#fundielegacies jasper flanagan
biblethumpersims · 1 year
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“Finally! Our second home.”
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“...It’s rather empty,” Jasper remarks.
“As I understand it, most of the furniture was sold long ago,” Dorothy says. “Oh!”
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Dorothy gazes up at the statue in awe. “Not all! My, what a curious display! Was this once a room of worship?”
“What’s with all the candles?” Jet asks.
“If only I could gift you such knowledge, but I myself am bereft.”
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They go upstairs. It takes Jet less than a minute to discover the secret room.
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“Oh my... goodness, that’s my mother!” Dorothy brushes her hand against the plague underneath Brona’s portrait. “The woman next to her... is my grandmother Leah, I believe?”
“Cool story, babe, but I don’t care. I’m gonna go explore the rest of the house.”
“Wait!” Dorothy grips Jasper’s arm. “What if we had our own portraits painted and displayed?”
“I’m liking the sound of that. But we need to get these paintings out of this hidden room.”
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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Jasper and Dorothy Flanagan stopped having children after the twins, having just 7: Jet, Onyx, Sapphire, Malachite, Amber, Carnelian, and adopted son Peregrine.
Jasper started off as a freelance Paranormal Investigator, but eventually dabbled in being an author and a social media influencer - neither took off. But he was happy with what he accomplished for both the Watcher and his own ego. Although they had their difficulties, Jasper and Dorothy never divorced and he attended her funeral.
Dorothy secretly confirmed that Peregrine was Jasper’s, but took that to her grave. She raised Peregrine, but struggled to really accept him as a Flanagan. Despite it, or maybe because of it, Peregrine was the only one present when Dorothy died.
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Hey. Can I help you?”
“You must be the man they call ‘Jasper Flanagan’. You’re rather... vibrant.”
“Thanks.” Jasper nods.
“I am the one my mother christened Rosemary, and my mother is the mother of your wife.”
“Cool. You wanna see Dorothy?”
“No, for I seek the man God crafted her to submit under, the man she is to obey. That is you?”
“Yep. Is something wrong?”
“Is anything right? But nay, this morning God found the grace in His heart to spare us from abnormal levels of tragedy... so far. I’ve traveled here because of my Earthly father, a man known as Gregory Talbert. He has kept strong the bloodline of not only the Talbert surname, but also the blood of kittens. He gifted me his two youngest, but the Devil has cast his tricks and spells upon my home. My youngest child has found himself allergic to these creatures, so I must banish them. Are you willing to shelter these lost souls? They come protected from ills and with knowledge of proper litter box use.”
“Sure, we like cats. Do they have names?”
“The female is Feline Fatale and the male is Fellowship. My gratitudes to you are deep and vast on this day, good sir. I shall fetch their things.”
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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“Jet, you've been a teenager for some time now. It’s about time you found a nice Christian girl to court.”
“Father, the ladies at church find me repulsive. My romantic future is bleak.”
“That’s quitter talk. Besides, new girls become teenagers every day. You’re young enough to marry a girl that’s still a child.”
“That’s very unfortunate phrasing.”
“Don’t make this weird. You know what I meant: find a girl more or less your age.”
“I shall. How old am I?”
“...Let me get back to you on that one.”
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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Jasper decides to host a Bible Study group. Not a lot of people show up.
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One of the few who do is Robin. The two men recognize each other from the show and end up talking - or, rather, Robin asked “How have you been?” and Jasper gave a speech about his life.
Fortunately for Robin, Jasper did eventually remember why everyone gathered and most of the night was focused on the Bible.
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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Jasper and Dorothy had their portraits painted, and now Jasper returns to Willow Creek to hang them up.
He knows who it is without looking. “Hey, Humility.”
“Listen, Jasper. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but it isn’t yours.”
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Curious, he turns around and sees her expanded stomach. All he can think to say is “How do you know?”
“Because it doesn’t matter. Even if it looks like you, it’s not yours. Understand me?”
“I’m not stupid.”
“I never said you were.”
“You’re acting like it.”
Humility presses her lips together. “Fine. Whatever. I’ll see you around, neighbor.”
“See you around.”
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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Two generations ago, it was just these three houses.
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Now there’s a newer house on the block, with newer neighbors.
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Jasper, and more importantly Humility, could have said anything. But they didn’t. Each knew the other was married when they fucked. So they exchanged expressions, a silent agreement to stay silent.
“...Hello,” Humility says cautiously. “Are you... moving... here?”
“No, but we own this place now,” Jasper replies, nodding towards the black house. “Do you live here?”
“I do. Are you... related... to the men that were here a short while ago?”
“What men?” Jasper asks.
“A man in black and his shifty-looking partner in crime. Just recently, all of us in the neighborhood saw two men and a kidnapped child lurk around this...” Humility eyed the black home with mild disgust, “building.”
“Yes! She didn’t look like either of them! So, to protect the poor thing... Righteousness Smith, I believe? called the police. Those... fiends got away, but we here on Bunch Way continue to pray for her.”
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“Please do!” Dorothy cries suddenly. “Those men kidnapped that youth in the most vile of ways: legally! Oh, alas, she was adopted by them! The law is vile and is no longer a just and moral thing, for men who are not lovers of the Lord and goodness have infected our government! They condoned it, congratulated it, when those homosexuals dragged that child away from her life at the orphanage! Without a mother, that child will never know any love, much less the purest love of Jesus Christ!”
“Oh, how horrible!” Humility places a hand on her heart. “I’ll tell everyone!”
“My deepest gratitudes, Miss...” Dorothy pauses.
“Mrs. Crockett, but fellow children of God may call me Humility. You are His children, I presume?”
“Of course we are,” Jet pipes up. “Mom’s not a harlot.”
“Jet!” Dorothy gasps. “Humility, I’m quite very sor-”
“I meant to ask that you are children of God,” Humility says tensely. “Nobody here would want to accuse another of adultery.”
“We’re Christians,” Jasper says quickly, “and we should be leaving. We’ll see you around, Mrs. Crockett.”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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For the next episode, Sue took everyone to a local park to bring Jesus to the heathen townies. Sue was especially impressed by Jasper and Samuel harassing the elderly, which she framed as them “trying to help save their souls before it’s too late!11!1″, as well as adding in a dash of “women must learn to submit to and obey men even when he’s 60 years younger than her!”
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(Ed, meanwhile, took a bunch of selfies instead of talking to anybody, which put him high up on their shit list.)
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Hey, babe. Considering that we have cats and a baby now, I bought a toy vet station.”
“In blue?”
“Yeah. Girls shouldn’t be working at real jobs, even if it is something girly like veterinary science. A pink set is just gonna turn them into man-hating, ugly feminists.”
“You misunderstand me. I desire not for a pink toy to corrupt our fairer children. My words were only to reflect my curiosity on the potential lack of black, white, or gray toys.”
“Oh, right. No, it was just bright colors.”
“In such circumstance, I applaud you. A toy shaded with such strong masculine hues is a wonderful way to tell our future daughters that this entertainment vessel is only for our sons.”
“Exactly. Gotta think ahead.”
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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“Oh, Jasper! Thank the Lord you’re home! I have the most wonderful news!”
“I can see. Boy or girl?”
“What? Oh, right, the newborn. The Lord gave us a girl, but he also gave us a tremendous blessing! My uncle Sorrow Morrow has died!”
“That can’t be his real name.”
“Ah, but it is! But come, I’ve received many letters that tell a most thrilling tale! Just yesterday I received a letter from my sister warning me that my brother has left the city. Today, I received a letter from him that revealed why! Uncle Sorrow and Westley were close, and before my dear Uncle succumbed to erosion of the mind a decade ago, he left the Morrow Manor to Westley. But as you know, Westley was seduced by Satan. He doesn’t want to live in a Godly neighborhood, presumably because when a homosexual steps on holy ground they burst into flames.”
“Are we getting the place?”
“Yes! My cousins are most upset that our family home has been given to a woman, and have sent many written pleas that it go to a Morrow man as the Lord intended, but Westley has not relented. He has proudly declared that his intentions are to spite and to invoke clamor among the family, and has made it clear that he will only give me the key if I vow to only pass it onto one of my brood.”
“Huh. So you’re saying that you, a woman, are inheriting land from a gay? There aren’t any Bible verses condoning that. In fact, I bet God’s already cursed the place - it’s drenched in sin!”
“Ah, so I am to turn my face away and deny the key?”
“No, take it. Then you’ll give it to me. I’m a man of God, and I can get the place back to its former, holy glory. Maybe we can spend Christmas there.”
“What a wonderful idea!”
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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As night falls, Jasper and Jet arrive at the house.
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"Wow. No wonder your house is infested by Satan. Tattooing yourself and dressing like a whore are demon magnets. I’ll clean your house for now, but if you don’t put some clothes on and repent to Jesus Christ, they’re just gonna come back.”
“...Right. Why did you bring a child?”
“He’s a professional. You know, a guy like me can really help set you on the right path. You seem like a nice girl, so it’d be a shame if you wound up burning in Hell.”
“Uh huh. Let’s talk about that after you get rid of the ghosts.”
“Whatever, slut.”
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“The power of Christ compels you!”
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“I played with the dolls and then a ghost made me glow! Aren’t I pretty?”
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“Your mother’s going to kill me.”
“Follow me. A dead son is better than some glitzy sissy, so I’ll kill this demon even if it kills you.”
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“These exorcists you hired are freaks, Maaike. I don’t like the way they’re screaming in there.”
“He was the cheapest one they had, so... Besides, most of the ghosts are gone. He’s doing the job.”
“I still don’t want you to hire him again.”
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After tying Jet to Ulrike’s bed and chanting over him until the purple aura faded, Jasper went back to work. Despite his firm belief that these were demons that needed banishing in the name of Jesus, he approached them with an effective and by-the-books method: gifting them selfies of himself.
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Well, it worked. Everything was fine...
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Except for the doll Jet smuggled home.
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Hey Dor, I’m gonna take Jet to work with me tonight.”
“Surely, you must be a joker? The boy is not yet seven, still a fresh newcomer to the punishment called life-”
“Which is why it’s good to start training him early. The sooner I start teaching him to defend himself against Satan, the better prepped he’ll be to handle life.”
“But what of his spirit? A child so little is surely a delicate thing.”
“Nah, he’s a guy. We’re not like you women, we’re spiritually stronger. Jet will be fine.”
“I see. Then may your night be successful.”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Hi, Flanagan. Umm, I saw that you were dropping off your toddler at the daycare and, like, I haven’t seen a bump on you lately? If you were breeding as God tells you too, shouldn’t you have had another baby by now? It’s just really super against what Pastor Bunch teaches if you’re not leaving your family up to God.”
“I hardly think that’s a concern of yours, Mrs. Mills. My headship has decided what’s best for our family-”
“Umm, what’s best is obeying God? What if He had a soul specifically for you, and you basically murdered him or her by not getting pregnant? It’s just sooo sad that now you’ll never know the child God had planned for you, so-”
“Surely, is it not Jasper that you should be inquiring with? Quite conveniently, he’s naught but a few inches from my side!”
Jasper briefly looks up from his phone. “What’s going on?”
Candace frowns, her mouth a tight line. “...Nothing. I need to go find my seat. See you around, Mrs. Flanagan.”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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The next day, Jet becomes a toddler...
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...and then Jasper and Dorothy try for baby. A few times, even, just to make sure.
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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"Should it be foolhardy of me to presume you might allow me to accompany you at work?”
“It would. You’re pregnant, Dor. If you came with me to an exorcism, Satan could get a grip on our kid before they’re even born. I’m not gonna let Satan win.”
“And when time comes that I find myself to no longer be pregnant?”
“You’re still a girl. Women are more sensitive to this stuff, and you’re not as strong as us men are. Most men lack the amazing spiritual strength I have as it is. Besides, the baby is going to need a lot of attention.”
“Right, of course. How foolish of me.”
“That’s why you married a genius like me, to protect you from yourself.”
“Thank you, darling.”
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