#fuck lincare
thedisablednaturalist · 5 months
If you get diagnosed with sleep apnea, don't go ANYWHERE near Lincare if you have a choice. Ask your doctor who they are placing the order with and beg them not to use Lincare. If it's your only choice, DO NOT SET UP AUTOSHIP WITH THEM.
Just got a $1200 bill along with a giant box of cpap supplies even though I told them I no longer had insurance and wanted to cancel, and THEY CALLED ME for a final confirmation of cancellation. But apparently they still tried to bill my insurance to milk it of more money despite me no longer being covered.
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gwydionmisha · 3 years
Personal:  Lincare is Still Lying to Me in Instead of Replacing My Nebulizer
Wednesday night I managed to squeeze a third of a dose out of the machine before it died for good.  I've called four times for a new machine, plus my doctor twice begging them to pressure the company, and I've been nearly four weeks without the minimum of two full doses, since the best the machine could manage was two half doses a day and falling.
I've been slowly deteriorating, but the difference between some meds and no meds until the only company in town that provides these things to Medicare feels like sending a new one is massive.  I'm not doing so hot.  my guess is that like last time the plan is to wait until I'm noticeably hypoxic before sending one.
Lies from the company so far: 2 instances of "Well send it to you one the next truck.  (One from employee one from supervisor when I stayed up Thursday to beg for my machine).  1 instance of we'll call you in 1-2 business days to explain to you how to fix the motor. (Second phone call. They have never called me back ever in the decade or so I've been dealing with them except for delivery guys at the door wanting me to come get my equipment.  Also this is madness.  There are signs on the thing that make it clear I'm not supposed to open the panel and poke around.  Also, how are they expecting a random disabled person with arthritis fingers to open and service a machine they literally throw out and replace when they break?  Why can't they just fucking send a new one like they are supposed to.) 3 Lies that they will send a unit. 1 lie that they will send a note to the warehouse to make sure they will send it right away.  (Third call)  1 lie either that they sent a note to the supervisor (3rd call) or that no one informed the supervisor that this situation was occurring (4th call, when they actually physically went and got a supervisor.  I am inclined to assume the supervisor was lying, but I've no actually proof and one of them has to be lying by definition).
Every time I call I have to start from scratch because they never have any record that I called and never remember me even though from the voices they only have two people answering the phone.  (The lady from call two and three has a very distinctive voice.  Theoretically call one an four could be two very similar voices with local accents and identical extremely distinct phone personas, but I think not.  These are also the two voices I remember from the two week saga where they'd lost my paper work and they were too lazy to look for it properly or get replacements from Medicare and they waited two weeks until I was dangerously hypoxic and panicked medical staff calls from poverty clinic to chew them out.)
There online reviews are terrible, by the way, full of people scared because their oxygen or and elderly relatives hasn't shown up and it's been a couple weeks.
Medicare pays them regardless of whether they provide essential equipment to lung patients so there is zero urgency to replace dead equipment since they can still charge the government equipment retail on dead equipment as if it works.  I mean who would actually force them to?  
Bonus?  They insist on calling me a couple of times a week because I haven't ordered new ampules because the equipment is broken.  Ampule peddlers have zero means of alerting the equipment people that there is a fucking issue even though they are literally in the same physical building and apparently they also can't mark my record so they stop calling me until they send me a new machine because of course.  Every time they wake me up to hassle me and get crankier, but they have no profit motive to stop, so...
I am waiting for poverty clinic to open so I can leave them a message again and see if I can get them to strong arm the equipment company.
I have shit to do.  Air quality is better than last week, but it's still not great.  I need my meds.
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