#funniest move would be if Mary Kilby and crew were hired to begin work on bg4
notebooks-and-laptops · 8 months
It's just WILD to me that bioware would pull this shit right after bg3 comes out to outstanding reviews for it's writing and characters!! Like I haven't played bg3 yet but it's clear to everyone with eyes that it's setting a new standard for RPGs despite how other studios are scrambling to claim it's a one off and impossible to replicate the same standard. And then bioware, in the wake of this, where half it's fans are seeing how amazing bg3 is and maybe losing interesting in da because of it are like...oh hey why don't we fire the writer who wrote some of our best received characters and a bunch more of the team to the point where it feels they don't care about the games anymore (depsite their stupid claim that this will help with releasing DA4). like. How is this not going to make people just lose complete faith and look somewhere else - especially when that something else is RIGHT THERE because it JUST CAME OUT
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