was bright red, as large as his hand, and very much a crab.
It was enough for Virgil to step back…hurriedly, not in a panic. It was only a crab, after all.
As big as his hand.
It appeared to be alone, however. None of those massive migrations this Island was renowned for.
Hell, if that had been the case, Gordon would be in his ear. Virgil had already checked; the annual red crab migration of Christmas Island had happened over a month ago.
This must be just a straggler.
Gordon, of course, was the source of Virgil’s knowledge about the red crabs. The one time they had been here before was during Gordon’s hydrofoil accident recovery as a special treat. Virgil had flown him in and stayed with him as the coastline was taken over by swarms of red crabs.
That was the reason why both Virgil and Alan wished he was here this time as well. The aquanaut adored Christmas Island and its crazy crabs.
Tracy Island had its fair share of endemic crabs, but none as spectacular as these hoards.
Virgil would do anything for his little brother and that trip was the proof.
Waking up with six large red crabs in your bed was an experience he had no wish to repeat.
He really, really loved his little brother.
The lone crab scampered across the tarmac and up into a grassy bank.
Virgil shivered despite himself.
And still wished Gordon was here.
He hit his comms. “Okay, Thunderbird Five. Two is secure. Where is that brother of ours?”
“Should I call him back?”
“Nooo…” Virgil grinned. “I want to see these ‘girls’.”
That earned him a snort and directions down to the local beach.
It turned out that the beach was a bit further away than Virgil had expected. The Island was as volcanic as Tracy Island and hence supported the resultant rugged terrain. The walk to the beach involved navigating around a rocky bay until Virgil finally found himself some sand.
The ship they had saved earlier was lit against the pier in the distance while Two hulked in the foreground on a rocky point.
Alan was standing with five girls in the middle of the beach just above the line of sea-wrack. Whatever they were talking about, they were definitely engrossed in it. One of the girls was crouching down and handing something up to Alan. His brother was wide eyed. Another moment and he had the holocam out and trained on whatever they were talking about in the sea-wrack.
It took a trek halfway up the beach before Virgil realised the wrack was alive and moving.
What the hell?
He stepped back, definitely hurriedly. “Virgil! This is amazing! Gordon is going to kill us!”
But Alan was suddenly in front of him with a handful of….tiny red crabs.
They couldn’t have been bigger than the width of his little finger, but there were hundreds in Alan’s palm and climbing up his arms, over his boots, legs…everywhere.
What the hell?
And they were on Virgil. He scampered backwards up towards the edge of the beach, but there were tiny red crabs on everything. He brushed them off as gently as he could and in the least panicked way he could manage.
Didn’t help much.
He darted up the beach, over the stone wall at the edge and onto the grass. But there were tiny crabs there as well. Perhaps not as many, but they were still crawling up his legs.
“Alan, I think it is time to go.” His voice was a little louder than normal.
“But all these baby crabs…Gordon will love this. Can we bring him back here tomorrow?” Alan was attempting to film his handful as they climbed over his everything.
Several of the girls were giggling at Virgil.
He pulled a little crustacean off his baldric. It was quickly replaced with another one.
“Alan, we’re leaving. Anticontamination protocol is in effect.”
“Aww, really?”
“Professionalism, Alan.” The one he pulled off his shoulder was bigger than the rest. Definitely bigger.
There followed a happy-unhappy drag of a little brother off the beach. It involved whining and a swapping of at least three phone numbers.
“I’m flying Gords out here tomorrow. He has to see this!”
Virgil had no doubt.
But the problem was, he wasn’t willing to leave Gordon’s care solely to their little brother. Sometimes heavy lifting muscles were needed.
Even ones covered in baby crabs.
It took some compressed air to make sure they were both clean of the endemic wildlife. Virgil even ran a mediscanner over the both of them to doubly make sure.
He had no wish to remove the crabs from their island habitat or hurt them in any way. They could just stay on their island and he would stay on his.
Of course, Alan babbled all the way home. Apparently, he had some fantastic footage of the babies that Gordon would just adore. There was also some extensive planning for a full family day trip the next day so everyone could see the baby crabs.
Virgil had no doubt that both John and Scott would be absolutely thrilled.
But they all loved Gordon, so chances were that they were all going to Christmas Island as soon as practically possible.
Alan already had John arranging the appropriate paperwork.
Virgil loved his littlest brother as well.
By the time he brought Two into land, Alan had worked enough on him that he was actually looking forward to the planned trip.
After all, they were only tiny crabs, weren’t they?
Two sighed as he killed her engine and let the turntable do its work. He relaxed back and let his shoulders drop.
Food and some well-earned sleep.
And hopefully no dreams about crabs.
“Hey, Virgil, what’s that?”
He turned to his little brother. “What?”
Alan’s eyes were widening and not in joy. He pointed towards Virgil’s chair.
Virgil looked down just in time to see a claw the size of his hand reach around the edge of his pilot’s seat.
What the-?!
But the thought didn’t have a chance to complete its profanity as Virgil was out of the chair and halfway across the cabin before he could swear.
A massive, brown crab took up most of the back of his pilot’s chair. It had to be at least a couple of feet across.
“What the hell is that?!” It was waving one of its huge claws as it clambered around the now empty seat and took Virgil’s place.
“Um, I’m sure Gordon knows.” Alan was clambering backwards out the other side of his seat.
Both operatives evacuated the Thunderbird at a considerable pace.
Gordon was consulted and amongst the laughter at their expense it was revealed to be a robber crab, yet another common arthropod inhabitant of that island that Virgil had very little wish to revisit but had now apparently been lassoed into landing on again tomorrow.
It was either that or Robbie the Robber Crab was going to take up permanent residency on Tracy Island. Something that was never going to happen while Virgil was an inhabitant of said Island.
Red crabs the size of his hand in his bed, he had handled. Baby crabs crawling all over his body in the hundreds – he could possibly handle those. But giant crabs up to a metre wide? He only had so much love for his little brother.
Maybe he should wear his exo-suit tomorrow.
The rest of the night was spent talking about crabs. Watching the holovids Alan had taken of the baby crabs and listening to a dissertation on the crab inhabitants of Christmas Island performed by Gordon Tracy, Aquanaut and Marine Biologist.
John refused to come down.
Scott suddenly had a business meeting tomorrow.
Kayo didn’t come home either. Virgil had suspicions that John was a tattle-tale.
Virgil glared at all of them.
But the joy in Gordon’s expression destroyed every protest he could possibly think of. And Alan was as eager as the fish.
Virgil sighed and resigned himself to his fate.
Gordon dug up some online footage of robber crabs overturning trash cans.
Virgil just stared.
Gonna wear the exo-suit.
 Some videos for your entertainment. Our world is definitely an amazing place :D
Robber crabs
Hmm, should we tell Virgil that the coconut crabs aren’t confined to Christmas Island, but may also be near Tracy Island?
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scott-flyboy-tracy · 2 years
@gordonthesquid WHERE did you find this???
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godsliltippy · 1 year
@gordonthesquid I got some amazing squidmas cards!
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hackabaker · 2 years
I am afraid to ask why is this PowerPoint slide in my laptop...
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the-allie-gater · 2 years
Alan collapsed down on top of @gordonthesquid with a dramatic sigh, his older brother becoming his pillow.
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vgtracy · 1 year
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I posted 42 times in 2022
3 posts created (7%)
39 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 29 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#gordonthesquid - 12 posts
#thunderbirds are go - 11 posts
#thunderbirds - 11 posts
#virgil tracy - 5 posts
#the-allie-gator - 5 posts
#thunderbirds fanfiction - 3 posts
#scott-flyboy-tracy - 3 posts
#gordon tracy - 2 posts
#rp - 2 posts
#scott tracy - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 28 characters
#dunno if it will go anywhere
My Top Posts in 2022:
Who in your life are you grateful for?
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My family.
Ever, ever so grateful.
We have faced so much, but we have always faced it together.
My earliest memories are of my mother, father, big brother and little Johnny. I have always had their company and I know for that at least I am blessed. The terrible two came along a little later and turned our world upside down one by one, but I don’t love them any less.
::clears his throat and looks down::
Time has taken a lot. Mom. Dad. But we have also gained Kayo and Brains.
Mom and Dad…they may not be with us anymore, but they are in here…::thumps his breastbone with two fingers::
::that hand forms a fist as his eyes look down a little and grow distant:: I carry them with me.
::looks up again:: But I am grateful for the time I did have with them. Nothing can take those moments from me.
I have my family. We have each other.
And I am ever so grateful for that.
22 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
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This one is entirely @janetm74​ ‘s fault because she sent me this picture - https://sylvanthorn.tumblr.com/post/672819253903310848/mennyfox55-alfarer%C3%ADa
This fic is Warm Rain, but long into the future. It doesn’t go anywhere and is just a moment, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
“Okay, honey, hold it just like this…” He positioned his hands over hers and arranged her fingers so they smoothed the spinning clay just right.
He nudged the speed on the pottery wheel with one foot to a touch slower than usual and the lump of clay gradually began to round under their combined pressure.
Her hands were so small, still a little pudgy in youth, but she was growing so fast he feared he might blink and miss something important. His memory wasn’t as good as it used to be, but he knew enough and revelled in teaching his little Bea.
She giggled and squirmed in his lap. “It feels funny.”
A smile. “It is soft so we can shape it and make something.” He peered down at her in his lap. “What would you like to make?”
She twisted her lips up in thought, but didn’t let go of the spinning clay. “Can we make a bowl for Great-gran?”
Virgil’s grin widened. “Of course.”
“Can we make a purple one?”
He thought back to his studio supplies. “I think I have some glaze that can do the job.”
They were outside on the patio of the old villa, not far from the pool. Virgil had kept a lot of his studio equipment in the main house. It gave him an excuse to wander over and harass various brothers at whim.
Today Kay was down in Auckland and he had some time to himself with his Bea. She had inherited his art interests and combined them with her mother’s curiosity.
In other words, she peppered him with questions on a regular basis.
All of which he loved to answer.
Today’s was about crockery and he had the equipment. It was a good an excuse as any to play with a little clay with his daughter.
She giggled again.
“What is it?”
“My hands are all gooey.” Another chortle. “And so are yours.”
He let out a laugh. “All part of the fun. Now, let’s make Great-gran a bowl.”
He guided her fingers to the centre of the lump of spinning clay. She exclaimed in wonder as he triggered the beginning of a hole in the centre of the mass. Her jaw dropped as they widened it together and the lump became vaguely bowl shaped.
“Now we put one hand on the inside and one on the outside and gently…gently, we can’t rush this…thin the clay out.”
A little more expertise was needed for this and, if he was honest, it had been quite a long time since he had played potter. But the memory was there and he made it work.
Memory, after all, was everything.
There was definitely something about soft clay under his fingertips that sparked more, but this with Bea? This was making memories.
He became aware that they were being watched only gradually, Bea taking up all his focus, but the quiet approach of his eldest brother registered before Bea looked up, grinning. “Uncle Scotty!”
“Hey, Beahive. What have you convinced your daddy to do today?”
Virgil couldn’t help but smile at the flickering mischief in those blue eyes.
See the full post
26 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The wine was sweet. A little too sweet if he was honest, but he was open-minded.
The woman across from him smiled a little nervously and took another sip before clearing her throat. “So, Mr Tracy, thank you for inviting me.”
Virgil smiled over his glass. “My pleasure.” It was his turn to take a sip. This was usually Scott’s gig. Virgil wasn’t one to wine and dine anyone.
Not that he couldn’t be the suit in Tracy Industries. He had no problem with that, it was just that usually he was talking to other engineers and brainstorming, not taking them out to expensive restaurants.
But Lila was different. Or he hoped.
She joined the New York office early last year and had caught his eye during one of their crisis meetings.
Crisis meetings were specialist sessions Virgil held himself when a rescue involved faulty infrastructure. Faulty infrastructure that needed an immediate solution that Tracy Industries might be able to provide.
International Rescue saved the day. Tracy Industries saved the future.
The first time he met her, she had been yelling at him across a holocomm from the other side of the Pacific plus at least one continent. She had called him out in front of everyone.
It was morning in New York. It was also morning on Tracy Island…3am the next day, and Virgil was on his last straw after a very long rescue involving a bridge collapse that should never have happened.
She had far too much energy and was calling him out on both stress and financial calculations.
And she was right, which derailed him even more.
But all through that, she was wearing a bright cherry pink lipstick that set off her chestnut hair just perfectly. Her lips were distracting. They were the perfect colour.
“Mr Tracy?”
He shook himself, both in the past and the present, and took another sip of wine.
Definitely too sweet.
He cleared his throat. “I felt I owed you dinner after my poor conduct last week.”
She blinked before smiling a little nervously and looking down at her lap. “I think I’m lucky I didn’t get fired, shouting at you like that.”
Virgil put the wine glass down. “You had every right to say what you did. I was at fault.” Was it bad that he was happy she was wearing the same lipstick today? That he was quite mesmerised by her nervous smile?
He wasn’t one for physical attraction much. Sure, he looked, who didn’t? But the true lure was intelligence and personality.
If he was honest with himself, Lila’s outburst had reminded him more of family than anything else. Telling him he was being stupid when necessary.
It didn’t happen very often, Virgil was far from reckless, but there were times where his passion overwhelmed his sensibilities and took him a step too far.
This had been one of those times.
The team at Tracy Industries knew him as a Tracy. Sometimes Virgil wondered if Scott and their father had accidentally created some kind of cult with their workers. Their employees were often devoted to them in ways that Virgil didn’t quite see anywhere else. It spoke of far too many pedestals.
But then there were the team members like Scott’s executive assistant who pushed the employee/employer relationship to its boundaries by either yelling across the Pacific or alerting International Rescue that they had a situation in their own villa and could someone please put Mr Tracy to bed now?
So Lila.
At 3am.
With cherry red lipstick.
Had inadvertently joined a select group of Tracy herders in being the first one willing to yell at Virgil Tracy.
See the full post
28 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gordonthesquid · 2 years
Continues from here
I know this stroke.
I know this stroke like Alan knows jump combos in Cavern Quest. Like Scott knows schmoozing. Innate knowledge, cultivated until it's instinctual.
Yet, my time. It's... it's... abysmal.
I reach for my stop watch again, and go again, but of course this is just another sprint of many today and I can already feel my stamina, that beloved resource, that energy I cling to during long days and long swims, drift away from my fingers. There and back.
It's not enough.
I try it again this time, using my phone's time clock.
A rhythm of breathing and fluid movement, and I cut through the water.
Drops of chlorinated pool water, splash along the cement as I reach for the stop button of the waterproof touchscreen.
It's not the stopwatch.
I'm losing it. I'm losing it and I dont know why.
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selene-tempest · 8 months
Caught Gordon napping on the couch about an hour before bedtime. He then woke up, rolled off the couch, stretched, yawned and then announced he was going to bed.
John, not looking up from his tablet: G'night.
Me, shaking my head: How does he do that?
Scott: Do what?
Me: Nap for like an hour then get up and go to bed? I could never. If I nap that close to bedtime I'll be awake for the next six hours.
Scott, shrugging: He's always been the same, it's like it's his pre-sleep nap before his main sleep.
Me: Main sleep?
John, chiming in: He calls it his snors d'oeuvres
Me, facepalming: I... I just.... *sighs*
@i-t-guy-in-the-sky @scott-flyboy-tracy @gordonthesquid
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i-t-guy-in-the-sky · 7 months
Gordon just sent me this. I'm not sure if I should be insulted or scared that it's accurate and Selene will start talking star signs to me even more.
@selene-tempest @gordonthesquid
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ok-kayo · 2 years
Let's play a game, guess who said each of these 5 phrases over the coms!
1. "The birds aren't real"
2. "I'm committing war crimes-"
3. "*insert the whole fitness gram pacer test*"
4. "Well that's just a huge a disappointment"
5. "Less talky talk and more worky work"
@scott-flyboy-tracy @vgtracy @i-t-guy-in-the-sky @gordonthesquid @the-allie-gater
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squiddokiddo · 2 years
Thunderfam meme time! Let’s spread some love. If you want to, tag people in the thunderfam for each answer. Shout out somebody who:
💙 Inspires you to be your best self
💚 Is always there for you when you need help
❤️ Draws beautiful art
💛 Always makes you laugh/cheers you up
🧡 Writes beautiful fic
💜 Someone you’d like to get to know better! Tell them hi!
🤍 Wildcard! Shout somebody out for whatever you want.
Oh gosh, this is new.
Hi anon, thanks for dropping the ask.
💙: Who inspires you to be your best self?
I'd say everyone of you, you all inspire me to be better.
💚: Who is always there for you when you need help?
@misssquidtracy is the most amazing, kind and supportive person I know and @godsliltippy is always ready to lend a hand no matter what and I love them both to pieces!!
I love you guys!! ♡♡
❤️: Who draws beautiful art?
I can't choose just one; @teapotteringabout @quasar-concept @godsliltippy @gumnut-logic @lenle-g @reallyhardy @littlebitstormy @dragonoffantasyandreality @seathesilverlinings @nourelle-tracy @soniabigcheese @earthbird-two @skymaiden32 @ak47stylegirl @oxttathiswxrld
I am in awe of your talents, all of you!! I'm sorry if I've missed any amazing artists.
💛: Who always makes you laugh/cheers you up?
Oh definitely @gordonthesquid, I love seeing posts from our squid on my dash.
(Aka @gaviiadastra who plays the role so amazingly well)
🧡: Who writes beautiful fics?
Again, it's hard to pick just one. I'm not much of a reader but I like @gaviiadastra, @gumnut-logic and @janetm74's drabbles that I've read in the past.
I was also partnered with @katblu42 for the @tagminibang event, the piece she wrote was just so amazing, and the famous hug shirt fic!! Beautiful.
And @realbumblecrumble has written some amazing one-shot pieces for me and I love them so much. ♡♡
💜: Who is someone you'd like to get to know better?
@quasar-concept @gaviiadastra and @alexthefly.
Hi *waves*
🤍: Shout out.
I want to shout out @melmac78 who makes gorgeous bangles, bracelets and keyrings and also sends me lots of photos of her lovely kitty Kali.
And @sugar-fiend who I am sooo excited and happy for!! Congrats again!! ♡♡
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