This Is Advice For Anyone Who Wants To Run Kazuha As A DPS
First of all, Kazuha is sticky position as a character because he mainly scales off Elemental Mastery and for a DPS you’d mainly prioritize Crit Rate / DMG. So, the question is how would you build him and should you build him as a DPS. He’s also geared as a support / enabler but he for sure would make a great DPS with the right builds and most of these builds will need expirmentation to see which’ll work best for you. He’d be best at Support at C2 and best as a DPS at C6 but I know must of us wouldn’t bother and it isn’t necessary.
Should you build him as a DPS
In ATK speed, Kazuha is in a rough position once more. He’s a sword user so he really can’t be a faster DMG dealer like Xiao and he doesn’t have access to the perks of a bow character. If we look at his ATK multipliers (at talent lvls 8) his normal hits are a bit higher than Keqing’s normal ATK but her Charged ATK is still greater. Kazuha’s plunge ATK (with his Elemental Skill) Multiplier is around 856% (307% Elemental Skill + 349% Plunge DMG + 200% from his other talent) while Xiao’s is 435% (349% Plunge DMG + 86% Elemental Burst DMG). So He’d probably be good as a Elemental Skill Sub-DPS but if since this is a DPS guide, he could also work as a Elemental Burst DPS. Mainly as a Physical DPS, he could work but since he scales of Elemental Mastery. Mostly, his DMG will come from his Elemental Skill. But safe to say, he could work as a DPS, Support, or a Sub-DPS based off of what your team needs.
DPS Build (s)
You can use any of these builds with the swords, Harbinger of Dawn (Sub-DPS or Support Route), Royal Longsword (Off-Field Sub-DPS), Sacrificial Sword, (Elemental Skill DPS), Festering Desire (Elemental Skill DPS), Skyward Blade (Support 5* Sword), Freedom-Sworn (Support 5* Sword / Character Showcase Weapon), Blackcliff Longsword (DPS), Lion’s Roar (For teams with Pyro / Electro characters), Prototype Rancour (Overall Good DPS Sword), The Alley Flash (Best 4 Star DPS For Kazuha), The Black Sword (DPS), Aquila Favonia (Really Good DPS But Will Be Kinda Useless On C6 DPS Kazuha Due To Anemo Auto ATK Infusions), and Primordial Jade Cutter (Good For Builds Without Much Crit Rate). I’ll give 3 examples for a DPS build and 1 for a Support / Elemental Mastery based build. (Of course you can make your own builds based on what you have and what you need for your team). First DPS Build is 2 piece Viridescent Venerer + 2 piece Gladiator’s Finale and The Alley Flash but make sure the artifact pieces with interchangeable main stats have either EM, Crit Rate / DMG, and maybe ATK. (Maybe as in if you can since it isn’t your most important stat for a DPS). Second DPS Build is 2 piece Viridescent + 2 Piece Bloodstained Chivalry / Pale Flame. Third DPS Build is 2 piece Viridescent + 2 piece Noblesse Oblige. EM / Support Build is 4 Piece Viridescent. This took me 2 hours lol, I hope this is helpful! :,)
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me over here just taking down all the notes
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🌸 Follow on for Azhdaha tips if anyone needs them:
- Listen to his quotes, lines such as "no atonement for a 1000 year pain" "the encroached earth will not absolve you" are lines he says right before his undodgeable AOES, so if you hear them, run to the arena edges.
- Post AOE but before he starts taking damage again, you can hit him to reduce cooldowns (such as with Noelles shield reducing cool down every 4 hits, even if Azhdaha isn't taking damage, you're still reducing cooldown for free)
- A lot of people have mentioned shield characters (with best girl Noelle being amongst the best choices), but there's also Beidou and her parry/burst that grants her a shield.
- Since elemental mastery got buffed, go wild with reactions, Sucrose especially got buffed in this update so if you can build her, I heavily recommend doing so
- Pay attention to the elemental symbols at the boss gate - this week for example it's hydro/cryo (which imo is absolutely evil Mihoyo) and plan around those.
Now Childe tips for anyone needing them
- He staggers easily against Claymore characters in first and second phase (from my experience with Noelle, Diluc, Beidou and Chongyun)
- Again listen to his quotes "Now die here" is his main one before he releases his massive arrow AOE, he also says it before his giant whale attack so running to the side of the arena is your best bet
- Riptide can absolutely shred, so if you are afflicted, back off for a little while and heal up
- Shield characters can help stop his combos, so consider investing in either Zhongli, Noelle, Diona or Xinyan if you have them. If not, learn his combo patterns, when to dash and when to strike.
- Third phase can be a nightmare if you're unprepared, especially with his dash attacks and that one attack he does when he marks you and jumps. Again, either consider investing in a shield character, or dash right before he strikes you after being marked.
Hopefully these help at least one person 🌸
thank you glace for this extra tips (scribbles feverishly as I try to jot it all down) 
i didn’t do well in this fight and probably had the hardest one I’ve had in a really long time -- there is always something going on and I couldnt’ find a good response, so these are really helpful! thank youU!
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To the anon asking for advice on the Childe fight - if you get marked by his attacks, run to the walls of the arena to cleanse them! They're imbued w pyro and will vaporize/overload the hydro/electro marks without dealing damage :)
oOOH smarrt - i try and stay near the walls anyway when he does a few moves so this is such good validation! 
thank you for the additional information 🙌🙏
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I don't have many tips because I'm reckless and end up face tanking it real quick but, if you build up Noelle, she easily can become a dps/healer/tank all in one!
My sibling actually did this and her damage output, healing, and shield are unmatched! It's incredible how much people disregard her as a character.
4pc bolide
(focus on crit substats + def%)
Defense timepiece
Geo cup
Crt Dmg hat
*negative is that using Noelle is Geo v Geo
The other would be Diona!
4pc Maidens Beloved
just give her HP % timepiece and cup
Really just stack her HP djdjskks
sacrificial bow
Sprout also added:
""for Diona, you can even make her timepiece energy recharge instead to get her q up faster!!
Also her shield gives you a speedy buff so you move faster and, thus, are able to Doge a bit quickle""
Thanks for the extra tips friend! ❤️❤️
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Azhdaha Tips uhhhhhh lmao says the person who still gets killed by that damned chonky boy lmao
- Shields are always the best option (which is why Zhongli is always the best option) and alternatives for that are Diona, Noelle, and Xinyan (though apparently her shield is the weakest) pair that up with a shield boosting food buff and you can survive most of his stomping unavoidable aoe lmao
- Otherwise, get your energy recharging healers (Barbara, Qiqi, Diona, Bennett, and especially Jean) two of my other three friends have one of them each built up and rotate who heals when we coop and the amount of times they have saved me from dying is impeccable lmao if you have one of them, I'd suggest an Energy Recharge build for them!
- Honestly if you have a geo chara build like Ningguang or Albedo, bring them too for the crystallized shields they drop! Though it's annoying cause the crystals usually drop underneath Azhdaha which... you can't get lmao
- The elemental attacks usually have a pattern drawn on the floor so be sure to look down (and I had tried it before but Zhonglis pillar can usually save you from them? But very inconsistent so do at your own risk!). If needed, use your elemental burst to iframe the attacks!
- If you end up getting hit, you'll be marked which will also drain your hp hahah so if you do get marked, have a cleanser (Barbara, Jean, Bennett, and Xinqiu are examples) ready to remove it! Otherwise, have your NRE pouch ready hahaha
- use the arena to your advantage! Azhdaha is a biiiiig target so if you have long range fighters like an archer or catalyst, just rain down arrows on him haha
- don't quote me on this but I think you can avoid his stomp even if you don't have a shield if you time your dash just right lmao I think I did it once??? But I still need to test this out habdj
That's mostly it sorry if it's short, I'm still struggling with him esp since I don't have Zhongli and my Diona is still being built haha
Bless you!! Here are some more :D :D
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Re: Fighting Childe
Okay I realize my set up might be scuffed cause my team is all 90 with maxed out artifact sets but not the best stats... but I guess the strategy applies?
The first thing I will say is that the NRE pouch you get for your reputation reward (I think in Liyue?) is your best damned friend if you are going in the fight with coop or without a healer. While the fight does pause in single player when you go to the menu, it doesn't in coop and I learned that the hard way lmao but the NRE pouch allows you to have your food in your quick slot so you don't have to go through the menu to eat, u just press what you press when you take a picture (it's on the same shortcut) it was a game changer for me haha
Second, food and potions are your second best friends! My set up in going in the Childe fight is always: KFC (which can be swapped for Jade Parcels or Adeptus' Temptation), Golden Crab (or Calla Lily Soup/A Prize Catch), Hydro Resist potion (I think it was Streaming Essence?) And once phase 2 starts I pop in the Electro Resist potion and I usually end the fight in 10 minutes or less.
Finally, general tips on fighting him (pls take this with a grain of salt, this is the same moron who consistently brings Childe against himself lmao)
- When he marks you and you don't have a cleanser on your team (Diona, Bennett, and Barbara are some who can provide healing and clean any element placed on you) run to the edge of the area and it always cleans your status! You have to do this cause if you let the mark stay on you, he will use his one shot plunge attack that takes either a chunk of your health or all of it
- If he dashes in his Delusion form, time your dashes when he does too! Running around in a circle/triangle is the best way to dodge him in my experience!
- never stay in the middle of the arena! A lot of his AoEs tend to cover the middle area well so dashing to the side will get you killed (sincerely, from someone rushing Kaeya to the side after the Whale and getting him killed rip)
- when you fight his third form in close range, dashing behind him in circles usually helps you dodge his electro swipes (and also helps you keep your combo if you are using Diluc or melee!Childe against him)
- if all else fails, investing in shield characters are your best bet! Noelle is so far everyone's pick but Diona does the job well for me too! Ofc if you have Zhongli, use him against Childe, his shield is just op lmao
That's it so far, I'm probably missing a few more tips but that's how I deal with Childe in my world haha. For reference, my team is Childe (ofc), Diluc, Kaeya, and Bennett and has worked well for a while now!
Daaaaaaym, this is a detailed walkthrough.
Like, this is some top level guide stuff fuwon! 🧑‍🎓🧑‍🎓
(I'm gonna save this for myself too lol, wow!)
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For all the hopeful Childe beaters (I just realized how bad that sounds omg),
I used Anemo traveler and Kaeya as my dps (and they carried the entire fight), Diona, and Bennett. Fischl is also really useful with Oz. With them, I found the story fight to be fairly easy, and I beat him first try with none of my party members dying. This was back when I didn’t know how weapons or artifacts worked, so even if you have a terrible build (like me), you can still beat him up.
If your dps takes too much damage, switch to one of the other two while you get food and/or a healer to save them. (I would think this would be obvious but apparently a lot of my friends didn’t know the battle pauses if you open your inventory?) Stock up on a lot of food. If you think you have enough, make 60 more.
Also, buffs are your best friends. Defense, attack, and ESPECIALLY stamina are all really useful because you’re going to be doing a lot of running during the fight. Potions, too.
Good luck to anyone trying to fight him, beat him up for me <3
dang ya’ll we coould start an entire blog about all these helpful tips on fighting these boss fights!! like you have so many amazing ideas and tactics -- and it’s cool to see everyone found their own way of dealing with it --- it shows that there isn’t one way to do any of these fights
you find what works and you get him!
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I recently did my Childe fight, so I used the traveller, with anemo element, and a healer,(which is Dio (cyro) for me, but you can use barbs who is a hydro and a free character, unless you have another healer) (xingqiu, he did decent attacks though, he was taking the Childe attacks and his elemental saved me from a lot of damage) and if Childe is attacking, switch from your main to another so it will take the attacks, instead of your main, and using my main to only attack, and then I used Noelle, her shield healed me (she only heals when her shield is up, and attacks) as well as does good attack. I would say bringing a healer is important in there and if he does those attacks, just run to sides, I just went with my main team (which is traveller, Dio, xingqiu and Noelle) and a food for defense and attacks. Hopefully this helped :')
Very nice detail! This is super helpful and I'm sure will give people a lot of good examples on how to fight the boy!
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I'm so sad. Everyone is having fun with the their tea pot homes while I haven't even made it there yet. Just made it AR 35 before the update dropped only to find out that I need to do the Arcon Quest Act I Part III which means fighting Childe :/ Can anyone give me some pointers on who I should take to fight him? My current team is Noelle (lvl 60), Kaeya (lvl 60), Xinyan, and Xingqiu which I'm both trying to ascend to lvl 50. I'm worried that I might have to switch Xinyan and Xingqiu out but I'm not sure who at this point. I was thinking maybe Diluc and Fischl but I dont know :/
lamme that’s so long to wait! and you have to fight the boy (get em - i love that fight) 
Noelle = good (make shields) - do you have a healer? it’ll help so you don’t drain your food --- Childe is Hydro / Electro in that fight - so Pyro or Cryo are good against him -- if i would switch out anyone it would be Xingqiu because Childe is hydro too
If you have Diluc and he’s leveled up - i’d choose him because he can take hits, or put a healer in your party 
good luuuuck! 
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