#gbf heart of the sun spoilers
goldenteaset · 3 months
Part of me is truly heartbroken, because I fully bought into Ceodric and Sabrina as a couple and felt that Ceodric's contradictory ideals were motivated largely by grief (and thus were contradictory on purpose per the writers' intent).
The rest of me, on realizing how Ceodric's story would end, laughed like I was watching a slapstick routine as soon as it came to pass. I...get the feeling that might not entirely have been what the writers were going for, oops. ^^; (Most of that laughter was from the catharsis of it all though, I think!)
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cinnbar-bun · 4 years
A Fool, a Sage, and a Lonely Friend (Lucilius x Reader x Beelzebub) [Part 1]
Summary: You have been forsaken and abandoned by the master who molded you, who spoke their divine wisdom to you, and who had left you alone in the new world. Revenge comes in the form of two Astrals who look incredibly similar to those figures who you used to be connected to. What simple fools they are, eager to hear your every word as they slowly break down the world you despise so much... if only they would stop thinking of those other clones of you. 
Warning: Spoilers for lots of plots in GBF as well as lots of me creating a backstory and my own sort of lore that can kinda relate in canon, but is not actually canon. Please bear that in mind. Major Character Death as well as some swearing occasionally. 
Note: Reader is an evil nasty person. Reader is basically the equivalent of Helel or Lucio (whichever you prefer), while also having two different forms (similar to the whole “rules of three” thing with Lucio/Lucilius/Lucifer). With that in mind, enjoy and please make sure to leave a like or reblog! Also, the reader’s divine name will be a bit different at first but it’ll make since later.
“Helel ben an-Nar...” Sahar called to you, a forlorn look in his eyes as his lips tightened to form a frown. “What are you doing?” 
“An-Nar...I despise that name now.” You responded, sneering.
“What do you mean?” 
“Why should I be called that when I was named from an unworthy master? It’s disgusting that name is attached to me. I despise that I was given this hideous form as well.” 
He stepped closer to you, his footsteps echoing in the silent chamber. 
“Don’t speak about our master that way, he is not unworthy nor as he-”
“I tire of your speech, brother.” Instead of softening at the term of endearment, it sent a cold shiver down his spine. “Aren’t you tired of waiting? Aren’t you tired of all of this? It’s ridiculous we must wait around like fools for nothing. Why don’t you just open your eyes? We have been forgotten.” You turned and faced him, your eyes glaring daggers at him. 
“We have not. Things happen for a reason and we must be patient.” 
“There you go again! ‘Be patient’, what for? Even you must realize we have received nothing! We are nothing now! And I’m sick of being patient and waiting. I thought you would know better, but I guess you are still as weak as before! Even you, the shining light of the speakers- you’ve heard absolutely nothing from our master! Hah!” You laughed arrogantly as he bit his lip and shook his head. 
“You are still as stubborn and childish as ever. It pains me to see you reduced to this an-Nar.” Sahar gazed at you sadly. “You were always so eager to work and help. What happened?” 
“What happened is I stopped groveling like a dog for a master who does not call to us. I stopped pretending he was coming to us. Open your eyes, Sahar, we are fated to be alone.” 
“There must be a reason-”
“There is none. Stop excusing this behavior. You know better than I how we are truly useless.” Your (e/c) eyes bored into his pale blue ones. Your stance made him nearly weep. You were once so close to him, someone who stood by his and Shalem’s side, who used to smile at him with such glowing eyes and a bright smile. But now, they were dead and cold. All the light had been stripped from them as you furrowed your brows. “I have no use for a world that has no need for me.” 
Just as you had uttered that, your eyes glowed a bright red as you summoned your flaming sword. 
“And I shall start with you.” 
You woke up with a shaky breath as you gulped and held a hand to your chest. 
What a strange nightmare...
Sahar...an-Nar...master? What did any of those things mean? 
You shook your head and sat straight up, noticing you were not in your bed, but instead a rather messy and scattered lab. You chuckled to yourself as you pulled the small blanket off of you, thanking your friend for giving it to you. 
“You’re finally awake.” He said, his monotone voice startling you as you looked up at him. He was scribbling notes as he poked and prodded at a strange crystal. You smiled gently, rubbing the tired out of your eyes. 
“Thank you, Lucilius.” You said. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t do anything.” He said as continued working. His face was stone cold, but after knowing him for so long, you merely waved off his obvious lie.
“Sure. Whatever you say. Where’s Beelzebub?” You asked. 
“Hell if I know.” Lucilius mumbled, still not looking at you. 
“How do you not know where he is?” 
“Do I look like his babysitter? It’s tiring enough that I have to care for you already.” He huffed. 
“But you love me!” You whined. 
“Never said that.” He argued. 
“Actually you did.”
“Mhm. You did. You have done so multiple times.” You folded your arms. 
“I have not. Don’t push your luck.” He chided. You noticed his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink, so pale you would’ve missed it if you blinked. You smirked victoriously. 
“Alright, Faa.” You said, calling him by his least favorite nickname. 
“Don’t call me that, (Y/n).” 
“Just did. I’m going to find Bubz.” You poked his shoulders as you stepped away and ran out the door of the lab. You searched through the large corridors and rooms of the pristine building, eager to find your other best friend. You gazed at the bright light of the sun beaming through the windows and smiled at how warm it felt. 
Life was undeniably perfect. 
As your eyes trailed to the scenery outside, you noticed a black hood in the mix of the patches of grass. You gasped and ran outside, running to the large tree that he was resting under. 
“Bubz!” You shouted, waving your arms frantically. He sat up and looked at you in confusion before you tackled him to the ground in a hug. 
“(Y/n), must you always run into me like this?” He sighed. 
“I can’t help it, I just get excited when I see you.” You admitted. He sneered and patted the area next to him, out of the shade of the tree. You laughed as you basked in the sun’s rays as he stayed in the dark. 
“How was your nap?” He asked. 
“Oh, it was weird. I had a crazy dream... I don’t understand it, if I’m being honest.” You awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck. It wasn’t the first time you dreamt of something like this. You once had a dream of a person named “Shalem”, with dark skin and bright yellow hair that looked like gold thread. Instinctively, you gently touched Beelzebub’s braid. 
“I’m guessing it wasn’t good?” He asked. 
“I...I don’t know...I just remember... me...but not me... screaming and yelling at someone. I... I was going to kill them...” You stammered out. The “someone” looked so similar to Lucilius, albeit different from your friend. He had long white hair and wore a tunic that flowed as if by magic. He was someone special. 
But why would you want to hurt him? 
You sighed and Beelzebub awkwardly patted your head. 
“I can’t say I don’t feel the same. I’ve also had rather strange dreams too.” 
“It just felt so...”
“Real?” A voice cut in. You turned around and saw Lucilius standing along the doorway of the garden, his arms folded as his face remained in that same bored expression as always. 
“You have them too?” You asked. He didn’t respond, instead just sitting next to you and staring at the sky. 
It was silent as the three of you sat, the grass tickling your skin as the wind rustled the leaves of the tree. 
You contemplated your thoughts for a moment before you looked up again. 
“Thank you, you two.” You hummed. 
“What?” They both said as they looked at you curiously. 
“I just think it’s nice...to be have you two as friends. I’ve been alone all my life until you two accepted me. I want this friendship to stay forever.” You explained. 
The two boys looked at each other, a certain feeling of warmth and bitter jealously filling the air. You didn’t notice as you sighed deeply. 
“And...I’m sorry. For being so useless time and time again. I know I am not someone you two should be associating with and yet, I don’t want you two to leave me alone. Could you allow me to be selfish this one time?” You asked. 
“Don’t ask stupid questions you already know the answer to.” Lucilius said as he folded his arms. 
“It’s pointless of us to abandon you. We’re all in the same boat.” Beelzebub tiredly stated. 
You nodded, but something about their statements made you feel off. 
No. You were not the same. You were never the same to them. 
You were always the useless third wheel, who had no special talents or skills that the Council saw as necessary. Sure, you three may have been orphans together, but they had a talent that you could never hope to have. 
The thought made your mood dwindle significantly. Lucilius seemed to notice and rolled his eyes. 
“Honestly, I don’t get you. If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t have talked to you. Get that through your thick skull already.” Lucilius snapped. He always was aggressive and terrible at saying his feelings, no doubt a side effect he developed due to the cruel adult Astrals. Beelzebub sneered and laid back down. 
“I don’t usually say this often, but I agree with him. If I did not desire your presence I would not have cared to interact with you.” 
It cheered you up a bit when they both placed their hands on yours. 
“Alright, alright. I’ll stop being gloomy. I want to be the best I can be for you two. Can we promise this though? To stay friends forever?” You asked. 
“We just said-” You cut Lucilius off. 
“No, we need to make this official, Faa. Come on. Pinkies out.” The two sighed as they did so, and you wrapped yours around their slender fingers. 
“This is so stupid.” 
“I don’t see how this makes it ‘official’.” 
“You two are such downers. It’s a promise that we will stay together as friends! Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye!” You said. 
“Don’t stick a needle in your eye.” 
“It’s just an expression!” 
“It’s a stupid expression.” 
“Do you know what you’re doing?” He shouted. 
“Yes. I am aware. In order to gain my freedom, I need to destroy all that stands in my way. You are the first that needs to go.” You stated, your blade pointed mere inches from his neck. 
“I’m not going to fight you, my friend.” He stood as still as a statue as you stared at him, unyielding. 
“We are not friends. You are in alliance with him and as such, I can’t have you alive for this. I’ll give you one last chance. Join me, brother, and we can gain our freedom together. Don’t you wish to be your own self? Choose your own name? Make your own choices?” 
“We are not meant to have those choices. We are mere spectators, as our creator intended for us to be.” He answered. “We are meant to watch so others can get those choices.” 
“But why? Why must we be the ones to forsake ourselves for selfish players? I didn’t ask to be created, nor did I ask to be chosen for this role. It’s not my duty, and I will not continue this. Stay out of my way, Sahar.” 
“No. I will not allow you to upset the balance he had intended for us to keep. My dear an-Nar... please... return to us and-”
“Never. I will never stay here! You cannot keep me here any longer! I will not be a puppet for whatever damn game he made me for! It’s my life, and I will not allow him to choose for me! So, move or I’ll kill you!” You screamed, your blade glowing as your eyes flared red. You moved your blade back to swing at him when you felt a force hold you back. “W-wha-?” 
Sahar looked down at you, a shadow casting over his face. 
“I’m sorry it had to come to this. Truly, I don’t want to do this.”
“Sahar! What the hell are you doing to me?!” You shouted, straining your muscles to just move. 
“You have done the unforgivable, an-Nar. We-no, I- cannot allow you to hurt others and yourself for this. It would be pointless blood shed.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do! Don’t tell me what I am! Don’t tell me what’s pointless or useful!” You growled at him. 
“You can hate me all you want. I don’t mind. I’m doing this because I love you and I can’t stand to see you this upset. Please...forgive me in time. I’m sorry.” He said, turning his head away as he raised a hand to you. You saw tears stream down his cheeks and it only made you feel even more rage. 
“You! I’ll never forgive you! Never! Just you wait, I’ll come back and I will kill you and hurt you a thousand times harder! I’ll make you regret not dying before!” You cursed him, before he chanted a spell and a blinding light filled your eyes. 
You couldn’t feel a thing as the light engulfed you. 
“Ah!” You shouted, screaming as you gripped the blankets tightly. “Ah...it’s... just a dream...”
Every once in a while you got those dreams. Some man was there, shining brightly as he would take your hand and hold you, smiling gently as he told you you were precious to him. There were some where there was a young girl who was always curious, and you two would spend time questioning everything you could. 
Then the nightmares would come along, where you spent nights agonizing over something, something you couldn’t understand. Something that your own brain couldn’t seem to process as it came out so jumbled and blurry, almost like a static noise. 
An-Nar...an-Nar...an-Nar...who was that? 
You buried your head in your knees as you tried to push the nightmare away. Your mind screamed for you to get up and you weakly struggled to get up. Your own body was slowly fading. A burning sensation spread throughout your limbs as you stood up and shuffled to the door. 
You dryly coughed and opened the door, the sunlight making you shiver as you walked to a specific lab. 
You gently rasped your knuckles against the door of the lab, and it opened to reveal a tired Lucilius. 
“(Y-Y/n). Come in.” He mumbled as he walked back to his research and fumbled with a messy and poorly maintained notebook. 
“F-Faa... rest...” Your voice croaked out. He froze before he shook his head. 
“I can’t. The Council has been up my ass over these shitty projects. These bastards don’t seem to understand that it’s going to take a while for this freaking prototype to even function.” He snarled. 
“Don’t apologize. Sit. You didn’t happen to see Beelzebub, have you? Bastard still didn’t come.” You shook your head and laid down upon the small window couch, shivering violently. It’s cold. So cold. 
Lucilius, ever the keen friend, helped you get comfortable and gently rested the blanket atop of you. You curled into it and rested your head against the glass, hoping for the bright sun to keep you warm. 
“Thank you...” You whisper as your eyes flutter shut. 
He can’t bear to look at you. 
“It’s nothing.” He responds with quietly. 
“I had another dream...” You struggled to get the words out of your throat. “I think I died...he... I was gonna...kill him...” 
He doesn’t understand your babbling anymore. He gulps and nods. 
“It’s just a dream.” 
“He looks...like you... she...looks like him... and they... they loved me... and I... I was gonna... kill... it’s...c-cold...” 
He sees how bad you are shivering. It’s sunny out and he finds it quite stuffy in the room, but you cry how cold it is. And he bites his lip. He can’t stand to watch you like this. 
“You’ll warm up soon.” He lies. He knows damn well you’re dying. He knows, Beelzebub knows, and you seem to know it in your deteriorated state. He doesn’t face you. He just continues scribbling notes into his pages. 
“C-cold...” You let out a sob. “So... cold...” 
He ignores it. It doesn’t exist if he doesn’t acknowledge it. For all the many years he has known you, you have always been about living. You loved life. No matter how useless you were to the shitty council, you always persevered and continued every day. 
And he grew to love that about you. 
It’s been years since you made him and Beelzebub do that stupid promise back when you were still young and naive. And now that both of them had gone up in the ranks, gaining more prestige and knowledge and power than they ever could’ve imagined, you have only gotten worse. 
He couldn’t do much with this power as he had to slowly witness you collapse into a former husk of yourself. 
“Bubz...” You say, and Lucilius looks up to see the hooded man walking in. 
“(Y/n).” He calls to you, and reach out a shaky hand to him. He exhales and walks to you, reaching for your hands. You weakly stroke his hair, and it undoes itself from the loose braid he put it in. 
He could never understand why you were so fascinated with his hair. But it would calm you down and make you happy, so he didn’t care anymore. 
“You need to rest.” Beelzebub urged you. You shook your head. 
“No...I keep...dreaming...again and again...they look like you...and they try... and kill me...” You gasp out. 
“It’s just a dream. We aren’t going to kill you.” He explains. 
“You...promise? You won’t let me...die?” You asked. He shakes his head. 
“No. We will help you okay? So rest.” 
“Outside...sun...outside please...” You begged as you held your burning and aching sides. Beelzebub hoisted you into his arms gently, careful to not hurt you more as Lucilius watched. “Faa...Bubz...join me...” 
They didn’t say a word as Beelzebub silently carried you bridal style to the gardens. You shivered and buried your face into Beelzebub’s chest, and he ignored how cold you felt against him. He laid you down to rest on the green grass near the bed of lilies. Thankfully, your shivering stopped as the men quietly watched as you closed your eyes and slumbered away on the ground. 
“Did you find anything?” Lucilius asked. 
“If I did, don’t you think I would’ve said something?” Beelzebub snarled back. 
“I’m being thorough. I’m not having them die on me like this.” 
“Neither will I. The Council doesn’t seem to be willing to hear me on this because they are considered unworthy to them.” 
“Bastards...” Lucilius mumbled. “All they do is act stupid to real problems.” 
“Right now their focus is on the other sky. They’ve grown bored and their minds are craving new subjects.” 
“Is that so? Then...perhaps if we go to that new world we can find a new cure for them.” 
“There’s plenty of weak subjects for us to use too. The possibilities are endless. Once we stake our claim there, we have the vast resources to do as we please.” Beelzebub smirked. 
“Ah, well at least that explains why they were so eager for me to finish my prototype. I’m sure they could be quite useful when I master this phenomena.” Lucilius tapped his chin. “I don’t care what it takes. I’m willing to sacrifice whatever.” 
“Then you better hurry. They don’t have much time.” Beelzebub said. 
“Keep an eye on them. I’m going back to work.” Beelzebub nodded as he sat on a bench and watched as you slept. Your shivering stopped completely, and he momentarily forgot about your current condition. It was just like when you both were younger and you held his hand as he led you to the gardens. It’s where you two played and relaxed and talked about whatever you wished. 
There you two got into discussions of dreams. 
You always had those “strange dreams”, as you called them since you were young. He vividly remembers the day you ran up to him and yelled, “I thought you were a girl!” It was the start of your rather unorthodox friendship. 
You were supposed to be useless. Someone who would never amount to anything or have any impact on the world. But Beelzebub couldn’t help but think how important you were to him now. Something about you just drew him further in. 
“Agh...I’ll...you...” You mumbled in your sleep, clenching and clawing at the dirt. He hunched over your form as you groaned in pain. 
“(Y/n). (Y/n). Wake up.” He said as he shook your body gently. You held your side as your face contorted into one of agony. 
“Bubz...it hurts...” You pathetically called to him. He frowned and sat on the ground beside you before he picked you and placed you on his massive lap. 
“I know.” He said. “What did you dream of?” 
“I want to see...the new world...” You whispered before you lost consciousness and collapsed against his sturdy chest. 
He froze. 
How did you...that wasn’t exactly common knowledge. In fact, he only knew recently as the Council had allowed it. But how did you know? Did you hear him and Lucilius talk? But that shouldn’t be possible... you were already asleep. 
The thought burned into his mind as he stroked your hair gently, just like you did to him before. 
“Don’t worry, we promise we’ll take you there soon. Just wait for us.” 
There was no changing it. The Council had already decided. 
“What use is there to a living corpse? They’ve never brought anything satisfactory to us.” 
“A shame they were kept alive as long as they have been.” 
Lucilius clenched his teeth as his nails dug into his flesh. Beelzebub folded his arms as his hood covered his face. 
So this was it. 
You were to die. 
And they were powerless to stop it. 
“What a useless little creature. It would have had more worth being cast to the bottom of the sky.” 
That set Lucilius off. He strode to the middle of the floor, staring at the ground. 
“How dare you say that about them?” He snarled. “You do not even know them!” 
“Lucilius. Hold your tongue or you will be severely punished for this. We have respected your work for a long time, unless, of course, you wish to start over from zero? Do you want to join that dying thing?” 
“Shut up!” He yelled, his eyes bloodshot and red as he stared angrily at the members. “What do you know of them? You know nothing! Nothing! You bastards have known nothing! You say you respect me, that’s only because I have the brains and the will to continue where you pieces of shit have never ventured! You are nothing without me!” 
“Quiet! If you won’t help them and listen to me, then I will destroy you all one by one! This is MY work that has helped you, and I can just as easily use it to destroy you! You’ll learn to fear me!” 
The council stared in shock, some nervously eyeing one another before they trained their eyes back to Lucilius. 
“This is nonnegotiable, Lucilius. Stay silent or there will be consequences.” 
Lucilius shook his head and stormed out of the room, Beelzebub following behind. 
“Bastards. Those freaking idiots are so-” 
“Don’t lose your cool, Lucilius. We don’t need their permission anymore.” Beelzebub tried to calm him down. Lucilius nodded as they walked into their lab, where you lay, more sickly and thin than before. Beelzebub hoisted your unconscious body over his shoulders as Lucilius shoved his notes in a bag. 
“Gods...why can’t I find it...” Lucilius huffed. 
“We don’t have much time, they will come here soon for them.” Beelzebub warned. 
“I know that.” 
“Then hurry up.” Lucilius quickly picked up the last of his research, gripping his lance in his other hand as the two hurriedly walked out. Just as they had expected, a number of Astrals were there, waiting to drag you out and finish the death sentence the Council appointed to you. Beelzebub held you tightly against his chest as Lucilius pointed his lance at them, eager to battle. 
“I’ve warned you fools before.” Lucilius mumbled. You stirred for a moment and weakly sputtered for air before Beelzebub gently stroked your hair and shushed you. 
“Sh... go back to sleep. Just stay with us for a while. Please.” He begged, hoping to the gods above that you wouldn’t die right now. Not now. Not yet. They still didn’t finish their promise. 
Lucilius let out a battle cry as he swung his spear, the anger and pent-up rage he contained coming out full force as their bodies dropped and his robes were stained crimson. 
“Come on. Let’s go.” He looked at Beelzebub, his blue eyes glazed over in an emotion Beelzebub had never seen, but one that slightly excited him. Their robes and cloaks fluttered behind them as they hurriedly made their escape. 
“Bu...” You called. Your eyes looked to see a blurry Lucilius covered in red, and you tried to look at Beelzebub, who stared down at you worriedly. Your eyes rolled back as everything faded again. 
“Aren’t you tired of being useless? Aren’t you tired of annoying them with your presence? Give yourself up to me. Give up, and we will be rejoined. You will be able to become stronger for them. Won’t that be nice?” 
Your eyes opened as you saw the blue sky. You weakly gasped. It looked so different from your sky. But it was so gorgeous... so mesmerizing...such a beautiful shade of blue. 
You cracked a smile. 
As your throat croaked, two figures overshadowed you as they knelt down right next to you. 
“Faa...Bubz...” You tried to chuckle. It came out more like a choking sound, but they didn’t mind. They gently took your hand and smiled at you gently. 
“Look. We made it.” Lucilius whispered. 
“The new sky.” Bubz added. 
“...pretty...” You smiled. You gripped their sleeves and weakly forced yourself to sit up. Seeing what you were trying to do, Beelzebub lifted you up and you clung to him as your body shook. 
You awkwardly moved your body to grip Lucilius’s sleeve too, and braced an arm behind you so you didn’t fall. 
“Die. Go on. Die. You saw the sky. Now go under. Close your eyes.” a familiar voice called to you. 
How could you though, when you felt so undeniably happy? So... alive? In a moment of adrenaline and excitement, you grinned as you tried to walk forward. It hurt and your body could barely hold itself up, but none of that mattered. None of the pain even registered as you held onto your most treasured friends and got to witness the new sky in all its glory. 
“(Y/n). Easy now, careful. You don’t want to trip.” Beelzebub said. 
You nodded and held their hands tighter as your eyes looked at the sun. Funny how staring at it for so long didn’t make this sight any less amazing. You closed your eyes and breathed in the fresh air. 
“Thank you...” You said to them both. 
“Don’t thank us. It was nothing.” Lucilius blushed, looking away. 
“It was your dream for a while, so how could we say no?” Beelzebub smiled softly at you. “We did promise to stay together and keep you alive, so we’re going to do just that.” 
It had been nonstop work for Beelzebub and Lucilius. All this time, they had been out and about searching for a cure, for anything at all to fix you and improve their research. 
In the meantime, you sat in the small, but still wonderful garden. It was quiet and full of white lilies, your favorite flowers. You stared at the sky as the wind rustled. It was beautiful...but yet it was so lonely. Your friends were not by your side, as they were always too busy to sit with you. 
You smiled sadly. 
It’s because I am useless they keep stressing over me...I wish they’d stop... 
It was a harsh truth to accept. You were the reason they left the Astral world and started over here, the reason they murdered so many others just to have you escape. 
You wished you could take back that stupid promise you made. You could hardly even speak anymore, as it hurt just to talk, but being alone with your thoughts made your mind run wild. It switched over from crying in fear from the nightmares to just thinking of sleep. In moments like this, where you had the rationale to think, you remembered how useless and selfish you were. It was your fault they were hurting. 
I guess you were right, an-Nar...I should’ve died... 
You stood up and immediately fell to the ground. It was so painful to move. But it didn’t matter. You weakly crawled to the patch of lilies and rested beside them. You were tired. So tired. It hurt to be alive. So...it was time to rest...
Lucilius liked taking walks to the garden. When he wasn’t being hounded by work and research, he felt a desire to get out and get some fresh air. Not to mention, he got to see you, which was the biggest reward in his mind. 
You couldn’t talk, but you didn’t need to. He was right here for you. There was no need to speak when he could give you anything and everything without you uttering a single word. He and Beelzebub could give that to you. 
He stepped outside and hissed at the sun’s light, before he squinted at the bench. You weren’t sitting there. Strange... weren’t you there before? He walked closer to it before he saw your legs curled up to your body as you lay in the grass. 
His eyes widened. 
He couldn’t process his next actions, but he could vaguely remember screaming, crying, yelling, shaking, and eventually him fainting due to exhaustion. Nothing made sense. 
He awoke to see his creation standing above him, worry in his eyes. 
“Lucifer. What are you doing?” 
“I’m sorry, you fainted in the gardens and I took you back inside to rest. You haven’t been sleeping well have you?” Lucilius ignored him as he stood up, wobbling out the door as he tried to steady himself. “L-Lucilius, what are you-”
“(Y/n). (Y/n). Where are they?” 
“Oh...them...” Lucifer’s eyes trailed off. “I’m sorry, but they have passed on. It’s... it’s for the best, don’t you think, Master? They were in a lot of pain-”
“Zip it! I didn’t ask for your worthless opinion!” Lucilius yelled at Lucifer, his eyes watering. “I don’t remember asking for your input on what’s best. I was going to save them!”
“Shut it.” Lucilius cut him off as he walked around aimlessly in his research lab. 
How dare they? How dare they die when he was close? He could’ve- he paused. 
There was something he hadn’t tried yet... something he himself was curious about. It may be a good time to test his newest hypothesis. 
He noticed Beelzebub was gently resting your body in a poorly made grave. Traditions demanded that bodies be disposed to the bottom of the sky as a way to get rid of those “imperfect” beings. He never cared too much for it, but now, seeing as you were now one of those seemingly imperfect beings, he felt disgusted at the thought of just abandoning you as if you were trash. 
“Beelzebub.” Lucilius called. Beelzebub stopped what he was doing, a forlorn look on his face as he gazed into the researchers. “Don’t do that crap now. We can have one more chance at this. Bring them to me in the lab.” 
Beelzebub had a slight inkling on what he was planning and lifted your body gently out of the coffin. Lucilius made a beeline for his lab, ignoring all his creations around him as he hurriedly unlocked the door. 
“This isn’t your usual lab, Lucilius.” 
“I’m aware. I’ve been testing some theories over here, and now is a good way to prove them.” Lucilius mumbled back. Inside, there was a large table with a cloth over it, hiding an outline of a body. There was notes and diagrams pinned over the walls and littering the floor. Beelzebub made a disgusted face at the large mess he made. But Lucilius was nothing without his quirks. 
Lucilius pointed at an empty table next to the one that was covered. 
“Put them right there.” Beelzebub laid your body on it before Lucilius yanked the cover off of the other table. Beelzebub gasped. 
“What the hell is this?” He asked. His red eyes narrowed as he looked at what seemed to be an exact copy of... you... He glowered at Lucilius. “What the hell did you do?” 
Lucilius’s blue eyes paled over, an insane look in his eyes that made Beelzebub grit his teeth. 
“I had an idea once. From a dream. What if we made them a body? A body that would never rest or wilt. A body that would never fade or get weak. A powerful one that could make them stronger than any of those other worthless creatures. If I could just transfer that consciousness into this-” 
“No.” Beelzebub cut him off. “No. I already see where this is going. Don’t you dare, Lucilius.” 
“I didn’t ask what you thought about my project. I am doing this to help them.” Lucilius snapped back. 
“There are other ways. We can find another way. I’m not having you do whatever this shit is.” Beelzebub shook his head, preparing to lift you up. He felt cold metal on the back of his neck and turned around slowly to see Lucilius staring him down and pointing his lance at him. 
“Put them down.” 
“Lucilius, you’ve lost your damn mind!”
“I have not lost anything yet! Put them down! This is necessary! If we can do this then just think of all we can do to ourselves! We can all be the most powerful creatures in existence! We can be together forever!” 
“And you’re willing to do this off of a stupid dream? Do you hear yourself?!” Beelzebub shouted. “Put down your stupid weapon! Listen to yourself! They just died and all you’re worried about is being the most powerful?” 
“Put the body back! You will not take them from me!” Lucilius screamed. Beelzebub scowled at Lucilius. 
“You’re getting ridiculous, Lucilius. You’ve been knocked out for over three days and now you proclaim you’re going to save them by putting them in a new body?”
“It’s a theory. One that I’ve thought of for a long time. I was prepared for this day, and it has unfortunately come. I know there’s something missing here. From me, you, and (Y/n). Something isn’t right with our current forms. And what better way to test it than with them?” Lucilius explained. 
“And what do you plan on doing to them?” 
“Whatever needs to be done. I will sacrifice whatever I must to prove this theory.” Beelzebub seemed to contemplate Lucilius’s words before he sighed. 
“I don’t like this.” 
“We promised to them we’d keep them alive. Their dream was to explore this world. We have yet to do either. I won’t rest until that happens.” Lucilius said. “Don’t tell me you plan on breaking that promise?” 
Beelzebub frowned. 
“Don’t use those words against me.” 
“Whatever I must do, I will. And when I get them back, with or without you, I will be with them and I will make them happy. Leave if you choose to. I don’t care. Just know that I will be the one to return them here.” Beelzebub chuckled quietly, making Lucilius stare at him in confusion. His quiet laughter changed to full on guffaw as he ran a hand through his hair. 
“The fact you think this will work and the fact that you think you’ll make them happy is ridiculous! You’ve really lost it! Lucilius, I once respected you and your intellect, but it seems you’ve just gone mad. You were once a friend before, but now seeing you attempt this? It’s too much. You have no damn clue what you are doing anymore.” 
Lucilius bit his inner lip. 
“I know what I must do. Unlike you, I am willing to take my chances. I don’t care what I must do for (Y/n), but I will bring them back.” Beelzebub waved a hand at him and walked out the door. 
“Do as you please. You’re a fool, Lucilius. A damn fool.” He said before he slammed the door shut behind him. Lucilius huffed before he strode to the table with your corpse on it. 
“Good riddance to him. I know you cherished me more than you did him, right? Unlike him, I actually care for you and adore you. If you’re patient, you can rule the world by my side. We’ll show them... we’ll show them all just how much more powerful we are than them. This world will be all yours. I promise.” He whispered. 
Beelzebub angrily walked out of the lab. 
“That damn man- agh!” He growled. 
Just who does he think he is? Our plan was to make sure they were alive and well, and now he has the nerve to suggest we mutilate their corpse over a dream. Unbelievable. 
This was not what you would have wanted. Unlike with Lucilius, you talked to Beelzebub a lot about your dreams. You talked to him about how you just wanted to see the world and sit in the sun with the two of them. You didn’t desire riches or power or anything of the sort. It was what made you so different from others he had met before. Despite your supposed uselessness, you just wanted to live your life in peace. And now Lucilius was trying to take your peace away from you and bring you back with whatever nonsensical plan he came up with. 
He frowned. 
He never understood you like I did. He thinks he’s so great. I’ll show him I can be better than whatever he is. I know he thinks you loved him so much- but deep down you trusted me more with your deepest fears and desires. I will forever be the one you ran to when you needed help, not him. He will never have that chance. Not even if the sky were to collapse. 
He chuckled to himself. 
“I guess now we’re going to see who will be the strongest, Lucilius. I will crush you into dust before I let you beat me.” 
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goldenteaset · 3 months
GBF: We're not going to make you cry right out of the gate this year.
Me: ...Oh! I think that's a good thing.
GBF: Enjoy this lovely married couple.
Me: Thanks! They really are lovely...
GBF: Only one of them is playable though. Feel free to think through the implications of this while you wait for Part 2!
Me: *Miserable/delighted groaning noise* okay
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goldenteaset · 3 months
Turns out that "Every one of your memories is correct. They comprise your own unique truth" (paraphrased) also meant that my Lewdcifer headcanons were going to be enabled just a little! He didn't mind being stroked and praised in the slightest. (Not that I needed canon to do that, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth either.)
...I'm processing everything as best I can, okay. ^^;
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cinnbar-bun · 5 years
What Makes the Sky Blue (Sandalphon x Reader){Soulmate Au}
Anon said:  *inhales deeply* Okay, so, I love WMTSB series and I love Sandalphon. And I suddenly thought: Soulmate AU where people can’t see a specific color (which is their soulmate’s eyes color) until they meet. Sandalphon, and blue-eyed reader (I don’t have blue eyes myself but it’d be cool). Title: “What makes the sky blue”. Ahem, sorry and, uh... pretty please? I apologize if it’s bothersome! PS. Apart from Sandy, I love you and your fics too <3
A/n: Of course I’d do this dear! No need to apologize, I love soulmate Au’s a lot and I love Sandy a lot too. I hope you like this though!
Warning: Contains some spoilers regarding Sandalphon and GBF. Also AANNNNNGGGSSSTTTTT
There was always the age-old fairy tale on why nobody could see the color of their soulmate’s eyes until they met. Some say the gods had punished a pair of lovers and cursed everyone to be unable to see some spectrum of color. Others say the gods felt pity and wished for humanity to find their fated lovers. 
You haven’t really thought much about it, but what you did know is that it stunk not being able to see certain colors. 
Yours happened to be a color called, ‘red’. You didn’t know what red looked like, and most didn’t know how to describe it. Lyria would usually say, ‘Vyrn is red!’ While you would’ve loved to see what color your childhood companion was, he only came out in shades of monochrome and slight white. Lyria was a colorful myriad of blue, and you were thankful you could at least see how she looked. 
Some struggled with telling you what red was. 
“Red is like fire, ya know?” Rackam said, lighting a match. You could not see it. 
“Red is like apples!” Io would smile, holding one out to you. They tasted sweet, but unless they were other specimens, you could not see it. 
“Red is the color of roses.” Rosetta would pitifully smile, gently holding the flower to you. They smelled nice and looked beautiful, but still, no idea of what red was. 
It frustrated you sometimes. Most of the crew members had found their soulmates-or simply didn’t care- and they sometimes forgot what it was like to not be able to experience the beauty of the world. 
But you had a job, you were a captain first and foremost, not a lost wanderer. You would not allow this slight annoyance to take over your mind. 
You looked thoughtfully out into the sky, seemingly an endless stream of blue. Many had commented that your eyes were the same shade as the sky, some also saying they couldn’t see it until they met their soulmate. Seeing the sky everyday, you thought it was pretty, but you would like a change of scenery. What did red look like? What did fire look like under a night sky? 
Sandalphon could not see color. Pandemonium was an awful, hellish nightmare, and it stripped him of whatever sense of justice and humanity he had left. He wanted revenge. He craved destruction. 
What good was a world that did not want him? 
He was no replacement. He was the end all-be all. If humanity-if Lucifer- couldn’t even see that, then he’d be the reason for their downfall. 
A single pulse echoed in his heart, and in the heart of Pandemonium. 
Finally, escape. 
It was a surge of power unlike any other he had felt. 
The fated meeting of the girl in blue and the red dragon. 
This was the power that was practically unknown to all of them. Lucifer probably could not even comprehend it. He smirked, it was no matter if Lucifer couldn’t understand it, he’d finally show him what he was capable of. All of them would pay for trapping him in Pandemonium, for denying him of a purpose, for leaving him behind, for even thinking of scrapping him. 
He crawled out of Pandemonium and felt power. 
The air was fresh, unlike the suffocating atmosphere of his prison. There was color. He finally could remember what color was. Grass was green, flowers were yellow, trees had brown bark. But still, the sky remained as cloudy and dark as ever. Water was also gray. 
No matter, he’d paint the skydom red by the time he was through. 
Chaos, chaos everywhere. People were screaming and all you could hear was destruction. Crumbling buildings, burning market stands, everything was getting destroyed one by one. 
All from this strange man. 
He had been fascinated with you since the beginning, whispering how you were the singularity. 
He was more than happy to plunge the skydom to the bottom, and the sick pleasure he got from hurting your friends made you angry. How could someone be this hateful? 
It was no use thinking over why he was what he was. He had nearly acquired all the primarch’s wings, save for Gabriel’s, and had become an insane monster possessed only by the thought to destroy, destroy, destroy. 
You had to fight him. You had to stop him before he ruined your home. 
You felt your strength waning as you desperately swung at him, hoping he would stop this senseless fighting. 
Hope had finally been born again when you finished him. 
Reduced to the power of a mere mortal, he was on the ground, laughing loudly at how you of all people managed to defeat him. 
“Of course the singularity does it! Of course they do! You must feel so proud right now, so happy that you have a purpose! You have meaning and the power to change this world! Lucky you!” He rambled on before laughing even more. 
So that was why. 
You looked at him, and a sense of pity began to form inside. All he wanted was a place, a purpose. He looked up at you, his smile still there but showing something more...bitter, perhaps jealous? 
“Don’t look at me like that, mortal.” He spat the last word out like it was poison inside his body. “I don’t need your damn pity. Why don’t you just kill me, huh? Why don’t you just throw me back to Pandemonium? Why don’t you just make me suffer!” 
“I...I...” You stumbled backwards and fell on the ground, shaking at how angrily loud he was yelling. 
“You don’t know what it’s like to suffer alone! You mortals die so quick, you’d never understand what a primarch goes through!” 
“Enough, Sandalphon.” A voice cut through his screams with a serene presence you hadn’t felt in a long time. 
“Lucifer...” Sandalphon murmured, and he seemed shocked he was even before him. 
“Old friend...this was my fault. I had waited to see when I should come down to put an end to you. It seemed the Singularity handled it.” Lucifer gazed down at you softly, then turned back to Sandalphon, a mixture of pity and regret in his eyes. 
Sandalphon didn’t seem to be happy that Lucifer was there, in fact, he had begun shaking even more violently. 
“Y-you didn’t even think I was that big of a threat? You didn’t see me as nothing more than a nuisance that a mere human could stop? You didn’t even take me seriously? You...” Sandalphon gripped the dirt in anger and screamed in anguish. 
He was even more pitiful than he thought. 
“I thought of you as a friend. My only friend, who had looked to me as an equal, not the supreme creation.” Lucifer responded. 
“Equal? Equal you say? We will never be equal! So long as you’re alive, you’ll be praised! I was nothing more than your damn replacement, and I failed at the job before it began! I am not- and will never be- you! You have purpose, you have meaning! This god damn Singularity has more influence than I ever will!”
“Accept your failures, primarch.” Michael’s harsh voice cut through. She stared in disgust at her enemy, joined by her other siblings. 
“Heh...yeah...I guess it was foolish from the start, right? To think that I, of all things, could ruin this world. Then punish me as you see fit.” He heaved a sigh and seemed to relax, accepting his mistakes so calmly and sadly. 
“We will see to it, Sandalphon.” Lucifer responded. 
“Before I’m sent away forever, allow me one more request.” 
“What is it?” 
“Allow me to thank the Singularity. For having been enough to put an end to my destruction.” He looked at you and smiled, his brown hair disheveled and knotted after the vicious fighting. 
The primarchs did not object, and he got up slowly and walked over to you, his hand outstretched. You stared at it in confusion and debated whether or not you should go through with it. 
“Come now, won’t you fulfill this last wish of mine?” His voice teased. You decided against listening to your subconscious and extended your hand back to him. 
Before you made contact, you looked at his eyes and saw they were a monochrome color. 
So they’re red, then. 
As your fingers touched, a jolt of electricity ran through you and you gasped. His eyes had turned a marvelous color you couldn’t begin to describe. They shown beautifully under the shining sun, twinkling like gemstones. You wanted to get lost in them forever. 
“Ah... my enemy is my soulmate, huh?” He chuckled darkly before his face turned serious as he leaned towards your ear. 
“Your hands are so soft...” he whispered, “This is what the sky looks like, hm? Thank you for showing me one more beautiful sight before you go. Have a safe flight.” His frown had turned back into a large smirk as he grabbed your wrists and flung your body off the cliff. 
You couldn’t begin to process it as your emotions and thoughts swirled into one. 
“(Y/N)!” You heard your friends scream and the echoing laughter of Sandalphon. 
“In the end Singularity, you’re just mortal! Just flesh and breakable bones!” He yelled. 
“Why you-” Michael lunged for him and knocked him to his knees, making him double over in pain. “Uriel, come with me now!” She screamed and tried to rescue you. 
You couldn’t hear anymore. You couldn’t scream. 
All you thought of was memories. 
Meeting Lyria, becoming a captain, traveling around the world. 
How unfortunate it would have to end by the hands of someone who was supposed to love you. Perhaps this was your punishment for thinking about it too much. Your death would serve as a reminder to never let your selfish desires overtake you. 
Time seemed to slow down as you fell, and you looked at the massive horizon all around you. You smiled serenely, this sight alone was enough to make you accept your untimely end. 
The sky below had turned a pretty shade of red, signifying the day’s end. And you finally got to see it. 
Red was a wonderful color, indeed. This was what you had desired, and now seeing like this felt surreal. There was no more regrets. There was no more hate or ill will. Peace. Peace was all you felt as you plunged deeper into the end of the sky. 
And then black. 
That event had served as a new beginning for you. You don’t remember much, Bahamaut roaring for you to wake up, to sweep the world into its new evolution. Lyria and Vyrn huddling over you, weeping over how they thought they lost you for good. But one thing haunts you to this day. 
Sandalphon’s eyes. 
The other things may have been a blurry fragment, but you could never, ever forget his eyes. After learning of red, after seeing how much emotion and desire he displayed from his eyes alone, it had stuck with you. 
Some part of you even wished to see him again. You’ve thought of what it must be like if you had been born in another world. Another world where he had a purpose, where he was not confined to Pandemonium, where you could meet him once more. 
Some times you cried over it. A bond with a soulmate was irreplaceable, and the event of being broken apart made you feel so utterly alone. Like a part of you had been taken along with him. 
You wondered how stupid it would’ve sounded to the others. You cared for a man who wanted the plunge the world into chaos? You cared for a man who sent you flying off a cliff? You hadn’t told them he was your soulmate. You sometimes kept up the act you could not see red, but pretty soon, you knew they would catch on to you hiding something. 
You looked at Vyrn, now a red dragon instead of the gray he once was. Was this worth it? You wanted red so bad, but at what cost? 
After another day of pondering over useless what-ifs, you stumbled onto your bed and fell asleep quick enough. 
“Singularity...” You recognized the voice. 
“L-Lucifer?” It had been months since you last talked to him. 
“Yes, (Y/n). You are still troubled by what had occurred long ago, correct?” of course he would know, you sighed. 
“Yes...it’s so stupid of me! W-why do I care so much? Why do I want him so bad?” You wept. 
“That is the curse of the soulmate link.” You’ve never heard used in that way. 
“Soulmate link?” 
“Yes, the link that binds you to Sandalphon. The chain that is your connection to him.” 
“Then why do I feel so bad about him not being here?” 
“You see the color red now, right?” You nodded. “When you touched, it was like the chain finally connected. And him being away severs that chain slowly. It hurts, unfortunately, and I cannot guarantee that the pain will ever go away, so long as he is still being reborn.” 
“T-then what can I do?” Your disheartened voice made Lucifer frown slightly. 
“There is nothing, unfortunately. I know he suffers as much as you do, but I cannot awaken him when he’s still in this cycle. You’ve stopped him once, but I cannot allow another disaster to happen.”
“How long will this cycle take?” 
“However long it needs to be.” 
He sees only black. 
He’s not fully conscious yet, but he has enough awareness to think. The cocoon is as dark as Pandemonium, but unlike that hellhole, it feels warm. He snuggles in closer to whatever that warmth may be. 
But he feels a slight pain in his heart. All he can feel is regret, regret for turning on the world, for betraying Lucifer’s trust,
for hurting you. 
Sandalphon clearly recalls that day as if it were yesterday. The pain he caused you for his selfish desires is something he will always punish himself for. You were his soulmate, you were supposed to be the one he was fated to meet. 
The meeting (quite literally) nose-dived into utter madness. 
Being in the cocoon makes him wish he could take back his mistakes. He wants to be let out, to be free again, and to finally do his purpose, to make the skydom better. 
Most of all, he wants the chance to see you again. To support you like he was supposed to. He wants to remember the blue of the sky and your eyes, he wants to be a part of something with you. 
Would you even accept him? Would you even forgive him for what he has done? He has no idea. He wants to be better, but he understands his mistakes were not exactly tiny ones. 
He reminds himself of the tiny fragments of dreams he has had while in the cocoon, and some of them consist of seeing the blue sky. Before, he had thought he would never get to see the vast atmosphere in its true form. That day, when he made contact with you, it sparked something within him. 
The sky was gorgeous. It held a light so unlike any other thing, and he was glad he got to witness it at least once. As much as he loved the sky, he could never forget about your eyes. 
He huddles himself into a ball until he feels his consciousness drifting away. 
It had been a painful year for you. 
You had loved and lost during that period, and you wonder just what will happen in this coming year. 
You stare somberly out on the deck of the Grandcypher, watching the sun rise to form hues of red and yellow on the horizon. It always reminded you of him. 
You start to wonder if there’s a point to even holding onto him. How do you even know if he isn’t going to just kill you? You feel your exhaustion from waking up too early start to creep in, your eyes slowly closing until you drift into sleep. 
A loud noise rings through the Grandcypher, and it jolts you up immediately. 
“What the hell...doing here?” You hear slight pieces of what sounds to be like Rackam yelling. You sigh and walk to where all the commotion is and rub your tired eyes. 
“What’s going on?” You yawn and scratch your head. 
“This guy was insistent on-” your gasp cut Rackam off as you stepped closer. 
“Sandalphon? I-I thought...” You can only stare. He was here, right in front of you. His red eyes looked surprised, almost hesitating in how he should react. 
“Yeah, I guess I finished.” He awkwardly laughed and gave you a small grin, but one that instantly rose your spirits. You tackled him in a hug and almost felt the tears build up again. 
“I thought I never would’ve been able to see you again! I’m so happy to see you here!” You say, although it becomes muffled in his chest. 
“A-ah, I, yeah I’ve missed you too.” He lets out a sigh and smiles, wrapping an arm around you. “I’m sorry. Really.” 
“I forgave you long ago, you’re here now, so that’s what really matters.” You look up to him, and he sees those precious blue eyes that he missed so dearly. 
“Thank you.” He whispers, only for your ears. The other crew is gobsmacked by the whole exchange, and some still don’t fully trust him. 
He understood this was what he was signing up for, but he quickly comes to realize that you still love him so unconditionally. You put your faith in him, and he wants to be the man you always knew he could be. 
Funny, he never thought a mortal of all things would be the one to make him feel invincible. The blue sky above is even prettier just by your presence alone, and he can’t help but feel like this was what he had been missing all his life. 
He thinks back to when Lucifer talked to him about the blue sky. 
“What makes the sky blue?” He’d ask. Hearing Lyria ask that again made him ponder that thought once more. 
Whether it was created by the gods, the Astrals, or some unknown scientific experience, he had an answer that he felt could explain it. 
Your love. 
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