#goinko valentine's day
siriuslysatorusimping · 2 months
Overboard (Another Level Valentine's Blurb)
Another Level Masterlist | Kiko's Masterlist | AO3 💕
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Overboard 2020
Rinko released a heavy sigh at the sight of numerous boxes and bags piled on top of her desk when she opened the door to her office. Not a single inch of the surface was visible beneath the plethora of decorative containers, and she couldn’t help but chuckle when one fell off the side.
Stepping forward, she picked up the fallen bag and opened it to find a box of assorted chocolates.
She couldn’t even say she was surprised, but she’d admit that she found it shocking he’d managed to get it done before she got to work. He must have slipped out in the middle of the night.
A smile formed when she noticed a bag of black sesame cookies, grabbing them to munch on as she assessed the damage done to her office.
Overboard, as always, she mused to herself.
Again, she wasn’t surprised.
Admittedly, she had gone a bit overboard on Valentine’s Day to make up for missing last year. Even though it hadn’t been her fault.
The look on Gojo’s face when he realized she’d been able to convince them to sell her ten dozen caramel miso butter cookies in one order was priceless. She’d made it weeks in advance, and it had been ridiculously expensive for cookies. But his smile had made it all worth it.
They’d barely lasted him a week.
The fact that the man still had a fucking eight-pack and no diabetes was completely unfair.
“Like your gifts, baby?” his voice murmured in her ear, drawing a yelp from her as she jumped.
Gojo’s arm wrapped around her waist, his lips connecting with her temple.
“I love them,” she murmured. “You didn’t have to-”
“When has that ever stopped me?” he scoffed, squeezing her tightly.
She took another bite of her cookie, “Did you blackmail Megumi-”
“He asked if I was doing something and wanted to help,” Gojo cut her off, smirking at her raised eyebrows. She knew Megumi was thoughtful, but he also hated showing any kind of affection. “I know. He only got the cookies, though.”
Scanning the items she could see, she hummed when he squeezed her waist tighter. Yuuta and Yuuji had clearly helped as well, and she spotted a pack of rice balls from Toge.
“Did you do all of this last night?”
He just hummed in acknowledgment, leaning down to press his lips to her neck.
“There’s more.” Holding a box up in front of her face, he chuckled when she caught a whiff of it. “Happy White Day, Rinko-chan.”
Warm matcha and chocolate taiyaki filled her senses as she snatched the box and opened it excitedly. Leaning back into him, Rinko took a large bite of one of the pastries. Still fresh enough she had to puff air around the heat, and she sighed at the taste.
“Thank you, Satoru.”
“Anything for you,” he replied instantly. He nosed her ticklish spot playfully, and she swatted his head when he licked it instead.
“Down, boy,” she scolded lightly.
Glancing down, she met his eyes that gleamed at her over his shades. 
“I know,” he sighed, lifting his head from her shoulder to peck her cheek. “Not at work.” He accepted a bite of her taiyaki, grinning at her as he chewed. “I’ll be back in a few hours. I’m stealing you away early.”
“I need to-”
He grasped her chin, pressing his lips to hers gently.
“It’s the weekend, baby,” he reminded, nipping her bottom lip. “You shouldn’t even be here today. But I’ll let it slide since shit has been busy lately. Ijichi can handle everything else while you get some rest.”
Leaving no more room for argument, he gave her another quick kiss and swatted her ass playfully as he straightened to his full height.
“Gimme a few hours,” he repeated, pushing his shades up his nose. “Gotta go deal with the old geezer for a bit.”
Smirking, she stood on her toes so she could reach his face, pecking his cheek in return.
“Thank you again for the gifts, darling.”
His sharp exhale was paired with his eyes narrowing slightly.
“Make that a couple hours,” he muttered. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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AN: In Japan, on Valentine's Day, the women give men chocolates/gifts, and then the men reciprocate a month later on March 14th, or White Day. The Valentine's tradition began when a company wanted to promote a western tradition for commercial reasons, but due to a mistranslation, it was implied that only men were supposed to receive gifts. Eventually, people decided to have a separate day for women to also receive gifts, which began the tradition of White Day.
Also, he got her sobayaki dan okonomayaki (from her favorite place in Kyoto, which is why he needed a few hours) and they spent the rest of the day watching movies and cuddling until he inevitably got horny
I know this is months late, but hopefully, you guys enjoyed this lil blurb!!
Remember, if you wanna make the caramel miso butter cookies for yourself, you can find my recipe here 💕
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siriuslysatorusimping · 3 months
Since Rinko slept through their first Valentine's Day together, I could see Gojo trying to be over the top and spoiling her. Not necessarily out in public, but decorating their home and giving her lots of little things. Flowers, her favorite foods. Rinko probably would make sure she got some of Gojo's favorites too. Like the cookies 😂
I could see the kids bringing her flowers and stuff too. Especially Yuta 🥺
Him knowing how much she loves the kids and conspiring with them to fill her office with shit they know she loves so when she gets there it’s almost overflowing with her favorites and they’re all there smiling like morons.
All the sweet boys going above and beyond and getting her flowers. MEGUMI being his quiet, thoughtful self and getting her black sesame cookies like the ones she bribed him with when they first met🥺
Gojo taking her to dinner and then them having a super chill evening where they just snuggle and watch a movie 🥺🥺🥺😭
Rinko obviously getting him cookies and sweet plum senbei.
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