#gets all chaffed and flaky
newts-and-sharks · 1 year
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Did someone say Minecraft sona-
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chetanmiddha · 2 years
Let the chafing be resolved with Veraku
Are you afraid of summers because you might face the problem of chafing in your groin, underarms, and feet? 
Chafing is an unavoidable problem in the lives of men. But it does not imply that we have to accept it. There isn’t a man present across the globe who has not suffered from the problem of chafing,  but if you follow an active lifestyle, you will be facing this problem on a regular basis. In mild situations, the mixture of friction and wetness often causes irritation and discomfort. But in the severe cases, it leads to bruises and sores. While chaffing is an unfortunate reality, we can look for the solutions to resolve it. Now there is nothing to worry about, as Veraku is there to help you out. Dealing in Men's intimate wash products, Veraku is one stop for all the solutions for hygiene related problems of men.  
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Every man wants to avoid itchiness and irritation in their private areas as it often causes discomfort which can’t be expressed by men. To get relief from this problem, we often clean the severed area with water and soap thinking that it will help in resolving the issue, but this is wrong. The genitals are very sensitive parts and there might be some reaction because of any pH-level changes. Don’t panic, the issue of chafing can be resolved as Veraku’s Men's intimate wash products are for your aid.  The anti-chafing cream of Veraku rolls across your skin to provide you relief from tiresome friction and provides relief in the affected area by cooling down the skin there. 
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Allow the cream to show its effect and provide your skin some time to heal before following an active lifestyle. Our fast-acting solution, composed entirely of Manihot esculenta (tapioca) starch, provides at least 8 hours of chafing relief. . No, you won't end up with dry, flaky skin! It is non-powdery and leaves a cool sensation on your chafed areas. As a result, Veraku Anti-Chafing cream is a win-win cream designed specifically for you. 
Why go for Veraku Anti-Chafing Cream?
Optimal hydration:-   Our natural components, such as oat kernel extracts and aloe leaf juice extract, help to keep the skin hydrated. Because chafing is never solved by dry skin.
Antimicrobial Properties:- Didn't our grandmothers always urge us to use neem oil to treat those pesky infections? It turned out that they were correct. Veraku contains the ideal antimicrobial combination of neem extract and tea tree oil to keep infection-causing irritants at bay.
Talc free and hypoallergenic:-  Carcinogens may be included in talc based creams, but not in Veraku! Our talc-free, hypoallergenic solution keeps cancer at bay while paying attention to personal cleanliness.
Water repellent:- What aggravates chafing? Of course, you'll sweat! Our anti-chafing cream, on the other hand, repels water. It shields you from the discomfort of chafed skin even on those humid and scorching days.
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐰:- https://veraku.com/
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐞:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFgtHXsF9NF0zBQpZqujHJw
𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦:- https://www.instagram.com/verakumen/
𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤:- https://www.facebook.com/verakumen
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plussizepanda · 7 years
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How The Ordinary by Deciem changed my life (or why I will never return to that hack dermatologist ever again).
I've been meaning to write this review for a while, because I have been beyond impressed by my skin care routine based in The Ordinary products by Deciem for months, but it wasn't until I switched to their foundation recently that I decided to actually sit down and pen this.
Firstly, I need to tell you, MY SKIN IS AN ANGERY BEAST. I have HORRIBLE hormonal cystic acne on my chin – 1-2 big swollen red beasts at a time, that are not only unsightly but painful, lasting sometimes upwards of months, leaving horrible scars behind.
Side story time: I was referred to a dermatologist by my doctor, and it took months to get into my appointment. I sat with him, and while he was gentle and helped me understand some other skin concerns, he proceeded to TOUCH MY FACE with a gloveless hand, and cause several huge problems to form on my face the next few days. He also didn't actually address any of my issues regarding the cysts, as all he did was suggest topical Retinol and to stop eating gluten (because as a chronic pain sufferer, yknow, like I haven't tried all those elimination diets before this).
The makeupless photos at the top of this post were taken the morning of my appointment, after about one month of switching my routine to The Ordinary products. While I clearly still have some problems, and I still have issues that pop up, my healing time has been taken from 2-3 months to 1-2 WEEKS.
The thing I love about these products are that everything is a 1-2 ingredient treatment. It makes for extra steps, sure, but also allows you to tailor the treatments to your specific needs, without any extra ingredients or irritants. For me, it was finding the ingredients to help dry out the worst of the blemishes, and then help to heal the wounds and scars left behind, as well as help retain moisture.
I spoke to the employees at Deciem and they helped me select items to start my journey.
My skincare routine is a mix of a few brands still, with the majority of products being from Deciem’s Ordinary line. 
I start with a cleanser, depending on my skin’s condition for that day, I either use the Mario Badescu Orange Cleansing Soap with AHA for gentle exfoliation ($15CAD on obsessedcanada.com), or if my spots are extra dry, I use an Yves Rocher aloe exfoliating cleanser with salicylic acid (which is apparently no longer available on their site!! Oh no!!).
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After cleansing, in the morning, I use The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + ZInc 1% ($5.90CAD) all over my face to help prevent blemishes and reduce the scarring from previous break outs. 
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Every second night, instead of the N+Z treatment, I do a full face of Advanced Retinoid 2% ($9.80CAD) to help with aging skin because HELLO I AM NO LONGER 20 YEARS OLD. 
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For my problem spots, I treat the area with a Salicylic Acid 2% spot treatment ($4.90CAD), which also contains Witch Hazel for soothing properties, as the acid itself is very drying (which is the point, duh, but it can make especially horrible spots dry, flaky and itchy sometimes). 
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For moisture, I again turn to Yves Rocher as I found the Deciem moisturizers a little to heavy for my skin, and I reach for the Anti-Redness Moisturizer Sensitive Vegetale ($28.00CAD), which is a gel based moisturizer with anti-redness properties. 
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And for extra dry days, and overnight treatments, I use The Ordinary 100% Squalane Oil ($7.90CAD) which is plant derived, and makes my skin look plump and full. 
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SUPER AWESOME RIGHT? So now that skin care is covered, let’s talk about the amazingness that is Deciem’s The Ordinary primer and foundation, okay? 
So the third picture of me is an un-retouched makeup photo using The Ordinary Coverage Foundation. As you can see, there’s still problem areas, and my skin is still pitted from previous breakouts, but overall, it looks 1000000000x better than it did a year ago, and it’s only been a few months with these products.
I start with the High Adherence Silicone Primer - I’ve had so many issues with primer in the past just not doing it’s job. I’ve tried literally every type of primer available and probably spent hundreds of dollars in the process. Who knew all I needed was a basic silicone primer that cost less than a tube of anti chaffing gel (4.90CAD).
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Okay, this post has gone on long enough, but I want to finish out with a comprehensive review of The Ordinary Coverage Foundation which is the new love of my life. At $6.90CAD a bottle, I will gladly replace every $50+ bottle of not-quite-good-enough foundation with this bad boy. It tends to sell out quickly, so if you can get your shade, I would recommend ordering a few at a time (although, a 30ML bottle will last you quite some time, which I will cover in my review).
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Comparatively speaking, I will use my previous foundation, the Cover FX Natural Finish Foundation in shade N10 as the basis for my review. I’d been wearing that particular foundation for about 1 year, and while the colour match was fantastic, there was so many problems with this foundation honestly. The unfinished texture was slightly sticky to the touch, and required a LOT of powder to be set. Even after being set with powder and spray, I found that any time anything touched my face, the amount of transfer was ridiculous. Not only that, but as I mentioned earlier, I’m no longer a spring chicken and I have fine lines, and this foundation - even after priming - would sink into all my little lines! Not cool Cover FX. Not. Cool. 
So, let’s get on to the actual review. Now, of course, not every product is perfect. This one is *nearly* there, but they need to extend the shade selection in the darker end of the range. While they do have many more shades than your average white brand, there’s still not as many shades for people of colour as there is for us pale folks. I’m hoping that they will extend the line, and they definitely listen to customer feedback, so if you don’t see a shade that matches your tones, I highly suggest writing or tweeting the lovely team. 
The texture of this product is amazing. A velvety smooth matte finish makes skin looks natural and glowy. However, as this does not have the same “stickiness” as my previous foundation, I find that I have to layer on my blusher a little extra to give it the same pigmentation I had previously. However, the coverage is absolutely amazing, and it only takes a VERY small amount (1 pump) to do a whole face, including my trouble spots which are often very deep red. Considering my last 30ML tube of CoverFX foundation lasted about 5 months, and required a much larger amount for a full coverage, I see this bottle lasting me quite some time, and will update this review when the bottle has run out with an official timestamp. Also - NO TRANSFER. I set with an ELF HD Powder, and NYX Mattifying setting spray, and I spent all day today trying on clothes, and didn’t leave makeup on anything! 
Honestly, I need to gush about this so hard. I want to share my experience with the world because a) their products are a broke person’s godsend, and b) they’ve 100% changed my skin for the better. If anyone from Deciem is reading this and wanna hook me up, HOLLER!!!! No, seriously, love y’all so much. 
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man1health1 · 4 years
Penile Redness: 5 Fixes for an Angry Red Penis
Being in the red, historically, is not a great place to be. Usually, it means something is overdrawn and not in its right order. When it comes to a man’s penis, a red penis is inflamed, uncomfortable, and not capable of its usual function and pleasure. Penile redness can include many elements such as sores, rashes, patches, and pimples. Sometimes it leads to numbness and other times it leads to lightening hot flashes of pain. Let’s look at five reasons for a red penis and how to set things right.
1) Penile Irritation – Many different things can cause penis irritation. New laundry detergent, underwear, lotion, or body wash can have allergens that aggravate the skin. To get the red out, clean the penis gently with a soft, damp cloth with warm water. Follow up with a natural moisturizer free of allergens and fragrances.
2) Balanitis – Balanitis is an inflammation disturbing the glans, or head, of the penis and foreskin that overwhelmingly, but not exclusively affects uncircumcised men. This condition happens when smegma accumulates under the foreskin. Smegma, a concoction of dead skin cells, body oils, and bacteria that forms funky off-white glop, attracts bacteria, which leads to infection. The number one way to treat and prevent balanitis is to perform a thorough daily penile cleaning. If the issue has gotten too out of hand to be washed away, a doctor will prescribe antibiotics to clear things up.
3) Overuse – Whether with a partner or going solo, penile overuse can lead to a red penis. Overuse can lead to chaffing, irritation, and rash. The fix, however, is easier than anything you can imagine – just take a rest. Put the penis down and take a little sabbatical from the Marvin Gaye moves that got you in this predicament. Get some relief with a cool compress and some ibuprofen. In the future, be sure to use lube when needed to avoid chaffing and rash.
4) Jock Itch (tinea cruris) – Not only experienced by men in jerseys, jock itch is a common condition many men will face at some point in their lives. Jock itch is a fungal infection. Fungi love to take up residence in warm, dark, moist places like the groin. It presents as a rash with bumps that spread fast and wide. It can be remedied with an antifungal cream, but treatment can take months to fully resolve itself.
5) Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs) – Now for the very scary part – STIs. Several STIs such as gonorrhea, genital warts, genital herpes, genital warts, and chlamydia, all have symptoms that include penile redness. Look for things like flaky skin, rash, penile redness, and blisters. The only way to fix it is to bite the bullet and get tested at your doctor’s office or local clinic. Once diagnosed, follow treatment protocols to the letter.
How to Keep Penile Redness at Bay
Thwarting red penis is actually a pretty simple feat. Here are a few ways to ensure your member stays cool and calm:
1) Practice safe sex – use condoms and have honest conversations about health status before having relations.
2) Do a patch test on the skin before using any new cleansers, detergents, or lotions.
3) Shower daily, be sure to thoroughly wash the penis with warm water and a mild cleanser. Always gently retract the foreskin and all wrinkly areas to wash and rinse efficiently.
4) Apply a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) every day. These types of crèmes are nutrient-rich and contain vitamins like A, C, D, and E which have properties especially advantageous for penile health and restoration. The crème should have a natural moisturizing base like Shea butter, which leaves delicate penile skin hydrated and smooth.
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vitamincserum1 · 7 years
Look 10 Years Younger Using Vaseline And Egg White! Asian Anti-Aging Secrets
Look 10 Years Younger Using Vaseline And Egg White! Asian Anti-Aging Secrets Vaseline probably isn’t the first thing you think of when considering makeup-bag essentials. It’s one of those unsexy products that none of us remember buying, yet we all have a jar of it lying around somewhere. While it may not be the first (or last) thing you reach for in your daily routine, it’s arguably one of beauty’s most overachieving multi-taskers. From taming brows to smoothing dry ends, Vaseline can be used to fix virtually any beauty problem. Below are just 25 ways to incorporate this versatile item into your regimen.
Vaseline as Anti-Ageing Face Mask Treat your skin with this simple homemade anti-ageing face mask.Melt 2 spoons of vaseline in a microwave bowl, mix 1 egg white and 1 tbsp of honey to the melted vaseline and apply on your face and neck.Leave for about 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.This deep moisturizing mask, softens your skin and the moisturizing elements in this mask smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.
2.Vaseline to Prevent Uneven Tanning Want to get that perfect sunless tan? Rub a small amount of vaseline on dry areas before applying fake tanning creams or lotions to prevent the appearance of uneven tanning.Skin areas that are dry and rough turns out to be darker than well-moisturized areas.
1. It subs in for mascara. If you don’t love mascara but still crave defined lashes, coat them with a little Vaseline for a glossy finish. Petroleum jelly not only leaves lashes conditioned, but it’s even rumored to help them grow (score!). 2. Use it to restore cracked heels. Slather a generous amount of Vaseline on dry feet, throw on a pair of fuzzy socks and leave them on overnight for super smooth skin the next morning. 3. It eliminates self-tanner streakiness. Rub a little Vaseline along your wrists, ankles, elbows and knees before applying self-tanner to keep the formula from clinging to any dry areas and avoid patchiness. 4. It gives you a natural glow. As an alternative to shimmering highlighters, dab a little along the tops of cheekbones, down the bridge of your nose and under brows for a natural, understated sheen. 5. Prevent scars from forming. If you accidentally burn yourself with a curling iron (happens to the best of us), try applying a thin layer of Vaseline over the wound to minimize future scarring. 6. It repels at-home hair color. Follow in the footsteps of hair pros by applying a layer of Vaseline along your hairline and ears to protect the skin from staining while applying dye. 7. Use it as a cuticle cream. Keep your manicure looking pristine with this affordable (and efficient) alternative for healing cracked cuticles. 8. Keep chaffing at bay. Eliminate any uncomfortable friction caused by the summer heat with a layer of Vaseline over trouble spots. Make sure to use it sparingly though—excess product may melt and create a mess. 9. You won’t find a more hydrating face cream. While it’s not as cosmetically elegant as your usual face creams, Vaseline is actually a great heavy duty moisturizer (don’t worry, it’s noncomedogenic) and works wonders on dehydrated skin in dry weather. 10. Or lip balm. Suffer from flaky, dry lips? Vaseline works as a super conditioning salve and is a great primer under drying lipsticks.
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Thank you for watching!
The post Look 10 Years Younger Using Vaseline And Egg White! Asian Anti-Aging Secrets appeared first on Vitamin C Serum Store.
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man1health1 · 4 years
How to Deal With Dry, Flaky Penis Skin
Dry skin on your hands or feet is annoying. Dry, flaky skin on your penis is a whole other story. First, it can cause panic as you think your skin will peel away, layer by layer. Then come the itching and redness that make the area raw. The good news is it’s easy to fix flaky skin on the penis. Simply check out the common causes of dry penile skin below to find out what’s causing it, and best of all, how to fix it and prevent it in the future.
1) Chemical-Filled, Drying Soaps – Dry penile skin is often the end result of using harsh soaps that strip the skin of their natural moisture. Avoid cleansers containing ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfates (SLS), lye, polypropylene, and triclosan. The best rule of thumb is to use baby products or those that are all-natural to prevent flaky skin on the penis and everywhere else!
2) Contact Dermatitis – Contact dermatitis is a skin sensitivity to a foreign agent in a man’s environment, which causes the skin to become red, irritated, and dry. Things that often cause these flare-ups include new detergents, powders, body washes, and moisturizers. Condoms, lube, and spermicide can also lead to allergic reactions. To cure it, just wash the area regularly with just warm water or maybe add a mild cleanser. If the symptoms are too much, Benadryl and ibuprofen can be used.
3) Balanitis – If your stuff is stinky, it may be balanitis, a bacterial overgrowth caused by not washing the head of the penis adequately or often enough. It can also be caused by failing to rinse off harsh soaps or cleaning agents. Treatment begins and ends with meticulous cleaning of the area one or more times each day. Some doctors will also prescribe antibiotics, an anti-fungal cream, a steroid cream, or a combination of all the above.
4) Psoriasis – Psoriasis is a skin disease that produces red, scaly areas on the skin. See a doctor or dermatologist for diagnosis and a cortisone cream to treat the area.
5) Eczema – Eczema is a skin disease that causes the skin to become dry, inflamed, or irritated. When it occurs on the penis, it’s probably on other places on the body too. Treat the area with an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream as indicated by a doctor or pharmacist. Also, moisturize the area once or more each day, and try to avoid excessive contact with water to prevent further drying.
6) Yeast Infection – Also known as candida, a yeast infection can produce dry penile skin and can cause other not-so-fun predicaments such as rash, redness on the head of the penis, chunky discharge under the foreskin, and dry, white patches on the skin. Yeast infections can also make it quite painful to be intimate or urinate. Use an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream on the glans of the penis (and under the foreskin if needed) until it clears up. Please don’t get it on with a partner or yourself until it’s gone. Also, yeast infections are contagious, so tell your partner you have one. Chances are, they may too.
7) Compression Obsession – Too tight pants, underwear, or shorts can lead to some pretty painful chaffing of the penile skin, potentially leading to a rash and flaky skin on the penis. Pull a Winnie the Pooh and go sans pants for a little while every day to air out your junk. When wearing bottoms, be sure to wear looser, breathable materials.
8) Failure to Lube Up for Fun Times – Extreme and prolonged sexual activity without proper lubrication can trigger flaky skin on the penis to form. All men should do their best to stop this from happening by simply using a water-based lubricant.
Stop Flaky Skin on the Penis With Good Hygiene Habits
If there is one thing a man can do to keep his penis in good health, it’s a simple but consistent genital grooming routine. Methodically cleanse the penis daily using light pressure and a mild cleanser. Moisturize the penis often to preserve softness and elasticity. Keep the area dry and choose breathable fabrics that prevent moisture and bacteria, and opt for fitted pants instead of tight trousers to avoid skin irritation and chaffing.
To keep penile skin smooth, soft, and toned, use a specially formulated penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) every day. Full of nutrients, vitamins, and moisturizers, these tailored oils are made explicitly to promote penis good health and feel. Only use products with ingredients like vitamins A, C, D, and E, all of which are renowned for their skin-soothing and rejuvenating properties.
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man1health1 · 6 years
How to Cure a Dry Penis: Common Causes and Treatment Options
At one time or another, most men have dealt with dry and chafed penis skin. Even for a guy that takes great care of his most-loved parts, dry skin can appear and cause some serious irritation. Skin chafing on the penis can present itself as incessant itching or as a dry, flaky mess. Take note that it’s pretty normal to use a penis health crème to hydrate the affected skin as the moisturizing properties create smooth, soft and supple penis skin. Read on for information on some common men’s health issues and how to cure a dry penis.
1) Yeast Infections are one of the most common causes of skin chafing on the penis. Although these annoying infections are more prevalent in females, men are as likely to develop them, especially if they have an underlying medical condition that has depressed their immune system. For those suffering from a yeast infection, they know the symptoms all too well: dry and flaky skin, redness and inflammation, painful urination, white and thick discharge and incessant itching. If these symptoms listed are consistent with yours, seek medical treatment before deciding to buy an over-the-counter product.
2) Skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis can lead to dry, flaky and peeling skin. The affected skin can become very chafed, leading to red and irritated skin. Further research is needed to determine if these medical conditions are the source of your penis irritation, so seek medical treatment if scales or rashes appear on the skin as well.
3) Jock itch, known to the medical community as tinea cruris, is sometimes the underlying cause of dry penis skin. Part of a group of fungal skin infections, these pesky microscopic fungi can multiply and spread the infection if thriving in a moist environment which is why jock itch is commonly found in the genital area. The infection can cause harsh and red burning of the skin as well, an unpleasant feeling. Treat it quickly to minimize the symptoms and prevent the spread to surrounding skin. Using an anti-fungal medication can help, but make sure to properly clean and dry the area before applying any sort of penis health creme.
4) Hot tubs are definitely enjoyable, especially during parties, after a long and intense workout, on vacation, or in your own backyard. But men can leave the hot tub not knowing they’ve contracted a nasty penis rash directly related to the time spent in that hot water. To prevent hot tub rash, also referred to as pseudomonas folliculitis, make certain the hot tub in question is cleaned properly and often. Since heat and water are a breeding ground for bacteria, it’s expected that a hot tub would deplete the skin of its most prized natural oils, so take heed of this advice before jumping into the next public hot tub in the future.
It's extremely common that improper hygiene is the culprit for dry, chaffed penis skin. Make sure to dry the private area skin completely as moisture can get trapped and wreak havoc. After correctly washing the genital area, dry and moisturize your skin with a product made specifically for skin, like a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). A nutrient-enriched crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and other ingredients essential to the wellbeing of private area skin, like vitamin C, for collagen production, and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin leaving the area soft and smooth. Keep the penis skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal health.
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