#gonna vent on the tags since no one gives a crap about tag rants/vents
thev01dd · 9 months
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
Any kind of questions that people could have on this blog along the way: How can you excuse what Snape did?!? The favourite of Snaters. Liking a character doesn’t mean one excuses their actions. I know perfectly well Snape was no angel, thanks. But I can still like him. Shocking for sure. How can you like such a grey PROBLEMATIC TOXIC GROSS CREEPY asshole?! (and all the tumblr fashonable buzzwords, ups, I forgot friendzoned, silly me!) Because I can, that’s why. I see people fawning over Bellatrix, I don’t see why I can’t like Snape, along other characters. Are you obsessed about Snape? You dedicated an entire blog to him. Uhm no? But I like reading headcanons about my favourite characters. And yet Snape’s tags and in general Snape’s discussions are so full of haters, fake news and discourse I decided dedicating a blog on a favourite of mine wasn’t that bad in comparison. I mean, there are entire blogs dedicated on hating Snape, why not one dedicated to discussing what actually happens in the books, as opposed to inventing falsehoods and clogging the tags with hate? Why you don’t tag your posts with ‘Snape-hate’ ‘Ant-Snape’ etc.? Because I’m very tired myself of going on the Snape tag and finding basically nothing but hate and jerks who purposefully put hate there because they’re obsessed with the thought of people not knowing about their opinion about a fictional character. So I refuse to do a ‘war’ on Snaters, despite the blog name; I’m just interested in having a little corner of tumblr to finally talk about this character in peace, without having to recite a ‘mea culpa’ first or having to refute for the 50th time the fact that Snape was in fact not a stalker.
 Hey! Your post showed in the tags dedicated to Snape hate anyway! Liar!
Well, first check my original post and see how I tagged it, there’s a huge possibility that tumblr decided to be a little shit and show my post even in tags I never tagged. Yeah, tumblr can show posts in some tags even if you don’t tag it, so, for example, if I wrote a post that says ‘Snape is a hero’ and tagged it ‘Snape-love, snape-positive, let-kill -snape-discourse, yes-we-know-he-bullied kids-omg, no-not-hermiones-teeth-again-please’, chance is that this post could still show on the ‘Snape-hate, snape-dislike, snape-sucked-voldys-nose-pass-it -on’ tags, just because it contains Snape’s name. There’s not much I can do about that, so this is an issue that remains, sadly. But if I mistagged I apologise, my bad; sometimes I’m tired and ranty (not randy, don’t misread, just ‘ranty’ as in a ranting mode, lol) and commit errors. Let me know and I will correct the tags! People can dislike whomever they want! It’s not your place to tell them what to hate/not hate! Yeah, totally right.That’s not what the blog is about. This blog is about me being fed up with Snaters. Since people can dislike whatever they like, I can say I dislike gross headcanons about a character I like. Writing counterarguments and reminding people Snape was not in fact a pedophile doesn’t equal to me telling people they can’t hate Snape. It just means that I’m not buying into this crap headcanons.  Do you differentiate between Snaters and people who dislike Snape? As a matter of fact, yes, I do: Snaters to me are usually the kind of people who believe nonsense written about the character just to further hate on him, especially if said nonsense is not canon, totally bs, doesn’t have any linking to canon and is so outlandish it’s ridiculous. They’re the rude jerks that write on fanarts and fanfictions ‘Omg how can u liek Shape he was a nazi lol’ and send anon death threats to people who just said they like Snape. Basically they’re trolls/bullies who take the Snape hate excuse to harass people/vent their personal problems.  People who dislike Snape usually don’t need to invent bs about him, don’t have problems saying ‘Yeah he wasn’t totally black but I still don’t like him’, if they read something like ‘If Harry had been female Snape would have sexually assaulted her’ they laugh at its absurdity and don’t buy into it just bc it paints Snape in a bad light. Basically they base their hate/dislike on canon facts, without the need to invent/exaggerate/attack people that don’t agree. Why are you more angry when people say ‘I hate Snape because he was a stalker’ (fake)?  Because it’s fake. When a person says ‘I can’t like Snape he was a bully’ that’s a fact, I’m not going to object (I also didn’t like that part of Snape). When a person says ‘My opinion is that Snape was obsessed with Lily that’s not love for me (but that doesn’t mean he stalked or sexually harassed her)’ I won’t agree but it’s an open interpretation, based on canon evidence, and also this person can actually differentiate between idolising someone and harassing and stalking someone. But when someone says ‘Omg I hate Snape he stalked Lily when he was 9 hiding behind a tree!!!’ not only I’m not gonna agree, I will probably give you a wide berth bc wow, sexualizing a little kid? A dirt poor, socially awkward kid ashamed of being dressed with woman’s clothes, hiding not to be seen is considered a stalker now? That’s quite weird. To say the least.  Did you not know Snape was basically the ANTICHRIST and also he raped Lilly and stalkeddd Petunia and he ate Dudley omg and friendzoned Dobby and fondled the Squid without their consent, such a creepy obsessed stalkerrr!!!!1! (and basically every fake, fanon facts Snaters have invented during the years about Snape). No, as a matter of fact I didn’t know any of that. You know, I read the actual 7 Harry Potter books. The ones in which Snape never raped, sexually harassed and/or stalked anyone (well maybe the Marauders, but he was almost eaten as a result, so I think they’re even). But I’m sure the fanfiction you took these facts from is amazing and well written, not to say interesting and intellectually stimulating, I’m sure. Can you pass me the link?
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