magioftheseas · 2 years
now that this arc is seeminly over, would you mind if I asked you about how you feel towards the way the sumire and no.6 subplot was handled? I feel like it's an interesting take on an unhealthy relationship. It just makes me feel super uncomfortable, but I'm not sure how much is what I'm supposed to be uncomfortable about is the same thing as the author intended, namely some of the age stuff? Sorry if this is a bother or anything, I just wanted to ask someone whose takes I trust.
Truth be told, I didn't vibe with it. This is a very weird rant and I understand if you think I'm just insane by the end of it.
Imo AidaIro kinda fucked up big time by establishing Sumire's victimhood and also MAKING IT WAY WORSE THAN IT HAD ANY NEED TO BE. Like, was making her relive her death over and over again really necessary? If anything, it just made me SUPER unsympathetic toward No. 6 because he very needlessly prolonged her suffering and couldn't even be fucking bothered to try to prevent her fate once or like...just stopping by to say hi or look at her? I was under the impression that he cared about Sumire, but the yorishiro was only a pitiful recreation so he was less inclined to see her as a person buuuuut I guess not?
I just don't get it. Yorishiro Tsukasa's not stuck living in a loop (although I have written that for funsies, here's the fic) so why does Sumire have to be?
I always just think of this page which sums it up.
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No. 6 NEGLECTED her. FOR SO FUCKING LONG. And all fucking because he felt kinda bad I guess?! Are you kidding me?! What a worthless jackass! The only reason TO give a fuck about him is because she DOESN'T HAVE ANYONE ELSE. That's just not good enough for me!
Them just bantering and being cutesy at the literal last moment does not make up for that! It sure as shit doesn't put them on equal ground! Not that I was asking for a wholesome relationship, mind you, but Sumire has *such a worse shake* that it's insanely unfair that this is what she gets at the end of it to me. It just feels like kicking a dog. We don't even ACKNOWLEDGE Nene's extremely good point that Sumire lacked other options and felt like she HAD no one else besides No.6 so ofc she'd latch onto him after this. It's just framed as a tragic romance where the two messed up people couldn't communicate their feelings in time and like! Maybe doooon't have Nene argue that Sumire's more driven by isolation than actually...liking No. 6 as a person? Because you put that idea in there, AidaIro, and "well, Sumire's kinda fucked up too" is not a great counterargument.
Ultimately, it all comes across as shallow and half-baked to me. Like, we get Sumire's backstory. Then we get No. 6's backstory. Then they interact. Then he eats her. And there's a huge gap in-between Sumire's backstory and literally everything else. That's just weird structuring and pacing.
In regards to the relationship being uncomfortable and unhealthy, I can acknowledge that much but it doesn't reach me emotionally because of how frustrated I am that the plot just doesn't take No.6 to task for him prolonging Sumire's misery. It's ultimately brushed off with a joke-y slapstick moment of her kicking his ass and then that tragic ending just...happens. And it's weird and a little annoying that we kicked Sumire off into the ether for so many goddamn chapters just to bring her back...for that.
Ultimately, it wasn't what I expected or really wanted from Sumire's character. I was super in love with her gentle madness from isolation and was elated when Nene offered to run away with her. That the story immediately chucks her off-screen so unceremoniously was such a huge turn-off that I was already in a sour mood once this plot finally re-gained relevance. It was disappointing that the story goes from "Sumire is such a tragic victim of horrible circumstance" to "awww but the demon enabling her victimhood also had it rough too guyyyys". Not surprising. But still disappointing. They should've had it be one or the other. Either play up the "romance" aspect or play up No. 6's more inhuman/monstrous qualities. I would've been horrified but more impressed if Sumire DIDN'T want to get eaten and did want to escape and No. 6 just tore her to pieces anyway. I know the way I've been ranting makes it sound like I'd rather Sumire get a happy ending where she's Nene's fourth girlfriend...and I would rather that, yes, but this ending just kinda feels like backpedaling. Maybe it's because I've already seen Beastars.
I feel like this is a super disappointing answer because I'm more hung up on weird structural and meta stuff over the actual theming and characterization, but that kind of thing does matter to me and like, I had No. 6 pegged as "passive jackass who realizes he Cares Way Too Late" from the second I saw Sumire's backstory. It was Nene calling out Sumire's hyper fixation on No. 6 and her immediate offer of companionship that I found actually refreshing and subversive. Shaaaame that was just...whatever. Just another kick in the teeth that Nene has to deal with through no fault of her own.
For all my bitching, I don't hate the relationship. I just don't think it's that interesting or complex. It's unhealthy and the interplay of intimacy and violence isn't new to me. And I've read Dear My Living Dead, which was much more horrifying and uncomfortable. (I didn't like that story either.) Compared to that, it's...meh?
I just had slightly different expectations and maybe that's on me.
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muninnhuginn · 1 year
Top 3 Mob Psycho 100 arcs and why?
Firstly, I apologise in advance because I think this has got a real wordcount now. I tried so hard not to tangent, okay. I failed.
Okay, so most of these are closer to the end of the manga/anime and this could be recency bias in action, but tbh I think what it basically is is that the earlier arcs set up the characters such that by the time you reach these arcs that you as the audience have the investment to really get them?
Confession/???% arc
Separation arc
Divine Tree arc
Reasoning (and tangents) below the cut:
Confession arc
So this arc brings closure for pretty much every character. the only one I feel a bit iffy about in terms of that is Shou and I have seen some possible explanations as for why he says he won't use his powers anymore as a good thing but I can't help but feel that his arc is basically lagging behind everyone else? it's not a dealbreaker and he's clearly in a better place as of the epilogue but that's the only one that feels weird to me. I was also a bit wary about Dimple's return but have since swung myself around to accepting it rather than just "letting it pass"
teru part - all the callbacks to his intro arc, the mirroring but the roles are reversed.
touichiro - finally gets that 'redemption = death' would be an escape route for him rather than him actually owning up responsibility and living with his mistakes. him deciding to 'run away' saves both him and shou and leaves it open for them. both touichiro and shou are basically learning the lessons mob learnt on a delayed timetable
ritsu - there are definitely more intelligent things I could say here but the part of his confrontation I liked the most was how he recognised ???% as mob and accurately pinned down a load of what mob himself was going through before mob himself did
mob internal !!!. yeah !!! is all I got here. it's my favourite part of the entire arc bar maybe the reigen-mob parts so I really struggle to put words to it
reigen - mob. resolves both of their arcs in one shot and brings to light the parallels that honestly had not been shown the limelight previously?
The brief answer here is: closure for character arcs and bringing subtext to the text. I will say the anime dropped the ball a bit on the latter though with them deliberately missing some lines that made intentions clearer (Ritsu's plan to get himself hurt to snap Mob out of it; ???% calling out Mob disowning his powers so he didn't have to take responsibility for them; Ritsu realising that Mob didn't harm him at all). Still, the majority of it got through even if only by implication so I'm still happy with it, just overall prefer the manga for this arc.
(That said, I do like how several of the anime choices in the first episode of this arc (pre-truck-kun) deliberately call back to shots from the very first arc of the series to show how Mob has grown. He can actually receive a football now, run without immediately collapsing, when he goes to people it's to ask them for advice not because they need something from him)
Separation arc
-First thing, up until this point we actually have no idea of Reigen's life outside of Spirits and Such. This arc lets us peek behind the curtain and what we see there is grim. It also lays down groundwork for confession arc re: Reigen's 'hidden' side.
- okay so the thing is, Reigen doesn't need mob for psychic powers necessarily. in this arc, he's doing great as a 'psychic' up until the live show and Reigen successfully figures out that the 'victim' is faking it. by all accords just has to follow the script and get home free, but because he previously humiliated Jodo it was all a setup. I really didn't appreciate this until a recent rewatch, but the way in which Reigen is tricked would still work even if Reigen were a true psychic. either way, he knew the 'victim' was faking and acted as expected on a supposedly scripted tv show. Reigen also got by fine before Mob came along and could probably just avoid taking on clients who may actually be haunted. My point is, in terms of powers? that may have been the reason why he first 'hired' Mob, but that's not the full reason he keeps him around now.
- Anyway, Reigen is just miserable the entire time he's away from Mob this arc, both before and after the fame trip. Even the fame trip parts where he's ostensibly doing great read as almost... manic? In how he's trying to prove just how well he's doing. There are also the Mogami references with the bugs when Reigen hits rock bottom which just really emphasise how Reigen could easily have gone down another path
- And! this all happens over his birthday. which, yikes, but also it means when we see his next birthday in the epilogue and he's surrounded by people trying not to cry it's just that much sweeter
- also I've mainly zoned in on the reigen aspects of this ep, but the thing that kick starts the arc after reigen is way too harsh is mob setting his foot down. there's no way he would have done that in s1, but because he's grown over the course of the series (and as I saw another post point out recently, as he's just come from mogamiland where he was constantly belittled by others) he decides to walk away. and honestly, that was the healthiest thing for both of them at that point? this arc does come to a really good conclusion imo but first it shows the toxicity in the mob-reigen relationship and starts the process of mending some of it. mob's answer when reigen asks him if he knows (he's not a real psychic) is sweet, but ultimately a sidestep from answering fully. so whilst on first watch you may think it's all resolved, some of the threads laid down here return in confession arc.
- it may not seem it from what I've written above, but reigen does genuinely hurt mob. if you had to assign who of mob and reigen were the most toxic element in their dynamic it would be reigen hands down. mob's main flaw in terms of their relationship comes down to being too passive (and him breaking out of this is literally what triggers this arc) and his refusal to confront reigen's lies head on. meanwhile reigen full on claims mob doesn't have friends and lowkey encourages mob to keep him as his priority when mob considers branching out (the entire thing about him saying mob shouldn't join any clubs especially. it could be argued there was some genuine concern in there mob was being taken advantage of by the telepathy club but the reason reigen considers that so fast is because that's what he himself is doing). reigen keeps insisting that mob will return to him because he hasn't got anyone else. like, if that happens in a real life friendship/relationship, it would be a huge red flag, you know?
- Reigen absolutely lashes out like this and tries to cling to Mob as his lifeline as a defence mechanism. it's not spelt out until waaay down the line, but reigen does believe he is inherently unlovable if he shares his full self. and until the very last arc, if asked to choose between pushing someone away or letting them in properly and truly, I sincerely believe he would choose the former. and yet, he does absolutely want to have that connection as this arc shows. he's just too scared to be the one to reach out. It doesn't excuse his actions in any way but added to everything else (estranged family, closest he has to ‘friends’ are bar acquaintances) it paints the picture of a lonely, lonely man.
Divine Tree arc
- it's about faith as a concept but largely divorced from any specific real life religion. cults! return to teru's entire pedestally thing. another image of mob as an image of god! so fun thematically.
- I really really liked how the anime adapted the horror aspects of this arc. There was one specific episode that was directed so differently from anything in the other episodes and it was so so unsettling. I loved it.
- my favourite part is where dimple is trying to do his villain monologue and it becomes more and more apparent that he's actually just doing this to try and cling onto some purpose. he hasn't wanted to really "rule the world" or anything like that for some time, but if he faces that then what reason has he left to exist? And it may be okay for humans to just trundle along with no purpose but a spirit with no reason to exist? a spirit with no reason to exist cannot exist.
- which is why confession arc when it's revealed that mob's faith in dimple kept him around it works. the one person dimple didn't try to overpower to worship him is the one person who actually believed in him? in confession arc itself I kinda give the return a pass because I don't like it when sacrifices get retrospectively cheapened, but with the context of the whole of divine tree it... actually works? (and there are some more reasons why it has to be both dimple and reigen to reach mob but that's a tangent here)
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ushirominya · 1 year
the lambda artist of all time and one of the most niceys people here
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I am dedicated to my craft >:)
also no YOU are the most niceys people there
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lady0fthelake · 2 years
4 and 11 for the ask game :3
4 -mythical creature you think/believe is real?
you have NO idea how complex my answer for this could get. i'll keep it to a shrimple "everything in some metaphysical form" but, as a Scot, i'm partial to say unicorn! and as someone from from a pagan lineage, with that comes many sprites and creatures that most regard as "folkloric" as opposed to just things 11 - anything from your childhood you’ve held on to? i still have my DS lite!! i am on it RIGHT NOW!! i had a white one, but very soon into its lifetime i swapped it with my friends pink one.. i have tons from my childhood tbh, even the first doll i was ever given, and a t-shirt from when i was 10 that still fits!!
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subarusakurazuka · 2 years
11 and 21 for the ask game!
11. Anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
Nah, all my childhood possessions have been lost due to when I was homeless.
21. A number that weirds you out?
I can’t think of one XD
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onewholivesinloops · 1 year
girlwhodeceivesfate -> onewholivesinloops
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lovelaracroft · 2 years
Hii it's @kahbarbie here🙋‍♀️😀 I tried to draw✏Luz and Amity, I'm still new to digital drawing, I hope you like it, I know I have followers who like Lara Croft and I'm thinking of making a fanart of her too, what do you guys think?
feel free to tell me your opinions about my drawings!
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@girlwhodeceivesfate @smokestarrules @ideologyofone
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
Tagged by @caenus
hot or cold shower
texting or calling
earbuds or headphones
paperback or hardcover
matte or gel
12 hr clock or 24 hr clock
blue or green
sunsets or sunrises
tulips or orchids
candle light or moonlight
sci-fi or horror
pen or pencil
pandas or koalas
gold or silver
sneakers or boots
denim or leather jacket
pink or purple
choco or sour candy
deodorant or perfume
drive-in theater or cinema do people go to drive ins stil....
pastel blue or earth tones
lemonade or fruit juice
past or future
Um idk im gonna limit myselfnto tagging five ppl cause i dont wanna be to annoying >.> @studentofetherium @oriko-mikuni @v1leblood @marusnail @girlwhodeceivesfate feel free do do it or not
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blamblamblairy · 1 year
tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
thanks to @vampiregirlfriendwitch and @egirlbutternubs for both tagging me in this
3 ships: not really big on shipping so idk
first ever ship: idk
last song: Delusionalism - Mass of the Fermenting Dregs
last movie: Glass Onion
currently reading: higurashi because my brain is too dead for new things
currently watching: chainsaw man and bocchi ended so nothing
currently consuming: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the void?
currently craving: food, im fucking hungry
tagging: @siphonophorus @ilovelatinas @pinkie-satan @girlwhodeceivesfate @heyhellohihowareyou @crystalavengerva @bismuthwisdom @ayasablight @yumiicorgi
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roseofcards90 · 2 years
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I posted 17,960 times in 2022
That's 3,974 more posts than 2021!
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#text - 3,982 posts
#q - 2,552 posts
#umineko - 1,170 posts
#umineko when they cry - 1,094 posts
#pokemon - 1,039 posts
#art - 1,019 posts
#umineko no naku koro ni - 948 posts
#higurashi - 936 posts
#higurashi when they cry - 862 posts
#rinny - 799 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#tfw you’re stuck between having childhood friends whom you haven’t seen much and you’re scared that you’re drifting apart from every second
My Top Posts in 2022:
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120 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
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two very valid reactions tbh
173 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
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284 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
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788 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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10,224 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
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magioftheseas · 2 years
19 for the ask meme?
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I started on forums when I was younger but moved on to FFN quickly. Part of it was frustration that MY ship didn't have any fics on FFN at the time so I wanted to fill the void, so to speak. I actually deleted my first-ever fic and the forums have long since been lost to time. There were bumps. Finishing long fics has always been hard for me and bruh, these two jackasses left long and way too fucking harsh comments tearing apart one of my earlier fics. I was like, thirteen, what the fuck?
And that's why I think super lowly of negative comments that people try to pass off as "constructive criticism" like constructive my fucking ass. That shit is just you tearing down someone for your ego. Especially if the person doesn't fucking know you!
That baggage aside, the usual bumps were insecurity, depression, and a lack of engagement (which has gotten worse these days, woo).
Right now I...don't really know where I'm going. I'd like to write a book but also I'd like to enjoy writing as much as I used to. I wrote SO MUCH SHIT and my production is way down. Part of that is due to developing chronic pain, but it's also low levels of inspiration...and lack of engagement.
I'm serious, guys, people do NOT want to keep writing if they get like, no positive feedback. I enjoy ideas and AUs but it tends to go "what's the point, I'll probably get like, 20 kudos and only one comment if I'm lucky" and I get depressed AFTER finishing fics just thinking about that. That's no fun! That fucking sucks!
Thankfully, my scum villain fic did like...really well right away so I'm much more motivated to work on it!
Now if only the chronic pain would go the fuck away! :D
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muninnhuginn · 1 year
that person who always has the most well articulated thoughts
one day that title will actually fit me but until then I shall take it as prophecy
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ushirominya · 2 years
26 for the ask game
26. what’s your spice tolerance?
not that good tbh, cant handle most spicy dishes. I wish it was better because I really like spicy foods tho!
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pinkie-satan · 2 years
Had this weird ass dream this afternoon, I was in Hinamizawa but I wasn't myself, I was Shion but had no memories of being Shion 😭 so I was walking around the village with no purpose and met Rena and when we were talking I realised she was also kinda weird and out of place and I asked if she was real Rena or an imposter like me and she said she was Rose @roseofcards90 trapped in Rena's body 😅 we decided to find someone who could explain this to us and we were on our way to shrine to find Rika or Hanyuu and we met Satoko and I'm sure you already know that it wasn't Satoko but GAMOTOKO @girlwhodeceivesfate 🐝 when we got to the Furude shrine all the gang was there and we asked Hanyuu what to do and she was like lol idk I'm Minty @minty-muse 💜 but then just when Mion started to explain who she was my alarm went off and I woke up 😭 and I wanted to know so badly if the rest of tumblr higurashi community was there as well 😭
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notmonaca · 2 years
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I posted 15,787 times in 2022
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#vivi's heart - 767 posts
#bibi soup - 373 posts
#vivi's hotw - 254 posts
#toh spoilers - 178 posts
#amphibia spoilers - 82 posts
#bibi's half - 57 posts
#vivi plays zeno - 41 posts
#vivi plays ib - 36 posts
#not to be a lesbian but oh my god - 23 posts
#mecore - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#undertale                                                                                                                                now
My Top Posts in 2022:
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please don’t say that
17 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
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i am very mature (image unrelated)
20 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
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how fucking tall is noel again???????
22 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
the castle swimmer season 2 finale gave me the same feeling of joy knock knock knocking on hooty’s door gave me so that’s a pretty good indicator of how it was
28 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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here i am
once again
im torn into pieces
31 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
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akuma-homura · 2 years
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I posted 1,386 times in 2022
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I tagged 1,385 of my posts in 2022
#[ ;reblogs ] - 1,252 posts
#deltarune - 176 posts
#dream smp - 103 posts
#higurashi - 97 posts
#[ ;text ] - 94 posts
#vocaloid - 74 posts
#madoka magica - 56 posts
#kaito - 53 posts
#magia record - 50 posts
#undertale - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#and now it feels a little awkward to go back and post something..... maybe it's still okay and like i could still post something but
My Top Posts in 2022:
a couple more disjointed thoughts on Meguri
I love the little changes they’re doing, like how Satoko sees Rika’s 100 years of misery-- Eua forcing her to see it without her asking and all, and her reaction to it-- being WAY more understandable than her reaction in the Anime, which is... hardly. Any at all.
Eua being way more clearly manipulative, too. And how she describes looping for a bit-- testing out in the other fragments, THEN sending her back to the main world to repeat those steps?
That ominous line how not all of the worlds are better than her current one-- I’m so curious. Does that mean she’ll end up experiencing the tragedies herself too? Or something like them?
I just love how Tomato is going about all this, at least as of this chapter. I have-- worries still, but honestly by biggest worry is how Teppei’ll be handled.
I CANNOT actually even talk about him without ranting each time, because each time I think about it, the less sense his turning over a new leaf and situation around it makes sense. He’s not even related?? Like, he’s the brother of Satoko’s stepfather. That’s the connection. AND her abuser. Why does HE get the looper memories first and foremost, in such a profound way?
Like, they seriously cannot try to tell me her abuser, not even related by blood, is closer to her than the fucking club. We DID see Keiichi get some memories, but that ended up not even REALLY being used, or meaning anything, and the rest of the club also got jack shit-- even when it seemed like they SHOULD of remembered SOMETHING. (>looks at Rena)
They literally ONLY used the memory leak for fucking Teppei and to force a new-leaf-turning for him, him of all people. And it still just upsets me since they do that on TOP of Satoko going through her villain arc, and making her a bloody one-note villain at that.
And considering Ryu07 has said things in the past about wanting to make him not the villain or whatever however it was phrased, I just. Currently assume that Tomato will have to follow it, and even if they’ve been doing good changes right now... how in the world do you handle that?
I guess one way to make it seem less egregious is having the club members also remember stuff more and obviously, but even then, I’m just.... hoo boy.
13 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
the funny thing about the swimsuit madoka transformation is that, in any circumstance disconnected from magia record the game, I’d think that it looks kinda neat-- maybe it’s the Vocaloid fan in me with how many PV’s are done, but I think the live2d animation is charming
...it’s just the issue is this is in Magia Record, where most all of the transformations are outright anime-esque animated. Even if not all of them are Quality Quality, they’re still like, fully animated
and thus this transformation just feels--- odd.
16 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
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17 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
I actually really like how this new chapter of Meguri was done
Showing how like, clearly broken Satoko was after that basically solitary confinement experience-- Rika actually trying to call out to her, but Satoko reacts... well, gives her a dead look, which I don’t blame her given what she. Thinks happened.
Her not even speaking on the drive being pointed out? Keiichi noticing something’s up? God. Of COURSE they’d notice they were all best friends-- and Keiichi being the big bro surrogate-- 
and god. Her looking longingly at the group and thinking back to the old days. My heart. I’m so, so so so sad for her...
NOT TO MENTION the fact Eua swooped her up there, at the moment, in that moment of longing. There’s something about that I like WAY more than the weird horn touching thing in the anime?? Like it FEELS way more like Eua grabbing her in her low point, in her moment of pain, of longing, of... just. God.
This is good. This is keeping my hopes up. Tomato, I believe in you to make Satoko’s downward spiral more true to her and not just ‘lets just imply what happens to loopers and not actually Show it in process and just Show her going from how she was to ‘mwahaha imma break rika’ like nothing’
30 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
tbh that actually seems like it could help smaller creators, like-- promoting their art or commission info or something, but
1: it’s tumblr. paying for that feels like it would be asking to get hate mailed by some tween
2: still not sure if i trust tumblr with money information
182 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
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