#ghd hearts
Ok hear me out
Chrysanthe as a dad. (+Miraak)
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I actually had these finished a long, long long time ago but never uploaded them xD so here they are! GHD Timeskip!AU featuring Chry and Miraak as dads. How wholesome. This was all just an excuse to draw family shenanigans with Chry and Miraak sksksk
(the first two panel did not happen btw. it was a joke from the server xD Chry would be So Not Thrilled to know their baby is stolen and their parents killed by Miraak.)
After the whole Alduin Business they decided to get a baby from an orphanage! Hooray! I have never actually decided what the baby's name should be. Maybe @99corentine you'd like to choose one for them? 👀
And also have these two where. Chry has like 4 babies because we thought ''hey let's give them MORE'' and boom.
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Info about the babies below!
Basically the Nord+Altmer kid is their lovechild(as in their biological son) gifted by Mara(cuz you know. they gay. can't really give birth.) Chry & Miraak got really confused but still kinda rolled with it. This baby has both Chry & Miraak's traits, having slightly pointy ears and a mix of white + golden hair, and has mostly Miraak's fight-y personality but still listens to Chry if he scolds them. They are Miraak's favorite and so they feel proud about it.
The Snow Elf, however, was made bc I accidentally misinterpreted @/mellowscrolls' convo and thought Erandur somehow got another child from Mara and was told to give them to Chry xD they are very shy, and clings to Chry the most. Miraak scares them a little due to his ominous aura lol They also like Erandur a lot! cuz he was the one that took care of them first hehe
The HERMAEUS MORA ONE, HOWEVER, is there simply and solely bc HM wanted to mess with Chry & Miraak. So after he heard that they got so many babies, for some reason, snatched/created a baby himself and corrupted it with his daedric dark magic or something. and just. left it at Chry's front door lmao Chry and Miraak did NOT take them well at first. Miraak in particular, as he refuses to even acknowledge them. Chry was afraid of it, thinking they could be HM's pawn. But, this kid was, in fact, just a kid. They are corrupted by Mora, but they were actually not influenced by him at all. They still maintain their toddler mind. And so Chry refused to kill them, as much as Miraak suggested to.
Chry starts to warm up to this half-daedra a little, but he is always unable to stare into their face, which is covered with numerous Hermaeus' eyes. Does HM have the ability to spy on them through those eyes? Nobody knows. They can also summon tentacles, which freaked Chry & Miraak out very much, so this ability was never brought back out again.
Because of both parent being wary of them, this baby is more mature and understands how different they are and does not blame either of them. They are actually a very sweet kid and takes care of all their siblings. But they know how much of a ''monster'' they are. They know about HM, they even hear his whispers to hurt Chry & Miraak when they sleep, and so they despise him, even if he was their ''creator''. They love their new parents and would never hurt them.
As they grew, maybe Miraak finally took pity and hand-carved a wodden mask for them to wear outside. They treasure this gift with their whole being as it was the first time the nord father cared for them.
Chry needs rest.
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geronimomo-spd · 1 month
what would have happend if Groundhog Day was about Phil and Phil (the groundhog) actually getting along for once??
(trauma not included in this version! lol Phil became a better person and the groundhog was happy)
(ie i made this silly video when i cosplayed Phil for my local con recently! montage included as well)
(parts filmed by my friend @ablog!! thank you!!)
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velvtcherie · 1 year
tsireya is cute but have yall SEEN bailey bass ???:!: she's beyond adorable i love her sm :((
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deforest · 17 days
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today: slayed
the rope at extreme max heart rate shredded my delts to pieces though by minute 8. GHD situps at extreme max heart rate is what took it out of me most though
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gh0stgr1nder · 4 months
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hiiii :3 im the spine from the hit band steam powered giraffe + many other names . Such as tnoy karaxis[/any nickname from that] / dirk / terezi / curt / phil / tavros / eridan / rattlesnake / mike / john / davesprite / funtime / lolbit / monty / castiel / perdix / J.D / ariadne . [Do not refer to me as bro strider in any way]
he/it/♉️/♒️/🔌/⌨️/caw/angel/wing/ey/ze/xe and she/her SOMETIMES . as a treat . especially when calling me rattlesnake/davesprite/perdix/phil/spine though
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fictionkin+songkin , main kins rn are the spine [spg] , dirk strider , and terezi egbert .other high up theres are eridan ampora + tavros nitram + john egbert + davesprite + mike schmidt + funtime freddy . songkins r rattlesnake [kabaret sybarit] + E.V.O.L [marina] + the last great sweetheart of the grand electric rodeo [s&tsw] + all the angels [mcr] + jaws [lemon demon] + buddy holly [weezer]
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main things im posting abt right now are steam powered giraffe , homestuck , kabaret sybarit , fnaf , ghd the musical // schmidtafton theory hater shut uppppp // indigoblood derse maid of heart[?] + knight/page of heart/doom/hope + mage of void [ilove classpect]
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krispyy-lotol · 18 days
this the only ghd frame i got idek where i got it from 💀💀💀
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THANK YOU this is a good one.
This is near the end of the movie, the scene that comes before it is the last scene of the old man dying and the scene after is Phil going to save the kid from the tree. Here Phil is giving a (very heartfelt) speech on live news, it’s so awe-inspiring that other news stations have crowded around to record it.
Dialogue I can remember:
Phil: “When Chekov saw the long winter, he saw a winter bleak and dark and bereft of hope. But we all know that winter is just, yet another step in the cycle of life. And standing here amongst the people of Punxsutawney, and basking in the warmth of their hearths and hearts, I couldn’t imagine a better fate than a long and lustrous winter. From Punxsutawney, this is Phil Connors. So long.”
*sound of a bunch of news guys complimenting him*
Larry: “Hey man, you touched me.”
Phil: “Thanks, Larry.”
Rita: “Phil, that…surprised me! I had no idea you could be so-so versatile.”
Phil: “I surprise myself sometimes.”
Rita: “(something something) would you like to go get a cup of coffee?”
Phil: “I’d love to, could I have a rain check there’s some errands I’ve gotta run.”
Rita: “Okay…Phil-errands, what errands? I thought we were going back?!” *scene ends*
uhm i guess i just need you to trust i didn’t google anything for this BAZINGA !
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Fanfiction Rec / Tracking
To Be Truly Free by CleanLenins
Dream SMP - Technoblade centric - Vampire SBI - Human / Blood Ghd Chosen Technoblade
The Sleeping Empire had held all the power for centuries. What else did you expect when the Emperor was an undying Vampire? King Philza and his sons, Prince Wilbur and Prince Theseus, have never faced a real threat to their power. Twenty years ago, the Blood God spoke through his Holy Conduit, the King of Scywar. A prophecy that one child born in the month of the Summer Solstice had the potential to crush the hearts of the Vampiric Lords once and for all. As such, a decree that every child born in June must serve the Blood God's church. Technoblade thinks this whole thing is dumb, but no one really cares what he thinks. As one of the children born in June, known as the Blessed Ones, Technoblade dreams of a different life. One not enslaved to The Church. He dreams to know what it means to be truly free. Or- Another Dark SBI Vampire AU. This time, Technoblade is the Human.
Published: 2022-03-06 Updated: 2023-08-14 Words:123,359 Chapters:20/?
Read: Unknown Date been reading since the third or forth chapter.
Note: This is one of the best fanfics I have read flat out not even just in the fandom it is just so freaking good!
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toomuchracket · 1 year
18, 34, 49
18. what hair products do you use?
i really should be doing curly girl stuff because i do actually have quite the impressive natural curl pattern for a white girl (lol), but i don't know where to start with it! i got a fancy volumising shampoo recently, and i use one of the garnier hair food masks as a conditioner, then a little nioxin spray because of a random health problem that makes my hair fall out, and a ghd heat protect! i don't use any other products to style it but i do swear by elnett hairspray lol
34. is there a song you know every word to by heart?
so many. i think 90% of my brain is song lyrics. i think the most recent song i learned off by heart was strangers by ethel cain? which is good because she just announced a show near me and i am Going To Be There No Matter What
49. can you skip rocks?
consistently, no lol
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rucuriousca3 · 5 months
About Curious
Welcome to Curious Hair, your one-stop destination for achieving the perfect look effortlessly. With a team of highly educated staff and a wide range of professional-quality brands, we are committed to celebrating your unique beauty, regardless of your style. At the heart of our offerings are the renowned GHD hair straightener and accessories, ensuring you have the power to enjoy a Good Hair Day every day. Used in over 50,000 salons worldwide, GHD products guarantee salon-quality results, and Curious Hair brings these exceptional straighteners to you at affordable prices. Now you can style your hair professionally in the comfort of your home, all while donning your favorite pair of pajamas.
Curious Hair goes beyond just offering top-of-the-line GHD straightener; we've got you covered for all your hair needs. Our salons are staffed with passionate stylists who not only keep up with the latest trends but are also inspired by the best in salon hair care and professional beauty products. Whether you know exactly what you're looking for or want to try something new, book an appointment online or visit your nearest Curious salon. Our talented stylists are eager to meet you, ensuring you not only get the perfect cut but also discover the styles and pro hair care products that make you look and feel beautiful every day. Shop with us, both in-store and online, for the industry's top salon hair care brands, and let us help you find the best professional hair care products for your lifestyle.
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littleharpethcrossfit · 8 months
Tuesday, 3 October, 2023.
A lovely though abnormally warm early Fall evening at the Barn.
4 Rounds
HEAVY Squat Holds
30 Seconds Down..........30 Seconds Up
3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3
70 To 80% 1 Rep Max
Pause On A Parallel Box or Bench Each Rep
Explode Up
Chase=315 Shane=265 Robert/Sam=225 Herb/Dana=205 Coach=155 Alicia=105 Tom=95 Kayla=85 Linda/Shannon=75 Elisa/Casey=65 Howard=did stuff Average Dave/Faith=Here Some I missed
3 Rounds
Dumb Bells (E=50 / 35 / 20)
10 DB Box Step-Ups (24/20)
15 DB Push Presses
20 Push-Ups
25 Sit-Ups (GHD)
100m Farmer's Walk With DB
Kayla=10:25 Shannon=13:08 Elisa=13:12 Robert=13:29* Casey=14 Coach=14:02 Alicia=14:13* Linda=14:26 Dana=16:10** Tom=16:15 Shane=16:43** Chase=19:45** Herb=20:25* Sam/Average Dave=did random stuff Faith/Howard=attended Others=?
Alternating DB Curls
10 /10 X 5
A good group. Girls/Boys 50/50.
Casey was the new girl, sponsored by Elisa who knows her from church. I failed to get an adequate history, but I think she has done CrossFit, maybe in Valencia, California. She moves like it. Casey lives not too far away, has minimal obstructions to attend LHCF, seemed to enjoy our girls (who wouldn't?), and I gave her the T-shirt and offered the lifetime free LHCF membership. I have great hopes that Casey will not only attend, but maybe she'll bring her husband.
Faith rode her bike over to visit. She is holding off on CrossFit due to a very sore toe. She has great hopes to win a mile race this weekend. If she can run, she will win. I'd bet on her. She told me that CrossFit has made her TOUGHER.
Gentleman Howard came for a short visit. Warmup and light strength. He left a case of burly beer in the cooler.
Kayla was here. She claims that she is always here, but my aching heart tells me otherwise. Kayla's current S.O. has reserved a spot in next Tuesday's workout. Why a whole week from now ?? It takes more than a week to grow a pair. And she wants me to program a sissy WOD for him. Like no difficult leg stuff. I reminded her that Tuesday's are Squat Day. She also wants some very lax guy to break him in. Somebody other than Robert. I'm hoping Timmy is back from vacation and can put an insurance rider on his waiver.
Great news from Miss Shannon. She snagged a new and better job, not any further from LHCF, and is politic-ing for early out on Tuesday/Thursday. We all know that any job Shannon wants, she will get it. Nobody with a brain would deny her.
I don't attend church, but I really like church-ladies. Ironic.
Thursday at 4 PM. Snacks, wine, and fun conversation afterwards. A special request has been placed for a bon-fire. Somebody tell Timmy and Ed not to complain about the smoke. Pray for a wind from the West.
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jamesduggan57 · 1 year
smadav for macbook pro
Have you noticed when you install the Windows OS for the first time how well things tend to perform well? There are no crashes, no mishaps, no malfunctions or any other problems for that matter. Everything just seems to run smoothly. But after a while, the device starts to slow down, responses belonging to the system come slower until it swallows a couple of minutes for the system just to come online. This is unacceptable on a day's work. A good deal of delay is owing to registry files that either going haywire or are just sitting there and taking up memory and space. So what's the package? Once you've created a log a great entire week, sit down with several different colors of highlighters, and assign one to each key part of your situation. For example, you might use one color loved ones time, another for client work, different colors for time allocated to administrative work, personal quiet time, staff development - whatever always be key things. Then, go through your log, highlighting each 15-minute segment with the right color. Identify your contribution? Your marriage didn't go bad all by itself; you to your partner played a job. What part did you play? Regardless if your partner was a no-good, serial abuser; you've had a role. I am not advocating an individual stay along with a no-good serial abuser although i am emphasizing the point that you play a significant role in whatever relationship you are in; however inauspicious your sweet heart. To save your marriage you've got first period focus off your partner and stuff it on your own self. What have you been doing smadav pro and are things as nasty mainly because they currently are typically? Be as honest and specific as you may be. A recent inspiring guest speaker to Myer's students was Brenda Berg, founding father of Scandinavian Child, exclusive North american distributor of unique children's products headquartered in Raleigh, and a zealous 'rock jock' whose license plate reads "CLIMBING". Key Control and ID Numbers - keys in order to be handed in responsible location. A master key system where one key open all locks may be convenient, but it surely may stop being the excellent for security. Code all keys, keep them securely locked when not in use, and do not allow employees to leave them available or make duplicates. Change locks whenever you suspect key security already been jeopardized. Marking equipment with ID numbers should be shown to get this plainly evident to would-be thieves. Also, keeping an archive of ghd serial numbers on all equipment can certainly help in restoration. So, therefore if we expect a house to increased amount of value, came across add value to in which. We must find houses in need of repair and produce them in order to their former glory, to make the value of the house to lift. In a word (or two) "fixer-upper houses"! smadav pro Activation Code 'm confident who coined the phrase, but I've heard it again and again during my adult life, "leaders are readers". Reading includes all your choices available, really webinar watchers and MP3 listeners too. But learning from previously come anyone decide to and sometimes make every among the many errors you want to avoid is a attribute of entrepreneur. Stay on the right track. Your marriage did not get this bad in the near future or weeks so don't expect it to obtain better after just a couple of days. Years or months of negativity requires time to turn around that means you need to be committed to this turn-around in the future. This is a little like a what you eat.it won't work for the long haul unless it is a lifestyle move. To save your marriage you must change your lifestyle otherwise if you go to be able to your old ways of thinking and behaving your own relationship goes back into the sickbay.
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Artist Challenge! Feat. Chrysanthe (@99corentine )
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hooh BOY look at all these Chry's! Look at all his armours aha! I had a lot of fun with these, drawing all these scenarios haha features lots of references from GOL HAH DOV!
I tried my best to translate these and squish all the texts together without getting rid of the original watermarks... so sorry if they look confusing! (computer texts look so bad..)
Image Description below!
1ST: Around a campfire Chrysanthe, Lucien and Teldryn set up somewhere in Solstheim, Chrysanthe visibly struggles to finish the Ash Yam soup in his hands after trying it. Lucien tells Teldryn “Told you it's terrible!”, referring to the Ash Yam soup that now both Lucien and Chrysanthe dislikes. Teldryn replies “Tsk. You uncultured N'wahs.” as he enjoys ash yams and is annoyed his two companions don't. Chrysanthe is wearing Steel Plates Armour.
2ND: In one of the early days of Chrysanthe's adventuring, before the whole Dragonborn ordeal, Chrysanthe, Lucien and Erandur travel in nordic tombs. Chrysanthe, wearing Steel Armour, pulls at a lever and suddenly getting shot by poison dart traps. This causes him to be poisoned and he pukes blood. Erandur and Lucien are surprised by this sudden trap in the background.
3RD: Takes place after Chry killed Ancano and saved the day in the College of Winterhold. Hooray! Tolfdir is telling Chry, holding the Staff of Magnus and wearing hooded college robes, to be the new Arch-Mage and Chry is highly disinterested lol
4TH: Chrysanthe in the quest The House Of Horrors, a quest located in the Abandoned House in Markarth. He just killed Vigilant Tyranus, the Vigilant sent to investigate the house with the player but is then convinced by Molag Bal to kill you. Chry hesitantly killed him, and is very, very disturbed :)c
5TH: The very morning after Chrysanthe's first telepathy with Miraak in the Winterhold inn. Thanks to Lucien, offscreen, he's covered in a fluffy blanket with tea. He's in a very bad state as he tries his best not to collapse in front of Lucien again.
6TH: The honey smut from chapter 16 of GHD ;)) Chry and Miraak are sitting opposite each other near a lake as the sun sets in the background. They are both sweating and little hearts can be seen popping up from below :)
7TH: Entirely a made-up scenario of a possible post-GHD scene where Chry and Miraak are living together and Chry accidentally catches Miraak finish taking a bath in the bathroom. Miraak is facing the door with his body visibly nude and wet as Chry stands at the door, surprised and flustered at the view.
8TH: Chry in ebony armour! with Lucien next to him as they pose like the meme from Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse. HMMN are on top of them as it is a sound Chry makes a lot. sksksk
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nixonluna57 · 1 year
Lowering of agent direct exposure through oblong collimation within transportable intraoral radiography
As opposed, the conventional k-epsilon disturbance model didn't present adequate forecasts to the XGS. The particular computational final results said that generally in most parts of the particular water pump model circulation career fields, the particular Reynolds shear stress valuations as well as turbulent dissipation rates of the XGS were all below that regarding your GS. The hemolysis catalog from the water pump product while using XGS ended up being computed to be just one-third of these while using GS. ASAIO Journal 2012; 59:32-39.Mature hgh deficit (AGHD) can be currently acknowledged as a definite specialized medical thing along with replacement remedy has turned into a standard training. Highlighting for the built up proof, questions on the other hand occur. Ought to AGHD sufferers always be handled? What dosage involving GH should be granted and then for the length of time? Do you know the genuine long-term rewards, specifically SCH772984 clinical trial with regards to life span? If detecting severe GHD can be strongly established if there isn't any contra-indication (such as an lively cancers as well as out of control diabetes), it is worthwile initiating GH substitute treatment. Treatment method definitely right your irregular body structure, enhance numerous unfavorable aerobic parameters and also risk factors, increase muscle durability and also bone tissue mineral occurrence and, though into a adjustable level, enhance the individual's standard of living and also subconscious well-being. Treatment must be began with minimal amounts to stop side-effects associated with smooth preservation and may and then always be steadily titrated against IGF-I beliefs, scientific response as well as particular person threshold. There is unfortunately simply no validated predictive element for the general therapeutic reaction within a offered individual. Therefore, current debts regardless of whether do the therapy is dependent upon the ratio of identified as well as estimated positive aspects above price as well as hazards of therapy, and also on the particular chronic determination of the patient.Within people on dialysis, the commonest reason behind dying can be heart problems. This really is triggered, at the very least partly, through too much vascular calcification. Scientific studies that have reviewed heart calcification are already posted, these measurements call for costly products. The following, many of us utilised computed tomography to ascertain aortic calcification as well as assessed these types of data while prognostic marker pens with regard to heart disease. Computed tomography together with compare moderate has been performed upon 1949 sufferers going through hemodialysis (28 men and also Twenty females; average age group, 68.Nine +/- The 12.2 many years). A calcification report (Do) ended up being looked as the number of the total number of vascular calcification for the level of the particular thoracic aorta. Most people have been monitored regarding aerobic finish items, which included cerebral infarction or lose blood, myocardial infarction, electrocardiographic, or perhaps echocardiographic problems which proposed myocardial ischemia, heart surgical procedure, lower leg amputation, and also a hospital stay or even loss of life due to coronary heart failing.
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vforhair18 · 2 years
A One Stop Shop For All Your Hair Care Needs
Do you suffer from hair loss? Or are you tired of having frizzy and unmanageable hair? Well, worry no more! At VforHair, we offer numerous hair care solutions such as Permanent Hair Straightening and many others. Our other services include foils and coloring, among others. Contact us today to learn more about our various hair care solutions. We look forward to meeting you!
Why Choose Us
There are many beauty parlors in Auckland that offer Hair Straightening Christchurch and other treatments. But, there is no comparison to Vorhees. VForHair is a full-service salon that offers not only hair straightening and coloring, but also all types of spa treatments like manicure and pedicure as well as professional products like ghd irons or ghd flat iron to help you achieve your desired look. Our staff specializes in corrective color services including highlights, balayage, ombre and more so you can be sure we will have your best interest at heart when it comes to achieving your ideal look.
Why Get Permanently Straightened
You might be wondering what permanently straightened means. Straightening your hair using thermal methods - that is, with an iron or a flat iron - can cause breakage and damage to your hair. That's why most people don't choose to use an iron on their long, delicate tresses. Heat-based straightening doesn't last either; you can expect your hair to go back to its natural curls in as little as two weeks if you don't treat it with care. If you want long-lasting results, then permanent straightening is probably better for you. Just remember, after getting permanently straightened, it's not possible to revert back to curly hair (or another style). But let's face it - curly looks aren't everyone's cup of tea!
Why Choose VForHair
At V for Hair, we have a wide variety of hair-related services. We pride ourselves in being able to offer all of these services in one convenient location. In fact, with 20 years of experience, you can feel confident knowing that our experienced staff members know what they’re doing! Here is just a glimpse at what we offer: * Foils and Semi-Permanent Hair Color * Permanent Straightening * Cuts and Styles for Women, Men and Children * Waxing Services (legs & eyebrows) * Treatments (Deep Conditioning) It's All About Service At V for Hair, we strive to provide you with excellent service every time. Our focus on top-notch customer service means that you’ll receive friendly treatment when visiting our salon.
What We Offer
V for hair is an exclusive salon in Auckland, New Zealand with a stellar reputation for quality and value. Our main specialties are men’s grooming and hair straightening, as well as Keratin treatment (Keratin Smoothing Treatment), Eyelash extension, Body waxing, Spray tanning and Electrolysis. Whether you want a new look or to maintain your style we have something for you. The staff at Vforhair have years of experience in their respective fields and would be happy to discuss any questions that you may have about any of our services. We believe that our dedicated staff will provide an excellent service at affordable prices. You can be assured that all our services are carried out by qualified professionals with extensive experience in their fields of expertise.
Our Services
V For Hair is a one stop shop for all your hair care needs. Our qualified, expert staff members have years of experience in meeting your personal and professional hair care needs. We offer everything from coloring to straightening to perms. If you’re looking for something simple, like just a cut and color, or if you are looking to add some dimension to your look by getting layers or highlights, V For Hair can help! We’ll help make sure you walk out with a great style that perfectly suits your face shape and personality. We also take special requests for up-do styles for weddings and proms!
Our Team
We have a team of expert hair stylists and colorists who are highly skilled. We have invested in high quality equipment, which we believe is essential for giving our clients great hair services. Our dedicated and talented staff members will not just transform your tresses, but they’ll also give you a complimentary scalp massage to help your stress melt away as you sit back and relax in one of our comfy, plush chairs. Here at VForHair, we truly care about our clients' hair health and well-being. This means that we won't let any toxic chemicals touch your precious locks; only pure products will be used on your beautiful tresses during all procedures. When you come to us, expect nothing but freshness.
Contact Us
If you’re thinking of getting your hair permanently Straightened, then contact us today. Our team of professionals at V For HArr can help to make it easy for you by delivering results and keeping your hair looking fantastic all year long. We don’t believe in doing ‘one size fits all’ and our range of services shows that! From foils and highlights, Permanent Hair Straightening or natural looking color tinting, we offer a range of choices to make sure your look is always exactly what you want. So whether it’s color or cut changes you need, contact us today – we have qualified staff standing by to assist with any questions you may have!
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rolliboomer · 2 years
Unplugged shop
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#Unplugged shop portable
#Unplugged shop Offline
Ěutomatically switches off after 3 minutes of inactivity to preserve battery life. ğlight friendly - Approved for safe travelling in cabin and carry-on luggage, with approval from your airline.† USB-C charging - Charge in just two hours from your laptop, your car or any USB-C socket. Ğrgonomic design for versatile styling, creating straight looks, bouncy curls and textured waves. Ěs the Unplugged styler heats up it consumes energy so usage time can vary in between each styling session. Run time has been optimised to deliver consistent powerful performance. Provides up to 20 minutes of continuous styling* and smart battery level indicator. ěespoke ceramic heaters with a stylish ceramic coating guarantee a consistent optimum styling temperature of 185✬ and a snag-free styling with 65% more shine*. Hybrid co-lithium technology, dual-zone technology and a lithium-ion battery. ghd unplugged is not recommended for use during flights.
#Unplugged shop portable
In line with IATA guidelines on carriage of portable electronic devices. ***Other charging ports and outlets: time may vary. **Exact run time depends on your hair and styling habits. *technical testing vs naturally dried hair Go wirless and hassle free with the Unplugged Cordless Styler. The Unplugged styler is perfect for creating soft waves and sleek styles even with a busy schedule. The perfect handbag or hand luggage accessory for beautifully styled hair on the go, the ceramic-coated plates will glide through your hair snag-free with 65% more shine*. This portable and powerful styling tool harnesses Dual-zone technology its optimum styling temperature of 185☌ is maintained throughout styling. The hybrid co-lithium technology and a lithium-ion battery allow the straighteners to deliver long-lasting power while maintaining the classic ghd performance. Paired with a matching case that protects the tool while you travel is also flight-friendly. The perfect handbag or hand luggage accessory for beautifully styled hair on the go can be charged using your laptop, car or standard plug socket delivers up to 20 minutes of continuous use**. Creating sleek and smooth hair styles, this innovative tool means all you need is your trusty unplugged Cordless Styler and your good to go. Youll never believe the quality & complexity of the pieces you are able. Canadas first woodworking school dedicated exclusively to hand tools. Become a Member or View Toronto Class Schedule.
#Unplugged shop Offline
Guaranteed performance that matches the regular-sized ghd stylers, you can achieve salon-sleek looks anywhere in the world. Slow down, go offline and work with your hands & heart. Have salon-sleek hair all day no matter where you are or whatever the weather. Style your hair anytime, anywhere with the first ghd cordless hair straightener.
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gh0stgr1nder · 4 months
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◇◇ hiiii :3 im dirk strider from the hit webcomic homestuck [dont refer to me as bro strider in any way.] + many other names . Such as tavros / eridan / rattlesnake / mike / john / davesprite / funtime / lolbit / monty / castiel / perdix / J.D . And way more on this gay little thing -> x
◇◇ he/it/♉️/♒️/🔌/⌨️/caw/angel/wing/ey/ze/xe and she/her SOMETIMES . as a treat . especially when calling me rattlesnake/davesprite/perdix/phil though
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◇◇ fictionkin/songkin , main kins rn are dirk strider , john egbert , tavros nitram , eridan ampora and davesprite . other high-up-theres are mike schmidt , phil connors [musical] , lolbit , nd funtime freddy . songkins are E.V.O.L [marina] , rattlesnake [kabaret sybarit] , the last great sweetheart of the grand electric rodeo [s&tsw] , all the angels [mcr] , jaws [lemon demon]
◇◇ fictoromantic you will catch my ass being gay on main multiple times
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◇◇ main things im posting abt right now are homestuck , kabaret sybarit , fnaf , ghd the musical , spies are forever // schmidtafton theory hater shut uppppp // indigoblood prospit knight of heart/doom/hope
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