#from now on whenver I'll be talking about timtam kids assume I'll be talking about those four
marudny-robot · 5 years
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I wanted to say, Big THANK YOU to @afewnovelideas, who gave me such sweet TimTam headcanon <3 Love ya! And also now, whenever I'll think about married Tim and Tam, I'll have below scenarios in mind.
So, Tim's and Tam's kids, eh? I know you said only daughters but I was thinking they will have one boy, but when the youngest daughter is around 8 years old.
But kiddos! Before I could think about their interactions with their uncles and aunties I had to think about the kids first, so if you want read about Tim and Tam kids...:
Oldest daughter (I still didn't decide names, but I was leaning towards Hope) is such a daddy's girl in a way of "I do what I want in the way I want - it just so happens that the way I want is is usually widely acceptable." (Honestly all of their daughters are like that.) Like, most of the time she's the poster girl from rich house. Well mannered, very intelligent, pretty, nice and polite, likes helping others (which all of these made her also very popular in school). But then one time in high school, when she had enough of treatment from teachers part of the student body gets due to misogyny/racism/financial status/etc, she organized not only school-wide protest, but also unofficially she made the problematic teachers and principals resign from the position "willingly" if they don't change their attitude. It happened in Gotham Academy, as well in pubic schools in Gotham. Officially there are many suspects as for who stood behind it all, but Hope is far from being considered a suspect even. She didn't say anything to her family about it, but they just know she was behind it. Plus you know she's Tam daughter based on how she rocks purple-coloured clothes. While she's very romantic (the amount of love novels she stole from her mom, uncle Jason and great grandpa Alfred is enormous) she doesn't date as often as her younger sister. Reasons being: 1) she's waiting for "the one"; 2) for all the smarts she doesn't realize when she's flirted with; 3) most boys just don't spark her interest? No, she doesn't have too high standards, what are you talking about; 4) most of the time she's deep in her work/interest at that time and who has time to date when she's planning her future presidency campaign?
Second daughter (Idk... Rose? Lily? Liliana. Or Iris. I wanted some flower-based name) is more of a wildfire than her older sister. Very Tomboyish. Likes to ride on skates and skateboard. While Tim taught all his children self-defense, she practically inherited being adrenaline-junkie from her father. Contender to give the most gray hairs to her parents. Loves animals and gossiping about rock-stars and actors with her older sister. Love all the colours. Possible pansexual. Easily falls in love, but it's usually surface kind of attraction - kind of puppy love, I guess? However she treats all those crushes seriously and is very dramatic about them. "You don't understand, Daddy! Mike was the one and now he would never want to talk with me again!" she sobs dramatically, while snuggling with Titus’ pups. Damian and Jason try to hide their grins while they "console" their sweet niece. Tim rubs his eyes, feeling incoming headache. He only asked why she doesn't want to be in basketball team anymore...
Majority of time, when her and Hope talk with their grandpa Bruce: "Hey, grandpapa? You know how X band is going to play in Metropolis? Shame most of them don't plan concerts in Gotham..." Or 100 and 1 ways how Bruce arranged for certain bands to play in Gotham because the alternative was what? Let his sweet granddaughters go somewhere else where he couldn't keep eye on them? No way!
Third daughter! (Hmmm... I was thinking Martha? After Bruce's mom?) Now that one is destined to take care of WE, as both grandfathers say. Mostly because at the time she was a toddler Bruce and/or Lucius (or both at the same time) were babysitting her, while working in the WE. All conferences/business meetings during which Tim ad Tam were absent because of reasons and so Lucius or Bruce had to be in their place: Lucius or Bruce: "Well, mister Elijah as much as...insightful your opinion was, I think we should refer to expert here" Elijah: "Expert? I'm sorry, Mr ..., but in this company I'm-" L or B, ignoring the guy: "Martha, sweetheart, what do you think we need?" Martha, still colouring and not looking up: "Apple juice" E: "Mr ..., can we please-" L or B: "Apple juice! But of course! Ladies and gentlemen, along with dear Martha's recommendation I suggest we stop here and have half a hour lunch break. Elijah! You have 30 minutes to reconsider what you presented and give me some better suggestion for our problem! Get! Moving!" But besides that, currently she doesn't have more then ten y.o. in my mind and her current hobbies include horses, drawing and manipulating her many uncles and aunties into doing her bidding. Very spoiled. Loves musicals. She hates not going or doing what her older sister do in the moment because she's "too young" (she really wants to spend time with her sisters - around the time she's eight, 2nd daughter is staring high school (or in one) and the oldest is starting college). Very feminine. Loves dresses and cute hair accessories, even when she's older.
First son! And the youngest kid. (I still don't have a name for him) And also mommy's boy. Is more calm and doesn't jump into dangerous situations as often as his dad and sisters. Look, just because he knows how and can take care of bullies twice his size doesn't mean he likes to do it. Can’t we all just get along? He ask that question at least 20 times a day. He’s tired, but the amount of patience he has in astronomically big. Pacifist. The only time he lets himself... snap lets say and release all that stress is during D&D. Total geek, like his dad. One day he would be taller than Tim (ah! those Fox genes - he would be the tallest in this one family) and would internally freak out, whenever his dad decided to carry him like when his was young.
Look, as Richard is known for his flexibility, Jason for his tights, Tim should be known for his upper body strength. Those arms? *chef's kiss* Doesn't matter how old his kids are he would still spontaneously grab them and carry them, because for him they are still his babies. He. Doesn't. Care. The only difference is that earlier he could carry three of them at once, now it's only one (or two if only his oldest and youngest daughters).
Another thing with Tim is that he's kinda helicopter parent. He overcompensates all this neglect from his childhood (plus considering HIS teenager-hood, he worries what his kids are up to) and so he often calls or text his children where they are, with whom they are, are they ok?, do they need him to come back? screw his job he's booking the plane back to Gotham, Tam don't you dare stop me! Tam is more reasonable. Tries to stop Tim from going overboard, because she trust their kids and wants them to have some independence. However she also had few talks with their children about what their public status means and that she isn't above bugging their phones and that she swears on Wonder Woman if any of them don't reply on planned time, she will assume they were kidnapped and WILL recruit ninja-mercenaries to get them back - doesn't matter if they were simply on a date few block from home or on the other side of the planet. Kids didn't believe about ninja-mercenaries until they met their Auntie Prudence.
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