#give me more witches and wizards and sorcerers that will just beat the crap out of a dragon
ellie-talks-toh · 1 year
Ya know, something I love about fight scenes in The Owl House is how physical they are. Like yeah, everyone is a witch and uses magic and whatnot, but that doesn't stop them from throwing punches and kicks and breaking someone's nose.
Like, look at the fight between Eda and Lilith in Agony of a Witch. For every second these two are flinging spells around, they spend just as much time throwing flying kicks and trying to beat each other over the head with their staves! It's brutal and awesome and I love it!
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Because yeah, if you can fling yourself at lightning-fast speeds, why wouldn't you use that power to rush your opponent and slam them into a wall?
The fact that everyone is willing to get physical makes these scenes sooooooo much cooler! Like, the fights don't just boil down to two people standing on opposite ends of the room spinning their hands around. They fly around the arena, tossing fireballs, throwing punches, charging themself with magic and roundhouse kicking a fool! It's great!
And it's a consistent thing through the entire show. The entire fight between Amity and Hunter in Eclipse Lake is just the two of them trying to beat the crap out of each other. Hunter is teleporting around trying to catch Amity off guard and knock her over the head with his staff, and Amity just blocks with her abomination sludge until she has the chance to make a spiked fist and just decks him in the face!
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I freaking LIVE for these kinds of fight scenes, where magic is used to enhance the choreography instead of replacing it. The fights in this show are so freaking good because everyone is just as willing to break someone's arm as they are to burn them alive, and I love it.
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books-and-cookies · 7 years
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Part 1   Part 2
1. There’s always this worry that you won’t enjoy books you’ve loved as a kid as much when you’re an adult, but THIS IS NOT THE CASE. BRING OUT THE BUTTERBEER, THE HP TRIVIA, MY BODY IS READY 2. “Ah, shut up, Dursley, yeh great prune” – listed as the number one reason to love Hagrid 3. Hagrid takes none of your crap, Hagrid doesn’t give a shit 4. “Harry opened it with trembling fingers. Inside was a large, sticky chocolate cake with Happy Birthday Harry written on it in green icing” – this is legitimately one of the sweetest, most moving moments in the entire series. Harry, a boy who has been neglected his entire life, who has suffered so much, sees someone he doesn’t even know, actually care about him and go the extra mile to acknowledge his birthday and his as an individual. It’s such an important moment. I can’t even. I HAVE TEARS AND FEELINGS.
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5. Okay I want an infinite pockets coat just as Hagrid. I’d keep tiny kittens in all the pockets. Just whip them out when people need to smile. 6. “In his anger he seemed to fill the whole hut. The Dursleys were cowering against the wall.” – I am here to witness the reckoning. BRING IT ON. Fight fight fight 7. “I know some things,” he said. “I can, you know, do math and stuff.” – I swear, how people can say they dislike Harry James Potter will forever be a mystery to me. I mean, have we read the same books? Have we read about the same cinnamon roll? Are you on crack?
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8. “Harry — yer a wizard” – bless this with the grace of a thousand angels descending
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9. Guys I genuinely teared up when I read the Hogwarts letter. I mean, this is my childhood right here. And I remember wishing more than anything that all this were real. And that I was secretly a witch too. God. To think so many people’s lives were shaped by a book. Whoever tells you books don’t mean anything, you have my blessing to beat them with the entire HP boxset. 10. I lowkey feel sad for Petunia, because you can sense the regret that’s masked by her viciousness. But that doesn’t excuse her behaviour towards Harry, or saying this about her sister: “she went and got herself blown up”, knowing full well what actually happened. Honestly, kind of fuck you, Petunia. 11. And honestly, I don’t understand why the Dursleys are clinging so much to Harry and keeping him with them. They hate the boy, they’ve been nothing but awful to him, yet when chance comes to have him taken out of their hands, they turn so adamant about not letting him go. Like WHAT IS THE LOGIC OF THIS
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12. “I had no idea, when Dumbledore told me there might be trouble gettin’ hold of yeh, how much yeh didn’t know” – Dumbledore, the little shit, he KNEW they hadn’t told him anything. Skeevy bastard. 13. Voldemort could have thrown baby Harry out the window, instead of being a cocky wizard and relying on spells. Just sayin’. Wizards are remarkably stupid when it comes to any non-magical solution to their problems. 14. “I accept there’s something strange about you, probably nothing a good beating wouldn’t have cured” – Vernon, I hope you choke on some dicks. Honestly there’s nothing ever remotely redeemable about this character. 15. “Dunno if he had enough human left in him to die” – HINTS AND FORESHADOWING, FUCKING JK I SWEAR 16. “Some of ’em came outta kinda trances” – IMPERIUS CURSE 17. Not gonna lie, I love how many hints and nods to later books we’re getting. I FEEL LIKE A DETECTIVE 18. “There was somethin’ goin’ on that night he hadn’t counted on — I dunno what it was, no one does” – Dumbledore knows, THE FUCKER
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19. “Hagrid,” he said quietly, “I think you must have made a mistake. I don’t think I can be a wizard.” – poor precious baby, he still can’t believe he’s capable of amazing things, I just want to aggressively hug him for several years 20. I love how Hagrid and Harry just leave the Dursleys on the island, without a boat to get back to shore. 21.  IT’S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT 22. “They say there’s dragons guardin’ the high security vaults” – FUCKING JK MADE ME WAIT YEARS TO SEE THIS 23. “Harry, everyone’d be wantin’ magic solutions to their problems” – yes hi hello, I would like a magical solution to put my life together please and thank. Otherwise this is me on a daily basis:
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24. “Crikey, I’d like a dragon.” – same tho 25. “sat knitting what looked like a canary-yellow circus tent” – Hagrid is the mother we all need and deserve in our lives 26. “Could there really be piles of wizard gold buried miles beneath them?” – can I like, find one of these piles? I just need a tiny one. 27. Okay but how does everyone know that it’s Harry Potter with Hagrid? It can’t be just the scar. Or his mother’s eyes, not everyone knew Lily. Also, other people have green eyes. Or is it common knowledge that Harry Potter has a scar? I mean THESE ARE THINGS THAT KEEP ME UP AT NIGHT 28. “I’ve g-got to p-pick up a new b-book on vampires, m-myself.” He looked terrified at the very thought” – I know HP was written years before, but imagine Quirrel + Voldemort reading Twilight and engaging in shipping wars; Quirrel is team Jacob and Voldemort is team Edward, because they have the same pale skin tone and Voldemort has always secretly wanted to sparkle in the sunlight. It’d have been the next thing he’d have researched after making the Horcruxes: “How to sparkle like the queen that you are. A Guide” 29. “Harry leaned over the side to try to see what was down at the dark bottom” – YOLOOOOOO 30. “Harry didn’t know where to run first now that he had a bag full of money” – me when I get my paycheck 31. “imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?” – PUFF PRIDE BADGERS FOREVER FUCK THE HATERS 32. NO KITCHEN FOOD FOR YOU FUCK YOU ALL
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33. “Yes, exactly. I heard he’s a sort of savage — lives in a hut on the school grounds and every now and then he gets drunk, tries to do magic, and ends up setting fire to his bed.” – Draco, stop being a little stuck-up bitch no one likes you 34. We already got a glimpse of the bigotry and discrimination in the wizarding world and honestly, little ol’ me should have known that these books would be more than oooooooh pretty magiiiiiiic yaaaaasssss 35. Like, child, get over yourself, this is SERIOUS 36. “Everyone says Hufflepuff are a lot o’ duffers, but —” – oh my gOD STAHP WITH THE PUFF HATE I WILL POP A VEIN 37. “the shelves were stacked to the ceiling with books as large as paving stones bound in leather; books the size of postage stamps in covers of silk; books full of peculiar symbols and a few books with nothing in them at all” – can I move there it’s better than Beast’s library. YES I WENT THERE 38. “Hagrid wouldn’t let Harry buy a solid gold cauldron” – Harry knows what’s up gold is the WAY TO GO. I mean, go big or go home 39. “Just yer wand left — oh yeah, an’ I still haven’t got yeh a birthday present.” – protect Hagrid if it’s the last thing you do in this world 40. Ollivander remembering every wand he has ever sold is me remembering the petty things people did to me throughout my life and looking for the perfect time to exact revenge 41. “It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather — just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother — why, its brother gave you that scar.” – this plot twist SHOOK me
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42. “I don’t know anything about magic at all. How can they expect great things?” – poor Harry, imagine the pressure. Also, he is literally every kid expected to succeed in school/life. EXPECTATIONS CRUSH US. 43. I CAN’T WAIT FOR HIM TO GET TO HOGWARTS THIS BOOK IS GIVING LIFE TO MY SOUL
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