#garen crowngua
demacianpuppet · 1 year
Demacian Nobility and the Holy Blood
The Mageseeker comes out in less than 2 weeks and I thought it was the perfect moment to talk about a theory I had for years before it totally gets disproven in the game.
In Runeterra there are a few bloodlines which seem to be something special. Sivir’s blood was able to resuscitate Azir from the dead and while it is not sure how much it is still canon, in Sion’s Reborn Story it was mentioned that Jarvan IV blood was used to restore Sion to his current state. 
So we assume for now that the Lightshield bloodline is still special. 
I also assume that the Crownguards are also fit the bill. First of all, Lux is a powerful mage. While this doesn’t have to mean anything, in the Lux comic it is mentioned that magical abilities seem to be hereditary. So what about the rest of the Crownguards?
Whether Garen is also a magic user or not, it seems to change from story to story. In the Lux comic he was able to defeat Sylas without his sword, which seems to be blessed with magic while in the upcoming Mageseeker game he still summons a big sword of light to smite his enemies. If that is not magic, I don’t know.
Tianna Crownguard is also an interesting case. While we don’t see her use any kind of magic and is established as an important person of the military, she was able to wake up Garen while nobody else was able to. Again, it could be something else but the framing is suspicious for sure.
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The thing is: there has to be a reason why these bloodlines are so special to begin with. And I do have a theory in that regard.
Magical bloodlines are usually connected to the divine, to the celestial. And while Demacia still was a young nation, it was also the time where Kayle and Morgana walked freely there.
In Kayle’s bio it is openly stated that she “imbuing the weapons of the worthy with her own sanctified fire” and had a protege named Ronas. My take is that Ronas was a Crownguard and he was blessed by Kayle, carrying a spark of celestial magic in it. Light and justice are indeed motives we find a lot with the Crownguards - Lux being a light mage and Garen serving and upholding the law of Demacia.
For the Lightshield, we can see that they try to be kind and just rulers. In What Once Sailed Free we can see that Jarvan the Third offered all prisoners the chance to begin a new life. It would make sense that someone like Morgana, who represents justice as a form of reformation could find liking in a leader like that and would offer her own blessing to them.
After Kayle’s and Morgana’s fallout, both disappeared from the public and they became myths. It could be that the Crownguards and Lightshields don’t know about it. An origin myth that you tell the others to explain why these families still have so much power. It could also be that this knowledge was carefully hidden since Demacia has become more and more magephobic in the time. 
However, what is your blood even worth if you are not even willing to fight for the ideals your own nation has built on? Only time will tell.
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