#gimme like five more months of therapy lmao
tangledinink · 1 year
hey! I'm the author of At My Worst, the fic I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? was up against in the @/tmntausummit!
Congrats on the win! It was very much deserved and tmwn is one of my favourite fics so I'm definitely very chill with being defeated lol
I wish you the best of luck in the next round(s) o7
Ah thank you so much! ; w ; I appreciate it very much! Thank you for participating!
It's pretty simple, sorry, but here! I made this for you!
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baynotbayley · 5 years
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( britt robertson + 24 + muse 44 ) isn’t that BAY DELTA over there? i heard SHE joined FACTION THREE after she got back to west ham. it’s funny, ‘cause she was only on the service trip because HER BROTHER THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUN TO GO TOGETHER. hopefully she’ll fit in there – she’s ADVENTUROUS, but also IMPULSIVE. oh, i’m sure she’ll be fine. 
guess who’s back, back again -- rach is back, tell a friend!
hi y’all! i’m here to introduce my trash daughter -- bay is a beloved child of mine who has gone through the wringer but also will not hesitate to put others through the wringer. you can read bay’s bio (which may or may not be longer than peyton’s) here and you can also see the BONUS bio for her service dog lucky here. or if you don’t feel like reading those (let’s be real, who reads anymore???) there’s a play-by-play under the cut! i am still just as much a sucker for plotting, please come talk to me, i love you all so much.
CONTENT WARNING: Paternal Abandonment, Paternal Death (this intro goes into more detail than her bio, more specific warnings under the cut), Amputation Details
So if Peyton belongs to the “looks like and is a cinammon roll” squad, Bay Alexandra Delta most definitely belongs to the “looks like she can kill you and also probably can kill you” squad.
Her initials literally spell “BAD”, like, if that’s not a sign idk what is
This human bean is a firecracker in a 5′3″ frame; she’s got some rough skeletons in her closet, but she tries to go with the flow of things and just live her best life and I high-key admire her for that 
Bay was born in San Clemente, California to Mackenzie (Mack) & Brady Delta
Mack worked for the city as an engineer, she was very book smart but very particular & required calm & order to thrive
Brady was the head of the city’s Marine Safety department, he was the kind of person who thrived in social situations, who may not have been as book smart as Mack but damn did he know a lot about the world
Bay was the fix-it baby who didn’t fix-it!!
Mack was out the door less than a year after Bay was born, leaving Brady to take care of their daughter himself
And like, take care of her he did. He made a promise to himself when Mack left that he would do everything he could do make sure that Mack’s absence wouldn’t prevent Bay from having a great childhood
And believe me when I say that Bay really did have a great childhood.
She and Brady lived in an apartment right on the beach; Bay spent the first six years of her life with sand between her toes and an ever-present smell of sea breeze
Bay inherited her mother’s intelligence but her father’s soul; she was a people person, first and foremost, and talked to everyone and anyone who would talk to her & thrived off of the human connection
She picked up surfing & skateboarding at a very young age, & spent a large amount of time outside -- I mean, when you live in San Clemente, why wouldn’t you??
Brady was very present in Bay’s early childhood, save one weekend a month where he’d drop Bay off with family friends
Bay never asked where he went but I bet y’all can connect those dots (if you need help connecting them, though, no judgement -- lemme know)
The last weekend trip he took, though, was right before Bay turned seven, and Brady came back with a little surprise
This surprise is better known as Sammy “Squirt” Delta, Bay’s half-sibling
Sammy was the missing piece Bay didn’t realize they needed; the family of two became three and for a long time, everything was really really good.
Bay and Sammy went to public school in San Clemente
Bay’s never been afraid to stand up for what’s right, nor is she afraid to use harsh words (or fast fists) to convince others of what’s right -- which meant there were definitely some calls home during school
Bay was an excellent student, though, which probably saved her from getting into as much trouble as she should’ve as a kid
Bay’s also always been an avid reader, and was also the kid who could be found in the morning with a flashlight in her hand and a book on her chest. Squinting at pages in the dark was not good to her eyesight, though, and she got her first pair of glasses at age nine. For a while, she didn’t mind them, but by the time she started high school she was practically begging her dad to buy her contacts, and its rare to find her glasses now (although, we’ll see how long that contacts supply lasts her)
Less than a week before Bay’s eighteenth birthday, she & her dad were life guarding a summer kickoff party at a beachfront mansion when one of the glass panels on the side of the pool started to splinter
Both Bay & Brady tried to help party goers out of the pool as fast as possible, but a man who was considerably stronger than Bay pulled her in accidentally and she didn’t make it back out of the pool before the glass split and the current of the water starting pulling her towards it
Bay ended up with numerous shards of glass in the bottom half of her left leg
Brady successfully managed to grab his daughter before she felt over the roof’s edge but, by doing so, sealed his own fate
He passed away eight hours later.
Bay arrived at the hospital with hypothermia and a very damaged leg; although at first it seemed the doctors might be able save it, Bay received a transfemoral (i.e., above the knee) amputation due to an infection her body was unable to shake
She spent 20 days total in the hospital and a year afterwards in a combination of rehab and physical therapy
Bay was also named Sammy’s legal guardian, and she and Sammy were the sole beneficiaries in Brady’s will
Bay and Sammy sold the majority of what they inherited, including their beachfront apartment
Through Brady’s will, Bay and Sammy also learned that their father was originally from a small college town in Kansas, and that he was the owner of his family’s home there
When Bay was cleared by her physical therapist (shout-out to Tony!), she decided it was in their best interest to move away from California and head to West Ham
The Delta siblings have been in West Ham for almost five years now
(Edited because I realized I never put this in) Five years is a long time and even though Bay really does miss her dad, she’s gotten used to her new normal and (for the most part) doesn’t dwell on her past
Sammy goes to school at WHU though it’s unclear what he’s going to school for (if someone ever picks him up as a connection that can totally be decided by them)
Bay got a job at the library soon after they moved and has been rocking that since. She’s taken a few classes at WHU but is taking her time with school, she’s not really worried about finishing on any kind of schedule
Bay has a three-year-old golden retriever service dog named Lucky
Sammy gave Lucky to Bay as her 21st birthday present; he wasn’t originally going to be a service dog but when the Delta siblings noticed some of his innate habits and reactions to Bay it just all made sense
When he’s off-duty, he is such a lovable goofball and he loves to be pet and cuddled and to play
When he’s on, he helps Bay deal with both physical and emotional hardships
Lucky really means the world to Bay, as does Sammy
Bay really went on the service trip for Sammy, because he wanted them to go together
It’s interesting because, in terms of post-service trip status, Bay’s life really hasn’t changed all that much?? She still has both her boys, though I think when Factions come into play, she and Sammy might split -- my guess would be that Sammy would go with the Greek Life kids
But, yeah! Bay’s really just taking things as they come, and she’s excited to be here, and I’m excited she’s here.
Wanted Connections include: SAMMY (apparently i like making muses with sibling connections??), crushes/ex-crushes/hookups/ex-hookups (Bay is bisexual; she will love all the human beans if you let her), friends or not-so-friends, people she knows through her brother, someone who showed her around town when she and Sammy got to west ham for the first time five years ago? Or maybe a book buddy -- like, someone who was a frequent flier at the library & who she could’ve recommended books to?? Also someone who loves Bay’s dog at first sight but doesn’t really like Bay?? But suffers through seeing Bay anyway because they’re a package deal lmao. Or vice versa, gimme someone who doesn’t love dogs but warms up to Lucky the more time they spend with Bay. Also also definitely partners in mischief, particularly someone who’s gonna want to check out the amusement park because that’s right up Bay’s fucking ally. This is...a long list to start with, but let me know if you’re interested in any of them, or anything else!
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