#good morning message by ashish
tricksontime · 2 years
1111 + good morning message in hindi | गुड मॉर्निंग मैसेज
1111 + good morning message in hindi | गुड मॉर्निंग मैसेज
if you are searching on google good morning message in Hindi then, we have the largest collection of good morning message in Hindi.गुड मॉर्निंग स्टेटस  good morning status in Hindi. you can copy these Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook good morning message in Hindi, and paste them onto your social media accounts. 19 + good morning message in hindi for whatsapp you can share these good morning…
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nerdforestgirl · 4 years
Note: This is for the only person I know who ships Raj and Anu as much as I do.  Happy birthday, @platypus-quacks-too
Anu missed Raj. When he broke things off with her because of the long distance thing, she was upset, but it made sense. Raj had roots in Los Angeles. His job was there. His friends were there. Anu hoped he loved her enough to move, but it wasn’t all together that surprising that he didn’t. What did surprise Anu was that she loved Raj enough to still miss him all these months later. Though, she knew exactly why she was feeling this way. It was the headline she saw while scrolling through her newsfeed. The Nobel ceremony included two familiar faces.
Anu’s job brought her into contact with all kinds of celebrities, but she had never known someone as a friend who then went on to do something so noteworthy. She thought about emailing Amy her congratulations. Would that be appropriate? She didn’t see anything wrong with it. It wasn’t like things with Raj had ended badly. They just ended.
“You’ll never guess who emailed me,” Amy told Raj when she ran into him at work a couple days later.
“My dad? I think he’s had a weird crush on you since you hosted Christmas that time. He asks about you a lot. Like, almost weekly,” Raj told Amy.
“Really?” Amy asked, distracted by this news. She would have assumed that he was more into Penny. Anyway, it was not Raj’s dad who got in contact. Amy got back to the point. “No. Anu heard about the win, so she emailed. She said if we ended up in London, we should stop by her hotel. She said she could hook us up. She also asked about you, and I wanted to see what you wanted me to say.”
“Anu?” Raj checked. He suddenly got a little sad. He didn’t think he made the wrong choice to stay in Los Angeles, but he often thought of what might have been if he had gone to be with her. He missed her frequently. He was certain that they would be engaged again by now if she hadn’t left.
“Yeah. Should I tell her about your hot new girlfriend or should I tell her the truth?” Amy joked.
“Tell her I’m doing well, I guess.” He didn’t know what else to say.
Amy nodded and walked away.
Raj wasn’t sure he wanted to just pass messages along through Amy. He felt a little like reaching out to Anu himself. He hadn’t seen her in months other than when he helped arrange for her apartment to be packed up and either put into storage, sold, or shipped to her in London. After that they decided a clean break was best.
Raj checked the time. It wasn’t too late in London yet, so he clicked on Anu’s name on Skype. He figured that she wouldn’t answer anyway. Then he saw her smiling face, and his heart skipped a beat.
“Hey, Raj. Is everything okay?” Anu asked. She didn’t expect a call from him, but maybe Amy mentioned that she asked about him.
“Yeah. I... um... I was talking to Amy, and she said you reached out. I thought that was nice.” Raj realized that he didn’t have a reason to call. He felt so stupid. She probably didn’t even want to hear from him. He did choose all of his friends over her.
“Yeah, it’s incredible that they won!” Anu started. “I mean, I heard all about it at the time, but I’ve never known someone who won a Nobel. I am so glad those other guys didn’t get their feet in the do—“
“I miss you!” Raj cut her off mid sentence.
“Oh,” Anu said in shock. “I need to go.” Anu disconnected the call.
Raj smacked himself in the head. He felt so stupid. Anu was happy in her life, and here he was inserting himself into her life again. He decided to just go home for the day. He felt more heartbroken than the day he told Anu that he wasn’t coming.
Anu didn’t want to hear that Raj missed her. She was glad to hear from him, but she in no way wanted to hear that he missed her. She didn’t want to feel like it was a mistake to take her dream job. She still loved this job. Even more so than when she first got it. Nothing would be changed from when they first broke up. There was no good in missing him.
While Raj sat at home alone, he made a series of questionable decisions. First, he looked at the prices of flights. Then he looked at how many vacation days he had left in addition to the ones he was using for Stockholm. Then he called his brother Ashish who lived in London who seemed more than happy to host him for a couple days. At least Raj would get to see his little brother while he willingly broke his own heart.
Raj planned to call Anu to tell her he was coming, but he never found the words. Instead, he was on an international flight without ever telling Anu he was coming. He wasn’t even sure why he was going or what he was going to say. He just knew that he couldn’t leave things the way he had. He wanted to at least say goodbye in person. He supposed that was all he really had planned.
“Hello, may I speak to your manager?” Raj asked the woman at the front desk at the hotel where Anu worked.
“I’m sorry, sir. Are you a guest of the hotel? Have you had a problem?” the young woman working the desk asked with concern.
“No. No problems. I am a friend of Anu’s and I need to talk to her for a minute.”
“You’ve just missed her. She went home for the day.”
Raj sighed. He knew he had two more days in London, so he still had time to track her down. He would go on to Ashish’s flat and regroup. This wasn’t the end of the world. Raj thanked the girl behind the desk and turned to leave. That’s when he saw her.
“Emma, can you believe I forgot my—Raj?” Anu said as she walked towards them. Her gait slowed when she saw him. She almost thought she was hallucinating. What would Raj be doing here?
“Hi,” Raj said. He was glad he was able to say anything. Anu was the only person to give him enough butterflies to make that selective mutism pop back up.
“What are you doing here?” Anu asked.
“I wanted to see you,” Raj admitted. “I thought it would be harder for you to hang up on me this way,” he added with a weak smile.
Anu returned the smile. She put up a finger and went into the back to get the binder she had come back for. When she was alone in the office, she had a little panic attack now that she was alone in her office where she could give herself freedom to do so. Then she collected herself and went back out.
“Hi, Raj. Let’s go,” Anu said with none of the anxiety she felt coming through.
Raj nodded, grabbed his bag, and followed.
Anu walked fast, but Raj stayed right with her. Though he spent too much time looking at her to pay any attention to where he was going. When they stopped fifteen minutes later, he had no idea where he was. Anu opened the door to a pub and pushed him in.
“This isn’t funny,” Anu told him when they got to a table.
“I never thought it was. Like I said when I called you, I miss you. I thought it would be helpful to see you and get some real closure.”
“Oh. So, this isn’t some desperate attempt to get me back?” Anu asked.
“No. Well, maybe. I’m not sure what it is. It felt right.”
Anu didn’t know what to say about that. Instead she got up and ordered a drink. It was a lot to take in.
“I am not coming back to Los Angeles for you,” told him when she returned with two pints.
“I know, and I don’t want to move to London right now. I’m not ruling it out ever, but I’m not moving across the world for someone who keeps breaking up with me.”
Anu laughed. “You broke up with me this last time.”
“True enough.”
“So, we aren’t getting back together again? No Love Actually signs in your pocket?”
Raj shrugged. He asked about Anu’s new job to change the subject and because he was actually curious. Then they talked about everything other than their situation until far too late into the night. Even though they stayed out late, they didn’t drink all that much. They both had pretty clear heads as they left the pub.
“Do you have a place to stay?” Anu asked as they walked out.
“My brother has a flat a few kilometers from here. No need for you to put me up in your hotel,” Raj told her.
“I wasn’t thinking about my hotel,” Anu said as she ran her hand down Raj’s arm. She logically knew that it was a bad idea, but she hadn’t been on a single date since Raj. She was trying to focus on herself. Still, Raj was here. He was cute. She wanted to take him home.
“What—oh! You mean your place. Yeah. I can blow off my brother tonight. Let me just text him so he doesn’t worry,” Raj said while Anu started to get them a taxi back to her place.
The next morning, Raj woke up to Anu telling him to get up and get out. She needed to get to work.
“We need to talk more,” Raj said.
“We don’t. I need to get to work. Go see your brother,” Anu said.
Raj was crushed as he made his way to Ashish’s flat. It wasn’t that he just felt used for sex by Anu, but he felt like they had really connected again last night. Now he was out on his ear again. And he still didn’t get his closure.
Still, Raj enjoyed seeing his little brother for the day. They went to the Harry Potter studio tour and The London Eye and a bunch of silly tourist stuff that Ashish never did on his own. As they headed to dinner, Raj got a text. It was from Anu. He hoped that meant that he would get to see her again.
“Long Distance? I’ll be in LA in a month. You can come visit me too. We could try it?”
“You want to do this over text?” Raj asked Anu.
“No, but I can’t stop thinking about you. Maybe we can make this work. I don’t want to give up yet. Last night reminded me of a lot of things I’ve been missing.”
“How about I take you to dinner, and we’ll talk about it in person,” Raj offered.
“This is going to take a lot of rules and planning. It’s going to be hard.”
“How about a written document laying it all out?” Raj was getting an idea. He messaged Sheldon asking for his help. It took less than ten seconds before Sheldon wrote back agreeing.
“That sounds ridiculous, but it’s not the worst idea,” Anu agreed.
Then Raj got another text from Anu before he could respond to the last one.
“Why am I getting emails from a Nobel laureate asking me about our sex life?”
Raj checked his email, and there were three surveys about plans and sex and love languages. Knowing Sheldon, this was just the beginning.
“He’s a little thorough, but you can’t argue with his results. He and Amy have been together for eight years, and Leonard and Penny’s relationship improved a lot when he wrote one for them.”
“Fine. Pick me up in 45 minutes for dinner.”
Raj agreed and canceled dinner with his brother. Then he opened one of the surveys that Sheldon sent. Raj had no idea this was why he flew to London on a whim, but the smile making his cheeks hurt told him it was definitely the right choice.
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Underselling the Vaccine
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Good morning. We explain why the vaccine news is better than you may think.
Early in the pandemic, many health experts — in the U.S. and around the world — decided that the public could not be trusted to hear the truth about masks. Instead, the experts spread a misleading message, discouraging the use of masks.
Their motivation was mostly good. It sprung from a concern that people would rush to buy high-grade medical masks, leaving too few for doctors and nurses. The experts were also unsure how much ordinary masks would help.
But the message was still a mistake.
It confused people. (If masks weren’t effective, why did doctors and nurses need them?) It delayed the widespread use of masks (even though there was good reason to believe they could help). And it damaged the credibility of public health experts.
“When people feel as though they may not be getting the full truth from the authorities, snake-oil sellers and price gougers have an easier time,” the sociologist Zeynep Tufekci wrote early last year.
Now a version of the mask story is repeating itself — this time involving the vaccines. Once again, the experts don’t seem to trust the public to hear the full truth.
This issue is important and complex enough that I’m going to make today’s newsletter a bit longer than usual. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to email me at [email protected].
‘Ridiculously encouraging’
Right now, public discussion of the vaccines is full of warnings about their limitations: They’re not 100 percent effective. Even vaccinated people may be able to spread the virus. And people shouldn’t change their behavior once they get their shots.
These warnings have a basis in truth, just as it’s true that masks are imperfect. But the sum total of the warnings is misleading, as I heard from multiple doctors and epidemiologists last week.
“It’s driving me a little bit crazy,” Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown School of Public Health, told me.
“We’re underselling the vaccine,” Dr. Aaron Richterman, an infectious-disease specialist at the University of Pennsylvania, said.
“It’s going to save your life — that’s where the emphasis has to be right now,” Dr. Peter Hotez of the Baylor College of Medicine said.
The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are “essentially 100 percent effective against serious disease,” Dr. Paul Offit, the director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, said. “It’s ridiculously encouraging.”
The details
Here’s my best attempt at summarizing what we know:
The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines — the only two approved in the U.S. — are among the best vaccines ever created, with effectiveness rates of about 95 percent after two doses. That’s on par with the vaccines for chickenpox and measles. And a vaccine doesn’t even need to be so effective to reduce cases sharply and crush a pandemic.
If anything, the 95 percent number understates the effectiveness, because it counts anyone who came down with a mild case of Covid-19 as a failure. But turning Covid into a typical flu — as the vaccines evidently did for most of the remaining 5 percent — is actually a success. Of the 32,000 people who received the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine in a research trial, do you want to guess how many contracted a severe Covid case? One.
Although no rigorous study has yet analyzed whether vaccinated people can spread the virus, it would be surprising if they did. “If there is an example of a vaccine in widespread clinical use that has this selective effect — prevents disease but not infection — I can’t think of one!” Dr. Paul Sax of Harvard has written in The New England Journal of Medicine. (And, no, exclamation points are not common in medical journals.) On Twitter, Dr. Monica Gandhi of the University of California, San Francisco, argued: “Please be assured that YOU ARE SAFE after vaccine from what matters — disease and spreading.”
The risks for vaccinated people are still not zero, because almost nothing in the real world is zero risk. A tiny percentage of people may have allergic reactions. And I’ll be eager to see what the studies on post-vaccination spread eventually show. But the evidence so far suggests that the vaccines are akin to a cure.
Offit told me we should be greeting them with the same enthusiasm that greeted the polio vaccine: “It should be this rallying cry.”
The costs of negativity
Why are many experts conveying a more negative message?
Again, their motivations are mostly good. As academic researchers, they are instinctively cautious, prone to emphasizing any uncertainty. Many may also be nervous that vaccinated people will stop wearing masks and social distancing, which in turn could cause unvaccinated people to stop as well. If that happens, deaths would soar even higher.
But the best way to persuade people to behave safely usually involves telling them the truth. “Not being completely open because you want to achieve some sort of behavioral public health goal — people will see through that eventually,” Richterman said. The current approach also feeds anti-vaccine skepticism and conspiracy theories.
After asking Richterman and others what a better public message might sound like, I was left thinking about something like this:
We should immediately be more aggressive about mask-wearing and social distancing because of the new virus variants. We should vaccinate people as rapidly as possible — which will require approving other Covid vaccines when the data justifies it.
People who have received both of their vaccine shots, and have waited until they take effect, will be able to do things that unvaccinated people cannot — like having meals together and hugging their grandchildren. But until the pandemic is defeated, all Americans should wear masks in public, help unvaccinated people stay safe and contribute to a shared national project of saving every possible life.
The Transition
President-elect Joe Biden picked two Obama-era regulators to oversee key financial agencies: Gary Gensler to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission, and Rohit Chopra as the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Here’s Biden’s response to aides who use overly academic or elitist language: “Pick up your phone, call your mother, read her what you just told me,” he likes to say. “If she understands, we can keep talking.”
President Trump’s allies have collected tens of thousands of dollars from people seeking pardons.
Capitol Riot Fallout
From Opinion: Today is Martin Luther King’s Birthday. In a video Op-Ed, Martin Luther King III remembers his father’s economic message.
Media Equation: Fox settled a lawsuit over its lies about a murdered young man, but the network insisted that the settlement had to stay secret until after the 2020 election.
Lives Lived: Phil Spector was a pioneering producer who shaped the sound of pop music in the 1960s but who spent the end of his life in prison after murdering Lana Clarkson at his home in 2003. He has died, from complications from Covid-19, at 81.
Why sea shanties are suddenly viral
On TikTok in December, Nathan Evans, a 26-year-old Scottish postal worker and musician, shared a black-and-white video of himself singing a sea shanty — a traditional sailor’s work song — called “Soon May the Wellerman Come.” In the ensuing weeks, Sea Shanty TikTok was born.
Professional musicians, people driving in cars and even a Kermit the Frog puppet shared videos of themselves singing along. There were electro remixes. Some people began covering other songs, like “All Star” by Smash Mouth, in a sea-shanty style.
While the genre may seem like a strange one to go viral, the songs are relatively easy to learn. They also lend themselves well to collaboration, which TikTok’s functions encourage. An original goal of the sea shanty was to foster community, as sailors worked long hours aboard a ship.
“They are unifying, survivalist songs, designed to transform a huge group of people into one collective body, all working together to keep the ship afloat,” Kathryn VanArendonk writes in Vulture. And they’re especially fitting for a time when people are desperate for connection.
What to Cook
Spanakopita, the classic Greek spinach and feta pie, inspired this baked pasta.
What to Watch
“MLK/FBI,” directed by Sam Pollard, draws on long-secret documents to chronicle the F.B.I.’s harassment of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
What to Listen to
Hear new tracks from Flo Milli, Lana Del Rey and more — including a song that holds the single-day streaming record on Spotify.
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ibilenews · 4 years
Coronavirus testing needs to triple before the US can reopen, experts say
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NEW YORK (NYTIMES) - As some governors consider easing social distancing restrictions, new estimates by researchers at Harvard University suggest that the United States cannot safely reopen unless it conducts more than three times the number of coronavirus tests it is currently administering over the next month.
An average of 147,000 people per day have been tested for the coronavirus nationally so far this month, according to the Covid Tracking Project, which as of Monday (April 20) reported just over four million total tests across the country.
To reopen the United States by mid-May, the number of daily tests performed between now and then should be 500,000 to 700,000, according to the Harvard estimates.
That level of testing is necessary to identify the majority of people who are infected and isolate them from people who are healthy, according to the researchers.
About 20 per cent of those tested so far were positive for the virus, a rate that the researchers say is too high.
"If you have a very high positive rate, it means that there are probably a good number of people out there who have the disease who you haven't tested," said Dr Ashish Jha, the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute.
"You want to drive the positive rate down, because the fundamental element of keeping our economy open is making sure you're identifying as many infected people as possible and isolating them."
The researchers said that expanded testing could reduce the rate to 10 per cent, which is the maximum rate recommended by the World Health Organisation. In Germany, that number is 7 per cent, and in South Korea, it is closer to 3 per cent.
There is variation in the rate of testing and positive results among states, but most need to administer more tests to get to the level the researchers suggest - a minimum of about 152 tests per 100,000 people each day.
In most states, people who had severe symptoms, worked in health facilities or were otherwise hospitalised were given priority for testing.
The goal of the testing level recommended by the researchers would be to test nearly everyone who has mild or severe flu-like symptoms, and an average of 10 contacts for each person who tests positive for the virus.
A shortage of test kits and technical flaws in the United States significantly delayed more widespread testing of the virus, letting it spread undetected for weeks.
With more than 770,000 cases as of Monday, the country has the highest number of known cases in the world.
Health experts said that if the United States had tested earlier and more, the outbreak would have been better contained.
Dr Caitlin Rivers, an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security, said that since that did not happen and the virus spread rapidly, it has made sense to prioritise testing for those in hospitals in recent weeks.
"It does make sense, given constraints, to focus on people with severe illness, because you need that information to guide their care," Dr Rivers said.
In mid-May, however, when the researchers estimate infections will have subsided somewhat and states are looking to reopen their economies, Dr Jha believes vastly expanded testing will be crucial.
"I want to be able to identify everybody who is even mildly symptomatic," he said. "So when I wake up one morning and have a sore throat and a fever, I should be able to go get tested. And then I want to be able to test all of my contacts if I turn out to be positive, so that I can do the test, trace and isolate strategy that's so critical to allowing us to open up and stay open."
New Jersey currently has the highest positive rate among all states - about half of the 178,000 coronavirus tests that it has conducted so far have come back positive.
That suggests that many of the people in the state who have the coronavirus have not been tested. And recently, testing in New Jersey has started to decline.
The state's testing has been hindered by setbacks, including long lines at testing facilities and a shortage of health care workers and testing swabs.
Mr Christopher Neuwirth, an assistant commissioner at New Jersey's Health Department, said the state's recent lag in testing could also indicate that fewer people are trying to get tested.
"In the days and weeks up until testing was available, there was a huge pent-up demand," Mr Neuwirth said.
After that, he said, the public became more aware of the criteria for testing.
"People really paid attention and really heard the messaging that you have to be symptomatic."
That messaging will have to be reversed, Dr Jha said, once testing is expanded.
"We need to switch from saying to people, 'if you have mild symptoms, if you're not feeling super sick, don't come and stay at home,' to 'if you have any symptoms, you need to come in to get tested right away,'" he said.
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Help Wanted: Retired Doctors And Nurses Don Scrubs Again In Coronavirus Fight
Laura Benson retired from nursing in 2018, but this week she reported for work again in New Rochelle, New York, where the first cluster of COVID-19 cases occurred a few short weeks ago.
“Nurses are used to giving of themselves,” she said. “If there’s not enough people, you just do it.”
With more than 39,000 confirmed cases, New York is now the epicenter in the U.S. of the novel coronavirus outbreak, accounting for almost half of the more than 85,500 cases nationwide as of late Thursday evening. Anticipating a severe shortage of medical personnel to treat the influx of sick patients, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other officials put out a call for retired doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to dust off their scrubs and return to work. By Thursday, 52,000 people had responded.
Officials in other states, including California, Colorado and Illinois, have issued similar pleas for retired medical professionals to step forward.
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In New York’s Westchester County, which includes New Rochelle and other towns north of New York City, County Executive George Latimer said about 90 retired nurses and a handful of doctors responded after he posted a message on the county’s Facebook page about a week ago seeking help.
There’s no definite plan for deploying the medical volunteers, Latimer said. They may be needed to replace personnel sidelined by the coronavirus or to help staff the Westchester County Center being repurposed as a temporary hospital.
Benson, 60, is working for the county health department. A nurse practitioner with a specialty in oncology, she spent 20 years at the Albert Einstein Cancer Center in the Bronx. She eventually retired from a job at a medical device company, where she worked with patients who have brain tumors. She also teaches nursing students at a community college.
Nurses are used to giving of themselves. If there’s not enough people, you just do it.
Laura Benson
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(Photo courtesy of Laura Benson)
On her first day as a retiree volunteer, Benson phoned patients who had recently been tested for the novel coronavirus to talk them through the guidelines they should follow to protect themselves and others.
If there’s a need, she said, she is “absolutely” willing to work directly with patients who have COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus.
“I think about the person laying in that bed,” she said. “I’d want someone to take care of them.”
Benson is not particularly worried about the virus, having worked through the AIDS crisis, treating patients before people understood what that disease was. “You follow the guidelines and protect yourself,” she explained.
The best role for many retired medical professionals may be to fill in behind the scenes, said experts, freeing up younger colleagues to focus on direct patient care.
One reason for this: age.
“My only concern is that many of these retired folks fall into high-risk groups” more likely to be seriously affected by COVID-19, said Dr. Arthur Fougner, president of the Medical Society of the State of New York, a professional group for physicians.
Another concern is whether retirees are up-to-date in their medical knowledge.
“If they’re out for more than two to three years, you have to worry about them being current,” said Dr. Janis Orlowski, chief health care officer for the Association of American Medical Colleges, which represents the academic medical community.
In addition, health care providers’ state licenses may have lapsed if they’ve been retired for more than a few years. Renewing them can be time-consuming.
Still, “if someone still has their licensing and is willing to come back, we should grab that,” Orlowski said.
Michele Pedicone is one such professional. The respiratory care therapist left her job in Seattle last year to head up clinical education at SUNY Upstate Medical University’s respiratory therapy education department in Syracuse, New York. With her classes now mostly happening online and student clinical placements on hold, she has time to step back into clinical care. She contacted two nearby hospitals to see if they could use her services and expects to work three or four days a week.
“I honestly don’t know what they’re paying me; the money isn’t an issue,” said Pedicone, 54. “It’s the right thing to do.”
Respiratory therapists, critical care physicians and nurses trained in operating ventilators that help hospitalized patients breathe are among the specialists expected to be in severely short supply as the coronavirus pandemic worsens in New York and elsewhere, according to an analysis by the Society of Critical Care Medicine.
Expanding the supply of intensive care workers will be key to managing the coronavirus pandemic, said Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, at a briefing this week on health care workforce issues sponsored by the Commonwealth Fund.
I honestly don’t know what they’re paying me, the money isn’t an issue. It’s the right thing to do.
Michele Pedicone
One option policymakers have discussed is that states could allow, for example, medical professionals who retired in the past five years with licenses in good standing to get an automatic three- or six-month license without having to do a lot of paperwork, Jha said.
In the meantime, health care systems are developing their own strategies. Northwell Health owns and operates 19 hospitals in New York City, Westchester County and Long Island. This week, the health system has more than 700 patients with COVID-19, compared with just 40 patients last week, according to Terry Lynam, a senior vice president at the health system.
Northwell has been planning how to beef up staff since January, said Judy Howard, vice president of talent acquisition at the health system who oversees hiring, except for physician leadership. They developed a list of 200 retired nurses whom they’ve been contacting to gauge their interest in returning to paid work in some capacity. So far, 28 have signed on, Howard said.
At this time, they’re asking retired nurses to work at the health system’s call center and share responsibilities for training new nurse employees. Some are working in direct patient care. Another possibility is for retired nurses to staff facilities that Northwell has put in place to care for staff members’ children during the coronavirus pandemic.
“Whether someone really wants to work four hours a week or would like to work 10 hours a week, we’ll work with them to meet their needs,” Howard said.
Help Wanted: Retired Doctors And Nurses Don Scrubs Again In Coronavirus Fight published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 4 years
Help Wanted: Retired Doctors And Nurses Don Scrubs Again In Coronavirus Fight
Laura Benson retired from nursing in 2018, but this week she reported for work again in New Rochelle, New York, where the first cluster of COVID-19 cases occurred a few short weeks ago.
“Nurses are used to giving of themselves,” she said. “If there’s not enough people, you just do it.”
With more than 39,000 confirmed cases, New York is now the epicenter in the U.S. of the novel coronavirus outbreak, accounting for almost half of the more than 85,500 cases nationwide as of late Thursday evening. Anticipating a severe shortage of medical personnel to treat the influx of sick patients, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other officials put out a call for retired doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to dust off their scrubs and return to work. By Thursday, 52,000 people had responded.
Officials in other states, including California, Colorado and Illinois, have issued similar pleas for retired medical professionals to step forward.
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In New York’s Westchester County, which includes New Rochelle and other towns north of New York City, County Executive George Latimer said about 90 retired nurses and a handful of doctors responded after he posted a message on the county’s Facebook page about a week ago seeking help.
There’s no definite plan for deploying the medical volunteers, Latimer said. They may be needed to replace personnel sidelined by the coronavirus or to help staff the Westchester County Center being repurposed as a temporary hospital.
Benson, 60, is working for the county health department. A nurse practitioner with a specialty in oncology, she spent 20 years at the Albert Einstein Cancer Center in the Bronx. She eventually retired from a job at a medical device company, where she worked with patients who have brain tumors. She also teaches nursing students at a community college.
Nurses are used to giving of themselves. If there’s not enough people, you just do it.
Laura Benson
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(Photo courtesy of Laura Benson)
On her first day as a retiree volunteer, Benson phoned patients who had recently been tested for the novel coronavirus to talk them through the guidelines they should follow to protect themselves and others.
If there’s a need, she said, she is “absolutely” willing to work directly with patients who have COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus.
“I think about the person laying in that bed,” she said. “I’d want someone to take care of them.”
Benson is not particularly worried about the virus, having worked through the AIDS crisis, treating patients before people understood what that disease was. “You follow the guidelines and protect yourself,” she explained.
The best role for many retired medical professionals may be to fill in behind the scenes, said experts, freeing up younger colleagues to focus on direct patient care.
One reason for this: age.
“My only concern is that many of these retired folks fall into high-risk groups” more likely to be seriously affected by COVID-19, said Dr. Arthur Fougner, president of the Medical Society of the State of New York, a professional group for physicians.
Another concern is whether retirees are up-to-date in their medical knowledge.
“If they’re out for more than two to three years, you have to worry about them being current,” said Dr. Janis Orlowski, chief health care officer for the Association of American Medical Colleges, which represents the academic medical community.
In addition, health care providers’ state licenses may have lapsed if they’ve been retired for more than a few years. Renewing them can be time-consuming.
Still, “if someone still has their licensing and is willing to come back, we should grab that,” Orlowski said.
Michele Pedicone is one such professional. The respiratory care therapist left her job in Seattle last year to head up clinical education at SUNY Upstate Medical University’s respiratory therapy education department in Syracuse, New York. With her classes now mostly happening online and student clinical placements on hold, she has time to step back into clinical care. She contacted two nearby hospitals to see if they could use her services and expects to work three or four days a week.
“I honestly don’t know what they’re paying me; the money isn’t an issue,” said Pedicone, 54. “It’s the right thing to do.”
Respiratory therapists, critical care physicians and nurses trained in operating ventilators that help hospitalized patients breathe are among the specialists expected to be in severely short supply as the coronavirus pandemic worsens in New York and elsewhere, according to an analysis by the Society of Critical Care Medicine.
Expanding the supply of intensive care workers will be key to managing the coronavirus pandemic, said Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, at a briefing this week on health care workforce issues sponsored by the Commonwealth Fund.
I honestly don’t know what they’re paying me, the money isn’t an issue. It’s the right thing to do.
Michele Pedicone
One option policymakers have discussed is that states could allow, for example, medical professionals who retired in the past five years with licenses in good standing to get an automatic three- or six-month license without having to do a lot of paperwork, Jha said.
In the meantime, health care systems are developing their own strategies. Northwell Health owns and operates 19 hospitals in New York City, Westchester County and Long Island. This week, the health system has more than 700 patients with COVID-19, compared with just 40 patients last week, according to Terry Lynam, a senior vice president at the health system.
Northwell has been planning how to beef up staff since January, said Judy Howard, vice president of talent acquisition at the health system who oversees hiring, except for physician leadership. They developed a list of 200 retired nurses whom they’ve been contacting to gauge their interest in returning to paid work in some capacity. So far, 28 have signed on, Howard said.
At this time, they’re asking retired nurses to work at the health system’s call center and share responsibilities for training new nurse employees. Some are working in direct patient care. Another possibility is for retired nurses to staff facilities that Northwell has put in place to care for staff members’ children during the coronavirus pandemic.
“Whether someone really wants to work four hours a week or would like to work 10 hours a week, we’ll work with them to meet their needs,” Howard said.
Help Wanted: Retired Doctors And Nurses Don Scrubs Again In Coronavirus Fight published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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todaybharatnews · 4 years
via Today Bharat Kangana Ranaut's recent remark comparing Mumbai to Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir (PoK) has drawn the ire of the ruling Shiv Sena which also controls the BMC. Here's how the events unfolded throughout the day. Amid high drama and media frenzy, Bollywood star Kangana Ranaut, who has been involved in a spat with Shiv Sena over her recent remarks comparing Mumbai with PoK, returned to the city even as the Bombay High Court stayed the demolition process initiated by the BMC for alleged illegal construction at the actor’s Pali Hill office. Upon her arrival from her hometown in Himachal Pradesh, Kangana, who has been given Y-plus category security from the Centre, fired a fresh salvo at Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, saying his “ego will be destroyed” the way her Bandra home was demolished. “Uddhav Thackeray tujhe kya lagta hai? (what do you think?) My home was demolished today, your arrogance will crumble tomorrow. Thus is the wheel of time, it keeps changing,” she said in video message. Kangana Ranaut and Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut have been involved in a war of words after the actress had earlier compared “Mumbai to Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir (PoK)” and said she “feared Mumbai Police more than the movie mafia”. Earlier in the day, a Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) team demolished “illegal alterations” at the actress’ bungalow at Pali Hill in Bandra with a bulldozer and excavators. However, the HC expressed displeasure and stayed the demolition process after Ranaut moved the court challenging the notice issued by the Mumbai civic body. Ranaut had purchased the bungalow in 2017 and had renovated it in January this year. The BMC on Tuesday had issued a “stop-work” notice to Ranaut for alleged illegal construction, under section 354(A) of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation (MMC) Act, to stop the ongoing work inside the premises and produce the permissions for the illegal constructions. Reactions from political leaders in support and opposition of the actor kept pouring in. Here’s how the events unfolded throughout the day: BMC starts demolition, then stops The BMC began demolition work shortly after 11 am. A BMC team reached the bungalow at Pali Hill in Bandra with bulldozer and excavators and demolished alterations made sans the civic body’s approval. BMC officials arrived this morning to demolish portions of her bungalow even as the actor was on her way to Mumbai. (Express photo by Amit Chakravarty) Soon after, Ranaut tweeted, “I am never wrong and my enemies prove again and again this is why my Mumbai is POK now.” She also posted photos of BMC staff engaged in the demolition work at the bungalow, which she had purchased for Rs 20 crore in 2017. Before the demolition work on Wednesday, the BMC posted a second notice outside her bungalow, informing her of the action being taken by the civic body, an official told PTI. Bombay HC stays demolition Kangana then moved the Bombay High Court, challenging the notice issued by the Mumbai civic body for “illegal construction” at her bungalow and sought a stay on the demolition process. Later in the day, a division bench of Justices S J Kathawalla and R I Chagla stayed the demolition process and directed the civic body to file an affidavit in response to the plea. The court posted the matter for hearing on Thursday. “We cannot help but mention here that if the MCGM would act with similar swiftness qua the numerous unauthorized constructions, the City would be a completely different place to live in,” the bench said. “The corporation appears to have overnight woken up from its slumber, issued notice to the petitioner (Ranaut), that too when she is out of the state, directing her to respond within 24 hours, and not granting her any further time, despite written request, and proceeding to demolish the said Premises upon completion of 24 hours…though the manner in which the BMC has proceeded to commence demolition work of the said premises, prima facie does not appear to be bonafide and smacks of malafide,” the bench said. Babur and his army 🙂#deathofdemocracy pic.twitter.com/L5wiUoNqhl — Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 9, 2020 Kangana said the civic body should focus on the shoddy state of roads instead of targeting her bungalow. “BMC, these are mumbai road and all you are concerned about is DEMOLITION of an actress house who is exposing mafia. KUDOS to you..!! #DeathOfDemocracy,” Kangana tweeted. She also posted a photo of a Mumbai road riddled with several potholes. Shiv Sena shows black flags to Kangana Kangana reached Chandigarh airport in the morning to board a commercial flight to Mumbai. The ‘Queen’ actor reached Mumbai at 2:30 pm and was greeted with black flags and slogans from protesting Shiv Sena workers. But there was support too from workers of the RPI(A) and Karni Sena, who also gathered at the airport. Later, she posted a video message on her social media, addressing Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shiv Sena leader Uddhav Thackeray, where she said his “ego will be destroyed” the way her Bandra home was demolished. Kangna Ranaut, Kangna Ranaut security, Kangna Ranaut Shiv Sena spat, Kangna Ranaut PoK, Kangna Ranaut Pakistan, Kangna Ranaut news, Indian Express Kangna Ranaut in Chandigarh amid high security on September 9, 2020. “Uddhav Thackeray, ‘tujhe kya lagta hai’ (what do you think)?. You think you have taken a huge revenge by destroying my house in collusion with the movie mafia. Today my house is destroyed, tomorrow it will be your ego. The wheels of time keep changing,? she said in a video message in Hindi. “Uddhav Thackeray, this cruelty and terrorism, it is good that it happened to me because there is some meaning to it,” she said in the video. तुमने जो कि��ा अच्छा किया 🙂#DeathOfDemocracy pic.twitter.com/TBZiYytSEw — Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 9, 2020 The actor said she was working on a project on Ayodhya but now understands the pain of Kashmir Pandits and will also make a movie on their plight. “… also government has banned any demolitions in Covid till September 30, Bullywood watch now this is what Fascism looks like #DeathOfDemocracy #KanganaRanaut,” the actor tweeted. BMC action creates doubts, says Sharad Pawar Amid a row over BMC demolishing parts of Ranaut’s Pali Hill office, NCP supremo Sharad Pawar Wednesday said illegal construction in Mumbai was not a new thing and the action by the civic body in view of the present situation “gives space for creating doubts in the minds of people”. “I do not have much information on the action taken by the BMC. However, illegal construction in Mumbai is not a new thing. In view of the present situation, taking action gives space for creating doubts in the minds of people. The BMC has its own rules and officers may have taken action as per what they felt was right,” Pawar, whose party is part of the ruling alliance with the Shiv Sena in Maharashtra, said. Without naming the Bollywood actress, Pawar also said undue importance was being attached to the statements made by Ranaut, claiming people were not taking her remarks seriously. “We give undue importance to people who make such statements. We need to see the impact of such statements. In my opinion, people do not take such comments seriously. The people of Mumbai and Maharashtra know the efficiency of the Mumbai Police,” he said. “If someone talks about equivalence with Pakistan, there is no need to take the person seriously and no need to pay heed to such people,” Pawar said. BJP, Shiv Sena react to Bombay HC order BJP MLA Ashish Shelar said the Shiv Sena-controlled BMC showed promptness in demolishing parts of the actress bungalow. “The action has been taken out of revenge,” PTI quoted him as saying. He asked the BMC why action was not taken last year when the structure was built, if it is illegal. “This shows you will be saved if you come with us (the ruling party). Action will be taken, if you dont. That is their approach. The MVA government led by Thackeray is playing politics of vendetta,” Shelar alleged. He further said illegal constructions have come up some metres away from the chief ministers residence. “But we cant see action being taken there. It is unfortunate that action is being taken only selectively. This is an egoistic government,” he said. Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy tweeted, “Tell Kangana to keep the faith. We are with her in this struggle.” Maharashtra NCP president and Irrigation Minister Jayant Patil tweeted that some ‘people’ comparing “this great city and our police force to that of Pakistan is outlandish” and it is just to “gain publicity and limelight”. “It is painful to come across people who are not grateful to what Mumbai and Maharashtra has to offer – in terms of the opportunities, women safety and tolerance,” he said. “Mumbai is the mother that does not discriminate. Let us all be respectful to the spirit of Mumbai and the dignity of the elected offices of the state,” he added. It is painful to come across people who are not grateful to what Mumbai and Maharashtra has to offer – in terms of the opportunities, women safety and tolerance.#UddhavThackeray#BMCMumbai — Jayant Patil (@Jayant_R_Patil) September 9, 2020 Meanwhile, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur condemned BMC’s action, saying she ‘is a daughter’ of the state and she should get a ‘proper atmosphere’ to work in her field. Speaking in State Assembly, Thakur said his government has provided security at Ranaut’s Manali residence and 11 CRPF commandos would accompany her wherever she would go in the country as part of the Y-plus security provided by the Centre. Himachal Pradesh will do its best to ensure her security, he added. “Kangana is a daughter of Himachal Pradesh and she has brought laurels not only to the state but to the entire country,” he said in the assembly, adding she should get proper atmosphere to work in her field. Kangana’s lawyer says BMC lying about illegal construction Kangana’s lawyer Rizwan Siddiqui claimed the BMC was lying about illegal construction at the bungalow. “The BMC is lying. It’s lying on record (about illegal construction at the bungalow). They said they have given stop-work notice. But such notice is given when the construction process is underway,” PTI quoted him as saying. “There is no construction going on at the place. It was over about one-and-a-half years ago,” he added. Siddiqui said the BMC officials did not stop the process even after being told that Kangana had moved the Bombay High Court against the demolition.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Where Reopening Is Working – The New York Times
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Good morning. A retired judge harshly criticizes the Justice Department. Protesters take down a statue in Virginia. And many parts of the U.S. have managed to reopen while still reducing new virus cases.
We journalists don’t always pay enough attention to good news. So I want to highlight some this morning: Across much of the United States and Europe, the coronavirus has been spreading less rapidly than many people feared.
Yes, the caseload is growing in some places, and they’re rightly getting a lot of attention. But the full story is more complex. Over the past six weeks — as communities have started to reopen, Americans have flocked to beaches and lakes and European schools have reopened — the number of new cases has continued falling in many places.
Across the Northeast and Midwest of the U.S., they’re down more than 50 percent, and often much more, since May 1. Nationwide, weekly deaths have fallen for six weeks in a row. And Europe “seems to have turned a corner,” Caitlin Rivers of Johns Hopkins University says.
How could this be?
I put that question to public health experts, and they gave two main answers. One, the virus spreads much less easily outdoors than indoors. “Summer — being outside, warmer weather, humidity — seems to help, and we may have underestimated how much it’s helped,” Ashish Jha, the incoming dean of Brown University School of Public Health, told me.
Two, many people are taking more precautions than they were in February and March. They’re wearing masks, remaining six feet apart and being careful about what they touch. “Even absent top-down health interventions” — like lockdowns — “people want to keep themselves safe,” Rivers said.
The combination appears to have eliminated most “superspreader events,” like parties, concerts and restaurant meals, where multiple people get sick. Such events may account for 80 percent of all transmissions, research suggests. (Read this Times Op-Ed for more.)
I recognize that this is a somewhat dangerous message. Transmission rates in the U.S. are higher than they need to be, and they have begun rising again in parts of the South and West. In Arizona, where the governor has played down the virus and hospitals are filling up, the situation looks especially bad. But many other places are showing what a responsible and effective reopening looks like.
One crucial caveat is that the virus will outlast the summer — everywhere. During the 1918-19 flu, transmission rates fell in the warmer months, only to soar again in the fall. “People thought it was over,” as Apoorva Mandavilli, a science reporter at The Times, said, “and stopped taking precautions.”
Where the news is worse: A few big countries where cases are still rising — India, Mexico, Russia, Iran and Pakistan — are nevertheless ending their lockdowns, citing economic reasons.
1. A ‘gross abuse of prosecutorial power’
A court-appointed expert urged a federal judge to reject the Trump administration’s attempt to drop the criminal case against Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser. The expert, a retired federal judge, criticized the Justice Department’s “highly irregular conduct to benefit a political ally of the president.”
Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. about his contact with Russia’s ambassador, but the Justice Department later claimed the lies were not “material.” Those claims, the retired judge, John Gleeson, wrote, “are preposterous.”
What’s next: The case will continue on Friday when a three-judge panel on the Court of Appeals considers the case.
2. National Guard reckons with its role
After the National Guard took part in the crackdown on peaceful protesters outside the White House last week, a white commander referred to the standoff as the “Alamo.” But among the ranks of the D.C. Guard, a majority of whom are people of color, troops feel demoralized, The Times reports. The National Guard is now conducting an investigation into the day’s events.
Some troops said they were so ashamed in their role that they have kept it from family members.
In other protest developments:
In a series of late-night tweets, President Trump threatened to take federal action to control protests in Seattle, mocking local officials for not doing so. Jay Inslee, the governor of Washington State, returned the scorn, saying Trump was “incapable” of governing.
In Richmond, Va., protesters pulled down a Jefferson Davis statue, where it lay broken in the street until a tow truck carried it away.
Amazon said it was putting a one-year pause on letting the police use its facial recognition tool, amid concerns about how the technology treats African-Americans.
NASCAR announced that it would prohibit the Confederate battle flag from its events after Bubba Wallace, the sport’s only black driver, called for the ban. Separately, Trump rejected a Pentagon proposal to consider renaming Army bases named after Confederate officers.
3. The Fed projects a long crunch
In their first economic projections this year, officials at the Federal Reserve said they expected the unemployment rate to end 2020 at 9.3 percent and to remain elevated for years. The Fed pledged to do “whatever we can” to support the recovery. “This is the biggest economic shock, in the U.S. and the world, really, in living memory,” Jerome Powell, the Fed chair, said.
A call for more stimulus: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin called for “another bipartisan legislation to put more money into the economy.” The Trump administration and congressional Republicans have been sending mixed messages about more stimulus.
Here’s what else is happening
Republicans expect to move their national convention this summer to Jacksonville, Fla., from Charlotte, N.C., after Trump disagreed with North Carolina officials about social-distancing measures.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed back against Democrats who have argued that Joe Biden must pick an African-American running mate. “I think Joe Biden should pick whoever he wants,” Pelosi said in a round table with journalists. “I would never, never narrow his possibilities.”
The final count in Georgia showed that Jon Ossoff had received more than 50 percent of votes in the Democratic primary, which will allow him to avoid a runoff and become the party’s nominee for a Senate election this fall.
Lives lived: Lennie Niehaus first attracted attention as an alto saxophonist and arranger in the 1950s. But his most lasting legacy may have been the scores he wrote for films directed by Clint Eastwood — among them “Bird,” for which he also taught Forest Whitaker to emulate the saxophone playing of Charlie Parker. Niehaus has died at 90.
BACK STORY: A film to watch now
The interruption of pro sports has led many desperate fans to watch ESPN documentaries like “The Last Dance” and “Lance.” It turns out that one ESPN documentary also offers a searing look at police brutality: “O.J.: Made in America,” by Ezra Edelman.
The main narrative is about O.J. Simpson and the 1994 murder of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman. But the backdrop to the story, and to the jury’s deep mistrust of the prosecution, is the Los Angeles Police Department’s longtime mistreatment of the city’s black residents, through violence and lies.
As the Times critic A.O. Scott told me: The movie shows “the deep roots of mistrust and resentment that the L.A.P.D. sowed among the city’s black citizens over decades of abuse and contempt. The jury’s verdict — so shocking to so many at the time — is shown as an act with clear historical roots and political meaning.” (His 2016 review of the film compared it to the work of Norman Mailer and Robert Caro.)
The Times’s Wesley Morris says: “It’s one of the most rigorous, most haunting X-rays of this country’s racial crises and racist myths, from law enforcement and criminal justice to sex, sports, and Hertz.” The movie stretches over five episodes and almost eight hours, but, as Wesley says, “You’ve spent far more time with far less superior storytelling.”
It’s strawberry season
For a summery dessert, try Melissa Clark’s spin on strawberry shortcake. Swapping the traditional soft biscuits for cookies gives the dish some crisp. Melissa recommends using cultured butter to make the cookies extra rich, though regular or salted butter will work, too.
Reese Witherspoon opens up
For years, agents told her to avoid playing a mother because it was a career-ender. A financial adviser warned her that acting roles would dry up once she turned 40. Yet Reese Witherspoon, now 44, has been all over TV screens lately — from “Big Little Lies” to her latest series, “Little Fires Everywhere” — thanks to female producers, including herself.
Glenn Whipp profiled Witherspoon in The Los Angeles Times, where she discussed her faith, ageism in Hollywood and how to tell stories about women.
The police in pop culture
“Cops,” a series that spawned the genre of crime reality television, was canceled this week. LEGO temporarily ceased marketing two of its police-themed sets. And online, there are joking calls to “defund the Paw Patrol” — the children’s cartoon about a team of canine helpers, including a puppy cop.
As the protests against police brutality continue, the role of the police in pop culture is being re-examined. Amanda Hess, a Times critic-at-large, breaks down the “good cop” archetype that permeates TV.
Here is today’s Mini Crossword, and a clue: Big Pharma regulator (three letters).
You can find all of our puzzles here.
Thanks for spending part of your morning with The Times. See you tomorrow. — David
P.S. Jenna Wortham and Wesley Morris, hosts of the “Still Processing” podcast, are holding an online event on Friday at 4 p.m. Eastern to talk about the reckonings of the past couple of weeks. It’s called “So Y’all Finally Get It.”
You can see today’s print front page here.
Today’s episode of “The Daily” is about what Georgia’s troubled primary could mean for November.
The Times is providing free access to much of our coronavirus coverage. Please consider supporting our journalism with a subscription.
Ian Prasad Philbrick and Sanam Yar contributed to The Morning. You can reach the team at [email protected].
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Coronavirus: Professionals give Trump ‘abysmal’ grades on pandemic response
President Donald Trump stated on Monday that on a scale of 1 to 10, he ‘d offer himself a perfect 10 for his reaction to the coronavirus pandemic.
But public-health professionals and a presidential historian fervently disagreed with Trump’s evaluation of his response to a pandemic the similarity which have not been seen in a century. They gave the president grades from a B-minus to a D-minus.
They credited Trump for forming a task force of a few of the country’s leading medical experts but said that his comments misguided and confused Americans for weeks which his administration lost important time to establish and spread tests for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.
” The Trump administration’s action has actually been abysmal. It’s difficult to envision how they might’ve done it even worse,” Ashish Jha, the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, informed Insider.
Trump “basically does not understand that his job is to secure the entire country, not his presidency,” Jeffrey Engel, a presidential historian, told Expert.
Check out Organisation Insider’s homepage for more stories
President Donald Trump on Monday stated his action to the coronavirus pandemic so far deserved an ideal rating.
When asked at a White House interview how he ‘d grade his handling of the pandemic, Trump said: “I ‘d rank it at10 I believe we’ve done an excellent job.”
After weeks of Trump’s minimizing the risk of the unique coronavirus, contradicting his own advisors, and misstating the variety of US cases and spread anticipated by scientists, public-health experts and a presidential historian gave Trump a disappointing evaluation as the US begins grappling with a crisis that might impact daily life for months.
” The Trump administration’s action has been abysmal. It’s hard to imagine how they might’ve done it even worse,” Dr. Ashish Jha, the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told Insider.
Grading the Trump administration’s action to the coronavirus break out from A to F, Jha said it would be tough to validate offering the president and his group anything above a D.
All the experts consulted by Insider credited Trump for forming a task force of some of the nation’s leading medical specialists. They said Trump was a “bad function model” whose rhetoric has contradicted these authorities and who has personally failed to follow the advised safety measures In late January, Trump enforced constraints on air travel from China.
As Trump stated a nationwide emergency situation last week, he was asked whether he felt accountable for the lag in testing. “I do not take duty at all,” Trump responded.
” We do expect more cases, and this is an excellent time to prepare,” said Anne Schuchat, a senior CDC authorities, who was standing a few feet from Trump at that press conference.
As of Tuesday morning, more than 4,400 people had actually checked favorable for COVID-19 in the US and at least 86 people had actually passed away.
Trump “believed if you do not test, and you don’t look for the infection, and you argue that it does not exist, that in some way it will be so,” Jha said.
” I do not utilize these words gently, and it’s exceptionally unpleasant for me to say it,” he stated, including: “The expense of all of this is that tens of thousands of Americans are going to pass away unnecessarily … It was completely preventable, and not just avoidable in hindsight– it was preventable in foresight. Everyone stated this is how it was going to play out if they didn’t act.”
‘ A bad good example’
Lawrence Gostin, the director of the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University Law School, informed Expert he would give the Trump administration a grade of B-minus and “no more” for its response to the break out.
” The rollout of screening was terribly flawed,” Gostin said. “The health messaging has been puzzling and inconsistent.”
Trump has actually been a “passive onlooker rather of a leader,” Gostin added, pointing to the president’s lack of guidance or proposals to Congress about emergency situation financing or the Families First Coronavirus Response Act Legislators in both parties said Trump’s demand in late February for $2.5 billion to combat the break out was wholly insufficient, and they more than tripled the financing for vaccines, tests, and treatments.
” Most significantly,” Gostin said, Trump “has been a bad good example.” He pointed out Trump’s unwillingness to be evaluated and his rejection to stick to advice from public-health authorities, such as preventing shaking hands
Brian Cornell, the CEO of Target, shaking hands with Trump after the president stated the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency.
Jonathan Ernst/Reuters.
But Gostin stated that “the significant favorable action” from the Trump administration so far was assembling “a world-class public-health task force.”
Echoing Gostin’s belief, Jha said that amongst the few commendable elements of Trump’s handling of the outbreak was the choice to tap Dr. Deborah Birx to be the planner of the White House’s coronavirus job force.
Birx, who served as a United States Army physician prior to ending up being a leading figure in the fight against HIV, is “as excellent as they get,” Jha said.
He added that it had been assuring to see Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top specialist on infectious illness (who was already a public-health hero prior to the coronavirus outbreak), belong to the inner circle. “There is no one much better as a nationwide spokesperson in a moment like this than Tony Fauci,” Jha stated.
But even with a first-class team of professionals behind Trump, there are concerns that his complicated rhetoric and weeks of downplaying the threats have actually led to numerous Americans not taking necessary actions to reduce the spread of the virus.
” I don’t blame Americans who are not taking this very seriously– I blame the politicians for not having clear messaging,” Jha stated, mentioning the example of Trump saying in late February that COVID-19 is “like a flu,” when the signs are various and the death rate is far higher.
” If I was advising President Trump, what I would say is: Stop talking.
In an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released on Tuesday, 60%of respondents said they had really little trust or none at all in what Trump states about COVID-19
Jeffrey Engel, a presidential historian and the director of Southern Methodist University’s Center for Presidential History, told Expert he ‘d provide Trump a D-minus for his response to the coronavirus outbreak.
Trump “fundamentally does not comprehend that his job is to safeguard the whole nation, not his presidency,” Engel said, pointing to reports of Trump’s fixation with case totals and public understanding
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 6, 2020
Through the coronavirus pandemic, Americans have witnessed maybe the most profound example to date of the disintegration of United States worldwide management during the Trump age, Engel stated.
” Trump’s reaction– and we saw this in his Oval Workplace address most clearly– was to blame the outside world, and to blame immigrants, and to say the solution for America is to shut ourselves out from the rest,” Engel said.
COVID-19 coronavirus Donald Trump wuhan coronavirus
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/coronavirus-professionals-give-trump-abysmal-grades-on-pandemic-response/
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A reliable teacher resume is definitely necessary in today's extremely affordable teaching task market. Some instructors may take into consideration utilizing email as one more way of connecting with parents to relay an important message rapidly, perphaps established a conference or inform moms and dads of an essential concern at school, etc Jenifer Fox, writer of Your Kid's Strengths: A Guide for Parents and also Educators, is an educator and also public speaker that has actually operated in public and independent colleges as an educator and manager for twenty-five years. Institution instructors as well as moms and dads have had a hard time when it comes to obtaining kids to focus in college in the past, however these problems have actually become a lot less prevalent as innovation has actually advanced and made learning more satisfying for everyone included. MP3 gamer and audio recorder: with the assistance of these gadgets both teachers and also students discover courses less complicated; teachers can utilize MP3 gamers to play little bits of recordings related to the subject or could tape their whole class and upload the audio documents on the institution's site to make it possible for students to hear it if they desire; meanwhile trainees could tape-record little bits of info they feel vital as well as can utilize it later on when examining for examinations. This may be mirrored in a business's pay scales or could be utilized by you to work out a greater salary. One -5th, or 20%, of public school educators that had no previous full-time training experience gave up in the academic year 2004-2005. In nearly all the excellent universities of The U.S.A., graduate programs are used in educator education and training. All pupils stand up cards (pre-printed or hand-written) in feedback to an instructor timely. Educators are unable to regulate pupils throughout eco slim στα φαρμακεια courses - they might even have the ability to play video games on courses. Educators start to even the having fun field" by exposing all trainees to a wide array of kids's literature from the initial day of preschool. Yet it is, or was, alongside impossible to get a personal instructors licence as well as without that it's all prohibited! Affiliate advertising and marketing should, nevertheless, be thought about by everyone who is looking for works for ex instructors. All types of colleges such as nursery college, middle schools, secondary school, and also occasionally also schools, use educator aides. This approach helps teachers effectively organize their class, which is an outstanding classroom monitoring method. Mentors should function carefully with the new educator, utilizing unique techniques such as coaching sessions as well as reflective journal strategies for reducing the brand-new instructor into the class. By beginning your very own home tutoring service, you end up being a tutor broker, where you take care of a network of expert educators and teachers, matching them with students seeking one-on-one in-home tutoring. As an educator now, I was experiencing initial hand the pressures and also struggles my also young to be stressed trainees were experiencing.
Make Your teacherA Truth.
The Untold Trick To instructor In Much less Than 10 Minutes.
Ashish Kumar is Author of Ferns n Petals is a leading on-line Send out Educators day flowers via fnp express shipment solutions. Very intriguing read ... though I wish that this isn't the future, I rather like the idea of human instructors remaining. With an instructors certification you will not just generate income, however compared to the starting salary of lots of other works the wage might be equally as good if not much better. Present, separated as well as retired participants of the Military, Flying force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Book elements as well as National Guard are eligible for Soldiers to Educators program solutions. The secret to obtaining an excellent present for your kid's educator is to not wait up until the last minute to start thinking of it! Yet after taking other aspects right into consideration that could be more crucial for you, you could locate that you do not have the option of an educator who lives nearby. The youngsters simply do not respect taking notice of a person giving them a lecture all the time. To avoid being the known as the hard disciplinarian, some educators choose to just disregard minor misbehaviors completely. Another idea for teachers is to obtain the moms and dads included with the trainees as well as reading. Teachers who have been educating for a long period of time are probably made use of to the conventional learning educational program and might have difficulty with the joint strategy since it will certainly require that they change their approaches as well as surrender a few of the control to the trainees. The Colleges will certainly talk clearly from day one with organized plans as well as highly quallified team. Some days she would keep up till the morning hours to end up looking into something for among her courses, however she concerned course each day looking freshened as well as gave her ideal. It's also unfavorable when instructors are taken into situations where they are virtually established to fail. Early in my very own job I tore strips of a 15 years of age boy who rudely disturbed my science lesson throughout my very first day at a brand-new school.
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