#god of war iii (video game)
dominogodbane1 · 1 year
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K R A T ♎ S ( God of War )
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malachite-iiarie · 8 months
Things my family has heard me say while playing video games and now they’re concerned:
“Oh he’s hot, come on goat daddy”-Tears of the Kingdom
“Bite me…BITE ME” BG3
“RougaROU” Tears of the Kingdom (I refuse to pronounce Rauru correctly he is a roller coaster now)
“Why’s he not following me, where are yo-WHY ARE YOU ON FIRE” BG3
“Vampire, daddy, queen, thot” BG3
“I can strap him to a ROCKET” Tears of the Kingdom
“Let’s go, demon mommy, stand on him, play that harp” Wrath and Glory (not a video game, but I said this to them when describing my character)
“For the case of this messed up child, Duke Ravengard…You are the father” BG3
“Sexy hot fish man, I’ll start a power throuple” Tears of the Kingdom
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kaitiyarbro87-blog · 8 months
So mind your peepers
Anyways a thought came to my head playing Baldurs Gate 3. Like imagine if Kratos was there, like I don't think any of the gods stand a chance against him. Kratos would 100% slaughter his way through the absolute and tear that elder brain. I am talking about God of War 4. I'm wondering about all of the gods interactions and maybe even Raphael too, even I think Kratos would definitely manage to kill that Ketheric Thorm and probably easily too.
Like what do others think about that match up with Kratos vs. The absolute cult and God?
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poz-patrol · 1 year
God of War III Remastered
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kingoftieland · 2 years
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As a huge fan of the franchise, the God of War III Ultimate Edition for the PlayStation 3 features one of my favorite physical collector’s items for a video game. Recreated in stunning detail, this sculpted replica of Pandora's Box features fine etchings that Pandora herself would approve of. 🏺
In addition to the game itself, this special edition also includes a hardcover art book that collects interviews and sketches from the original trilogy. Definitely a super cool piece that now doubles as a storage box for all the extra weapons and accessories from my assortment of God of War figures!
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strangecrowntiger · 2 years
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pknn18 · 5 months
A blog post about South Park, Chef, Issac Hayes, and Scientology
I'm already kind of preemptively looking for things to focus on for my next video while I'm still working on another script. And so I think "Oh yeah, Exploding Rabbit, what the hell happened to that guy?" It could be explained just by looking at his small Wikitubia page and his YouTube. And while there's obviously.a way to turn it into a short video, it honestly was just kind of lame and even deflating seeing what happened explained so plainly.
Now, I have a better idea for a essay and an excuse to be a dork about something other than video games. Issac Hayes, South Park, and his exit from South Park along with his character's exit. Because upon kind of reluctantly revisiting the episode where Chef is killed off, "The Return of Chef"
Holy shit, this is one spitefully made episode, like Matt and Trey don't just assassinates Chef's character for the plot and thinly veiled Scientology reference, they fucking nuke it until it's turned into ash and soot. Like, this is probably more of their more vitriolic driven episodes besides "Mecha-Streisand" and "The Biggest Douche in The Universe". They're very clearly mad at Hayes' departure from Scientology, perhaps they found it insulting considering the show Hayes was signed up for. 
In the episode, Chef had left South Park, depicted in a "Previously on.." sequence that doesn't actually continue off of anything, very funny. Some time later, he returns to the town, but something's off about him. For starters, they didn't get Hayes to record new audio for Chef, for obvious reasons. Instead, they make him speak with comically spliced archive audio from over the years. Oh yeah, also he's a pedophile now. He joined a club named the Super Adventure Club, which is a club for: pedophiles. And also a less than thinly veiled stand-in for Scientology, with Hayes being Chef.
 Later in the episode, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny manage to undo Chef's brainwashing from the Super Adventure Club, but SAC - I'm calling them that now - manages to re-brainwash him. This pisses off God, aka Matt and Trey, and as Chef crosses the bridge back to SAC, a lightning bolt hits the bridge, causing it to break and for Chef to fall to his death. 
This death is probably one of the most brutal and vicious in the entire series and is pretty much the peak of this episode’s treatment of the Chef character. However, It is followed up by a rather touching eulogy from Kyle at Chef's funeral that serves as a message that although Chef, or rather, Hayes, is no longer on the show, his character will still be remembered by the townspeople and by extension, the audience. Then they cut to a Star Wars prequel parody and SAC turns Chef into Darth Chef so he can diddle more kids.
This is a really harsh way for them to depart with the character and Hayes and I have the suspicion they didn't immediately know the truth behind his departure at the time.
He suffered a stroke in 2006 which left him very shaken mentally to say the least. Scientology, the absolute fucking scumbags they are, took advantage of them and basically told him to quit, which he did while not in sound mind at the time. This all comes from his son, Issac Hayes III, who revealed all of this information ten years after The Return of Chef aired in 2016. This information would also reveal that Matt and Trey were aware of some funny business, though whether they knew as they were writing the script for The Return of Chef, I couldn't tell you. Tragically, Issac Hayes passed away in 2008. And just as bad, it's unfortunately, it's quite likely Scientology had something to do with Hayes' death. 
When his body was found, it was next to a treadmill that was still running. A victim of a stroke running a treadmill raises some questions. Ordinarily, one would see a neurologist and a psychiatrist for a thing like a fucking STROKE. But one of the things that we know about Scientology that we probably weren't supposed to know initially is that they make you sign a form prohibiting "psychiatric or mental assistance". This specific quote is from Roger Friedman's article where he explains Issac Hayes' history with Scientology, but this was also common knowledge by the time that article was written and published. Not only that, but Scientology even has a page discussing why they're against psychiatry, but I'm not giving them traffic. Anyway, most likely Scientology placed Issac under some strange kind of workout routine just so he wouldn't run to a neurologist or psychiatrist.
It is absolutely depressing what cults can do individuals as it did in this instance. They try to chip away at that individual's personality so that they act in only the cult's best interest. This can affect relationships, personal or business, which of course ruins the individual's life. But that won't matter because if all goes well, their life belongs to the cult. Yeah, this is a "no shit" string of texts but I just wanted to reiterate: Scientology' fucking suckssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
I do apologize if this blog post isn't perfect - this swelled from what happened in the beginning and I just kinda kept going. This was done in a day, and not in a very long period of time. This is essentially just a organized infodump. If you actually fucking read this however, thank you.
Also yeah I watched the hbomberguyvideo I might've absorbed some of his style in the process OOPS-
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sp-epari-digitalmedia · 4 months
God of War: Decrypting Kratos
God of War: Ghost of Sparta was the game that first got me interested in video games. It was an immersive experience that not only introduced me to console gaming but also made me fall in love with this enthralling medium. One character stood out above the rest with unmatched force amidst the suspenseful plot and fierce action: Kratos. His appearance on screen served as more than just a decorative element; it also served as a spark for my developing passion for video games.
Kratos, with his intense presence, left me curious. I wanted to dig deeper, beyond the cool fights and epic adventures, to understand what made him tick. Where did his name come from? Why did he look the way he did? What hidden meanings were behind the colors and symbols that defined him? I decided to take a closer look through the lens of semiotics, examining the signs and symbols that make up his character.
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About the Character
Kratos, the central protagonist in the popular game series "God of War," leads a spectrum of nine titles: God of War Betrayal, God of War Ascension, God of War Ghost of Sparta, God of War Chains of Olympus, God of War I, II, III, God of War 2018, God of War Ragnarok, and God of War Ragnarok Valhalla.
The genesis of Kratos's character witnessed a noticeable shift in 2018, not only transitioning from Greek to Norse mythology but also marking a substantial evolution in his personality. In his earlier depictions, Kratos showcases unbridled rage, an unrelenting force shaped by the profound losses of his wife, children, mother, friend and his long-lost brother. The paradigm shift surfaced in a more contemplative and rational Kratos, departing from the archetypal rage-fueled spartan we had come to know.
This transformation extends beyond a mere alteration in mythological backdrop. It signifies a profound metamorphosis in character. No longer solely defined by unbridled fury, Kratos, in his evolution, unfolds as a multidimensional figure, portraying a depth and complexity that belies his initial portrayal.
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Academic Standpoint
Fiske in his study, "Introduction to Communication Studies", mentions that media is not always direct. He breaks media comprehension into 2:
Denotation: This classification is the literal meaning of the media. It is simply the direct translation of what is visible to the audience. (Fiske, 2010)
Connotation: This classification is the hidden meaning of the media. It is the intended meaning behind what is visible to the audience. (Fiske, 2010)
To decrypt the character, I am going to use this study. In order to keep it comprehendible I am going to take Kratos from 2018 edition onwards.
Semiotics in Character Design
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Name & Origin
The name of the character is Kratos.
Kratos is a Greek word that means Strength. Additionally, Kratos is also the name of the Greek god of strength.
Color Thematic
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The character constitutes of the selected palette of colors.
From right to left:
#660000: Dark Red
#922929: Indian Red
#F2F3F4: Anti-Flash White
#A9A9A9: Dark Gray
#1B1B1B: Eerie Black
Dark Red is the color normally associated with emotion or rage and also the color of blood. Indian Red is color made in the honor of Red Indians symbolizing brotherhood and friendship. Anti-Flash White is a type of white. White color is often associated with purity and godliness. Dark Gray has a lot of negative emotions associated with it including fear, frustration, gloominess and mourning. Eerie Black is the color of mystery and death.
Other References
Scarred Eye
Scarred eye is a warrior like feature, often representing strength and resilience.
Ashed Skin
Ashed skin is often linked with the supernatural and the energy to connect with it.
Kratos's Tattoo
Kratos's tattoo is actually a replica of his brother's birthmark symbolizing his love and endless pursuit for his lost brother.
Shoulder Guards
Shoulder Guards showcase the burden and responsibility that one bears.
Character Development
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Paradigm shift in the Pesonality
In the documentary Raising Kratos, Corey Barlog mentions that Kratos represented his phases of life. Kratos earlier was rageful and aggressive and was the symbolism of his teenage. The new Kratos was symbolizing his adulthood phase highlighting his joy of becoming a father.
Overall Representation
The name Kratos means strength is a direct remark on the character symbolizing his strength is unparalleled even though he is not completely a god in the beginning and is not really the god of strength but takes over the mantle of God of war.
The colors represent the building blocks of the character. The Dark Red is the emotional state of the character which is anger and bloodlust. Kratos being a father, general and initially a brother justifies Indian Red in his palette. Being a god Anti-Flash White is the perfect representation of his status. The color Dark Gray sets his emotional tonality too, he has lost quite a lot of people in his life and the color represents mourning, gloominess and frustration. The color black is the color of death that he himself is surrounded with or is the reason for.
Features like scarred eye, ashed skin, body tattoo and shoulder add different layers to the characters. It shows that he fills the shoes of many roles from a soldier, mourner, seeker and an avenger.
There is an additional dimension to the character as it is the direct reflection of the creator's emotional state.
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Kratos is quite a complex character and has many dimensions to it. He is filled with various hidden meanings and that information is quite easy to miss out. Overall, Kratos has a rich history, and the design of the character symbolizes that quite impressively.
Fiske, J. (2010) Introduction to communication studies, Routledge eBooks. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203837382.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 7 months
Pssst hey poke poke wanna rant about Diablo II is it any good Iv been considering getting into the series
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Oh my fucking God, ok ok ok...
So. I love it.
Diablo II remastered is my favorite in the series, and I can't even verbalize how much of a fucking gremlin I become over this game, bro. Dude. Okay so. Hot takes, coming in, but the second one is my favorite in terms of art design, gameplay, and overall vibe. It's also a pain in my ass. But a good pain lol.
In terms of playability, something a lot of people complain about with older games is the lack of explanation for a lot of gameplay mechanics (not just Diablo, if you play older games you probably know what I'm talking about), so the first two games even remastered can feel sluggish, unnecessarily difficult, and confusing. Which are very valid criticisms, I don't side with gamers who complain about new games coddling their players however. Straight up, the horadric cube in D2 doesn't have an instruction manual. Bless the internet.
Diablo 1 and 2 have just an incredible atmosphere and artistic design. It's dark fantasy. The angels are sick as fuck. The cover art; o r g a s m i c. Like,
And for some people who didn't grow up playing Diablo II, the learning curve is really steep. But I enjoy it! I love starting new characters and then deleting them again because I found a better build. Experimenting without looking up guides for point allocation and gear.
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This is the cover art for Diablo II: Resurrected.
This is how I want to feel going into my fights. This is my enemy. Sexy as hell. I would recommend this game, it's one of my all time favorites. The characters are connected through your battlenet account, so if you buy the game for your Xbox and for the Switch as I did, you play your same game. Which is probably a no brainer for people who played video games for a lot longer than me, but I didn't have a console until I was in my twenties.
If you ever get this game, and wanna cry when encountering the first boss, I will give you my ultimate guide to how this dumbass cheesed their way through the encounter without dying ❤️
Also, secret level, near the beginning of the game you go through a portal and you can pick up a dead guy's artificial leg. Keep it. Later, you can use it with the horadric cube to unlock the best fucking level of all goddamn time. 🐮
Now, the other games... Diablo III.
The gameplay was way too easy (for me at least). After the first boss the story gets better, but everything about the third game is super different.. It's art is super stylized. It feels cartoonish in the lineup. It isn't dark, even with the body horror and literal demons, because everything feels colorful. It's the anime inspired fantasy roleplay version of the grim dark heavy metal fantasy games. I liked the story, because I was so invested in Diablo II that I needed to experience what came next, and I don't regret playing it, it was fun, but it didn't have that replayability factor imo. That's just me though.
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Before anyone complains, yes I played RoS and Death was sick as fuck, these are just my silly little opinions playing the games. But like, it just didn't frustrate me, or make me feel like I was in a life and death war. But, if you like power play fantasies, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, necromancer broken as fuck. Kept having to raise the difficulty while playing because I blasted through everything.
Before I go on, you know that trope where angels are dicks? Cuz these games are full of angels that are huge dicks. Best angel in the entire series is in the third game, he's the best character, I won't say his name because they act like it's supposed to be a surprise that he's an angel but ahshgsjsj..... I replay for him, and Diablo, but other than that it's only fun to play with someone who hasn't experienced it yet so I can vicariously feel their enjoyment. If that makes sense.
And my ultimate disappointment, Diablo IV.
The story is awesome. The cut scenes are cinematic. Lilith is superb. They went back to the same dark realistic atmosphere of pre D3.
I'm just really bitter about microtransaction hell, season passes in a game that just came out and was so pricey, and end game content that felt like a chore instead of a game.
It was super rewarding the first playthrough, don't get be wrong! The story was so fun, and the monsters were delightful bastards. They brought back the Butcher from part three, but unlike in D3, he was a huge asshole in D4, sunnova bitch lol
The game was so fun until we got to the end game and season of the malignant.. the developers keep arguing with the community whenever they bring up valid criticisms instead of addressing what's lacking. I wish the game wasn't so expensive, because I would recommend it if it was just a fun game..? I liked it, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the developers do something better with season passes or with future dlc expansions.
I hate real world currency in game shops and a lot of season passes. DLCs I understand. I like. But a season pass that's ridiculously expensive on top of an already pricey game that doesn't add enough new content for actual gameplay and instead makes you grind for a new horse skin? And grinding.
Ugh. I still really enjoyed it, but I can't in good conscience recommend it because the price makes me feel guilty. It's great, until you beat the game. It's open world, but the missions are limited, and the grind isn't rewarding. Again, crossing my fingers they make it more fun with future updates.
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Such a bad bitch. Fucking love her. Mommy. The initial game is great. Just not for that price. Open world games should be playable forever, and that's what D4 promised, they just didn't deliver.
Sorry if this is a mess, I'm about to fall asleep ❤️ but yeah, I fucking love this series, even when I don't. The story and characters and the atmosphere when it's there.
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reckless-rider · 11 months
A list no one asked for! Anyway a list of all the Wilhelm Screams found in media according to IMDB Part 1.
Happy Family
1000 Ways to Die
16 Blocks
21 Jump Street
22 Jump Street
30 Days of Night 
Lost  (S5.E6) 
6:66 PM
A Christmas Story Christmas 
A Day to Die
A Dog’s Way Home
A Goofy Movie
A Simple Request
Simpsons (S32.E10)
A Star Is Born
Agent Cody Banks
Ainoat oikeat
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (1992)
Alex Cross
Dexter: Early Cuts (S1.E2)
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (S1.E14) 
American Hero
Manipulated by Fingers
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy 
The Angry Birds Movie
Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie
Animator vs. Animation V
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (S3.E8)
Arctic Dogs 
Are We Done Yet?
Assignment to Kill
Astro Boy
Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potions
Atomic Blonde
Avengers: Infinity War
April and the Extraordinary World 
Game of Thrones (S1.E9)
Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2
Barbie in the Pink Shoes
Batman Returns
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Battle Creek Brawl
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Money Heist (S2.E6)
Ben 10: Race Against Time 
Beta Test
Clarence (S3.E12)
Bionicle: The Legend Reborn
Black Sheep
Mythbusters (S9.E6)
Family Guy (S6.E1)
House (S7.E15)
Bon Bini Holland
Borrowed Time
Bounty Killer
Calamity Jane: Wild West Legend
Captain America: The First Avenger 
Cars 2
Lupin (S2.E5)
Stars Wars: Clone Wars (S2.E7)
Stars Wars: Clone Wars (S3.E4)
The Book of Boba Fett (S1.E7)
Stars Wars: Clone Wars (S3.E20)
Clash of the Titans
Clifford the Big Red Dog 
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
Fast & Furious Spy Racers (S2.E4)
Amphibia (S3.E11)
Blindspot (S2.E5)
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
Corto Maltese (S1.E1)
Community (S3.E18)
Cowboys & Aliens
Cradle 2 the Grave 
Fantasy Island (S4.E8)
Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales (S1.E2)
Community (S2.E18)
Dragon Wars: D-War
DOA: Dead or Alive
Daddy’s Home
Daddy’s Perfect Little Girl 
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (S7.E7)
Dante’s Peak
Agency of Vengeance: Dark Rising 
Date Movie
Day & Night
De film van Dylan Haegens
Deadpool 2
Lego Star Wars: All-Stars (S1.E3)
Death Proof
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (S2.E20)
Two Is a Family
Despicable Me
Despicable Me 2
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days 
The Goldfish 
Die Hard with a Vengeance 
Dinocroc vs. Supergator
Drawn Together (S1.E6)
Distant Drums
District 9
Django Unchained 
Community (S3.E8)
Littlest Pet Shop (S1.E23)
Down by the Riverside 
Due Date 
Galavant (S1.E6)
Blizzards of Souls
Maverick (S3.E10)
Ein Rabe namens Poe
Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas
Star Trek Phase II (S1.E6)
Community (S2.E6)
Toren C (S2.E2)
Maverick (S2.E6)
Evening Class
Ever After High: Dragon Games
Everything Wrong with… (S9.E100)
Everything Wrong with… (S10.E105)
Everything Wrong with… (S4.E24)
Regular Show (S4.E1)
Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales (S1.E1)
Outlander (S3.E13)
F9: The Fast Saga 
Face Eater 
Fantastic Four
Feels Good Man
Doom Patrol (S2.E5)
Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales (S1.E4)
Flushed Away 
Regular Show (S6.E16)
Freddy vs. Ghostbusters
Free Guy
The Simpsons (S28.E2)
The Loud House (S1.E2)
Community (S5.E5)
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance 
Ghost Rock
God of War
God of War III
Golden Dreams
CSI: NY (S1.E4)
Gremlins 2: The New Batch
Grey Eyes
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
SMG4 (S6.E36)
Guns Akimbo
Family Guy (S20.E14)
Hacksaw Ridge 
Halo Wars
Hardcore Henry 
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
Star Wars: Rebels (S3.E5)
The Boys (S3.E6)
Schnitzel Paradise 
Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party 
Epic Rap Battles of History (S3.E1)
Hitman: Agent 47
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu (S1.E2)
Home Team
Masters of Horror (S1.E6)
How 13 Props are Made for Movies and TV
How It Should Have Ended (S9.E2)
How It Should Have Ended (S8.E18)
Howard the Duck
A Frozen Rooster
I Am David
In a Valley of Violence
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Inglourious Basterds 
Inspector Gadget (S2.E26)
Community (S2.E17)
Ultimate Spider-Man (S2.E12)
Jason and the Argonauts
Jiu Jitsu 
Jumanji: The Next Level
Just Visiting 
Katy Perry: Roar
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (S3.E10)
Keeping Up with the Joneses
Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Cyanide and Happiness Shorts (S1.E140)
Kill Possible 
Nostalgia Critic (S12.E28)
King Kong
Kingdom of Heaven
Knight Rider (S1.E3)
Steven Universe (S4.E2)
From Up on Poppy Hill
Kung Fu Panda
Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation 
Dogmatix and the Indomitables (S1.E15)
Land of the Pharaohs
Tad: The Lost Explorer
The Legend of Hallowaiian
Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return
Legion of Iron
Lego Beyond Worlds
Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload
Lego the Lord of the Rings: The Video Game
Leprechaun 6: Back 2 Tha Hood
Lethal Weapon 2
Lethal Weapon 4
License to Wed
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humfrery · 1 year
Persona AU Video Game Ideas, part 2
Wow, my last AU video game post only got 20 whole notes! Whatever, I'm gonna keep rambling anyway. Part 1 here.
Teddie - Conker's Bad Fur Day
Mascot character, highly inappropriate, pulls random shit out of their ass. That's it. That's my justification.
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Naoto Shirogane - Bioshock
Bioshock has this art deco, biopunk, noir vibe to it that I think fits Naoto really well. Especially when you consider how her dungeon was a laboratory. Not to mention that this is a game that gives you guns and elemental powers. Naoto with a Tommy Gun just makes sense, doesn't it?
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Tohru Adachi - The Darkness II
This is sort of the same thought process as the Naoto one. Games where you shoot dudes and have superpowers. Except now, the superpowers are really twisted.
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Marie - Infamous 2
I mean, can you think of another game that lets you strike you enemies with a lightning bolt?
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Investigation Team - Devil May Cry 5
Devil May Cry is basically what happens when you take fighting game complexity (like P4 Arena Ultimax, for instance) and make it a character action thing. Just take all of the Investigation Team members' movesets from Arena and make it their moveset in here. Plus, I can also imagine a sort of assist and tag in mechanic similar to Marvel vs Capcom being really fun here. Instead of switching different weapons or styles, the player would tag in and out team members.
Also, this means that the team finally gets their own Scooby-Doo van.
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Labrys - God of War III
My rationale for this one is 1) the chain weapon that both Labrys and Kratos uses to pull themselves towards enemies and also swing their weapons around like a sharp flail 2) the Greek mythology theming.
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Sho Minazuki - Deadpool
Twin swords? Check. Goofy attitude? Check. Teleportation ability? Voices in their head? General sociopathy? Check, check, check.
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Persona 5 is next :) This is where it gets fun.
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serrj215 · 2 years
Way too Much HGTV
"How does it look?" Beast Boy called down the stairs.
"Like a basement!" boomed a voice from the dark.
"Cy, I am the funny one don’t mess with our dynamic, you know what I mean."  Beast Boy yelled back down from the kitchen. 
"You know most people would just hire a building inspector!"
"Most people do not have to worry about supervillains, and have best friends with scanning equipment built into their knees!"
"Foundation looks good," Cyborg shouted as he climbed the stairs into the kitchen. The flashlight built into his shoulder closed when he reached the top and looked around. "And the floor joists are old, thick, and solid. They do not make them like this anymore"
"I will take your word for it, mostly because I have no idea what a floor joist is." 
It was an older house. One of the thousands built right after World War II.  Back when everyone was just happy to be home, alive, and raring to start a family.  The front of the place looked like something right out of an old sitcom. Clapboard siding, black rod iron on the windows, and for better or worse had not been updated since it was built.  
"You are gutting this kitchen right?" a look of mild disgust on his face.
"What? You don’t like brick linoleum and avocado cabinets?"  Beast Boy was sitting on the countertop marveling at the time warp kitchen from the 1950s.  He hopped down and walked over to a fridge that should've been in a museum. He opened the door and the old appliance made a rattling sound. Beast Boy quickly tossed his friend a bottle of water and grabbed one for himself.  "Maybe this antique is worth something, they don’t make them like this anymore either."
"With good reason, that "antique" would be half your electric bill." Cyborg took a pull from his water. "Aside from decor being a retro nightmare, the water heater looks just about as old as this kitchen you're probably going to need to re-pipe the place."
Beast Boy leaned back against the counter. "Anything else?" 
"The fuse box is undersized, and I have not seen a single outlet with a ground which means some very old wiring.  With all of that, we might as well take the place down to the studs. " 
"The joys of home ownership." Beast Boy said his hand over his eyes feeling a headache starting to form behind them.  "Is that it?"
"Well we won't know ‘till we open up the walls but there is always mold, asbestos, lead paint, rodents- "
 "Ancient Indian burial grounds, Voodoo, a ghost with unfinished business, etc, etc. So you think we should just walk away from this one?"
"The roof is new, as I said the foundation is solid, four bedrooms upstairs, and under this plastic crap I think the original hardwood can be saved.” He said looking at the floor. "If you do walk away give me the seller's number, for what he is asking this would not make a bad flip." 
"Thank God, house hunting looks so much more fun on HGTV."  
“Just picture it; He is looking for an open space with really tall ceilings so he can transform into animals that strike his fancy.
She is looking for a cozy intimate space where she can read, meditate, and conjure. 
He loves video games and movies, her passion is the written word.”
Beast Boy pauses. And asks “Can Jonathan and Drew create a home that’s part library part GameStop for a very eclectic couple? This week on Property Brothers."
Both men started laughing "I do not think Drew and Jonathan would understand that the place needs to be supervillain proof." 
"I think Rob might have a few ideas about that." 
"Oh God No!" Beast Boy came to his feet almost dropping his water. 
"This is going to be “a home”! We let him lose and he will try to turn this place into the Batcave Mark III or something. I do not want to have to use a retina scanner every time I want to use the microwave.” 
Cyborg kept looking around the place like he had missed something. "Does this feel strange to you?" 
"This!" Cyborg waved his hand as he walked around. "You and Raven buying a house, Rob and Star getting hitched next year, new Titans…When the hell did we grow up?" 
"We can't be that grown-up Cy, this isn't beer." Beast Boy said holding his bottle, he started following his friend as he walked around the bare living room. "You okay? I mean you didn’t get like this when Raven and I got married."
"Green Bean, you and Raven sounded like an old married couple since about 5 minutes after you met I think we were all used to that by the time you popped the question.”
"What do you think about fixing up the basement? I mean if we need more space?"
"All those bedrooms upstairs, how many times are you planning on knocking up my little sister?" Cyborg asked. A hungry look came over Beast Boy's face. "Wait, you know what cancel that. I don’t need that in my head"
“Cy seriously, can we do something with it?” 
"The basement is almost the entire footprint of the house there is some room in there, what are you thinking pool table? You looking to build a man cave?” 
"Maybe, or a space for guests, a small living area, a class 3 220 amp DC transformer."  
"B, It’s a nice thought but you do not have to put a charging station for me in your house, the tower is not that far and I got the rig in the car. " 
"Well, what if there was more than a charging station down there?"  "Maybe a nice bed, dresser, kitchenette, disco ball?" 
"Beast Boy are you asking me to move in with you guys?  I mean I thought that the whole point was to have your own space. And to do things in it I do not want to think about.” 
“Or hear about!”  
“Cyborg I think it’s great that you are going to take care of the new Titans. I mean we had to figure a lot of things out on our own. Looking back it would have been nice to have someone that -” 
“Knew what the hell he was doing?” Cyborg asked. 
“To be fair, we got pretty far improvising. But they are going to need some independence, and you are going to need a break from time to time. All I am saying is that we want you to have a place you can call your own if you need it.”  
“Look you can come and go as you please, put in your own door, some soundproofing so you can play your music as loud as you want. “
“Some soundproofing so I do not hear what you two are doing up here!” he snapped back. “I will think about it Beast Boy, but let’s worry about the rest of the place first?” He said pushing his friend playfully. 
“Okay, Okay. So I am thinking of paneling! The whole house!”.
"I am thinking all decor decisions are going to your better half.”
"They had better, Gar was talking about keeping that ghastly wallpaper upstairs,”  Raven said as she came through the front door.  “I am not sleeping in a green room, surrounded by ducks.”  
“Aww” Garfield whined as he walked over to greet his wife with a kiss on the cheek.  “Wanted to take another look at the place?”  
“I was more concerned about you two being without adult supervision.” She turned to face Cyborg. “So what's the verdict?” 
“We have great floor joists!” Beast Boy stated. 
“And do you have any idea what those are?” His wife asked 
“It's got good bones,” Cyborg began explaining what needed to be done. After his rough assessment  “It’s going to be a lot of work but, I think it will be worth it.”  
“I am glad, I really do like this place,” Raven said looking around. 
“Me too, but I also liked the one over on Bayshore.”  Beast Boy said, “It has a huge yard.”  
“Yes, it was a nice house, but Control Freak’s mother lived next door.” Raven turned to him.  
“She seemed ok?”  
“Control Freak lives in her basement,” Raven stated.  
“Yea, let’s go with this place” Beast Boy agreed
“So, do you think we can have this place ready in six months?”  Raven asked to Beast Boy’s surprise.  
“We did agree that he was going to be the first.”  She said turning to Beast Boy and taking his hand.  
“Yea,  Cy about those bedrooms upstairs…” Beast Boy started rubbing the back of his neck. 
“You didn’t?”  
“We did,” Raven answered pulling herself a little closer to her husband. “We just wanted to wait till after the first trimester.”  
“It was kinda the reason why we needed the house.” Beast Boy finished looking sheepishly at his large friend.  
Cyborg started laughing. “Raven, we did talk about this, I warned you. He is a big responsibility.  You should have gotten him neutered right away.”  
“I know but I look at those green puppy eyes and I didn’t have the heart.” She said starting to scratch behind one of his ears. 
“Is this the reason why you’re asking me to move in?” He said between chuckles “To babysit and to keep him off you before you fill up the rest of the rooms?”  
“Victor” Raven began she walked over to him and took his metallic hand and placed it on her shoulder. “We want to make a place for you here because we’re family and you fit in just fine”  
“Okay…can we start talking about bathroom tiles or something before I get all sappy”  
“How about I call the realtor and we all get dinner?”  Beast Boy suggested.  
“Pizza?” Raven guessed
“If this is going to be home; we should try the neighborhood place!” Beast Boy said as he opened the door for his wife and friend. 
This is another one from the depths of my draft folder that I finally finished. That has been the issue as of late not sure when these are done.
Cross-posted on AO3 September 8th, 2022 https://archiveofourown.org/works/41587560
Also, all my other stuff is there in case you were wondering.
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averydavery · 5 months
The Good, The Bad, and Everything Inbetween of the Playstation 2
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To me, the Playstation 2 is the best video game console ever. Period. Its catalogue is undeniably strong but I am definitely very biased as well, not to mention that the dualshock remote looks almost exactly the same from PS2 to PS4... But mainly, there is a reason many iconic titles from famous series are from this system and era of video game history. The PS2’s time in the spotlight (1999- 2011) was the real start of the hayday of video games.
So, in honor of my love for the system, here is my rankings for the games i’ve played so far and why!
***I will only be judging games that originally launched on the system, including bridge games, NOT PS1 games that are backwards compatible. So sorry MGS1 and FFVII
From Top to Bottom
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1. Shadow of the Colossus
5/5 stars. One sentence review: I’m sobbing.
2. Metal Gear Solid 2
4.5/5 stars. One sentence review: “No, that is NOT the real Solid Snake!”
3. Resident Evil 4
4.5/5 stars. One sentence review: Fixed camera and gun controls making me want to get the Las Plagas fr.
4. God of War
4.5/5 stars. One sentence review: I don’t know what’s more unforgiving: the game itself or playing it on the PS2.
5. Bully
4.5/5 stars. One sentence review: I really wish people gave Bully more attention than GTA.
6. GTA Vice City
4/5 stars. One sentence review: For some reason my PS2 had a hard time running Vice City and this game is significantly smaller than others on this list.
7. Onimusha
4/5 stars. One sentence review: I really enjoyed this story and I would’ve loved it a lot more if the controls didn’t feel like I was committing a felony.
8. Devil May Cry
4/5 stars. One sentence review: “I should’ve filled yoUR DARK SOUL WITH LIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!”
4/5 stars. One sentence review: Just didn’t do it for me story wise as much as the others, i dont know.
10. God of War II
3.5/5 stars. One sentence review: Least favorite God of War game besides Chains of Olympus, not that it’s bad it’s just okay.
11. Crazy Taxi
3.5/5 stars. One sentence review: Very fun but only for about ten minutes.
12. Yakuza 2
2/5 stars. One sentence review: I’m a diehard Yakuza/RGG/Like A Dragon fan but I stg this is the worst game in the series, I never even beat it.
13. Devil May Cry 2
2/5 stars. One sentence review: Bad mechanics and bored me.
The Superlatives
The Best Title in a Series
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Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
An easy pick for this category and a game that is second only to Shadow of the Colossus, is Metal Gear Solid 3. It is a fantastic game as much as it is a great entry in an amazing series. For those who don’t know, MGS3 is a prequel for the entire series and takes place even before the old 8-But Metal Gear games. MGS3 follows Naked Snake who becomes the infamous Big Boss, the notorious antagonist for the rest of the series, and is the first game in the series to really perfect the stealth combat with the addition of an over the shoulder camera and new camouflage mechanics. Other notable aspects of MGS3 are that graphics for the game still hold up today, the characters are some of the most memorable in the series (I LOVE YOU BOSS!!!!), and the boss fights are engaging. Not to mention that if I had to guess, you’re probably humming “Snake Eater” to yourself right now.
MGS3 is such a good MGS title that I believe it sort of set Kojima up for failure with every game that came after it.
The Best Game You’ve Never Played/My Personal Favorite PS2 Game
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Blood Will Tell: Osamu Tezuka’s Dororo
The only reason Blood Will Tell isn’t number one is because I felt bad putting Shadow of the Colossus as number 2. I fucking love this game with my whole heart and soul, I really don’t know where to begin. The title of “the best game you’ll never play” isn’t one that I came up with myself, many people refer to Blood Will Tell by that superlative and you’re probably wondering why that is. Blood Will Tell was released by SEGA in 2004 and flopped in the Americas despite many looking back on the title fondly, as a result of its recent popularity (largely due to the 2019 Dororo anime and rise of the collector’s market) and little supply, it became an incredibly rare game with the highest selling price for a PS2 game I have ever seen. Blood Will Tell goes for anywhere between $400 to $700 USD, for reference: Silent Hill 2 goes for about $100. Which is why I don’t give this superlative away lightly, even the copy I own isn’t legitimate. There’s no way I’m spending that much money on a game without playing it myself.
So this brings to the second superlative I gave it: my personal favorite PS2 game. It’s the best game you’ll never play for a reason, there is a demand for it for a reason. While the dub is laughably bad, the game itself is incredibly rich. The goofy voice acting adds to the game’s charm and, in my opinion, makes a fantastic game more enjoyable. The gameplay is addictive and one of the most fluid for the 20 year old console, Blood Will Tell is a hack-n-slash that feels like a mix of Sekiro and Ghost of Tsushima to me —which is funny because both of those games came out the same year and fought for the GotW award. You play as Hyakkimaru, a boy with swords for arms who is cursed after his father gave away all 48 body parts to demons in a deal for power. Now it’s your job to get your body back, piece by piece. This plot allows for incredibly unique visual story telling that is astounding for the time it came out in. For example, in the beginning chapter Hyakki is blind. They show this by making the world entirely black and white until he gets his sight back in which color floods your screen in a beautiful way. Since he can’t speak he has a filter that makes it sound like he’s talking in his head… etc. Even some of the 48 bosses are hidden and optional, something I didn’t expect to see in a game this old. On my first playthrough, I missed some bosses because the map is deceptively big. I think my only critiques besides the silly voice acting (personally, I like it) are that Dororo’s sections of the game aren’t great but they don’t drag on either so I don’t mind them and that the music is stale and repeats.
All in all, I can yap about this game all day because I love it so much. If you are unwilling to spend $700 on Blood Will Tell, I highly recommend that you buy a cheap repro or emulate it on your computer. If neither of those are options for you consider watching a playthrough on youtube or, better yet, reading/watching all the other adaptations of Dororo! Blood Will Tell is based of the 1963 manga Dororo by Osamu Tezuka (the mangaka of Astroboy and Black Jack) and there are many versions of this story!
The Best Adventure Game
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I like to call Okami “the game that raised me” because it pretty much did. I first remember playing it in sixth grade and have played a run through of it probably once a year since. I’ve played it on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 5, and Playstation 2… and I’ll honestly say that it plays best on Switch. When Okami came out it originally launched on the Wii, which is why it plays so well on Switch as well. The reason for that is because of its unique, never before seen gameplay. Okami’s premise is that you play as Okami Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun in the form of a white wolf, who is resurrected in order to save the world from darkness. Ammy’s special ability is that she can manipulate the Celestial Brush, which has 13 different techniques that allow the player to literally play God by painting onto their surroundings to summon things like wind, water, fire, and vines or to literally stop time or cause nature to bloom. This Celestial Brush is why it plays so well on Nintendo consoles, which is actually why I recommend playing this game on one instead of on PS2. Okami has been remastered and really has no reason to be played PS2. In addition to why it isn’t fantastic on the PS2 is that Okami is most known for its visuals. The entire game is done in a painterly style with cell-shaded brush strokes that outline everything decoratively to aid it’s themes of traditional Japanese mythology… And one thing that makes that style look even better is when it is not played in low poly on the PS2.
So to put the kebash on this one, Okami was the best adventure game on the PS2 despite not being suited for the console itself. So please, play the remaster to enjoy the story even more!
The Best Fighting Game
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I know a lot of you might disagree with me on this but please know I am only going off games I have played and that I also don’t care about what others think. I love this series. There are 8 Yakuza games, 10 if you count Like A Dragon 8: Infinite Wealth and Gaiden, 13 if you count Ishin, Ishin (Remake/Remaster), Kenzan!, and Dead Souls, 15 if you count Kiwami 1 & 2, and 17 if you count the Black Panther games… but it all started with this one game. Yakuza is a beat ‘em up that was advertised as “Japan’s GTA” which I think is an apt description only for the street fighting you do. In actuality, Yakuza is a game that follows the ex-yakuza Kiryu Kazuma as he fights to save the people he cares about and struggles with his loyalty to his former life a made man. The combat is fun and engaging with its use of combos and cinematics, however the controls are a bit finicky but nothing that will drive you up the wall. Another drawback of this title is the voice acting for the same reason as Blood Will Tell, it is a horrendous English dub. But I think it’s enjoyably bad, Mark Hamill and John DeMagio jumpscared me when I first heard their voices.
Although, I don’t necessarily recommend Yakuza to anyone who doesn’t have a PS2 at all, really, and that is because Yakuza Kiwami exists —which is a remake for modern consoles of this game with a million new things, better graphics and combat, and no English dub. This remake highlights everything that was so good about the original.
The Best Horror Game
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Silent Hill 2
I think I can keep this one short because Silent Hill 2 is a game that needs no introduction. It practically invented the psychological survival horror genre as we know it be today and still is an amazing game that manages to always unnerve me. From its multiple endings to its atmospheric environment, Silent Hill 2 sets the bar for what should be a good horror game and inspires many series still. But above all else, Silent Hill 2 has the best soundtrack out of any game that I’ve mentioned so far. Akira Yamaoka is a genius songwriter.
The Worst Game I’ve Played So Far
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Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Curse of the Crimson Elixir
I love Fullmetal Alchemist (if my account was any clue into that haha) and I thought that my love for that series was going to help get through this game. But I was so wrong and I should’ve listened to my gut. FMA works really well as video game if you actually try to make it one or else it doesn’t work, the ingredients are there you just have to follow the recipe. But Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Curse of the Crimson Elixir takes this way too seriously. Not only does it harp on the most boring episodes of the original series, it does so in the worst manner possible. The game itself looks like plastic, it’s cellshaded blandly. The music is loud and at times annoying, the fighting is stiff and uninspired when alchemy could be so much fun if done right, and it follows a clunky visual novel style in cutscenes for no reason. Even in the menu you can see that it was trying to be an RPG but never committed and I think this game could’ve shined if it was one, instead of the lame fighter it is now. The only benefit I see in this game is that the voice acting is all the original cast. So that’s nice… everything else? Not so much.
Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions for me to play!
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poz-patrol · 2 years
God of War III Remastered Pantheon
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wolfpup30 · 5 months
God of War update: so I've decided to play the series all the way through now that Ragnorok has DLC. I started with the first one, and have now made tremendous progress in Ascension, considering it's my first playthrough.
Since Playstation stream games don't allow for broadcasting, I'm limited to sharing the content with the world. The order as to which I am playing them is as follows.
1. God of War
2. God of War - Ascension
3. God of War - Chains of Olympus
4. God of War - Ghost of Sparta
5. God of War II
6. God of War III (this is where I will be able to start streaming)
7. God of War (2018)
8. God of War Ragnorok
I grew up playing the first three games on repeat. The series means a lot to me; God of War bound my love of mythology with my love of video games and gore - the beginning years of being a gaymer, the glory days.
I will continue my progress and share my nostalgia along the way.
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day0fnight · 2 years
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A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ME 🐇 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
i’m vera, she/her, metalhead, horror fanatic, video game lover, collector and bisexual ~ all personal posts, rambles and answered asks are tagged under vera ! ~ all requested posts are tagged under requested !
i mainly post unfiltered virtual photography and unfiltered icons for characters! my icons are free to use with no credit required, unless you’d like to give credit of course, so use them as you please
my ask box or private messages are always open if you wish to talk about games or anything else!
request terms ❕ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
you can request scenery of a location in game, icons for a character or a character portrait
please be patient, specify exactly what you’d like and please only request for games i have listed below 🤍
clicking any underlined game title will take you straight to the tag containing all of my posts for said game!
avatar: frontiers of pandora
banishers: ghosts of new eden ~ beyond: two souls
cyberpunk 2077 ~ control
detroit: become human
fatal frame: maiden of black water ~ fort solis
grand theft auto v ~ ghostwire: tokyo
god of war III remastered ~ god of war ~ god of war ragnarök ~ valhalla dlc
ghost of tsushima ~ iki island dlc
horizon forbidden west ~ burning shores dlc
hogwarts legacy ~ kena: bridge of spirits ~ layers of fear
life is strange remastered ~ life is strange: before the storm remastered ~ farewell dlc ~ life is strange: true colors ~ wavelengths dlc
mafia: definitive edition ~ mafia II: definitive edition
marvel’s spider-man remastered ~ the heist dlc ~ marvel’s spider-man: miles morales ~ marvel’s spider-man 2
metro exodus ~ sam’s story dlc ~ the two colonels dlc
open roads
red dead redemption II ~ rise of the tomb raider ~ ratchet and clank: rift apart
resident evil 4 remake ~ resident evil village ~ shadows of rose dlc
star wars jedi: survivor ~ shadow of the tomb raider ~ spiritfarer ~ stellar blade [DEMO]
the walking dead: season one ~ the walking dead: season two ~ the walking dead: the final season
the artful escape ~ the quarry ~ tomb raider: definitive edition
the last of us part I ~ left behind dlc ~ the last of us part II remastered
until dawn
uncharted: a thief’s end ~ uncharted: the lost legacy
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