prodekus · 2 years
any bkdks still alive out here. how we doin'
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featherrivercanyon · 2 years
sorry for rbing homestuck on main i found some old stuff i liked :3
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h20 · 3 years
me hours ago whining in my head about how my dispensary never has any indica roll multipacks and the eve of my birthday when checking their menu for the morning they have an entire alien rift 7 pack? a fucking Real One
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gavvyap · 4 years
I’m about to go on an actual real date y’all I’m
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tiredpod · 4 years
if u ever wanted to date this unoriginal h*rny shitposter nows ur chance lmao
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wichitalk · 4 years
the officer un psyc: sorry mr, you provided good evidance for the case but you didnt provide ENOUGH so we can't accept your cae :/
Jack Crawford: yeah will licked the ground at a crime scene and cought the murderer in two days, we completly belive him and also don't see anything wrong with this
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prodekus · 30 days
everyone is welcome to boop me if they see this post, but sideblogs can't boop back so you'll be plentifully booped from my mainblog!
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featherrivercanyon · 3 years
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i saw this and you have no fucking clue how happy i got??? I justt very happy boi
Hi m8 howre you :]
!! I’m good ! Hbu?
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h20 · 3 years
gave myself a second degree burn smoking weed lads
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tiredpod · 7 years
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405ntfnd · 8 years
i m i s s my r ryebread,.,,where has he gone??? come?? back
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prodekus · 1 year
The world revolves on an axis around Bakugou.
And, no, this isn’t lovey dovey—this isn’t soulmates, this isn’t figuring out who you’re meant to be with at the ripe age of five years old, this is a choice, surrounded by coincidence. (Love is always a choice.) The choices are: Midoriya wants to be a hero. Midoriya wants to save people, whether metaphorically within their own minds, or literally from physical locations. Midoriya wants to be in love. Midoriya wants to get married. Midoriya, whether or not he knew it, kinda wants to be famous one day too—famous for being a good person, in the right ways.
The coincidences, both good and bad, are: Bakugou also wants to be a hero, and gives him an opportunity to excise the tradition of ‘moving before your brain catches up with it’—he also gets kidnapped, often. Too often for Midoriya’s comfort. Bakugou also has issues, that Midoriya either hinders or helps, but otherwise conflicts with. Bakugou’s the perfect person to be in love with—athletic, strong-willed, charming and loud, both, yes—and also the perfect person to marry since Bakugou’s worst traits are tolerable to Midoriya. And Bakugou is magnetic, fame clings to him like wet clothes, so Midoriya by default is also semi-famous. An influencer.
Coincidences are… messy. They’re hard to explain, even harder to come to terms with. If a coincidence happened where Midoriya and Bakugou had babies, and got married because they had babies so there’d be less questions, is it even a marriage they can say they earned, at all? Maybe, it’s frustrating, to have to earn back what Midoriya’s already learned about Bakugou because of coincidences.
Sure, he’s learnt that Bakugou keeps his All Might trading card from when they were kids in his pocket, but only because at one point his uniform got mixed up with Midoriya’s in the dryer, and it fell out—pristine and unwrinkled. Yes, Midoriya’s learnt that Bakugou and Kirishima had a soft fling in the beginning of their second year, but only because he accidentally saw a text from Kaminari to Kirishima asking him if he wanted to try the dating kacchan thing again, and Midoriya couldn’t look away fast enough before it was seared in his head—permanently.
He knew a lot about Bakugou to begin with, anyway. All of these were either confirmations of speculations he’s already had, or accidental eavesdropping that he had no real say in, and now knows. The real kicker is when they’re Pros, Midoriya finds out that Bakugou’s got a crush on him—and more.
It’s an interviewer from a local high school that approaches Midoriya, not too far from Yuuei but because Yuuei is so expansive and big, it’s still a handful of whiles away. Her name is—something or other, she and a team of other high school reporters weigh in on the Pro scene, and because they’re so young, Midoriya answers them more often than anyone else. When she says Dynamight, he’s surprised, mildly, that Bakugou would talk to them. Or any journalist, especially high schoolers who have interests in their personal lives—a lot of them are hounds for blood, and Bakugou has no real interest in communicating with the devil.
“How long have you been aware that Dynamight’s loved you, and how come you never mentioned that you two are dating?”
Midoriya crushes the skull of an unwilling green jolly rancher in his mouth when she asks that. Hiroshima, that’s her name—he remembers in a flash, and then looks at her, willing himself to be cool. Bakugou and he never had any relationship in high school, or the spaces thereafter—choices are choices, and their choice led them away from one another. At least romantically. That’s what he thought, at least! Maybe he was wrong?
“Whadd’ya say?” Midoriya asks. “Loved me? Dating? Hold up. What?” He’s trying to be cool, but Mary Magdalene he’s failing at it.
“No, no,” Hiroshima says. “Love you. Sorry. Our new interview? ‘Interview with Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight, here at ten’? He says you two are dating, and that he loved you first.” You don’t usually put the ‘here at ten’ part in a title, but they’re high schoolers, so maybe it was a funny joke. It kinda is.
Midoriya’s whole head is spinning. He’s sure he either looks buffoony, or totally lost. They’re dating? Is this a choice he hadn’t even known about? He spent so much time worrying about being forced to do anything, by fate or otherwise—he can hear Sir Nighteye’s nasal voice in his head telling him about the future, god bless him, that is not even remotely the issue right now—that he’s almost falling over. When did they start dating? Midoriya doesn’t even remember them kissing. Not on the mouth! Head, maybe—or there was that one time that Bakugou slept over at Midoriya’s house, cooked him dinner, and they watched stupid reality tv shows that have nothing to do with heroism and everything to do with love, and Bakugou made an offhand comment about not marrying anyone he’d just met, and how he’d much rather marry someone he knows, even if it’s at the drop o’a hat, and—oh Jesus. Was that an attempted proposal, or a hint to them dating, while watching Love is Blind?
The world revolves on an axis around Bakugou.
“Show me the clip?”
“Ooooooo,” Hiroshima says. “You didn’t know. That’s unbelievable! He didn’t ask you? Oh, and you’re dating. Deku!” Her voice is shrill with enthusiasm. “This is unbelievable journalism. I’m a headline maker.”
“You’re—lord, All Might, forgive me. Is this live?” A kid in the back clicks on a button that must make it go from ‘recording normally’ to ‘live.’ “Dynamight. Call me, tonight. Off work. Or just come over.”
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featherrivercanyon · 3 years
Tbh I love tsoa so much but I. Really don’t want it to be a movie. So much of it relies on Patroclus’ inner dialogue and how his emotions play into the narrative. And while I would literally kill to see some of the moments in the book on screen I don’t think the book as a whole would translate well
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h20 · 3 years
have a feeling the awareness of our autonomously taking a sleep aid is somehow enough for my base idiot brain to kick up into overdrive to Not Feel Tired and in fact feel even MORE AWAKE than usual. maybe we should ask our bf to hide the next one in our food like an animal that won’t take their medicine if they see it’s physical form anywhere in front of them
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gavvyap · 6 years
I swear I block at least 2 pornbots a day. this is maddening
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tiredpod · 5 years
someone give me attention,
i need a new fixation.
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