chaotichusbands · 5 years
PT4. Shumdario being best friends at GLAAD (two years in a row) (I.)
[ PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | 4/I. - 4/II. | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 ]
[ aka a masterlist for SHUMDARIO MOMENTS ]
[ aka Matt intensively staring at Harry ]
“I think the cutest thing about shumdario is the fact that Matt always looks at Harry whenever he gets nervous lol. He’s like a cute little lost puppy just looking for reassurance and guidance (idk lmao) ,whenever he doesn’t know what to do. Especially last night at the Glaad awards he kept looking at Harry whenever he felt nervous or anxious.” – colivermalec
The way Matt looks at Harry throughout the whole thing. 
They are looking at each other a lot, would be pointless to point out every single one.
Harry acknowledge the whole team that created Malec: writers and everybody.
Harry: “A lot of fans are expressing that it did helped them in their lives *Matt smiles. He is so proud and glad that they are able to help people*, and to come out (...)”
Matt: “You know what's really great is that a lot of people who I've seen respond are not so excited about the fact that it's a... gay relationship. They just really like the relationship.. *Harry smiles* ..which I think really shows something, there's something really meaningful there, I don't know exactly..”
Harry letting Matt to answer. And why is Matt enjoying teasing us so much?? Look at his cheeky smile.
Matt is just standing at the back, being lost. Harry: yo!
The famous bow and arrow deleted scene.
THEIR SMILES when the interviewer told them that they are so proud and greatful for bringing the characters alive. THEY JUST WANT TO HELP WHENEVER THEY CAN.
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Red Carpet with Shelby and Esther (they look gorgeous)
Shelby having an interview (she is a sweetheart) (+ the interviewer didn’t know that Harry is her husband, and she was joking around “I’m mostly looking forward to see Harry Shum Jr and Matthew Daddario”, then the interviewer said “I don’t wanna shock you, but they are standing behind you” and Shelby acted excited lol, what a queen) (Matt and Harry at the background.)
Matt throughtout the whole live: “Do I look pale, Harry? I look pale. Why do I look so pale? Harry, am I pale? Oh, some people are saying I look pale? DO I, HARRY?”
Harry sipping his water.
Harry asking which filter Matt wants.
Matt always thinks of something else than the actual question. (Like with the Civil War question in a panel)
Harry: I like laps. Matt: He likes laps.
Q. How should I tell my mom that I messed up my chemistry test? 
Matt: You say “Mom, I messed up my chemistry test... It's important. You gotta know your chemistry”
Harry: You could learn how to make soap.   ??? 
Q. What’s the best part of playing such complex characters?
Matt: Honestly, getting to work with this guy.
Q. Advice for a heartbreak?
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*Matt waiting for Harry’s answer.*
Harry: I think a lot of ice cream.
Matt: Ice cream.. and learning from it.
(I think they both have a pretty good and healthy understanding of relationships in general, based on THIS, and whenever they talk about Malec and relationship issues. For example: understanding and listening both sides in an argument or a fight; opening up about struggles to each other is a good thing, communication and being honest with each other is really important.
I mean, it’s understandable, Harry and Shelby got together for (about) 10 years ago, and they been married a few years now. I heard Esther and Matt had been together for a long time too, before the got married.
I guess that one of the reason Malec is working so well, because Matt and Harry understands the love Magnus and Alec has for each other.)
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Harry isn’t having that “wrapping up” sign. Matt being amused by him.
They coudn’t help but smile because the interviewer was so enthusiastic.
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Excuse me, where are you looking Matt? 
Okay, so Matt is looking at Harry’s lips in the whole stuff apparently.
Matt staring at Harry. Well, actuall, Matt is staring at Harry almost the whole time.
Matt is just... staring. And licking his lips.
Matt: “I doN’T GIGgle WhEN soMEOne SaYs someTHinG fuNNy”
Q. Favourite dance moves? 
Matt, dodging the question altogether: “I dont have any. This guy is a professional dancer. HARRY, DANCE FOR US! LETS DO IT!”
Harry got shy, but danced anyway.
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henryandalex · 8 years
Hey do you remember when alec and magnus talked about that "think of me when you shoot your arrows" thing? Like what video was it?
That line which got the whole fandom nuts was actually from an interview at the GLAAD 2016 where Matt and Harry attended and that they talked about.
Apparently they cut that scene/line because Matt cracked up every time. Can’t blame the guy somehow. lool
Ever since then we are desperate to see that blooper of that scene.
This is the interview (around 1:30).
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