#goodnight for now ( бωб)づ
stirdrawsandreblaws · 1 month
to-do tomorrow (technically today):
troubleshoot external disc drive in advance of needing it on thursday
finalize vector conversion for that dunmeshi art so i can finally assemble all the templates for merch and start taking orders
fix the werewolf postcard template so those can also be ordered
put away the rest of the clean laundry if possible
study for pcap bc if i fuck that up I'm doomed lol
treat hand infection site at least 2 times, preferably 3 times
remember to make and eat meals other than breakfast
stop ignoring my stretch breaks and actually get up periodically to unfuck my bones a lil bit
give my eyes periodic breaks too since The Twitching is back
if you see a horrid beast (me) on tumblr, push it back in (to tasks i'm supposed to be doing)
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