#girl u da real mvp <3 )
autcnomy · 10 months
💋 -from @incangencence (saw it was you and refused to resist)
Send 💋 to kiss my muse (accepting!)
"...ah...well, hi."
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The young man's smile manages to mingle startled with charming. He schools that already-curated expression into that of the ideal customer service representative, politician, or CEO.
Somehow (maybe it's the clarity of gray-blue eyes; maybe it's the way he carries the physical eccentricity of baldness with a self-assurance that clearly took years to grow into: never quite arrogant or defensive)....somehow, it all still reads as earnest.
"I'm not gonna insult you with the pretense of a clear memory. Please do me the certain pleasure of telling me your name...?"
Carefully, by the upper arms, Lex Luthor peels the beautiful young woman with the dark curls off of his Armani jacket.
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excuse for the shitty banner woops I JUST HIT 100 WOAh. Since I didn’t prepare anything bc i’m a lazy piece of shit, HERE’S ME APPRECIATING THOSE I FOLLOW AND FOLLOW ME BACK. im shit at this forgive me (this is gonna get long so everything under the cut!)
@ashittyfangirl @bitchinlrh @explicitsolos (a.k.a. talong squad): u guys suk ily all sm
@hogwartshousesnet: u guys are the real mvp like i love u all thanks for the fun. first discord/network i’ve joined and 10/10 yes like i could write a whole essay on why i love u guys like yes like omg yes <333
@morohiko16: u suck malfoy u ferret go cry to ur daddy jk ily thnx for sharing my yoi and hp outbursts u r da real mvp
@notanotherausten: NAT BOi beh bes alabyu like we’ve only been friends for like barely a moNTH and like we clicked off boi ok take care of urself and i love ur writing <33
@positivity-and-life: DANIIII everything that i need to say is in the letter u will receive in june ok? ok i love you<3
@pwheezy420: ASH HON OKay you’re like my first friend here on tumblr like ilysm thaNK U for putting up with my bothersome ass. always remember that you’re v talented and v pretty and i’m here if you wanna wallow in self pity bc me too <33
@sharpiewhiskerfumes: hi kiera we don’t talk lmao but like i think you’re cool like thanks bc everything started with me finding your blog so thank u <3
@sorryformyfangirlscreams: boi angel boi omg yes good u finished the hp books yes good
@the-broken-paper-girl: we don’t talk but like i love u sm?? like i consider u a fren ok? if you need someone, i’m here. like thank u sm for ur presence! <3
@un-tamedflame: HOEMI how’s college? i miss u. hope you’re doing good. ily bae xx thank you for being here boi i hope you’re surviving go yoU
((italicized blogs are people part of hogwartshousesnet which are most of these shhh))
@5secondsofmusicals @amultifandomedmusical @a-smol-snake @awolcal @becauseannabeth @bellamarieclemmings @bichaelclifford @bookish0918 @boomeranghemmings @brieetheunknown @charliethehufflepuff @clarkeniylah @dahdarios @dustyroseprincess @embracingmagic @flurishandblotts @foreverjily @goldstelns @hogwcsh @hopedieslast173 @i-solomnly-swearwolf @i-was-bent-but-not-broken @jellybeansucker @julianalberts @kyvber  @lishdonadio @localwriter619 @lukekilledme30x @madameskeeter @malinnlisreads @mrihelps @mystudylifeee @mythic-patronus @neilsabram @nerdonthemoon @nymphdrtonks @ohlookagaydraco @peachyscorbus @perpetually-a-mess @professional-fandoms @pure-blooded @regulusblaqk @regulussirius @rmoonylupin @ronweaselyz @secretivehaze @sighhcalum @siriuslyproblematic @siruisblack @spideytcm @spiritedsarcasm13 @tessacarstairsisme @the-frenchiest-baguette @tjlc-mom @tonqs @ukulelemichael @witty-witchy-ravenclaw @yashadablog @zendcya 
I love you all very much and thanks for following even though i don’t do shit with this blog <33 also those to the people who follow me but i don’t follow back, thank you and you’re still a wonderful blog. <3 ((creds to @notanotherausten for the banner below wee))
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xony · 7 years
I just finished The People vs O.J. and I've got 3 things to say:
1. Marcia Clark is da real mvp, u go girl 💪🏽 2. O.J. did it 😒 3. Dat Judge Ito tho👌🏽🔥💯👀
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College fucked me up
March 2015, six in the morning. **Kring* *snoze* this went on thrice until I heard a loud shouting voice saying “Christian!!! Ligo na! Don’t be late for the ceremony!” There it hit me. This b*tch is graduating from high school. Not next week, but today! I was SHOOKT, GIRL!
No more “Bayang magiliw perlas ng silanganan” But more independence! Goodbye Bantayan Island, hello big city!
 The day went by so fast. It started with a mass, then the rights then the traditional paso paso, we all graduated in high school so you should know what I’m talking about. Next thing I knew, I was alone at 2am asking myself, what now? What should I get in college? Well, besides the allowance. What course should I take? Intercourse? But of course, I’m just kidding!
 2:30 AM - I’ve always wanted to host events. Maybe I can be a host? I’ve always wanted to do the “Hello mga Kapamilya, it’s your Kamags Christian, MagTvna!” Or the Sunday show where they say “ Kamot sa Atubangan, ang pangutana!”
  2:35 AM – “What course should I get, I want to host” I googled. Loading. Page 1, mass communication. Scroll, mass communi, *scroll. Mass co.. *scroll. Ugh! I didn’t want to get miscommunication because I felt like it wasn’t mean for me. I wanted more so I googled again, “mass com + medical” and in bold letters, SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY.
 Oh my God! Speech, check! Language, check!  Pathology, uhm, what the f*ck is that? Well, As long as it has the word speech on it girl, I’m down. Took the entrance exam confidently and this girl said “sorry you failed the exam” so I was like, omg r u legit siz? Is this serious? Is this a prank sissy? Can I talk to the chair? This is really my dream course and I’m gonna do everything just to be a speech pa.. “I could schedule you a 5 minute meeting with the chairman If you want” OMG GO GIRL U DA REAL MVP I thought. So I waited for prolly 2-3 hours just to get that 5 minutes talk with the chair.
 Looking at my NCAE which stands for National Career Assessment Examination, medical field was far beyond my suggested courses. But I really wanted to get rich and be a host/doctor/pathologist- what?! Trust me. I was confused too.
 “Hi miss. I’m Christian. I failed the exam for this course but I want you to know that I’m very passionate about this. I promise to do my hardest to finish this course since I really want to help people with the skill that I have” The chairman saw the fire in my eyes and decided to put me on probation. Meaning, I wasn’t allowed to fail 9 units in 1 semester, an NW and an INC. In short, wrong move I’m eliminated from the big brother house.
 First semester, debate- easy peasy. Second semester, speech class – piece of cake. So on and on. My years in that school was a filled with anxiety. During, before and after every exam. It was even the time where I lost so much weight due to stress but trust me, I was happy but my mom was worried AF. On my 2nd year, 4th semester, that’s when it started to hit me. This course is more than just hosting/speaking or knowing a language. This takes a huge amount of dedication because in the long run, I learned that my future work will be in rehab centers helping kids with speaking disabilities. I love kids don’t get me wrong. But knowing I spent 2 years of my life learning about frog’s anatomy, human anatomy doing oral exams (not that oral) – I got disappointed with myself. Ashamed because I literally spent so much money. I was 2 years down already and during the releasing of grades—I aced all my subjects except for one. The major subject. Then college fucked me up.
 Because I failed 1 major subject, I was forced to wait for a year just to retake that subject. 1 subject. College fucked me up. If I’m going to continue, it would take me 6 years in college studying something I thought would make me the next Toni Gonzaga or Kris Aquino. College fucked me up. So I cried myself to sleep. Nights after nights. Dark days turned to weeks. I was lost. It was dark. Girl, I felt like sh*t. My plan didn’t work out and I was devastated.
 I knew I had to stand up again. People would say it wasn’t meant to be. Saying I saw the red flags from the start. Saying “Christian it wasn’t meant to be.” But no. I totally disagree. I believe it was meant to be. Because in those darkest times, I learned the deepest most meaningful life lessons I would never read on self-help books. I would never be this strong, this passionate and this real if all of those didn’t happen. I could list you 23 things I learned from that dark phase of my life but it would result to more than 900 words and Rachel only said 900 so I’ll only share 3. One, However good or bad the situation is, it will change so either you hang on or enjoy it. Two, a tight embrace and a good nap is sometimes all we need. Three, If God closes a window, b*tch open the f*cking gate!
 Yup, College was meant to fuck me up. And I’m so glad it did.
 Christian Layese
Business Marketing Student by day
Lifestyle Vlogger by night
Cathay Pacific Airways Intern
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