#germany food service market
Territorial Varieties in Food Inclinations Across Germany: Bits of knowledge from the Food  service Market
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Germany, known for its rich social legacy and various scenes, likewise flaunts a culinary embroidery that shifts fundamentally across its locales. These provincial food inclinations feature the country's gastronomic variety as well as shape the elements of the Germany food  service market. This blog digs into the perplexing examples of food inclinations across Germany's areas, investigating the advantages and difficulties for the food  service industry and revealing insight into future development possibilities.
North Germany: A Sea Impact
The northern districts of Germany, especially urban communities like Hamburg and Bremen, affect their food. Fish, particularly dishes like "Fischbrötchen" (fish sandwiches) and "Labskaus" (a generous dish made of corned meat, potatoes, and beetroot), overwhelm the neighbourhood food scene.
Market Effect:
Benefits: The accentuation on fish sets out open doors for particular fish eateries and food  services to take special care of neighbourhood tastes and sightseers looking for credible northern German cooking.
Challenges: Obtaining new fish reliably can be trying because of production network issues and natural guidelines influencing fishing rehearsals.
South Germany: Good and Hearty
Conversely, southern Germany, including Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, is known for its good and vigorous cooking. Notable dishes like "Schweinshaxe" (pork knuckle), "Weißwurst" (white frankfurter), and "Spätzle" (a kind of egg noodle) mirror the locale's horticultural extravagance.
Market Effect:
Benefits: The fame of customary Bavarian lager gardens and generous dinners draws in the two local people and sightseers, supporting a flourishing business sector for legitimate provincial food  services.
Challenges: The food  service market in this area should explore high rivalry and the requirement for keeping up with legitimacy in customary recipes to meet client assumptions.
East Germany: A Mix of History and Effortlessness
East Germany, enveloping states like Saxony and Thuringia, presents a mix of verifiable and straightforward culinary customs. Dishes, for example, "Sauerbraten" (marinated pot cook) and "Thuringian Bratwurst" are staples.
Market Effect:
Benefits: There is a developing pattern towards nostalgic and conventional food varieties, giving open doors to food  services to take advantage of this market by offering exemplary East German dishes.
Challenges: Monetary variations in a few eastern locales might influence the buying force of shoppers, representing a test for premium food  service contributions.
West Germany: A Blend of Impacts
Western Germany, with urban communities like Cologne and Düsseldorf, shows a blend of culinary impacts from adjoining nations like France and Belgium. Dishes, for example, "Himmel und Äd" (dark pudding with pureed potatoes and apples) and "Rheinischer Sauerbraten" (Rhenish sharp meal) are well known.
Market Effect:
Benefits: The combination of culinary practices from adjoining areas offers different open doors for inventive food  service ideas and combination cooking.
Challenges: The need to offset customary preferences with contemporary culinary patterns can be a complicated errand for food specialist organisations.
Factual Experiences
The Germany Food service Market size is estimated at 132.04 billion USD in 2024, and is expected to reach $223.25 billion USD by 2034,growing at a CAGR of 6% during the forecast period (2024-2034).
The Germany Food Service Market is a dynamic and thriving sector that reflects the rich culinary traditions of the country. Known for its diverse and high-quality cuisine, Germany’s food service industry encompasses a wide range of establishments, including traditional restaurants, cafes, food trucks, and international franchises. The market is characterised by a strong emphasis on quality ingredients, sustainability, and innovation, with a growing demand for healthier and locally sourced options.
Future Development Degree
The fate of the Germany food  service market looks encouraging, with a few key patterns driving development:
Sustainability: There is a rising interest for practical and privately obtained fixings, especially in metropolitan regions. Food benefits that focus on eco-accommodating practices and natural produce are probably going to see critical development.
Innovation Combination: The reception of computerised innovations, for example, internet requesting and conveyance  services, has extended the span of food specialist organisations, especially helping locales with a scattered populace.
Wellbeing and Health: There is a rising pattern towards better dietary patterns, with purchasers looking for nutritious and adjusted feasts. Food  services offering creative wellbeing centred menus are ready for development.
Understanding provincial varieties in food inclinations is pivotal for exploring the Germany food  service market. Every district offers special open doors and countenances unmistakable difficulties. By utilising territorial culinary practices while embracing arising patterns, food specialist co-ops can take advantage of the assorted and dynamic German market, guaranteeing supported development and progress from here on out.
Germany's culinary scene is just about as fluctuated as its geology, and the food  service market should consistently adjust to these local preferences and inclinations to flourish in an undeniably serious climate.
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abhius · 2 months
 Unveiling Growth Trends in the German Food Service Industry
Germany’s food service industry is a vibrant and dynamic sector, reflecting the nation's rich culinary heritage and diverse dining preferences. From traditional Bavarian beer gardens to trendy urban cafes, the German food service market offers a plethora of options catering to various tastes and preferences. In this blog, we delve into the growth trends shaping the landscape of the Germany Food Service Market.
Market Expansion:
The German food service industry has witnessed significant expansion in recent years, fueled by factors such as changing consumer lifestyles, increasing disposable incomes, and a growing preference for dining out. According to market research reports, the Germany Food Service Market is projected to continue its growth trajectory, driven by rising demand for convenience, quality, and diverse culinary experiences.
Emphasis on Health and Sustainability:
In line with global trends, health and sustainability have emerged as key drivers influencing consumer choices in the German food service market. Restaurants and food service providers are increasingly offering healthier menu options, incorporating organic and locally sourced ingredients, and implementing sustainable practices such as waste reduction and eco-friendly packaging. This shift reflects a growing awareness among consumers regarding the impact of their food choices on personal health and the environment.
Digital Transformation:
The digital revolution has revolutionised the way food service businesses operate in Germany. From online food ordering and delivery platforms to digital menu displays and mobile payment systems, technology has become integral to enhancing customer experience and streamlining operations. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital solutions, with many restaurants pivoting to online ordering and delivery services to survive amidst lockdowns and social distancing measures.
Rise of Casual Dining and Food Trends:
Casual dining concepts, characterised by relaxed atmospheres and affordable menus, have gained popularity in the German food service industry. This trend reflects changing consumer preferences for informal dining experiences that offer high-quality food at reasonable prices. Additionally, the industry has witnessed the emergence of new food trends and concepts, including plant-based cuisine, street food-inspired menus, and fusion dishes that blend culinary influences from around the world.
Focus on Innovation and Customization:
To stay competitive in a crowded market, food service operators in Germany are increasingly focusing on innovation and customization. This includes menu diversification, incorporating seasonal ingredients, and offering personalised dining experiences tailored to individual preferences. Moreover, investments in restaurant design and ambiance play a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers, with many establishments emphasising aesthetics and atmosphere to enhance the overall dining experience.
The German food service industry continues to evolve, driven by changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and a growing emphasis on health, sustainability, and innovation. As the market expands and diversifies, food service operators must adapt to emerging trends, leverage digital solutions, and prioritise customer satisfaction to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape. With its rich culinary heritage and penchant for quality and diversity, the Germany Food Service Market remains ripe with opportunities for growth and innovation.
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fans4wga · 10 months
Netflix seems to release much more feoreign and mire unknown movies (atleast here for me in germany) do you think thats strike related or is it to early to assume streaming services are trying to release non american movies due to big budget american production having been brought to a halt?
It's been a long time coming that Netflix (and other streaming services such as Amazon, Disney+, Apple TV, Paramount, etc.) are making more and more in non-US markets, though the stuff coming out right now was largely written & filmed pre-strike. Still, Netflix and other studios definitely saw the strike coming and invested more in non-US content to help themselves weather the strike, so you're absolutely right on that count! (source).
It's worth noting as well that many other countries do not have strong unions like the USA's WGA and SAG-AFTRA to protect the rights of writers and actors. See the example of Netflix's South Korean breakout hit Squid Game: "In his contract, [Squid Game creator & writer Hwang Dong-hyuk] had forfeited all intellectual property rights and received no residuals — royalty payments that writers, directors and actors normally receive when their work is reused after an initial broadcast. He said in an interview that “Squid Game” had earned him “enough to put food on the table.”'
For a show that won awards and boasted millions of views, it's absurd that Hwang didn't get some kind of success-based residual payment—but Netflix essentially cheated it out of him and made all the profits without paying Hwang commensurate to his value.
On the other hand, Netflix must pay viewership-based residuals to writers in Germany and Sweden (news story from 2020) because of differing legal requirements, which is great—it proves that it's very possible for Netflix to afford this and make it happen. And the success-based residual is one thing the WGA is fighting for in its current negotiations: if a show does well, the residuals ought to reflect that success. (There's currently just a flat rate paid to writers—imagine the writers of Stranger Things getting paid the exact same as a show that got only a few thousand views. It's just nonsensical.)
At the same time as all this is true, we want to caution strongly against placing any blame on writers/actors in non-US territories for continuing to work right now. There's no contract that protects non-WGA/SAG-AFTRA creatives legally if they walk out in solidarity, or a strike fund that supports them if they stop working. We do hope to see other countries' entertainment industries following suit and unionizing soon as a direct result of the 2023 strikes (and the way the WGA and SAG-AFTRA are effectively communicating their value and demands!)
(As a brief tangent, even countries with preexisting industry unions, such as the British actors' equity union and Writers' Guild of Great Britain, simply don't have the institutional strength to combat some of the exploitative practices that are so common. We want to see these unions get stronger as a result of this hot labor summer & everything that's happening so visibly with the WGA and SAG-AFTRA—but we also don't blame their members for continuing to work right now because there's no promised guild protection if they walk out.)
Thanks for your question, and please let us know if you'd like clarification on anything here!
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herrlindemann · 2 years
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Heavy Rock - January 2002
So close and so far at the same time. The capital of Portugal is today without a doubt the best place in all of Europe to see and listen to rock. Good venues for concerts, friendly people, excellent business professionals in a market five times smaller than ours, affordable prices and a most attractive and scoundrel city that keeps that old flavor under a galloping modernity that every day makes it more equal to the Europe of the euro. On top of the brilliant and fatalistic Pessoa in every corner of old Lisbon that he portrayed so well in his books. Good food, a lot to see and it’s next door.
Fool who misses it. I promise to cover many concerts in English, among other things because the films were never subtitled. Some say that if it had not been for those idiot kings that we have been suffering from century after century, the Iberian peninsula would be only one and as powerful as Germany. Can be.
The sports hall of Os Belenense (the third football team in Lisbon after Sporting and Benfica) is a privileged venue for five thousand people, located on top of a hill that has the Jerónimos Monastery under its feet, in whose pantheon is buried Fernando Pessoa and the navigator Vasco de Gama, who set off to discover half the world from the also nearby Torre de Belen, right on the Lisbon pier.
The place is full on the first of the two nights of the Germans, with Clawfinger as opening act, old acquaintances who have had to cancel their concert in Spain, scheduled for the following day, because the first date scheduled in principle, which was sold in a few days, a second had to be added, which caused them to cancel their scheduled show in Madrid. When I find out that they are going to open the concert I am very happy and a few minutes before leaving I chat with the singer and guitarist, the same thing that I had done a little earlier with Rammstein at the hotel. These interviews will be included in the next issue of Kerrang!
In the forty-five minutes that they have been on stage, the Swedes show great professionalism and the new face of their music, more polished, direct, and less 'rapper' with a lineup just like the stars of the night: two guitars, keys, bass, drums and voice. Techno also emerges without losing the gray that put them on the map of the best European rap-metal.
Their latest album 'A Whole Lot of Nothing' is proof that they have brought their message very close to Rammstein, which a few times in the past opened for them when they climbed the charts. They must have treated them very well because now the Germans take them on tour whenever they can, and they are also generous in leaving them all the sound display that they later used. Of course not the pyrotechnic and light display; and therein lies the problem for the Clawfingers.
Because the most Rammstein staging teaches anyone. Good intentions, direct songs and the ordeal is clear is that they do not shrink and continue to make war.
Rammstein is the never seen. With one, if not the best, of the records of the year in their baggage and a lot of imagination, the sextet is a magnificent and impressive show both musically and visually. A lot of money and creativity at the service of a structure that is frightening due to the militaristic connotations of its clothes and postures. Together with the theatricality copied from the Catalans of the Fura del Baus, they create an explosive show where fire, a lot of fire, is also another great protagonist with distressing moments such as when in the first encore, with the theme 'Rammstein', the singer Till Lindemann remains in his burning suit for almost four minutes. The mastery of fire that these people have is incredible, forcing them to demonstrate all the fireworks to the government technicians before each performance. Seen and lived on stage, as I did, it scares a lot. As soon as the minutes allotted to the photographers were up, I ran off the stage as if the devil was chasing me, resembling a scene from 'Apocalypse Now'.
Eighteen songs as checkered as the hackneyed German mentality. It joins infernal industrial machinery that starts with 'Mein Herz brennt' from 'Mutter' to end with the version of Depeche Mode's 'Stripped'. Pure adrenaline that nails you to the ground while from all corners of the stage the fire is projected in a thousand ways (Valencians would have to wear them as stars of the next Fallas festivities) and they look like mutant beings out of a science-fiction movie to make an army of corpses dance. Nightmarish. Wagnerian music, in the classical sense, is like a single score with messianic choruses that tremble in the German language, giving that sinister theatricality that at times brings to mind the 'hail, Hitler' of the most sinister times in history, for course alien to the intentions of the group. The show could not be more heavy. They all form a mass in which no one goes off script and the solos are conspicuous by their absence, inheriting the old legacy of those pioneering German industrial metal bands such as Kraftwerk. Aware that they have made a great record with 'Mutter', they play a lot of it: 'Links 2, 3, 4', 'Feuer frei', 'Mutter', 'Ich will', 'Adios', 'Rein raus', ' Zwitter'… Almost the entire record falls. Moment of maximum intensity that is experienced when they download their great commercial hymn 'Du hast' and the staff bouncing like possessed. They connect with 'Buck dich' which includes the singer's little number hitting the keys from behind for a long time with a giant phallus that generously sprays liquid on those in the front rows. In the end, the drummer's ride in a rubber boat over the heads and arms of grief takes us back to the past because they copy it from what the American David Lee Roth did on his tours with a boat and a surfboard. The six say goodbye toasting with Champagne to the success of a party as brilliant as it is original. For the cretins who preach that rock is dying or that it has no way out, this is heaven open to a great future. The important thing is to squeeze the coconut to stand up to the owners of the circus, the Anglo-Saxons, who with projects like this it is not surprising that they feel threatened.
When a stewardess falls to the ground on a short-haul flight due to the violent shaking of the once imposing and now defenseless iron bird in whose stomach we defy gravity, it is to frown to say the least. They had warned that coinciding with the arrival to the peninsula of the men of the north also came the cruel winter of those of the plane, the snow, or the power cuts in Catalonia.
The storm had its vortex in the Palau Olympic de Badalona, a venue that was filled with, evil eye, nine thousand people eager to see one of the European monsters of metal.
If the capital had enjoyed the privilege of a concert presentation last spring for a limited number of people, this time in Madrid they were left with the desire, perhaps because there are no suitable venues to host this type of event. I know that we get very heavy with this matter, but it is so serious that it requires immediate solutions.
The fact is that Rammstein presented irrefutable arguments about why so different types of audiences like them beyond the gestation of him in the gothic scene. Thousands of people hypnotized by the grotesque, bloody, frightening and at the same time romantic show of the group despite the fact that they sing in German and 99% of the attendees do not even understand, it makes you think.
His repertoire unfolds with the perfection of a recently oiled industrial machine, it is a mechanical tune, reticent, a uniform whole supported by his risky bet on impact theater.
I'm still wondering how the hell do they not get burned by the continuous flames on the stage if I'm fifteen meters away and I feel in my retinas and complexion a burst of that infernal heat that contrasts with the icy outside environment.
By the account that brings you, for your safety and ours, almost everything in your show is perfectly calculated, but that does not prevent that when Oliver Riedel takes a boat ride through a sea of arms, he ends up taking a 'dip' in the masses when losing stability. It takes a second, but it's enough for my head to come up with the phrase: "don't try to do this at home".
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theresearchblog · 7 months
Online Recruitment Platform Market Detailed Strategies, Competitive Landscaping and Developments for next 5 years
Latest released the research study on Global Online Recruitment Platform Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Online Recruitment Platform Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Online Recruitment Platform The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are LinkedIn (United States), Monster (United States), Indeed (United States), CareerBuilder (United States), Naukri.com (India), Seek Limited (Australia), Zhilian Zhaopin (China), DHI Group, Inc. (United States), SimplyHired, Inc. (United States), StepStone (Germany),
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/116557-global-online-recruitment-platform-market
Online Recruitment Platform Market Definition:
Online recruitment platform is also known as E-recruitment or an internet recruiting platform that allows businesses to use various internet-based solutions for online advertisement and job listing to hire the best candidate for the particular job role. In today’s time increasing use of internet and evolution of advanced technologies has made easier to scout candidates and conduct the interview. The platforms offer facilities for job seekers to upload their details and resumes online.
Market Drivers:
Increasing Use of Online Recruitment Platforms for Potential Talent Scouting Across the Globe
Increasing Use of the Internet and Advanced Technologies to Reach Bigger Audience
Market Opportunities:
High Adoption by the SMEs Due to Its Cost-effectiveness and Flexibility
Market Trend:
Development of Innovative Features in Online Recruitment Applications by the Providers
The Global Online Recruitment Platform Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Permanent, Part-Time, Internship), Vertical (BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Food & Beverages, Real Estate, Travelling & Hospitality, Media & Entertainment, Automotive, Others), Enterprise Size (Small & Medium Enterprises, Large Enterprises)
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
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Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Online Recruitment Platform Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Online Recruitment Platform market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Online Recruitment Platform Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Online Recruitment Platform
Chapter 4: Presenting the Online Recruitment Platform Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying market size by Type, End User and Region 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Online Recruitment Platform market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries (2021-2026).
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Online Recruitment Platform Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in decision framework.
Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global Online Recruitment Platform Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
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jennamaxon · 8 months
Frankfurt Morning
Thursday 28th
Late September in Frankfurt and it is still warm and sunny.  It’s cooler now than it has been over the summer: things got very hot this year in late July and early August but it’s still t-shirt, shorts and sandals weather and will be for a while (even for Him Indoors).  Germany has trouble letting the summer go.  Still, our favourite Italian eis café will close for the winter in a couple of weeks and then we’ll be headed into the winter season and Christmas.  The street fairs have already started with the approach of Oktoberfest and will go on every now and again till the Christmas markets begin in mid-December.  I think sometimes outsiders imagine the Christmas markets are an isolated thing, just for Christmas and typical of German towns but in reality they act as a sort of culmination of a season of street fairs in the autumn starting with Oktoberfest.  The Germans like their street markets.  You always have to plan to have your lunch or evening meal when you go: you’ve never seen so much food and it’s all pretty good.  I love the roasted almonds in particular.  We’re thinking of going to Weisbaden this year: all the markets are different and we have been told it’s good and fun to try out different towns.  Weisbaden is the capital of Hessen and at the other end of the S-Bahn line from home.
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I came into Frankfurt today, getting off the S-Bahn at Konstablerwache (in the centre of the city) and setting off down towards the river through some of the back streets off the Ziel.  I visited my favourite city centre café on Hasengasse.  Casa Nostra is an Italian café that does arancini and canoli as well as delicious coffee and all these little pastries with crème anglais and fruit.  At the weekends they do lasagne which Him Indoors loves.  I’m tempted by the truffle arancini (truffles are also in season) but I’m going to have lunch later so settle with my creamy cappuccino as the bells of St Bartholomaus start ringing for a morning service.  I can see the tower from where I’m sitting under the trees outside the café.  It’s a very European sound.
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I set off again and go through the Kleinmarkt.  Today is Thursday and so market day in Frankfurt.  Konstablerwache was filled with stalls but they don’t quite match the exoticism of the Kleinmarkt which is a permanent indoor market and is open all days in the week.   It’s a glory hole (e.g. the Persian ingredients stall) and I spend a happy 15 minutes looking at all the strange ingredients (I come here if I want to make something unusual) and consider the array of mushrooms available including, once more, a variety I’ve never seen for sale before.  A frilly thing: large but mostly made of air as far I can see.  I don’t even know what it is.  Like most things in the Kleinmarkt, it’s a bit pricey but I’m tempted just for the fun of using an ingredient I’ve never used before.  With the autumn comes soup-making season and I’ve made some of the best mushroom soups I’ve ever made since I came here. 
Then I cross Liebfrauenberg Platz and trip through back streets and arcades, going west towards Hauptwache to find Hoogen Boogle (It’s actually Hoogendubel but I can never remember the name properly) to buy some cards so I can write some letters home and browse their extensive collection of books.  I settle in for a while in one of their substantial seating areas to people watch as eccentric little women in shabby but quirky clothes (pants that have shrunk up their legs and exposed their colourful knitted socks which have crumpled round their ankles for example) and untidy bookish old men fossick about the books and make their choices. 
The place where I planned on having my lunch is closed today so I decide to head back towards Konstablerwache but by a circuitous route heading south towards the river and past my second favourite café (Wackers).  The towers of Frankfurt’s financial district loom to the west.  It’s like a bit of Manhattan got broken off and just plunked there; they loom up out of nowhere.  Huge, and there are also many cranes about too hefting new walls and windows into the air as Frankfurt’s financial boom drives more development.  I think about heading into Wackers for a second cappuccino and something to eat but they really only do chocolate and kuchen and I want lunch not something sweet.  It’s a fascinating little place though and has been going for over a century.  The interior is packed with coffee- and tea-related comestibles and lots of chocolate in various forms all stacked on dark oak shelving and with attractive glittery displays that tempt you to buy.  There’s usually a queue out the door, there is today, but the service at the coffee counter is quick and efficient and you usually don’t wait too long. 
The Main is glittering in an alluring fashion at the bottom of the hill but I turn back towards Liebfrauenberg Platz.  I’d come through earlier but kept on going instead of visiting the Leibfrauen church or at least its precincts.  Leibfrauen Kirche is actually the church for a monastic community right here in the centre of Frankfurt.  They have a little courtyard behind the church between the monastic buildings which contain a seating area and a votive stand which anyone can visit for contemplation and, presumably, prayer.  It’s a surprisingly restful place in the midst of Frankfurt’s commercial bustle.  I sometimes come here on very busy days when I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed and sit for 10 minutes in the peace and quiet.  It can be incredibly refreshing.  People are naturally respectful and only talk in whispers if they talk at all.  They light candles and spend 10 minutes in the quiet and peace like me.  I leave a small donation as I usually do – I’m not particularly religious but I do think preserving places of solace like this is important.
I walk back along Töngesgasse which is filled with little and sometimes distinctly odd shops (there’s one dedicated to brushes – I kid you not).  There are a lot of eye-catching trinket and jewellery shops to look at because we’re not that far from the main tourist centre which is just down towards the river from here.  You overhear a lot of different languages.  There’s one shop that does carvings in malachite and other semi-precious stones.  The window display is a wondrous arrangement of swirling greens set in gold (or gold-looking) metal frames.  I pass the flower shop with the huge amaryllis bulbs ready for Christmas planting and look into a rug shop with some very luscious bright autumnal designs in wool pile: red, green, copper colours.  Very attractive.  Then past the kitchenware shop (good quality pans) and the BDSM shop (I told you there were some oddities) and to a quirky little café next to the speciality tea shop.  They do what they call health food though it actually sells burgers and chips (fries).  They call them high protein meals or some such.  To be fair they also sell avocado platters too.  Anyway, they have the distinction of serving fairly tasty food, veggie and vegan options, some nice fruit juice-based drinks and a lunchtime offer which is not expensive compared to much else of central Frankfurt.  I settle down for half an hour in the bright interior, painted a cheerful light sky blue and read.  Then I head off back to Konstablerwache to catch the S-Bahn home.  It only takes 20 minutes.
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spiremire · 1 year
6 months in Interior Alaska
In August I moved 3500 miles north from Los Angeles-ish to Interior Alaska for a PhD program. This was the most nerve wracking thing I’ve ever done and also one of the most exciting. When I talk to friends and family about having moved up here, it’s pretty clear they’re picturing me living in a cabin in the woods, fending off bears and somehow a university fits in there, somewhere. Like Alaskan Bush People, with a random college campus thrown in.
Sometimes, they’ve got the right idea. But never for the reasons they think. There’s lots of stuff that’s hard to get up here. That means everything purchased in the state of Alaska comes with a hidden shipping cost built into the market price of the item. When you’re paying nearly twice as much for fresh meat and produce in the stores than the folks living in the lower 48, it’s no question why so many locals turn to hunting and foraging to stock their pantries. Yes, even the ‘city folk’. (I live in the largest urban center in Interior Alaska, but there’s only like 33,000 people living in the city limits. I think that’s what most people would qualify as a small town.)
In terms of hunting and foraging, I wouldn’t even know where to start. No one is ever willing to share where their berry spots or mushroom spots are, and I can’t eat fish and have no interest in getting a hunting license for something bigger. I don’t even have hunting experience to make something larger feasible.
Regardless of price, there’s still some things that I just can’t get up here. Furniture stores like Ikea and Wayfair make no selfsame effort to get their products up here, not even for exorbitant shipping costs. (Usually you have to pay exorbitant shipping costs to a third party package forwarding service, or something similar, instead.) There’s a Target in Anchorage, but Anchorage is 7 hours away on a good (not icy) day. I’ve been making do with Wal-Mart, but it’s not the same and I’m not thrilled about it. Amazon usually charges extra for shipping, because I never buy anything on Amazon I can get in a store, and that usually ends up being weird, bulky items because I am perpetually unlucky.
Speaking of big grocery chains, we only have 4. We have Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer, Safeway, and Costco. These are all the biggest single stores I’ve ever seen in my life and have enough departments they’re almost individual mini-malls. Except the Costco. Costco is the same everywhere. I think I’ve already mentioned being afraid to go into the Wal-Mart and that I just use online order pick-up instead? Yeah. Yikes.
A related aside: Over spring break, which was a couple weeks ago now, we had a few researchers from Portugal visit us so they could get samples at a few of the thermokarst lakes nearby, and they had a pretty miserable mishap with their luggage where all their clothes got lost in Frankfurt, Germany (their first connection), but all their sampling materials arrived just fine. So we ended up taking them to Wal-Mart to get them a few basics, and they’d never been in a Wal-Mart. They also found it entirely overwhelming and I feel vindicated. Anyway.
The familiar-national-chain pickings are slim, whether I’m looking for groceries, fast-food, or another specialty store. This isn’t to say that everything I need isn’t available. Because it is. If you can’t get it for closer-to-lower-48 prices at a national chain store, you can definitely get it from some local supplier. Only problem is, the local suppliers can charge whatever they want, because there’s no competition. Is that good for them? Yes! Absolutely. I love small businesses, and I love that this area allows them to thrive. Is it good for me? Hell no. I don’t make enough as a student to justify going out to eat more than once a month, or once every two months if I’m going to a sit-down restaurant, where the cheapest plate is somewhere between $20-25. Which is rough.
But I don’t only have complaints! There’s so many things I love about here, so far, and in the big picture, I feel like my complaints don’t even begin to outweigh the benefits. I’ve gotten a million opportunities I’d never have gotten anywhere else to do cool stuff. I got to go ice climbing, touch three million year old dirt at the bottom of a permafrost tunnel, see so many excellent showings of aurora borealis, dodge moose and bears and caribou with my car, feel -45F, or experience a full 24 hours of darkness.
I’m having a blast, but sometimes the little things make me feel more like I’m living in the woods. (Don’t get me started on the dry cabin situation up here.)
A lot of it can be mitigated by simply going to these places while I’m visiting my family in the lower 48, but I only see them once a year because I’m so busy and flights are so expensive.
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cody-apexart · 1 year
Day 22
uuuuuh i think y’all sent me four hours away to a mission trip to pick up cigarette butts at a zoo. also i’m sharing a twin sized bed with one pillow and one blanket with a stranger. and it’s the hardest bed i’ve ever felt, like i’m scared to sleep on this slab.
so i had to meet everyone at the link cafe, the cafe is run by 3 german people and one vietnamese person. they crowdfund these service trips, often proposed by folks within the link community, by way of people paying extra for beverages and choosing which project they donate the extra money to.
i’m at a loss with this one rly. i’ve learned a lot about the diversity of religion present here in vietnam, but this crowd funded trash and travel trip has ~everyone~ praying over the food and saying amen. also most people are 21 and under from what i gather, so they’re all calling me auntie.
i was smoking the last of my 5gs of weed that lasted me 12 days (!!) talking to one of the cofounders of the cafe and he was telling me how god (christian god) speaks to him, etc. talking about what the community at the link has done for people, how he prayed for four hours and this dude that hadn’t spoken in 12 years started speaking. he’s from germany and has been here for 12 years, with the link community being permanently housed at the link cafe for five years. it’s a coffee shop downstairs and has a couple apartments upstairs. anyway, i was smiling thru it as hard as i could, and then some folks from the trip came by saying they were gonna go look for crabs in the river, sooo i went to look for crabs in the river. yoooo some of these people were good af at catching fish and crabs with their hands in the dark.
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i don't want to forget that having to be up and out of the house before 6am was nice though, it was great to see everyone out along the canal at dawn and watching the market get setup.
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alotsgonnachange · 2 years
Danielle Bio:
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Name: Danielle Dupont
Dob: Sept 7th / Virgo
Age: IDK 30 or something
Gender: cisgender woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5’6
Favorite Food: Espresso, Pain au Chocolat, or a good wheaty ale
Magical Specialties: Eclectic - mostly spells and potions
Familiar: None
Patron Arcana: The Sun
Ethnicity: I made up a country called Korgelsberg which is like France/Luxembourg vibes but with less money
Family: Orphan! Literally no idea!
Ocupation: Sex Shop owner
Love Interest(s): [explosion sounds]
Danielle is energetic, charming, and amusing to interact with on a surface level. A saleswoman first and foremost, it’s a front that often doesn’t seem super genuine to some. Once you get to know her better, she’s actually very interested in having deep and philosophical conversations about anything, but particularly science and chemistry and sex. She fancies herself a collector and lives a maximalist life - finding that she often accumulates a growing menagerie of stuff whether it’s useful for her shop or just for her own interests. Despite this, she’s quite organized and deeply values routine. She can lose track of time very easily and is prone to missing or forgetting important things. She feels her emotions very deeply and often copes with this in ways that are less than productive.
Magic overview:
Danielle is something of an eclectic practitioner who specializes in sexual magic. What this consists of can include things as innocuous as candles, lotions, serums, tinctures, and lubricants. On the more complex side, she’ll have sex toys, outfits, tools, and other enhancers that she either makes or orders from vendors. Most of this involves a lot of knowledge of potions, chemistry, spells, and ingredients. She’s mostly self taught and considers herself to constantly be in a state of research. She also dabbles in visual and beautifying magic, along with facilitating intricate self care spells and rituals.
Height and Appearance
Danielle is the shortest, she is probably less than 5’6. She is also the palest. She has good facial structure and is very conventionally attractive, big blue eyes, pouty lips, blonde hair. She tends to wear makeup when she’s out and about. She’s busty and hourglass shaped. her stomach and thighs are chubby and if she gains or loses weight it’s there. She keeps her hair very long and cares for it meticulously to keep it in blonde ringlets. Her hair is like her CHILD ok. Secretly would like to dye it black at some point.
Dirndl style dresses (with and without the cinch like bodice). not super formal. may sometimes wear a scarf over her hair if it’s windy. Not afraid to get dirty but needs to look cute doing it. She has many comfortable dresses in blues, greens, whites and tans. Doesn’t like to wear blacks or purples Or reds.
Abridged Backstory
Danielle was born without any family or ties whatsoever and is unaware of her origins. She spent most of her formative years being bounced from orphanage to orphanage, some good, some bad. She did not have many real parental figures and had many behavioral problems (as one would expect). Once she began exhibiting magical abilities, she found ways to market herself selling flowers and offering services however she could. Unfortunately she spent many years resorting to theft and trickery to survive.
Her first ever job she got as a Busgirl/barmaid at an inn in an area that would resemble switzerland/germany. She would clean up and serve drinks and food and sing along to old Lieder that would often play in the establishment. Eventually her singing was noticed by a patron who offered to teach her lessons and employ her at the Opera house, which she accepted and this would become her first source of real income and security. She relocated and worked at the same performing arts center as Isabella and Ivan (Mutual friend of Isabella and Danielle).
Her time at the Opera house went well at first but she did a bit of self sabotage by being unprofessional and perhaps…breaking up a marriage and eventually called it quits and decided she wanted to go off on her own, much to Isabella’s chagrin. She’s spent most of her life in a semi-nomadic state, picking up knowledge, items, experiences, and hookups. She decided she wanted to open up her own shop at this point. She got in a real relationship but with a literal criminal and got caught up in both an abusive relationship and a crime syndicate which was messy and traumatizing for her, but she managed to escape and throw herself into learning/planning her shop in all of her spare time. However it’s permanently altered her trust, so forming new relationships will be difficult for her.
As A Friend: A good person to have on your side. She’s funny, charming, and ridiculous. She could use people in her life who are good influences and not likely to take advantage of her or make her feel small. She loves giving gifts (which can vary from expensive and rare to “do you want this eggshell???”) and gossip. She tends to ramble, and also would be over the moon if you would just let her talk for 3…or 35 minutes about her magical theories???? You might have to remind her of basic etiquette from time to time, but otherwise she truly means well and cares deeply for her friends. And if someone wrongs you, she is willing to do something VERY illegal to that person.
As A Lover: I’m gonna be so honest she is not for everyone. As a self proclaimed “love witch” and someone who studies sex magic and sells dildos for a living she feels like she intimidates everyone and these days worries about making a move. She fears being vulnerable and experiencing romantic love, but it is something that she wants. I think there will be some communication snags if you pursue her like not as a joke and express that you actually want her. Once there, she’s loyal, doting, and enjoys having someone to share company with even if it’s just doing domestic things.
Top and dominant. She prefers to be in control unless she knows a lover for a very long time or trusts them deeply. Very creative and of course keeps things fun and fresh due to her profession, but if you’d rather just screw without all the fancy stuff, she liked that too! It could also help her to have a long term romantic partner/fwb so she can make real connections and frankly….have better sex.
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Smart Glove Market - Forecast (2021 - 2026)
The Smart Glove Market size is analyzed to grow at a CAGR of 9.6% during the forecast 2021-2026 to reach $4.67 billion by 2026. Smart Glove is considered as a wide range of Sensor technology gloves for advanced and customized solutions, such as hand protection, high-tech rehab device and other assistive device services. The Smart Gloves are designed electronic devices with microcontrollers to offer avant-garde opportunities for various kinds of application suitable to the business requirements, including industrial grade gloves and medical grade gloves, and thus, contribute to the Smart Glove market growth. The rapid prominence of the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and connected devices, along with the increasing innovations in wearable health devices, smart personal protective equipment, integrated with GPS, wireless communication features and in-built voice assistance have supported the Smart Glove Industry development successfully. In fact, the growth of the market is also observed due to the growing advancement of the Bluetooth chip, flex sensors, microcontroller, and accelerometer. Furthermore, the progression of microencapsulation and nanotechnology pave the way for sensor technology which offers lucrative growth possibilities. The influx of brands like Samsung, Apple, and Fossil are broadening the functionalities, which further promotes Smart Glove Market. 
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Smart Glove Market Report Coverage
The report: “Smart Glove Industry Outlook – Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Smart Glove Industry.
By Offerings: Software and Service By Application: Fitness & Wellness, Specific Health Monitor, Infotainment, Ergonomic wearable and others By Industry Verticals: Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare, Food & Beverages, Enterprise and Industrial, Consumer Electronics and others By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and Others), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others)and RoW (Middle east and Africa). 
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Key Takeaways
The growing demand of wearable medical devices owing to the increasing awareness on fitness and a healthy lifestyle along with prominence of connected devices in Healthcare, contribute to the growth.
Asia Pacific is estimated to hold the highest share of 40% in 2020, followed by North America, owing to the significant adoption of IoT, large scale implementation of a wide range of ubiquitous systems, such as wearable computing and sensor technology across the several business verticals.
The advancements in consumer electronics with a wide range of technical advantages, including touch sensitive features and miniature designs, resulted into the market growth.
Smart Glove Market Segment Analysis – By Industry Verticals
By Industry Verticals, the Smart Glove Market is segmented into Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare, Food & Beverages, Enterprise and Industrial, Consumer Electronics and others. The Enterprise and Industrial segment held the major share of 37% in 2020, owing to the propensity for cutting-edge products and significant investment to pursue radical evolutions in commercial applications. In order to address the growing requirement of several end users across automotive, oil & gas, manufacturing and logistics, customizable smart gloves with built-in scanners are introduced for more effective operations. In April 2019, the manufacturer of a smart, wearable technology, ProGlove, unveiled its MARK 2 to a U.S. audience ProMat in Chicago. The new MARK 2 enables the user to scan up to 5 feet away from a device and can connect to a corporate network via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), with up to 15-hour charge battery. ProGlove provides hands-free scanning solutions across a number of industries, and thus, in September 2020, Panasonic announced a partnership with ProGlove, to combine the mobile computing solutions of the two companies in order to offer rugged, innovative and user-friendly wireless barcode scanners. The strategic collaboration is also formulated to deliver seamless as-a-stand-alone scanning solution with an embedded Panasonic’s voice picking solutions for the warehouse operations, supply chain, and inventory checking. Therefore, the growing demand of integrated gesture sensor solutions for dynamic workstations, and a more efficient working environment accelerated the demand of Smart Glove Market. 
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Smart Glove Market Segment Analysis – By Geography
Asia Pacific is estimated to hold the highest share of 40% in 2020, followed by North America in Smart Glove Market. The early adoption of IoT, large scale implementation of a wide range of ubiquitous systems, such as wearable computing and sensor technology across the several business verticals, along with the growing interest of consumers towards ‘sensorized’ fitness wearable devices are estimated to drive the market in these regions. Furthermore, numerous research investments propel the innovations of soft and stretchable electronics design that propel a competitive edge to smart wearable solutions. In January 2021, HaptX Inc. announced the release of HaptX Gloves DK2. The HaptX Gloves DK2 is an upgraded design and the world's most advanced haptic feedback gloves, which deliver unprecedented realism, with more than 130 points of tactile feedback per hand. These gloves have astoundingly real-life superpowers with VR, XR, and robotics technologies to meet the demand of various enterprises for quality requirements. Hence, the promising demand of industrial wearable and other smart personal protective equipment in these regions are estimated to drive the Smart Glove Market. 
Smart Glove Market Drivers
Growing prominence of healthcare wearable
The growing demand of wearable medical devices owing to the increasing awareness on fitness and a healthy lifestyle along with prominence of connected devices in Healthcare, contribute to the growth of Smart Glove Market. Moreover, the rise of high-tech devices to usher clinical-grade wearable with 3G and 4G connection led to various viable solutions. In July 2020, UCLA bioengineers designed a glove-like device that can translate American Sign Language (ASL) into English speech in real time through a smartphone app. The entire system is integrated upon a pair of gloves with thin, stretchable sensors to translate hand gestures into spoken words. Hence, the sizable demand of personalized care, specific health issue monitoring devices and user-friendly, compact medical wearable propelled the growth of the Smart Glove Market. 
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Advancements in consumer electronics
The advancements in consumer electronics with a wide range of technical advantages, including touch sensitive features and miniature designs, resulted into the growth of Smart Glove Market. The advent of digitalization and latest development in sensor technology to enhance user performances is further driving the market. In April 2019, British music tech company Mi.Mu, founded by Grammy award-winning artist Imogen Heap announced the release of newly designed Mi.Mu gloves, allowing artists to map hand gestures to music software. The new gloves of Mi.Mu are durable with a removable battery system that offers artists complete control over their musical performances. Moreover, the breakthrough innovation in microfibre sensor technology offers strain sensing capabilities that provides gesture-based control. In August 2020, A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS), led by Professor Lim Chwee Teck, developed a smart glove, known as 'InfinityGloveTM', which enables users to mimic numerable in-game controls using simple hand gestures. Therefore, the launch of sophisticated wearable electronics products, extensive glove's capabilities and rising usage of convenient-to-use devices are some of the factors that are estimated to drive the Smart Glove Market. 
Smart Glove Market Challenge
High price of Smart Glove solution
The market of Smart Glove is expanding due to the significant technologies development, using the amalgamation of sensing and feedback operation to denote smarter systems. Thus, the commercially available devices, pertaining to smart glove features are prominently expensive, which is a major constraint that demotivated the rapid adoption. Thus, factors such as less sensible investment and unobtainability of some of the latest smart gloves technology around some regions  due to high cost are likely to restrict the Smart Glove Market. 
Market Landscape
Partnerships and acquisitions along with product launches are the key strategies adopted by the players in the Smart Glove Market. The Smart Glove Market top 10 companies include Apple Inc, Flint Rehab, Haptx, Lab Brother Llc, Maze Exclusive, Neofect, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, Seekas Technology Co., Ltd, Vandrico Solution Inc, ProGlove, Workaround Gmbh and among others 
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Acquisitions/Technology Launches/Partnerships
In December 2019, HaptX, the leading provider of realistic haptic technology announced the partnership with Advanced Input Systems along with a Series A financing round of $12 million. This acquisition provides a great opportunity for HaptX as they can finance the production of the next generation of HaptX Gloves, which represents the world’s most realistic gloves for virtual reality and robotics, coupled with product development, manufacturing, and go-to-market collaboration.
In November 2019, Ansell Limited, a leading provider of safety solutions, announced a partnership with ProGlove, a renowned industrial wearable manufacturer.  The acquisition is formed to deliver advanced hand protection solutions to ensure the personal protective equipment (PPE) compliance in the workplace.
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historyherstory · 2 years
Chapter Five Notes
Now-familiar D-day sources remain present (Dick Winters’ books are basically the gold standard for dates and troop movement/engagement, which along with Ambrose & the regimental unit study continues to contribute to most of the specific framework of timing). 
What this chapter brings up in a way that is narratively, important (but somewhat understated in conversation - many of these points come back later, so.) is the discussion of wartime France.
A few notes: This was my primary source to learn about rationing in France during WW2. A few key takeaways: Even if you were eligible for ration tickets, that didn’t guarantee you’d get the allotted quantity, and the very highest caloric intake possible was right around 1,200 cal/day which is generally not going to be enough to sustain working/physical adults (which in wartime France, seemed to basically be a majority of the adult population).
Food scarcity was less a problem in the countryside where produce and livestock were individually owned, but they had more difficulty accessing the manufactured products (boots, coats, et cetera) that were far more common in the cities. Subsequently, the black market thrived. 
Reading about la Milice (wiki is a good place to start) was pretty eye opening. For the sake of my story, not especially relevant (as they operated more in conjunction with the Vichy government in the south of France) but it brought up the interesting point that to the French Resistance, they considered the Milice more of a threat rather than the SS or Gestapo as it was the local Frenchmen of the Milice that would be more able to identify fake stories, inauthentic accents, and the like. 
The STO (Service du Travail Obligatoire) is frequently written about as a huge point of contention for the French (and in some instances, even presented as a bit of ‘the straw that breaks the camel’s back,’ so to speak). The invasion and the occupation of France were atrocities, but it was Germany passing these compulsory work edicts (which shipped able bodied young people to Germany) was a point of no return. Nazi Germany promised to return one French prisoner of war (captured military man) for every 3 French citizens who enlisted in the STO. When they didn’t have as many volunteers as they needed, the program escalated into compulsory work (men aged 18-50 and single women 21-35).
Shockingly (surprised pikachu face here..) these were staggeringly unpopular. It’s estimated that the STO edict led to approximately 200,000 people going undercover to evade service (and a whole 1/4th of those ultimately joining some form of resistance to the German occupation). 
Very much a “you made your bed, now you have to sleep in it” moment. 
A hat-tip again to the French Resistance here: The diversity of individuals involved really cannot be overstated. On a personal level, I have always found the stories of the young women, and the students, particularly compelling. Organizing and printing resistance newspapers, smuggling information, smuggling weapons, spying on occupying Germans or the Vichy government, performing acts of domestic terrorism to disrupt the Vichy and/or the Germans - the tenacity of the Resistance has always been compelling. If you’re interested, I’d recommend Sisters in the Resistance as a book that delves more deeply into women in the French Resistance.
All references for His·Story: History, hiding hers, chapter 5.
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Initiatives for Sustainability in the German Food Service Industry
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 The Germany Food Service Market has undergone a significant transformation as a result of the increasing emphasis placed on sustainability. With expanding consciousness of natural issues among customers and severe guidelines, the food administration industry in Germany is embracing imaginative manageability drives to diminish its carbon impression, limit squander, and advance moral obtaining.
Initiatives and current trends in sustainability Food waste reduction:
Statistics: Food waste amounts to approximately 18 million tons annually in Germany. The food service industry accounts for roughly 14 percent of this.
Initiatives: Cafés and catering administrations are carrying out cutting edge stock administration frameworks to upgrade food utilisation. Organisations like Excessively All set are joining forces with food specialist co-ops to sell overflow food at limited rates, hence decreasing waste.
Practical Obtaining and Moral Stockpile Chains:
Statistics: In Germany, restaurants that source their ingredients locally and sustainably are preferred by over 60% of customers.
Initiatives: Numerous food specialist co-ops are focusing on utilising natural, fair-exchange, and privately obtained fixings. Chains like McDonald's Germany are zeroing in on obtaining 100 percent of their espresso economically and utilising a reasonable hamburger .
Adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency:
Statistics: In Germany, the food service industry accounts for about 4% of the country's total energy use.
Initiatives: Eateries and bistros are putting resources into energy-effective apparatuses and progressing to environmentally friendly power sources. For example, Vapiano has carried out energy-saving estimates across its outlets, decreasing energy utilisation by 20% yearly .
Reduced use of plastics and eco-friendly packaging:
Statistics: The EU's single-use plastics order, which Germany sticks to, expects to lessen the utilisation of single-use plastics by half by 2025 .
Initiatives: Biodegradable and compostable packaging are becoming increasingly popular among food service providers. Burger King Germany, for example, has introduced wooden cutlery and paper straws in addition to removing plastic toys from children's meals.
Advantages of Maintainability in the Food Administration Market
Improved Brand Picture and Client Dependability: Foundations that focus on manageability frequently partake in a more grounded brand picture and more noteworthy client unwaveringly. Purchasers are more disposed to help organisations that exhibit ecological obligation.
Cost Reserve funds: It is possible to save a lot of money by using less energy and wasting less food. Productive assets, the executives and waste decrease drives help in bringing down functional expenses.
Consistence and Chance Administration: Businesses can avoid penalties and comply with regulations by adhering to sustainability standards. Additionally, it reduces the dangers of environmental supply chain disruptions.
Challenges in Executing Maintainability
High Introductory Expenses: Changing to manageable practices frequently requires significant forthright interest in innovation, preparing, and foundation.
Complexity of the Supply Chain: It can be difficult to ensure that all suppliers adhere to sustainability standards, especially for larger chains with extensive supply networks.
Sensitivity to Consumer Prices: Sustainable products are gaining popularity, but not everyone is willing to pay more for them, which could hurt profitability.
Scope of Future Growth 
The Germany Food Service Market is expected to become increasingly green in the future. A few variables are probably going to drive this pattern:
Mechanical Headways: Developments in food innovation, for example, plant-based meats and lab-developed fixings, will offer new roads for manageability.
Administrative Help: Green initiatives will be supported by government policies and subsidies, which will encourage more businesses to adopt sustainable practices.
Demand from Clients: As mindfulness keeps on developing, purchaser interest for feasible feasting choices will push more food specialist co-ops to focus on supportability.
The Germany food Service market obligation to maintainability isn't simply a pattern however an essential development to guarantee long haul feasibility and ecological stewardship. The market is poised for a future in which sustainability is at the heart of its operations, to the benefit of both businesses and the environment, by overcoming the obstacles and taking advantage of the opportunities.
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snigy46 · 10 hours
Plant-based Foods market Growth and Trends Forecast by 2031
The Insight Partners recently announced the release of the market research titled Plant-based Foods Market Outlook to 2031 | Share, Size, and Growth. The report is a stop solution for companies operating in the Plant-based Foods market. The report involves details on key segments, market players, precise market revenue statistics, and a roadmap that assists companies in advancing their offerings and preparing for the upcoming decade. Listing out the opportunities in the market, this report intends to prepare businesses for the market dynamics in an estimated period.
Is Investing in the Market Research Worth It?
Some businesses are just lucky to manage their performance without opting for market research, but these incidences are rare. Having information on longer sample sizes helps companies to eliminate bias and assumptions. As a result, entrepreneurs can make better decisions from the outset. Plant-based Foods Market report allows business to reduce their risks by offering a closer picture of consumer behavior, competition landscape, leading tactics, and risk management.
A trusted market researcher can guide you to not only avoid pitfalls but also help you devise production, marketing, and distribution tactics. With the right research methodologies, The Insight Partners is helping brands unlock revenue opportunities in the Plant-based Foods market.
If your business falls under any of these categories – Manufacturer, Supplier, Retailer, or Distributor, this syndicated Plant-based Foods market research has all that you need.
What are Key Offerings Under this Plant-based Foods Market Research?
Global Plant-based Foods market summary, current and future Plant-based Foods market size
Market Competition in Terms of Key Market Players, their Revenue, and their Share
Economic Impact on the Industry
Production, Revenue (value), Price Trend
Cost Investigation and Consumer Insights
Industrial Chain, Raw Material Sourcing Strategy, and Downstream Buyers
Production, Revenue (Value) by Geographical Segmentation
Marketing Strategy Comprehension, Distributors and Traders
Global Plant-based Foods Market Forecast
Study on Market Research Factors
Who are the Major Market Players in the Plant-based Foods Market?
Plant-based Foods market is all set to accommodate more companies and is foreseen to intensify market competition in coming years. Companies focus on consistent new launches and regional expansion can be outlined as dominant tactics. Plant-based Foods market giants have widespread reach which has favored them with a wide consumer base and subsequently increased their Plant-based Foods market share.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Plant-Based Milk and Derivatives
Bakery and Confectionery
Sweet and Savory Snacks
Plant-Based Beverages
Distribution Channel
Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
Specialty Stores
Online retail
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Amy's Kitchen
Clara Foods
Danone S.A.
Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A., Inc.
General Mills Inc.
Keystone Natural Holdings
Nestle SA
Premier Foods PL
The Hain Celestial Group, Inc.
Tyson Foods, Inc.
Other key companies 
What are Perks for Buyers?
The research will guide you in decisions and technology trends to adopt in the projected period.
Take effective Plant-based Foods market growth decisions and stay ahead of competitors
Improve product/services and marketing strategies.
Unlock suitable market entry tactics and ways to sustain in the market
Knowing market players can help you in planning future mergers and acquisitions
Visual representation of data by our team makes it easier to interpret and present the data further to investors, and your other stakeholders.
Do We Offer Customized Insights? Yes, We Do!
The The Insight Partners offer customized insights based on the client’s requirements. The following are some customizations our clients frequently ask for:
The Plant-based Foods market report can be customized based on specific regions/countries as per the intention of the business
The report production was facilitated as per the need and following the expected time frame
Insights and chapters tailored as per your requirements.
Depending on the preferences we may also accommodate changes in the current scope.
About Us:
The Insight Partners is a one-stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Devices, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
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Global Oat Yoghurt Market, By Form (Drinkable Yogurt, Spoon able Yogurt) Flavour (Original/Plain, Vanilla, Strawberry, Blueberry, Mango, Raspberry, and Peach), Category (Conventional, Organic), Packaging Type (Tubs, Pouches, Others), End-User (Household, Food Service Industry), Distribution Channel (Store Based, Non-Store Based) Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherland, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, New Zealand, Vietnam, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, U.A.E, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2029.
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europeincoming044 · 18 hours
Student Adventures Exploring Europe's Best Cities on a Budget
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Europe is a dream destination for students seeking adventure, culture, and education. The continent’s rich history, diverse cultures, and stunning landscapes make it an ideal place for student travel. However, budgeting for a European trip can be challenging. Fear not! With careful planning and the right student Europe travel packages, exploring Europe’s best cities on a budget is entirely possible.
Why Europe?
Europe offers a plethora of experiences for students. From the historic streets of Rome to the artistic vibes of Paris, and the vibrant nightlife of Berlin, there's something for every type of traveler. Additionally, many cities in Europe are student-friendly, offering discounts and budget-friendly options for food, accommodation, and attractions.
Top Budget-Friendly Cities in Europe for Students
1. Prague, Czech Republic
Prague is often called the "City of a Hundred Spires" and is known for its beautiful architecture, vibrant nightlife, and affordable prices. Students can explore the historic Old Town, visit Prague Castle, and enjoy cheap yet delicious Czech cuisine.
2. Budapest, Hungary
Budapest is famous for its stunning architecture, thermal baths, and ruin bars. The city is split by the Danube River, with Buda on one side and Pest on the other. It’s a perfect blend of history and modernity, offering plenty of affordable attractions for students.
3. Berlin, Germany
Berlin is a city rich in history and culture. Known for its artsy vibe and vibrant nightlife, Berlin is also home to numerous museums, galleries, and historic sites. Many of these attractions offer student discounts, making it an excellent choice for budget-conscious travelers.
4. Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon is one of the most affordable capital cities in Western Europe. It boasts beautiful beaches, historic neighborhoods, and a lively cultural scene. Students can explore the city’s rich history, enjoy fresh seafood, and relax on the stunning beaches.
5. Krakow, Poland
Krakow is a city steeped in history, with a charming old town and plenty of budget-friendly activities. Students can visit the historic Wawel Castle, explore the Jewish Quarter, and take day trips to nearby attractions like the Wieliczka Salt Mine and Auschwitz.
Tips for Budget-Friendly Student Travel in Europe
1. Choose the Right Student Europe Travel Packages
Opting for student Europe travel packages can save a significant amount of money. These packages often include accommodation, meals, transportation, and entry to popular attractions. Student tour operators specialize in creating affordable travel options tailored to students’ needs.
2. Use Student Discounts
Many European cities offer discounts for students at museums, attractions, and even transportation. Always carry your student ID to take advantage of these savings.
3. Stay in Hostels
Hostels are a popular choice for student group travel. They are affordable, provide opportunities to meet fellow travelers, and often offer amenities like free breakfast and Wi-Fi.
4. Cook Your Own Meals
While trying local cuisine is a must, eating out every day can quickly drain your budget. Stay in accommodations that offer kitchen facilities so you can cook some of your meals. Shopping at local markets can also be a fun and affordable way to experience the local culture.
5. Walk or Use Public Transport
Walking is a great way to explore a city and save money. Most European cities are very walkable. For longer distances, use public transport instead of taxis or ride-sharing services.
6. Plan Ahead
Booking flights, accommodations, and attractions in advance can save you a lot of money. Many airlines and hotels offer discounts for early bookings.
Choosing the Right Student Tour Operators
Selecting the right student tour operators is crucial for a successful and budget-friendly trip. Look for operators with good reviews, a history of organizing student trips, and packages that include essential services like accommodation, meals, and guided tours. Experienced operators can also provide valuable advice on how to make the most of your budget.
Exploring Europe’s best cities on a budget is entirely possible with careful planning and the right resources. Whether you’re a history buff, an art lover, or just looking for an adventure, Europe has something to offer every student traveler. By choosing the right student Europe travel packages and following budget-friendly travel tips, you can experience the best of Europe without breaking the bank.
So, pack your bags, gather your friends, and embark on an unforgettable journey across Europe’s most exciting cities. Happy travels!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I find budget-friendly student Europe travel packages?
Look for reputable student tour operators that specialize in budget travel. They often offer packages that include accommodation, transportation, and entry to popular attractions at discounted rates.
2. Are there student discounts available in Europe?
Yes, many attractions, museums, and transportation services in Europe offer student discounts. Always carry your student ID to take advantage of these savings.
3. What is the best time of year for student trips to Europe?
Spring (April to June) and fall (September to October) are ideal times to visit Europe. The weather is pleasant, and there are fewer tourists compared to the summer months.
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