#getting through it I’d recommend going through a spoilery summary or hitting me up for the basic spoilers you need to know for the plot
alectology-archive · 1 year
colour me totally shocked and surprised at the cytherea reveal, it’s not as if I saw this coming because I got curious a while ago about a certain someone’s URL and googled a so called ‘lesbian cytherea’. i was not expecting this twist, did not see it coming from a mile way, nope no siree. anyways I’m nearly done with gtn and now I need to read and watch and listen to every analysis I can get my grubby hands on.
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Yeah, that was such a delicious reveal! <3 I think cytherea should be allowed to do whatever she wants forever (but the part where she groomed gideon into cavalierhood was not cool akdhdjsfh).
(TLT has many interesting things to say about environmentalism, imperialism, the abuse facilitated by it, the commodification of bodies under its rule, etc and the set up for all that commentary is present in gideon the ninth and seems very obvious on a reread but I’d say it’s really dealt with on a more explicit level and seems more obviously present in the text if you read harrow the ninth first)
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