#g/t hug
azuldoodles · 1 year
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steampoweredwerehog · 2 years
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tinylittlepolly · 3 months
g/t thought of the day
imagine you're a tiny (let's say around the 10cm/4in tall)
you have a regular sized friend that you live with, you try your best to help out around the house despite your size not allowing you to do much.
much of your role is being there for emotional support, you tend to sit down next to your friend whenever they're having a rough day to talk to them and cheer them up a bit.
one day you notice they seem to be really down, getting back home from work only to go directly to bed.
you, worried about them, decide to go after them and climb up the bed to have a talk with them like you always do, but just as you're about to ask what's wrong...
they grab you.
they hold you by their fingertips and pull you closer, putting you on their chest and telling you they could really use a hug.
as you lay on their very soft chest, covered by their equally soft hands... you can feel their heartbeat pounding like crazy, with them clearly not having a good time. you assure them everything's going to be alright, after which they seem to calm down a bit and their heartbeat steadies.
you ask if they want you to stay there a little longer, to which they happily agree while giving you a soft smile.
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friendlyfoxpal · 10 months
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PSA Spoop Consent
Also Chrome and Poppy demonstrate consent for Hug a Tiny day!
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mouzeinsoup · 10 months
My hug a tiny day contribution is done!! A day late bc it took longer than expected
anyway i wanted to do a lil animatic thing to one of my favourite songs, the lyrics are just perfect yknow
(Song is Fingertips by Tom Gregory go give it a listen)
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so-very-small · 21 days
do you ever think about how small a grave for a tiny would be? how quick the grass would grow back over the tiny plot, almost like it was never there at all. how with each visit, it gets harder and harder for the giant to find the exact spot. there’s a grave marker, but it was built by giant hands, so the grave marker is so big, while that tiny specific few inches of earth is so, so small.
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taters169 · 4 months
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You know when you just get that overwhelming NEED
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Hear me out, tinies comforting giants or vice versa BUT the two have never met before.
Maybe a borrower lives in the home of a family where the child is often ignored or yelled at, causing them to hide away in their room most of the time. The borrower can’t do much of anything and simply watches over the years cause they can’t be seen. However they know the kid is a good kid and they get yelled at for such little things. The borrower will watch the child try their best to impress their parents but the parents are always disappointed in them for whatever reason. Maybe the parents thought it wasn’t perfect enough or the kid didn’t do it like how the parents wanted. One day the kid is grounded for the stupidest reason and the borrower who watched everything happen is wondering what they could do. The kid is bawling their eyes out in their room and the borrower feels their heart break and they think “fuck it, they’re a good kid and they need someone” so they sneak over to the bed and climb up, getting close to the kid’s head. The steel their nerves and pat the kid while saying “It’s alright” the child is obviously startled cause who wouldn’t be, and looks at the borrower who seems a bit nervous. The borrower explains that they saw what happened and felt bad for the kid and wanted to comfort them. The kid who perhaps has never been comforted before starts crying again, maybe they scoop the borrower up and hold them close as they cry. The borrower who is shocked just accepts they’ve been scooped and hush the child while telling them that everything will be okay and that they will be there for them. After this encounter, every-time the child is hurt or punished by the parents for doing nothing wrong, the borrower slips out and comforts them. Occasionally coming out to just chat with the kid even if they aren’t grounded. Perhaps the borrower mentally adopts the human child as their own, meanwhile the child is happy to have someone, who they view as a parent, actually care about them.
What about the reverse? Maybe a tiny is crying and trying their best to calm down, but despite their best efforts they aren’t successful. They keep crying until they hear something approach. A giant figure slowly lowers down and softly asks the tiny if they are okay. The tiny, who is shocked that such a large person would even care to ask when everyone else seems to not care, burst into tears and breaks down. They go on about their problems and the giant carefully listens. Eventually the giant either scoops the tiny up to hold them close for comfort or perhaps they gently touch the tiny with their fingers in an awkward hug, while saying comforting words of encouragement. After a while once the tiny has calmed down, the giant starts to leave and let’s the tiny know that “if they ever need a hand again, to come and find them. It shouldn’t be hard with how big they are” the tiny does take up the offer and occasionally goes to the giant and chats with them, a small friendship blooms.
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the--short--one · 2 years
Find Part 1 and Part 2 here
Part 3! I’m sorry in advance; I’ve been told this one also hurts
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Again, I’m sorry if the quality tanked. Can you tell I have a hand fixation?
Just one more part to go :))
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imvenusasaboy · 10 months
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hug a tiny day yahooooo
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azuldoodles · 7 days
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tinyundercover · 2 months
maybe we’re all just touch starved and that’s why we like gt
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x-monochrome-x · 11 months
2023: Hug a Giant Day!! (July 21st)
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these very old ocs i have not thought about at all deserve some love methinks
backstory under the cut:
Around eight years of age, a little boy named Orson is cursed. His family had crossed a very powerful wizard's apprentice. The wizard himself curses their only son to become an incredible burden. The curse is as follows: every time Orson feels his life is threatened, he grows a certain ranged amount depending on how terrible the situation, and is unable to shrink at all or find a reversal/cure. Of course, this is threatening to an eight-year-old child. As soon as his family cannot house the not-so-little boy anymore, he is cast away from his village. His curse will eventually lead him to become bigger than anything ever known to exist on Earth --- he may even become the end of the world.
Orson is scared of this future, and he tries to live a calm life in the woods: away from the village he grew up with.
After three (kind of) peaceful years of Orson's woodland life, he is knocked out with sleeping darts (nearly hundreds of them, mind you, as he is around 150 feet tall at this time from living around predators for years) and dragged by a large force of armored men to a laboratory.
He suddenly finds himself awake and locked up completely, face to face (or rather, eye to face) with the head scientist who had brought him here: Dr. Seimell.
Orson refuses to speak, as he is afraid the volume of his voice would hurt someone. Of course, Dr. Seimell doesn't like that. She hooks him up to an emotion and thought-calibrating device to communicate with the overgrown eleven-year-old.
As years go by and Dr. Seimell studies the curse he was cast under, she finds a way to nullify his growth, and to keep life relatively normal for Orson.
The two grow closer together, and form an almost familial bond as Mother and Son.
Maybe he won't end the world? Who knows i dont im tired
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friendlyfoxpal · 21 days
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The days are creeping closer and closer. Time to get your giants and tinies out from hiding…and crouch down from daydreaming in the clouds to enjoy some time together. And hugs!
As always i just like making these reminder posters.
Hug a Giant day July 21st Hug a Tiny Day August 11th
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smoll-stace · 11 months
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Small thing I made for my friend >:3 @dreamerart7
Characters: keliko and Cordelia (hope I spelled their names right TvT
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sapphiretheharpy · 7 months
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erm, put him down..
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