#fuck that is a terrific idea for horror - the ant fungus that is the most upsetting of all fungi - i love the fx so far
giantkillerjack Β· 1 year
I've decided to watch The Last of Us in the same way I rewatch John Carpenter's The Thing (1982), which means I'm only watching the parts with the cool special effects and skipping literally everything else!
Like, I'm sure all of the grayish beige misery that makes up the rest of the show is quite well done, but I don't wanna see it.
The main character of the show I am watching is gonna be the fungus. Anything that is not the fungus is of no consequence to the plot line I am following. Fungus don't care if little girl dies. Fungus gotta fung! And fung it shall!!
The plot line I am following, by the way, is "me, Jack, getting better at horror art and monster design, which means if I like these effects enough I will go back through every episode and screenshot literally ALL the frames I liked and then arrange the best 40 or so on a grid in my art program so I can color correct them for optimal tracing and art study. And also sometimes Pedro Pascal is in my periphery lookin' cute." - It's one of my favorite shows!!! Small fandom tho.
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