#gina rodriguez lockscreens
lightlocks · 5 years
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tvsedit · 5 years
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someone great
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screensland · 6 years
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like or devonnefeeling
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blackmoon-edits · 5 years
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like/reblog if you save/use <3
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hsmtmtsstuff · 4 years
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Olivia and Sofia lockscreen
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imogensheaneyy · 3 years
can i exhale for a minute ; ej-centric
summary: everyone seems to forget that ej has other commitments, that there's a world outside of drama club. maybe it's time they realised that it isn't the end of the world if he misses a rehearsal or two
or: ej gets overwhelmed and snaps
pairing: gina porter x ej caswell (pre-relationship), ashlyn caswell x ej caswell (familial), seb matthew-smith x ej caswell (platonic)
word count: 3.1k 
warnings: kind of anti nini salazar-roberts, anti carlos rodriguez, anti miss jenn, anti drama club, anxiety attack, mention of an eating disorder, overwhelmed ej, mention of hospital visit
notes: the way the drama club treat ej has been really annoying me this season, like, he’s exhausted from all his extracurriculars and this boy just needs a rest.
read on ao3
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Breathe in.
Breathe out. 
Breathe in. 
Breathe out. EJ repeated the words over and over to himself as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. 
Drama. Waterpolo. AV Club. Drama. Waterpolo. AV Club. Drama. Waterpolo. AV Club. 
It was all getting too much. 
EJ couldn’t recall the last time he had done nothing, when he had just woken up and decided what to do that day, there was always something - some club or rehearsal or practice to attend.
He watched himself in the mirror, he saw the bags under his eyes, the dullness clear in them. There used to be a time when he was excited to do these things. He would wake up early just to make sure he was ready, he’d do anything just to make sure he had more time rehearsing or in the pool, it was all he cared about. 
He glanced down at the notifications littering his lockscreen. 
[4:01pm] Gina <3: Where are you?
[4:04pm] Seb: You good? Where are you?
[4:05pm] Seb: ???
[4:09pm] Nini: Now’s not the time to flake on us! Rehearsal’s really important, you know! 
[4:12pm] Miss Jenn: EJ? We need you in here ASAP
[4:13pm] Ash: Miss Jenn’s freaking out, you coming?
[4:14pm] Ash: Carlos is coming to find you, are you okay?
“EJ?” Carlos called, catching his attention and making him lift his head up from his phone. “Are you in there? We’re waiting for you?”
“Uh, yeah,” He replied, splashing his face with cold water, picking up his jacket and walking out. “I’m coming.” 
Carlos was standing in the hallway with an annoyed look on his face. “Seriously? We need to get started, we can’t be waiting on you all the time!” He stalked off down towards the rehearsal room, EJ following behind sheepishly. 
“I found him!” Carlos announced.
“Finally!” Miss Jenn smiled. “EJ, it’s not that hard to be on time, everyone else seems to be able to make it.” Everyone else isn’t a senior with about a billion responsibilities. He thought bitterly but pushed the thought down, now wasn’t the time to bring it up, it would only annoy them even more.
“Yeah,” He mumbled, eyes trained on his shoes, dropping his jacket on the bench and joining the circle. “I’ll do my best.”
“Hey,” Ashlyn grabbed his arm. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He saw the concerned look in her eyes, Ashlyn was the last person he wanted to bother with his problems. 
“Fine.” He nodded, shrugging himself out of her grip. 
“EJ, Focus!”
“EJ, pay attention, we need to be at the top of our game!”
“Come on, EJ!”
“EJ! At least pretend like you care!”
“What?” He yelled and the room was silent. Everyone stopped to stare at the senior in shock. EJ took a deep breath, closing eyes, before dropping down onto a bench. 
“Is this not important to you?” Carlos asked him, hands on his hips. “If we’re going to beat North High, we need everyone to be on board, one hundred percent.”
“I know, I know.”
“You made a commitment, EJ,” Miss Jenn said softly. “We need you here.”
“Yeah? You wanna know who else needs me there? The water polo team, the AV club, and the countless other clubs I’m in and responsibilities I have, I’m also currently dealing with the fact that I didn’t get into Duke so I have no idea what I’m doing after graduation. So, I’m sorry if I’m a little out of it but frankly, I’m too tired and hungry to care right now.” He shouted, picking up his things and storming out, leaving a group of shocked people in his wake. 
“Unbelievable.” Carlos muttered.
“Tell me about it,” Nini agreed. “Why didn’t he say anything?” 
“Are you kidding me?” Ashlyn snapped. EJ had told her about his attempt to talk to Nini about Duke and how she had made it all about her and brushed him off. A lot of people tended to do that to him, she had noticed. “He did, you just needed to listen but you didn’t.”
She didn’t say anything else as she picked up her bag and followed suit, leaving the room to chase down her cousin, ignoring Miss Jenn’s call of her name. “EJ?” She called as she walked down the hall. “EJ? Elijah?”
“What have you told you about calling that in public?” Ashlyn heard his voice from the stairwell and when she turned around, she saw him sitting on the bottom step, knees tucked into his chest, and his head in his hands.
“EJ,” She consoled, sitting down next to him, rubbing a hand up and down his back. “I didn’t know it was getting this bad.”
“It’s fine, it’s just a lot.” He sighed, shaking his head and lifting it up to meet his cousin’s gaze. 
“When’s the last time you ate?” She asked.
“Couple of days ago, I think,” He yawned, rubbing his eyes. “When we went to the pizza place.”
“EJ!” She gasped. “That was, like, four days ago.”
“Gina made some cookies yesterday, I had a couple but-”
“But that’s not a proper meal,” She reminded him, shaking her head before making a plan. “Here’s what we’re going to do, I’m going to go get Gina, tell Miss Jenn we’ll be MIA for a couple days, then we’re going to go home, you’ll stay at ours, and just relax for the rest of the weekend, does that sound good?”
“Yeah,” He released a choked sigh. “It’s so much, Ash.”
“I know, honey,” She soothed, her voice kind. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
EJ shrugged, arms wrapped around himself. “Didn’t want to bother you, you’re the lead, you need to focus more than me.”
“Remember the rule, Elijah!” She chided, shaking her head. 
‘The Rule’ was something they had made up when they were younger, when their parents were too busy to help them out, they made up the rule to make sure to tell each other whenever they felt like they were going off the deep end. Ashlyn had initiated it after EJ had to be rushed to the hospital because he was so worried and anxious about his classes and clubs that he would refuse to eat, feeling as though it was the only thing he could control at the time. When she saw him lying in that hospital bed, sleeping, hooked up to an IV, that was the first time Ashlyn had cried over her cousin in a long time, she hadn’t been that worried before. 
“I know, Ash.” He relented, lifting his hands up in defence.
“Alright,” She slapped her thighs and jumped up. “I’ll get Gina, you get the car.”
“Aye, aye, Captain!” EJ forced out a laugh, following her lead.
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EJ was sitting in the driving seat of his car, tapping his hands against the steering wheel when he heard the sound of footsteps and laughter approaching him before he turned to see Ashlyn and Gina walking towards the car, bags in hand, with Seb and Big Red following not too far behind them, Seb explaining something about his farm to Big Red, he assumed, with the exaggerated hand movements towards the other boy, who didn’t seem to be following but nodded along anyway. 
He chuckled to himself, his cousin chose a good one.
They swung open the car doors and jumped inside; Gina hopped into the passenger seat beside him, sending him a small smile, while Ashlyn, Big Red, and Seb squeezed into the backseat. “Everyone ready?” He asked as soon as the others were settled. When he received nods and muttered agreements, he drove off. 
As they drove down the road, Big Red piped up, an incredulous look on his face. “You have to wake up when?”
“Four,” Seb nodded. “Sometimes later but it takes roughly an hour to milk the cows, sometimes longer if Linda decides to be difficult that day, which is most days, we just can’t get her to stick to a schedule.”
“Linda?” Gina asked, turning around in her seat to face the boys. 
“One of our cows,” Seb explained, a genuine smile on his face as he thought about his cow. “We’ve had her for the longest and she’s kind of spoiled so she takes her time.”
“How long have you had her?” Gina asked to which Seb responded “Since I was three, she was a birthday present.”
“I thought Linda was the pig?” Ashlyn asked, a confused frown on her face.
Seb shook his head. “No, that’s Peppa.”
“Peppa Pig?” EJ snorted, catching Seb’s gaze in the mirror, forcing his lips into a straight line and muffling his laugh when he saw the look on his friend’s face.
The blonde narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms across his chest. “Yes, Peppa. That show was one of the best parts of my childhood I’ll have you know.” They could all tell that he wasn’t actually mad at them, judging by the smile he was failing to hide. 
“Don’t tell me you have a sheep called Suzy.” Ashlyn joked, prompting laughter from Gina, who shook her head. 
“Well…” Seb trailed off, his cheeks flushing, scratching the back of his neck. 
EJ couldn’t hold back the giggle that escaped, his face instantly flushing red as everyone turned to look at him. 
“Okay,” Big Red admitted. “That was adorable.” Which resulted in EJ being teased for the rest of the journey home, to which he rolled his eyes. 
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“Make yourselves at home,” Ashlyn told Seb and Big Red, as they all walked into the Caswell-Porter household. Gina followed them in, throwing her bag on the floor by the coat rack, EJ trailing behind her slowly.
“Hey,” She said softly, turning around and reaching her hand back and wiggling her fingers at him. “Come ‘ere.”
He rolled his eyes, taking her hand and intertwining his fingers with hers, feeling her give him a some squeeze to get his attention. Him and Gina were … complicated. They weren’t dating, they weren’t just friends, they were something in between. It’s like they were halfway across the bridge but neither of them knew when or how to go the rest of the way, so here they were. 
“Now,” Ashlyn began, spinning around and addressing them all as though she was their general. “EJ, go upstairs and get changed, I’ve still got some of your clothes in my room; Big Red show Seb to the media cupboard, the bottom row is all EJ’s favourites, pick out enough to last us the night, and Gina-”
“Snacks,” Gina smirked, already walking towards the kitchen. “I’m assuming?”
“You got it, roomie! Everyone clear?”
“Sir, yes, sir.” Seb saluted and let Big Red drag him into the living room.
Gina walked off into the kitchen after shooting Ashlyn a small smile. 
“Upstairs,” His cousin ordered him. “And hurry! We don’t want a repeat of the Elvis Incident, do we?”
“I’m gonna need context on that one!” Gina shouted from the kitchen, a smile present in her voice.
He found his clothes, folded up and stuffed at the bottom of Ashlyn’s trunk, he switched them out for the clothes he had been wearing all day. Now he was in a pair of sweatpants that were probably a size too big, a hoodie that he had left here the last time he stayed over, and a pair of fluffy Spongebob socks that his aunt had bought him as a joke Christmas present.
He, once again, found himself in front of a mirror, focusing on the clear evidence of his lack of sleep that was plastered across his face. Running a hand over his face and shaking his head, he forced himself out of the room. 
It hadn’t taken EJ that long to get changed but by the time he came downstairs, the others were already seated on the couch, waiting for him. 
“I’m not one to judge,” Big Red began as he walked over. “But this? I didn’t know you liked these types of movies.”
EJ rolled his eyes, straining to keep the smile off his face. He was sitting in the middle of the couch with Gina, dressed in an oversized sweatshirt, and Ashlyn, in her pajamas, on either side of him. Big Red was sitting on the floor with his back against the front of the couch, in front of Ashlyn, a blanket thrown over his lap; Seb was in a similar position on the floor in front of Gina, wrapped up in three blankets (“I get cold!”). “I’ll have you know,” He retorted, glaring at the redhead. “That these movies got me through a lot when I was a kid.”
“I’m not judging!” Big Red defended, holding his hands up. “It’s just, I didn’t imagine you as a Barbie kid.”
“Okay, okay,” Seb laughed. “Which ones next? We’ve got Rapunzel or Princess and the Pauper.”
“You know which one.” He said, with a pointed look towards the blonde.
“Princess and the Pauper?” Seb guessed, smiling when EJ nodded. “A man with taste.”
EJ fought to keep the blush from spreading across his cheeks. He shuffled around to get comfortable on the couch, ending up with his head in Gina’s lap, her fingers running through his hair and scratching at his scalp. It didn’t take long for the background noise of the film combined with Gina’s fingers in his hair to slowly send him to sleep.
“He’s useless.”
“I don’t know why we even keep him around.”
“Ricky can do everything he can, just better.”
“No wonder Gina prefers Ricky.”
“Does he have any friends?”
“It’s his last show anyway, it’s not like we would miss him.”
“When is he leaving? Feels like he’s been here forever.”
EJ woke with a start, breathing heavily, frantically looking around the room for the source of the voices. Sitting up, he noticed that everyone was in the same place that they were when he fell asleep - Seb and Big Red were asleep on the floor, Seb was fully laying down unlike Big Red who had fallen asleep against the front of the couch with his neck at an awkward ankle. To his left, Ashlyn had curled herself up and rested her head on the arm of the couch, and Gina had her neck tilted back against the couch, her fingers still in his hair. 
He slowly and carefully pulled his hair out of Gina’s grip and stood up, walking into the kitchen, starting to repeat to himself. 
Breathe in. 
Breathe out.
Breathe in. 
Breathe out. 
This isn’t working, he thought, shaking his head and pouring himself a glass of water. What’s wrong with me?
Closing his eyes, he forced himself to keep counting his breaths. In his last visit to the hospital, after he had passed out in the middle of water polo, the doctor had suggested for him to do breathing exercises and try to focus on the moment instead of his thoughts. It usually worked but it had gotten worse. It was as if the closer he got to opening night, the louder and crueller the thoughts got.
“Hey,” a voice piped up from behind him, startling him and making him jump.
When he turned around he saw that it was Seb, rubbing sleep from his eyes and trying to suppress a yawn. “Sorry,” his friend said and he did sound sorry. “Didn’t think anyone would be up.”
“What’s up?” Seb asked, following EJ’s example and pouring himself a glass of water, before sitting opposite him.
“It’s noth-”
“Don’t say ‘it’s nothing’ because Carlos tries that all the time and it never works.”
EJ couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. Carlos often tried to keep his problems to himself and not bother anyone else with his issues, much like EJ himself. “How’re things going with you guys anyway?”
But Seb just waved him off, “Not the time,” He said, fixing the older boy with a stare that EJ didn’t think he was capable of. “What’s with you?”
EJ sighed loudly, turning to check that no one else had woken up. “I’m just stressed. The show’s coming up and I’ve got loads of other stuff on top of that, and no one seems to get it.”
“I get it, maybe not to the extent that you do but I still get it,” At EJ’s doubtful look, he continued. “As much as it breaks my heart, I know Chip isn’t a huge role but I’ve still gotta try and I’m doing more hours at the farm since my dad’s hurt his back so I’ve got to pick up the slack, then Carlos is stressed as well so I’ve gotta show up for him, I love him but Carlos tends to get tunnel vision about stuff he cares about.”
EJ nodded his head, he had been so in his own head that he hadn’t stopped to think about what others were dealing with, especially Seb who seemed so happy and relaxed all the time. “I didn’t know.”
“No one does,” Seb shrugged, his usual grin on his face. “But it’s fine, I’m alright being the support.”
“Have you told Carlos about any of this? The farm and the show?”
“No,” Seb scoffed, shaking his head. “He’s got enough to deal with but back to you. If you spoke to Miss Jenn and Carlos, I’m sure they’d understand,” Once again, EJ shot him a doubtful look. “I’m serious! They just don’t know exactly how much stress you’re under, if they did, they’d help out, we all would.”
EJ took a minute to process his words. He’d never considered confiding in someone, let alone the whole drama club. His dad had always taught him that if you were struggling with anything, keep it to yourself, no one else needs to know, that was Cash Caswell’s Golden Rule. He couldn’t but notice the weight that had taken off his shoulders just by confiding in Ashlyn and Seb. 
He let out a shaky breath but shooting the blonde a smile. “Yeah, maybe.”
“I’m going back, just think about it, yeah?”
EJ replied in the affirmative before Seb left the room. He cast a glance towards the clock in the corner of the room. 05:42. Better than usual. He finished the rest of his water before following suit and returning to the living room. He went back to his space on the couch between Ashlyn and Gina and curled up again before pulling out his phone. He quickly checked Instagram and saw that Carlos had just posted a picture of his script on his story, he typed up and sent him a quick message before falling asleep again, this time with no voices plaguing his thoughts.
[5:50am] EJ: need to talk to you and Miss Jenn later
[5:53am] Carlos: no problem
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editstonewift · 7 years
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doradorapuff · 7 years
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gina rodriguez - requested by anonymous
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puppies & questions - a klance oneshot
klance buzzfeed puppy interview AU :)
So a @lancemcclain wrote this AU and I just kinda took it and ran so thanks for the cute idea and enjoy! 
Keith usually didn’t do filming stuff. He was used to sitting at his desk and editing all day. Meeting with different video groups. Editing some more per their wishes and requests. But Shiro asked him for some help with filming a puppy interview, and even though Keith never really liked it when Shiro asked him favors because there was usually a ‘but’ or a ‘and also’ attached to it later-he wasn’t immune to the charm and adorableness of puppies. 
So Keith sat behind the camera on a very comfy stool while Shiro chatted with the human shelter volunteers. A playpen had been set up in the corner, the pee pad all crumpled from the puppies frolicking throughout the pen, trying to say hi to everyone walking by. 
“So who’s coming in today?” 
Shiro had walked over, now holding a coffee and a bagel from Adam who stopped by during his lunch break at the nearby university. 
“Oh, It’s Lance McClain.” He said nonchalantly as if he was not one of the most popular celebrities at the current moment. As if he wasn’t seriously attractive. As if Keith didn’t have a mild crush on said celebrity. 
“Oh, okay.” Was all he could manage, as he turned back to the camera and began to fiddle with the settings, only to have Shiro fix it right after him with a quiet huff. 
A few minutes later the door opened and a tall woman with her hair drawn back in a large white ponytail glided in, followed by a casual looking Lance McClain. Keith swallowed, and stood up, then sat back down because was he supposed to say hi? Or just sit there? 
Shiro walked up and gave him a handshake, Lance McClain smiling back with an impossibly bright smile with impossibly straight teeth. They exchanged words but Keith was too busy staring at the way his bomber jacket stretched across his shoulder. But then Shiro was walking towards him gesturing and talking and then Keith was looking Lance McClain in the eye probably looking like a doe-eyed idiot. 
“Hi, I’m Lance,” He said, extending a hand which Keith took. It was strange hearing him say his own name. Like they could have been meeting at a coffee shop. 
Keith’s vision came out of tunnel mode when he heard Shiro. 
“-eah so Keith is gonna be doing most of the interview stuff, and I’m just here to make sure no one dies.” 
“What?” Keith looked at Shiro, who gave him a grin. A grin that said “have fun with this really attractive celebrity play with puppies while you get to sit there and watch.” 
Lance laughed at Shiro’s comment. “I am very ready to cuddle every puppy in this place so let’s bring it on.” He flashed that perfect smile again, and Keith noticed a dimple form in the left corner of his lips. 
Keith resituated himself behind the camera and turned on the camera. “Um, you can just sit on the green ex on the ground.” Keith pointed, and Lance smiled at him, lingering, before going to sit. The volunteers brought over the puppies and Lance’s grin grew as they attacked him in a playful herd. 
One immediately went for the jar of questions and began to eat the small slips of paper. 
“Oh geez,” Lance giggled, pulling the puppy away, and Keith swore his heart imploded from the sound of Lance giggling. 
“Okay-” Keith cleared his throat, as a very fluffy puppy settled itself in Lance's criss-crossed legs and fell asleep. “So um, just choose questions from the jar- oh gosh-” 
The same culprit had found his way back to the jar and was batting it around. 
Lance laughed again, scooping up the puppy in his arms. “Maybe this will work better if you ask the questions. I think I’d like that better. Interviewing myself is kinda weird anyway.” 
Keith blinked at him, before getting up and crouching to grab the jar, which was slightly wet from slobber. “Uh, yeah, that works. Yeah.” 
“Sweet.” Lance smiled at his quick before his attention was taken by two puppies starting up a tussle on his legs. 
“Okay, so the first question-”
“Wait, I- Sorry, I can’t see you behind that huge camera.” Lance chuckled, peering to the side, the two fighting puppies now hoisted under his armpits. 
He wanted to see Keith? As in look at him? Oh god he just realized that he was literally wearing joggers and a t-shirt from his dirty laundry bin. Okay, no time to panic now just do the damn interview and this will all be finished soon. So Keith scooted the stool to the side, the jar of questions sitting in his lap, and his shoulders hunched. 
“Much better.” Lance nodded in approval, a smirk threatening to appear. 
Keith nodded back, trying to not look Lance in the eye because wow they were really nice and blue. “Okay, first question. If you could go back in time and play any role in any movie, who would you play.” 
Lance gave one of the puppies a quick kiss on the head before answering. “Okay, this is easy- definitely Jack from Titanic.”
Keith hated that he smiled. “Okay, next-who has been one of your favorite costars to work with?”
Lance pondered for a moment, drumming his fingers on one of the puppies’ back, while another knawed on his wrist. “Probably Gina Rodriguez- she is just super fun and lighthearted and we have the same like, goofy sense of humor which was super cool.” 
Keith nodded, listening intently because here he was, just chatting with Lance McClain. 
“So you’ve been in a mix of lighthearted and serious films- which genre do you prefer to act in?”
Lance looked at Keith as he asked him the question, before scooping up a runaway pup, and holding her close. “Um, well the comedies I’ve been in are always super fun and I think that’s the most like, enjoyable? But I also like the chance to kind of switch roles and play some more serious parts- and it’s the serious movies that get to tell deeper and more personal stories, which I really like as well. So both.” He smiled like he had broken the rules and Keith found in unfairly cute. “Are you a comedy movie kinda person?”
Keith almost missed the question that was fired back at him because- well this wasn’t how it was supposed to go, right? He figured it wouldn't hurt to answer it real quick though. He didn’t want to be rude or anything. 
“Um, not really? I mean I like some comedy shows but not really movies.” 
“Nice,” Lance nodded, holding a puppy up to his face and letting it lick his nose. 
Keith continued with the questions, and almost every time, Lance would ask him one in return. And it wasn’t like- it wasn’t like he was just doing it to maintain some kind of image. He seemed genuinely interested, which is what threw Keith off the most. 
“Ghosts are not real,” Keith scoffed. The jar of questions had been finished and they had just been going back and forth for the past ten minutes asking each other things. Their conversation flowed easily and Keith felt like he could talk to Lance for hours without getting tired. 
“Um, ghosts are too real and I’ve seen one.” Lance puffed his chest out, holding a puppy protectively like Keith had offended the dog as well. 
“You’ve seen a ghost?”
“Yes! At my grandmother's house. Her house is like a million years olf so it had like a hundred ghosts in it.” 
Keith snickered at his exaggerations and covered his mouth when a tiny snort escaped. “Oh my god.” He breathed. 
Lance laughed loudly, his body tipping from front to back with laughter. “You-you have a cute laugh.” He said as his giggles calmed down. 
Keith shook his head, feeling his cheeks get warm. “Anyone who snorts does not have a cute laugh.” But all Keith could hear in his head was cute cute cute cute cute he called me cute. 
“Well I like your laugh,” Lance said quietly, looking at Keith through his lashes like some kind of- well some kind heartthrob movie star. 
The sound of clicking heels interrupted the moment as Lance’s manager walked over with Shiro. 
“Alright Lance, we’ve got to head out soon if we’re gonna make it to your next interview.” 
Lance pouted, his lip jutting out as he gave each of the puppies a kiss and a hug before letting the volunteers take them away. 
Keith turned off the camera, glaring at Shiro's shit-eating grin as he took over packing up the camera gear. Lance stood up and straightened out his clothes and walked up to Keith who was lingering near the set. 
“Thanks for the interview, it was really fun.” Lance smiled warmly, stepping close to Keith. He could smell his cologne, fresh and beachy. 
“Yeah, it was - it was nice.” Keith smiled, shoving his hands in his pocket. 
“Um, I was wondering- well I don’t know um-” 
Lance fidgeted with his hands, and Keith smiled at the nervous boy in front of him. 
“Yeah?” Keith urged him on. 
“Um, well I wanted to exchange numbers and see if we could hang out. Sometime. Whenever.”
Keith let out a breath, and he was pretty sure Lance could hear it, but he didn’t care as he slipped his phone from his pocket- unlocking it and handing it to Lance. 
“I like your lockscreen,” Lance said as he handed Keith his phone back. “I like space too.”
“Yeah, yeah it’s cool.” Keith bit his lip, peeking down at his galaxy background, still having a hard time believing that Lance had just put his phone number in his phone. 
“So, text me and we’ll grab coffee or lunch or something.” Lance looked at him with those bright eyes and that bright smile and Keith, for a moment was convinced that this wasn’t a real thing. But then Lance was coming in a for a hug and Keith leaned in with a little more force then he meant. But Lance delivered with a similar enthusiasm and his hands spanned across his back, and Keith got an even better whiff of whatever kind of scent Lance was wearing and it was so clean and calming Keith felt like he could fall asleep right here. 
When they pulled away, Lance’s cheeks were pink and Keith was pretty sure his were as well. 
“I’ll text you,” Keith said. 
Lance's face broke open into a grin. “Okay. Okay cool.” 
Keith clutched his phone to his chest and let out a sigh, just to make sure he was still breathing. 
Lance texted like a maniac and Keith kinda loved it. 
I just saw the ugliest bigfoot statue 
It kinda looked like you 
Just kiddingggg
But you would have loved it 
Keith snickered as his Mac pinged with every text.
 Lance i’m trying to work here 
I know which is why I’m giving you a much deserved break 
But if i’m bothering you i can scooch outta here 
You’re fine Lance 
Thank you for the entertainment 
Okay sweet :))))))
They got coffee at a place tucked away in the city, and only two people came up to ask for a picture. They talked for three hours, both ordering seconds, and then thirds of their respective drinks. Lance, a medium latte with vanilla and cinnamon. Keith, a London Fog. With every new topic they discussed, every giggle Lance let out, Keith liked him even more. He saw how human and how real and raw Lance was. He made Keith feel comfortable and welcome and valued. He would listen and respond with intent and it made Keith feel things that he wasn’t sure what they were. 
At the end of their coffee date- “Can I call it a date?” Lance had asked and Keith had said yes- they walked out of the building and Lance whisked Keith into a nearby alcove to kiss him gently. It was so soft and delicate that Keith was pretty sure he was gonna melt on the spot and disappear into the drain. But he let himself indulge and wrapped his arms around Lance’s back, while long brown fingers cradled his jaw. 
When they pulled away Keith was breathing heavy, despite the lack of tongue. Oh god, did he want to know what that felt like. 
“I’ll text you.” Lance said, pressing a last quick kiss to Keith’s cheek before getting into the black SUV across the street. 
Five seconds later his phone buzzed. 
U are very cute and i wanna kiss you a lot now so when can i see you next ?
Keith rolled his eyes and bit his rising grin as he opened up his calendar app. 
            the end :) 
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tvsedit · 5 years
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editstonewift · 7 years
lockscreen gina rodriguez?
Done: http://dupledits.tumblr.com/post/165881322943/like-or-bengwings
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