YOUR REACTION ICONS !! theyre so cute omg /pos
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Sry I need to stop before I go on a rant about how nice Petal’s sprites are, but thank you for the compliment hhhh
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⤐ mod koto🥛chiaki nanami shift 🎮
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Hey💀💖 Can I please get a William scenario where he is really guilty after the Midnight Sun war and he's practically always on edge around his s/o because he's scared they'll hate him for what he did and he feels he not longer deserves their love, only for them to propose to him. He's just so happy and starts sobbing because he was so scared of losing them🥺🥺
Hello! 🤗 I can definitely see something like this happening, and it was a pleasure to write 🥰 Hope you like it! 🤗
Weeks had passed since the final attack against the entire Clover Kingdom by the Midnight Sun, William being pardoned and given permission to continue his duties as the Captain of the Golden Dawn. But he couldn’t banish the guilt of all the went down because of him. Julius might have forgiven him, but what scared him more than anything, was your reaction.
You had been taking some distance to him, and he could understand it perfectly well. He admitted that his involvement in the attack came out as a shock to many, and he could only imagine how you felt. Which was why he didn’t want to push you, or force you, but as the days went by and you seemed to still be hiding something from him, worry crept to him like winter frost. And by the time he feared that you hated him, it had already been too long for him to straight up ask you. Still, he wrapped his arm around you as you fell asleep, hiding his worry that rolled down his cheeks dead silent in the night as he didn’t want to push you further away. But what he couldn’t push away was the fact that he no longer deserved your love as he had betrayed you even more than everyone else. You had trusted him to protect you, to hold and cherish you, and he had almost thrown all of that away. And that knowledge burned him up inside, scorching his still beating heart.
Then the day he had dreaded came. You told him that there was something you needed to ask him, in private, and his heart sank. And after it had stopped sinking it fell onto the floor with a loud bang, shattering it so that his feelings started spilling out, painting the floor with all the colours of his love for you. It took all that he had to keep his jaw from quivering and to keep that ever present smile of his still painted on his lips, when in reality the petals of his soul started withering away, one, by, one.
You walked to the side, taking the twists and turns to your bedroom. The closing of the door almost made tears spill from his eyes, but instead he bit down his molars, fearing that he might let out a whimper unless he did so. He felt you taking his hand, your soft skin caressing his and he imprinted the sensation into his mind. He wanted to memorizes just how your fingers entwined with his, and how your warmth spread through from your hand to his entire being. It had been something that had brought him such sweet pleasure. But all that there was now, as he prepared for this to be the last time, he’d know the feeling, was the clutching cold that brought him such agony that he didn’t know if he could bear.
You lead him onto the balcony where you turned to look at him, the last golden rays of sunset hitting both of your complexions. The already forming tears in his eyes becoming apparent as light glittered from them, but all you thought was that he must’ve guessed what you were about to ask him. And, mistakenly, you thought that as he had not turned you down, he must be crying from joy, the silence and the trembling of his hand being only courtesy as he wished to let you ask your question. When, in reality, all the wanted to do was to run away and not hear what you were about to tell him. He didn’t want to face the fact that you despised him and loathed him for what he had done. But he couldn’t turn away from you, not even now, when he prepared himself to face your wrath and the fact that you’d leave him.
“So, Will… we have been together for a while now, and a lot has happened…” you paused and he whimpered, to which you smiled and he grimaced. “And I would like to ask you: if…” you paused once more as you let go of one of his hands to fumble through your pocket. “if you’d marry me?” You finished, presenting him with a ring, but his eyes didn’t as much as shift to it. All he did was stare at you with those beautiful purple eyes of his as tears started flowing down his cheeks. He gasped for air for the first time since entering the room, and started sobbing violently. His knees gave out from under him and you only barely managed to catch him, following him onto the floor.
You were puzzled as he clutched onto you, sobbing onto your shoulder, his shaking hands squeezing the fabric of your uniform with white knuckles. Your arms wrapped around him and you pressed you head against his as you waited patiently for him to cry out all the tears he had to cry. “Will… does-does this mean that you want to or…?” you whispered, not really knowing what to do, other than to keep him in your embrace and assure him that you wouldn’t leave him.
“Yes!” he sobbed. “I just- I was so scared that you’d hate me for what I did. And I- I really don’t deserve you, but I couldn’t bring myself to deny myself from you either…” his tears starting to stream down his face once more as his voice cracked. “Will…” you began, your soft words caressing him like the finest silk, “I could never hate you. I love you. With all my heart, and all I want to do, is spend the rest of my life with you. If you’ll allow for it,” a careful smirk appeared on your lips as he lifted his head to gaze into your eyes which never failed to breathe life back into him, and he leaned closer. Your lips met in a kiss that made your heads feel light, wrapping around each other with tender caresses. He still didn’t think he deserved you, but if something dawned on him at that moment, it was that he’d need to keep earning your love and affection, day after day, and it didn’t bother him. It didn’t scare him. And he knew that you wouldn’t ask him to ‘earn’ your love, telling him that it’d be something that he’d always have, but it just made him all the more determined.
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the-melting-world · 3 years
The Empress | Side A: “Everything”
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Art by @markmefistov
~ In which a cheerful mage seeks the counsel of a fluffy magician… 
The Trio Appearances: Kipling | Khleo | Ozy
Arcana LI appearances: Asra | Nadia | Muriel 
Track Origins: “Everything” by Ben Howard
Not sure if this is the right track? The full album can be found here: The Empress
cw: none
~  1.7k words
Ozy hoped that time spent with Nadia would clear his head, but even after they had dinner and later, their fill of each other, the grey mage still hadn’t been able to get his afternoon with Kipling out of his mind.
Ozy stared up at a ceiling quilted in sheer panels of fabric. The overlapping panels created a majestic framework, all shimmering in varying shades of fuchsia and indigo. Nadia drew the curtains closed on her circular bed before snuggling up next to Ozy.
As she settled against the pillow, the Countess noticed something somber in Ozy’s profile even in the dim light. 
“Oz? Is everything all right?”
He blinked once and turned his head, his expression growing concerned. “I was distant again, wasn’t I? During… when we were…”
Nadia leaned over and gave him a reassuring kiss. “I’m not reprimanding you. I know you enjoyed yourself.”
Ozy grinned rather bashfully. “I did. Thank you for making sure of that.”
Nadia chuckled in the back of her throat. She kissed him again. “You’re welcome…” Then she drew back and said, “But there is something hanging over your head that’s making me worry. Do you want to talk about it?”
Ozy knitted his eyebrows together before exhaling defeatedly. “I keep trying to convince myself that Kip is the one holding onto too much of the past and that’s what is keeping her from progressing, but Nadia, what if it’s me?”
The Countess reached over and moved some hair out of his eyes. “Oh, Oz... look at everything you and Kipling have accomplished in such a short period. What makes you think that you’re holding either of you back?”
Ozy turned toward the ceiling again and closed his eyes. “I figured out early on how to contact the Major Arcana. They tend to give pretty good advice and sometimes I just like to sit in their realms for a change of scenery. But…”
“But what?”
Ozy opened his eyes. “I haven’t been able to locate the Sun. I know that they’re my patron. I’ve tried so many times to find them.”
Nadia was silent for a moment. And then, “What does that have to do with Kipling and Khleo?”
Ozy’s hands came to life as he wondered aloud, “What if there’s information the Sun has that I’m supposed to know? What if I haven’t done my part in locating them and it’s affecting my ability to train Kip? What if–” 
Nadia gently pressed Ozy’s hands against his chest with her own. “I don’t think this is about you, Oz. At least not right now. I think it’s about Kipling.”
Ozy’s hands twitched slightly against Nadia’s. “I don’t know what to do or who to go to in order to ask for help.”
“Have you spoken to Asra?”
His hands stilled. Ozy chewed the corner of his lip. “No.”
Nadia patted his chest. “He’s very connected to the Arcana, especially his own, The Magician. Perhaps you should start with him.”
It wasn’t the answer to all of his questions, but Nadia’s suggestion made Ozy’s brain settle. The grey mage took that as a positive sign. He chose not to dwell on it anymore, lest his thoughts take him off into another cycling of what-ifs. 
He thanked Nadia and got more comfortable next to her. Then he closed his eyes and waited for sleep.
The next day when Oz’mandias showed up at Asra and Kipling’s shop, it almost seemed as if Asra had been expecting him this whole time. Ozy made sure to arrive when he knew Kip would be busy with making her deliveries around the city. 
After Asra let Ozy inside and the grey mage explained his concerns, the magician sighed and said, “I agree with you. The memory of Khleo is still holding Kip back. I think that Kip’s patron is the only one who can help her now.” 
Ozy nodded. “Something tells me that the journey will be rough, but we have to get there. I don’t think she can do it on her own.”
“Come with me.” Asra came out from behind the front desk and started closing down the shop. When he and Ozy were outside and he was locking the door, he said, “To be honest, Ozy, I’ve been trying to get Kip an audience with the Empress for a while, but even with the help of my own patron, nothing has come from it. However, Muriel might know where we should start looking. He was the last one to give Kipling a reading.” 
Asra and Ozy spent most of the walk to Muriel’s hut in silence. When they entered the woods and the sounds of the city were replaced by a deeper blanket of silence, Asra asked Ozy, “Can you tell me what Khleo was like?” 
Ozy didn’t expect the magician to ask that question, but he was happy to give a little insight. 
“They were quite friendly! But they would brood a lot. And from what I can tell, they haven’t changed much in that regard.”
Asra slowed down. “What do you mean, from what you can tell? You found them?”
“I did.” Ozy said with a smile.
Asra blinked. “Where? In another realm?”
Ozy shook his head, his beads chirping happily. “Nope. Khleo lives and works right here in Vesuvia. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she and Kipling crossed paths a few times before I showed up. Only, they didn’t know it thanks to their individual experiences with memory loss.”
Asra stopped walking altogether. “Have you told Kipling about this? I feel like she would want to know.”
Ozy stopped as well. He looked over his shoulder at the magician. “Of course she would want to know. And as soon as she learns of Khleo’s whereabouts, she wouldn’t hesitate to abandon her training and instead fixate on seeking them out. Think about what a disaster that would be. Khleo’s not ready for us to intervene on their life. Kipling’s not ready to step away from her training. There are Doors and Rooms that need Kip’s attention before she can go flouncing after Khleo.” 
“Ozy,” Asra sighed, “I see what you’re getting at, but I don’t know if that’s fair. Kip’s been hurting this whole time. She needs to reconnect with Khleo at some point.”
“Yes, Asra, I completely agree,” Ozy interjected. “All puzzles deserved to be unscrambled. All equations want to be solved.”
Asra’s eyes darkened. He said coldly, “Kipling is not some damn equation.”
“Timing!” Ozy barked. “It’s about the timing, Asra. That’s the puzzle here. Not my cousin.”
Asra sobered at the serious tone Ozy had taken with him.
After a moment, the grey mage offered a more gentle expression. “You’re going to have to trust me on this one. Bringing Khleo and Kipling face to face right now is not a good idea.”
Asra clenched his jaw, but decided to back off. He gestured ahead of them. “We’re here.”
As soon as Muriel opened the door for them and saw Ozy, he adopted a relatively polite, but a cautious demeanor. Asra honestly had no idea how Muriel would react to Ozy, who was naturally open and genuine, but perpetually excitable. 
Asra did his best to make it very clear to Muriel that not only was Ozy Kip’s dear friend, but Nadia considered him very trustworthy. This seemed to help Muriel relax a little more in Ozy’s presence.
After Asra quickly informed Muriel of why they had come to visit, the huntsman flicked his sharp green gaze back and forth between the two magicians before leaning back on his stool and huffing, “I don’t know if there’s much I can do to help. You already know everything about the reading I gave Kip.” Still, Muriel’s gaze became thoughtful as he probed his mind for things that might be useful to Asra and Ozy.
Finally, after several minutes of silence, he said, “I don’t know if this is something that could help, but ever since Kip’s nightmares have gotten worse, her plant magic has been acting on its own accord.”
Ozy leaned forward, his hazel irises sparking with interest. “Explain. What do you mean?”
Muriel bristled slightly at his directness, but after an encouraging nod from Asra, the green-eye mage elaborated. “Wherever Kip goes on this property, she leaves behind a trail of daisies. They usually don’t sprout until a few hours later. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but I couldn’t deny it when I noticed the pattern of the flowers blooming only in the places that Kipling had visited.”
Ozy gave Muriel a little space, his gaze wandering as he processed this new information. This wasn’t news to Asra, but he hadn’t been sure if it was important enough to share with Ozy earlier.
“The daisies. Are they still there, Muriel?”
This time Muriel was not caught off guard by the directness of Ozy’s question. 
He nodded. “They are.”
Once again, Ozy’s gaze locked onto his. “Show me, please.”
Soon Asra and Ozy were following Muriel out onto his garden and the forest that surrounded his hut. Ozy dropped into a crouch at the first cluster of daisies they came across.
Ozy grazed the petals with the tips of his fingers, picking up on the magical traces of permanence. The flowers were so white, they looked bleached even under the shade of the surrounding oaks. 
“These look just like the daisies that sprouted when Kipling took us to Strength’s realm,” Asra noted.
Ozy heard Asra’s comment, but he didn’t speak on it. He was busy arriving at his own conclusions.
Everything, it seemed, came back around to the same point. 
All this time, Ozy had given Kipling space when it came to the subject of their long lost friend. He was afraid to push. Afraid to take it too far.
But what if I need to take it there? Ozy wondered as he continued to brush the surface of the daisies and feel Kip’s magic buzzing under his fingertips.
As a long time scholar of grey magic, Ozy had developed his own instinct when it came to the pursuit of certain pieces of knowledge. He could acknowledge that there was time to give himself space and learn something in natural degrees.
But there were times when the information he needed would not come quietly, and Ozy would have to really push himself in order to get results.
Kipling found and opened Strength’s Door on her own. Twice. 
Khleo had been the motivation behind both instances.
Based on this information, Ozy’s instincts told him that if he expected anything more from Kip going forward, he was going to have to push her in the right direction.
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Corpses in the Meadow || Morgan & Eilidh
TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @braindeacl & @mor-beck-more-problems
SUMMARY: Nothing brings together two dead women like wildflowers and flesh eating watermellons.
Morgan had thought her days of laying in the ground for hours were behind her, but April really was the cruelest month and she hadn’t gotten free of its grip yet. Today, under a bright spring sun, she furrowed her nails deep into the earth and tried to pull herself under, as if the ground and all its creatures were a blanket for her. But of course the earth didn’t hold anyone like that except for the dead. The for real, permanent, definitely-no-walking dead. Morgan brushed her fingers along the newly sprung wildflowers, imagining what their petals felt like, if they were as tender and smooth as her memory told her they were. At least she could enjoy their colors, and their fluffy golden pollen centers. Morgan plucked some carefully by the stem and knotted them together from her sprawl on the ground. Maybe if she ever got to have a real funeral, she’d ask whosever was left to care about her for wildflowers. She should probably find out if her zombie goo was toxic to plants, but if she could go back to being a part of the world, if she could be felt and taken in, that wouldn’t be the worst thing.
Carefully, Morgan plucked more flowers from around her and wove them with care, on and off, between laying and watching the bright eye of the sun through the trees, until she heard the grass crunch behind her. Morgan tilted her head back, squinting to catch a glimpse of the figure. Please no hunters, she thought. I don’t want to convince a hunter I deserve to live today.
Springtime was here, and Eilidh couldn’t help but smile. For one so shrouded in death, life in all its forms filled her with delight. As the forest shivered, awoken from its winter slumber, she felt herself drawn more and more to its embrace. Of course, she did have the professional need to be there so frequently, but that wasn’t the main motivation. Even when her ventures were work focused, such as now, she took her time getting to the needed destination. Especially after the gateway adventure and all these damn fires. Between work and wondering what the hell was going on, she deserved to have a moment of relaxation. But she tried not to worry about that now. She inhaled a deep breath—the hint of spring air tickling her nose, so accustomed to just a suggestion of its true form she didn’t know the difference. The sounds of creatures, excited by the revitalized forest as well, filled her ears with a wonderful symphony. Colors that weren’t there the day before dazzled her eyes and—wait, who was that?
She squinted. Aye, looks like a person. Well, she should probably investigate. Changing course, she got closer, and closer, and closer, until she could clearly see what the other person was doing. Arms to her hips, brows furrowed, voice stern, she called, “Hey, you’re not supposed to do that!” A pause. Then, a grin. “Nah, it’s whatever. Just don’t pick too much, or I will have to actually ask you to stop.” Even closer now, she peered curiously as the braided flora, trying to make sense of its unfinished form. “What are you working on, anyway?”
The voice calling out to Morgan definitely didn’t sound like a hunter. “Sorry!” Morgan called dully. Then the voice warmed, not laughing, but bouncing like it wanted to. Slowly, Morgan sat up to look at her. Definitely a lot prettier and friendlier than any stranger she’d run into in the woods so far. “I’m making, well…” She looked down at her handiwork. It had gotten too long to be a circlet, unless she wanted to twist it over itself. “Honestly, I’m just passing the time. Making things helps me think. Or not think, I guess. Normally I do that at home, I’m not a serial flower picker or anything. I just didn’t feel like being inside about it.” But she did, apparently, feel like oversharing about it.
Morgan grinned ruefully and held it out to the stranger. “Do you want it? It’ll look better on you, with how tall you are.” She nodded at her, insisting. “Are these your woods?”
“Seems like you’ve had a lot of time to pass.” Eilidh mused while surveying the length of the, well, the to-be-decided. It reminded her of her own absentminded creations, especially during days when she would forego human society for days, weeks, months at a time. And it was a pretty little thing; she could tell its creator had experience.
She perked excitedly at the offering—eyes alight and giggle bubbling—and immediately claimed it, though with care. Within her grasp, she gently turned and twisted the woven piece, concentration on her face. Suddenly, epiphany. She dropped down to her knees, taking care to not disturb too much of the vegetation below. She wrapped it once around her head, quickly connecting the end piece to the rest, and then began to weave the remaining part within her own hair into a side braid. “I don’t claim them, but I do work here.” Feeling hospitable after the generosity, she continued. “Speaking of, I was heading over to do something. But I know a real good flower spot on the way. It’s not on a commonly used trail. So, nice and private. But you can’t pick any of those. And I’ll know, so don’t try. Still, they’re wonderful to look at, ‘specially right now.” She finished the braid. Part of the flowers still stuck out at the end; her hair just wasn’t quite long enough. Ah well. “Interested?”
Morgan looked up at the sky to check the position of the sun, then her phone to confirm her suspicions. She’d been laying here for hours and it had barely felt like anything. Maybe that could have been a relief, but she’d been down this proverbial hole too many times to be glad about skipping suffering by being absent from herself. “I guess I have, yeah…” Her voice tapered off into a laugh. Technically, she had all the time in the world.
She smiled in spite of herself as the woman wrapped the flowers into her hair. She seemed to have done it before. “So that’s why you’d have to stop me if I became too much of a flower thief. At least you’re a lot more pleasant than any of the other public service workers I’ve met in town.” Although between Marley Stryder and Kaden in his scowl-y asshole days, that bar was pretty low. Morgan looked at the sky again. It was well past morning, but she didn’t feel like going back home while everyone in it was away doing...alive-people things, presumably. “Uh...you know, I don’t see why not. It’s okay if I take pictures of them though, right? It’s not gonna hurt them any.” Slowly, she got to her feet and waited for the woman to show her the way. “If we’re going off on unknown woodsy adventures, I should probably know you as something better than ‘strangely nice park lady’. I’m Morgan.”
Mischief twinkled in Eilidh’s eyes when she looked upon the other. “You caught me. I want all the flowers to myself.” Sentence punctuated with a mock evil laugh. She did, perhaps, on her off time, pick flowers and use them for various things. She mostly placed them in her hair, or pressed them in a book, or added them to her crafts, similar to the one now braided in her hair. She always made sure not to take too much, and to give back to the earth in ways she could.
Her? Pleasant? James would scoff if he was near, but he was off having private time. Though, at times, she could be such a word. Especially when she was surrounded by all that nature could give: when the sun hit the nape of her neck and the breeze cooled her skin and the trees danced amongst the flow. It calmed her. It was why she always felt drawn to it. It was her home. It was the only true one she had left, anyhow.
She arose, brushing off remnants of the ground off her skirt. “Aye, photography’s fine. Just don’t have me in them. I don’t like paparazzi. And call me Macleod.” She nodded in greeting. Then, with her head, she motioned onward and began their journey. “This way. It’s not too far from here.” Initially, the trail they took was large and the ground smooth, packed down by many feet over the years: a main path. The trail Eilidh quickly turned into was less so. It was marked, and it would come up on the map if you looked, but the ground was noticeably less tame. And the surrounding wilderness knew this, knew the barrier between it and the path was weaker. Eilidh didn’t bat an eye as they continued.
Morgan laughed softly in response. “Are you saying you’re secretly an international pop star on the run, Macleod?” She teased dryly. “Because I could use the boost to my Instagram profile. Cat pictures interspersed with flowers, decaying animals, and their bones isn’t very mainstream.” She took out her phone, arching a brow, then turned and took a close shot of a tree branch. It was easier to hold herself up in front of someone, especially a stranger. She had her pride, even if sometimes she overshared to the point of distressing people. And then, new people were such convenient puzzles and experiences. She didn’t have to be sad looking at herself if she was learning their expressions and what they were like and how their presence colored the world.
She followed this woman, Macleod, down the trail. It was one of those obscure ones that was half grown over by neglect, or some unspoken message from nature. Morgan had a sense that they were passing into someone else’s territory. Morgan stumbled behind her, scanning their surroundings, the birds flying above the trees, the blur of butterflies in the distance. Further on, she thought she spied a shadow, some deer maybe, lazing on its way through its day. “And this is definitely a secret flower patch and not a secret murder patch, right…?” She asked.
“I’ll never tell.” She winked. Then, pause. Instagram. Eilidh was almost sure she knew which one that was. Should someone the age she looks like know what that was? She decided not to mention it and look it up later. “Really? ‘Cause all that already got my attention.” The brief moment the phone faced her, she stiffened ever so slightly—shoulders barely rose, face found a subtle hardness. As the lens passed on to a new target, the tension washed off her just as quickly as it came. Her eyes followed the new direction. A simple tree branch, but the way the light hit it just so… she understood the interest.
She let out a short chuckle. “Nah, the murder patch is half a klick that way.” She took note of Morgan’s unease and quickened her pace, figuring it was best to get to their destination sooner rather than later. The breeze picked up, brushing aside the flimsy vegetation ahead and the pair got an early glimpse of their goal. Colors erupted between the green, as if a window into another world. The wind took a turn, and the air suddenly became engulfed in a cornucopia of sweetness. Unfortunately, to her it was only a little tickle in her nose. Nothing more.
“Really?” Morgan said, brows raised. “Well that’s not something I hear every day. You don’t have a collection too, do you? Because I have a lot of death sculptures and I’m running out of shelf space.” Not that she’d been adding much to it lately. Between taking care of her family and being too miserable to cook for herself, she hadn’t been doing much in her studio besides breathing and spacing out. But if a normie like Cutler could find something nice in it, maybe Macleod could too.
But before Morgan could make her pitch, they arrived. It had rained the night before and the ground was still iridescent with water, which now shimmered in the sunlight as if enchanted with a glaze of pearl. White flowers streamed over the grass as if they’d been poured from the sky. Bunches of violets and peonies danced in the breeze and a thin haze of dandelion puffs and pollen floated like pixies through the air. Morgan gaped in awe, too awed to bother aiming her camera. “I was about eighty-five percent sure you were serious about this not being a murder patch, but stars above--” She tipdoed carefully into the flowers, trying to disturb as few of them as possible. “What are their names?” she asked, sinking down to brush the petals. “What do they smell like?”
Eilidh perked curiously. “Can’t say I have a ‘death sculpture’ collection. What’d they look like?” Images of a room overcome with ceramic skeletons filled her mind. And then, the same room taken over by structures constructed by pieces of the dead. But all theorizing dashed from her mind at the sudden burst of colors. Despite having found herself in the spot many times, the sight was still delightful. Especially now, when many of the flowers were finally awoken from their slumber—stretching, dancing in the spring air. Their full vitality overwhelming the area in every hue. The forest was a sky, and this was its rainbow. Morgan’s reaction reminded Eilidh of when she first found the area less than a year prior. Sadly, it was located just as the flowers began to take their rest. But now she can enjoy it in its full glory.
“Well, that one’s Jeffrey, that one’s Helga.” She pointed to flowers at random. “Kidding… Maybe. Who knows, they could like being called Helga.” Still, she wasn’t going to force upon them a name. But she wasn’t sure if her current company would understand the sentiment, so she continued. “Anyway, these are known as Dog’s Tooth,” she motioned to a congregation of yellow petaled flowers, “and those’re Lady’s Slippers,” it was the collection of peculiarly shaped flower’s turn to be gestured at. “To name a few.” She matched Morgan’s tentative steps and joined her by a dense patch of purple flowers, one of which Morgan currently caressed. While the petals were small, their large numbers resulted in a relatively tall plant. She nodded, regarding its presence. “This one is supposedly very obedient. But I can tell they still have a wild spirit.” She too placed a gentle finger on the petals, though her fingers hardly registered anything. Her nose faced the same situation. A faint sweetness lingered, but only enough to register its existence, not to understand. “Uh, they smell like flowers. Sweet. Ya know.” Odd question. It made her wonder.
Something lurked just outside of view. But it was coming closer.
Morgan was too swept up in the rainbow spray of flowers to notice anything in the shadows. She was picking her way over to the edge of the patch so she could lay down without crushing any of them. She took out her phone and photographed the biggest flowers up close, and then from as close to ‘below’ as she could. “Pixie’s eye view, you know?” She teased. She really did want to find out if this was how Sundew and the rest of her pixie family saw the world, but Macleod didn’t need to know that. “Also, I think it would be pretty great if you actually had named them. Helga’s especially pretty.” She brushed her finger over the petals and tried to remember what they felt like. She would think of them when she touched Deirdre’s lips. Sometimes they were so smooth, just a little sticky with her matte color of the day. Maybe this flower was like that. Morgan smiled fondly at the association. At last she put her phone away and sat up, simply enjoying the light in the moment. She took a deep inhale, but all she got was a faint whiff of...flower. She couldn’t detect enough to separate anything besides that soft, pollen-y perfume. “I...had my sense of smell damaged in an accident,” she said at last. “Nothing’s like it used to be. But it’s okay, if you don’t know how to describe it. And it’s probably hard, with so many around…” She let the thought go with a sad sigh, then sat a little straighter, forcing herself to brighten. “How did you find this? I know it’s your job to be here, but it must have taken a while to notice.”
For a moment, Eilidh’s eyes glanced upon Maybe-Helga: a beautiful white flower with magenta freckles at the base of elongated petals. She wished she knew what they thought of the name. She’d try asking another time. “Hm, maybe.” Before musing on that thought for too long, she looked back at the sound of Morgan taking a deep breath. Watched as her features and her words darkened in the aftermath, a rolling cloud casting a shadow over the otherwise beautiful day. Eilidh wanted to help. But she couldn’t even pretend. The true complexities of their scents had been lost to the forgetfulness of time. A part of a life she pretended was fully disconnected from her. What she could detect now was all she could ever know. Not that it bothered her much; how could you miss something you never knew?
“I spend lots of time exploring. Probably too much.” She winked, pressing a finger on her lips. “Don’t tell anyone.” While she took her job seriously, she never understood the notion that her entire time had to be utilized for work, and work, and more work. What’s the point of being among flowers if she can’t (sort of) smell them? But that thought was pushed out when a rustle occurred just on the outskirts of the meadow. An intrigued hum rushed through her throat as she got a closer look of the– “Watermelon?” Odd. She hadn’t spotted it when they first got there. And watermelons don’t just appear out of nowhere. Taking another step forward, her eyes scanned the nearby area. Trying to detect whoever left it behind. Focus drawn elsewhere, the watermelon quickly rolled up to her without detection. She looked down and it rolled to a stop near her feet. As if struck by an invisible knife, it was cleaved in two. Fangs protruded out of each half, filling the newly opened space. Her eyes held curiosity at the action.
But it craved blood. Its fangs dug into her leg. With a shout, Eilidh started wrestling it off.
“Watermelon?” Morgan repeated. She had moved on to another flower, which had a pistil so large it made the flower look like a face with a long, odd nose, and was thinking of a person-name to give it. So she didn’t notice anything was wrong until Macleod screamed.
“Oh, shit--!”
Morgan scrambled to her feet and trampled through the flower patch to get to the other woman. “Hold on, you’re gonna be okay!” She shoved her arm between its wet melon jaws, forcing it loose enough for Macleod’s leg to come free. The melon, hungry for anything, chomped down on her arm, shredding her muscles to ribbons. Morgan clamped her jaw shut to muffle the sound of her scream and tried to bash the melon into the ground. But strong as she was, the melon was pretty hefty, and with the pain and awkwardness, she only managed to dent a few chunks off its bulbous shape. “I got this!” She choked out. “Get as far away as you can!”
Pent up force building up as she struggled, when the hold of the watermelon was released, Eilidh tumbled backwards. She shot back up to see… Morgan had taken her place? Eilidh didn’t know whether to be worried or impressed by her tenacity. But it was no time for introspection, it was clear Morgan was suffering. Eilidh stuck out the—non-chewed up—leg and fished out the iron dagger strapped to the thigh. Then she launched herself back into the fray. The blade struck deep into the green flesh. She pressed it forward, adding a new gash. But this time, no teeth sprouted out. Instead, it seized, trembling for a few moments, until stillness took over. The teeth relinquished themselves from Morgan.
She stared at the mangled arm. But something, something familiar, was off about it. “Fuck. Ok, let’s get you out of–” More rustling. Eilidh whipped her head to the sound. Two watermelons revealed themselves. Perhaps this was their area? She’d usually try and leave them alone at this point, if willing. Or in this instance, pick up Morgan and leave. But her leg was still healing, so she wasn’t sure if she’d be fast enough to outrun their roll. Making a decision, she gripped her leg, fingers encircling the flesh loosened by the first watermelon. She ripped off a chunk and threw it away from the flowers. Bait. Like hungry sharks, the two dived at the morsel. While they were distracted, she kicked into one so hard it bent her toes into the balls of her feet. The watermelon went flying into the trunk of a tree. Smash! Red chunks flew out of the mouth cavity as it rolled back onto the ground. Her eyes locked onto the remaining one. While her attention had been focused elsewhere, it had started making its move towards Morgan. But Eilidh interrupted, pouncing on it and sending stab after stab. It tried to roll away, the thing was surprisingly slippery considering, but with one final strike of her dagger, it stopped as well.
Morgan tumbled free and rolled onto the flowerbed. The watermelon’s teeth hurt coming out just as much as they’d hurt coming in. She dug her hands into the ground, ripping up grass as her arm knit itself back together again. “What are you doing? They’re gonna--” She turned her head toward the carnage. Macleod was--handling herself just fine? She saw the woman rip off her leg and use it as bait. The rest of Macleod’s watermelon slaughter passed in a daze. That woman had just ripped off her leg. She ripped off her leg like it was nothing and she didn’t have anything coming out of it except for a few black globs of blood. She didn’t even look phased. Was this what it felt like when people watched her cut off her fingers?
When the last watermelon had been stabbed to a pulp, Morgan sat up, staring at Macleod with open wonder. “You ripped off your leg to save me,” she said. “And I turned my arm into hamburger meat to save you.” She held out the still-healing arm for emphasis, laughing deliriously. The two of them pouncing on watermelons to save the day when neither of them were in danger of dying again. It was hilarious. “So...you’re a zombie too, huh?”
Eilidh looked over at the carnage. Hopefully those watermelons would have a better go next time. She nodded, a casual bow, with words leaving her lips, so soft they were illegible. She turned, remembering eyes were still on her. Passions had distracted her. In the heat of the moment, she forgot to consider how Morgan would react to, well, the way her body reacted to violence. Her leg was in clear view, already at work to reseal the newly torn muscles. There was no denying it; no future attempt at naivety. She considered her options. The grip on her dagger tightened. Wait, no, no, not that. Not again. She sighed. “Let’s just forget this and get you help.” But before she could pick up the injured woman, her eyes focused on her arm. The arm that was also in the process of healing. Same as her own tattered limb. Tissue that hadn’t been there just a moment prior concealed parts of the lesion, with more on the way. Where the fresh skin hadn’t been produced, a familiar black ooze leaked out. Arm mirrored leg. Realizing no real danger to Morgan was present, Eilidh relaxed. All the two needed was rest. She wished she had known that a minute earlier, though. Poor critters.
And there it was. That word. Tension returned, forcing her body into a straight fixture. Face contorted, words sour. “No, I’m not! I’m a–” She took a deep breath. “Doesn’t matter what I am.” It sounded more like she was trying to convince herself rather than Morgan. “So you’re one then, yeah?”
“Oh, no!” Morgan said, grimacing with embarrassment. “It’s just. I’ve only seen two more of us. Ever. And one of them was my best friend who made me like this at the last minute. My last minute, not theirs, obviously. Uh--” None of these were the words she was actually trying to get out. “I’m not used to this. Or asking for personal terminology. Sorry. What I’m trying to say is I’m sorry. I know the z word isn’t for everyone and I shouldn’t have assumed, I was just--” She looked at her haplessly. “It’s just been a really lonely time for me lately. And you’re--kind of incredible. And it does matter to me, what you want to be called. Very much. But yeah. I’m one too. A year now, so, still new. Newer at this than it feels like. How long have you been...you know? Do you meet a lot of people like us out here?”
While her ears listened to Morgan’s words, Eilidh’s eyes drifted to the blade in her hand—both slick and sticky with the juices of the fallen. Curiously—it was flesh after all—she gave it a lick, collecting the remnants of the slain creatures on her tongue. Nothing. She tasted nothing. Figures. She wiped the rest of the juices off with her sock before returning the dagger to its holster. Her eyes returned to looking, watching, Morgan. Studying her. The heat from her outburst still burned at her throat, but it started to cool as the woman’s words sunk in. The apology seemed genuine, and the attempt at reconciliation was appreciated. The creases on her face lifted, revealing a softer expression. Especially at the admittance to the newness of her existence and the loneliness following; at that she finally lifted her hands, patting the air in a calming motion. “It’s alright, it’s alright. That word is just—I hate it. But I’m not mad.” Not anymore, at least. The flow of apologetic words had been enough to calm Eilidh’s sudden temper. Brief silence followed as she looked Morgan up and down. Considering. “I’m a Slúagh. Similar to—yeah. But not the same. Guess we’re sorta like cousins in a way. Besides you, I’ve only met one zombie in White Crest. But I’ve seen a few here and there over the years.” Never another just like her, however. But she refrained from mentioning or even hinting at… them. That would only lead to further questions; questions she was not in the mood to answer. “And let’s just say I’m old.”
Morgan squirmed under the intensity of Macleod’s gaze. “Hated, noted,” she said. “I’ve never heard that other term before. Slu-aagh? Is it a regional thing, or a time period thing, do you think? But either way, I mean, all my birth family died before I did, so I barely remember what it’s like to have a cousin. This still feels really--I know we don’t have biochemical instant affinity for each other like fae do, but it feels wrong to brush off finding each other, when there don’t seem to be many of us who survive long enough to be found. And if we’re lucky, there won’t be many other people who can know us as long as we can. That, and we just saved each other…” She petered into laughter. “Even if we were pretty much fine the whole time. So, why not? Be friends, or as much as we can be to each other. Have you fed recently, by any chance? Because I have some meal prepped brain burgers at home, if you want. Or I could grab some of whatever you eat, if that’s something different. If you want, of course.”
“Slúagh.” The word rolled off her tongue naturally. “Not just a term. It’s what I am.” Eilidh insisted, that fire ready to return if resistance was found. At the following statement, Eilidh simply just stared. She couldn’t remember having—no, she’s never had a family. At least not biologically. Slúaghs can’t reproduce after all. No matter how much she had tried. With the mention of friendship, the blank expression plastered on her face shifted into the hint of a pleased one. Eyes widened in interest. It was always nice, making a new connection. And she was right. This existence could get lonely, in that sense. It was impossible to find those like her, and rare to run into those like Morgan. At least ones that had a good grip on themselves. Not everyone was cut out for their unique lifestyle, even with help. And moaning and groaning didn’t make for good conversation, though the wrestling could be fun. The other ones, well. Most acted like she was lying about who—what—she was. Sometimes the thought was enough to send her tempers firing. Enough to make her generally avoid association with them, in case of opposition. But for some reason she still craved that kinship. While the use of us didn’t go unnoticed, and her face had tensed at the usage, Morgan seemed to be less dismissive than the average. And those gentle eyes were very persuasive, inviting. Morgan reminded her of James; she should introduce them.
A drop of hunger stirred from within at the thought of feeding, dashing out any contemplation. “Nah. And getting your leg chewed to hell makes a gal hungry.” The damaged leg was close to appearing as if nothing happened, a craving the only reminder it did. She hummed curiously. “Brain burgers! Fun. I usually don’t bother cooking. So, brain burgers it is.” A small chuckle escaped her. “What a first friend date, though, huh?” She gestured to the watermelon gore surrounding them.
It meant far too much to Morgan to hear the word “friend date.” She was smiling too much. When she looked at the watermelon gore around them, she burst with laughter that startled two birds from their nest. She had to clench herself still to keep from bouncing. “Yes! I mean, to the burgers. They take awhile to make, getting some flavor to actually, you know, flavor, but they’re pretty nice! Not like what you remember, if you do remember, but it’s better than plain grey stuff.” And now she was talking too much again. As you do. Morgan got to her feet and dusted herself off. “But all this--” She gestured, laughing again. “I think that’s just how White Crest brings people together.”
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writer1 · 3 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Eight
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
A/N: This is a collaborative fic with @ahsokatano-thetogruta. 
Warnings: harassment, Hurt, injury, wolf attack.
Twelve and a half years later…
"(y/n)?" You hear a couple of knocks at your bedroom door. "Are you awake yet, Sweetie?" 
"Yeah, I'm awake, Papa." He hears your muffled voice from the other side of the door, making him smile. "Okay, I'll go and make you some breakfast."
"Thank you, I'll be down in a bit." You call to him as he heads downstairs. You blink your eyes open to see the sun shining through your curtains, brightening up the room. Getting out of bed, you head over to the corner of your room where your armour sits on its stand. You grab your clothes that go under it, putting them on. Piece by piece, you strap the armor to your body securely, making sure that nothing is loose so it won't fall off.
Once fully armoured, you head downstairs to the kitchen where your Papa, Bail, has set out the table with cutlery and has almost finished making breakfast. "How are you this morning, Shiny?" You smile at the nickname as you sit down in your usual place at the table. "I'm good thank you." You remember how the nickname came to be, female knights weren’t exactly… encouraged in your village. 
The boys that trained with you would make fun of you and called you Shiny. It means naive for knights, but you stuck it to them when you took a liking to the name and kept it. Now no one calls you by anything but Shiny. You’re almost positive that some people have forgotten your given name. You start eating your breakfast, wondering what's going to happen today in this boring town.
You begin to sing out as you leave your house "Little town, it's a quiet village. Every day like the one before. Little town full of little people, waking up to say…" 
You hear the Townsfolk greeting one another as you walk through town.
You gesture to a bigger set twi’lek man. “There goes the baker with his tray, like always. The same old bread and rolls to sell, every morning just the same. Since the morning that we came, to this poor provincial town, never an adventure for a knight.” 
The baker walks over to you. "Good morning, Shiny." You turn to him with a smile. "Good morning monsieur."
"Where are you off to?" He asks, it's not very often that you don't stay in your yard to train. You smile, holding up the book you have in your hand. "The bookshop, I just finished the most wonderful story. It was about a beanstalk, and an ogre, and a---" 
"That's nice. MARIE the baguettes, hurry up." The baker walks away, you huff. You never have anyone to talk to about books, or being a knight. Besides your father. 
The Townsfolk talk to each other as you pass by, all dressed in your armor and feeling proud wearing it. "Look, there she goes. The girl is strange, no question, wanting to be a knight like all the men.
She's dazed and distracted, can't you tell?"
"Never part of any crowd."
"Cause her head's up on some cloud
No denying she's a funny girl, that Shiny." You walk through as you see so many different people and aliens talking to each other.
"Good day!"
"How is your family?" a Chiss man asks another Togrutan woman.
"Good day."
"How is your wife?" A human woman asks another human man. His wife hits him in the head with a rolling pin, making you flinch.
"I need....six eggs." 
"That's too expensive!"
"There must be more than this provincial life!" You sing out as you walk through town. You walk into the bookstore.
“Ah, Shiny. It’s good to see my favorite knight in here.” You smile at Tera Sinube, he is a retired Cosian knight, now a librarian. He tells stories of working in a castle to protect a king and queen. The castle was filled with their family. It was a big family, as he says.
“Good morning. I've come to return the book I borrowed” you hand him over the book.
He looks surprised as he chuckles. “Finished already?”
“Oh I couldn't put it down. Have ya got anythin' new?” You ask looking around the bookstore at the variety of fantasy books. You climb up on one of the ladders.
“Not since yesterday.” Tera Sinube chuckle's out again.
“That's alright. I'll borrow this one!” You grab a familiar book, handing it to librarian Sinube. “That one? But you've read it twice!” He laughs out. “Well it's my favourite. With far off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!” you tell him as you move the ladder with wheels so that you glide to him.
“Well, you will have your own adventures with daring sword fights some day, but if you like it all that much, it's yours!” you feel surprised “But sir?!?” He hands you the book, smiling.
"I insist, Shiny!" He gestures that it's no problem, your eyes sparkle with excitement “Well thank you, thank you very much!” You exit the shop into the busy street. You start reading the book as soon as you leave, you know the town well enough that you won’t get hurt.
“Look, there she goes, that girl is so peculiar
I wonder if she's feeling well.”
A group of girls stare at you as you walk by them, they don't sing but they grumble. “With a dreamy, far-off look.” some of the men sing, but you don't hear them. “Always training and her nose stuck in a book.” some of the other women sing.
“What a puzzle to the rest of us is Shiny.” the whole town sings, but you don't hear it at all while reading.
Your eyes widen when you read your favourite part of the book “Ohhhhhh....isn't this amazing?! It's my favorite part because....you'll see. Here's where she meets Prince Charming, but she won't discover that it's him till chapter three!”
“Now it's a wonder that her name doesn’t mean beauty. Her looks have got no parallel” A Twi'lek woman peers out of the window of her home.
A shopkeeper stands by the door of his shop “But with that tough façade, I'm afraid she's rather odd. Very different from the rest of us.”
“She's nothing like the rest of us
Yes, different from the rest of us is Shiny.” The whole townsfolk sing, then Maul walks into the picture, but you walk past him and his naive, eleven and a half year old follower Ezra Bridger. “Wow you didn't miss a shot Maul! You're the greatest hunter in the whole world!”
“I know.” A red Zabrak with black tattoos, named Maul, runs his hand over his head, feeling the small horns.  
“No beast alive stands a chance against you, haha...and no girl for that matter.”
“It's true Ezra, and I've got my sight set on that one.” Maul crouches down to the eleven year old boy, pointing towards you walking by. 
Ezra is surprised. "The inventor's daughter!? The only female knight in town!!?” Maul nods at him, eyes trained on you. “She's the one, the lucky girl I'm going to marry.”
“But she's--” Ezra tries to add in but he gets interrupted. “The most beautiful girl in town”
“I know but--”
“That makes her the best! and don't I deserve the best?” Maul crouches down to the boy, getting in his face, scaring Ezra.
“Well of course, I mean ya do, but I…” Ezra mumbles something, but Maul begins to sing.
“Right from the moment when I met her, saw her, I said she's gorgeous and I fell. Here in town it's only she, who's as beautiful as me. So I'm making plans to woo and marry, Shiny.”
Three Twi'lek triplets swoon at Maul. "Look there, he goes! isn't he dreamy?
Monsieur Maul! oh, he's so cute!
Be still, my heart! I'm hardly breathing!
He's such a tall, dark, strong, and handsome brute!" They sing together as Maul tries to get through the crowd of villagers.
“Bonjour.” one man yells out. “Pardon!” Maul asks as he tries to get through the crowd.
“Good day.” “Mais oui!” Maul keeps getting blocked by people, no matter what way he goes. “You call this Bantha?” one man exclaims to a vender. “What lovely Meilooruns!” a Chiss woman tells another.
“Some cheese…” “Ten yards!”  “One Credit.” Maul pushes his way through. “`Scuse me!”  “I'll get the knife.” the cheese merchant tells the customer.
“Please let me through!!” Maul demands. “This bread.” “Those fish.” “It's stale.” “They smell!” Maul can't believe that the streets have to be this busy on this particular day.
“Madame's mistaken!” the Baker exclaims angrily.
 “There must be more than this provincial life!” You sing out again, wishing for more adventure.
Maul strutting through the crowd
“Just watch....I'm going to make Shiny my wife!” He's still unable to get to you.
"Look there she goes....a girl who's strange but special. A most peculiar mademoiselle." The whole town sings again, but you hear none of it, you once again have your nose in your book.
"It's a pity and a sin, she doesn't quite fit in. Cause she really is a funny girl. A beauty but a funny girl. She really is a funny girl.....that Shiny!!" The whole town sings, followed by many bonjours before they all close their doors and windows, going back to their business, finished with the song.
You shrugged as you went back to reading your book. A second later, someone jumps down in front of you. “Hello, Shiny.” you recognize his voice. “Bonjour, Maul.” you greet him, reluctantly looking up from your book. 
While he had your attention, Maul snatched the book from your hands. You feel annoyed, but you are still polite to him. “Maul, can I have my book back please?”
Maul opens the book, looking at it closely while you try to take it back from him. He huffs as he struggles to read it. “How can you read this? There are no pictures." You step back and cross your arms “Well, sometimes you just gotta use your imagination.” Maul's eyes widen and then he turns around to you, smirking.
”Shiny, you need to get your head out of those books.” He throws your book behind him into a puddle. “You need to focus on more important things.” he steps in front of you before you could get to your book. “Like me.” 
Off to the side of the street, a group of girls sigh dreamily as they admire Maul. 
"The whole town's talking about it. It's not right for a woman to read, let alone be a knight. That's a man's job. Soon she starts getting ideas, and thinking." Maul starts to sound almost like he's grossed out, making you mad. You earned your place among the knights, and he has no right to tell you otherwise. You pick up your book, turning to him.
"Maul, you are positively primeval. I can be whatever I want to be, and I'm a knight." Maul huff's at you, but brings back his smile.
"Right… Right. What do you say you and me take a walk over to the tavern, and take a look at my trophies?" Maul starts pulling you towards the tavern, you've had enough. No more nice Shiny.
"No." You tell him, ripping your arm out of his grip. You give him a challenging smirk. "What's wrong with her" "she's crazy." "He's gorgeous." The triplets say in rapid succession, as you try to walk away from Maul.
"I have to get home to help my father now, Maul. Maybe some other time. Goodbye." You tell him, a little too happily. Then you hear the snickering coming from young Ezra.
"That crazy old loon, he needs all the help he can get." The young boy laughs as Maul joins in.
"Ezra Bridger, don't you dare talk about my father that way!" You yell, Maul stops laughing. He fixes Ezra with a stare that the boy knows means that he's going to get a beating when they get home.
"Yeah, don't talk about her father that way!" You are mad. "My father is not crazy, he's a genius." They suddenly hear an explosion and you go running. Leaving Maul and Ezra's laughing behind.
You rush into your house, running straight to the basement. You grab your helmet on the way down, just in case there is flying debris. It wouldn't be the first time. "Papa!" You call out through the smoke, coughing. "Papa!!" You yell again, almost down to your father's workshop.
"How in the force did that happen?!" You hear Bail yell out as the smoke starts to clear. "Are you alright, Papa?" You see him stuck beneath some rubble, so you reach your hands out and close your eyes, concentrating. The wood and machinery parts start to lift up into the air.
"Thank you, Shiny." He sighs with frustration. "I'm about to give up with this hunk of junk!" You chuckle at him.
"You always say that." He kicks his invention and storms away from it. "I mean it this time. I'll never get this boneheaded contraption to work!"
You smile and shake your head, walking over to him. "Yes you will. And you'll win first prize at the fair tomorrow." Bail raises an eyebrow at you crossing his arms, turning away from you in a huff "Hmph."
"And become a world famous inventor." You smile at him as he turns his head round "You really believe that?" He doesn't sound so convinced. 
"I always have." You give him a promising smile. Bail soon feels so much better from your words of support. "Well, what are we waitin' for?" He runs over to his invention. "I'll have this thing fixed in no time!" Grabbing a spanner, he gets to work on his machine. 
"Now, did you have a good time in town today?" Your father asks as you get your training dummy ready. "It was good, Papa. I got a new book!" You grab your sword, then go at the dummy, using all the techniques you've been taught.
"Papa? Do you think that I'm odd?" 
"My daughter! Odd! Huh, where would you get an idea like that?" Bail asks as he slides out from under the machine, his magnifying goggles making his eyes look hilariously huge. You laugh as you continue practicing your sword fighting, but get sad again. Your father slides back underneath the machine.
"Oh… I don't know, it's just that everyone thinks I'm different. Especially since I'm a knight, I'm not sure that I fit in here, Papa. There's no one I can really talk to." You stop fighting the dummy, sheathing your sword. "Well, what about that Zabrak fellow… Maul, right? He's a handsome young man." 
You huff, feeling sickened at the thought of talking to that oaf. "Oh, he's handsome… and rude, also conceited. That guy is definitely not for me." 
"Well, don't worry. This invention will be a start of a new life for us, you will get your dreams of being a knight. And I know for sure that you will find someone perfect for you!" 
You roll your eyes with a laugh. "Sure Papa, but I know that no one will ever want to be with me. I'm too odd, too different for someone to love." Your father sighs, finally coming out from underneath his invention. 
"Now, that's not true. Now I think that I've finally done it, Sweetheart. Let's give it a try!" Your father pulls a lever, and you hear a whistle. You put your helmet on and pull your father behind you, just to be safe. You wait, and finally the invention is chopping wood, just like it's supposed too. You smile, your father's finally done it.
"It works." Bail hears the excitement in your voice, making him equally as joyful. "It does?" He looks towards the machine that continues to chop up the wood. "It does!" He shouts out with joy.
You love how excited your father is about his working invention. "You did it! You really did it!" You give him a big hug and jump with joy. 
"Hitch up Threepio, Shiny. I'm off to the fair!" He cheers out, overjoyed that his invention really works.
"Goodbye, Papa. Good luck!" You wave your father off as Threepio pulls along the invention, neighing as he trots with Bail on his back. "Goodbye, Shiny! And take care while I'm gone!"
Bail travels across the land, through fields and over mountains, taking in the scenery around him. He crosses over a small bridge and enters a dark, gloomy forest. Threepio keeps his head down low, feeling nervous. "We should be there by now." Bail sounds confused, looking up to see a green and white Convor sitting on a tree branch, watching him as he passes.
"Maybe we missed a turn. I guess I should've taken the- wait a minute." He lifts up his lantern to a sign, reading it. Threepio's ear twitches, then he turns to the left of the path, but he gets pulled by his lead. "No, let's go this way."
Threepio shakes his head and looks down the path that Bail wants to take, eyes widening as the poor horse sees the foggy, dark path. He looks to the left again, seeing that it's much more pleasant. Threepio attempts to go left again, but Bail refuses. "Come on, Threepio! It's a shortcut, we'll be there in no time!" The horse trots on into the dark woods. Feeling more and more nervous with each passing second.
Suddenly, something not too far away runs past them. Threepio startles, looking around for the danger, backing up with fear in his eyes. Bail looks confused at the map. "This can't be right." A howl echoes deep within the forest, making him look up from his map and hold out his lantern. "Where have you taken us, Threepio?" 
Threepio backs up even more, ready to leave as soon as possible. Worry fills Bail. "We better...turn around." The constant sounds of howling frightens the horse, backing up into a tree, causing a cloud of bats to fly around the both of them. Threepio begins to gallop away as fast as he can. "Woah! Woah Boy!" Threepio halts as they come to the edge of a cliff "Back up! Back up!" He does as he's told, Bail sighs. "Good boy, good boy. That's Good that's- back up! Steady, steady. Stead- Woah!" Threepio bucks, causing Bail to fall to the ground. His lantern bursts into flames causing his horse to run away, a couple of wolves chasing after him. 
Bail gets up off of the ground "Threepio!" He loudly whispers. Nothing. Bail stands up off the ground, he turns to see wolves coming towards him. He starts running as fast as he can, hearing the howls and growling behind him. He tumbles down a cliff, coming to a stop at a gate. He quickly jumps up, running and grabbing on to the bars.
“HELP!!! Please, is someone there!!!” he calls. “HELP!!!” he calls one more time before the gates suddenly open, he falls to the ground, slamming them closed with his foot, saving him from the wolves. A wolf bites his pant leg, but Bail kicks it off. It starts to rain as he walks up to the gloomy castle, Bail knocks at the door and it immediately creaks open, he walks inside. It looks much more cosy inside than out, but it's still dark. 
“Hello?” he asks into the darkness, hoping to ask the owner if he could stay the night, but it seems abandoned. “Hellooo?” he suddenly hears whispers. “The fellow must have lost his way in the woods!” it whispers before being shushed. “Keep quiet! If we’re quiet he might leave, Fives! You know how dangerous this could be.” Bail can’t seem to find where the voices are coming from.
“Is someone there?” Bail asks, trying to find the voices' owners. “Not a word, Fives! Not one word!”
“I’m sorry to intrude, but I lost my horse, and I need a place to stay, just for the night?” 
“Aww, Echo, have a heart, Vod.” Echo presses a metal hand against Fives’ wax mouth. “Shhh!” Fives sighs, placing his one candle against his brothers hand. “ OW, ow! ow! Owww!” Echo starts hopping around.
“Of course. You are certainly welcome here, kind sir.”
“Who said that?” Bail grabs the candlestick, making Fives surprised as he's picked up, Echo is worried for his twin. Fives then smiles as he taps his shoulder. "Over here." Fives calls out.
Bail is confused, looking around. “Where?” Fives taps Bail's head, making him turn to see the candlestick looking at him, smiling at him “Hello.” 
A gasp escapes Bail as he drops the candlestick. Fives groans as he hits the ground, making his candles burn out. "Incredible." Bail leans down to take a closer look at the candlestick who just spoke. 
“Now you've done it, Fives!” Echo hops down from the table and crosses his arms.  “Splendid, just peachy- AHHH!” He screams as he is lifted off the ground.
“How is this accomplished?” Bail's expression is full of amazement as he turns the clock around to examine it. Echo is a little afraid. “Put me down at once!”
Bail turns Echo upside down and shakes him about. Fives just watches and chuckles at his Twin. Then Echo gasps as Bail opens up his little glass door and starts digging around. “Now to take you apart and see how you tick.” Bail whispers, he has no idea that this is a living being. Fives gasps as Echo screams, Fives turns and screams as loud as his voice will allow. “ REX!!!!!!” There's a roar and Bail freezes as a giant Wolf-like creature with blonde fur runs down the stairs, followed by four suits of armor and a desk shuffling behind them, seemingly having a hard time. The wolf’s honey brown, yellowish eyes widen when he sees Bail holding the clock in one hand, and a gear from it in the other.
“ECHO!!! Let go of him, NOW!!” The wolf runs over to Bail, who drops the clock and the gear, Rex runs and catches them, handing both over to Fives, that's when he stands to full height, he’s much, much taller than any man Bail had ever seen. “What have you done to my brother.” he growls angrily, standing as close as he can to Bail, showing his large, sharp teeth. “B-Brother? But that's a clock!”
“Yes, and you hurt him!" Rex's deep voice sends shivers down Bail's spine as he looks towards the clock cradled in the candlestick's arms while a suit of armor with orange feathers on its helmet puts the gear back into Echo's body. 
Bail tries to run away, but Rex runs on all fours, stopping in front of him to prevent him from leaving. “Please! I-I meant no harm! I just needed a place to stay!” Rex growls deeply. “I'll give you a place to stay, and for what you did to my brother, you deserve it!” Rex grabs Bail as he storms off deeper into the castle, leaving everyone else to make sure that Echo is okay now and that nothing harmful has happened to him.
Rex sighs as he walks back up the stairs from the dungen, he can’t believe that that man had hurt Echo, it wasn’t right. He runs up, immediately seeing his brothers. Fives and Echo are standing on Cody, with Obi Wan beside them. “Is he okay?” Rex asks as he walks over, he's on two legs at the moment.
“I’m fine, Ori’Vod. Just a little sore.” Rex sighs in relief, his brothers are only twenty one at the moment, the curse had slowed their aging a little. They get a letter when they do age a year. It's weird. “I’m glad you’re okay.” Rex whispers, kneeling down and nuzzling the little clock. Echo chuckles, reaching up and placing a hand on Rex’s nose.
“It’s okay, Vod. You know that I’m fine, but you should let that man go.” Rex pulls away, eyes narrowing. “No, he could have killed you, Echo. He’s staying in the dungeon where he belongs.” Rex holds back a growl, he's so angry at what that man did. When Fives screamed and then he came running down to see Echo with one of his gears out, it scared the living daylights out of him. He had believed that he was going to lose his little brother. “Hey!” Rex looks down to Cody nudging his leg.
“It’s okay, Rex’ika. Echo’s fine. We are all fine.” Rex sighs “I was scared, I didn't want to lose Echo… but I am not letting that man go. And that's final!” he turns around, his cape and tail swishing behind him as he storms off into the castle. 
“Oh boy! Shiny's going to get the surprise of her life! Huh Gaston?” Ezra looks at Maul who stares at your house, wanting to propose and marry you today. “Yes, this is her lucky day.” Maul turns to leave, letting the branch he was holding swing back a little into Ezra's face, but Ezra just shakes it off and follows Mail to the party. 
Maul clears his throat. “I'd like to thank you all for coming to my wedding. But first...I better go in there and propose to the girl.” He says with a wink and laughs, so everyone else laughs too. The three girls are crying that they aren't the ones to marry him. “And you, Ezra” He presses his finger on Ezra's nose “When Shiny and I come out of that door-”
“Oh! I know, I know!” Ezra exclaims excitedly. “I tell the band to start playing!” he gestures to the group of Bith aliens to play some music. Maul feels annoyed. “Not yet!” 
Ezra quickly stops the band from playing and feels a bit guilty. “Sorry.”
You are lost in your book when you hear a sudden knock at your door, making you jump. You quickly get up and place your book on the table, making a note of the page that you are on. You brush back your hair out of your face a little as you reach for your father's invention that allows you to see who's at the door with having to open it. You peek through the scope to see Maul. You groan “Ugh.” 
Being the polite person you are, you open the door. “Maul, what a pleasant surprise.” he just grins at you. “Isn't it though? I'm just full of surprises.” he walks closer to you, making you back away from him. “Y'know, Shiny. There's not a girl in town who wouldn't love to be in your shoes. This is the day…” He stops to check himself in the mirror. “This is the day your dreams come true.”
“What do you know about my dreams, Maul?” You find his big ego pretty amusing, so you hold back a laugh and try to be as kind as you can. “Plenty! Here, picture this...” he sits down on a chair and puts his muddy boots up on the table on top of your book. “A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire, my little wife massaging my feet.” You feel disgust when he takes his boots off and wiggles his toes. You hold your nose to block out the stench. “While the little ones play on the floor, with the dogs.” He stands up right in front of you. “We'll have six or seven.
“Dogs?” you really hope that that's the right answer as you brush the mud off of your book “No, Shiny! Strapping boys, like me.” You try to be enthusiastic and play along. “Aheh, imagine that…”
As you walk away, he creeps up behind you. “And you know who that little wife will be?” you snap your book shut, not wanting to know in the slightest. “Hm, let me think.” you turn around to see Maul right in your face.
“You, (y/n).” You duck under his arm and back away from him yet again, really wishing that you hadn’t left your sword in your room, you also feel uncomfortable with him using your given name. “Maul. I'm... I'm speechless.” you're back all the way up to the door. You put your hand on your chest. “I really don't know what to say!”
Maul backs you up to your front door, placing his hands on it either side of you. “Say you will marry me.” you look up at him as you try and find the door handle. “Im sorry, Maul. But…” you found the handle. “I will never, ever marry anyone, especially you!” you say, opening the door wide open, making Maul fall out of the front door and into a puddle. He goes to lift his head up, but you use the force to make sure that he gets a mouthful of mud. Maul looks up angrily, wiping the mud from his face. The band starts playing, Maul stands up, walking over to Ezra.
“So? How’d it go, Maul?” The eleven year old asks, but Maul cuffs him. “Shiny will be mine, have no doubt about that.” Maul storms off, Ezra following close behind him.
“Is he gone?” You ask a little while later as you walk out to feed the chickens, you’re wearing your armor as usual. “Oh, can you imagine? He asked me to marry him. Me, the wife of that boorish, brainless...” you growl as you tell the chickens. Then you start singing. "Madame Maul! Can't you just see it? "Madame Maul! His "little wife", ugh!” You kick over the bucket of chicken feed angrily. 
“No sir! Not me! I am a knight! Never a wife!” you sing in disgust. The thought of being someone's wife disgusts you, especially if it's Maul’s.  “I want much more than this provincial life! I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell.”
“And for once it might be grand. To have someone understand. I want so much more than they've got planned.” You hear a horse's whinny, as Threepio runs up. “Threepio? What are you- Wait! Where's papa, where is he threepio?” You know that something must have happened, you run into your house, grabbing your helmet and sword. You run back down, jumping onto threepio’s back.
“Take me to Papa.” The horse runs off with you on his back, you will find your father, if it is the last thing you do.
taglist: @ellie1366 @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe  @pinkiemme
29 notes · View notes
lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Work Out: Chapter 4
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A/N: After a well deserved mental break, I was finally able to get this done. It’s bit shorter than i had hoped [by like 200 words] but hey it’s good. And you get to see the protective side of Flo. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged, spots are always available! Without further ado, here we go!
Word Count: 3.8k [woooo!]
Warnings: Sexual themes [Wrap it before you tap it! Being on the pill still doesn’t prevent pregnancies. ALWAYS USE PROTECTION]
Romanian Translations [loosely from google translate]:
uimitor. Ai fost uimitor {amazing. You were amazing}
Lil Nasties Tag Squad: @maddiestundentwritergaines || @designerwriterchic || @themyscxiras || @chaneajoyyy || @jojolu || @dc41896 || @titty-teetee || @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove || @ljstraightnochaser || @mimigemrose || @crushed-pink-petals || @fumbling-fanfics || @madamslayyy || @amelatonin @screamingdrago || @honeychicana
5 am. Who in the hell gets up at 5 freakin am to work out? Hell, I’m a trainer and I don’t even get up at that hour. Mostly 9 am, be at the gym at like 10:30, but not no 5.
This man is trying to kill me, especially after that kiss last night. I couldn’t get it out of my head. His lips were so soft and mesmerizing. The way he held my body close to his, being cautious so that he wouldn’t try to break me. It made me feel so secure, for the first time in years. My hands didn’t know what else to do but to hold his face in my hands and just rub my thumbs against his cheek.
It was like we were meant to be together. We fit like a puzzle and it was amazing.
Groaning gently, sitting up a bit to take in the scenery of the room, I noticed to my left that the bed was empty and cold. I was about to call out his name till I saw a light. Adjusting my eyes to the warm sun that started to creep up and over the clouds, I heard the shower running.
Curiosity got the best of me. Slipping out of his bed; slyly moving towards the door, I slipped inside and leaned against the counter. Just admiring his physique through the clear glass, which I’m thankful that it wasn’t frosted. Thinking about how the water cascades on his muscles, the curve of his ass was glorious.
Debating on joining him, contemplating my next move as I slipped off the large red shirt, I could only think about how hot it would be to shower with him. A Romanian god, that is.
“Are you going to join me draga? Or are you just going to stare at me?” His deep baritone took me out of my space. Locking eyes with him for the first time since last night, I slowly shimmied out of my Victoria Secret sports bra. The matching boy shorts trailed after in a pile, I moved towards the glass and slid the door open.
The look he gave me was glorifying. His strong hands latched onto my hips, pulling me closer to his body. Moving them along my back, mkay admiring me in his presence.
“He’s a fool.” That’s all he could say before kissing me once more. His tongue fought for dominance with mine, I challenged him by tugging on his bottom plump lip with my teeth. Once the kiss broke, I began dragging my nails along his back, he laced his fingers in my braids and tugged a bit. Causing my neck to be exposed, he latched his lips onto it and just went to town.
“Florian…” I groaned out gently, as I felt his tongue lick a protruding vein in my neck. The act alone caused my knees to buckle, my whole being was covered in a euphoric ambiance.
The sound of his name escaping my lips stirred him on even more, lifting me up by my thighs to wrap around his waist. Resting my head against him, our breathes mingling as one, he smirked gently.
“Do we really have to to do this now, Flo?”
“I mean, you’re already up here, and you look so good enough to eat.” He placed heat searing kisses on my breasts, trailing them back up to my neck. Earning another shiver from me, as he moved his hips back and forth against mine.
Without missing a beat, giving him consent, he slid his very impressive dick into my hot wanting pussy. The action alone, caused my breath to hitch at the sudden girth of him.
Never in my days of living on this god forsaken planet, have I ever had a man of his stature make my body hum in delight. He must’ve caught on because, he attempted to sooth me by kissing me.
“God damn, you’re thicker than I thought.”
“You’re tighter than I imagined, draga.”
Once I fully adjusted to his size, my head stayed connected to his. Looking deep into his green hazel eyes, I saw the determination of a great man and skillful lover all in one.
“Well I will say this- holy shit.” He cut me off by moving his thumb against my throbbing clit, at a rapid pace. My nails clawed at his shoulders, gasping sharply.
“What was that, draga?” His voice was hot and heavy in my ear, as I squeezed around him tightly. Tightening my legs around his back to attempt to have him closer. Thank god for being on the pill.
“I-I was trying to say that, Jake has nothing on you~” Whispering against his full reddened lips, he let out a gentle moan as if he was called to shore by a siren. Entranced by the sound and movement.
“I know he doesn’t. He doesn’t know what he had.” He held the back of my head, pulled me into a heated kiss.
The way he moved his hips against mine, made everything else seem obsolete. It was as if the lovers of my past didn’t matter, ceased to exist.
The kiss grew more dominate; his movements were sharper and harder, our heartbeats were synced. My nails scratching down his back this time, rewarding myself with a gasp from him this time.
“Is papa bear getting close? Cause I feel it.” I nibbled on his ear a little, and he held my hips tighter. Slamming into me against the cold wall. The water shifted to cold but we didn’t care. I let out a pleasant squeal, rolling my hips into his.
“I should be asking you that, mama bear.” He chuckled lowly with me, and made his lower half roll into me like a snake. The next thing I know, my tongue was grazing his neck and I placed a hickey right below his ear and it drove him crazy. His grip on my hips once again, tightened.
“I’m so close princess, I can feel you shaking in my arms. Just let it go.” Once he licked the outer shell of my ear, I let my release take over.
The dam broke, making my whole being going limp but my legs were locked. His release soon followed, kissing me to clam is both down. Sliding out from me, he let me down gently, still having me close to his slick body.
“That was-”
“uimitor. Ai fost uimitor.” I mumbled softly, with a gentle smile on my face. He kissed my head without a care in the world.
“The water got cold. But luckily there’s another shower head that runs off of a another heater. What do you say, to actually getting clean to go work out?” Handing me a loofah, he moved out the way so I could get ready first.
-15 Min later-
“How do you like your eggs?” Looking through the hotel menu for breakfast food, I also slid on my Lion King themed tank top.
“Scrambled, with cheese. And a side of you.” He wrapped his strong arms around me from behind, feeling his muscular torso on my back again. Giggling like a schoolgirl.
“That was corny, but cute. You’ve been hanging around Michael a lot, I can tell.” Placing a kiss upon his flustered red cheeks, I went on ahead and placed the room service order.
“Yes I do. He’s a good friend he only wants what best for you.”
“I know he does. Because Jake keeps texting him about me.”
The room went dead silent. Only noise that could be heard was the sound of our breathing, and the music from the radio. The look on his face was enraged and full of frustration.
“Florian. I need you to calm down for me, please?” Gently rubbing his muscular back to keep him centered, I noticed that he eased up a bit and allowed me to kiss the middle of his back.
“Come on. We can chill before breakfast gets here.” Sliding off my leggings, only leaving my black and white body suit on, I crawled back into the hotel bed and waited for him.
“Gege, look up.” He muttered a little, getting my full undivided attention, he snapped a picture of me. Feeling the heat creep up my face, I hid in the pillow.
“Florian! Ok it’s only fair that I take a pic of you for my Instagram. What time is your session again?”
Having him go towards the balcony to get a good morning shot, he had his blue denim shirt open. His hat was on backwards; his grey sweatpants were low and he had mug coffee in hand. Must’ve made himself some with the room machine.
“Not till 10:30. We’ve got about an hour or so left.” Smiling for me with his pearly whites, I got the perfect shot I needed.
“Got it. What shall we do for the next hour or so?” Sauntering back into the room, I was pulled back by a set of strong hands. I yelped a bit mad turned around in his arms.
“I can think of a few things.” Kissing me harder again, he laid me down on the bed and made up for the extra time. I sure as hell wasn’t complaining.
-1 Hour and 45 min later-
“We doing quads today? Cause the more I stretch, the better I’ll be for my BlackLight Run tonight.” I was curious mostly because he was doing upper body and I needed to work on my legs anyway
You see there’s this thing called a BlackLight Run that I do every year in nearby states and cities. The atmosphere is live and filled with so many good vibes. I’m just glad that dance practice was cancelled, in order for me to go.
Working on my legs a bit on the leg press, I couldn’t help but stare at my new found friend. He has an ass of a god. Perfectly sculpted in marble; the curves in the right angles, sweat falling into the right crevices and just looking all kinds of good.
“Damn boy, you look good enough to eat.” I had no shame, I don’t think anyone would.
“Who me? Nah baby girl, it’s you who looks good enough to eat. Besides, It was I who ate you out how many times?” Oh he was being slick with it. The way he presented himself was dominating but caring at the same time. That delicious smirk he gave me was enough to make me cum, right then and there.
The heat in my cheeks returned, and traveled down my body, causing me to shiver.
Watching him head towards the mats to do push ups, he signaled me to come over. On instinct I sat with my legs crossed on his back, watching him in the mirror going up and down as I helped him count.
“Listen, we need a proper night to make love. Fucking is fun and all, but I need to be wined and dined a bit. I know you can do that for me?” Biting my lip a bit, he growled at me in a playful manner, causing a laugh to erupt from my full lips. He stopped mid way, I slid off, and he stood proud to catch his breath.
“I can definitely do that for you prinţesă. I’d do anything for you and you know that. 2nd date night should be somewhere fun.” Kissing my head, he made me feel complete all over again. Is there anything this man couldn’t do to get me to not fall for him? Picking me up again, he nuzzled his nose with mine.
“Goofball. Listen, I was thinking maybe you should teach me how to box?”
“Oh? Why the sudden interest?”
Setting me down back to earth, he made his way to the basketball courts.
“Well, I know how Mandy has been getting on my last nerves?” I followed behind keeping the conversation at bay.
“Yeah I do, along with Jake too. If there’s anything I can do to help let me know ok?” The look he gave me was full of sincerity and hope.
“I will.”
The vibration of my phone broke my concentration with his eyes. Turns out, it was the notifications popping up from Instagram.
“Looks like we got some admirers on our matching posts, and a few toads.” Scoffing at the response in my comments, I knew a few people would rain on our parade. Majority were ecstatic even.
“Let me guess, Jake and Mandy? Figures, can’t let two people enjoy one another in peace.” He bounced the ball around the court a bit, making a few baskets.
“Lord and lady of the toads themselves. I can’t wait for this divorce to go through.” I sighed deeply, watching Florian run back and forth.
“You and me both. I can’t wait to have you fully to myself, more than I do now.” He gave my ass a good smack, that echoed around the room. I groaned and squealed at the same time and caught him laughing at me. Rubbing my now sore cheeks, I stretched again.
“Technically it’ll be our 3rd date, I’m counting this as date number 2.” Snatching the ball from him, he looked like a deer in headlights.
“How about date number 4? I’m going with you to the run tonight, so it’s number 3 Don’t need you running in the dark with some randoms.” He did have a point. I would get cat called at the races I do every year, and it would be a nice change of pace for me to have him there.
“Deal.” Crossing the ball between my legs, doing a few lay ups, I saw him give me a look. Not just any look, the look of domination. The look a lion preys on a gazelle, before they pounce.
“Wanna play or just stare at me like you’re hungry, Mufasa?” I challenged him a bit. The fire in his eyes burned bright within the green and hazel.
“Bring it on Sarabi. We playing Horse by the way. If I win, you have to spend the night again. You’re great at cuddling.” He smiled at me with pure determination and triumph. He exuded so much strength and charisma, that any woman would love to bring him home.
“Ok, ok. If I win, you have to cook me a traditional Romanian dish at my house. I haven’t even had a proper house warming yet, and I think a good old fashioned dinner will do. I’ll even help you.” I offered with so much gusto that he too was surprised by my interest.
“Deal. Bring it on.” He tried to lunge for the ball, I moved backwards and went for my shot.
“Nuh uh pretty boy.” Shooting the basket, making it in, i imitated the crowd cheering.
“You got lucky. Now it’s my turn.” Grabbing the ball, he bounded it against the linoleum court, eyeing me up and down. I lunged this time around and missed, he made a basket.
“Cheater. Now it’s on.”
The game went on for about an hour and a half. It was tied up for a bit, we both had up until the letter ‘s’ in horse. Only thing left to do was shoot at the same time, with a different color ball for me.
“Ready?” I bounced the ball and looked at him curiously. With a nod from him, we both got into place.
“As I’ll ever be Draga. And go!” We both shot our baskets and watched carefully as mike made it into the hoop first.
“Yes! I win! Oh shit I win! I beat the great Florian Munteanu at basketball.” I ran a lap around the gym, with so much excitement.
The act alone caused Florian to chuckle his infamous laugh, and catch me in another bear hug.
“Yeah, yeah. Ok, a deal's a deal. We get to cook a traditional Romanian dinner together. At your house, next week.” He set me down and kissed my forehead sweetly.
“Deal. Now let’s get ready for this race tonight.”
-3.5 miles later-
Covered from head to toe in neon glow powered; surrounded by glow lights and neon paint, the vibe just felt right and I loved it all. Over the last few years, I would try to get Jake to run with me. He would tell me it was childish and pointless.
It broke my heart that he wouldn’t do anything I enjoyed, I would always do the things he wanted. With the divorce coming up, it was my freedom parade. It was my chance to be happy again and I deserve every minute of it. Getting that medal, was worth it along with the photos we took. Of course he signed a few autographs but not too many, he wanted to get back to me.
Doing this with Florian meant the world to me. I couldn’t have asked for a better person to join me on this journey. Seeing him in a BlackLight Run shirt, eight he sleeves cut off and just looking all kinds of good in his paint. He offered to hold me on his shoulders but I didn’t want to be annoying for everyone else at the party.
Making it back to the car, thankfully we had towels inside, I noticed his demeanor shifted again.
“Flo? Is everything alright?” I was driving down the highway, back to his hotel, and I saw him on the phone.
“I’m not sure if you’d consider Michael saying he got a hold of Jake, alright prinţesă.” His nostrils flared, his chest heaved in vexation. I could tell what he was planning on doing.
“How about you go meet meet up with Mike and I’ll apologize to Sandro and Masias for holding you hostage all day.” Turning the car off, I looked towards him for confirmation.
“Are you sure? Because I just catch him tomorrow-”
“Baby boy, go handle your business. Baby girl can handle herself here and hold down the fort. Besides one more night with you is all I need, plus you can stay with me after you check out.” He looked so relieved to hear me say that I’d be ok by myself. Giving me a sweet kiss, he sauntered off into the night with determination in his step, driving off in my Range Rover.
“Mmm. That boy can walk!” Slipping into the room again, I wondered what he was going to do with Mike to handle Jake.
-Florian’s P.O.V-
“So let me get this straight; he asked you to meet him at his restaurant to talk. Knowing it would get back to Geneva.” I was already not in the mood for his fuckboy shit. It was late and I needed to get back to Geneva.
“Yeah. But I don’t think he thought it would get back to you. She did give me the green light to jack him up a bit, but said you get the first punch.” Michael  messed with the toothpick in his mouth, watching the place clear out a little.
“Oh really? Well he’s gonna end up in the hospital if he talks shit.” I could feel the triumphant smile, spread across my face then disappear when I see the snake himself.
He sauntered towards us both, a shocked expression on his face appeared because he saw me. Good to know I got him scared.
“Well, well, well. Mike, I thought this was just gonna be us two for this discussion.” Jake scoffed at me.
I wish I could break his skull, but I’m pretty sure I can’t yet. No matter how hard I want to.
“Cut the shit Jake. You know damn well if anything is pertaining to Geneva, nowadays, you get us both. Now talk.” Nodding along side with Michael, I was leaning against the bar. Trying my very hardest to not punch the piece of shot human being in the face.
“Fine. Seeing as though my last encounter with my wife-”
“Ex wife.” We both interjected, with pride.
“Whatever. I asked her to give me more money for my alimony, cause Mandy and I have a baby.” He continued on and didn’t feel any remorse. I couldn’t believe it, this little shit got some nerve.
“You’re a bigger piece of shit than I thought. What kind of man would ask his ex wife, to pay, for raising his new not child? That he had with someone else?” I couldn’t take it anymore with his condescending ass mouth.
Mike himself looked just as shocked with my rebuttal. I guess you could say I hang around him a lot.
“Wait you asked her that? You’re a sorry piece of shit man. I should deck you right now, because last time I checked you blamed her for the loss of y’all baby.” Mike got in his face this time.
“If you don’t get out of my face, I’ll show you what I’m about.” Jake gave him a once over before before I pulled them apart.
The one who was more heated than ever, was me. I care so much for Geneva that I can’t stand to see this low life take over hers.
“I’m only gonna say this once, and I’m not gonna say it again.” This time it was me who got in his face.
“If I ever catch you around her again, I’ll make sure you end up in the hospital.” I growled through my teeth to make myself clear before heading out. Mike followed in tow, before I heard Jake open his mouth.
“Oh please. She has more class than that, to leave trade in a Lamborghini for what? A Hummer? Ha! Please.” Without even thinking, glancing at Mike for clearance, I grabbed Jake by his suit jacket and held him against  the the glass wall. Lifting him up a bit off the ground.
“You chose to make me mad huh? Big mistake.” Setting him down, my right fist came in contact with his gut and his face.
Watching him crumple in feat a bit made my day. I kneeled in front of him and patted his face.
“Put some ice on that. Oh and I’m more of a Dodge Challenger, cause at least I’m more reliable and not rented for the time being.”
Heading out the restaurant, I high fives Mike and felt prideful that I was able to protect Geneva’s honor.
“You on for game night next week?” I asked curiously.
“No doubt. Geneva’s right?” With an arched brow Mike smiled at his phone, must’ve been from his girl.
“The very place. See you soon.” Making my way towards my car, I texted Geneva that I was on my way home. She’s gonna have a filled day with this.
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