#friend made this and I think it's lovely and we can all use some inspi
capriciouscaprine · 3 months
oooooops, accidentally called out my mom about her weird eating habits yesterday! (followed by my usual rambling about this fun little body hobby we share)
she was fussing about me not getting everything out of her car when I was helping her out (she had told me to do one specific thing, which I had done), and I joked that I didn't want to be asking questions about all of her stuff, and when she said, 'like what?', I said, 'oh, you know, all of your rice cakes' which she has also mildly joked about before (she'll have more than one pack open at a time rolling around in the passenger seat), but this time she got all serious and mumbled something about wanting to look good for my cousin's wedding in July (when she's been buying them for 10+ years now at least)
I handled it in the moment by pointing out that she's made it this far in life and has friends who love her no matter what (of course this means nothing for how you feel about yourself), and she just brushed it off and moved on
meanwhile, I'm HYPED to stick to what I've been doing and work towards being even more consistent and doing more aka consuming less
from other people's comments and behaviors towards me, I seem to be teetering on the edge of 'are you okay?'/being 'too' small (5'4", one-thirty at last check, skele just barely beginning to pop out) with about four months still to go before this wedding with all the relatives who are very supportive of each other but still gossip about which eating plans each of them and their friends are doing
I WILL be their warning, their omen, the representation of what happens when you take that sort of talk to the extreme, because ultimately there is no way to be, essentially, fatphobic in moderation
once you value being small and alter your life to chase that even as it makes you miserable, there is no way to do that in a healthy way:
if you are healthy, you are working out because you value the strength and flexibility of your body or the camaraderie of the gym, you eat a variety of vegetables and proteins because they are tasty and keep you full and energized, and you enjoy your drinks and desserts because they're tasty and fulfill you emotionally; a scale might be informative, but mostly because it's good to know if your weight changes suddenly, because it could be an indicator of a health issue of some sort (tumors can show up as weight gain, a digestive illness can present as a loss, etc)
we aren't healthy, and we (should) know that; restricting, doing only liquids for days at a time, straight up pacing to hit step goals, consuming media specifically to encourage all of our behaviors, etc: all symptoms of a particular illness that we would claim openly on here except for the part where our blogs keep disappearing over it
the younger folks among us might not realize it consciously (and some older folks, too), but we're all here because of societal fatphobia that values being tiny over being healthy; there are SO MANY people who are considered medically overweight that are by all other metrics perfectly healthy, but their doctors aren't satisfied until they're under a certain BMI, even if that results in muscle loss, anemia, etc.; fat people are uniformly treated worse for doing the exact same things as skinny people (eating, sweating, shopping, existing), to the extent that they are on average paid less for doing the exact same job as a thin person
anecdotally, I've noticed that the people on here who acknowledge this and work to combat internalized fatphobia (no 'fat inspi', no using fat folks as a comparison in 'unkind inspi', no making fun of other people to motivate yourself) often seem to have better mental health than the folks who indulge in it; reacting negatively, even in your own head, to someone simply existing while fat just keeps your brain full of negativity, which, we have a famous phrase relating to that sort of thinking: 'if shame worked, it would have worked already'
your 'why' can't just be 'to not be fat'; there's nothing wrong with being fat, and in plenty of situations it's even beneficial for your health
which, to circle back, alllllllll of my relatives, every 'mainstream' adult I've heard talk about traditional eating less culture (excuse me for avoiding potential no-no words) with their no breakfast/only nuts for lunch/pull the crust off bread/whatever 'rules' or branded eating plans, all of them are only trying to not be fat
and all of them are failing at it
to be 'successful' at what we are doing, you must be clear on how our goals are not to be healthy and knowingly, consistently engage in unhealthy habits, all the while pretending that you totally aren't doing that and everything is fine
we really don't want to encourage anyone to be like us, because we want them to be happy without restrictions; we just know that once you're in here, you know there are advantages (attention, kindness from strangers, improved salary, being listened to by doctors, getting gendered correctly, and more) to be claimed by sacrificing that happiness in specific ways, and we will unashamedly share those specific ways with each other
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giogio-golden · 5 years
an honest review of voltron (edited)
I know no one asked for it. I know I don’t have to write this. But I want to and I think I need to let out a lot of my feelings in order to feel some closure after the ending to a show that has had such an impact on my life. Prepare for a long post. These are my feelings and I’m open to conversation about this amazing show.
A Summary (in case you don’t wanna read the whole thing) This show has meant a lot to me. I’ve met friends through the fandom, been inspired by the characters and the story and found happiness in times when it felt hard to go on. I’ve never been so invested in a show the way I have with voltron, and even if the ending was a massive disappointment and there were many flaws, it will always have a place in my heart.
I’m gonna miss it
To start off, I’ll just say this review will have nothing to do with shipping or the fandom, because that’s a different rant that I think we’re all sick of hearing. The fandom had both a positive and negative impact on me, but I wanna focus on the show itself and not my opinions on ships or any of that. I will touch on ad@shi and a!lurance but in relation to the fact that both these ships were canon and in the show. This rant is mostly just me letting feelings out, but there will be criticism.
The Characters
Pidge Pidge was one of my favorite characters right from the beginning. I heard her voice for the first time and felt such a strange joy in my heart that I still can’t explain to this day. She was a character that I could relate to, even if I’m not nearly as smart as her. She’s tough and not traditionally feminine, which is so important to represent in a character. I will admit, her search for her family had me in tears, but I do think she deserved to be treated more like an adult who had gone through a traumatic experience of war. By the end of the show, she was around 17 or 18 (correct me if I’m wrong) after all the time skips, and had definitely matured greatly. The scenes where she gives up her video game for Allura and where she is able to see the history of the planet (I’m blanking on the name) were so amazing and made me so happy to see. Not to mention I have a bit of bias towards Bex, because I too am nonbinary as hell. Pidge has meant a lot to me as a character and I’m going to miss her after all this time.
Hunk Oh Hunkie how I adore you. Hunk has always been such an underappreciated character. He’s an engineer and a chef and a goofy scardey cat defying stereotypes of what it means to be “manly.” He’s also strong and tough, aside from all his fear. I wish we could’ve seen more of him, seen more growth, seen him rise and mature the same way the others did. Unfortunately, he was reduced to a bit of a comic-relief character, especially towards the end of the show. I love him all the same, he’s more like me than I care to admit, both of us being chubby and loving food and being scared easily. No one could ask for a better friend than Hunk
Keith It took me a while to warm up to Keith. He’s not the kind of character I usually fall in love with easily, but now he has my heart. Although he stole the spotlight of the show for a bit, his arc really was impactful. Keith went through a lot, finding his family and his self-worth. It was clear that it took a toll on him, but he was still able to be a leader and find compassion for his teammates. He’s shown the most growth throughout the series and it shows. Keith is a well-written character who deserved more love from everyone. Seeing him turn down being the leader of the galra in favor of forming a relief team from the blad was so incredible. Especially considering the fact that he let Lotor’s former generals join him. I wish the show had done more with a sort of “galra-form” Keith and delved more into the whole “not all galra are bad” trope. But overall, Keith has won me over Shiro Honestly, the show did not do great things for Takashi Shirogane. He’s amazing representation, being disabled, gay, and asian. He’s tough and strong and everyone fell in love with “space dad.” Though the show was going to kill him off and decided against it, probably because of his popularity in the fandom. Despite this, I wonder if there was more to him that wasn’t quite established because of this change in decision. I’ve always felt like there was something missing from Shiro (aside from his arm and mental stability), but I can never quite put a finger on it. I’ve always felt so attached to him, and seeing him rise up and survive through all the trauma to become captain of the atlas was so powerful. Especially with the implications of a name like atlas. His portrayal in terms of being a gay man was lackluster, especially in the last season where he barely had any lines that weren’t shouting orders (aside from the filler episodes). Shiro deserved better, he deserved to be a paladin for a lot longer, he deserved some closure, something more to show us all that our struggles and oppression do not define us. I’ll always love Shiro, no matter what his hair or his arm looks like, he means a lot to me.
Lance Lance, my sweet baby boy, my angel. I’m gonna admit I’m a bit biased, but Lance was also mistreated in the show. I’m not talking about being comic relief or getting “bullied” by the other characters. I’m talking about his ending. Lance started off as a cocky fighter pilot just wanting to rise to the top. His insecurities and sensitivity showed early, but he matured as time went on. He saved the lives of the other paladins numerous times, he served as moral support when Shiro went missing, he even learned to admit that he wasn’t quite as smart as Hunk or Pidge, and was not a prodigy like Keith. He had some great development. By the end of season 7, I was ready for him to get some well-needed love and support for all that he’s been through. I didn’t get that. I got a weird, stagnant version of Lance, serving mostly as support for Allura, who didn’t seem nearly as devoted to him as he was to her (but that rant will be later, stay tuned). I was especially with the scene when he was talking to Alfor. All the other og paladins had something nice to say, but Alfor only talking about Lance’s relationship with his daughter. His ending was frustrating, not seeing him flying with the MFE pilots or training a new generation of paladins. It was even a weird tease to see him holding the “LGBT” sign with Shiro and not have any interactions with them about that, while the other pairs all got some sort of plot around their signs. He was destined for greater things and I hope he gets them one day.
Lotor This poor man deserved so much better. I think we all agree that in the end, Lotor was portrayed as an abuse victim who lost to abuse and was considered evil for doing all he knew to do to survive. He was an amazing villain and a lovable character who even tricked the audience into seeing things in a certain light. His generals had amazing designs and they all had so much potential for so many different plotlines. But it didn’t end that way. Lotor succumbed to abuse and was always painted as evil and manipulative, even as a projection to trick Allura. The audience were the only ones who understood what he went through and although that had the potential for some good angst, it turned out to be glazed over in favor of many different angles. Lotor meant a lot to a lot of people, especially abuse victims who saw themselves in him. But it turns out that overcoming a situation like that isn’t possible even for someone as strong and determined and compassionate as Lotor. It was a shitty message to send to what is supposed to be a young audience.
Coran Now there’s not a lot I wanna say about Coran, mostly because I never felt attached to him. But through a conversation with a friend, I realized he should’ve been space dad from the beginning. He could’ve been the father character to all the paladins, could’ve been more that comic-relief, should’ve been given humanizing moments to grieve over his planet and even Allura. This man is so resilient and like a lot of these characters, shows that being a “man” is more than just being tough and strong and bruting, it’s about feeling love and being happy and spreading that love and happiness as much as possible
Allura Last but not least is Allura. Her death was devastating. Unfortunately I never really felt attached to her. Her character didn’t feel very developed. She learned to accept Keith and pilot blue, but the sacrifice she made, in the end, is one she would’ve made from episode 1. She’s always been tough and determined and passionate about her home and its history. I wanted to see her humanized more, just like Coran. I wanted to know more about her loving sparkly things and not understanding human things like cows and milkshakes. She had so much potential and it all felt wasted on a weird plot for revenge and anger and bitterness that was never really dissolved. She’s an amazingly designed character and a lot of people love her, I hate knowing that she was given the ending she was given.
Overall Negatives
Character Development The show was going so strong for a while. Every character was aging and growing and making progress. Then the last few seasons happened and suddenly the focus was on the war and action sequences and getting the plot over with. Many characters started to feel stale, their development stopping or becoming stagnant. Especially in the last season, it felt like a lot was not resolved in terms of how characters grew over the course of the show. 
Character Interactions (This is not about ships or the fandom, it’s about canon interactions in the show. None of this is implying I wanted it to be endgame, that’s not what this is about)
Shiro/Keith Man, these two had so much potential. Keith loves Shiro in canon. He said so. Even if it’s a brotherly love, it was real and there and so powerful it brought Shiro back to life. Their bond was powerful and strong and inspired so many people watching, including me. All relationships are important, and seeing Keith mature and have someone believe in him was so meaningful to those who see themselves in him. Not only that, but Shiro had someone who believes in him too. After being left by his boyfriend and told his disease would kill him, Keith was still there, supporting him and ultimately keeping him alive. They’re such a good example of a healthy relationship, platonic or not. So what happened in season 8? I don’t have an answer. They barely interacted. When Keith was close to death Shiro acted like a soldier, not a friend. There was no closure with them, no expressions of how proud of each other they were, barely even a genuine interaction. It was very disappointing. I could go on about how angry this makes me but I still gotta lot to write about Lance/Allura Once again, so much good potential. These two could’ve developed so much more in their relationship. They had the potential to be cute and loving and strong leaders together. Not only was Allura killed off, but she was also written into Lance’s relationship with a strange lack of love for Lance. It felt one-sided and rushed. Lance’s maturity with handling the whole thing came out of nowhere and felt weird and forced. He wasn’t acting like his goofy self, which in turn can give off a message that he had to change and become more serious in order to gain her affections. Yet another bad message to send to a supposed young audience
Keith/Lance There was a lot going on between these two and a lot of good development. I loved their quiet personal moments in the last season, they were tender and personal and demonstrated the growth of both characters. But just like Keith and Shiro, there was something missing in their ending. No closure. They never seemed to interact aside from these more intimate moments in this season, with Lance’s focus being on Allura and Keith being mainly a leader of voltron. All The Paladins One of this show’s strong suits was the interaction between a found family. Especially this season, it felt lackluster. It felt like characters were being shoved aside for the sake of more plot and story and Allura’s whole arc. Not only that but in the end, they weren’t a family anymore. They went separate ways, Lance mourning Allura’s death, Keith going off to be a lone wolf in the blade, etc. It was all a bit disappointing, especially for someone like me who knows what it’s like to find a family outside of blood. It’s not easy to separate like that.  The Portrayal of the Effects of War A lot of my frustration with characters and interaction and the ending of the show was how it lacked a reflection of how war affects people. The paladins were an obvious example of young people being forced into a place where war is rampant and their trauma should have been made more clear! Lance’s ending would’ve made more sense if they talked about the war affecting him and needing to just be with his family and away from the fight. The weird character development could’ve included that they all have some bits of PTSD and permanent damage due to all they’ve been through, especially considering how young they are. Nothing felt resolved or had an impact in the ways it could have. The show was doing so well with portraying Shiro’s PTSD and pain and then flushed it all away, once again to hurry along a rushed plot. It makes me so upset as a writer and a lover of the show to see such potential themes done away with. 
Honerva and The Finale This show has some amazing villains. People love the galra and Lotor and his generals and Honerva and even Zarkon. They had such good potential and learning about their past was emotional and impactful. But there was no resolution. Exploring Honerva’s mind and the other dimensions/realms of the universe were overwhelming and confusing and didn’t leave much room for development. There was potential in having Lotor be resurrected. He could’ve shown Honerva that you can’t bring back the dead and that abusers don’t get to have their victims given back to them. He could’ve proven to the paladins that being a victim doesn’t mean you will lose to your abuser. He could’ve provided a catalyst for Allura to learn to forgive and understand instead of acting out of anger and bitterness without listening to the full story. He could’ve provided room for Lance to find some self-love and even a chance for Shiro to overcome his own demons. There was so much potential in having him return and still have Honerva be a redeemable character who found family the same way the paladins did. The finale could’ve been so much more. Lotor could’ve been so much more. But he was reduced to a corpse and Honerva lost the potential of being the best villain in the show.
Overall Positives
The Characters I already went in depth on a few characters specifically, but their designs both visually and personality-wise were amazing. Many people connected to each paladin, even more than one. We loved watching them grow, we love their voice actors, we love our own found family within such an amazing story.
The Staff Through thick and thin the cast and team of Voltron have been amazing. There will always be slip-ups and hard patches but they have done such an amazing job supporting the fans and fighting through the drama. All these people are so amazing and kind and I hope to see more of their work in the future.
The Galra and Other Aliens Like I said before, people love the galra. They love their designs, their story, their potential. The galra are cool villains that provide a lot of fun to the story and the fan content that comes out of it. All the alien designs were fun to play with, even Slav and bi boh bee. These side characters are creative and made the world feel even bigger.
The Animation Not only were the character designs visually appealing, but the animation itself improved so much over the course of the show. Characters visually aged, the shots of space became more detailed and beautiful, it was all so impressive. Voltron has one of my favorite animation styles I’ve ever seen.
The Filler Episodes Many people hate these episodes but darn it I love them. They were fun and light-hearted and dove into fun situations we all love to see our characters in. The fair, Kinkade’s camera, the D&D episode, the game show episode. They all made us laugh and remember why we love these characters and why we want them to succeed, while also making them more real and tangible.
The Representation This may be a controversial opinion, but the representation in this show is fantastic. 4 out of 5 paladins are people of color. Allura is a poc. Many side characters are of varying races. Even if we didn’t get perfect LGBT rep, we got some well-needed diversity in cartoons. Although I cannot speak to any inaccuracies or stereotypes people of color feel might’ve played a part, I can speak to the importance of having many different races on screen for all to see.
Show-Stopping Moments While the fandom was good at predicting a lot of plot points, the show was still able to leave us all stunned and speechless. We all have certain moments that made us sob, broke our hearts, gave us chills. From Keith’s blade trials, Zarkon’s death, Shiro’s disappearance and journey home, Keith’s fight with Shiro’s clone, Narti’s death, the reveal of the og paladin’s backstories, Lotor’s betrayal, Shiro transforming the atlas, and so many more, there are so many scenes that shook us to the core.
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eatbcstx-blog · 6 years
Take Our Poll
Bryan-College Station Restaurants : Pizza
  Go on a quest for the best pizza in Bryan-College Station with our ultimate guide to pizza pie in the 979.
Amico Nave Ristorante 203 E. Villa Maria, Bryan, TX • 979-703-1953
Amico Nave Ristorante is the sister restaurant to Shipwreck Grill and the name literally means “Friend of the Ship.” Amico was born of a passion for great food in a comfortable atmosphere. Owner Wade Beckman’s stepfather, Tony, is from Sicily and lived in Bryan for most of his life. Tony passed down his grandmother’s sauce recipes to Wade who paired them with modern dishes to give our menu that old world charm, with a modern flair. Pizzas are a customer favorite at Amico.
Antonio’s Pizza 104 College Main, College Station, TX 979-260-3535
Huge Slice Selection at Antonio’s on Northgate.
You can order whole pies to eat there inside or out on the patio…or grab a slice or two of an old favorite or something more creative. Creative slice specials are something Antonio’s Pizza on Northgate is well known for.
BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse 1520 Harvey Rd., Post Oak Mall Pad Site • 979-696-5700
BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse specializes in pizzas and “pizookies,” a pizza-inspied dessert cookie that is quite heavenly, ice cream is involved.
Blaze Pizza College Station Century Square, Across from Texas A&M • 979-227-2629
Blaze Pizza College Station is: healthful, artisanal ingredients on the assembly line. Inventive to classic. You decide. Blazing hot oven + dedicated pizzasmith + 180 seconds = pizza.
Blue Baker 3 College Station Locations
D’Vinchee Pizza by Blue Baker
In addition to out-of-this-world bread, cookies, pastries, sandwiches, salads, and more, Blue Baker makes awesome stone oven pizzas.
Cafe Eccell 4401 S. Texas Avenue, Bryan, TX 979-599-7929
Cafe Eccell stone oven pizza.
Among many other fine entrees and desserts, Cafe Eccell is well known for its pizzas. Their pizza oven was chosen with great care and serves as a centerpiece to their restaurant. The advanced design in wood/gas combination provides a unique product.
Carino’s Italian 620 N. Harvey Rd., College Station, TX • 979-764-7374
  From the Italian classics, to Carino’s one-of-a-kind spiced Italian favorites, all offerings are handcrafted from the finest, freshest ingredients available. Whether you’re craving Italian comfort food like the 16-Layer Lasagna, or something with a little more spice like the famous Italian Nachos, Johnny Carino’s has something for everyone.
DoubleDave’s Pizzaworks 3 Bryan-College Station Locations 979-764-3283
DoubleDave’s is an Aggieland original.
DoubleDave’s Pizza, a College Station original since 1984 still serving up your favorite pizzas for carryout, delivery, and the daily lunch buffet. Don’t forget their World famous Peproni Rolls and Philly Cheesesteak Stromboli.
Domino’s Pizza 4 Bryan-College Station Locations • 979-774-5567
Domino’s Pizza says: Are you looking for pizza delivery? Let Domino’s fill that special place in your heart. It might sound cheesy, but we want to be your favorite pizzeria. We love to provide our fans with the best pizza deals that Domino’s has to offer. Next time you’re thinking of food places near me, don’t forget about Domino’s. With over 5,000 pizza places to choose from, you’re only a few clicks away from a delicious pizza.
Fazoli’s 400 Harvey Road, College Station, TX • 979-694-5199
Fazoli’s fast, fresh, Italian restaurant is a favorite in College Station, TX. The Pasta and Sauces, Breadsticks and Salads are FRESHLY prepared throughout the day. Oven-Baked Dishes and Submarinos® are never baked ‘til you order them! Made with 100% Real Mozzarella and Provolone, vine-ripened Tomatoes in their Authentic Marinara Sauce, plus Garden Vegetables. Fast, fresh, Italian! They also offer catering Anytime. Anywhere. Any Occasion. Call 888-FAZOLIS to place your order!
Gumby’s Pizza 107 Dominik Dr. 979-764-8629
Extra Large Pizza from Gumby’s Pizza on Dominik
Recent EatBCS.com Review: “The Buffalo Wings were juicy and moist. There was a decent amount of meat on the bone. The sauce wasn’t too hot, but was perfectwhen cooled by the ranch dressing they come with. The wings aren’t breaded so they aren’t too heavy. Overall, they’re pretty good for pizza shop wings.”
Hungry Howie’s Pizza 105 Southwest Pkwy. & 4501 S. Texas Ave. 979-693-6666
Hungry Howie’s flavored crust pizza.
The original home of flavored crust pizza. Ranch, Garlic Butter, Butter Cheese, Cajun…whatever flavor you want, they bake it into the crust at Hungry Howie’s. 2 locations and delivering all over Bryan-College Station.
Little Caesars Pizza 4 Bryan-College Station Locations • 979-696-0191
Little Caesars Pizza uses only the finest ingredients, including a blend of 100%, never-frozen Mozzarella and Muenster cheeses, sauce made from vine-ripened crushed tomatoes and dough made in-house, every day, at every location.
Marco’s Pizza 1842 Graham Rd. 979-690-7770
The Pepperoni Magnifico is a very popular specialty pie at Marco’s Pizza.
Marco’s Pizza is relatively new on the Bryan-College Station pizza scene, but their authentic Italian sauce has been successful since it was perfected by their founder in 1978. They make all dough fresh in store. They use three fresh cheeses that melt into one amazing taste.
Mighty Slice Pizza 303 University Drive. 979-846-8806
HUGE Slices at Mighty Slice in the Backyard on Northgate
Get Texas size pizza by the slice at Mighty Slice Pizza on Northgate. 28 inch pies and 14 inch slices. Size does matter and still some of the best pizza in town.
Mr. G’s Pizzeria 201 W. 26th Street 979-822-6747
Mr. G’s Pizzeria in Historic Downtown Bryan
Recent EatBCS.com Review: “I tried the White Pizza, which the menu proclaims is “A favorite of Mr G himself!” The pie is basically their original pizza without the red sauce and sprinkled with basil. It was good stuff! The crust was fluffy and thin at the same time, stone oven perfect!”
Papa John’s Pizza 1741 University 979-846-3600  1740 Rock Prairie 979-680-0508
Papa John’s. Better Ingredients. Better Pizza.
Better Ingredients. Better Pizza at the All American Favorite Papa John’s. They have two locations in College Station. The University Drive location has a nice dining room.
RX Pizza 200 W. 26th St.Downtown Bryan 979-721-9158
Pizza of the Month at RX Pizza and Bar in Downtown Bryan.
Recent RX Pizza Review on EatBCS.com: “Tried a take out pie from Downtown Bryan’s RX Pizza today and it was great. The crust tasted as if the dough is made from scratch and it reminded me of the two wood fired pizza places in College Station, Napa Flats, West End and the two in Bryan – Amico Nave and Cafe Eccell. This should be a hit in Downtown Bryan which did in fact lack the combination of a well mixed adult beverage and and adult pizza. Easy parking and located in what used to be a drug store for decades. Great prescription for a successful eating & drinking establishment.”
Urban Bricks 1512 Texas Ave S. Ste. 100, College Station, TX • 979-431-3833
At Urban Bricks, they bring an authentic Neapolitan pizza at a reasonable price to your table. We live in a world full of options, we want choices, we want things fast, and want our customers to have it too.  Urban Bricks embraces the pizza eating culture by providing a customized experience for every taste without compromising our quality for speed.
The Village and Art979 Gallery 210 W 26th St, Downtown Bryan, TX • 979-703-8514
The Village and Art979 Gallery has many specialties, brunch, healthy coffee-house fare, pasta bowls, dinner entrees, all incredibly tasty, as are their handmade pizzas. Out of this world! Many locally sourced, fresh ingredients too.
Vote for Your Favorite Pizza in Bryan-College Station Bryan-College Station Restaurants : Pizza Go on a quest for the best pizza in Bryan-College Station with our ultimate guide to pizza pie in the 979.
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eatbcstx-blog · 6 years
Take Our Poll
Bryan-College Station Restaurants : Pizza
Go on a quest for the best pizza in Bryan-College Station with our ultimate guide to pizza pie in the 979.
Amico Nave Ristorante 203 E. Villa Maria, Bryan, TX • 979-703-1953
Amico Nave Ristorante is the sister restaurant to Shipwreck Grill and the name literally means “Friend of the Ship.” Amico was born of a passion for great food in a comfortable atmosphere. Owner Wade Beckman’s stepfather, Tony, is from Sicily and lived in Bryan for most of his life. Tony passed down his grandmother’s sauce recipes to Wade who paired them with modern dishes to give our menu that old world charm, with a modern flair. Pizzas are a customer favorite at Amico.
Antonio’s Pizza 104 College Main, College Station, TX 979-260-3535
Huge Slice Selection at Antonio’s on Northgate.
You can order whole pies to eat there inside or out on the patio…or grab a slice or two of an old favorite or something more creative. Creative slice specials are something Antonio’s Pizza on Northgate is well known for.
BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse 1520 Harvey Rd., Post Oak Mall Pad Site • 979-696-5700
BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse specializes in pizzas and “pizookies,” a pizza-inspied dessert cookie that is quite heavenly, ice cream is involved.
Blaze Pizza College Station Century Square, Across from Texas A&M • 979-227-2629
Blaze Pizza College Station is: healthful, artisanal ingredients on the assembly line. Inventive to classic. You decide. Blazing hot oven + dedicated pizzasmith + 180 seconds = pizza.
Blue Baker 3 College Station Locations
D’Vinchee Pizza by Blue Baker
In addition to out-of-this-world bread, cookies, pastries, sandwiches, salads, and more, Blue Baker makes awesome stone oven pizzas.
Cafe Eccell 4401 S. Texas Avenue, Bryan, TX 979-599-7929
Cafe Eccell stone oven pizza.
Among many other fine entrees and desserts, Cafe Eccell is well known for its pizzas. Their pizza oven was chosen with great care and serves as a centerpiece to their restaurant. The advanced design in wood/gas combination provides a unique product.
Carino’s Italian 620 N. Harvey Rd., College Station, TX • 979-764-7374
From the Italian classics, to Carino’s one-of-a-kind spiced Italian favorites, all offerings are handcrafted from the finest, freshest ingredients available. Whether you’re craving Italian comfort food like the 16-Layer Lasagna, or something with a little more spice like the famous Italian Nachos, Johnny Carino’s has something for everyone.
DoubleDave’s Pizzaworks 3 Bryan-College Station Locations 979-764-3283
DoubleDave’s is an Aggieland original.
DoubleDave’s Pizza, a College Station original since 1984 still serving up your favorite pizzas for carryout, delivery, and the daily lunch buffet. Don’t forget their World famous Peproni Rolls and Philly Cheesesteak Stromboli.
Domino’s Pizza 4 Bryan-College Station Locations • 979-774-5567
Domino’s Pizza says: Are you looking for pizza delivery? Let Domino’s fill that special place in your heart. It might sound cheesy, but we want to be your favorite pizzeria. We love to provide our fans with the best pizza deals that Domino’s has to offer. Next time you’re thinking of food places near me, don’t forget about Domino’s. With over 5,000 pizza places to choose from, you’re only a few clicks away from a delicious pizza.
Fazoli’s 400 Harvey Road, College Station, TX • 979-694-5199
Fazoli’s fast, fresh, Italian restaurant is a favorite in College Station, TX. The Pasta and Sauces, Breadsticks and Salads are FRESHLY prepared throughout the day. Oven-Baked Dishes and Submarinos® are never baked ‘til you order them! Made with 100% Real Mozzarella and Provolone, vine-ripened Tomatoes in their Authentic Marinara Sauce, plus Garden Vegetables. Fast, fresh, Italian! They also offer catering Anytime. Anywhere. Any Occasion. Call 888-FAZOLIS to place your order!
Gumby’s Pizza 107 Dominik Dr. 979-764-8629
Extra Large Pizza from Gumby’s Pizza on Dominik
Recent EatBCS.com Review: “The Buffalo Wings were juicy and moist. There was a decent amount of meat on the bone. The sauce wasn’t too hot, but was perfectwhen cooled by the ranch dressing they come with. The wings aren’t breaded so they aren’t too heavy. Overall, they’re pretty good for pizza shop wings.”
Hungry Howie’s Pizza 105 Southwest Pkwy. & 4501 S. Texas Ave. 979-693-6666
Hungry Howie’s flavored crust pizza.
The original home of flavored crust pizza. Ranch, Garlic Butter, Butter Cheese, Cajun…whatever flavor you want, they bake it into the crust at Hungry Howie’s. 2 locations and delivering all over Bryan-College Station.
Little Caesars Pizza 4 Bryan-College Station Locations • 979-696-0191
Little Caesars Pizza uses only the finest ingredients, including a blend of 100%, never-frozen Mozzarella and Muenster cheeses, sauce made from vine-ripened crushed tomatoes and dough made in-house, every day, at every location.
Marco’s Pizza 1842 Graham Rd. 979-690-7770
The Pepperoni Magnifico is a very popular specialty pie at Marco’s Pizza.
Marco’s Pizza is relatively new on the Bryan-College Station pizza scene, but their authentic Italian sauce has been successful since it was perfected by their founder in 1978. They make all dough fresh in store. They use three fresh cheeses that melt into one amazing taste.
Mighty Slice Pizza 303 University Drive. 979-846-8806
HUGE Slices at Mighty Slice in the Backyard on Northgate
Get Texas size pizza by the slice at Mighty Slice Pizza on Northgate. 28 inch pies and 14 inch slices. Size does matter and still some of the best pizza in town.
Mr. G’s Pizzeria 201 W. 26th Street 979-822-6747
Mr. G’s Pizzeria in Historic Downtown Bryan
Recent EatBCS.com Review: “I tried the White Pizza, which the menu proclaims is “A favorite of Mr G himself!” The pie is basically their original pizza without the red sauce and sprinkled with basil. It was good stuff! The crust was fluffy and thin at the same time, stone oven perfect!”
Papa John’s Pizza 1741 University 979-846-3600  1740 Rock Prairie 979-680-0508
Papa John’s. Better Ingredients. Better Pizza.
Better Ingredients. Better Pizza at the All American Favorite Papa John’s. They have two locations in College Station. The University Drive location has a nice dining room.
RX Pizza 200 W. 26th St.Downtown Bryan 979-721-9158
Pizza of the Month at RX Pizza and Bar in Downtown Bryan.
Recent RX Pizza Review on EatBCS.com: “Tried a take out pie from Downtown Bryan’s RX Pizza today and it was great. The crust tasted as if the dough is made from scratch and it reminded me of the two wood fired pizza places in College Station, Napa Flats, West End and the two in Bryan – Amico Nave and Cafe Eccell. This should be a hit in Downtown Bryan which did in fact lack the combination of a well mixed adult beverage and and adult pizza. Easy parking and located in what used to be a drug store for decades. Great prescription for a successful eating & drinking establishment.”
Urban Bricks 1512 Texas Ave S. Ste. 100, College Station, TX • 979-431-3833
At Urban Bricks, they bring an authentic Neapolitan pizza at a reasonable price to your table. We live in a world full of options, we want choices, we want things fast, and want our customers to have it too.  Urban Bricks embraces the pizza eating culture by providing a customized experience for every taste without compromising our quality for speed.
The Village and Art979 Gallery 210 W 26th St, Downtown Bryan, TX • 979-703-8514
The Village and Art979 Gallery has many specialties, brunch, healthy coffee-house fare, pasta bowls, dinner entrees, all incredibly tasty, as are their handmade pizzas. Out of this world! Many locally sourced, fresh ingredients too.
Vote for Your Favorite Pizza in Bryan-College Station Bryan-College Station Restaurants : Pizza Go on a quest for the best pizza in Bryan-College Station with our ultimate guide to pizza pie in the 979.
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eatbcstx-blog · 6 years
Take Our Poll
Bryan-College Station Restaurants : Pizza
Go on a quest for the best pizza in Bryan-College Station with our ultimate guide to pizza pie in the 979.
Amico Nave Ristorante 203 E. Villa Maria, Bryan, TX • 979-703-1953
Amico Nave Ristorante is the sister restaurant to Shipwreck Grill and the name literally means “Friend of the Ship.” Amico was born of a passion for great food in a comfortable atmosphere. Owner Wade Beckman’s stepfather, Tony, is from Sicily and lived in Bryan for most of his life. Tony passed down his grandmother’s sauce recipes to Wade who paired them with modern dishes to give our menu that old world charm, with a modern flair. Pizzas are a customer favorite at Amico.
Antonio’s Pizza 104 College Main, College Station, TX 979-260-3535
Huge Slice Selection at Antonio’s on Northgate.
You can order whole pies to eat there inside or out on the patio…or grab a slice or two of an old favorite or something more creative. Creative slice specials are something Antonio’s Pizza on Northgate is well known for.
BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse 1520 Harvey Rd., Post Oak Mall Pad Site • 979-696-5700
BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse specializes in pizzas and “pizookies,” a pizza-inspied dessert cookie that is quite heavenly, ice cream is involved.
Blaze Pizza College Station Century Square, Across from Texas A&M • 979-227-2629
Blaze Pizza College Station is: healthful, artisanal ingredients on the assembly line. Inventive to classic. You decide. Blazing hot oven + dedicated pizzasmith + 180 seconds = pizza.
Blue Baker 3 College Station Locations
D’Vinchee Pizza by Blue Baker
In addition to out-of-this-world bread, cookies, pastries, sandwiches, salads, and more, Blue Baker makes awesome stone oven pizzas.
Cafe Eccell 4401 S. Texas Avenue, Bryan, TX 979-599-7929
Cafe Eccell stone oven pizza.
Among many other fine entrees and desserts, Cafe Eccell is well known for its pizzas. Their pizza oven was chosen with great care and serves as a centerpiece to their restaurant. The advanced design in wood/gas combination provides a unique product.
Carino’s Italian 620 N. Harvey Rd., College Station, TX • 979-764-7374
From the Italian classics, to Carino’s one-of-a-kind spiced Italian favorites, all offerings are handcrafted from the finest, freshest ingredients available. Whether you’re craving Italian comfort food like the 16-Layer Lasagna, or something with a little more spice like the famous Italian Nachos, Johnny Carino’s has something for everyone.
DoubleDave’s Pizzaworks 3 Bryan-College Station Locations 979-764-3283
DoubleDave’s is an Aggieland original.
DoubleDave’s Pizza, a College Station original since 1984 still serving up your favorite pizzas for carryout, delivery, and the daily lunch buffet. Don’t forget their World famous Peproni Rolls and Philly Cheesesteak Stromboli.
Domino’s Pizza 4 Bryan-College Station Locations • 979-774-5567
Domino’s Pizza says: Are you looking for pizza delivery? Let Domino’s fill that special place in your heart. It might sound cheesy, but we want to be your favorite pizzeria. We love to provide our fans with the best pizza deals that Domino’s has to offer. Next time you’re thinking of food places near me, don’t forget about Domino’s. With over 5,000 pizza places to choose from, you’re only a few clicks away from a delicious pizza.
Fazoli’s 400 Harvey Road, College Station, TX • 979-694-5199
Fazoli’s fast, fresh, Italian restaurant is a favorite in College Station, TX. The Pasta and Sauces, Breadsticks and Salads are FRESHLY prepared throughout the day. Oven-Baked Dishes and Submarinos® are never baked ‘til you order them! Made with 100% Real Mozzarella and Provolone, vine-ripened Tomatoes in their Authentic Marinara Sauce, plus Garden Vegetables. Fast, fresh, Italian! They also offer catering Anytime. Anywhere. Any Occasion. Call 888-FAZOLIS to place your order!
Gumby’s Pizza 107 Dominik Dr. 979-764-8629
Extra Large Pizza from Gumby’s Pizza on Dominik
Recent EatBCS.com Review: “The Buffalo Wings were juicy and moist. There was a decent amount of meat on the bone. The sauce wasn’t too hot, but was perfectwhen cooled by the ranch dressing they come with. The wings aren’t breaded so they aren’t too heavy. Overall, they’re pretty good for pizza shop wings.”
Hungry Howie’s Pizza 105 Southwest Pkwy. & 4501 S. Texas Ave. 979-693-6666
Hungry Howie’s flavored crust pizza.
The original home of flavored crust pizza. Ranch, Garlic Butter, Butter Cheese, Cajun…whatever flavor you want, they bake it into the crust at Hungry Howie’s. 2 locations and delivering all over Bryan-College Station.
Little Caesars Pizza 4 Bryan-College Station Locations • 979-696-0191
Little Caesars Pizza uses only the finest ingredients, including a blend of 100%, never-frozen Mozzarella and Muenster cheeses, sauce made from vine-ripened crushed tomatoes and dough made in-house, every day, at every location.
Marco’s Pizza 1842 Graham Rd. 979-690-7770
The Pepperoni Magnifico is a very popular specialty pie at Marco’s Pizza.
Marco’s Pizza is relatively new on the Bryan-College Station pizza scene, but their authentic Italian sauce has been successful since it was perfected by their founder in 1978. They make all dough fresh in store. They use three fresh cheeses that melt into one amazing taste.
Mighty Slice Pizza 303 University Drive. 979-846-8806
HUGE Slices at Mighty Slice in the Backyard on Northgate
Get Texas size pizza by the slice at Mighty Slice Pizza on Northgate. 28 inch pies and 14 inch slices. Size does matter and still some of the best pizza in town.
Mr. G’s Pizzeria 201 W. 26th Street 979-822-6747
Mr. G’s Pizzeria in Historic Downtown Bryan
Recent EatBCS.com Review: “I tried the White Pizza, which the menu proclaims is “A favorite of Mr G himself!” The pie is basically their original pizza without the red sauce and sprinkled with basil. It was good stuff! The crust was fluffy and thin at the same time, stone oven perfect!”
Papa John’s Pizza 1741 University 979-846-3600  1740 Rock Prairie 979-680-0508
Papa John’s. Better Ingredients. Better Pizza.
Better Ingredients. Better Pizza at the All American Favorite Papa John’s. They have two locations in College Station. The University Drive location has a nice dining room.
RX Pizza 200 W. 26th St.Downtown Bryan 979-721-9158
Pizza of the Month at RX Pizza and Bar in Downtown Bryan.
Recent RX Pizza Review on EatBCS.com: “Tried a take out pie from Downtown Bryan’s RX Pizza today and it was great. The crust tasted as if the dough is made from scratch and it reminded me of the two wood fired pizza places in College Station, Napa Flats, West End and the two in Bryan – Amico Nave and Cafe Eccell. This should be a hit in Downtown Bryan which did in fact lack the combination of a well mixed adult beverage and and adult pizza. Easy parking and located in what used to be a drug store for decades. Great prescription for a successful eating & drinking establishment.”
Urban Bricks 1512 Texas Ave S. Ste. 100, College Station, TX • 979-431-3833
At Urban Bricks, they bring an authentic Neapolitan pizza at a reasonable price to your table. We live in a world full of options, we want choices, we want things fast, and want our customers to have it too.  Urban Bricks embraces the pizza eating culture by providing a customized experience for every taste without compromising our quality for speed.
The Village and Art979 Gallery 210 W 26th St, Downtown Bryan, TX • 979-703-8514
The Village and Art979 Gallery has many specialties, brunch, healthy coffee-house fare, pasta bowls, dinner entrees, all incredibly tasty, as are their handmade pizzas. Out of this world! Many locally sourced, fresh ingredients too.
BEST Pizza in #BCSTX Ranked by You Bryan-College Station Restaurants : Pizza Go on a quest for the best pizza in Bryan-College Station with our ultimate guide to pizza pie in the 979.
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eatbcstx-blog · 6 years
Take Our Poll
Bryan-College Station Restaurants : Pizza
Go on a quest for the best pizza in Bryan-College Station with our ultimate guide to pizza pie in the 979.
Amico Nave Ristorante 203 E. Villa Maria, Bryan, TX • 979-703-1953
Amico Nave Ristorante is the sister restaurant to Shipwreck Grill and the name literally means “Friend of the Ship.” Amico was born of a passion for great food in a comfortable atmosphere. Owner Wade Beckman’s stepfather, Tony, is from Sicily and lived in Bryan for most of his life. Tony passed down his grandmother’s sauce recipes to Wade who paired them with modern dishes to give our menu that old world charm, with a modern flair. Pizzas are a customer favorite at Amico.
Antonio’s Pizza 104 College Main, College Station, TX 979-260-3535
Huge Slice Selection at Antonio’s on Northgate.
You can order whole pies to eat there inside or out on the patio…or grab a slice or two of an old favorite or something more creative. Creative slice specials are something Antonio’s Pizza on Northgate is well known for.
BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse 1520 Harvey Rd., Post Oak Mall Pad Site • 979-696-5700
BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse specializes in pizzas and “pizookies,” a pizza-inspied dessert cookie that is quite heavenly, ice cream is involved.
Blaze Pizza College Station Century Square, Across from Texas A&M • 979-227-2629
Blaze Pizza College Station is: healthful, artisanal ingredients on the assembly line. Inventive to classic. You decide. Blazing hot oven + dedicated pizzasmith + 180 seconds = pizza.
Blue Baker 3 College Station Locations
D’Vinchee Pizza by Blue Baker
In addition to out-of-this-world bread, cookies, pastries, sandwiches, salads, and more, Blue Baker makes awesome stone oven pizzas.
Cafe Eccell 4401 S. Texas Avenue, Bryan, TX 979-599-7929
Cafe Eccell stone oven pizza.
Among many other fine entrees and desserts, Cafe Eccell is well known for its pizzas. Their pizza oven was chosen with great care and serves as a centerpiece to their restaurant. The advanced design in wood/gas combination provides a unique product.
Carino’s Italian 620 N. Harvey Rd., College Station, TX • 979-764-7374
From the Italian classics, to Carino’s one-of-a-kind spiced Italian favorites, all offerings are handcrafted from the finest, freshest ingredients available. Whether you’re craving Italian comfort food like the 16-Layer Lasagna, or something with a little more spice like the famous Italian Nachos, Johnny Carino’s has something for everyone.
DoubleDave’s Pizzaworks 3 Bryan-College Station Locations 979-764-3283
DoubleDave’s is an Aggieland original.
DoubleDave’s Pizza, a College Station original since 1984 still serving up your favorite pizzas for carryout, delivery, and the daily lunch buffet. Don’t forget their World famous Peproni Rolls and Philly Cheesesteak Stromboli.
Domino’s Pizza 4 Bryan-College Station Locations • 979-774-5567
Domino’s Pizza says: Are you looking for pizza delivery? Let Domino’s fill that special place in your heart. It might sound cheesy, but we want to be your favorite pizzeria. We love to provide our fans with the best pizza deals that Domino’s has to offer. Next time you’re thinking of food places near me, don’t forget about Domino’s. With over 5,000 pizza places to choose from, you’re only a few clicks away from a delicious pizza.
Fazoli’s 400 Harvey Road, College Station, TX • 979-694-5199
Fazoli’s fast, fresh, Italian restaurant is a favorite in College Station, TX. The Pasta and Sauces, Breadsticks and Salads are FRESHLY prepared throughout the day. Oven-Baked Dishes and Submarinos® are never baked ‘til you order them! Made with 100% Real Mozzarella and Provolone, vine-ripened Tomatoes in their Authentic Marinara Sauce, plus Garden Vegetables. Fast, fresh, Italian! They also offer catering Anytime. Anywhere. Any Occasion. Call 888-FAZOLIS to place your order!
Gumby’s Pizza 107 Dominik Dr. 979-764-8629
Extra Large Pizza from Gumby’s Pizza on Dominik
Recent EatBCS.com Review: “The Buffalo Wings were juicy and moist. There was a decent amount of meat on the bone. The sauce wasn’t too hot, but was perfectwhen cooled by the ranch dressing they come with. The wings aren’t breaded so they aren’t too heavy. Overall, they’re pretty good for pizza shop wings.”
Hungry Howie’s Pizza 105 Southwest Pkwy. & 4501 S. Texas Ave. 979-693-6666
Hungry Howie’s flavored crust pizza.
The original home of flavored crust pizza. Ranch, Garlic Butter, Butter Cheese, Cajun…whatever flavor you want, they bake it into the crust at Hungry Howie’s. 2 locations and delivering all over Bryan-College Station.
Little Caesars Pizza 4 Bryan-College Station Locations • 979-696-0191
Little Caesars Pizza uses only the finest ingredients, including a blend of 100%, never-frozen Mozzarella and Muenster cheeses, sauce made from vine-ripened crushed tomatoes and dough made in-house, every day, at every location.
Marco’s Pizza 1842 Graham Rd. 979-690-7770
The Pepperoni Magnifico is a very popular specialty pie at Marco’s Pizza.
Marco’s Pizza is relatively new on the Bryan-College Station pizza scene, but their authentic Italian sauce has been successful since it was perfected by their founder in 1978. They make all dough fresh in store. They use three fresh cheeses that melt into one amazing taste.
Mighty Slice Pizza 303 University Drive. 979-846-8806
HUGE Slices at Mighty Slice in the Backyard on Northgate
Get Texas size pizza by the slice at Mighty Slice Pizza on Northgate. 28 inch pies and 14 inch slices. Size does matter and still some of the best pizza in town.
Mr. G’s Pizzeria 201 W. 26th Street 979-822-6747
Mr. G’s Pizzeria in Historic Downtown Bryan
Recent EatBCS.com Review: “I tried the White Pizza, which the menu proclaims is “A favorite of Mr G himself!” The pie is basically their original pizza without the red sauce and sprinkled with basil. It was good stuff! The crust was fluffy and thin at the same time, stone oven perfect!”
Papa John’s Pizza 1741 University 979-846-3600  1740 Rock Prairie 979-680-0508
Papa John’s. Better Ingredients. Better Pizza.
Better Ingredients. Better Pizza at the All American Favorite Papa John’s. They have two locations in College Station. The University Drive location has a nice dining room.
RX Pizza 200 W. 26th St.Downtown Bryan 979-721-9158
Pizza of the Month at RX Pizza and Bar in Downtown Bryan.
Recent RX Pizza Review on EatBCS.com: “Tried a take out pie from Downtown Bryan’s RX Pizza today and it was great. The crust tasted as if the dough is made from scratch and it reminded me of the two wood fired pizza places in College Station, Napa Flats, West End and the two in Bryan – Amico Nave and Cafe Eccell. This should be a hit in Downtown Bryan which did in fact lack the combination of a well mixed adult beverage and and adult pizza. Easy parking and located in what used to be a drug store for decades. Great prescription for a successful eating & drinking establishment.”
Urban Bricks 1512 Texas Ave S. Ste. 100, College Station, TX • 979-431-3833
At Urban Bricks, they bring an authentic Neapolitan pizza at a reasonable price to your table. We live in a world full of options, we want choices, we want things fast, and want our customers to have it too.  Urban Bricks embraces the pizza eating culture by providing a customized experience for every taste without compromising our quality for speed.
The Village and Art979 Gallery 210 W 26th St, Downtown Bryan, TX • 979-703-8514
The Village and Art979 Gallery has many specialties, brunch, healthy coffee-house fare, pasta bowls, dinner entrees, all incredibly tasty, as are their handmade pizzas. Out of this world! Many locally sourced, fresh ingredients too.
Who Has the BEST Pizza in #BCSTX ?!? Vote Now! Bryan-College Station Restaurants : Pizza Go on a quest for the best pizza in Bryan-College Station with our ultimate guide to pizza pie in the 979.
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eatbcstx-blog · 6 years
Take Our Poll
Bryan-College Station Restaurants : Pizza
Go on a quest for the best pizza in Bryan-College Station with our ultimate guide to pizza pie in the 979.
Amico Nave Ristorante 203 E. Villa Maria, Bryan, TX • 979-703-1953
Amico Nave Ristorante is the sister restaurant to Shipwreck Grill and the name literally means “Friend of the Ship.” Amico was born of a passion for great food in a comfortable atmosphere. Owner Wade Beckman’s stepfather, Tony, is from Sicily and lived in Bryan for most of his life. Tony passed down his grandmother’s sauce recipes to Wade who paired them with modern dishes to give our menu that old world charm, with a modern flair. Pizzas are a customer favorite at Amico.
Antonio’s Pizza 104 College Main, College Station, TX 979-260-3535
Huge Slice Selection at Antonio’s on Northgate.
You can order whole pies to eat there inside or out on the patio…or grab a slice or two of an old favorite or something more creative. Creative slice specials are something Antonio’s Pizza on Northgate is well known for.
BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse 1520 Harvey Rd., Post Oak Mall Pad Site • 979-696-5700
BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse specializes in pizzas and “pizookies,” a pizza-inspied dessert cookie that is quite heavenly, ice cream is involved.
Blaze Pizza College Station Century Square, Across from Texas A&M • 979-227-2629
Blaze Pizza College Station is: healthful, artisanal ingredients on the assembly line. Inventive to classic. You decide. Blazing hot oven + dedicated pizzasmith + 180 seconds = pizza.
Blue Baker 3 College Station Locations
D’Vinchee Pizza by Blue Baker
In addition to out-of-this-world bread, cookies, pastries, sandwiches, salads, and more, Blue Baker makes awesome stone oven pizzas.
Cafe Eccell 4401 S. Texas Avenue, Bryan, TX 979-599-7929
Cafe Eccell stone oven pizza.
Among many other fine entrees and desserts, Cafe Eccell is well known for its pizzas. Their pizza oven was chosen with great care and serves as a centerpiece to their restaurant. The advanced design in wood/gas combination provides a unique product.
Carino’s Italian 620 N. Harvey Rd., College Station, TX • 979-764-7374
From the Italian classics, to Carino’s one-of-a-kind spiced Italian favorites, all offerings are handcrafted from the finest, freshest ingredients available. Whether you’re craving Italian comfort food like the 16-Layer Lasagna, or something with a little more spice like the famous Italian Nachos, Johnny Carino’s has something for everyone.
DoubleDave’s Pizzaworks 3 Bryan-College Station Locations 979-764-3283
DoubleDave’s is an Aggieland original.
DoubleDave’s Pizza, a College Station original since 1984 still serving up your favorite pizzas for carryout, delivery, and the daily lunch buffet. Don’t forget their World famous Peproni Rolls and Philly Cheesesteak Stromboli.
Domino’s Pizza 4 Bryan-College Station Locations • 979-774-5567
Domino’s Pizza says: Are you looking for pizza delivery? Let Domino’s fill that special place in your heart. It might sound cheesy, but we want to be your favorite pizzeria. We love to provide our fans with the best pizza deals that Domino’s has to offer. Next time you’re thinking of food places near me, don’t forget about Domino’s. With over 5,000 pizza places to choose from, you’re only a few clicks away from a delicious pizza.
Fazoli’s 400 Harvey Road, College Station, TX • 979-694-5199
Fazoli’s fast, fresh, Italian restaurant is a favorite in College Station, TX. The Pasta and Sauces, Breadsticks and Salads are FRESHLY prepared throughout the day. Oven-Baked Dishes and Submarinos® are never baked ‘til you order them! Made with 100% Real Mozzarella and Provolone, vine-ripened Tomatoes in their Authentic Marinara Sauce, plus Garden Vegetables. Fast, fresh, Italian! They also offer catering Anytime. Anywhere. Any Occasion. Call 888-FAZOLIS to place your order!
Gumby’s Pizza 107 Dominik Dr. 979-764-8629
Extra Large Pizza from Gumby’s Pizza on Dominik
Recent EatBCS.com Review: “The Buffalo Wings were juicy and moist. There was a decent amount of meat on the bone. The sauce wasn’t too hot, but was perfectwhen cooled by the ranch dressing they come with. The wings aren’t breaded so they aren’t too heavy. Overall, they’re pretty good for pizza shop wings.”
Hungry Howie’s Pizza 105 Southwest Pkwy. & 4501 S. Texas Ave. 979-693-6666
Hungry Howie’s flavored crust pizza.
The original home of flavored crust pizza. Ranch, Garlic Butter, Butter Cheese, Cajun…whatever flavor you want, they bake it into the crust at Hungry Howie’s. 2 locations and delivering all over Bryan-College Station.
Little Caesars Pizza 4 Bryan-College Station Locations • 979-696-0191
Little Caesars Pizza uses only the finest ingredients, including a blend of 100%, never-frozen Mozzarella and Muenster cheeses, sauce made from vine-ripened crushed tomatoes and dough made in-house, every day, at every location.
Marco’s Pizza 1842 Graham Rd. 979-690-7770
The Pepperoni Magnifico is a very popular specialty pie at Marco’s Pizza.
Marco’s Pizza is relatively new on the Bryan-College Station pizza scene, but their authentic Italian sauce has been successful since it was perfected by their founder in 1978. They make all dough fresh in store. They use three fresh cheeses that melt into one amazing taste.
Mighty Slice Pizza 303 University Drive. 979-846-8806
HUGE Slices at Mighty Slice in the Backyard on Northgate
Get Texas size pizza by the slice at Mighty Slice Pizza on Northgate. 28 inch pies and 14 inch slices. Size does matter and still some of the best pizza in town.
Mr. G’s Pizzeria 201 W. 26th Street 979-822-6747
Mr. G’s Pizzeria in Historic Downtown Bryan
Recent EatBCS.com Review: “I tried the White Pizza, which the menu proclaims is “A favorite of Mr G himself!” The pie is basically their original pizza without the red sauce and sprinkled with basil. It was good stuff! The crust was fluffy and thin at the same time, stone oven perfect!”
Papa John’s Pizza 1741 University 979-846-3600  1740 Rock Prairie 979-680-0508
Papa John’s. Better Ingredients. Better Pizza.
Better Ingredients. Better Pizza at the All American Favorite Papa John’s. They have two locations in College Station. The University Drive location has a nice dining room.
RX Pizza 200 W. 26th St.Downtown Bryan 979-721-9158
Pizza of the Month at RX Pizza and Bar in Downtown Bryan.
Recent RX Pizza Review on EatBCS.com: “Tried a take out pie from Downtown Bryan’s RX Pizza today and it was great. The crust tasted as if the dough is made from scratch and it reminded me of the two wood fired pizza places in College Station, Napa Flats, West End and the two in Bryan – Amico Nave and Cafe Eccell. This should be a hit in Downtown Bryan which did in fact lack the combination of a well mixed adult beverage and and adult pizza. Easy parking and located in what used to be a drug store for decades. Great prescription for a successful eating & drinking establishment.”
Urban Bricks 1512 Texas Ave S. Ste. 100, College Station, TX • 979-431-3833
At Urban Bricks, they bring an authentic Neapolitan pizza at a reasonable price to your table. We live in a world full of options, we want choices, we want things fast, and want our customers to have it too.  Urban Bricks embraces the pizza eating culture by providing a customized experience for every taste without compromising our quality for speed.
The Village and Art979 Gallery 210 W 26th St, Downtown Bryan, TX • 979-703-8514
The Village and Art979 Gallery has many specialties, brunch, healthy coffee-house fare, pasta bowls, dinner entrees, all incredibly tasty, as are their handmade pizzas. Out of this world! Many locally sourced, fresh ingredients too.
Vote for Your Favorite Pizza in Bryan-College Station Bryan-College Station Restaurants : Pizza Go on a quest for the best pizza in Bryan-College Station with our ultimate guide to pizza pie in the 979.
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