guillemelgat · 3 months
30 llibres en català!
Bon any! (Sí, ja sé que arribo molt tard, però necessitava un descans després dels examens i tant de viatjar durant les vacances 😅) Porto un temps volent fer algun pas més amb el català, com que ja tinc un C1 còmode i no gaire pressió per millorar. El fet és que arribat en aquest punt, encara em queda moltíssim per aprendre, i per fer el pas al C2 i més enllà he d’esforçar-me més per afinar el lèxic i aprecisar els registres. També és cert que no he tingut gaires oportunitats aquest any per utilitzar el català, i es nota. Però tot això té un remei: tornar a estudiar, verament estudiar, el català.
Amb el C1 i C2, com que depenen tant de l’ús precís i mesurat de la llengua, és molt important interactuar amb una diversitat de gèneres i estils lingüístics. Amb el català, no tinc cap problema amb la gran majoria de registres orals ni escrits, si és que són informals, però entrats en coses més formals ja hi tinc molt menys familiaritat. També cal dir que el llenguatge literari sol ser més ric, tant a nivell lèxic com estilístic, i per això és un bon punt de partida per treballar la llengua. A més a més, llegir en anglès ja forma una gran part del meu dia-a-dia, i tot i que no puc canviar-ho tot al català, fer que el català sigui una de les llengües que faig servir tindrà un impacte important en el meu nivell i també podrà ser una part fonamental de la meva vida professional en algun moment, com que em vull dedicar a la catalanística. Per totes aquestes raons, crec que posar-me a prova amb la lectura en català serà un bon repte.
He pres com a punt de partida aquest repte en castellà (que he arribat a conèixer gràcies a, i que també ha estat elaborat més per @cernuda), però he decidit rebaixar la quantitat de llibres per algunes raons: (1) la persona que ha fet el repte ha triat llibres més curtets, i jo en tinc algunes de 500 pàgines i més, per tant crec que és més que justificat, (2) tinc moltes coses que em demanen l’atenció i sé que si poso un número més alt no em trobaré amb els ànims d’acabar el repte, (3) vull tenir el temps d’assaborir alguns d’aquests llibres perquè són clàssics, i (4) ja faig moltes més coses en català, i llegir 30 llibres ja per mi són molts llibres per llegir en un any, ni que siguin en català. Crec que, vist així, té tot el sentit del món la xifra que he triat.
Tinc una llista més o menys elaborada, amb una gran varietat de llibres (no-ficció, juvenil, medieval, poesia, tant moderns com clàssics de la llengua), i espero que amb això ja tindré prou per ocupar-me fins a desembre. Si teniu recomanacions ja em direu, i moltes gràcies a @no-passaran i @quimerathetraveler per l’allau de llibres que ja m’heu recomanat, sou els millors ❤️ Si algú més s’anima a acompanyar-me, ja em diràs i podem intercanviar llistes. I amb això, apa, a llegir!
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guillemelgat · 4 months
Language Goals 2024
Another year, another set of goals! This year, in the actual spirit of my very reasonable 2022 language goals, here are my plans for language study.
First and foremost, my goal is to find Catalan friends in my new hometown, because I really need to speak Catalan with people at minimum once a week or I get very sad, and currently I’m not speaking it with anyone at all. This goal is pretty chill though—I just have to actually sit down and put in the time to find people.
My main goal is to read 30 books in Catalan. I’ll make a proper post about it with a list of books that I’m thinking of and how the challenge itself is going to work, but overall I’m trying to pick a mix of styles and genres, so expect anything from medieval literature to YA novels to academic texts. I have a lot of books that I’ve been meaning to read for a while, so hopefully this will give me a chance to chip into some of them. 30 books is less than other versions of this challenge that I’ve seen, but it’s also many more books than I’ve read in Catalan possibly ever and I think it’s more reasonable in conjunction with a full class load. Hopefully it ends up being just the right amount!
Welsh & Basque
This year I really want to work hard to actually get these two to an upper intermediate level, because I’m so close if I put in the work. For both of them, I have two main goals: (1) go through the textbooks/workbooks that I started going through casually last semester (Basic Welsh: A Grammar and Workbook by Gareth King and Standard Basque: A Progressive Grammar by Rudolf P.G. de Rijk) so that I can continue to review and learn new grammatical structures, and (2) watch one episode of a TV series each week in each language. For the TV series, I’m going to be watching Rownd a Rownd on S4C (which is available outside Wales/the UK! Huge win!) and Eskamak kentzen on EITB. If I have time, I’ll try to go through episodes more thoroughly and note down new vocabulary and such, but the main goal is to make a routine of it and watch consistently so I’m trying to keep it simple. I’d also like to use both languages with other people more often if I can, but I think finding a consistent language partner will perhaps be a goal for another year.
I’m planning to focus the first half of the year on Welsh and Basque, and then next fall, I’m hoping to be able to take the Malayalam classes offered by my university and to get into studying my home dialect (or rather, my extended family’s home dialect, since I didn’t speak it at home) as well. Since this will be later and also classroom learning rather than self-study, I’m not going to go into details, but overall, after my trip to Kerala (which I have stuff about, it’s on the docket!), I’m generally feeling much less alienated and much more motivated to study the language. I’m also looking forward to being able to take real classes, which I think will help keep me focused and on track.
This is a minor goal, but at my friend’s house over the summer, her mom was joking that if they just spoke to me in Russian while I stayed at their house, I’d probably be able to understand it by the end. That led us to concoct a plan where I study a bit of Russian vocab, then go there and do intensive Russian immersion for a weekend or so. This is more of a silly goal, but I’d like to try it because I think it could be fun.
This isn’t a language goal per se, but rather a general resolution to spend this year learning to use (and tweaking and configuring) Anki. Anki has a notoriously high barrier to entry, and from everything I’ve seen it should be treated as a long-term, intensive project—I’ll hopefully reap the rewards later if I take my time and set up everything right in the early stages. With that in mind, I’m hoping that by the end of the year I’ve figure out a set up for my decks and cards that really works for getting me to remember and be able to use vocab and grammar. I’ll focus on the languages here for the start, but I’m hoping that with habit and time, if I get a good system going I can use it with other languages too.
And that’s it! It’s been a bit since I was systematic about studying languages, but I’ve found that I really miss it and want to go back. I feel like I’m at a really good place with all of these, and I’d like to continue to make progress, so I’m really trying to focus on consistency and hitting the sweet spot of just challenging enough to get myself out of my comfort zone while not burning out. Hopefully I’ve set this up in a way to build habits and make me excited to keep immersing myself with these languages in the coming years, which is really the key to learning any language in the long term—I've realized that I speak Catalan so well because it's fully integrated into my life, and I'd like all these others to be as well. Here’s to a good 2024, and I wish all of you luck with your own goals as well!
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guillemelgat · 1 year
Language Goals 2023
In the spirit of last year’s very reasonable and achievable goals, here are more reasonable and achievable goals for 2023!
Catalan - I’d like to get the C2 this coming year. I’d also like to read more; specifically Ausiàs March and Vicent Andrés Estellés, and possibly El Canigó and/or El comte Arnau. And if I can, I’d like to write one creative piece in Catalan that I can feel proud of!
Welsh - I’d like to listen to more of Pigion, watch more Hansh videos, and also to find more spaces to use the language in. I really want Welsh to start feeling like a language that I can do things in, because I’m at a level where I can.
Basque - I want to watch at least one or two things in Basque, and, the same as Welsh, for it to be a language that I can use for things, not just a language I’m learning.
Malayalam - I would like to get to a really basic home heritage speaker level of Malayalam by the end of the year—understanding conversations when I visit family, and being able to answer when spoken to. My goal is to watch one Elikutty video per week, and to try to integrate the language into my thoughts and routine more.
Spanish, Galician, Aragonese, Asturian - I’d like to brush up on Spanish for academic purposes, and also to learn a bit about the grammar of the other three. I’d like to start remembering to actually watch A escampar la boira, and to start listening to more music in Aragonese and Asturian. As for Galician, I’d like to go into breaking down lyrics for the many songs I already listen to in it, and maybe watch more videos in it as well. In general, I’m aiming to go into the sphere of Iberian studies, especially Iberian minoritized languages, and so I want to be more familiar with the larger panorama.
Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Cornish, Manx, Breton - Same as for the others above, I want to have somewhat of a functional understanding of more Celtic languages so that I can interact with speakers and media production without needing a translation. I also just listen to a lot of music in at least Irish, and it drives me crazy not to be able to at least superficially understand it. I think the Celtic cultural sphere is really interesting, and so I’d like to be able to learn more about it and talk to more people within it without needing to make them translate to English.
Russian - I really want to be able to understand what people are saying at my friend’s house, and I think that if I put in enough Russian listening practice and vocabulary study I’d be able to piece it together, at least partially; I can already figure it out sometimes with just a few words and context. So I’d like to actually put in some time on that, in the hopes that maybe afterwards, if I spend a few days at her house, I’ll come out understanding Russian sdfhksdhf
Amharic - I’d like to be able to speak some basic Amharic, so my goal is to learn a few basic sentence patterns and some vocabulary, and maybe be able to say one or two things by the end of the year. Nothing big, but just a bit.
I have no idea if I’ll even get close with any of these languages to the goals that I’ve set out here, but I think that if I do, it’ll pay off! And if I don’t, then at minimum, my goal is to learn one thing for each that I can feel good about in a year’s time, and I hope that at least I can do that.
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guillemelgat · 2 years
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Hello everyone! I’m back onto the whole language month goals, and I’m starting out with a month of Basque.
I’m going to be using de Rijk’s Standard Basque: A Progressive Grammar, which I would not really recommend to any beginners—it’s alright but it’s not my favorite. The one good thing it does have, though, is exercises at the end of each chapter, which are just English-Basque and Basque-English translation; they’re a good way to start to get the gears running in my brain again. In addition, someone made a Memrise course of all the vocabulary (it’s called “Standard Basque - vocabulary” by MatiFilozof if the link doesn’t work), so it’s a good way to learn lots of vocabulary as well. I technically finished the course last summer, although I need to review it, but I figured that a combination of these two things would work to jumpstart my brain some.
I don’t want to promise any Basque grammar posts, because I’m quite busy with a couple of other goals/activities as well, but I’ll try to make some! They’ll be based off the book. In addition, I’m trying to come up with a way to practice Basque auxiliary and synthetic verbs and noun declensions so that I can easily do some of that every day and keep getting better at it. I’ll let you guys know if it ends up working out.
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guillemelgat · 2 years
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I think that it’s time for me to start rethinking this blog a bit, not for any reason in particular but mostly because with time I have changed, and I think that it’s time for me to acknowledge those changes. As much as it kills me to say it, I have gotten older and probably a little less dumb. While I won’t say that I’m much wiser, I do have more of an idea of what I want my language studies to look like going forward (at least for the next some amount of time).
In terms of languages, I’m going to continue to focus on Catalan (obviously), and also double down on Welsh and Basque in the hopes of reaching some level of fluency (~B2) in the next year or two. These are my main goals, and what I’m going to be structuring the blog around. In addition, I would really like to push for Malayalam sooner rather than later, so that’s going to be my main “beginner” language. Finally, I’m going to be studying Amharic as a sort of lighter bonus language, which I’ll work on if I have time but won’t push for immediate progress. I want to be able to speak it eventually, but it may be a bit before I get there.
In addition, I think that I’d like to focus in on Iberian and Celtic languages and cultures, at least for now. I’m terrible at learning multiple languages in the same family (especially Romance languages, I’ve always sucked at learning more than one so I just sort of rotate them around), but I’m so surrounded by speakers of Galician and Asturian and Aragonese and Aranese/Occitan and such (both on here, in the cultural stuff I interact with, and offline), and I’ve also gotten very sucked into stuff in Irish (and Cornish, and Gaelic) recently, so if I can get my Welsh and Basque under control I want to try diving into other languages! Maybe less from the perspective of learning to speak (at least initially) and more just to be able in those spheres without making people translate, but knowing me I’ll want to learn them before long 😅
Finally, I may be dabbling in some languages that are relevant to my local landscape—specifically these will probably be (Brazilian) Portuguese, Haitian Creole, and Russian. Most likely I won’t be posting a huge amount about these, but they may come up.
I’m also looking to write more about academic interests, especially with linguistics. Focuses may include language ecology, contact linguistics, and linguistic landscapes, but these are subject to change. I’m hoping to return this blog to something that I really valued about it before—not a place for me to teach as an “expert” (which I’ve never been), but more as a place for me to write notes and share my learning experience. So that being said, I may write up responses to papers or my synthesis of what they’re saying, and while it won’t be definitive and I don’t want it to be taken as such, I hope it enriches your stay here a bit!
Look out for more specific things in the coming days, but for now this is the more general update!
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guillemelgat · 2 years
Examen C1 de català - Pla d’estudis
Hola a tothom! He tornat...i d’aquí a dues setmanes faig l’examen de C1 de català ahahahaha
No és que estigui assolint un nivell massa díficil (com seria el C2, que al final he decidit que ni ho intento), però tampoc puc entrar a la sala d’examens sense haver preparat res. Doncs m’he de posar a estudiar, i per fer això proposo el següent:
Tinc 2 llibres per llegir: Fungus, d’Albert Sánchez Piñol, i El llibre de meravelles, de Vicent Andrés Estellés. El que tinc pensat és acabar-los en aquestes dues setmanes, que serà difícil però crec que m’anirà bé. Cada dia intentaré llegir un capítol de Fungus i uns quants poemes, i si tinc temps, faré un post aquí de vocabulari i/o anàlisi textual (aquesta última serà o escrita o verbal, perquè necessito parlar més). Si qualsevol de vosaltres vol comentar/posar correccions sisplau fes-ho! I fins aquí el pla, ja sé que és una mica obert però estic en temporada d’examens i necessito ser flexible 😅
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guillemelgat · 2 years
Language Goals 2022
I’m going to make these short. Basically, I’m really going to focus on passive input and learning more vocabulary because I think those are the things I like best and honestly I think they’ll give me a base to want to study from textbooks more.
My main focuses are going to be CATALAN, WELSH, BASQUE, and MALAYALAM. My other languages are obviously going to be a part of this but these are the ones I really want to focus on. Catalan I need to take the C2 exam for in like 5 months so I’ve got to study for that. My Welsh and Basque got a lot better last year, and I think if I put in more time on them they would just keep improving so I’m gonna try. Malayalam, however, is the most important because I’m probably going to be in Kerala in 2023 with all of my relatives to sell our family house, which is one of the last ties we have there and so I might not get the chance to go back after it. Because of that, Malayalam is a top priority, I want to at least get to speak it in Kerala one time in my life 😔.
I want to try to spend 200 hours on Catalan and learn 8000 new words, which I know is asking a lot but tbh I think I spent about that much time on it last year since I use it almost every day. For Welsh, Basque, and Malayalam, I want to spend 100 hours and learn 2000 words for each. The hour goals include listening to music and watching programs/Youtube, so hopefully that makes them slightly more attainable. Either way, I think these goals are pretty reasonable.
I have goals for my other languages too, but those are more or less background to these ones. So there we go, one of the least ambitious goal posts I’ve ever made :) Maybe I am learning something haha
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Hi everyone! I know I haven’t been doing a lot of Actual Language Learning Posts on here in a while, that’s because I haven’t been doing a lot of Actual Language Learning. But that’s another can of worms that I’ll talk about later; for now, I’ve decided that I have at least one language goal this summer, and yes it is coming completely out of left field and has nothing to do with any of the languages I’m currently learning.
Basically, one of my really close friends from college is from the same area as me so I’ve been going over to her house a lot recently, and her family is Russian, by which I mean very Russian. Everyone there speaks fluent Russian, including the kids in our generation, and while my friend says she’s used to translating for people, I feel really weird not being able to just like...follow the conversation?? I am generally a chameleon when it comes to being in a place, and right now I feel very much like I am getting in the way.
All that goes to say that my goal this summer is to learn basic survival Russian. Not to understand it fluently, not to speak it, not to read or write it, and not to be able to get my C2 certificate in it (although given the people I’m around, understanding the conversation might require a C2 ceritification as well as like 5 PhDs 😅). I just want to be able to sort of know what’s going on and not feel like I’m interrupting everything with my inability to speak in Russian. So in order to do that, I’m going to be doing something virtually unprecendented for me: only learning vocabulary.
My goal is to do this Memrise course with some of the top 5000 words in Russian and get as far as I can in the next few months. Then I’ll also try to listen to music in Russian and follow the lyrics, which tends to help words stick in my brain. Besides that, I’ll hopefully be visiting my friend enough to get in a lot of listening practice, and my goal is for this murky cocktail of practice to be enough. I know it sounds kind of crazy, but I wouldn’t try it if I already wasn’t picking up one or two words from my one quarter of BCS. I think that if I really put in the time and effort, I might actually be able to start understanding stuff by the end of the summer, which would be super cool.
This isn’t my only summer goal, but it’s the one I’m focusing on for now. I might add a couple of things in the future, I’ll keep you posted on it! Anyways, thanks for listening to the ramblings, and hmu if you have any more recommendations <3
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guillemelgat · 3 years
2021 Languages!
Okay so I think I’m starting to figure out things that work better for studying and things that don’t work as well, so hopefully this year will be a bit more consistent and better than last year. Here’s the breakdown:
5 Main Languages
These 5 languages were the ones that I decided last year I wanted to be my priority, and so I’m going to be focusing most of my study efforts on them (much as I would like to focus efforts on all of my languages, there are just too many ;;-;;):
Catalan - I really just have to be ready to take the C2 test, because I want to take it in the spring of my fourth year (2022). I’m going to try to keep watching shows, maybe attempt to listen to a podcast, read more books, and perhaps return to writing in Catalan more often. I would really like to try to do as many things as possible in Catalan, so the goal is to make as many of my daily habits in Catalan as I can. Besides that I’m not really sure what to do, since C1-C2 is really hard to maintain if I’m not living in Catalonia.
Basque - I know I say this every year, but I think if I put in hard work this time around, I will actually get to a B1-B2 in Basque. I need to review lots of grammar stuff and solidify it, and also need to learn lots more vocab, but I think if I do the thing where I look up words in songs that I don’t know, that might help. Also I’m going to try watching shows! Maybe if I have time, I’ll do the writing thing again as well, I think it helped a lot.
Welsh - This is also definitely 100% the year where I break through and start speaking better Welsh. I have a friend to study with, I have a plan, and I’m ready to get the B1. I’m going to try to finish all of SSiW, and do more vocab stuff on Memrise, then actually practice by listening to music and talking to my friend.
Malayalam - By the end of the year, I want to have a larger vocabulary. I think I have somewhat of a grammar foundation, but I know like 10 words and I can never connect them into sentences. The goal is to listen to more music, talk to my dad, and compile some vocabulary lists that I then will actually study. I also just really need to practice speaking/writing and listening.
Romani - I’m going to try to be more active in the server that I’m in, talking with people more often so that I can learn more words. I’m also going to try to read more of my book and listen to the radio that someone on the server recommended. By the end of the year, I want to be able to have a conversation in Romani, and to be able to feel that I’ve officially moved on to being an intermediate learner.
Other Languages
I have a lot of time right now to study languages that I probably won’t anytime in the future, so I do want to work on improving/studying some other languages that I’ve kind of been neglecting. These are the top four that I really want to work on:
Amharic - I was able to talk a bit in Amharic with my Ethiopian friend last summer, and I want to get back into studying Amharic and actually get better at it this time so that I can talk to him (and stay in contact that way, because we’re both terrible at staying in contact with other people). I’m going to try to finish Colloquial Amharic and then I’ll see where to go from there.
Kurdish - I want to listen to more Kurdish music and also to finish the textbook that I was using in class. I might also try to take a look at the other textbook my teacher recommended, but the basic textbook is first priority, I’m just trying to build a base in the language atm.
Tamasheq - This is what I said last year, but I need to review vocabulary and also verb conjugations which are so ;;-;; complicated ;;-;;. And then maybe get the book that goes with the course I used on inter-library loan next fall (if I can) because that might help a bit to get used to understanding the language and serve as a stepping stone for understanding the lyrics to songs.
Bambara/Wolof - I haven’t decided which of the two of these I want to learn first, ideally I’d like to study both of them but I think I’ll probably study Bambara now because it’s the lingua franca of Mali, a place I would really like to go someday. I also do want to learn some Wolof, but it’s less important??? I have Peace Corps courses for both, so I think I’ll just go through that and see how far I get.
That’s pretty much it, the rest of my languages I’m going to leave dormant for now unless I really want to go back to them. Hopefully I can see some improvement in both my languages and the world in 2021, here’s to a new year of learning!
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guillemelgat · 3 years
January Goals
(posting this today because I didn’t start yesterday I didn’t want to spam your dashes)
The two languages I’m going to be working on in January are Welsh and Amharic. I’m going to be making the very interesting choice of attempting to study for 2 hours a day, which will probably last less than a day, but I’m going to try it all the same.
Main goal: Have finished SSiW Level 2 and be able to comfortably have a conversation about any A1-A2 level topic with my friend
Daily goals:
Do one SSiW lesson
Practice vocabulary for 15min on Memrise or Duolingo
Weekly goals:
Talk with my friend
Listen to or watch something in Welsh
Try to read an article or a page of a book and look up unknown words
Content I will try to post:
Vocab lists from SSiW lessons
Grammar from SSiW lessons
Vocab dumps from reading practice
Main goal: Have finished Colloquial Amharic and be able to tell my friend about what I’ve been doing in Amharic (and understand his replies)
Daily goals:
Take notes on chapter of Colloquial Amharic or do chapter exercises
Practice chapter vocabulary on Memrise
Weekly goals:
Message my friend
Write a page
Content I will try to post:
Vocab/grammar notes
Vocab dumps from conversations
Paragraph that I wrote
I can’t actually promise that I’ll post stuff, but I’m going to try, just because people seem to like Welsh content and there’s not much Amharic content on here at all. We’ll see how this goes, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to pull it off but hopefully I’ll at least learn something.
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Updated Malayalam Goals
Okay so I’ve rethought what I’m going to make the vocab lists on, this is going to be the basis for them. Also I’m planning to turn this into a Memrise course of sorts and also into Quizlet sets, so I can practice it more easily (and hopefully it’ll be useful for other people too):
tea time
staple foods
basic conversation phrases
medical stuff
asking questions
describing people
describing things
This is a rough outline so we'll see what happens, after I finish this I'll work on posting the rest of Malayalam in 30 Days and also the 600 words.
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guillemelgat · 3 years
February Language Goals
This month I’m going to be working on two of the languages that are my main focus this year, and specifically the two that I’ve spent the least time studying. So this month is probably going to be a lot of work, but I think that it’s a reasonable amount??? For Romani I’m just diving in – I think I have enough of a base that talking to people/using the language isn’t unreasonable to expect at this point. For Malayalam, I’m going to try to build up resources for a core vocabulary, making lists of words I think would be useful and then asking my dad to help translate them. The goal is also to put them up as a Memrise course because there’s currently Absolutely Nothing there for Malayalam.
Main goal: Get used to actively using the language
Finish @therealpolyglot's Level Up Challenge (modified slightly)
Message the discord every day
Things I’ll try to post:
Daily reflection on the challenge
Possibly any vocab that I learn from conversations
Side note but I want to make posts on Romani dialects, however I promise absolutely nothing
Main goal: Build my vocabulary
Make vocab lists for all Temauke themes
Translate "600 Words" list
Things I’ll try to post:
All aforementioned vocab lists
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guillemelgat · 3 years
November Language Goals
Okay, I’m going to try my best to get back into language study, especially since I’m not really doing anything else with my life rn, so here are my way too ambitious goals for November:
Malayalam - review vocabulary (Sundays) + do the TL90Days challenge (Tuesdays)
Basque - write a one-page text (Mondays)
Romani - read 1-2 pages (Wednesdays) + write on the Discord (Thursdays)
Tamasheq - make/study flashcards (Fridays) + learn verb conjugations (Saturdays)
I really want to put in time for all of these languages and improve them significantly by the end of the year but I wish I had more time ;;-;; (either way, there’s always 2021 I guess, assuming the world lasts that long), but I’m hoping that if I keep to this schedule I can at least prevent them from slipping any further than they have. Expect sporadic posts, at least ones for Basque and Malayalam, and possibly some Romani or Tamasheq depending on how I’m feeling. And best of luck to all of you in your November language studies!
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guillemelgat · 4 years
Just an update on languages: This month I’m going to be studying Welsh with a friend, we’re trying to do one lesson of the old SSiW Course 2 and reading a page of Harri Potter a Maen yr Athronydd every day. We’ll see how it goes, I might post vocab/grammar dumps and such. I also want to try to keep on making Malayalam content and keep working on my studies, so maybe expect some of that too. Honestly, though, I am promising literally nothing, who know what you’ll get but it’ll be a fun surprise :)
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guillemelgat · 4 years
Language Goals 2020
Another year, another language-learning goals list! Yes, we’re back at it with the languages, and (hopefully) better than ever! I honestly wasn’t sure what to write for this year, since my main goal is really just to make progress I can be proud of in all my languages. In other words, I want to make sure I give all my languages the time they’re due, and do the work I need to get better at them. I’ve figured out that it might be better to divide by stages and use more or less the same methods for each level of language learning, so here are my goals for 2020:
New Languages (Wolof)
Wolof is the main language I want to add in 2020. While I’m not going to Senegal for study abroad like I thought I would, I still want to learn the language, and I hope it serves as an incursion for other West African languages like Bambara. I have several courses that I’ve found, so the goal would just be to go through them like I’ve done in the past for Romani, Arabic, and Tamasheq, and build the foundation for further learning.
A1-A2 Languages (Kurdish, Amharic, Bosnian, Tamasheq, Arabic, Malayalam, Romani, Western Abenaki)
These are the bulk of my languages, and I think in order to make any progress with them, I’m going to need to give them all the quality time they deserve. What that means is to do on my own what a normal language class would provide me: drills, drills, and more drills. So far, my goal is to prepare a weekly packet of exercises for the tougher grammar points and a couple of Memrise levels of vocabulary, and then spend the week working through them. I want to make sure I provide myself consistency, but not unrealistic goals, so I’m going to work on finding that balance. Hopefully it works out, and I’ll try to share things along the way.
B1-B2 Languages (Welsh, Basque)
I’m not sure if I can really say I even have a B1 in either of these languages, but I’m hoping that by the time the year comes to an end, I’ll be solidly in B range for both (and maybe with C on the radar??? probably asking too much though). I really want to build the base that I need to understand these at a higher level, I’m missing a lot of vocabulary and also practice. Because of that, I’m hoping to study vocabulary in both languages throughout the year, and try my best to listen to more things in them as well, be it music or radio or movies and TV shows. I haven’t entirely figured out how I’m going to go about it, but I want to be in a place where I’m comfortable enough in both languages to have actual conversations in them
C1-C2 (Catalan)
I am actually a solid C1 in Catalan now, and this year I want to work at maintaining that level and pushing for the C2. I want to try my best to listen to the radio in Catalan, watch shows, and read books as much as I can. I also want to expand my vocabulary even further, so that I can use more specific language in descriptions. In addition, I’m going to continue to work on pronunciation in spoken production and also precision and tone in written production, which are both things I need to improve to reach a C2.
Well, that’s what I’ll be working on for this year. We’ll see if any of this works out, and I’m sure there will be lots of surprises before the year is up, but hopefully I achieve my baseline goal: to get better at all my languages!
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guillemelgat · 4 years
March Language Goals!
This March I’m going to be continuing to study Romani and also studying a bit of Welsh on the side. The overarching goal for them is to reach a solid A2 and B1 respectively. I know I said at the beginning of the year that my goal was to expand my vocabulary, so that’s mainly what I’ll be working on for both. Here are my goals:
Do @languagessi’s Langblr News Challenge twice a week and write down new words
Message my friend who’s also learning Welsh every day
Learn 100 new vocab words per week (finish my stack of 400 index cards by the end of the month)
Read 3 pages of my book 2 days a week
Write a page in my journal 2 days a week
Speak for 10 minutes every day
My break is also at the end of this month and I’m taking the Catalan C1 exam in May, which I need to review for, so there might be things happening later on, stay tuned for updates! I’m also going to try to promise one IYIL Challenge post a week because I really want to finish them but I’ve been mired in work. Hopefully there will be some other posts; however I have finals soon so I can’t really make any promises. Either way, I’m hoping this month with be productive for languages, and I wish the same to all of you!
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