#gonna add this to my list of questions to ask sleep token if i ever meet them
sleepanonymous · 7 months
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Continuing on from this post. But, okay, like... I swear in the first photo I can see his eyes? But then in the second, it looks like mesh, and the third is just way too hard to tell 🤷‍♀️ Maybe it was just the full mask that didn't have mesh over the eye holes? But then I swear he had mesh over them too in several photos (or maybe they were edited idfk).
Anyway, click on "Keep Reading" to see my sleep paralysis demon 👍
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His name is III and though he looks terrifying he's actually a big, lanky sweetheart 🖤
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medtech-mara · 11 months
10, 12, 24, and 30 for Mara? <3
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List for questions can be found >here< pls ask me more, or rb so i can ask you some ⸂⸂⸜(രᴗര๑)⸝⸃⸃
TW death.
10. Does Mara have any regrets?
I'm going to be completely honest here, and it gives me a pit in my stomach. The answer can easily be answered with Yes, but at the same time its more complicated.
I'll explain a bit, Mara suffers from Cyberpsychosis, though she's not totally out of control, she exhibits classic signs. One, of those is permeant. I took it upon myself to add this characteristic for her as her only way coping with everything thats happen. No amount of therapy will ever scrub from her. mechanically speaking, she could just go to therapy and if she gained enough humanity back, she would then lose that characteristic.
Mara's traits are the following currently:
Impusle control
Poor behavior control
Cunning and Manipulative
Failure to Accept responsibility
The last one was determined the last time she had dropped to 1 humanity point from full cyberpsychosis, one of those i rolled to see which one would be the perma trait..... So...(IF I had lost 1 more point... I would have had to turn her over to the DM, I no longer get to play her til she gains more humanity.)
Thats where it gets complicated.
God, I feel like I have so much to include here so I'll totally understand if you never ask me a question ever again. xD
If you were to ask ME what I want her to feel regret about its for Jack's death, after all it was her fault. If she had been open and honest with him before she left for the city center gig, he might have been saved from being mauled by one of Biotechnica's experiments. She knew in the pit of her stomach that Jack was up to something, but was too busy trying to remove the kill switch to do anything about it.
If you want to know what she regrets, its a few things:
Not going half on that Sig frame Jago wanted the night before he was beheaded.
Not reaching out and grabbing Jago to keep him from pissing off Tetsuo Okada.
Putting her fear aside and taking her chance with Jack Adams .
12. Does Mara have any sense of style? Regardless of the answer does she believe she has a sense of style?
Honestly, not really. Due to Mara being 6'2, its not easy to find clothes that fit her, so she often has to have things custom tailored for her. Which works great, because she gets the help she needs.
24. Does Mara have any Enemies?
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She has no shortage of those... Some I don't even think I can name, because I just don't know them yet. Those I can name:
Tetsuo Okada, one of Wakako's sons, reasons for Night Raid putting him in the hospital for killing Jago.
Another one of Wakako's sons.. For J I H Z Z Y publically humiliating him and shaking him down for the repairs and solving their maelstrom turf war on livestream. I was too drunk over J I H Z Z Y being a bad ass to remember his name, im gonna be real.
Voodoo Boys, for stealing a black box containing unknown program, could have been the A.I that infected NIGHT RAID with the killswitch. Also killing Brigitte second in command, just as equally formidable as Placid. Also the violence between the two is starting to ramp up again. Due to hearing Panthera's interview with Genesis Vijun they've decided to leave a calling card on Mara's clinic door.
Saul Herrera- Valentino Fixer- While, if you ask Saul, he'd tell you she's just a borg'd brain bitch who needs to downgrade, and probably regrets ever contributing to her upgrades. He'd say it started when Desiree "Token" Yang had asked her told flame to help with a prank NIGHT RAID wanted to pull on a sleeping Panthera in the back of the crews car. He agree'd went with one of his chooms, pulled out his piece and tapped on the window of the car to wake Mara, he was to act like he was robbing her.
What NIGHT RAID didn't expect, Mara's reaction to be woken up with a gun in her face. Pulling the lever to get out of the car, Mara slid quickly back and kicked the door as hard as she could, causing the two valentinos to fly back, then Mara pulled her gun out and was about to paint the pavement when Saul's choom grabbed her by her hair pulling her off, kicking, screaming, and determined to go down fighting, Mara hissed clawing at the mans hand warning him if he didn't let her go she was going to rip his throat out with her teeth. Thats when NIGHT RAID stepped in and was like "Its just a prank, bro"
However, you ask Mara, she'll tell you the disrespect he's shown her every single time they met before the prank happened.
30. If Mara had the chance to be famous would she take it? If She is famous would she rather she weren't?
As it stands, Mara is famous. NIGHT RAID is on everyones lips currently. She's easily recognizable by anyone. Frankly, she wishes she wasn't.
It wouldn't matter if NIGHT RAID had stayed under the radar or not, she's married famous South African Rockerboy J I H Z Z Y, who has been making waves in the club scene from JAPANTOWN to Wellsprings, you'll hear his new single.
Though thankfully, Mara brings a threatening energy that most dont wanna fuck with, so they don't really approach her much.
I'm so sorry, Info dumped a lot, theres just so much about this campaign and so little time (and frankly peoples interest) to talk about it. I hope this doesn't prevent you from asking in the future. AND DONT JUDGE ME for giving up on linking every single person to the character key or do their respected pages. It's a lot to do. And I think you get the point by the first few times. This is probably all word vomit but its how i thrive in chaos.
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 6 years
Fandom: Timeless
Pairing: Garcy
Rating: G
Categories: Hurt/Comfort, Missing Scene, Pre-Relationship, Pregnancy Scares
Prompts: From the 100 Ways to Say “I Love You,” list, “It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway,” and “We’ll figure it out,” both prompted by anonymous. 
Summary: “He looks well and truly concerned now, brows furrowed as he closes the door behind them. Still, he doesn't rush her, doesn't force her to speak. Just waits, slouching a bit, as if trying to make himself less imposing. It doesn't really work-he still towers over her-but the fact that he's willing to try is oddly sweet.
"I'm late," she blurts, then winces at his blank expression.
"Late for what?"
A/N: This is technically canon-compliant, if you’re willing to stretch timelines a little. 
We know there are several missing days we didn’t get to see, if Jessica was in the bunker long enough to know that she was pregnant. I’m putting one of them during 2x06. Basically, this is the night they come back from 1936, and the night Lucy shows up at Flynn’s door with vodka is pushed forward a day. (I mean, technically there’s nothing that says it couldn’t have happened...)
Rambling aside, please enjoy! 
It's times like this when she misses Amy most. Of course, she always misses her, but there are times when the pain seems to fade, to shift into peripheral. There are times when she remembers her team, and she doesn't feel so alone in the world.
This is not one of those times.
"I think I'm gonna be sick," she tells the empty room, burying her face in her hands.
Amy would know just what to do.
Amy would wrap her in her arms, tell her that everything would be okay, and honestly make her believe it. (She'd also probably run down the hall and give Wyatt a solid slap across the face, and in spite of herself, Lucy smiles at the thought.)
But Amy isn't here, and Lucy is alone on a vinyl couch, wishing she were anywhere else.
She can't be pregnant. She can't. Of course, she doesn't know that she is. It's just a hunch, and one she has no idea how to confirm. It's not like she can run down to the drugstore and pick up a test. But since Hollywood, she's been nauseous, fatigued, and constantly hungry.
And now... This.
Granted, it's hard to keep track of weeks when she spends half her time in the past, but she's pretty sure she's late.
Panic claws at her throat, as the implications crowd in on her all at once. Wyatt’s wife is alive. The last thing he needs is another complication in his life. For that matter, the last thing she needs is another complication in her life. She can’t exactly rush off into war zones if she’s pregnant; risking her own life is one thing, but she isn’t about to risk a child’s life.
Can she even time-travel while she’s pregnant? What if it’s dangerous? What if something has already-?
She needs to talk to someone. Anyone.
Instinctively, she starts toward Wyatt's room, then falters, remembering the way he and Jessica had disappeared into there a short time before, giggling and lovestruck. Definitely not going to Wyatt, then.
Jiya flickers through her mind, but Jiya is with Rufus, and if Rufus finds out, he'll want to tell Wyatt. She doesn't want to put this on him, not until she's sure, and while she trusts Rufus, she knows how uncomfortable he would be if she asked him to lie about something like this.  Mason, she doesn't know well enough, and Agent Christopher is still her boss.
That leaves one option.
"I guess what I was trying to say back there was that I'd like to get to know you."
This probably isn't what he was picturing. But panic is clouding her mind, and she doesn't let herself overthink it, stumbling to his door and knocking. Immediately, she regrets it. It must be well after three in the morning. He's probably sleeping. What was she thinking? She turns to go, but the door swings open, and Garcia Flynn steps out, rubbing his eyes, as if he isn't quite sure of what he's seeing.
"Lucy?" His accent is thick from sleep, and he shakes his head, clearing his throat. "Is everything-"
“I'm so sorry," she stammers, taking a step back. "I didn't mean to wake you up, I just didn't notice what time it was, and I needed someone to talk to, and I-"
He cuts her off, gentle and reassuring. "It's alright, Lucy. I couldn't sleep, anyway. Now, what's this about?" He gestures to his room, a wordless invitation, and after a token attempt to talk herself out of it, she steps inside.
Right. Now she has to explain this. But where to start?
"I... I...."
He looks well and truly concerned now, brows furrowed as he closes the door behind them. Still, he doesn't rush her, doesn't force her to speak. Just waits, slouching a bit, as if trying to make himself less imposing. It doesn't really work-he still towers over her-but the fact that he's willing to try is oddly sweet.
"I'm late," she blurts, then winces at his blank expression.
"Late for what?"
Taking a deep breath, she tries again. "Ever since I got back from Hollywood, I've been sick, and exhausted, and constantly hungry, and-"
Thankfully, he finally understands. "And now you're late." She can see the gears turning in his head, the implications hitting him all at once. Pain flickers through his eyes briefly, and she regrets it-she isn't completely unaware of how he feels about her, after all-but in the next moment, he is the steadiest thing in the room.
"Have you talked to Wyatt?"
Of course that would be his first question. It's a reasonable one, because that should probably be her first step. But she doesn't want to have that conversation if she can avoid it.
"No. He and Jessica are... Busy." He grimaces, and she adds, "Besides, I don't want to say anything to him until I'm sure. I mean... He just got his wife back. He's trying to save his marriage. The last thing he needs to worry about is whether or not I'm-"
"If he would be the father, it's the first thing he needs to worry about," he says, but the edge in his voice clearly isn't aimed at her. Then, he nods. "But not telling Wyatt yet. Alright then. Have you taken a test?"
Another good question, but... "No. They don't exactly come with the bunker." She laughs, knowing she probably sounds a little hysterical, but far past caring. "The bunker. Where we live. Because we live in a military bunker. Great place to raise a kid, don't you think? Not to mention, we don’t even know if it’s possible to time-travel when you’re pregnant. Which I’ve already done, by the way, so if I’m pregnant-“
His hands settle on her shoulders, warm and gentle, but firm. "We'll figure it out. Alright?" He sounds so convinced, she can't help but believe him. He holds her gaze until she nods. When his hands fall away, she wants to snatch them back, to keep them there, grounding her. But she isn't sure what he'd do.
"I just don't know what to do now," she admits, hating how weak and helpless she feels. Her eyes fall shut, and she suddenly wants nothing more than to crawl onto his bed, bury herself in the covers, and sleep this whole mess away.
"Now..." He hesitates, and she opens her eyes, watching him curiously. He seems reluctant to say whatever it is, and that worries her. "Now, you need to take a test. And that is going to involve talking to Agent Christopher."
Even as she knows he's right, her mind rebels at the thought of telling her, of admitting that she let her love life interfere with the mission, admitting that she was so careless-
"Do you think she'll be angry?" She doesn't mean to ask it aloud, but old insecurities claw at her, memories of being fifteen and getting caught making out with a boy, of her mother lecturing her for hours on how irresponsible it was. (Probably because the boy wasn't Rittenhouse. But she hadn't known that then. How could she?)
"Do you?" It's a sincere question, a reminder that she knows Agent Christopher better than he does, but there's a sharp edge underneath. If Agent Christopher does get angry with her, she'll have to deal with him.
Rationally, she doubts that it'll be as bad as she’s imagining. After all, Agent Christopher is nothing like Carol Preston. But her voice flickers through Lucy's mind, impossibly fond, assuring her, "If you were my daughter, I'd be very proud," and it suffocates her, a little.
"I don't know," she admits. He sighs, but before he can say anything, she clears her throat, steadying herself. "But you're right. I need to talk to her, I just... Don't think I can do it alone."
The request she can't quite voice hangs in the air between them, and like always, he manages to hear what she doesn't say.
"You don't have to."
(Full story on AO3.) 
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