#frickin love the wii u
pagesofkenna · 1 year
what Wii U games should I play
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vneuns · 3 years
I heard requests are open for a little bit heheheh. This is basic, Dream or Corpse (or both) and the reader spitting the most cringy jokes while recording because they are that couple who does not care and love to have fun.
The excitement I felt when I got this preference. #numeraluno
I’m a sucker for cheesy romance
- You and corpse had been streaming for about 2 hours when you felt the need to spice things up.
- jokes. That’s what you needed.
- “Hey babeeee?”
- it was a proximity stream and the two of you were in med bay while you watched him do his scan
- “yeah?”
- “What did the toaster say to the bread?”
- Corpse already knowing when you started your jokes you couldn’t stop so he gave in
- “what did the toaster say to the bread bub?
- “i want you inside of me.”
- corpse fell into a fit of laughter as he tried to conceal his wheezing
- “babe your humor is so broken I haven’t even gotten to the good ones yet.”
- “okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry.”
- once calmed down you followed him to the cafeteria to do the first part of garbage
- “Do you have to go to the bathroom? Because I want to take you out.”
- “I’m gonna piss my pants y/n shut up.”
- now it was your turn to fall down the rabbit hole of laughter as your purple character followed him down the hall to the second part of garbage
- “Corpsie you’re my butter half.”
- “Ewww oh my gosh you too get a frickin room.” Rae would yell as she heard you while passing by
- the two of you would laugh it off you following him totally neglecting your task telling him the rest of your jokes
- everyone had already gotten offline and it was just you and Clay building random portals while talking to your chats
- “Dreammmm?”
- no response
- “nightmaree?”
- nothing you watched as your boyfriend pretended not to hear you and kept crafting
- “Clayton.”
- clay stopped what he was doing and turned his character to look at you
- “I got your attention!”
- he turns back around mumbling an incoherent mhmm
- “I’ve got some cheesy jokes for ya.”
- “shoot.”
- “this may be cheesy but I think you’re grate.”
- “I hate you.” The smile was evident in his voice
- “Do you like Nintendo because wii would be great together.”
- “Y/u/n you’re under arrest for stealing my heart.”
- “Dream do you want to grab a coffee? Because I like you a latte.”
- he let out a laugh finishing up his portal and thinking of a just as good response
- “Are you a pencil because I can erase your past and write our future.”
- “hey! This is suppose to be my job! You can’t come for my job!”
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swordwizardofdoom · 4 years
Steam Key Giveaway!
I have a bunch of extra game keys from purchasing the Humble Conquer Covid-19 bundle the other day, and after giving away a few to some friends, I have a bunch more I would love to offer to you folks here. c:
The only conditions are it’d be nice if you’re already following my blog, and if you’re not, that’s okay too, but preference is given if you already are. Otherwise you just need to PM me with which key you want, and promise me you will play it at some point and enjoy it!!
There are a few PRETTY DANG NICE games on this list, SERIOUSLY, so just let me know what ya want, and have fun.
Edited to show what’s left, and what’s already been claimed:
*UNDERTALE* ... most folks know what this is of course, and really if you haven’t played it yourself, it’s so good. Ignore the fandom (or don’t) and enjoy this one, it’s such a fun and investing game.
KILLING FLOOR 2 ... I literally don’t know what this game is, Jessie apparently already has it and it’s got shockingly high reviews, so? ?? If you want a gory, violent solo or co-op FPS this may be the game for you! Description of gameplay reminds me of Black Ops zombies, or something. Waves of enemies, currency to upgrade stuff, things like that. If that’s your jam, this could be a entertaining! Edit: I’ve now watched some friends play this extensively, it’s a lot of fun in co-op, not sure of the single player. It’s very fast paced and FUN though, check this one out if that sounds up your alley!
LOSTWINDS ... Looking this one up ’cause I don’t know much about it, seems like a super cute and friendly platformer. Was originally a wiiware game, but folks say the port is nice. It seems like a relatively short one, but it could be a relaxing and fun game to finish in an afternoon. c:
ALIEN SPIDY ... Not sure what to say about this one! Seems really goofy and family-friendly, and it has a spider which is always great! It’s a bit older, 2013, and seems to suffer from unforgiving difficulty progression and imprecise controls, but it could be a fun game to putter around in, and it is kinda cute.
STEALTH INC 2 : A GAME OF CLONES ... A sequel to a game called ‘Stealth Bastard : Tactical Espionage Arsehole,’ to give you an idea of what kind of a game this probably is. Nothing guaranteed though, this game originally came out for the Wii U (remember that?? We have one of those. It was honestly super fun!! So underrated! But I have no idea how well a port of a Wii U game will fare) and I’m not sure what to make of it.
ZOMBOTRON ... This one looks pretty cool!! Graphics are neat, and this dev was apparently pretty well known on a lot of those old flash game websites, like newgrounds and such. The style does feel pretty familiar, and this game has VERY high reviews and seems like a really fun one. Check it out and let me know if this would be something you’d enjoy.
Already Claimed:
**HOLLOW KNIGHT** ... I WILL BE SELECTIVE WITH WHO GETS THIS KEY. Seriously this game is so fucking amazing. One of my favorite games of all time. If we didn’t already have a copy I’d never part with it. This game has it all. Incredible story, unique, BUGS, immersive worldbuilding, BUGS, gorgeous art, BUGSSS, solid gameplay, and did I mention everyone is a frickin’ invertebrate? It’s amazing. It’s such a good game. Please someone who already knows what this is and has wished for it, lemme know, your time has come.
*THE WITNESS* ... I haven’t played this but Jessie says it’s a really fun puzzle-y kind of game. It’s VERY pretty and seems relaxing. By the same folks who made Braid, which I’ve also heard is quite good. This is $40 regular price on Steam and has 9/10 ratings. If you’re looking for a pretty, immersive, relaxing walk-around puzzler in these trying times, then this one might be for you.
*BROKEN AGE* ... Okay, I remember when this game first came out and it was a BIG FRICKIN’ DEAL. This was Tim Schafer’s first return to games like this since Grim Fandango, which is also an EXCELLENT game that I highly recommend. This is a very family-friendly, beautiful (it’s all hand animated 2D) point-and-click style game that reminds me of a lot of Double Fine’s classic stuff. The characters are very cute and charming, the story is nice, and I remember getting pretty invested in it. Without spoiling much I remember the ending being very disappointing, but if you take it all with a grain of salt it’s such a nice game. 
A MORTICIAN'S TALE ... This one seems too sad for me right now, but it could be nice for someone looking for a brief, cathartic emotion-cleanser who isn’t as nervous about preparing stylized 2D dead folks. It seems to be very death-positive/neutral and probably a really nice game, but it’s a little much for me right now. It does look very pretty though and people say it’s a good game. If you’d like to play through this one and tell me what you think, lemme know!
DARKSIDERS WARMASTERED EDITION + DARKSIDERS II DEATHINITIVE EDITION ... The first and second Darksiders games, with ALL DLC, prefer they go together but I guess if you only want one that’s cool too!! I don’t know much about these even though Steam shoves them in my face all the time. Edgy third person hack-and-slash with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as the focus. Published 2010 and 2012 respectively so I expect these to be a little wonky/unpolished but they look pretty cool. And even if they aren’t I mean come on I’m literally giving these away for free, why not try them out, or give the keys to someone you think might like them?
MAGICKA ... I recall this was a pretty nifty game, reminds me of MMO style combat, it has Very high reviews for such an old game, and the trailer made me chuckle. It’s also single player OR co-op, and you get to be a wizard! And that’s always a good thing.
REBUILD 3 : GANGS OF DEADSVILLE ... Sort of a top-down management-style game, which is one of my favorite genres. It’s a strategy sim game with zombies and dark humor, and if no one wants this game I’ll just keep it myself!
SO THAT’S WHAT I GOT. I’ll update this post as folks claim them, just PM me if you’re interested and I’ll send you the steam key. Check the notes first to make sure I haven’t already given it away first!! Have fun, and stay safe folks. <3
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ichi-peachy · 5 years
Tell 👏 the 👏 story 👏
(Modkuma: Oh god... it's so frickin dumb-)
(Alright, so I play games casually. I don't play it competitively too often, because I don't find it too fun. My brother is the opposite however, he's very competitive. The game at hand, being smash bros wii u. At the time he used a BUSTED character named Cloud, and kept giving me shit for using "low tiers". So one day I just said fuck it, and choose I low tier. That character being Dedede, it took a while until I was able to beat him. But I did, no matter how bad the character was. Moving to high school, video games was very important to my group of lads. And once again, the main being smash bros. Keep in mind, they were the same as my bro. They thought they could win using the best characters, and I sucked because I used a worse character. And uh... I destroyed them all. As a joke I called myself The King, and it stuck. Whenever I'm referred to in smash, it's as the king. I still currently hold the spot, and people still call me it. Thus also why I love King Dedede. Hell, even in other games I get referred as the king. I'm pretty proud of how I beat the competitive players as some casual with a derpy penguin.)
(I told you, it's dumb XD)
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bighairykevin-blog · 5 years
OKAY, THAT IS IT! THIS IS THE FINAL STRAAAAWW! I've had it with all you frickin trolls, and all you frickin haters, and all you frickin stupid fan-fricks! YOU GUYS ARE THE ONES THAT RUINED CARTOONS FOR EVERYONE! Can't you see that?! What the frick are you guys DOING!? Asking for all this fricking garbage? WHY DO WE NEED ADVENTURE TIME? WHY DO WE NEED REGULAR SHOW? WHY DO WE NEED ANOTHER SPONGEBOB MOVIE? WHY DO WE NEED A- A FANBOY & CHUM-CHUM REVIVAL?! WHY DO WE NEED ALL THAT?! CAN'T WE HAVE A PROPER 90s STYLE CARTOON SERIES, FOR CRYING OUT FRICKING LOUD?! You guys killed the Rocko series! All you frickin' FAN FRICKS, and your FRICKING FANTASIES SPEWED OUT AT YOU BY FRICKING POOP MERCHANTS! I'M TIRED OF ALL YOU FRICKS! I'M SO FRICKING MAD, AND I'M...So fricking mad! I mean, you guys, YOU GUYS, HAVE OFFICIALLY MADE ME LOSE MY MARBLES!! WHY CAN'T YOU GUYS JUST ASK FOR A PROPER 90s STYLE CARTOON SERIES?! THIS IS A NIGHTMARE! [Sammy throws a chair against the wall] I'm sure NO Rocko fan predict- would predict that...the ADVENTURE..the Adventure Time fantasizers would RUIN EVERYTHING! And now I bet by now CA- CARTOON NETWORK has got a frickin' PROBLEM SOLVERZ movie in development. With frickin' PAPER RAD! 'cause you FRICKIN' FRICKS just CAN'T EVER BE QUENCHED. YOUR A- YOUR MY LITTLE PONY FANTASIES CAN NEVER BE QUENCHED, CAN THEY? YOU FRICKING FRICKS!' When will you learn, WHEN WILL YOU LEARN, THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES?! YOU GUYS KEEP ON ASKING FOR AN ADVENTURE TIME MOVIE! AND YOU'RE RUINING THE CARTOON WORLD, HAS IT ALREADY SUFFERED ENOUGH?! AND IT'S STILL SUFFERING! WHAT THE FRICK?! PARENTS JUST CAN'T HANDLE...ROCKO IN THE MODERN WORLD, CAN THEY? ALL CAUSE, WE HAVE TO HAVE THINGS CENSORED! WE HAVE TO HAVE THE BEST JOKES TREATED AS THE WORST! WE HAVE TO HAVE...WE HAVE TO HAVE THREE SLIGHTLY INCOMPLETE EPISODES, DON'T WE?! ANOTHER HALF-ASSED DVD SET!!! HUUUAAAAAAAGAAAHHHGH! [incoherent squealing while Sammy flails his arms around and jumps up and down] YOU FRICKIN' FRICKS! I'VE HAD IT, I'VE FRICKIN' HAD IT! YOU GUYS HAVE OFFICIALLY RUINED EVERYTHING! YOU'VE RUINED THE SPONGEBOB SERIES, THE ROCKO SERIES IS DEAD, 'CAUSE OF THE SPONGEBOB FANBASE! I WILL FOREVER HATE THE SPONGEBOB FANBASE, THEY RUINED EVERYTHING! [Sammy kicks his closet door repeatedly] RUINED...EVERYTHING! [Sammy slams a basket against the ground] I HATE THE SPONGEBOB FANBASE. I... HATE THEM! [Sammy slams the basket against the ground again] [deep breathing from four minutes of screaming] Why's the Spongebob fanbase have to BE LIKE THIS? Oh- Why does the cartoon fanbase have to be so numb-skulled?! Can't you guys FRICKIN' ACCEPT, THAT WE NEED A PROPER GOLDEN-AGE STYLE CARTOON SERIES?! HOLY FRICKIN' FRICKS!!! HOLY FRICKING FRICKS! Why can't we have UNCUT ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE DVD SETS?! Is that so hard to ask? Why can't we have a Futurama sequel? Or, uh...a Futurama prequel?! Or, uh...even a new South Park movie? WHY CAN'T WE HAVE THAT?! [Sammy kicks closet door again] WHY DO WE NEED, AN ADVENTURE TIME MOVIE?! WHY DO WE NEED THAT? WHY? TELL ME? TELLL MEEE! TELLL ME NOWWWWW! [Sammy growls like an animal] CURSE YOU STUPID... FRICKS! You guys RUINED it! You ruined it with your fricking fantasies, your ADVENTURE TIME FANTASIES. "Oh yeah, let's see. GIVE US more Adventure Time. GIVE US more Regular Show. Give us more bland and humorless jokes. THAT'S WHAT COMEDY'S ALL ABOUT, HUH?" "RIGHT! RIGHT DISNEY CHANNEL, RIGHT! GIVE US... FRICKIN'... MORE HANNAH MONTANA CLONES, YEAH, WE NEED MORE OF THOSE!" Sammy kicks wall "As if this sitcom wasn't enough, or THAT sitcom! Oh, oh! While you're at it...While you're at it, why not frickin' give us more LIVE ACTION SUCKFESTS?" WE ALL NEED THAT HUH? WE ALL NEED THAT? WE DON'T NEED CLASSIC SATIRE, RIGHT? WRONG!!! Why do you guys have to ruin it with your fantasies? Why does it have to be like this?! I mean, for MONTHS, I've been giving everyone my ideas of a cartoon sitcom... in the style of Rocko's Modern Life, which... is personally the BEST NICKELODEON SHOW! Okay? I mean NICKELODEON NEVER ACKNOWLEDGES Rocko's Modern Life, it makes me so mad! I mean, why doesn't that show get attention, even Ren & Stimpy does! This makes me so frickin' mad. YOU STUPID... FANS HAD TO RUIN EVERYTHING WITH YOUR ADVENTURE TIME FANTASIES! Holy frick! "Oh, give us more Adventure Time! Give us more Regular Show! Give us more washed-up new episodes of The Simpsons! Give us more Problem Solverz! Problem Solverz revival! Yeah! Give us more trash!" YOU GUYS ARE ALREADY ASKING FOR MORE TRASH! "Oh, frick Futurama, give us more Adventure Time!" NOOOOOO!!! YOU FRICKIN' FRICKS! YOU GUYS HAD TO RUIN IT! YOU GUYS HAD TO RUIN IT! WHY? WHY WHY? WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS? [Sammy coughs from screaming] Why does it have to BE LIKE THIS? [Sammy kicks the wall again] Why... why? WHY? WHY? You- You stupid fans! The Adventure Time fanbase is just getting me frickin' WORKED UP! [Sammy kicks the wall yet again] All 'cause, they can't give us something actually ACCEPTABLE! JUST WHAT THE FRICK, oh what the frick? This makes me so mad! You guys ruined everything with your Adventure Time fantasies! YOU GUYS ARE FRICKIN' IDIOTS! [Sammy begins stuttering] [Sammy begins throwing various Wii U and other games at his closet door] WHY'D YOU HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING?! WHY? WHY?! JUST WHY? WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS? [Sammy throws some plushies on the ground] I'm tired of this! I'm tired of this! The CARTOON UNIVERSE IS RUINED THANKS TO YOU GUYS! You frickin' fricks! Holy frick, why's it have to be this way? [Sammy growls like an animal again] I HATE THE SPONGEBOB FANBASE, NICKELODEON IS RUINED! WHY CAN'T YOU GUYS LAUNCH A REBUTTAL AGAINST TELEVISION, TO HELP US BRING BACK THE TRUE CLASSICS? WHY'S IT HAVE TO BE THIS HARD?! [Sammy stomps his foot] You... frickin'...FRIIIICKS! [Sammy throws one last plushie at the ground] Frickin... Fricks! Frickin... FRICKS! [Sammy hits his pillow repeatedly, then knocks over his camera with it] [Scene cuts to Sonic art with Sammy's voice in the background] AND LIKE I WAS SAYING EARLIER, NICKELODEON NEVER ACKNOWLEDGES ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE! WHAT THE FRICK? WHY CAN'T THEY EVER FRICKIN' ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SHOW? THEY NEVER FRICKIN' GIVE IT THE LOVE IT DESERVES! YOU ALWAYS SEE THEM IDOLIZING FRICKIN' SPONGEBOB AND REN & STIMPY! It's NEVER ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE! WHAT THE FRICK? If we just tried to make a brilliant show like Rocko's Modern Life, I bet that could rejuvenate the cartoon landscape! You frickin' fricks say "oohhh, Rocko's excellence can't be matched." IT CAN BE FRICKIN' SURPASSED, IF HUMANITY WOULD JUST FRICKIN' COOPERATE AND FRICKIN' GROW SOME BALLS! Holy frickin' fricks! What the frick is wrong with you guys? Why's it have to be like this? Why can't you guys ASK FOR SOMETHING WORTHWHILE?! WHY'S IT HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS...Uhh, HOLY FRICK I HATE ALL YOU FRICKIN' FAN FRICKS! And like I said, it's always Spongebob and Ren & Stimpy! Those shows always get acknowledged, it's never Rocko's Modern Life, that's the best Nickelodeon classic! Holy frickin' fricks, it's not Invader Zim, it's not- it's- it's not Fanboy & Chum-Chum like some of you say, it's not Fanboy & Chum-Chum! You frickin fricks come to my channel and say "Ooohh, Fanboy & Chum-Chum is the best Nickelodeon show!" I know it's just you frickin' trolls, tryin' to frickin'...tryin' to frickin'....tryin' to frickin'...mess with me! What the frick! What the frick, y-you frickin' trolls just need to GET OFF MY CHANNEL RIGHT NOW! You frickin' fricks, I hate all of you, why's it have to be like... this? Why can't you guys just frickin'...Why can't you guys just frickin' be good people? And...the Spongebob fanbase. CURSE THE SPONGEBOB FANBASE! YOU GUYS ARE ONES THAT RUINED THE SERIES, YOU RUINED THIS ENTIRE SERIES. Holy frickin' fricks! And guess what? You frickin' fricks...okay...you know what...Avatar is doing much better right now! I mean, when fans requested...when fans requested a sequel series to Avatar, NICKELODEON FRICKIN' DID IT! Why can't Cartoon Network be the same? I thought that when Symbionic Titan was announced, it was going to stay on Cartoon Network. But guess what? Instead, we get...The Problem Solverz! Okay, I'm sorry...I'm sorrry...that...Okay, I actually don't hate The Problem Solverz THAT much. I'm sorry. I'm just getting worked up 'cause of you frickin' Rocko haters! Holy frickin' fricks! I mean, this makes me SO MAD!' You frickin' fricks just ruined everything with your frickin' Adventure Time fantasies, YOUR FRICKIN' ADVENT- [Sammy breaks down in tears] YOU FRICKIN' FRICKS RUINED EVERYTHING! [sob] YOU FRICKIN' ADVENTURE TIME FANTASIES! [sob] WE CAN'T GET A FANBOY & CHUM-CHUM REVIVAL YOU IDIOTS! 'CAUSE THAT WAS WHAT KILLED NICKELODEON IN THE FIRST PLA- [sob] YOU FRICKIN' FRICKS! YOU GUYS HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING! I HATE YOU FRICKIN' TROLLS, FRICK YOUUU! [scene switches to Sammy on the floor, in tears and with a blanket on him] Please, cartoon fans, I beg of you! PLEASE STOP SUPPORTING ADVENTURE TIME! And support my idea... of a full revival of the 90s classics! PLEASE! Please...please! All Rocko fans out there, we can assemble... and heal Rocko for good! WE DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO THESE ADVENTURE TIME FANTASIZER-ZERS! THESE FRICKIN' FAN FRICKS, WE DON'T HAVE TO FRICKIN' LISTEN TO THEM! Please cartoon fans please! [Sammy writhes around on floor] STOP SUPPORTING ADVENTURE TIME, STOP RUINING CARTOONS! YOU FRICKIN' FAN FRICKS RUINED ANIMATION! [Sammy writhes around again] FRICK, FRICK, AHHH FRICK! [Sammy hits his foot and holds it in pain] FRICK! FRICK FRICK! THIS IS FRICKIN' STUPID! GRRR CURSE YOUUUU! CURSE YOU CARTOON FANBASE!
some guy
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eggoreviews · 6 years
My 10 Most Wanted Smash Ultimate Characters
Like a lot of people, I am very excited for the new Smash game and I reverted to a child when E3 came around and we finally got Ridley. I'm relatively new to the whole fighting game thing (I only bought a copy of Smash 4 last year as my first Smash game so kill me I guess) and that's probably going to show in this obligatory want list but here are my ten picks for if I could haphazardly choose who's getting to punch Mario this time around. By the way, this list is in priority order so my number 1 pick is who I want the most!
P.S I know we're only getting a few more characters if any so obviously not all ten are going to make it in. In fact, chances are none of them will. But I can dream, okay?
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10. Captain Toad
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I mean, look at this little guy! You can't tell me you don't want to play as him (I only just got a switch and the upcoming Captain Toad game is admittedly where my excitement is right now). While I guess I agree that the Mario series is a bit over-presented in Smash Bros, the fact that a version of Toad is finally getting his own game seems like high time that Toad became more than Peach's punching bag. His moveset would be probably be simple enough, considering how central he is during his game on the Wii U, so I guess they could just import a similar moveset over to Smash. Honestly, I know very little about Captain Toad, apart from the fact that he’s cute and likely to be in it. A Toadette palette swap/echo fighter definitely wouldn’t go amiss either.
9. Spyro
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This one seems a bit less likely, but I’m aware that Nintendo and Activision are on good terms (see my number 5 pick) and it’s possible we might see the new Spyro remaster make its way onto the Switch in future, which definitely increases his chances. I don’t have a hell of an attachment to Spyro as I only played one game (very briefly), but he’s on this list generally because he looks cool and I feel like he’s an iconic third party staple that is born to be a smash addition. Again, his moveset could be ripped right from his games, his final smash could be something fire related because, you know, he’s a dragon. Before we continue, I’m fully aware that the vast majority of this list is third party and it’s definitely not realistic that we’ll get any of these characters at all. But hey, the further you get down on this list, the more you’ll understand that realism isn’t really what I was going for on this list.
8. Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
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Again, fully aware that KH3 hasn’t been confirmed for Switch. But Kingdom Hearts II was a pretty big part of my childhood back in the PS2 days, so I feel like Sora’s spot on the list is more a favour to my inner child. Plus, Kingdom Hearts is a product of the same team as Final Fantasy and Cloud got in, so hey anything can happen! What makes Sora especially unlikely in my mind is that he’d basically function like any of the Fire Emblem characters (which we really do not need any more of), except with a key. Still though, cool laser final smash with the keyblade? With Donald and Goofy? Okay maybe not that, I imagine that’d be a nightmare to sort out in terms of rights.
7. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
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If Snake deserves to be slotted back in, I feel like Lara Croft fits perfectly in the roster at this point. The inclusion of Lara would be a huge selling point for the game considering how iconic she is and, much like most of my other picks, probably wouldn’t have a particularly complicated moveset. Maybe a mixture between the bow she has pictured above and short range knife could make her an extremely balanced character, akin to Link. This would be a very exciting third party reveal if it happened.
6. Black Mage (Final Fantasy)
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Here’s my wildcard pick. Arguably the most unlikely in my list bar one (you’ll see), this one made it into my top 10 because of the fact that this little guy has also made its way into several games I played in my childhood; the Chocobo Tales game I had for the DS as well as (again) Kingdom Hearts II. I’m not at all familiar with the Final Fantasy franchise, in fact I’ve only really heard of Cloud and Sephiroth (who was very nearly considered for this list) because of their appearances in Kingdom Hearts. And another thing, I have very little idea what his moveset would be but I figured no one was really talking about this little dude and if none of my wanted characters are likely to make it in, might as well make ‘em weird.
5. Crash Bandicoot
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Here we go. The one that almost everyone wants. The Crash N Sane Trilogy is coming to Switch and, as I mentioned, Activision are pretty pally with Nintendo right now so this is looking more likely than ever. Admittedly, the only Crash game I ever played was Crash of the Titans on the PS2, which I loved to bits at the time. So while my experience with Crash was likely not the same as everyone else’s, he’s another character with a moveset already implemented and I’d say he’s probably the most likely out of the third party big bois.
4. Shovel Knight
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He’s an indie sensation on multiple platforms. He’s a unique and interesting character with a great moveset potential. He even has his own frickin amiibo, this guy was born for a smash inclusion. With Bomberman’s absence, I think that Smash Ultimate is missing a genuinely popular new indie contender. I think that Shovel Knight more than covers this ground, and I reckon Sakurai knows it too. If anyone on this list is getting added, it’ll probably be Shovel Knight and that’s very exciting.
3. Waluigi
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Okay, okay, I know. Let the memes die, right? But just hear me out on this one. I’m a Waluigi stan, I won’t lie to you, I’m not proud of it but I love this weird purple egg and that’s just the way the world works. I’ve heard a theory, one that you’ve likely heard too, that suggests (loosely) that Waluigi is still in with a chance of a Smash addition:
They spent a whole lot of time during that E3 presentation specifically highlighting the fact that Waluigi is an assist trophy, even using him as an example for the fact that trophies can be K.O’d now to really drive home the fact that you ain’t getting your purple meme content this time around
During the whole of E3, including all the Treehouse gameplay and the Invitational, there has been no sighting of Waluigi in the game. Obviously, could just be because it’s a demo and we know not everything has been added yet. But still, them leaving out the most heavily focused assist trophy? Seems fishy to me (BTW, I got this info from Alpharad the youtuber, so check out his channel for a better explained version of this)
Daisy was announced. DAISY was announced. I’m not saying Daisy is a bad addition, but there is a lot less hype around her. The fact that Waluigi was explicitly deconfirmed and Daisy ended up as one of only two new E3 character announcements? Doesn’t add up. Could literally just be because it was really easy to include her as an echo fighter compared to giving Waluigi a whole new character, but you know. I love me a conspiracy theory.
So there you have it. I’m holding out a tiny bit of hope that all of this is setting up the biggest gaming bamboozle in history. But come on, they’re bringing everyone back, either way we’ve got to be happy. (Sidenote: I’ve heard people are harassing Sakurai over Twitter because of this. That’s horrible and immature. Pls stop thanks)
2. Sans
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Yeah, I know. Told you realism was going out the window. I have decided to dutifully ignore how massively toxic the Undertale fandom is and hope that Sakurai sees the potential of including a character from this still amazing game. An Undertale switch port is rumoured and I’m pretty damn sure Toby Fox would be onboard for Undertale appearing in Smash, but I know this is basically impossible. What would his moveset be? How would he be animated? It’s cool, Sans is punching Yoshi and Bayonetta in my dreams.
I’m a WatchMojo stan so, before I vomit my number 1 pick on you, here’s a few hONORABLE MENTIONS:
King K. Rool (Donkey Kong)
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Linkle (Legend of Zelda)
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Banjo Kazooie
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Cuphead (Again, impossible I know)
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1. Rayman
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Considering how iconic this guy is and how close Ubisoft and Nintendo are now (Mario x Rabbids anyone?), it looks as if it’s time for Rayman. On top of that, Rayman had a trophy presence in Smash 4, so we know Sakurai has considered him. His moveset makes itself so he would be a brilliant third party add and, considering that Rayman Legends is one of my all time favourite games, there’s no contest here as to who’s top of my list.
Well, there you have it. Feel free to crap all over me anonymously about my lack of knowledge/differing opinions. Or, if you like, send me your wants/predictions for character adds and we can have a cool lil discussion about it because we now have six months to wait so we have to fill the time with something.
Maybe next time I’ll do wanted echo fighters. We’ll see. Have a good one!
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theantisocialcritic · 4 years
Archive Project - January 2, 2012 - Gaming in 2011
Since this fall was one of Gamings most exhaustive with over a dozen AAA titles in less than three months, i thought Id share my opinion about some of them and review the ones I played....        Full list: Dead Island, Gears of War 3, RAGE, Batman Arkham City, Battlefield 3, Uncharted 3, Sonic Generations, Modern Warfare 3, Skyrim, Halo Anniversary, Assassins Creed Revelations, Saints Row The Third, Super Mario 3D Land, Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Mariokart 7 (3DS), Just Dance 3, Star Wars: The Old Republic. -Dead Island: I've never been a fan of the whole Zombie franchise, not because they are bad games, but because ive had to be selective in my gaming purchases. Everything i've heard about Dead Island however has been very good and is probably the best zombie game of 2011. I wouldn't know though. -Gears of War 3: This long awaited title is debatably the most anticipated game of 2011, and definitily the most anticipated Xbox title. The title finishes off the Gears of War trilogy with a satisfiying (though cheesy) resolution to end the Locust War. -RAGE: Anticipation for RAGE was high as shared development between Id software and Bethesda Softworks, two of gamings most notable companies, brought the title to life. The game was expected as a mix of DOOM and Fallout, an action packed, open world, first person shooter with a detailed plot, amazing gameplay and hundreds of hours of gameplay. This was not the case. The game reported to have a low total length of about 10 hours and a weak storyline. Where RAGE shines however is in its gunplay and technical feats.  Overall this game is fair, but doesn't live up to either companies standards. -Batman Arkham City: Seperate from the movies and following the plot to Arkham Asylum, this game provides a deep look into the Batman Universe and is praised for its story and innovative gameplay. -Battlefield 3: Back in October I was DYING to play this game. It was the first major title this fall I was prepped to buy and I was excited to finally get a chance to keep up with the newest gaming buzz. Unfortunatly the release was less than ideal. It came out the week I was preoccupied with the Fall Play and I didn't get a chance to open it. By the time I finally had freetime to play games, Modern Warfare 3 had been released and I was itching to finally finish the storyline for that. Finally in late November I got my chance. I popped the game in my xbox and began the Campaign. Immediatly I enjoyed the game. However as time went on the Campaign seemed to drag on and on. I had a difficult time understanding the plot and the characters were difficult to relate to and feel emotions for (Unlike MW). Then I tried out the Multiplayer. I was not impressed. The maps were too large and the players were all far more experienced than I was, I didn't have much fun. Overall Battlefield 3 has amazing technology, but unless your willing to dedicate more time to it, then it isn't as much fun. -Uncharted 3: I don't own a Playstation, however reception for this game has been very good (Im assuming Nathan Drake is the Indiana Jones of Video Games). When I finally do break and buy one, this game is definitly on my list of games to try. -Sonic Generations: Old Sonic meets New Sonic, brushing aside the obvious cheesiness of this concept, the game seems to provide gamers with the chance to live out their favorite form of Sonic games. But since ive never been a strong fan of the series it means little to me personally. -Modern Warfare 3: I bought this game for the sole purpose of defeating Makarov! (Oh I can hear the COD fans screaming right now). Ive never been a fan of COD multiplayer. Ive gotten into it recently but its vastly different then the games im used to. Ever since Black Ops, Activision has been publishing really crapped COD titles that simply reskin the previous game with new graphics and stories, barely changing the gameplay or multiplayer at all. This game is basically a $60 addon for Modern Warfare 2. Not only that but they expect gamers to pay an additional $50 for multiplayer upgrades. Frickin heck!!!! -Skyrim: OH FRICK YES! When I first heard of Skyrim about 8 months ago it didn't seem that big of a deal to me. It just seemed like a crappy sequel to Oblivion (which I didn't play). So I turned my attention elsewhere, notably to the newly revealed Halo 4. However about two months ago I began hearing alot about this game and how excited people were for it. I still wasn't interested. I had already sunk $180 in games already and Christmas was on the horizon so I continued to ignore it. News of Skyrim only increased after the release as all my gamer friends talked about it exclusively while I sat in the corner playing Halo. Eventually the buzz got too great and I broke and decided to rent a copy (not convinced I would like it). Just today I dedicated a few hours of my day and sat down to play it. Now I can safely say that I am in love with the game as much as any other. In a few hours I had climbed a mountain, discovered an ancient tomb and killed a fire breathing dragon. This game is definitly on the list of games I need to buy in the future. -Halo Anniversary: When I first heard about this in June, I was gitty with excitement. Like many I feared that Halo would die after Reach and that the series would never be as acclaimed as Call of Duty took over. As I watched the live E3 announcement I was filled with hope as a new decade of Halo games came into the light. For months I waited impatiently to play the new Halo title. I loved Halo 1 and I couldn't wait to see it in HD. Finally the day arrived. After a long day of school and an agonizing ride to the local Gamestop, I held the game in my hands. I brought it to my dad's apartment, turned on the Xbox and blasted my way through the Pillar of Autumn and across the surface of installation 04. I would have played all night if school hadn't directly followed. Though quickly the game grew old to me. Something ive noticed about Halo titles is that they have an amazing amount of replayability, but get old if over played. The game itself broke down into two features. One was the rebooted Halo 1 campaign, and the other was a map pack for Halo Reach. The games renewing quality was its reduced price tag of $40. Thus making Anniversary what Halo 3 ODST wanted to be. Overall a worthwhile purchase if all its aspects are to be respected. -Assassins Creed Revelations: I very specifically was not interested in this title. Why? Because the Assassins Creed Franchise is a buzzkill. I could have easily rented this title at the local Redbox for a mere $2 a night, played it and given it back. But no. I didn't. Why? Because the franchise is story driven by the previous title and hits a cliffhanger at the end of every game. Id have to play 1, 2 and brotherhood just to understand the plot prior to the game. I might as well just google the entire plot. Plus the gameplay is repetative. Jump off building, kill guy. Jump off building, kill guy. Jump off building, kill two guys. See my point? -Saints Row The Third: Its a ruder Grand Theft Auto clone. Enough said........ -Super Mario 3D Land: Back in November, I had been given the opportunity to hang out at the local gamestop while my mom was busy. As usual I took note of the various titles avaliable, asked some questions to the clerk and played some demos avalible. Notably the new Mario title. As with every Nintendo console, a Mario title is paired up to boost sales. With nothing better to do, I approached to sample 3DS (you know the one nailed to the wall) and played through the first level. Rarely do I enjoy a game the first time a play it. Usually the controls become a hastile and I dread my first experience. But the controls came naturally to me. The level was simple and fun and I honestly enjoys playing through it. When I finally buy my 3DS, Mario is one of the first titles I will buy. -Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword: There are not bad Zelda games, there are ones that dissapoint slightly or have frustrating features, but all the titles are quality titles worth their cost. I am not personally a zelda fan, but I have tremendous respect for the franchise and its fans. Skyward Sword is definitly a notworthy title. The game cronologically takes place before Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask. The game however is vastly different in style from previous zelda titles and may alienate some fans. Overall the game is praised for its quality and story. I applaud Nintendo for ending the Wii's Lifespan with such a wonderful title and look forward to seeing what titles they have in store for the Wii U in terms of Zelda. -Mariokart 7 (3DS): Since the Nintendo 64, every Nintendo console has to have a mariokart game. They are fun, simple and bring in the bucks for our friends in Japan. Mariokart brings the same style of racing Nintendo characters to the 3DS and is worth the cost. -Just Dance 3: either you play motion sensitive games or you don't. If you like them and music games, then youll like it. If you don't, then you won't like it. Simple as that. -Star Wars: The Old Republic: A star wars MMO, not an original concept but definitly a profitable one. Following the success of Knights of the Old Republic and the huge following for MMOs like World of Warcraft, Lucasarts and Bioware came together to produce The Old Republic, allowing fans to make their own epic journey in the star wars universe. However the game is plagued with issues. Notably the fact that all players are forced into a waiting room upon signing into a server until enough room opens for them.
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carcharadroid · 7 years
I want to be excited for the Nintendo Switch but Nintento’s kiiiiiiiiiiiinda shit when it comes to their consoles. There’s always an unneeded gimmick that takes away from the overall enjoyment of the game. The Wii’s motion control thing was garbage and the Wii U was only alright when they weren’t constantly making you look between the TV screen and the one attached to the big clunky ass controller. I can count the number of games exclusive to those consoles I liked on one hand.
It’s sad because I love Nintendo and their IPs and I really want to be all aboard the hype machine but legit, the Nintendo console I’ve had the most fun with is the frickin 3DS.
But we’ll see where it goes. I hope the Switch is alright and has good exclusive titles that give me a reason to want one.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce II Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Science meets magic (Disclaimer! I own nothing of Xenoblade Chronicles!) Ok let’s recap. I just got rejected by the hottest girl in my class because she was dating Chuck Qwark, the captain of the Paintball team. Most people call him ‘Chargin Chuck’ cause of his charge move. Meanwhile my friends say they have a mission for me and then trick me. Apparently they forced me to take a day off from studying just to enjoy myself and relax. So here I am stuck here in the festival. May as well enjoy myself while I can. I was walking around and seeing people enjoying themselves. The good thing about this is, no Chuck to mess with me. Something caught my eye. Someone was doing a magic show. “Guys and girls, girls and guys, gather around and feast your eyes,” she said. “What’s goin’ on here?” I asked myself. I saw this girl with a wand. “Thank you,” she said, “For my next trick I’d like a volunteer.” All the boys were trying to get her attention. She saw me in the crowd and reached her hand out to me. I took it and she brought me to the stage. “Hold this,” she said. She gave me a hat. She then got a ball. “For my next trick, I will transform this ball into something magical,” she said. She tossed the ball into my hat and used a magic spell. The ball turned into magical doves. “Whoa,” I said. The magician bowed and I joined her. I suddenly had another vision. Something was about to fall and hit the magician. The vision stopped and I noticed sparks coming from the sign. Someone sabotaged it to make it fall. Acting quickly I pushed the magician out the way and used my digital headband to make hands to catch the sign. People were amazed at what I did. “I should probably put this back,” I said. I placed it back where it was. “Thank you,” she said. She got out her cellphone and called one of the teachers. “Hi its Kitty,” she said, “I think we’ll need more security around here.” She was talking to the teacher and I was just looking at her. “Gosh, she’s quite the showmen,” I said. “Ok, bye,” said Kitty. She hung up. She came over to me and I acted natural. “Thank you,” she said, “For saving me from the falling sign,” she said. “Oh, no problem,” I said, “Are you alright?” “Just a few problems but I’m ok,” she said, “Thanks again.” “Your name’s Kitty isn’t it?” I asked, “I overheard your name was Kitty, I haven’t hear that…. Well I have cause it’s the cat… but not that I hang around cat stores or anything like that.” She laughed. “You’re funny,” she said. “Really?” I asked. “Of course you are,” she said. “I’m Morrison,” I said as I shook my hand, “Michael Morrison.” “Kitty,” said Kitty as she blushed, “But…. You already knew that.” There was a moment of silence. “Sooooo are you doing anything right now?” she asked. “Not really, just sproutin’,” I said. “Well wanna hang?” she asked. “Uh, how tall is your boyfriend?” I asked. “I’m single,” she said. “Sure,” I said. We spent the night walking around the festival. I won Kitty a prize from the water game. She returned the favor and I got a glowing sword. We then went to the Ferris wheel. I was actually having the time of my life and it was more fun than studying. Later the festival started to close. “Thanks again for hanging out with me Michael,” said Kitty, “You’re a pretty swell guy.” “Thanks,” I said, “So, same time tomorrow?” “Most definitely,” she said. She went away and winked at me. (To the 4th wall) Scene Change. I pushed the scene and went to the main lobby with my friends. “So how did the tests go?” asked Anela. “I still aced the test and didn’t miss a single question!” I said. “What’d I tell you?” asked Bryan, “You needed that day off.” “I guess you’re right,” I said, “Plus I met this girl who happens to be a magician.” “Wow,” said Micah, “A magician.” “Maybe Mr. Stephens was right,” I said, “Maybe I should take some days off more often.” “You bet your ass you should,” said Ej winking. “Bryan, he said a bad language word,” said Anela. “How much people did you tell about this?” asked Bryan. “Enough people to make it a vine,” I said. I was heading to my locker to get some stuff when I heard chuck talking with Taffy. “Just walk away Michael,” I told myself, “Don’t get involved.” “Get back here,” he said noticing me. “Not today Chuck,” I said ignoring him. “Hey,” he said, “When I’m talking to you, you listen.” “I said not today,” I said. He got in my way. “I decide when the day is that I mess with you, and I say today is the day,” he said. I scoffed and walked away. “Do not walk away from Chuck Qwark!!” he said. He accidentally stepped on Taffy’s skateboard. “Oh shit,” I said. “Dude… you broke my skateboard,” she said. “Baby I…” he said. “Its ok, I’ll just live with it,” she said. I walked away and saw someone familiar. “Kitty?” I asked. She turned and saw me. “Hey, it’s the digital man,” said Kitty. “Huh?” I asked. “Your digital headband,” she said. “Oh yeah,” I said, “I wear it to keep my dreads out of my hair.” “If you wore a hat, people would think you were doing real magic,” said Kitty, “Speaking of magic, have you read today’s article from Paranormal Activity?” “Does everyone read that?” I asked. “It turns out that someone used magic to fight off a hoard of monsters that were invading a small town,” said Kitty, “She was accompanied by who people call the ‘safe kid’.” I got a good look at her. “That is the strangest wand I’ve seen in my life,” I said. (Ok you all have to have gotten that reference). I suddenly had a vision of Chuck about to pound the hell out of me. I dodged his fist. “Think you’re hot don’t you asshole?” he asked. “Chuck it was just an accident,” said Taffy. “My fists breaking his teeth is the accident,” he said. “I don’t wanna fight you Chuck,” I said. “I wouldn’t wanna fight me neither,” he said. There was a crowd. He punched me and I dodged it. He then did an uppercut and I did a back flip. “Someone help him!” said Anela. One of Chuck’s friends tried to tackle me and I did a jump. “Ok,” said Chuck. He did a barrage of punches and I dodged each one of them. I grabbed his arm and then punched him back and he fell. The crowd cheered for me. “Jesus, Morrison you are an asshole,” said Chuck’s friend. “Michael, that was spectacular,” said Denise.”Now you’re gonna get it!” said Chuck. But the principal stopped him. “My office,” he said, “Now.” I spent the next few days hanging around Kitty since she goes to my school and such. One day I was heading back home to visit my mom. I cut on the lights and everyone jumped out saying, “Surprise!” “What’s going on?” I asked. “Oh, Michael its your birthday,” said my mom, “Whether you wanna remember it or not.” I smiled. “Another year older huh kid,” said Bryan. Maddi gave me a hug. “A grabby one aren’t you Maddi,” I said. I gave Anela some punch. I then saw my Uncle Chris. “Hey Mike,” he said, “What’s up?” He gave me a noogie. “Hey Uncle Chris,” I said. “Let me get a good look at you,” he said, “It seems like almost yesterday when you were a toddler, now you’re turning `14 years old.” Anela heard and spat out her drink. “MICHAEL, YOU’RE 14?!!” she asked surprised. “Yeah, you didn’t know?” I asked. “But…. But I’m only 13 and 2 quarters,” she said, “You…. You’re older than me?!” “But you’re taller than me,” I said. “Who cares?” asked Micah, “Let’s just have some fun.” The party was a blast, and I got to spend more time with Kitty. “Wow, thanks Annie,” I said. She brought me an expansion pack for my Wii u. Kitty was doing a magic show for me, yet my uncle didn’t approve for some reason.  After the party I said bye to my mom and put all my new stuff in Bryan’s car. I was back at the lab doing some work. “Ok, thanks, bye,” said Anela. “Who was that?” I asked. “One of the guys I work at the store with,” said Anela, “He’s a cutesy.” I snickered. “Cutesy,” I said. “I wanna ask him out, but my friend Cara Lynn makes it weird,” said Anela, “I love her and all, but she picks the weirdest of times to get all frickin crazy.” “When the time comes just act,” I said, “You don’t have forever to wait, doll.” “What did I say about calling me doll?” asked Anela. “I’m kidding,” I said, “But what’ll you do if one of your boyfriends calls you doll?” “I wouldn’t let him call me toots, let alone doll,” said Anela, “Anyways why are we talking about my relationships? What’s going on between you and Kit-Kat?” “Kit-Kat?” I asked, “Don’t tell me. Ej?” “Yep,” said Anela. “Nothing’s goin’ on between us,” I said. She grinned at me. “You like her,” said Anela. “No I don’t,” I said. She looked at me. “Ok yes, I have a huge crush on Kitty,” I said. Kitty came into the room. “Hey guys,” she said. “Oooh, look at the time, I have to go do some homework,” said Anela. “Are you doing anything tomorrow?” asked Kitty. “Not exactly,” I said. “Come with me tomorrow, you’ll be in for a real treat.”
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