#gn every1
42-forty-two-42 · 18 days
tosses the hoon man plushie at 42
the skrunkly
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4̘̉2͉͙̮͘.̞̿.̝̐.̙̘̬̈́4̘͔͂2̥͇͓̄͒͗ ̲̓̊͊4̟͆̌2̈́͒͌ͅ ̘͒͛̚4͍̈́͗2̧̍̋ ̮̽́̌4̡̅2͚̺͒ ̱͈̆͒̅4̬̹̾̄2͔̹͛͜ ̼̆͜4̛̠͇̱2̛̠͎ ̢̏̊͠4͔̯͔̈́̾̇2̗̀?̩̩͎͋
( Well...what do I do with it now? )
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urboned · 1 year
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sporkberries · 3 months
just cut my bangs and idk if i like it but im gonna go to bed and pray to god it looks good in the morning
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doodlboy · 23 days
Augh..local man going to bed bc he has to wake up in 6 hours and work 10
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fadedlovemp3 · 2 years
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plushiez · 2 years
i wanted to finish these tattoos...but man i need sleeeeeep
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stuffeddeer · 7 months
haii deer i hope you are able to get all your assignments done on time! was reading your tags and aro dazai?? big brain.
so how about aro ace darling? never been in a relationship and never really want to, their friends are more than enough for them !! honestly i just wanna be aro buddies with dazai 🥹
but damn just being weirdo coworkers together, im,,, willing to look past many red flags for him 💔
YOURE JUST LIKE ME FR dazai and i are best friends and we are aro you can ask him yourself also weirdo coworkers.. you get it
"Oh, wait, so you were the latest person hired?" Atsushi's head cocked to the side, looking at you with curiosity. "How long have you been here?"
"My dear here has been with the agency for three months! You know, I was the one that brought them on board," Dazai gloated, a smug smirk on his face and a dramatic hand over his heart.
You were quick to play along, throwing a dramatic hand over your forehead as you leaned back. "Oh, my hero! What would I do without my lovely Dazai?" The sarcastic lilt in your tone didn't go unnoticed by the newest agency member, but he decided not to comment on it.
"Was it like what happened with me? Did you find Dazai drowning?" Apparently a common occurrence, Atsushi had pieced together.
Dazai denied, a smile on his face as he replied with a simple, "Nope!" A few moments of silence passed before the junior realized he wasn't going to elaborate.
Just as he opened his mouth to ask for more information, you decided to take pity on the poor soul and fill him in. "I bailed him out of a holding cell."
No one bat an eye. Atsushi looked around the office, trying to see if maybe someone was holding back laughter, but not a single one of his new coworkers were phased. Did they not hear what you said?
"He got detained for public disturbance in the middle of a case. I told Dazai he'd have to find a way to get out on his own, and he shows back up not even thirty minutes later with them in tow," Kunikida explains, frustration evident in his voice. "I was trying to teach him a lesson."
"I was in the area," you shrug.
"Yeah, being detained as well..."
"I was being released from detainment, actually!" You correct Kunikida, a proud grin on your face. "And Dazai said I should follow him, so I did."
Atsushi laughed awkwardly. He knew you seemed similar to Dazai in your hedonistic pursuits, but this was baffling. "And the president hired you?"
"I had an entrance exam, but pretty much! I had just been fired from my old job the day before so Dazai helped me get set up here. And before you ask: I was fired because I told the boss' kid I wouldn't date him. He got all upset and told daddy to can me," you huff in frustration, still annoyed at your wrongful termination.
Kunikida rolled his eyes. "Don't act like some martyr; You also deserved to be fired. You just messed around on the job like you do here. You barely got any work done."
"You want me so badly it makes you look stupid—"
"I told them to sue and say it's discrimination because they're aro," Dazai cut you off, a pout on his lips like he's annoyed you didn't take his advice.
"What's... arrow?" Atsushi cocked his head to the side. He was unaware of the terminology, having never come across it in this context during his studies at the orphanage.
"Oh, it's shorthand for aromantic. It just means, like, experiencing little to no romantic attraction to anyone. It varies, of course..." You try to explain simply.
Atsushi nods, understanding the basic idea. "But it'd be wrong to lie about your sexuality, right?"
"I'm aro, actually," you shrug. Everyone at the agency is well aware, so Atsushi will likely find out eventually.
"Oh!" The younger employee's cheeks turn pink, feeling a little sheepish for assuming. A moment passes as Atsushi thinks before furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "I thought you and Dazai..?"
"We're both aromantic," Dazai rests his chin on his hand, elbow on his desk and an amused smirk pulling at his lips. "I've dated a lot in the past, but I realized it's just not for me."
"I've never been in a relationship and never want to," you add in yourself. "Aromanticism is... much more complex than how I explained it. Dazai feels romantic attraction, but doesn't— Is it fine if I tell him this?" You suddenly ask, realizing it really isn't your place to speak on his experience, even as his best friend.
"Oh, I don't care. Saves me the trouble," Dazai waves his hand dismissively. "But yeah, I feel romantic attraction, but lose it when it's reciprocated."
Atsushi nods slowly, beginning to understand. "Oh, okay. So you two are just close friends, then."
"Are we just not going to ask what you were doing in a holding cell when Dazai got thrown in?" Tanizaki asks from his desk.
"I just got too silly, you know how it is."
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bandy-andy · 2 years
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Fuck this life, fuck this drama, Mister Doctor Minister ONLY!!!!!!!
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whisper-and-tangle · 5 months
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42-forty-two-42 · 25 days
4͖̥̏͑̐̚2̳̓͆̕.͖̥͗.̛̙̐̓.̰͋"4̮̟̱͙͗͛2̻͌̎̒ ̨̎͐͒͑4̼̅͜͝2̟̓̔"?̡͕̹̎̏̑ ̟̝͔̂4͎͎̬͚̽2̻̤̩̦̋͑̅̔,̟̖̙͌̒̚͝ ̤̮͙̄4̰̣̟́̎̒2̙͌͆ ͙̑̀4̹̺̝̫̌̀2͎̱̭̄̍̐ ̩̘̦͝4͚̃̿2̞̤̽̚.͇̱̻̙́̔̊
( A..."marketable plushie"? Well, good for them. )
42 didn't seem to care that much as usual. After it was told which of the doppelgangers was "turned into a marketable plushie", 42 rolled its eyes. At least this time it wasn't like: "Uuhhh, what's the big deal about the milkman anyway?". It was more like that it was saying: "Good for you to like the milkman, but what does it have to do with me?"
4̝̿͝2̝̻́̌̚͜. 4̧̝̽͌̆2͎͙̇̃ ̨̫̲͈͋̽̉́4̢̭̇2̢̞̥̓̃̒̿ ͓̼̄͋̀4̛͈̩͑͂͋2̱̤̈́̈́̇̕ ̟͂̋4̧̨̟̹̅́͝2͓̖̆ ͇̇́̾4̘̰̑͒͐2̓̃ͅ ͍̝͈̄̑ͅ4̱̥̋2̧͈̔̎͒ ̧̠̪͎͛̈4̼̦͓̈̓̓̈́2̗̳͚̋͜ ͍͝͠4̯͇̜͌̓2̢̟̺͂̓͗̽ ̡̡̳͕͗̈́̉4͙̹̓̌̀2̨̦̮̟̓͒͋͂ ̙̘̪͘4͔̹̃̔̕2̥͇̀̊̚.͍͍̘́͒͒͛͜.̫̼̊̓̓ͅ?̺̱̿̾
( Huh. How did I know it would be someone impersonating Francis..? )
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james-silenthill · 4 months
I know it's the mental illness in vogue but its insane how we just live with depression. I know everyone's said their piece about it but it's like christ. I didn't leave the house for two years and I felt okay but also I was sobbing near every night but I would only be up at night because that's the only time I could talk to my friends. Because I couldn't go outside and didn't know anyone local. And now I'm up during the day I work I have school I have friends Maybe I've started swimming again and while all of this is objectively good I'm also constantly aware of how transitional this entire life I'm living is and it's not permanent I don't intend on it being permanent I can't have it be permanent and even though I'm not in a deep deep state of depression now, it's still here. Bitch you live like this?
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kakujis · 1 year
koca: go to bed or else ill tell oliver
me: he can choke
koca: and baji
me: wait a sec-
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urboned · 1 year
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hi ollies dad (probably)
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doodlboy · 2 months
I'm sorry 2 ppl who followed me 4 art stuff btw, I'm super burnt out from work lately and haven't had any energy to draw at all
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girlspecimen · 8 months
literally soooo me
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