#fsa-Link's outfit might change a little
amanitacurses · 1 month
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ya-kiri · 2 years
Something I want to know is if the Ganondorf in BOTW2 might be the same from Twilight Princess, then why is he wearing a different outfit? None of the Ganondorfs we've seen died in anything remotely similar. Who is he?
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I understand that all the Ganons are the same person(minus the one from FSA). My question about the outfit change is when and how it happened. In the child timeline he dies with his black armor, in the adult he dies with his full body robes then turns to stone, and I don't really need to say anything about the Downfall.
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If Ganondorf has truly been dead since the era of Myth, why is he wearing something that is drastically different than what he wore in the Adult and Child timelines. It raises the question of whether he has truly been dead since the era of Myth or if something happened. I mean, did Twilight Link and Zelda after retrieving the Master Sword from his chest decide to remove his armor and give him large Gerudo earrings?
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Did someone find Stone Ganondorf underwater, unpetrify him then changed his clothes and removed the Master Sword from his skull?
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I know this seems arbitrary but I can't think of a realistic scenario or opportunity when this could happen. I have been poundering and asking this for last couple of years.
Unless something happened in the 10,000 year timeskip that we don't know about, there is no explanation. I hope it is explained and not vaguely. I'm probably the only person curious about this little detail, sorry.
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