#gabriel and humanity parallel gets me once again oogugh
astrum99 · 2 months
You drew your palm away from it. Sticky with Red. The imprint of your being painted upon it. Red against blue.
A palm print, akin to the hundreds, thousands, millions of its copies in a not-so-distant past. The universe blinked, and mankind screamed. Alive, gone, instantaneous. Fraction of a tick in the grandfather clock – the grand scheme made everything so small.
What’s left of humanity was it. A being pure of heart, for it had no heart to begin with. A being eternal, until all life drains away. Until no one can recall its name.
And an imprint on its chassis. The exact shape and size of your left hand. You left your mark. Greedy. Your mind drew up images of similar copies made by human beings. Littered against cave walls, pottery, paper. Young and old, raised their hands and pressed to leave a mark.
I am was here. This is was my place. I took a part of the universe and, in spite of death, wished for more.
You glanced at your hands, stained thoroughly in your own blood. An angel bent to this degree of animality. Crimson red burned onto the deep blue frame. Iron oxide etched into the ancient walls.
My palm prints are here. Representing me. Lasting millennia. When someone sees it, they will think of me, and I will live on.
All fades away at the end of it all. A slow sleep into non-being. The past, present, and future sweep quietly away into total absolution and oblivion.
You brushed your palm against the red on blue. No one will be left to see this palm print. Painted in the first colours of our blood. The events here will be lost, just as all stories that came before. Just as all life that came before.
A hand close around yours. It is still here, right now.
And that must be enough to stay.
Quick note:
Iron oxide = first red paint made. Though I still feel like blood is likely the "first paint" <- did no research. The 'first colours of blood' is also a reference to the creation of angels being prior to humans'.
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