#goddamn i missed this routine😭
pettyprocrastination · 3 months
Found myself in a depression pit and unable to force myself to go to the gym for a solid week- finally got myself back into it today and holy fuck I forgot how nice it feels
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belladonnaprice · 17 days
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spatialwave · 7 months
taking aspiration from your ankle, i'm so sorry😭 but... limoreau where jordan or marie have a broken/strained ankle and one of them has to take care of the other (i know they're supers but i'm gonna ignore that lol)
SCREAMING SKFKDDN… if anyone knows a thing or two about bad ankles it’s me.
living a busy life as a student and t.a. had left jordan working anywhere from sixty to eighty-hour weeks. there was an abundance of full-time classes, homework and grading papers with most days starting at 6 a.m. and ending at 6 p.m., oftentimes later. they didn't mind the busy lifestyle, though, marie could see under that facade the stress that was beginning to eat them away.
there was an old belief that marie's mom believed in, that sickness and injuries were often the universe's way of telling you to slow down and relax. marie was reminded of that belief once or twice when she was younger and working tirelessly away for her school projects and riddled with stress, only to be hit with a terrible cold that would leave her on bed rest for a couple days.
she always found it to be so odd, why would the universe make you sick if it felt like you needed to relax? there was so much to worry about when you were sick.
then she got older and it began to make sense. the more she let stress eat her away and the less she focused on her well-being — the universe would remind her that she need to learn how to take time to just exist (in a twisted sort of way).
that belief came to mind when jordan had called them early in the morning one day, their heavy breath audible through the phone as they explained to marie that they needed help. a sprained ankle, the last thing they needed to disrupt their busy week.
jordan was mad about it, especially when luke and andre were called by marie to help get jordan back to their dorm. it was so fucking embarrassing, but marie was so damn good at making them feel okay about it. she didn’t hesitate on finding brink and explaining the situation, that jordan would be out of commission for a few days. she comforted jordan’s worries with the old wives’ tale that her mom would say — maybe it was the universe telling them to slow the fuck down. it was laughable at first, but the sentiment kept them from exploding into a ball of stress.
“this sucks, moreau,” jordan was laying in bed with their foot resting on a couple pillows, elevated. they let out a slight hiss in pain as marie adjusted the tensor compression bandage over their swollen ankle, her fingers moving carefully as she murmured a soft ‘sorry’ under her breath, “it’s totally messing with my goddamn routine.”
“it’s been four hours, jordan,” marie snorted through a smile, her eyes looking up at them as she clasped the bandage tight and set the ice pack back on the injured joint, “give it a few days and you’ll be back to being jitter bean’s most loyal morning customer.”
jordan rolled their eyes away from marie with a huff, trying not to let her teasing remark actually make them smile; they were back to feeling frustrated about the situation. with another dramatic huff they readjusted themselves on the bed, reaching behind them to try fix the pile of pillows they were laying against.
“let me,” marie murmured, quickly moving to jordan’s side and motioning for them to lean forward so they could fluff the pillows, “is that good?”
jordan sighed as they leaned back, looking up at marie with a sheepish nod. the worst part about the injury was how helpless they felt. being fiercely independent wasn’t going to help this situation. “you don’t have to stay. you’re missing classes.” their voice was soft as they spoke, gaze flickering away.
“it’s fine, i told you already. i’ll catch up.”
jordan leaned forward again, “but it’s not the same as-“
“jordan.” marie spoke with sternness in her voice, a hand reaching out to their chest as she guided them back against the pillows, “it’s fine.”
a disgruntled sigh came from them, but they didn’t fight back. jordan forced themselves to relax against the pillows and lifted a hand up to rest over marie’s, grabbing it gently so they could bring it to their lips and press a chaste kiss over her knuckles.
“thank you,” they murmured against her skin, “i’ll make this worth your while once i’m back on two feet.”
marie giggled, pulling her hand from them, then walked around the bed so she could let herself collapse beside them, “oh, yeah? a morning jitter bean coffee date?”
“fuck you.”
“kidding!” marie laughed harder now, moving to rest up on her elbow so she could have some height over jordan while she composed herself, “just buy me a nice dinner and we’ll call it even.” she said as she lifted a hand to their cheek, thumb brushing skin.
“okay,” they whispered, smiling as they nuzzled their face against her hand and appreciated the physical affection for a few moments. guided by the heat of the moment, jordan moved their body towards marie so they could press their lips together, but a groan followed right after when they twisted their ankle in an unfavourable position, “fuck.”
marie pulled back slowly, the hand that was on their cheek was on their chest once more, guiding them right back to where they were, “easy now.” she said as she tried to fight off a smile, “we can do more of that in a few days.”
“this is fucking torture. the universe fucking hates me.” jordan breathed out, running their hands over their face.
“it doesn’t hate you. it just wants you to remember to take care of yourself…” marie murmured, “or to at least remind you that i’m here to help.”
jordan watched as marie tucked herself neatly against their side, remote in hand as she moved her attention back to the television they’d been watching earlier before marie rewrapped the ankle. they admired her for a few moments, easily reminded that they’d be losing their mind if she wasn’t here.
“just try to relax, okay?” she spoke up, tilting her head back to meet jordan’s gaze, a small smile adorned on her lip, “and let me know whenever you need something. don’t be stubborn.”
jordan’s lips cracked into a smile and they could feel their heart flutter in their chest. “i love you.”
“i love you too, dork.” she giggled.
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
SUMIN WHEN I CATCH YOU SUMIN. SUMIN WHEN I CATCH YOU SUMMINNNNNNNNN I SWEAR TO GOOOOOOOOODDDD HER EXISTENCE LITERALLY IRKS ME. a HUGE part of me is so thankful and glad that this is all just writing and not real life cuz if sumin existed i would’ve been on a plane to korea like as we speak. i don’t think i’ve ever been so irritated by a character as much as i’ve been absolutely IRRITATED by sumin. i wish that bitch nothing but horrendous luck and a horrible life. i’m about to literally memorise her entire routine and literally hit her with a goddamn TRUCK when she leaves her house rest in agony BITCH 😐 second of all sunghoon let them be please i love you but please let them be like ik what they did was wrong but they couldn’t help it and please a round of applause for the actual angel of the entire series miss ning yizhou 👏👏 cuz shit would’ve went down if it wasn’t for her. anywho going back to my fav ppl in the entire universe hee & yn :( literally so :(( like idk what word to use to describe how they make me feel their love is just so pure reading anything about them is making me feel like a puddle and just mush like idk how to describe it they make me melt goodnight please let the next chapter be a bit lighter cuz my heart can’t handle all this zadie 💔💔 anywho let’s go invent a language pls <3
i know i've done a good job writing a villain character if they're THIS hated and ngl it kind of makes me super proud so tysm baby 🤭🤭🤭🩷 and pls ning really did what had to be done when she came into this series and im super grateful for the nonie suggested this all these weeks ago! and the way you describe heeyn's love made me pout bc fuck yes thats lit them snd theyre my babies and i'd do anything for them :( next chap's deffo gonna be a little light where y/n talks to the girls about her convo with ning about three days after the confrontation, also some hard launching ig stories but not auite sure about those yet since i think it's too early 😭😭🩷 sending you kisses baby ilysm🧸💗
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honeybee-taskforce · 5 months
1x02 Rewatch Thoughts and Feelings
same disclaimer i’m on my phone typos and grammar errors can be invoiced to my publicist for review (its me)
-I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH what a fuckin fever dream hearing that song again
-oh wow they are grilling the hell out of him for this routine lmfao i forgot how much they tease him about all of this
-this was one of those scenes i mentioned where the emergency escalated so quick and was not what i expected it to be at all lmfao
-the aging with the bird box netflix comment zzzzzz i hate when media does this but i can overlook it here
-paul doing a thing we need another of these on season five. TWO if i may be so brave to request
-where the hell did this delivery driver even get the mercury for this now that i really think about it
-there’s some weird liberty mutual ad playing right now that has a baby talking about insurance im kind of in awe at the absurdity
-owen struggling to let go of his hair treatment goofy ass
-judd in therapy hits so hard ugh grace being there with him and he is truly trying and even has his comfort pillow for hugging because he needs something but it just isnt enough yet my heart hurts for him so much
-i forgot that grace is near sobbing when he leaves jesus christ that hurts too she loves this man so much and his pain is hers (and vice versa of course) i’m so glad that never goes away as the show goes on. Even if i could use more of it.
-michelle helping this little boy is a great foil to her introduction and i love it a lot, BUT overall i can’t find a way to care about this whole plot with Iris missing. Probably because i know it doesn’t go anywhere after this season except for the start of season 4…. I really wonder how different everything would have been had liv stayed and plot lines not adjusted accordingly. -“what the pissed off look on my fave aint enough proof” judd you teddy bear you know its not lmfao
-“he doesn’t know i’m sick” YOU NEED TO TELL HIMMMMMM
-my extended family cooks a pig just like this in a pit and everything and it tastes soooooo good
-“but just so you know i am a homosexual 😉” this whole bit is so silly and i like that they added it after a few intense back to back bits with the first emergency, michelle’s stuff, and owen’s chat with judd
-shakes ass to last night in my stillettos while these two hook up for the first and definitely not the last time
-tk give him back his damn belt you know that is not yours you rude city boy!
-carlos is all doe eye and soulmate smitten ahhhhh you cutie pie
-michelle goes to a psychic what the hell i dont remember this. BUT NOW IM REALIZING ITS THE SAME LADY WITH THE WORMS LATER ON IN THE SHOW HUHHHHH (right? Or am i losing my mind)
-spongebob movie voice: BALD BALD BALD BALD BALD
-the lady leaving herself to die in a fire because hes bald????? I know its a nightmare but wtf i forgot about all of that too 😭
-owen embracing this guy’s fantasy about the overlords but not being able to wrap his own head around his health’s reality is heartbreaking… at least he’s forced to address it once TK finds the meds
-owen and judd riding horses already getting that brotherly bond started ooooo i love them so much
-oh god first date time oh wow olay here we go CARLOS YOU'RE SO SMITTEN BUT NOWS NOT THE TIIIIME
-the boys miscommunicating for the first and certainly not the last time but its okay because it’s all a part of their story <3
-carlos calling this a hookup boy you know damn well that is not how you feel about this
-tk is so sad when he apologizes for the misunderstanding because the last thing he wants is to hurt anyone else but he can’t stop himself and it all just gets worse and worse in his eyes…. At least we know it gets better eventually. -grace helping judd count to 5 and she is so proud of him oh i love these two so goddamn much they are perfect and i need even more of them in season five
-does every episode of season 1 end with a song playing over a montage of stuff happening like did i just block that from my memory
-owen taking the first step to being more comfortable with his reality outside of the obvious therapy and treatments ugh so good.
god season one feels like a completely different show from the rest of it? Obviously the changes with casting and covid messed somethings up but i wonder how different everything would have been had the pandemic not happened and they were able to collow through on plot lines they wanted to from the beginning
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what-gs-watching · 9 months
"You're a dark horse, Mr. Fell."
Ok so. I just started my third trip into Good Omens season 2 (it's unhealthy, I swear I'll put it down after this re-watch. Probably). And episode 1 is becoming one of my favorites. 
Like yeah setting up the plot for the season, blah blah blah. But it's all about the little stuff in this episode, gang.
Opening on Crowley as an angel, creating the entire effing universe? THAT'S his meet-cute with Az? Swoon. The crazy bouncy curly hair, his excitement about his cute little nebulas, his disappointment when he hears the universe isn't supposed to run very long after all, his insistence that asking a couple of questions can't hurt. Angel Crowley is all of us. And the move he makes to cover Az with his wing? Like. 😭
The entire thing is about their relationship. I went into the season blind, didn't have any spoilers or thoughts about what I wanted it to be really but like HELLO YES it has to be about their relationship. Which I remember thinking during season 1 was super cute and that's as far as I went. Because I was dumb back then? Or distracted by my love of David Tennant (second favorite Doctor, gang. You can wrench Matt Smith from my cold, dead hands, try me). But like shit, I didn't know what I needed.
So anyway "The archangel fucking Gabriel" (now Jim, long for James and also Grabriel) showing up naked with a weird box, ok yeah he's gonna cause some problems but what really matters is that Aziraphale calls Crowley (after he freaks out when Gabriel says he didn't know anything but felt like everything would be okay if he was just with one person, and did Aziraphale know what that felt like?! Spoiler: he absolutely does) and Crowley rushes over and gets uppity because they can't go into the bookshop.
Describing all of the reasons Aziraphale calls him, which y'all, the reasons he lists are literally everything. So he calls you for everything. And then the look when he hears there's a naked man in the shop. YOUR FACE IS COVERED IN SUNGLASSES, how can we still know the fucking look you're giving? It's so perfect. My boy is jealous. And more than a little intrigued. He knows Az is a dark horse.
Back to Jim I guess but whatever the important thing is Crowley's reaction to being him there and the little fight that ensues. I love "I feel like your exactly and my exactly are different exactlys" because that's the ENTIRE POINT of the season like you two are not saying the same goddamn thing and neither of you care to figure that out. THEY'RE DIFFERENT EXACTLYS. Every time that it matters.
Everyone's favorite demon is very upset that the 'fragile existence he's carved out for himself' is being threatened and sweet little Aziraphale says he thought that they carved it out for 'ourselves'. Crowley's "SO DID I" with the flashing eyes is just...because like YO that's what y'all need to be facing up to, LET'S TALK ABOUT THAT. But then he storms out, the drama queen. He was "at liberty to go". Would have been a perfect time to tell Az all about how Gabriel had wanted him to "shut his stupid mouth and die" but like, nah it's okay, that isn't information he needs to know like it's all good. Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Let's stalk off with a sexy flourish instead.
Meanwhile, I guess, there's also another demon that's taken over Crowley's post that he deals with sometimes, and he's living in his car (because obviously he didn't bother to tell Az about it situation which is infuriating) and then he gets pulled down to hell by Beezlebub who tells him Gabriel is missing (whoops) and that if he can help find him, he can be a duke of hell. Ya boy ain't interested. But he does know that Az has fucked up their shit again, with his bleeding heart routine. Though in the angel's defense, he didn't see Grabriel try to murder him in hellfire. AGAIN, though, totally don't need to mention that.
But y'all, the entire point of the episode. For me, anyway. Is:
1.) 'Good ol' fashioned loverboy' playing in the Bentley as Crowley rushes back to the bookshop. Dining at the ritz, we'll meet at nine [...] just take me back to yours, that will be fine...
2.) The mother-effing apology dance. I have so many questions. and I loveeeeee it.
Aziraphale says he's done the dance in 1650, 1793, 1941 (we gon' talk about THAT later, folks) and so I need to know like, everything.
Side rant: There's an outtake where Michael Sheen makes David Tennant do the dance again just so he can hold up a scorecard at the end, giving the man a 7, soo now pretty much I'm obsessed with their friendship also.
Ugh. The entire thing is so perfectly heartwarming 💜 The way Aziraphale gets up and straightens his vest and gives the proper attention before it starts and then just says "very nice" and it's forgotten. And how he pretends to be busy when Crowley bursts in. Makes him ding the bell and everything. He knew Crowley was gonna come around, because that man is nothing but dependable (for him, anyway. Crowley loves to rescue him - but that's an entirely separate post. Like, a real big one). Kid really is a dark horse.
And then, to top it all off, after Crowley has properly apologized, they attempt to do a tiny little half-a-miracle to hide Jim-James-Gabriel and they're all pleased with themselves that it worked. But JK it was powerful. Which has some many implications like, I can't. And that's also probably another post. Because this fucking show is nuanced. 
Doesn't matter. All I know is, I can watch Crowley properly apologize all day. ALL DAY. 
Basically, perfect episode. Ineffable husbands is exactly what we all needed. And it's gonna get real weird. 
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