#frankie morales oneshots
Real Love, Baby
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pairing: frankie morales x plus size!fem!reader
rating: F (talks of body image issues/insecurities/maybe a kiss of inner angst bc i’m self-soothing here, but mostly just Frankie wooing us)
wc: ~1k
frankie masterlist
Growing up curvier than all of your friends had somehow brainwashed you into believing romance had a weight limit on it. Even into adulthood, you found yourself perpetually single, watching and playing wingman to your friends who, by the grace of genetics, seemed to always have a line of suitors waiting for their shot only to be turned down.
While you admired and adored your friends for knowing that their league was far above some random dude in a bar, you couldn’t help the slight twist of jealousy blossom in your stomach every time they shooed another suitor away, simply because you couldn’t even remember the last time a man tried to talk to you in a bar.
It wasn’t the attention you wanted—hell, it wasn’t even the men that you yearned for. You simply longed to feel like all of the other girls, to experience the things they experienced, to be desired by someone without being fetishized. To live the life that every “conventionally” attractive woman got to live, one full of experience and romance and heartbreak.
It wasn’t any surprise that when the day finally came, you were severely unprepared, and truthfully, a little rude.
“Hey,” a voice sounded from behind you as you stood at the bar, watching your friend’s purses as they danced the night away with a man they’d just met that night. Expecting the usual, you sighed and pointed at the seat beside you.
“Look, if you want to talk to one of my friends, you’re gonna have to do that yourself,” you said, hardly even looking at the man who’d found his seat beside you.
“What?” he chuckled, though genuine confusion was thick in his tone.
You brought your eyes to his finally and sighed at how handsome he was. Why is it that you always find yourself attracted to the kind of men that look like they would have bullied you in middle school?
“My friend—“ you started, but the furrow in his brow cut you off. “What?”
“I didn’t come over here to talk to your friend,” he explained with a chuckle. “I came to try and talk to you.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that fell from your lips at his words, but the confusion written all over his face silenced your amusement.
“Sorry, I just—“ You shook your head and looked down at your drink, swirling the black straw inside of it around the glass. “I can’t remember the last time someone tried to talk to me in a bar.”
“Me either,” he said, offering a friendly smile that instantly made you feel safe with him even when you knew nothing about him at all. Holding his hand out to you, he introduced himself. “I’m Frankie.”
You slid your hand into his and shook it, smiling shyly as you gave him your name.
“So, Frankie,” you spoke through your fluster. “What brings you out tonight?”
“My friends,” he replied, swiveling on the barstool to point across the room at a table of muscly, masculine men who began to whistle the minute you turned to look at them. “Sorry about them. They collectively share one brain cell.”
“Ah,” you nodded and smiled again. “What about you?”
“I’ve got at least five, I think,” he said, flashing that winning grin of his. “I don’t wanna sound like a creep or anything—“
“Oh no,” you winced, making him laugh.
“No, nothing too creepy, I promise. I just,” he sucked in a breath of courage and suddenly looked endearingly boyish to you. “I’ve just seen you around a few times before, but I’m not the best at this whole…flirting thing so I never came over.”
You feel your cheeks heat at his admission.
“What finally gave you the courage?” you asked, attempting to play things cool just like your friends always did.
“My friend Pope said that if I didn’t come talk to you, he would,” he said. Turning around again, you smirked as you looked at the men who’d gone back to their conversation.
“Which one’s Pope?” you asked.
“The short one,” he said dryly, earning a laugh.
“Pretty cute,” you teased, smiling as you watched Frankie roll his eyes.
“He’s loud. He snores. He’s got shit grammar—“ Another laugh. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d connected with a stranger like this, so quickly and naturally. “I’m saving you a headache, really.”
“Well, thank you,” you grinned. “I hate loud snorers with shit grammar.”
“Oh yeah? What do you like, then?” He was really going for it now, even pulling out the casual eye drop to your lips tactic that you’d seen so many men pull on your friends before. Only now, it was working.
“I like…” You bit your lip as your eyes bounced across his features. “Brown eyes,” he nodded as though to check it off the list. “A beard,” another nod. “But mostly, I just like a man who can make me laugh.”
“Sounds like you just stumbled upon the man of your dreams,” he grinned.
“You stumbled upon me, dream boy.” Frankie laughed and nodded in agreement.
“Is there any way we can stumble upon each other again?” he asked, that nervous smile finding its way back onto his face. “Maybe for brunch?”
“A man who eats brunch,” you fawned, making a show out of fanning yourself off. “I’d be a fool to say no.”
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“Hey,” you smiled as you approached the patio table in front of the breakfast spot Frankie had picked out for your brunch date, finding him already seated and nervously bouncing his knee.
“Hey!” he chimed, a wave of relief washing away his nervousness as he stood to hug you and pull out your chair. “Thought maybe you’d changed your mind.”
“Definitely not,” you chuckled, sitting down and scooting yourself closer to the table as he resumed his seat in front of you. “Just had to give myself a pep talk in the car that forced me to run a little late.”
“Why on earth did you think you needed a pep talk to come and see me? A guy?” he laughed, his brown eyes meeting yours.
“Because you’re a very handsome guy and I’m…” You shrugged, not wanting to voice the insecurities that sat like a weight in the pit of your chest.
“You’re what? Way out of my fucking league?” he asked with a half-smirk.
“I haven’t heard that before,” you replied honestly, lifting your glass of water to take a sip.
“Well, that really fucking sucks, because you are out of my league,” he said sincerely. “Out of every guy’s league.”
“What a line,” you playfully rolled your eyes.
“It’s not a line,” he promised. “I think you’re beautiful, and on top of that, you’re really fucking witty and quick.”
“Thanks,” you blushed and swirled your straw around your cup. “Not used to being complimented this much.”
“Well, if you decide to keep me around, I’d like to try and get you used to that.”
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Five Years Later
“Jesus,” you groaned, leaning into Frankie’s side as the two of you walked into that bar where you first met, the room filled with younger people that made you question your spot here. “Are we old?”
“I’ve been old for a while, baby,” he joked, placing his hand on the small of your back as you weaved your way through the crowd to the table where Frankie’s friends sat.
“There they are,” cheered Pope.
“Aw, the newlyweds make an appearance!” Benny added with a teasing smirk.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have,” you quipped, watching Frankie pull your seat out before sitting down. “We need to find a spot to drink with people our own age.”
“Hey,” Benny said. “Just because all of you are old and settled down doesn’t mean I am. I still need to find my princess.”
“You’re going to find your ‘princess’ in a sports bar?” his brother, Will, teased.
“Frankie did,” he argued.
“And to think,” Pope mused, playfully throwing his arm across your shoulder to hug you into his side. “What could have been if Frankie never got the courage to talk to you.”
Frankie, sitting on your other side, swatted his friend’s arm off of you before pulling your chair closer to his.
“Thankfully, we’ll never know,” he said, leaning over to kiss your shoulder. “I’ve got her locked down now.”
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astrid-sorensen · 1 year
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Francisco “Catfish” Morales
✧ Haven ⸻ ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ ⁺ ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ
Joel Miller
✧ Like it was
Part I
✧ Did I hurt you? ⸻ ʰᵘʳᵗ ⁺ ᶜᵒᵐᶠᵒʳᵗ
✧ If wanting was enough ⸻ ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ ⁺ ˢᵐᵘᵗ
✧ Healing you ⸻ ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ ⁺ ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ
✧ Hurt like this ⸻ ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ ⁺ ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ
✧ Immaturity ⸻ ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ ⁺ ˢᵐᵘᵗ
✧ Desirous ⸻ ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ ⁺ ˢᵐᵘᵗ
✧ The Farmhouse ⸻ ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗ ⁺ ˢᵐᵘᵗ
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dinsdjrn · 1 year
the parts we rearrange | f. morales | 1.5k
frankie "catfish" morales x f!reader
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summary: Frankie is a father first, and this past year has been anything but easy. [wc: 1.5k]
tags: 18+, mature themes, fluff, maternal abandonment, brief mention of infertility, FLUFFFFFF, just frankie being a dad, not edited
a/n: first frankie fic! for a fluffy frankie friday! pls be kind, comments and rbs are SOOOOOO appreciated.
my masterlist
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You and Frankie had been together for about a year and a half now. You understood his worst parts and forgave him for the invisible scars he carried. It wasn’t an easy love, but it was well worth it at the end of the day. 
Eight months ago, everything changed. On a Sunday morning, just like today, a knock at Frankie’s door flipped his world upside down. His ex Gabrielle, was there to drop off their daughter Ana for a week with Frankie. You would make yourself sparse because it was what Gabi wanted, and next Sunday, Ana would go back with Gabi for two weeks. Except this time Gabi never came back.
All she left little five year old Ana with was an apology letter to Frankie. The details didn’t matter, but Gabi couldn’t do it anymore. She was done being a parent, leaving Frankie to completely change his life around. 
At first, you didn’t know if he was going to be able to do it. Frankie completely broke down, terrified of being a full time parent. He had spent the last four years co-parenting as a single father, and even that wore him down on good days. He loved Ana more than anything, she was the centre of his universe. He knew he had to step up to the plate, and with the support of you Pope and the Miller brothers, he got his shit together. 
It delayed a lot of plans you had with one another, and put a strain on your relationship. At the end of the day you knew Ana came first and you didn’t blame her, but you did find it hard to cancel vacations and delay moving in together. 
What made up for all the cancelled plans, was the light Ana brought into your life.
The way she would get excited when you promised you’d sleepover at Frankie’s. How she would fall asleep on the couch tucked between you and her father. The mornings where she’d have endless energy for a kitchen dance party. It was the relationship you wanted that Gabi was too insecure to let you have. 
You weren’t sure you ever wanted kids, infertility ran in your family and you didn’t want to set yourself up for heartbreak. Somehow, you found something so much better though, you found Frankie and Ana. And that was enough. 
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You knew this would be hard weekend for the two of them. It would be their first Mother’s day without Gabi. Ana knew she wasn’t around anymore but she still didn’t completely understand why. 
“Dad when is mom coming back? I want her to play dress up with me!”
“Mi bebe,” he would sigh. “Mama just needs to be alone for a while, why don’t we play tea party instead?” 
Sometimes redirecting her would work, sometimes she would thrash and cry and ask for her mom. It would break Frankie’s heart and all you could do was watch. 
You woke up Sunday to soft kisses being placed over your shoulder. You hadn’t planned on staying the night last night, but after Frankie put Ana to bed he needed you. 
He needed you to be there for him, to make him forget the heartbreak the morning would bring. To love him, hold him, and make sure he would feel supported the next morning. 
You were in just his t-shirt as he lavished you in soft kisses as the morning light streamed through the curtains.
“Thank you for staying last night, hermosa.” 
“Mm, of course Frankie,” you turned to face him in bed, intertwining your legs, and gently kissing him. 
You kissed him soft and slow, as you lips moved against one another you felt him physically relax. 
“I don’t know if I can do it,” he whispered, “She made a craft at school, and yet has no one to give it to.” 
You ran your fingers through his hair and kissed him delicately on the forehead. 
“It’ll be okay Frankie, let’s just make her pancakes and take things as they come. She’s a smart kid and she’ll be okay.” 
“Mi amor,” he kissed you gently. “Gracias.” 
As if on cue you heard Ana get up and go to the bathroom, signalling it was time to start the day. It’s likely today will be long and emotionally exhausting but you will get through it together. 
As you went to the bathroom, you heard a shriek of joy from down the hall. As you walked into the kitchen you smiled at the scene; Ana was on Frankies hip and they were singing their favourite song from Moana while they collected all the pancake ingredients. 
“You ready for Morales world famous pancakes, kiddo?” You asked.
She sang your name along side a “Good morning!” And ran to give you a hug. 
“Good morning to you!” You sang back, Frankie smiling at the two of you from the kitchen. 
It warmed his heart to see how Ana took to you. You had endless conversations around whether or not Gabi would eventually be okay with you being in her life. Most of which would end with a “She will warm up to the idea eventually!” From Frankie. 
“Dad, is Mama coming today?” Ana asked. 
Frankie looked at her sadly, longing in his eyes for the day she would understand. 
“No angel, Mama still needs to be alone?” 
“Do you think she’s ever coming back?” Ana looked up and asked you with the world in her eyes. 
You looked at Frankie for guidance, not sure how to proceed. 
He came over to the two of you and crouched to her level. 
“I don’t know, mi amor, but you’ve got us,” He said softly. 
You crouched too, to wrap her in a hug. She would probably never fully understand why her mom left, not for a long time at least. In that moment you vowed to be there for her, help her on her hardest days, and be the person she needed when Frankie wouldn’t understand. 
“I made something for you at school,” She smiled up at you. 
“Oh, that’s so sweet,” You smiled at her. 
“Mama would have been mad if I had given it to you, but I want you to have it,” You could see the conflict she was facing. 
“Go grab it! It’s alright,” Frankie said, tickling her sides as she went earning another big squeal from Ana. 
She ran to her backpack at the door, you looked at Frankie and he just shrugged. This was a surprise for both of you. 
Ana came running back with a craft that was mess of pink yellow and orange construction paper. 
She held it out to you. You took it in. 
It was a Mother’s Day Card, made for you. Your name on it and everything. 
‘Happy Mother’s Day! I love you!!’ 
She had hand drawn a flower and a picture of you two holding hands on the inside. Your heart melted in your chest and you brought your free hand to your eyes to wipe away your tears. 
“Is it okay?” She asked the world in her eyes. 
“It is more than okay,” you crouched to meet her. “I love it and I love you.”
You grabbed and pulled her into a large bear hug and rocking her back and forth. You didn’t see it but you knew Frankie had the biggest smile on his face, and was probably also a bit teary eyed. 
When you pulled away she ran over to her father. 
“Well, I don’t think I’ve been this happy in a long time,” you said. 
“Me either, Mama,” Frankie smiled at you. 
“Can we have pancakes now?” Ana groaned, the moment coming and going as quickly as possible. 
“Well, if we are going to have Mother’s Day breakfast, we are going to do it right!” Frankie announced. 
“You,” he pointed at you, “Back to bed! And you,” pointing to Ana, “And I are going to make the best breakfast in bed you’ve ever seen!” 
So you took your card and went back into bed. You snapped a quick photo and texted it to Pope. He was thrilled that Ana had taken such a big step in your relationship. 
You settled into bed reading a bit of your book as you listened to pans rattling in the kitchen, Disney songs on full blast. Not long after you heard someone running down the hall. The door swung open and Ana jumped onto the bed next to you. 
“Happy Mother’s Day!” She said giving you the biggest hug she could muster. 
Frankie walked in shortly after carrying a breakfast tray; it had pancakes, yogurt, granola, orange juice and coffee. 
“Thank you!” You exclaimed. 
The flowers you had bought earlier that week were wrapped in newspaper on the tray. You smiled at the “present” sure that Ana said you needed one and Frankie grabbed the first thing he could find. 
You all sat together eating breakfast in bed, stealing kisses from Frankie while Ana would cringe. The day you were so anxious about ended up being one of the best days in your relationship, finally feeling like you and Frankie were a family. It was a beautiful thing to be loved, and Frankie and Ana made sure you never forgot it. 
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no tags bc its not a joel one :) but if you want to be on my main taglist for all the things let me know!
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
Omfg congrats on the 2222! I’m sure many more to come!
Alright , hear me out. This idea consumed my brain the entire weekend.
AU Stripper!Frankie
I know, kinda out of character for him, but I can’t help it.
I recently « stumble » upon Magic Men of Australia on tik tok and instantly my mind went to Frankie.
Reader could be at his show and he chose her to come up on stage … after that , you write what you want .
What do you think Cee ?
Sweet anon - I am saving the best for last! Ngl, I might have drooled several times while writing stripper!Frankie. I might also have blacked out when I first saw your ask, thank you for sending in this delicious request. I hope you enjoy this cheeky oneshot, because 1.4k does not count as a drabble 😂 This reminds me of my dearest LJ's @prolix-yuy SW!Frankie universe, do go read it if you haven't yet!
Frankie Morales x stripper AU
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Fuck Yeah 2222 Sleepover micro drabble request | 1460 words (sorry) | warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption, bachelorette party (mis)behaviour, mentions of food
Okay, this is definitely not your scene.
The said scene being a rowdy bachelorette party in an intimate, soundproofed room draped in plush dark velvet and deep-seated sofas, disco lights pulsing in time with the booming bass that shakes your bones. 
And oh, and there’s a half-naked stripper gyrating to the music. Obviously.
Not that he doesn’t look good doing it. He absolutely does, and not in that chiselled, perfectly sculpted way you imagined all strippers would look like. He’s hot in a realistic way, if that makes sense - his arms are strong, his chest is broad and firm, but there’s just a touch of softness to his tummy that makes him human. 
It’s been a long, long time since you’ve seen a naked man. Heck, who are you kidding, when was the last time you even saw a topless man?
But he might as well be completely starkers. The shorts he’s wearing are glorified panties, paper thin, and they do nothing to conceal the fact that he’s hung. You can see the whole business, front and back. For someone as well packed as he is between the legs, his behind is endearingly flat, but mercifully, it doesn’t seem to compromise his balance in any way.
The lean muscles in his arms flex and roll when he locks his hands behind his head, thighs bulging with corded muscle as he plants his feet, and then he thrusts - his bulge swinging heavily, defying gravity. 
He’s got to be half-hard, at least. There’s no way he’s that big standing at ease, so to speak. 
Of course, the girls are going wild. They’re screaming and hyperventilating, Cosmpolitans sloshing over manicured nails and staining their dresses as they throw dollar bills at him. He obliges, crawling onto the couch on all fours so that they can tuck the cash into the waistband of his shorts, copping a feel as they do.
Frankie doesn’t mind it. He plays along, grabbing the bride-to-be’s wrist after she smacks him on the ass, shoving her back into the couch before clambering over her. Getting onto his knees, he dances right in her face, grinning when she squeals and reaches around his waist to grab both his ass cheeks as he rolls his hips.
His eyes slide over to you, sitting a polite distance away as the other girls crowd around him, getting close and personal, not wanting to miss out on the action.
You, on the other hand, look like you’d rather be curled up in the far corner with a book and a warm drink. But he can tell that you’re trying your best, sipping away at your cocktail (with an endearing wince that you try to hide when you swallow), and bobbing to the music even though you’re clearly feeling out of place around your more outgoing friends.
Being the quiet one out of the guys, he gravitates towards your energy. 
Frankie always makes sure all of his customers have a good time in his session and that no one is left out, but he also wants you to be comfortable. Quietening his hips, he hops off the couch, taking two steps towards you, watching as your eyes widen, as if you want to bolt.
One corner of his lips inching upwards, he unfurls his fingers towards you, and the smile widens when you fit your smaller hand in the heart of his palm with a shy one of your own. Pulling you gently onto your feet, he surprises you with a firm tug next, spinning you around with your back to his chest. 
You smell sweet, like shampoo and soap. Not letting go of your hand, he puts his other one on your hip, and you instantly stiffen when your friends screech in excitement, obviously not used to being the centre of attention. 
Hooking his chin on your shoulder, he sways you to the music, his hips snug against yours. He feels you inhale sharply when his breath skims your skin, the shiver that goes through you unmistakable. He revels in your reaction, far more real and intimate than your friends’ drunken wandering hands. 
You slowly thaw in his arms, the tension easing out of your shoulders where the straps of your pretty dress sit, and he knows that you don’t mean to tease when the swell of your ass brushes his front, bolder as you move your hips to the beat.
When the song draws to a close far too soon, he turns you around, wrapping one arm around your waist to dip you backwards. You let go of his hand to grasp the back of his neck on reflex, and he takes the opportunity to glide one palm up the smooth expanse of your leg, before hitching it around his waist.
He sees more than hears the whimper that slips past your lips, and he may or may not be half-hard when he presses his hips between your thighs.
As your friends holler and wolf-whistle around you, he holds your gaze, not missing how your pupils blow wide in the flashing lights.
Then you duck your head, and he lets you go, the bride-to-be demanding his attention.
You happily fade into the background again, but he catches the way your knees buckle when you wobble on your heels back to the sofa.
You’re fucking adorable. 
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The guys are tallying the tips for the bookkeeper in the break room when Pope comes in with a phone in his hand. ‘Fish, one of your customers left this behind. Do you know whose it is?’
Tapping on the lock screen - he sucks in a breath when you appear, posing with a big golden retriever. Your face is turned up into the sun, eyes closed in mid-laugh as the dog licks you on your cheek.
With a grunt, Frankie gets on his feet, a dull ache in the small of his back, which always happens when he thrusts a bit too vigorously. Tucking the phone safely in his pocket, he grabs his jacket and strides out, not seeing the guys looking curiously after him as he tosses over his shoulder, ‘Send me her address, Pope, I’ll drop it off.’
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You jump when your laptop wakes up with a shrill ringtone. Clicking the green button, your best friend’s voice comes through the speakers. 
‘Hon, the strip club just called. You left your phone there.’
With a groan, your palm meets your forehead in a smack. ‘Oh shit, it always happens when I drink! Should I go pick it up, or -’
‘Don’t worry, I gave them your address.’
‘Wait, what? You gave them my address?’
‘Relax, they’re strippers, not serial killers.’
You shift your feet nervously. ‘Do you know who’s coming?’
‘The one who danced for us today, you lucky bitch.’
Your heart almost leaps out of your mouth as you panic. ‘What the - but I’ve taken off all my make up and I’m not wearing a bra, and I got fucking chili on the stove -’
Your doorbell rings, and you whisper, ‘Shit, he’s here!’
‘Say hi to the hottie for me, babe! Night!’
Padding on bare feet towards the door, you take a deep breath, and reach for the knob.
Warm brown eyes meet yours, but not before they dart over your wet hair and pyjamas. You cross your arms self-consciously, knowing that he must have caught a glimpse of your nipples under your thin sleep shirt.
He smiles, handing you the phone. ‘Glad I caught you before you went to bed.’
Jesus H. Christ. It really is a blessing that you didn’t know what he sounded like when he had his clothes off - 
You barely manage to squeak, your cheeks heating up. ‘Thanks so much for bringing it by, it was so clumsy of me.’
He shrugs easily, his gray tshirt bunching with the movement. ‘Happens. You’ll be surprised what people leave behind.’
‘What?’ you prompt, curiosity piqued.
‘I don’t strip and tell,’ he winks. ‘I’m Frankie, by the way.’
A handshake seems redundant after your close encounter earlier, so you give him your name and a smile. You admit, ‘I almost didn’t recognize you.’
He taps the beak of his cap. ‘It’s the hat.’
‘I like you better with clothes on,’ you blurt out impulsively, the alcohol still running thick through your veins.
He chuckles. ‘You might be the only one.’
He glances over your shoulder, breathing in the smell of simmering beef mince and tomatoes. ‘Are you cooking chili?’
You bite your lip. ‘Guilty. Case of midnight munchies.’
‘It smells delicious,’ he compliments you, lingering by the doorway and making no move to leave.
Emboldened, you ask, ‘Do you want some? I made way too much, as usaul.’
He grins, and it goes straight to your head. ‘I’d love to.’
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pedroscurls · 1 year
Hold My Hand
Character(s): Frankie “Catfish” Morales , Reader (female, second person POV) Summary: For years, you have been in love with Frankie. Everyone else saw it, except him, and you never had the courage to tell him how you truly felt. Instead, you stuck by his side even when it hurt. And after Colombia, he hadn’t been the same. You knew he had demons (being a veteran and all), but this... This was different. Would Frankie finally open his eyes and realize that the woman he was meant to be with had been right in front of him all along? Word Count: 6,653 Author's Note: This is my first time writing this character, so if I’m a bit off, please let me know and give me some feedback! Anyway, I have been obsessed with Frankie and it might very well be my favorite character that Pedro has ever played. I hope you all enjoy this story. Enjoy and happy reading! (also this story may or may not be very loosely inspired by my own relationship with my partner). Warning: Mentions of death, killing, violence.
(song: Hold My Hand by Lady Gaga)
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Present day
Francisco “Catfish” Morales. The man who had your heart. The man who you would do anything for. The man who had absolutely no clue how you felt. You had met Frankie and the rest of his group of friends five years ago and since then, you had always been by his side. 
You had seen him at his worst, at his best, even when he had proposed to, gotten married to, and had a child with his now ex-wife. Through it all, you pushed aside your love for him because you didn’t want to ruin such a great friendship you had with the man. After all, Frankie was your best friend. 
But now? Now, there was just something different about him. After his so-called “boys trip” with Will, Santiago, Benny, and Tom, he had been different. When you tried to pry out some information from the other men, no one gave you any details. They all stuck to the same story. You had thought asking Benny would be the way to go, but even he was tight-lipped, which made you wonder what this boys trip really was. 
The men had always come by where you worked (a hole-in-the-wall bar nearby a military base, which meant most of your patrons were either active duty or retired veterans). They always came by Wednesday night, every week, the same table, the same drinks, the same food. Their routine hadn’t changed, until the boys trip. Their weekly get-togethers became less frequent and you hadn’t seen Tom in so long. Even when you hung out with Frankie, all he wanted to talk about was how your life was going and his son, Mateo. While you didn’t mind, you missed him, missed the way he would smile and a dimple on the right side of his cheek would appear, missed the way his laughter would fill your heart, causing you to laugh too. 
“Hey, you there?” Frankie asked from over the phone, pulling you from your thoughts.
“What? Yeah, sorry. Got a lot on my mind.”
“Hm,” was all he said. “Are you working today?” 
“Like always. Are you and the guys coming?”
“Oh, is it Wednesday?” 
You could tell his mind was elsewhere. He was distracted. Frankie had noticed that his sense of time was all over the place, probably because he barely got any sleep these days. 
“Last I checked, yeah.” You bit your lower lip. “Still having trouble sleeping?” 
Frankie huffed. “I’ll be fine.”
“You keep saying that.”
“I’m managing.”
“Are you though?”
You could hear Frankie curse under his breath, which probably wasn’t a good idea on his end since he was holding the phone so close to his mouth. “Listen, I gotta go.”
“Wait,” you sighed. “I’m sorry if I pushed. I just–”
“Don’t worry about it.” 
“Gotta go.”
Before you could even object, he had already hung up the phone. You sighed and tucked your phone back into your pocket, standing from the table to head back to work. You hoped that you would see him today, see the rest of the guys actually. 
Five years ago
You had been working at the bar for a little over six months, moving to a new state for a new start. It was tough in the beginning, but you had come to enjoy the adventure that it brought. You had broken up with your long-term boyfriend after realizing that he hadn’t wanted to settle down, have kids– ultimately, you both just wanted different things. It hurt in the beginning, but the distance helped. Being in a new city where no one knew you alleviated most of the emotions you had felt when the breakup first happened. 
And the bar you had been working at was always a fun time. The men and women that came in were either active duty or retired veterans. While there had been a few mishaps that happened with some of the patrons, most of the time, it was calm, quiet, and even respectful. 
One Wednesday night, however, changed your entire life. Five men entered the quiet bar, deciding to occupy a table at the corner of the bar. You were taken aback. They were all so good looking in their own respective ways, but one man… One man in particular caught your attention immediately. 
“So, y’all coming to watch me fight this Friday or what?” Benny grinned, running a hand through his dark and dirty blonde locks. He was cute, had this boyish attractiveness to him and he definitely looked younger than the rest of the group. 
The other blonde-haired man looked over at Benny. Must be his brother, you thought. There were obvious resemblances, but you couldn’t help but notice how this one was a bit older, quieter, more reserved. “Yeah, we’ll be there, Ben.”
There was another man who spoke up and you noticed him standing from his chair. You immediately went back to focusing on cleaning the counter of the bar, trying to act like you weren’t just staring and eavesdropping. He was handsome, alluring, his salt and pepper beard neatly trimmed. He was definitely clean cut, walking towards the bar with a sense of confidence that you found sexy. 
“Um, excuse me?” He called out. “Can we get five beers?”
“Oh, sure. Of course. Keep the tab open or close out?”
The man glanced over his shoulder, looking at his friends with a smile. “Yeah, let’s keep it open.” He handed you his card and you took it without hesitation, turning your back to him to swipe his card. 
“You new here?” You heard him ask. 
After ringing up the drinks, you turned back to him and handed him his card. Then, you grabbed five glasses to fill with beer. 
“Yeah, but bartending has been something I’ve always done. Even back home,” you replied with a smile. 
“Oh, so this isn’t home?” 
You shook your head. He was friendly, easy to talk to, and it helped that he was also nice to look at. “California’s home.” 
“So, why Florida? Weather’s kind of the same, lots of beaches…”
“Relationship ended.” You said, handing him the glasses. “But I’m happier here.” 
“Well, I’m Santiago. You can call me Santi, or Pope,” he smiled. “If you ever need a tour guide, I’d be happy to be of service.”
You blushed, glancing over his shoulder to the table with his friends. They were watching you, but you couldn’t help but find yourself staring a bit longer at the man with a cap. 
“Pope?” You said with a smile. 
“It’s my callsign,” he replied. “Was in the service.”
You nodded in understanding. “Makes sense. Bar near a military base.” You smiled, telling him your name. “By the way, your friends are staring a bit too hard over in this direction.”
Santiago looked over his shoulder and chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. “Probably jealous I got to talk to you first.” 
“Ah, I see. This was all part of your plan, come over here, sweet talk the bartender?” 
He laughed quietly, glancing over at you. “Damn, you caught me.”
Looking over his shoulder again, your eyes met the man who was wearing a hat. You could tell that his dark curls were sticking out from underneath and he had this mysterious way about him. He seemed as reserved as the older, blonde-haired man, but you felt a pull towards him. Just something about him. 
“You wanna meet ‘em?” Santiago asked. “My friends, I mean.”
“Oh, you know…” You cleared your throat. “It’s fine. I don’t want to impose and–”
“Nonsense,” he smiled. “Guys!” He called over his shoulder, waving them over. Almost immediately, the remaining four stood from their seats and walked over to the counter of the bar. As the man with the hat came closer, you felt your heart beat faster, your cheeks slowly become hot, and all of a sudden, you were now looking at five good looking men. 
“This is Will,” Santiago said. Older, dark blonde-haired man.
“Benny, his younger brother.” You were right. They were brothers. 
“Tom.” Santiago pointed to the man with dark hair, his beard also tinged with gray. He was the only one wearing a wedding ring, but he had this permanent scowl that you found to be a bit intimidating.
“And this,” Pope said, wrapping an arm around the man with the hat. “This is Frankie.”
He removed his hat, running a hand through his curls and he looked at you with such soft eyes, big, and brown that had you captivated instantly. He gave you a small smile and you noticed the dimple on his right cheek, right underneath the patchiness of his beard. 
“Nice to meet you guys,” you said, trying not to act too obvious that you were obviously more interested in one man. 
“She’s new to Florida. I figure we can show her around.” Santiago said, handing each man a glass. “You know, show her not the touristy areas.” 
“Santi,” Frankie mumbled.
“What?” he replied. 
Benny grinned. “That sounds like fun. I’m in. I’ve got a fight this Friday, you should come.”
You glanced over at Benny, watching him take a swig of his beer. He was leaning against the counter of the bar, flashing you a smile that felt welcoming and inviting. 
“A fight?” You asked.
“MMA,” Will responded. 
Your eyes widened, a small grin slowly appearing on your lips. “MMA? I’m in.”
Santiago arched his brow. “Are you a fan?”
“Huge fan,” you nodded. “Brings back a lot of memories with my grandpa.”
“Sounds like a good man with taste,” Benny chuckled. “Here.” He grabbed a napkin and a pen from over the bar and wrote down the details: the time and location. You looked down at the napkin and smiled, pocketing it into the front of your pants.
“I’ll be there.”
Benny smiled. Tom, on the other hand, was the one who interrupted the conversation by saying, “guys, we should probably head back, let the girl do her job.”
You cleared your throat, nodding in agreement. “It was great meeting you guys. If you need a refill, just let me know.” You turned your attention once the door to the bar opened, noticing two men entering and taking a seat at one end of the bar. You excused yourself, walking over to them to take their orders. 
“She’s nice,” Santiago said, following the guys to the table. “You think she’s really gonna show up on Friday?”
Frankie shrugged. “I’m willing to bet she was just being nice. You know, customer service and all of that.”
Benny rolled his eyes. “Seemed like genuine interest to me.”
“Will, back me up here,” Frankie added.
Will shrugged. “I don’t know, Fish,” he chuckled. “Hard to argue when her interest in the sport seemed very sincere.”
Tom didn’t respond, just sipping from his beer.
“What’s the big deal, Fish?” Santiago asked. “She’s nice, she’s new to the area. Seems to me like she needs some friends.”
Frankie didn’t respond. He glanced over in your direction, taking note of how your smile lit up the entire room. There was something he hadn’t felt before, right in the pit of his stomach as he watched you move from behind the bar, making the drinks for the other patrons that had come in. 
“You got a crush, Fish?” Benny teased, letting out a quiet chuckle. 
“What?” Frankie whipped his head towards the younger man, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest. “Just distracted, is all.”
“She is single,” Santiago grinned. “And she didn’t show me much interest.”
“You tried hitting on her?” Frankie asked, feeling a sudden sense of protectiveness wash over him. He hadn’t even said anything to you, just a simple wave when Santiago introduced you, but there was a pull he found himself fighting. He didn’t even know you, yet he wanted to… It had been a long time since he had shown any interest in anyone. 
“I wasn’t hitting on her, Fish, jesus.” Santiago sighed. “I was just being nice, that’s all.”
“You’re wound up tight,” Tom chimed in. “And you didn’t even say anything to her. Next round, you should go up there and order for us.”
Frankie shook his head. “I’m good.”
The rest of the men chugged their beers, looking over at Frankie with smirks written on their lips. “We’d like another, Fish,” Benny grinned.
“Hey, I still have mine to drink,” he replied. 
“Easy fix,” Benny smiled, reaching for Frankie’s drink and downing the contents. “Now, go on.”
Frankie rolled his eyes. “You guys are assholes.”
The remaining four men erupted in a fit of laughter. When Frankie stood up, he straightened out his shirt and removed his hat to fix his hair before placing the cap back on top of his head. He exchanged a look with Santiago, noticing how the other man maintained a knowing smirk on his lips. 
“Dale,” Santiago whispered. “Go.” 
Frankie took a deep breath and walked over in your direction. He didn’t know why he was nervous, but when you turned to face him, a smile on your face, he felt himself suddenly relax.
“Frankie,” you smiled. “You guys went through those fast.”
Frankie shrugged, biting his lower lip as he nodded. “Yeah, can we get another?”
“Of course. On the same card?”
“Yeah, same card. Drinks are on Santi tonight.” 
“You guys seem like a tight knit group,” you noticed, grabbing five glasses and one by one, filling the contents. You still maintained conversation, looking up at him. “Lots of history there?” 
Frankie nodded, taking a seat at the bar across from you. “We all served together.”
“Ah, so all of you are retired veterans?” 
“That’s right,” he replied. “Santiago mentioned earlier that you’re new here?”
You smiled to yourself. Frankie was listening. “I am, yeah.”
“Where are you from originally?”
“What’s wrong with California?” he smiled, feeling himself begin to relax as he continued to talk to you.
Frankie arched his brow. “Ah. Bad breakup?” 
“Something like that.” You set the glasses on the counter of the bar in front of him, looking up at him. He was staring at you, his eyes piercing through you as everything around you seemed to disappear. All you could notice, could see, was him. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “You okay?” 
Ugh, he’s sweet. Your heart raced even further. You barely knew this man and here he was, showing genuine concern over your wellbeing. “Yeah, it was my decision. We wanted different things, wasted a lot of my years being unhappy, so moving to Florida without much of a plan seemed like a good idea.”
“And is it?” Frankie asked. “A good idea?”
“So far? It’s been challenging, but just what I needed.”
He smiled at that. Frankie liked the fact that you seemed so motivated, determined to make something of your life. You had noticed that life in California was no longer serving you and while plenty of people would have settled for the sake of being afraid of change, here you were, jumping feet first into the unknown. He liked it. 
“This might be too forward, but–”
“I was thinking–”
Both of you let out a quiet laugh, looking into each other’s eyes. 
“You go ahead,” Frankie said. 
You smiled. Since moving to Florida, you had stepped out of your comfort zone, doing things you had never thought you’d ever do. And this moment? You were going to take the first step and ask him for his number. 
“Can I get your number?” You asked quietly.
Frankie’s eyes slightly widened at that. He certainly wasn’t expecting that. In fact, he had thought that maybe you were interested in Santiago, Will, or Benny, but him? He didn’t see the appeal.
“Oh, um…” he began, hesitating.
You felt embarrassed, immediately shaking your head. “You know what, I don’t know what I was thinking. We barely know each other and–”
“I should probably get these beers to the guys,” he interrupted. Frankie didn’t know why he didn’t just give his number, maybe it was the fact that he had a lot of baggage that he didn’t want to share with anyone. This isn’t to say, though, that he wished he had the courage to just give it to you. 
“Right, sorry,” you sighed. “It was nice talking with you, Frankie.”
“Yeah, it was nice,” he smiled. “See you Friday?” 
You bit your lower lip, thinking back to Benny’s invitation for the fight night. You were a woman of your word and while you felt highly embarrassed, you still decided to go. “See you Friday.” 
And every Friday since meeting Frankie, Santiago, Will, Benny, and Tom, you had spent it with them, watching Benny fight. While the first conversation with Frankie had been awkward and embarrassing, every week your friendship blossomed and it had taken him three months to finally give you his number.
Three years later
You were spending Friday night with the guys again. For the past three years since meeting them, you had felt like you were now an honorary member of their group. Each of them had their own personality, differing from each other, but Frankie… Frankie was the one you were closest to. 
It was easy when it came to talking to him. He made you laugh, made you smile, and his efforts to always try to cheer you up when you had a bad day was welcoming, inviting, and it had been a long time since you had felt this way. 
But for three years, you were in denial of the feelings you had for him. Everyone in the group, however, noticed it long before you had. The way you and Frankie would hang out (just the two of you), the inside jokes you two shared, the look of longing you had whenever you were with him. It wasn’t until when something unexpectedly happened that it opened your eyes to the reality of your friendship with him. 
You were in love with this man, in love with Frankie. 
It was a Friday night. As usual, you and the rest of the guys were sitting in the front row, waiting for Benny to walk out to the cage. He had been on a winning streak lately and you were all so excited of the possibility that he may become something more than just an underground MMA fighter. 
Before Benny’s music came on, your phone rang. So, you excused yourself from the group and walked towards the back of the room where it was less quiet. Frankie had looked over his shoulder to watch you, both of you locking eyes. He let a smile line his lips and you nodded in his direction, letting him know that you were okay. 
But the moment you heard your mother’s voice on the other end, your smile faltered and tears instantly pricked your eyes. 
“Grandpa’s – He’s gone,” you heard your mom say. “It was a heart attack. We need you to come home, baby.”
“But… I just talked to him a couple of days ago. He said he was fine, he sounded fine, he –”
“Come home,” your mom repeated, hearing her sniffle on the other end. 
“Okay, mom. I’ll – I’ll figure it out. I’ll see you soon. I love you.”
Once you got off the phone with your mom, you wiped your tears away and walked back towards the group. This was one fight night that you would have to miss and you knew Benny would understand. 
“Hey, Benny’s about to –”
“I can’t stay,” you replied to Santiago. 
“Is everything okay?” You heard Frankie ask. His brows were furrowed together and his eyes had softened a great deal. 
“N – No,” you whispered, tears slowly falling from your eyes. “My grandpa… He died and I just have to get home. I have to book a flight and pack and–” 
All of the guys knew how close you were to your grandpa. So without hesitation, they all understood, all muttered their condolences. But it was Frankie that had taken that extra step. He reached for you and pulled you into a tight hug, his strong arms wrapping around your frame. Resting your head against his chest, you let yourself cry, despite the loud crowd erupting in cheers when Benny walked out. 
“Let me take you,” Frankie said. “I can fly you to California.” 
“Fish,” Santiago said. “I think that’s a good idea.”
“You guys should leave tonight. Benny will understand. We’ll let him know after his fight,” Will said, his hand rubbing your back comfortingly. 
“Go,” Santiago said. 
“Frankie, I can’t –”
“It’s not up for debate. I’m taking you.” He pulled back, looking down at you once more with those soft eyes. It was in that moment you felt your heart skip a beat; the way he was looking at you and the way he was willing to drop everything to make sure you got home… You loved this man. 
You grabbed your things while Frankie said goodbye to the rest of the guys. Santiago pulled him in for a hug and you saw him whisper something in Frankie’s ear, which caused the other man to nod once he pulled away. After he said his goodbyes, you hugged each and every one of them. They all held you tighter and longer than normal and you felt like you could have broken down all over again. 
Santiago pulled back to look at you, cupping your cheeks and wiping your tears away with a swift motion of his thumbs. Everyone felt like your big brother. Everyone except Frankie. 
“Call us when you get there, okay?” 
You nodded. “I’m sorry I can’t stay and–”
“Stop,” he said with a small smile. “Frankie will take care of you.”
“I know,” you replied. “I just–”
“You be there for family,” Santiago interrupted. “And we’ll be here, waiting for you to come back.”
“I love you guys,” you whispered, your voice shaky and tears threatening to spill over again. 
Santiago smiled and kissed your forehead before letting you go. You turned around and noticed Frankie with his arms crossed over his chest, waiting patiently, but that look of concern was permanent on his features. Once you both left the building, he brought you over to his car and before he could unlock it, Frankie grabbed your hand and pulled you to him. 
“It’s gonna be okay,” he whispered. 
You nodded, your arms wrapping around him tightly. Being in his arms like this felt normal, felt like you belonged there. The feeling he gave you was nothing like you ever experienced before.
It was a couple of hours into the flight when Frankie spoke. He had been focused on piloting the small plane that he hadn’t checked in to see how you were doing. 
“So, I was thinking I can get a hotel once we get to California.”
“What?” You asked, looking over at him. “You don’t need to do that.”
“I wanna be there for you,” he said, glancing over at you. “Besides, how else are you gonna get back to Florida?”
“Hm, maybe just buy a plane ticket and –”
Frankie shook his head. “And spend all that money when you got a pilot as a friend?”
You sighed. “Are you sure?”
“Positive.” He reached out to rest a hand over yours. “We look out for each other, you know? Make sure that the other person is okay.” 
“Thank you,” you said, biting your lower lip. This wasn’t the first time he had rested a hand over yours, but this was the first time that you felt the love you had for him. 
“Do you wanna meet my family?” You asked hesitantly. 
Frankie squeezed your hand before letting it go to rest it back onto the steering of the plane. “Is that gonna be okay?”
“I have talked about you and the guys, so you won’t be a complete stranger.”
Frankie smiled. “Hm, you’ve been talking about us, huh? What have you been saying?”
Despite the circumstances, Frankie managed to make you smile. “It’s a secret.” 
Frankie didn’t push any further. He just gave you a single nod before turning his focus ahead of him. You didn’t know if you were ready to get back home, especially now that your grandpa wasn’t going to be there to welcome you. It hurt to know that the man who had always been there for you was now gone. He was a big part of your life and it just didn’t seem real that he wasn’t going to be here anymore. 
Later that night after you got to California, Frankie had gotten a rental car to drive you to your childhood home. You had been quiet the entire drive, aside from the quiet sniffles he heard. Once again, he reached over for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Hey,” he said quietly. “You’ve been quiet. Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”
You shrugged, keeping your eyes and attention out the window as you watched the houses pass as he continued to drive. “I’m just gonna miss him, that’s all…”
Frankie sighed. He never was good at talking about emotions or feelings, that was more up Will’s alley, but seeing you like this when you were usually always so positive, hurt and he wasn’t sure why he was feeling this way. Maybe because you were just a really good friend, but even after plenty of talks with the guys and especially Santiago, he had started to wonder if there was something more to this friendship. 
And as he continued to drive, all he could hear was Santiago’s voice before you and Frankie left. 
“You take care of her,” Santiago whispered, keeping his hold on Frankie as they remained in a hug. “She’s gonna need you.”
“I’m serious, Fish. Be there for her.”
“I will,” Frankie nodded.
“That woman loves you so much,” he chuckled, pulling away. “I don’t even think she realizes it.”
“She loves all of us, man.”
“Yeah, but not in the way that she loves you.”
Frankie glanced over at you once he pulled up to your childhood home. He put the car in park and couldn’t help but notice that you hadn’t even looked in his direction the entire drive. He wasn’t sure if what Santiago said was true, but he knew that he couldn’t cross that boundary with you, and he certainly wasn’t going to take a chance on something that was possibly far from the truth. 
“Hey,” he said quietly. “I’ll be right here with you, okay?” 
When you finally turned to look at him, Frankie noticed your eyes were red and your lips were the opposite of what he was used to. You weren’t smiling. You weren’t happy. You were grieving and Frankie didn’t know how to handle that. 
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
“I’m staying.” 
“There’s gonna be a lot of people crying.”
Frankie shrugged. “It’ll be fine.” He didn’t want to admit to you that death had been something he had gotten used to. Being in the military, he had seen his fair share of dead bodies, had lost plenty of friends along the way, and he had become numb to it. “Come on…” 
You nodded and climbed out of the car. Once Frankie was standing in front of you, you immediately wrapped your arms around him, crying into his chest as he held you. He didn’t like seeing you like this, didn’t enjoy the feeling in the pit of his stomach that gave him a clear understanding that his feelings for you were not just something a friend would feel towards another. This was different. 
And throughout the weekend, Frankie had become part of your family almost instantly. Despite the constant crying from your other family members and especially from you, he had been your anchor, keeping you grounded. He had met your parents, met your grandma, and it almost felt like he belonged here, with you. 
“Grandpa would have loved him,” you heard your mom say, watching as Frankie and your grandma were talking with each other. 
“I think so too,” you replied. When your mom wrapped her arm around you, you leaned in almost immediately. “He’s great, the rest of the guys are.”
Your mom smiled, looking down at you and back towards Frankie and your grandma. Frankie had managed to make her laugh and while you weren’t sure what they were talking about, you found yourself so enamored with the way he was so gentle and so caring towards her. 
“You love him,” your mom said. 
“What?” You asked, shaking your head. “No way. He’s just a really good friend.”
“You’re lying to yourself, honey.”
“Mom,” you sighed. “We’ve known each other for three years, so of course we’re gonna get close and –”
“I’ve never seen you look at a man like that,” she said. “Not even with your previous relationship and I thought you were gonna marry the guy.”
You rolled your eyes. “Mom, Frankie’s just a friend. Besides, even if I did love him, I wouldn’t want to ruin our friendship.”
“But what if he loves you too?”
You arched a brow. “He doesn’t.” But that would certainly change things. “We’re just friends.”
“Sure,” she chuckled, kissing your temple. “If your grandpa was here, he’d tell you the same thing.”
“I miss him, a lot,” you whispered, tears stinging your eyes again. “Hard to believe that he isn’t here anymore.”
“I know,” she sighed. “I know.”
Frankie had glanced over in your direction, flashing you a small smile before he turned his attention back to your grandma. Your mom noticed this and smiled, gently nudging you. “He’s a good one.”
You nodded in agreement, “he is.” 
Once you had said goodbye to everyone, you and Frankie were making your way back to the airport. It had been a weekend filled with a lot of tears, but also plenty of laughter as you and your family reflected on the moments you had with your grandpa. It also helped to have Frankie with you and seeing how he so easily fit in with your family made you reflect on what your mom had said. 
“But what if he loves you too?”
Present day
You were anticipating the guys coming to the bar, like they always had, but every time the door opened and it wasn’t them, you were met with disappointment. You didn’t know when everything changed, but you did have an idea that it might have had to do with their “boys trip” to Colombia. 
Throughout the rest of your shift, neither guys had shown up. So, when you had clocked out and left the bar, you made a note to visit Santiago. If anyone would tell you what’s going on, it would be him. It was late, but you knew that the guys had trouble sleeping, the cause of it due to being in the military. 
After twenty minutes, you parked your car along the curb to see Frankie’s car in the driveway as well. Confused, you walked up to the front door and knocked on it twice. It wasn’t long before Santiago opened the door and a confused, yet surprised, look spread across his features.
“Santi,” you said. 
“You okay?” He asked. “It’s late and –”
“We gotta talk.”
“Now’s not a good time.”
Then, you heard Frankie’s voice. 
“I think now’s the perfect time.” 
Santiago sighed and nodded, opening the door even further to let you in. Once inside, you walked towards the living room to see the rest of the guys – not only Frankie – sitting at the couch. 
“Wow,” you said. “So, this is where you guys go now.”
Frankie cleared his throat. Will and Benny looked at each other before turning their attention to you.
“We were going to stop by, but–”
“I don’t care if you guys don’t come to the bar,” you sighed, interrupting Benny. “But what I do care about is why in the hell you guys are acting so differently.”
Santiago had entered the room, leaning against his bookshelf. He glanced at the rest of the guys and sighed. He had to speak first. 
“Nothing’s going on,” Santiago said. “We just – It’s been a year since Colombia and we all just wanted to talk about it.”
“Ah, your boys trip. Where’s Tom, then? I haven’t seen him.”
The guys shared a look. It was a sad one. A look of regret, of disappointment, of failure. 
“Okay, I get it. You don’t wanna share the details, that’s fine. I’m not going to pry, but I just –” you sighed, your eyes falling on Frankie as you continued. “I just care about you guys and want to make sure you’re all okay.” 
“We’re fine,” Will said. “It’ll be fine.”
“But –”
Benny shouted. He had been four drinks in and was definitely feeling the effects of alcohol. “You don’t know what we’ve been through, what we’ve seen, what we’ve had to do! So please,” he said, shaking his head. “Don’t act like you can fix us.”
You cleared your throat. You weren’t expecting that and you were about to say something before Frankie stood up. 
“Let’s talk outside.”
“No,” you shook your head. “I’m okay. I didn’t mean to come in here and act like I wanted to fix you guys, so I apologize if it seemed that way. I do care about you all and I just – You’ve always been there for me. I figure I should at least return the favor, especially when I can visibly see how much all of you are hurting.”
Will gently shoved Benny, shaking his head. “Don’t listen to him,” he replied. “He’s not – We’re not okay, but we will be.”
You always knew Will to be the honest one out of the group and you gave him a nod in appreciation. You glanced over at Santiago and Frankie, biting your lower lip. 
“I’m just gonna go.”
Santiago called your name with a quiet sigh. “Listen, if we could tell you, we would.”
“I know,” you whispered. You spared another glance at Frankie, watching him sit back down. “Have a good night. I’ll see myself out.”
You didn’t bother to wait for a response. Instead, you turned on your heel and left Santiago’s house, shutting the door quietly behind you. Once you were in your car, you felt tears threatening to fall from your eyes. You let out a shaky breath and pulled away from the curb, making your way back to your apartment. 
“You should go check up on her,” Will said to Frankie after you had left.
“Why me?”
Santiago and Will shared a look, but it was Benny that spoke up.
“Because she loves you, Fish.”
“No,” Frankie said. “If she loved me, why’d she let me get married?”
Santiago shook his head. “Idiota.”
“What?” Frankie asked. 
“That woman has been by your side since the moment we met her five years ago and you’re telling me that the love she has for all of us is the same love she has for you?” Will replied, quietly chuckling to himself. 
“She didn’t want to ruin your friendship,” Benny spoke up, grabbing his beer. “She didn’t want to ruin something because she never knew how you felt.” 
“And let’s be honest,” Santiago added. “You love her too.”
Frankie tightened his jaw. All of the guys were right and it pained him to realize that he had let his fears – and yours – get in the way of what could have possibly been something great. 
“She’s one of my best friends,” Frankie replied. “Of course I love her.”
“Maybe,” Santiago said. “But you love her more than that.” 
“Go get her, Fish.” Will added. 
“She’s not gonna wait forever.” Benny chimed in. 
“She waited five years and watched you marry someone else… There’s gonna come a time, Fish, where she realizes that it might be better to move on,” Santiago finished. “You really gonna let her get away?” 
Frankie glanced over at Santiago. All he could think about was the endless amount of times where you had been there for him and especially the time where he had flown you to California after your grandpa passed away. It was odd to him how easily he fit in with your family and how at home he felt. 
Even with his ex-wife, he hadn’t ever felt like that. 
But with you? With you, it was different. Frankie felt like he could be himself, like he didn’t have to constantly impress you (or your family). With you, Frankie could let his guard down and be absolutely vulnerable with you and he hadn’t realized how much that meant to him until now, five years later. 
“I’m gonna call an Uber,” Frankie finally spoke up. 
“Finally!” Benny laughed, a stark contrast of how he had just reacted when you were here. 
“Go get her,” Santiago smiled. 
“Atta boy,” Will said. 
You had changed into your pajamas, dressed in an oversized t-shirt and shorts. Your hair was put in a hair clip and you had finished heating up your leftover pizza when you heard a knock at your door. It was well after midnight and you carefully looked at the peephole to see who it might be, but when you saw Frankie standing on your porch, hat sitting on his wavy locks, hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans, you felt your heart leap at the sight of him.
Slowly opening the door, he raised his eyes to meet yours. 
“Hey,” he said. “Can I come in?”
“Sure,” you replied, opening the door even further for him to come in. Once he stepped inside, he removed his boots and glanced around your apartment, smelling the aroma of pizza. 
“Frankie –”
“Is that –”
Both of you let out a quiet chuckle. 
“You go first,” Frankie said. 
“What are you doing here?” 
Frankie sighed. “Honestly, I don’t know,” he let out a nervous chuckle. “On the ride here, I had an idea of what I was going to say to you, but now… Now I can’t remember.” 
“If it has anything to do about earlier with the guys, just know that I –”
“No,” he shook his head. “It isn’t about that. We – We have a lot of baggage and we all know you come from a place of love, but sometimes, we just don’t think we’re deserving of it.”
“Why did you let me get married?” He asked abruptly. 
“What?” You asked, biting your lower lip. “You were happy. Why wouldn’t I?”
Frankie stepped closer to you. There were plenty of times where he had been so close to you, but this time… This time was different. 
“But were you?”
“What are you implying, Frankie?” 
He reached out for you, his hand reaching up to gently cup your cheek. Frankie watched as you leaned against his touch, your eyes falling shut. 
“You have always been by my side,” he whispered, taking another step closer to you. Mere inches separated your bodies and his thumb gently caressed you. “No matter what, you were always there.”
You opened your eyes, looking up at him. “Because I care about you, about all of you guys.”
Frankie bit his lower lip nervously. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m sorry it took me so long.”
“Frankie…” you knew what he was referring to, what he was implying and as his thumb brushed along your lower lip, you let it part. 
Frankie didn’t reply, but instead leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. You melted into him, your arms immediately snaking around his neck as his arms wrapped your waist. He gently lifted you off the ground, moving his lips against yours. Pulling away after a few seconds, he set you back down your feet and looked into your eyes.
“I’m never letting you go.” 
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
Oh if you’re accepting requests would you do thigh riding with Santi? 😳🫣🫣 man has very rideable thighs…
16. thigh riding I| santi masterlist |I main masterlist
"Santiago," you speak his name lowly as he pulls you from the passenger seat of the car. It’s dark, the vehicle hidden in the blackness of the night in an attempt to evade detection during your surveillance of the building that the cartel had set up drugs-shop in. “We’re working-“
“There’s nothing to ‘surveil’, hasn’t been all night,” he mumbles, pulling you over the car’s console and setting you on one of his thighs. Santi looked agitated, frustration painting his under-eyes a tired blue-purple. Dead end after dead end wifh Lorea seemed to be pushing him to the limits of his patience. “I’d prefer to watch you get off on my thigh, Hermosa.”
Santi’s hands grip ahold of your hips now, dragging them across his thigh with ease. He flexes the muscle, tightening it up beneath your clit as he rolls your pelvis forward.
“Pope-“ you sigh, lips parting as he presses kisses to your throat. Santi’s stubble scratches up against your soft skin, making a soft scraping sound and leaving an almost staticky feeling behind.
He nips at the skin just beneath your earlobe, cruelly targeting the parts of you that he knows will get you riled up. Soon you don’t need his help, rocking your hips against his muscular thigh and gripping at his tshirt as arousal floods between your thighs.
“Pope,” a pointed voice sounds from the radio set on the dashboard of the car, causing you both to jump. Catfish. “You might want to cut the line.”
Santi smirks at that, seeing blush flood across your cheeks at the realisation that the boys could hear you.
“Let’s give ‘em a show.”
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harryleatherfit · 11 months
Cook Out 🪵
Frankie Morales Oneshot x F!Reader || 6.5K
you met Frankie at the restaurant you owned in town, always loved seeing the man that would eat made you feel good. eventually he got deployed- and things changed. now you’re living together, hosting a cook out for Frankie and his ex-marine friends, but eventually Benny says something that doesn’t go past your head.
warnings: PTSD, mentions of drug use, mentions of NA, mentions of war, mentions of deployment, mentions of body image/weight gain, (men being men), oral (f receiving), dildo use, squirting, over stimulation, clit slapping (if you squint), dick riding, nipple play, FLUFF, no use of a condom (pls like PLS use a condom, no babies too soon)
lmk if i’ve missed any THXX
Roses- George Taylor
D. D- The Weeknd
Work Song- Hozier
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Last year, you and Frankie hosted a cookout at your new house. It was an evening for all the ex guys in the marines to relax and share old memories together. Seeing Frankie happy was all you ever wanted, it meant the world to you, and this year that tradition continued.
You’ve been through thick and thin with him, always standing by his side after he got out the military, but in reality you needed each other both equally.
You had met him two months after opening your restaurant, just seeing each other around town. You’ve been together for 3 years now, you both didn’t feel a need to rush anything. You’ve both been married before and had pasts that didn’t need explaining, so time spent together now felt like you were making up years of dread.
You were so euphorically happy with Frankie, you hadn’t felt this free and safe in years. He brought life to you. After dredging through college, forcing yourself to seek a doctorate degree in culinary, you thought you loved it. It was easy to be with Rick through university and culinary school, but then things changed. Opening a restaurant in your busy town brought in business, but being the head chef brought a world of misery. You weren’t prepared to be in that headspace, and Rick left you for it. But out of it you met Frankie.
He would come in, always asking to see you, always asking for the person that made his food. And every single time it was you. It felt so fresh to be sought out after Rick. He kept you from the world, you could never do anything for yourself. You always had to explain yourself, but Frankie was new, and he made your heart jumpstart. You loved to see him come in every week, and soon enough it came to every day. You noticed how proud he was to be with his friends eating out, he was always the responsible one out of all of them. And more nights he came in alone, seeking you. Having meals togethers, having a few drinks together, him staying late and closing the restaurant with you.
Things lead to another, and you finally kissed him, you crossed a line that you thought you sealed off forever. You were still working horrible late nights, and he was still in the depths of the marines. The time apart killed you, but for him, he would do everything in his power not to lose you. You helped him stay clean. You helped him stay away from the one thing that if he touched, he would relapse. You became his drug. And he understood how bad it was to be in a relationship when you were trying to get sober, but you were good. And you made him good. You barely smoked, you had vowed to never touch a drug stronger than weed, and you took care of Frankie. You made sure his emotional and physical state was always 100% above all.
But of course, within months of seeing you, he was deployed. When he was off at night, across the world from you, he would call you during your day, just to hear that sweet voice of yours. Even with things so new with you both, you were his girl.
He hated the military, he hated what it did to him, to his friends, how it fucked with his head. He could never live properly again, and when things got really bad where he was, he confided into coke. It was on the downlow, buying it off of someone in this small village, he didn’t mean for it to turn into something large, but when he couldn’t talk to you, or video chat with you, it killed him. He didn’t want to do this anymore. He wanted to be home with you, he wanted to be in bed with you. The coke let him see you at night, he sniffed so many lines that he thought he heard your laugh with the howls of the night. The stars that you both saw in the sky would turn into your eyes, and they would lull his high brain to sleep. It was a daily cycle, until he got caught.
He was sent home, and you didn’t find out he was home until weeks after you saw his car in his driveway. You were upset with him, you were confused as to why he didn’t want to come see you. You were afraid you did something wrong, and after he got back this was his final hurrah.
Frankie being Frankie, he came into the restaurant almost black out drunk before you were closing, you forgot you gave him a key. He was slurring his words, but he was still always gentle with you.
You sat him in a chair, he was watching you clean your utensils and stock for the night. Make him stay put so you can focus without strangling him. Sit still, you drunk boy.
“I was dishon’rallbly discharged.” He laughs, but your jaw drops.
“B’fore I met you, I was in some bad shit darlin. I was usin, usin bad drugs to keep the military from fuckin me up.”
This immediately made you stop in your tracks, you made eye contact with him and set everything you were washing down. Drugs didn’t scare you, but still a serious topic. He was finally opening up to you and that scared him, realizing he was pushing you away.
“This fuckin deployment,” He hangs his head low, “Got dark, real quick.”
“And b’fore you sweetheart, I thought the meetings after my last deployment really helped, I thought I’d n’ver use again. But I was fuckin wrong.” He whimpers. You’ve never seen a man open up to you like this before.
“NA helped, I was sober for so long, n’meetin you made me never think ‘bout coke again.” He closed his eyes.
“But this trip, I used again.”
You go to him, dropping to your knees and weaving your hands with his.
“It made me see you at night when I was hearin bombs go off. I could hear that voice of yours. I never thought PTSD could get this bad.” His voice falters, all he could imagine at night was laying next to your warm body, entangled and never able to get out of bed.
“Oh Frankie.” You tear up, never realizing what the military could really do to someone.
“N’ one day I was caught, they took my flying license away, n’d I’m under suspension.” A tear slips down his face. “I didn't want to come home and tell you, but now I am. I’m a fuckin loser and you desreve better than me.”
“Frankie, please don’t say that.” You’re crying now, sitting on his lap, head in your arms, “I didn’t know how bad it was for you.”
Then from there on out, Frankie went to his trials, went to NA again. He was so serious about getting better. He got his license back after months of going to meetings, passing drug tests. You took this period to never smoke either. You both were clean from everything and you were helping him the most you could with working in the restaurant.
After a year, you told him you wanted to quit the restaurant, you were done being away from him. He was done with the military, only doing small construction jobs here and there with Benny and Pope.
“Hon, you can’t quit the restaurant, you could hire a chef, and co-own it maybe, but that spot will always be yours.” He always said that, always your spot. So that’s what you did. The restaurant was better than ever for the past couple years, after moving in with each other you both were more financially, emotionally, and physically stable than ever.
This year's cookout was going to be the best yet, civilian life looked good on all the guys, but Frankie had this pep in his step. He always told you he could've never imagined his life to be this way. Because of you, he wanted to live.
“Hey babe, the guys are gonna be here,” He checks his watch, “In about 30?, I'm gonna take a shower while you finish settin up.”
“Sounds good my love.” You walk to him at the doorway, “Tonight’s going to be so much fun. Family.” You smile, everyone here tonight is all family, all people that have taken care of you in Frankie.
“Family.” He kisses you and heads upstairs.
You had to finish setting up the tables outside, the lights, and dicing tomatoes for a cucumber, tomato and feta salad. Tom’s favorite.
Some days when the guys would come over, you could overhear them asking Frankie why he hadn't proposed yet, this never passed your mind, there was no rush.
You could imagine the long white dress, his tux, the flowers, possibly at the beach with trees around you. Or completely in the woods with fairy lights. Only the best people around you. Your younger sister giving a pep talk to Frankie, his family crushing you with hugs.
You adored his mom and dad, their marriage lasting for over 40 years. Still so in love and would never leave each other.
You never understood how people could keep their marriage so long, never defying each other, no cheating, never hiding anything behind each other's back.
In reality, not every relationship will be perfect, but you seriously thought that Frankie is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.
Sometimes, if you overheard them asking Frankie, he would always respond with, “It’s too soon,” or “It might scare her away,” “I don’t think she wants marriage again.”
You never brought it up to him, because marriage is a soul bonding title and you didn't want him to know you’ve overheard him. It was cliche this day in age, but that is what ties humans together forever.
You would bring it up again someday, maybe when you both were tired and talking to an abyss at night before dozing off to sleep, or maybe at a nice restaurant when it’s about to close and you’re talking about the meaning of life again.
No topic could ever be closed off with him.
You finish the decorations and food, going upstairs to change into a summer sundress. It was way too hot to stay in sweats for the night, you didn’t need to look nice for anyone tonight but a little riot for Frankie would always do the trick. You slip on your meshy light blue dress and you pass the master bathroom.
You could hear Frankie drying off, sniffing his summer cologne, always so fresh on him. The door was slightly cracked, you caught a glimpse of him in the mirror. His towel hung so low on his body and he was looking down at his phone. You studied him, how tall he was, how he crossed his legs, how his figure always fucking turned you on. His damp hair dripping, drying into small curls under his ears.
“See something you like, naughty girl?” He looks at you through the mirror.
You shake your head, “Oh nothing, sorry Frankie.” You didn’t want to intrude on his time.
He smiles, setting his phone down, egging you on through the mirror, “Don’t be sorry princessa, come in.” He drops his towel, keeping eye contact with you. You could feel the steam of the room seep through the house, not daring to look below his waist.
“I can’t, you know we can't, it's too close to all of them coming.”
“Your loss my love.” He was hard. Ready to take you against the counter, but you had guests to serve. You couldn’t have the guys waiting for you downstairs, listening while Frankie fucks you silly, but the idea doesn’t pass your head for a second. You watch him get dressed and you feel like you’re drooling all over the floor.
“The door rang honey, better keep those eyes to yourself tonight.” His voice lulls you away.
You rush down the stairs, opening the door to Tom and Benny.
“Ahhhhh darlin we’ve been dyin to see you again!” Tom crashes you with a hug, Benny joining, “I brought some wine for later.” Benny says, “Hon, how's the restaurant?”
“It’s good, it’s always so busy now, but I spend my time with that old man now.”
Frankie walks down the stairs hugging the guys and greeting them. Santi and Will come in with more guys you’ve met from over the years. You set out the appetizers, got the bluetooth speaker and filled the cooler with some beers. The backyard was starting to get pretty packed, but you had your own little corner tucked away on a hammock, you were in the middle of a really good sci-fi book, good enough to pass the time before these old farts wanted burgers.
You were happy to see Frankie talking to all his friends, filling each other in over the past year, new girlfriends, how everyone's kids were.
When guys would ask about you, in your peripheral you could see Frankie would always look towards you. Always making sure you were safe. The sun felt so good on your skin, laying back in the hammock, your hair free, basking in the older rock music. Enclosing on the clinks of beer bottles, the hint of cigarette smoke. You loved summer.
“Hey babe, I can fire up the grill but the guys are hungry.” You open your eyes and see the most beautiful man in the world, Frankies face covering the sun for you, tiny sweat droplets formulating under his chin. He got so tan during the summer, and he slipped on linen pants with a white tank top.
“Ok I’ll get the bread.” He helps you get out of your spot without falling, walking through the grass to avoid scorching pavement, all the guys were looking at you. You could hear Santi yelling, “Fish, how'd you get a woman like her?” And the rest of the guys cheered. Frankie shook his head, smiling and holding hands with you.
You get the orders of all the guys, firing up the grill and cooking them all, Frankie getting up to help you when it got too hot for you. Always a team, but he knew his place in the kitchen, you were the chef but he never failed to help you.
You finished all the burgers, you cleaned up and finally got to sit down and eat yours, small talk amongst the guys, talking about a new show on Max. You felt Frankie leave for a second and come back with more food.
“Damn Fish, you’re a beast these days.” Benny pokes him.
“The military had a good way of keepin me in shape I guess.” You can see the defeat in his eyes, not knowing what to say.
“I can see that, you’re fluffin up big guy. Better stay thin for your goddess over there.” Frankie gets up with Benny and they fool around, as always.
“Hey let the man eat, he’s been waitin to have been fed this well, hell we all have been.” Tom chimes.
Benny and Fish settle down, Frankie sitting down next to you again, “What can I say, I’m with the best cook I’ve ever met, I was bound to fatten up at some point. Womens keepin me hostage.” He holds you closer to him.
���I am not, liar.” You snicker, “I didn’t know my food was that good Mr. Morales. To keep you held hostage.” You kiss him, not caring if the guys see, “And no matter what you look like, I’ll always love you for you Frankie.”
“See that’s real love you guys, you all can fuck off.” Benny wails.
You held Frankie tight for the rest of the night, you wanted to talk to him after everyone left, you didn't want Bennys comments to linger in Frankies brain for too long. Frankies body was unique to himself, and no matter fucking what, no matter his weight, no matter if he was bloated, no matter if he had water retention or his face was puffy, why would you fucking care? It took you so long to be happy with your body, you didn’t care about what you looked like anymore.
Of course you upkept your hygiene and personal care, but a fucking number for your body didn’t matter anymore, no human will look the same so why the hell should that contribute to your happiness?
You were sitting upright white Frankie laid back into your lap, playing around with his curls, and you could see a little bit of his soft stomach peeking through under his shirt, but if you could in front of all these guys and pounce the living hell out of him you would.
His skin against the color of his clothes, the arms intertwined with yours, his veins bulging for air.
“Anyone wanna set off some fireworks for this lovely night? I got some in the back of my truck.” Tom surveys.
For a split second you can see the panic in Frankies face, you feel his heartbeat pick up and then you can see the face on all of the guys.
Frankies breath picked up and you looked down to him, giving a minor nod to no, help me get out of this.
“Sorry Tom, our HOA said no fireworks in the streets with such high foliage, I have some sparklers in the house?”
“Ah no worries sweet thing, it was worth a shot, but next time we're all together we should go to an open field and set them off.” The guys agree and you soak in that Frankie is already better.
You couldn’t imagine what the sight and sound fireworks would have done to Frankie.
His panic at just hearing the word set you off, and you couldn’t have let him go through that, and the other worried guys too.
Military just rubs off differently on some people.
“Alright well we all should get out of your guys hair, we’ve been here for quite some time.” Will gets up, grabbing his keys, “Thank you sweetheart for the amazing food as always.”
“Thank you for the salad!” Tom yells.
“Thank you man, for always keepin up with us.” Santi hugs Fish, then you.
“Wouldn’t change it for the world, love you guys. Text me about that house and the details so I can get the right tools.”
“Alright man, be safe, love you guys.”
Frankie closes the door and it’s just you guys now. The sun is low and the clouds are orange, the lighting in the living room peaceful. The backyard needed to be cleaned but both of you knew that wasn’t going to happen. You walk closer to him, hugging against the door. Dying to share his breath.
“Did you have fun?” You ask.
“The most fun in the world, but you wanna know why?”
“Because you were there,” He grabs your face, he kisses you deeply and lingers, “Because all these memories would make me go crazy if you weren’t there.”
“You’d be able to make it without me hotstuff, I promise you would.” You peer into his eyes, inviting him in for more.
“No, I wouldn’t be anyone without you, I wouldn’t be the man I am without you, smart girl. You’re the one that I owe my life to.”
Feverishly you crash your lips to his, never ever able to stop. How could you stop with him? You knew each other's limits, you knew each other's sensitive topics, you knew about each other's lives. You were it for each other, that was final. And you were so fucking happy.
“Take me upstairs Frankie, please.”
He cups your legs, so strong and his body so capable to lift you. You were so happy you almost cried. He meant the entire world to you, and you couldn’t express in words how much he means to you.
“Should we clean up first? All the sweat and outside smell?” He asks, stumbling up the stairs.
“Is that your way of asking me to get naked, Frankie Morales?”
He mutters shyly, “I’d suppose so, pretty girl.”
You agree with a kiss, him closing the door to the bathroom to keep the steam in, setting you down and turning the faucet on. He stands up and turns behind you, moving your hands away from your zipper. His fingers follow the seam of your dress, sliding it down to your feet and helping you step out. He holds his hands out for you to step without falling, heart beating faster every second.
You’ve had sex before but this was irrevocably different.
You turn and find the bottom of his shirt, lifting it above his head, then admiring his body. His skin tone against yours. The hair dipping down into his pants. His shoulders so big you could fall asleep on them.
His soft body matches yours in indescribable ways. Tonight you were going to make love to his body, his heart, his soul. He is your home.
You dip your thumbs into his beige billowy pants, bringing them down to his feet, holding your hands out for him. Leaving you guys in your underwear. Staring at each other. At the same time, you undress yourselves, completely bare in front of the other, vulnerable.
He draws in his breath, “You're beautiful baby, my girl.” His hands linger on your hips, looking you up and down, goosebump following where his thick fingers graze. The hair on your mound brushing against his stomach. He steps into the tub, bringing you with him. The tub was big enough for the both of you to have your own sides. It was a beautiful quartz porcelain, perfect for tonight, perfect for forever. You settled against each other, decompressing in the water, falling in beat with each other's breathing.
“Thank you, about the fireworks thing today darlin. He brought it up and I froze and I couldn’t even speak.” He pauses, “It was like I could hear it all in my head again, and I couldn’t feel you.”
You snuggle into the crook of his neck, “Frankie, I will try to protect you with all my heart, my love. I will do whatever it takes to make you feel safe.” You graze your lips along the ridges of his neck. He took some shampoo and started to rub it into your hair, not quite touching where you wanted just yet. He was goofing around messing with your hair, rubbing circles on your shoulders, lathering leave-in conditioner for the both of you.
He grabbed the soap bar and started to rub it all over, your thighs, your boobs, your inner thighs, your hips, stomach. Bringing water up to wash the bubbles away.
His gentility always reminded you how much he needed this. He needs to take a step out of reality and focus on himself, not the standards of society. He was still healing.
Knowing his body was behind yours, his arms cupping your stomach, his legs outside yours. The heat of the water was making his body more soft, you were melting into him. You couldn’t deny the growth you felt near your ass.
“Someone’s excited.” You make eye contact with him.
“M’sorry, you feel so good, this feels so good. It’s really needed sweetheart.” He groans.
You tremble against his bulge, moaning for his body. He rests his hands under your boobs, hitching them to your nipples. Pulling at them, trickling water over them to pull at your peaks.
You hiss, “Try that again and we won’t be in here for much longer.”
“Mi amour, we’ll be fucking everywhere in this house for the entire night.”
“You think you’ll get to fuck me for that long? You think you can last the whole night, old man?”
Instantly he picks you up in the water, letting it drip to the bottom. He grabs a towel with his teeth, and you watch the flexing of his arms hold your body against his chest. He wraps it around you, widening the door to your bedroom.
He drops you on the bed. You could hear him rummaging around in your night stand for something, not caring what it was. Falling to his knees on the floor, kissing up to your thighs, massaging the back of your legs, bending them over his back, spreading you open for him. You weren’t shy to be open in front of him, it was natural at this point. The heat inside your entrance was causing you to drip instantaneously. Inviting him in for more.
He took one long stript to your sopping pussy, bracing yourself on the impact of his tongue. You were hungry, you needed him inside you now.
“Gonna be the death of me, yeah princesa? You were waitin for this all day huh? Watching me in the mirror, wearing that dress. You know that dress makes me fuck you silly.”
You can already feel yourself clamping around nothing, practically edging you with his words.
“What? Should’ve had my brains fucked earlier, or now?” You caution.
“Little tiger doesn’t know what she’s asking.” He tuts, you could feel the heat of his breath on your lips, begging for him to come inside, “If you take your eyes off me while I eat my pussy for dessert, you get to go sleep in this soft fluffy bed, and I’ll sleep in the living room, and then no cuming tonight.” He brushes his nose on your mound, unraveling you by the second.
“How can that possibly be an agreement?” You whine.
“It just is.” He spits on your clit, watching it slip down to your glistening entrance.
He encloses on your nub, nipping on it like fucking maniac. You immediately threw your hands to his head, grabbing his hair for support.
“Make it hurt.” He growls, “Use me.”
You yell louder than you could bare, so happy you bought a singular home and not an apartment. His tongue breached your entrance, falling in and out at the speed of light. When the fuck did he learn to do that?
“More, give me more Frankie, faster- it feels- so so good.” You were chanting his name as a prayer, you’d go to hell if that meant you could feel his tongue inside you forever.
He drops his hand under the bed, letting go of your legs, grabbing something. You hear a buzz start and your heart drops.
“You like that sound babygirl? Pussy so wet for me, love watching you twitch.” Your body fills with waves, anticipating his touch and the toy he grabbed, “Keep those legs open for me, yeah. Just like that, my good pretty girl.”
When you started dating, you both talked about sex, how you liked it. He tested your limits with you, he watched your body fill to its extent, he loved finding this different world with you. Mixing sex and love together, made you feel things you thought was never true. You were scared he wouldn’t like a woman that craved sex this passionately, but he matched your speed. He understood you on a micro length. Sex with love meant everything to him, and you never had to explain that. He always took care of you, every action he made benefitted the both of you.
Eventually he started using toys, using his old military ropes with you, you even bought him a cock ring, just to torture him some longer.
Now you see your favorite in his hands, a vibrating dildo that makes you feel full to the brim.
“My tongue on your clit, and this inside you, don’t think my pretty girls gonna last too long,” He mutters, “Gonna stretch you wide baby, but it’s gonna feel so good.”
He rubs the toy along your entrance, the vibration making your back arch.
“Please Frankie- feels so good- mhm- put it in- ngh-please.”
He shoves it in, your walls accommodating the size of the toy. You mewl into the air, tugging on his hair harder than ever. He goes back to sucking your clit, twisting the toy into you. Moaning into you. His mustache scruffs against your skin, his nose brushing against your body. You couldn’t control your body. You couldn’t regulate the screams falling out of your throat.
He pushed his free arm on top of your stomach, holding you still. Slowly moving his hand to your boobs. Grabbing them, pinching them with his power. Keeping you open for him.
He upped the setting a few times, you pulsated around the toy, your stomach shaking. Sweat rolling down your face.
“Look at that gorgeous, about to cum around this toy. Greedy fuckin pussy. My greedy fuckin girl’s gonna cum so quick.” You brace your hands, trying hard not to shut your eyes. Your body fluttering against the bed. He pushes into you faster, his hand peeling you out.
“Frankie- I’m gonna cum- please keep going- so good- keep going.”
“That’s it, mi coño. Let me see it.”
A button detonates inside you, the size of the dildo suddenly becoming too much. The sound of your gushing pussy filling your ears. Your cunt pushes the toy out, unfathomably squelching for relief. Your muscles contract after being stimulated far beyond reach. He slaps your clit, watching you flinch from the overstimulation.
He turns off the toy, putting the tip in his mouth, watching him taste you. He moans around the item, your brain being fucked from the sight of it.
“Mhm, such a good girl. Keepin your eyes on me while I fuck you silly. Given me what I want. Think you deserve my cock now?”
You finally close your eyes, catching your breath, recovering from your earth-shattering orgasm.
“Maybe I’m the one that can’t last all night.” You laugh, “Felt so good, you don’t even know Frankie, the vibration near that spot inside me-”
“Oh I bet sweet thing, pussy just fuckin loves to be fucked huh? I bet my cock can finish the job.” He rests his head on your knees, watching you with his eyes. Following your bodies every move.
“Come up here with me, come on big guy.”
He jumps from the floor, laying against the wall of pillows. Coming from the end of the bed, you spring to his lap, straddling him. Faintly kissing him, kissing his collar bone, his pecs, soaking every aspect of him into your body.
“Your perfect Frankie, every inch crafted for me.” You whisper.
He holds your face, “Really? Even if I’m not all that you make it out to be.”
“Hey baby, why would you say that?” You follow the length of his hair, pushing it out of his face.
“I’m not as muscular as I once was, I’m not the physical person that you fell in love with.”
“Frankie, don’t say that.” You back away from him, forwarding space between you both, “Look at me,” You show his hands to your hips, “We’re human, I have love handles, I have hair on my body, I have a pouch all over my stomach. I have cellulite everywhere on my body. You think this is hot?”
“It’s different honey.” He shakes his head.
“It’s not Frankie,” You graze your hands over his stomach, “I’m so grateful I get to feed you and keep you nourished. Seeing your body grow after the military, made me the happiest girl in the world. This is your body, your temple. We must take care of it. That’s where it started, right? You ate in my restaurant and we fell in love. I love your belly, I love your fuckin strong arms, I love how you can pick me up without hesitation,” You moan, “I love how you melt into my body, so soft.”You lick your lips, “Earlier I could see a little bit poking out of your shirt and I wanted to jump your bones right there. Your body, Frankie, drives me fucking insane. You can see for yourself.” He looked down at your cunt, practically dripping all over his legs, you couldn’t help it.
He laughs, “I’m just an old man with the prettiest girl in the world.”
“Then that makes me the luckiest girl in the world. No matter what you look like, you’re always my love, it’ll be my dying wish to make you feel comfortable in this perfect body. You’re my home.” You felt slight relief, you didn’t want to ruin the moment but it was all becoming too much for you. “I love you Frankie, I love you more than life.” The tears almost break your eyes, “And I’m gonna love you for the rest of my life.”
He kisses you, deeply, “My perfect girl, always my perfect girl. M’gonna spend the rest of my life lovin you til we're bones in the ground.”
You grind against him, feeling him inside and out.
“My big guy, always keepin me full and stuffed.” You groan against him.
“You like bigger guys baby? You like my cock kissing your pussy? Your cervix feeling my cock cumming inside?”
“Fuck me already Frankie, please.”
He finds your entrance, shoving his cock inside. You were wet, but his cock was much bigger than the dildo. He was stretching you to the brim, falling your hands behind your back, riding him like it was your job.
You didn't care about wearing a condom anymore with him, nothing mattered anymore. You only wanted him inside you bare.
Your head was filled with stars so bright in your mind you could only focus on the feeling of his precum leaking inside you.
“It’s sad sometimes Frankie,” You groan, “I bet most of those guys today don’t get to fuck like you do. Bet they don’t get to feel a pussy as good as mine.” You continue to ride him, bracing your head to his. Sweat dripped from you both, “No baby, they don’t. They don’t get to have my girl. All mine.” You move your feet to his sides, supporting your body up. Your glutes were on fire from squaring your hips around his dick. The slap of your skin together firing inside your head.
“They’re all so skinny, I can't imagine what sex is with one of them.” You felt him twitch in the pit of your stomach. He takes control and starts to fuck up into you. Hovering over his dick to embrace the force. You rolled your eyes, gasping for air.
“You like that, a big fuckin guy, with a big cock to fuck you good? Not happy with a skinny guy and a skinny cock?” He growls. The sensation powerful enough to short circuit your brain. His stomach slapping against your mound, friction causing you to squirm.
“My fucking girl gettin split open on my cock, draining me dry. Filthy fuckin girl.”
You mewled with his words. His dick feels like a joystick inside you. The further you slid down him, the depths he reached inside you made you go feral.
The scene of you bent over his dick, his lower body fucking deeper into you by the second.
He sits up against the headboard, intertwining your arms behind your back. You had no way to touch him, no where to brace your weight. You were his fuck doll.
You watched where he kept meeting you, slipping in and out, never stopping.
“Don’t stop- don’t stop- keep going- Frankie it’s so good- big perfect cock,” You look disheveled, hair everywhere, eyes faded, skin rosy, “Pound my fuckin pussy-use me-Frankie ngh bruise me. Come inside me. Fill me-leave every- ounce inside me.” You cry.
He grunts, his cock torments your walls. You feel spurts hit the back of your pussy, filling you. He slides into you, heaven falling onto earth. He doesn't stop forcing himself inside you, burrowing his cum inside you. You see the semi-clear liquid ooze past his shaft, smearing onto his stomach.
“Yeah you like that? Love fuckin watchin my cum slip outside.” He growls, he slips his head back inside you, pulling you down onto him. His cum inside you made you feel warm, the imagine of having his kids flash through your head. Fuck they’d be cute.
“ I want every drop inside you on my dick pretty girl, you think you can do that? You think you can squirt all of over my fuckin stomach?”
Your body shakes, shaking your head yes. Doing as he says like his good fucking girl.
“Your turn princesa, show me what your pussy can do, soak my fuckin cock.”
You couldn’t understand how he just kept on going. You hadn’t even cum on his dick yet and you were tired.
He starts pounding inside you, his stamina so strong, so sure you were gonna pour over him. You couldn’t think, the words were exasperated from you. The only thought of how much you loved his cock. How good his body makes you feel.
“Frankie- I cant hold it in much longer, please let me cum, please- please- I love your fucking cock.” You squeal. Your jaw going slack.
“Pussy so open for me naughty girl. Do it, spray me with your squirt, fuckk.”
You feel galaxies explode inside your head, suddenly interstellar not seeming like a bad place to go. They way he would speak to you, speak while fucking you crazy. Your orgasm intoxicates your brain, overtaking your body. He doesn’t stop shoving inside of you, the only sound in the room being your breath and your pussy swallowing his cock.
You look each other in the eyes, recognizing that feeling of your lower body swelling with his dick inside you. His eyes were eating you alive, you couldn’t take how powerful his body was, how terrifying your connection was with each other right now.
You squeeze your eyes shut, letting the stream tangle past his cock. You squeeze around him, suffocating his dick. You see his cum mix with yours, all over his base.
“Squirtin all over me, my fucking crazy girl.” He purrs, “Dick controlling that brain, cmon keep goin, such a good girl.”
He slung his cock out at you, slapping your clit with his throbbing head. Spreading you apart, coaxing you for more. You finish dripping down on him, relief flooding your body. He caresses your tits, watching as the ecstasy flows through you.
“Pussys gonna kill me. So fuckin breathtaking beautiful mi amour.” He shoves your hair behind your ear. Holding each other.
You fall on top of him, hugging him. Catching your breath. The smell of sex and sweat was beyond prominent, but you two didn’t mind. It was natural. You’d eventually get up, he would clean himself out of you, change the sheets, maybe grab something to eat. But right now, you only wanted to be with him.
“I could stay here for years, Frankie.”
“Then we will princesa, always and forever.”
sooo happy 4th of july 🤗🤗 don’t go too crazy everyone, i love you all. chapter 11 of upper east side will be up at the end of this week
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umadosedepascal · 6 months
PURPLE IS THE HOTTEST COLOR | Pedro Pascal x f!reader | One shot
Written by Santa Trindade
Banner: @ithedevilsbaby
Made in Brazil
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Summary: After having a difficult day, Pedro meets you, no patience, no time for conversations.Pedro only has one desire in mind: you here and now, no matter if anyone will see you.
wc: 2.6k
rating/warnings: [no minors][sex in the car][unprotected PIV][spanking][Pedro is tattooed][rain/sex in the rain][smut][m domination][semi public sex][first person][oral sex][f receiving] [m receiving]
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It’s 12:35am, I send you a message saying that in 15 minutes I'll be at your door.
Today is not even close to a good day, everything that could go wrong, went wrong. To end the night, I just need a hot pussy.
I let out a long sigh as soon as I park across the street from your house, I turn off the car and honk once and you doesn't show up, honk again and nothing, I lose my patience and sink my hand honking nonstop without caring that the sound of the horn will bother the neighbors in the middle of the night.
_Damn, I really need to fuck_
The door finally opens, your short dress going up with every step you take, this makes your legs look so inviting.
"Why did it take so long?" I ask as I watch you get in the car, your perfume is so good.
"I was getting ready, what’s going on? You seem so piss off…"
I look into your eyes and move towards you, my right hand curling in your hair I pull you by the back of your neck and hit my lips on yours, a quick kiss, biting your lower lip. I don't want to talk or annoy you with my problems, so I smile with my lips glued to yours and say softly…
"Nothing important babe, I just wanted to see you asap"
I look straight and turn on the car, the sound of the engine roaring down the dark street, a fine drizzle rain starts, I’m taking you to a special place, we need privacy.
I might know where Pedro is taking me, it was the place we first met. A photoshoot for a clothing brand, the location was behind the Hollywood sign.
I look at Pedro he is all eyes on the road so I slide my left hand down his right thigh and say…
"Are you taking me there, papi?"
Without taking his eyes off the road, going up the Hills, Pedro whisper with a smile in the corner of his lips…
I watch Pedro driving, one hand on the steering wheel and the other one touching lightly my left thigh, he looks so sexy, wearing a leather jacket and his thick neck tattoo that drives me crazy.
I turn on the radio, tune in to KLOS FM, it's at the beginning of one of the 10cc classics, I quickly hum the music. Pedro looks and wink at me, he smiles when I lean over him, my lips close to his ear I say…
"Hey, you look so handsome tonite... What's your name, hottie?"
My hand slips to the inner part on his thigh, I squeeze gently, Pedro slows down, and pulls over the car, look me in the eye and unbuckles his belt and say in a low voice full of lust…
"You know what's my full name is?…
Jose Pedro Balmaceda Pascal" he laughs loudly and kisses you.a
I love the way he says his full name, that sexy accent. I laugh and lean more over him, my hand caressing his thigh, squeezing, as if I knew exactly what my next steps will be.
"You are so funny, but I dig the stressed out man from minutes ago...”
I slide my fingers over his bulge, I can feel that he is rocking hard already, I look up and he is half-open lips releasing his breath. The windows fog up, for a second I realize that the drizzle now turns into a stronger rain, noises of the water drops mix with the music, becoming a unique melody.
My only thought now is on Pedro's cock pulsing through his pants, I bring his zipper down and see that he’s not wearing his boxers I lose my mind.
I gently caress his cock, he lets out a low whine as he feels my cold fingers on his skin.
"Do you enjoy see me stressed out? Why?- He speaks so low that I almost don't understand and ignoring his question I pull his cock out of his jeans and through those low lights from the empty street I see the head of his cock glistening pre cum, I look at him, open mouth, panting breath and he says…
"Why? So I can slam you hard and take out on you? Is that what you want, babe?" - He looks so deep into my eyes that I feel my blood boiling, the lust screaming in his eyes. I grab his cock feeling him pulsating on my fingers, suddenly he changes behavior, holds my wrist tightly, interrupting my movements and say deeply low…
"Answer me, do you want me stress out?"
The way he talks makes me horny, I feel my panties getting so wet that I just shake my head agreeing, not a single word.
He holds my neck pulling my hair back to look at him closer.
"All right babe, all right... You asked for that...suck me very, very slowly.. enjoy you breathing now, because later you'll beg me to stop, and I won't!”
I just leave a shy smile and take his cock by the base licking all the pre cum, feeling his bittersweet taste, I put him my mouth and I go down running my tongue through everything.
He's so hard, I can feel the veins of his dick pulsating on my tongue, it makes me whine on him.
I know he likes it, I look up and his face bitting his bottom lips, eyes fixed on me.
Without breaking the eye contact I go faster trying as far as I can down him until I choke and spit on the head of his cock.
Pedro grabs my hair from both sides and pull me closer, fucking my mouth with slow but precise movements, I'm so horny that I’m able to cum just by listening to his grunts.
"Stop" he murmurs, I look at him and there is the bad moody man from before, he whispers in a threatening tone
"Get out of the car! I’m piss off and you will pay for it"
Pedro pulls me out, I go out from the driver's side literally rubbing my pussy against him, he slam the door so hard making a loud sound. Then pushes me making my back hit against the car window, I feel the raindrops come into contact with my hot skin, it makes me shiver like Pedro leaning over me right after with both hands holding my head, the rain wetting his face, his perfume mixing with the smell of rain.
"Do you want it hardcore? Are you going to handle it?"
"Yes Pedro, please..."- Pedro holds my neck, turning my face sideways and say on my ear..
"What did you call me? Repeat after me: daddy, yes daddy I'll take it all"
I swallow dry feeling my pussy screaming inside, I say
"Yes daddy I'll take it all... Please"
Pedro turns my back to him, my tits crushed on the window, he walks his right hand along my thigh, going up until he reaches the waistband of my panties, he sticks his hand through the fabric and circles his middle finger through my swollen clitoris, making me moan, he says
"So fucking wet are you ready for daddy, huh?"
I'm not able to answer, all that comes out of my mouth are supplications and broken moans.
He holds the back of my neck, pulling my hair, he removes his hand from my pussy and pushes me to the front of the car, leaning me through the hood, he kicks my feet slightly, making me spread my legs
Pedro caresses my back, lowering his fingers scratching me until he reaches the bottom edge of my dress, he lifts the fabric and spank my ass making a loud sound against my skin wet from the rain.
He bends down and pulls my panties aside, I feel his tongue go all over my pussy, his hawk shape nose poking my entrance while his tongue circles my clit makes me cum in seconds.
It’s not a surprise for him anymore, he knows the drill and can make me do it more than once.
He looks up and say
"I wanted so bad to eat you..but now all I can think about is shoving my cock so fucking deep inside you, you'll scream so loud everyone can hear you"
"Yes daddy! Rip me apart.."
The rain is back to drizzles from before, Pedro goes up and lay on top of me with his hands on my nipples, nibbling so hard, he turns me and stares at me, when I least expect it I feel a slap burn my right thigh, Pedro pulls his hard cock out and press his body against mine, pushing more and more licking my neck, drying all the drops of water, then down my chin, provoking me a lot then I say
"I like the way you tease me daddy and I want more"
Then two more strong slaps on my thigh, the contact of his heavy hand on my slippery skin makes me grunt. He laughs sarcastically and says
"Hey my little slut, have you ever fucked inside a car? Cause I want to shove deep into you right now "
Over his shoulder I see some light approaching so I say
"Yeah, we better get inside, you inside me.. daddy"
He takes me to the side of the car, opens the back door and pushes me to the seat, my legs slide on the leather of the car, he slams the door hard and despite the blurry windows I can see him going around the car and opening the other door.
"Suck me! Now!" He speaks in a hurry, almost despair, he rests one arm on the roof of the car and the other pulls my neck against his cock, oozing precum, first I clean him up then suck it slow and tight and I realize that Fletwood Mac is playing on the radio, Pedro begins to hum the song while I suck him non-stop.
"wait a minute baby, stay whit me a while.. said you'd give me light.. but you never told me about the fire..."
He fucks my mouth hard, making me choke every time he puts it deep in my throat, but I don't ask him to stop, and I can't, because he won't stop. While I suck him I touch my clit feeling like I can cum just by feeling him in my mouth, fuck, how tasty he is, but I want more, I want him inside me. I take my mouth off his cock and he moves away from the car to look at me
“ I didn't tell you to stop, but since you stopped...”looking at me mad, raising one eyebrow.
Pedro talks with a naughty smile and bends over to get closer to my face. He gives me a nice kiss grabbing my neck pulling my head back.
“...stay on all fours for me babe, I want to fuck you looking at your beautiful ass.”
I turn my back immediately, getting on all fours for him who is still outside the car. He pulls my panties to the side, I hear the sound of him sucking his own fingers, sliding inside my pussy and each thrust I say his name begging for more.
“You are so tight, my little slut, so tight...” he talks fucking me nicely with those huge fingers inside me.
“come closer, I want to feel that pussy squeezing my dick.”
Then he grabs my hips and tease rubbing the tip of his hardon over my wet pussy, without notice he slides in letting a loud moan filling all my pussy. Pedro gives some long and slow strokes, but as I start to moan and say his name, he speeds up and every time I asked for more, he would put it harder.
“that's what you wanted wasn't it? Fucking you hard..” he talks in the middle of moans feeling my pussy squeeze his cock more and more.
“ ...you little bitch, I'm fucking you without caring that someone might show up anytime hah”
Every single word he says makes me even horny, I really didn't care if someone showed up, I just thought about how hot it was to feel his cock inside me, I knew I could cum at any time and nothing else mattered. He then bends into the car, grabs my hair with one hand, and with his free hand he takes his cock out of my pussy and starts rubbing on my clit and says
“you were a bad girl today, stubborn, stopped when I didn't tell you to stop, but still... I want to see you cum, I want to see you cum for me...”
"Turn around baby girl and open those legs for daddy" Pedro asks in an almost suffocated tone of voice.
I turn around and put a leg on the front seat, he pulls me closer to the door and kneels on the car floor.
"you are oozing is it all my fault?"
He barely gives me the opportunity to answer and sticks his tongue in my pussy, his lips around my clit, sucking as if it were a french kiss, rubbing his face through my pussy, he looks at me and moans when he sees me play with my nipples, his left hand rises and squeezes my nipple hard making me cry. With the other hand, he rubs two fingers through my entrance, wetting and then slide in, making me on the edge he touchs my g-spot..
"Oh fuck,daddy...please"
He moves his mouth away from my clit and grunt
"Cum on my face cum in my mouth..."
He fucks me with two fingers harder and sucks my clit hard, I run my hands trought and pull his gray hair as I cum warm feeling his tongue lick me not letting any drop of my pleasure to be wasted.
Pedro keeps giving slow and lazy licks in my pussy, my legs close by themselves and he bites my thigh punishing me, raises his head and looks at me, by the dim light I can see my excitement run down his chin and stache, he removes his fingers from my pussy and sucks one by one looking at me
"You're fucking delicious, my turn little girl, daddy want explode inside you"
He runs his hand through my back and guides me to the corner of the car, one hand keeps pinching and pulling my nipple, making me whine, his right hand smoothes and distributes slaps through my left thigh.
He raises his fingers to my mouth and makes me taste my own taste, then moving far enough to take off his jacket and T-shirt, with a little difficulty he throws them in the front seat, his wet hair get messy.
-Fuck, so sexy-
Pedro pulls my left leg and puts it on his shoulder, so wide that I look tiny, he holds his cock by the base and rub his head against my clit and whispers
"Beg to me, beg to me"
I'm soaked, I feel my excitement dripping down, forcing my brain to act I try to answer, but he shove his cock into me no mercy, my head slams against the car door, he murmurs an apology but he doesn't stop pumping, with one hand he protects my head from continuing to knock on the door, my pussy is pulsating on his cock, he moans and growls
"Im close...on top of your pussy hmmm..."
He takes off his cock and holds it and I feel his hot cum on me, he soon puts it again and finishes filling me with his hot cum.
He lies on me, our breaths panting, our bodies sticking with sweat, he says panting
"What's the next character you want me to play, babe?"
He laughs and kisses me.
Thanks for being here and read our delusional fics, likes are appreciate, comments even more. If you want to ask anything, blast it!
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psychedelic-ink · 6 months
okay I can't decide who to write this with so you guys get to decide instead of me dfbfgb
to put the summary very bluntly (kinda indulgent considering it's something I'm struggling with rn but reader will just be reader):
After moving to the United States from abroad, you've been staying with family in the suburbs for about two months now and you're losing your mind. You don't have your license yet and there's no public transit so you're stuck at home falling further down the self-pity hole.
But just as you're accepting this is your new normal, your parents learn that a friend of your dad's friend is living in NYC. After a couple of stunted messages with the man in question, he says you can stay with him until you find a job and move out.
How were you supposed to know that things could get so complicated so quickly?
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A Soft Place To Land
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pairing: frankie morales x gn!reader
rating: F (this is really just 579 words of fluff, frankie strips but it’s not sexual)
a/n: the autumn chill is making me romantic for my fictional husband and this is what came of it
frankie masterlist
It was late into the evening when the headlights of Frankie’s truck shone into your living room window. It had been raining all day, autumn finally settling in with an icy chill. You knew how tired he must be, spending his day in the cold, damp body shop he co-owned with Santiago, dealing with cold, damp, impatient customers for the last ten hours.
You, on the other hand, had the day off and never once had to step foot outside the warm and cozy confines of your home. You busied yourself with chores, cleaning the house more deeply than you had in a while, maybe even since you and Frankie first moved in a year and a half ago. Now, fresh out of a warm-vanilla scented bath, you laid reading on the plush sofa Frankie insisted on buying despite it’s hefty price tag, feeling cozy in a pair of soft, fleece-lined sweatpants and a white, cotton long-sleeve.
When Frankie walked in, he looked just as glum as you predicted, a deep sigh leaving his lips as he kicked his boots off by the door while meeting your eye.
“Fucking cold out there,” he said, earning a frown and a nod from you. “You look cozy.”
“I am cozy,” you smiled, curling your finger at him to beckon him closer. Frankie obeyed, walking over to you and bending down to capture your lips for a sweet, icy kiss that left you shivering. “You’re freezing.”
“Let me in, then,” he said, yanking on the blanket covering most of your body.
“You’re dressed in your work clothes,” you giggled, batting his hand away.
“Fine,” he said, standing upright. You watched him with amusement as he started to peel off his clothes layer by layer until he was left in just a pair of black briefs and his socks. “Can you let me in now?”
“Fine,” you sighed, pretending to be burdened by his need to be close to you, when in truth it was what you loved most about him. Throwing the blanket open, you spread your legs to give him room to lay between them, Frankie’s head resting on your chest. You threw the blanket back over him and set your book aside to hold him for a minute, your fingernails lightly grazing the plains of his toned back while he slipped his icy hands underneath the dip in your back, hugging you closer to him. “How was it today?”
“Shitty,” he mumbled sleepily, his cheek squished against your sternum. “Got yelled at.”
“Cunts,” you spat, earning a chuckle from your husband.
“Missed you, baby,” he mused, turning his face to press a kiss over your heartbeat. “So warm…n’ soft.”
You couldn’t help the cheesy grin that spread across your face at the sound of his sleepy voice, your fingers lifting to lightly scratch at his scalp.
“Mm,” he hummed, squeezing you tighter. “Could fall asleep like this.”
“Go ahead,” you murmured, lightly tracing the ridge of his brow with your fingertip.
“Okay,” he said, nestling into you. “Wake me up if I get too heavy.”
“Mmkay,” you smiled, scratching his scalp once more before picking your book back up and resuming your place, Frankie’s soft snores the only sound in the world to you.
Though you wished he never had to face the cold at all, you couldn’t help but admit that you adored being the warmth he came home to every night.
A soft place for him to land.
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astrid-sorensen · 1 year
Haven | Francisco “Catfish” Morales x f!reader
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Word Count - 1,201
Genre - Fluff, Thriller
Warnings - Break ins, weapons, injury, mention of smut, no use of y/n
"Hmmm, what's wrong cariño?" His low voice grumbled out, deep eyes opening. He could hear the terror in your voice.
"I heard something, I think someone's here."
You'd be staying in Frankies house for a few months now, still not establishing what was exactly between you two. Any time you'd spend out with him and the boys you'd always go back home to Frankies, it was like a second home by now.
Delicate snores reverberated across the skin of your neck, Frankies dark course facial hair brushed up against your flesh. His head tucked neatly into your neck from behind. His brazen arms were trapped you firmly against him, his form heavy, signally he was fast asleep.
You loved when he was like this, so soft and loving, it was beginning to become less rare. After a few mojitos with Santi, Benny and will you'd gone back to Fish's. Barely being able to get through the door before his toned arms had curled around you waist and up to the bedroom. The brunette was amazing in bed, that's for sure.
But his lovemaking was also like nothing else you've had before. Sometimes gentle, sometimes rough. Sometimes sloppy, sometimes purposeful and accurate. But it was always doting, his feverish kisses and romance there from the very first time.
Now you lay in his sheets, your bare forms curled up together. You'd woken in the night, a deep feeling weighing in the bottom of your stomach.
Your heart jumped in your chest, eyes opening and fully awake. You felt your heart pulsating in your breast bone, painful pendulum crashing forward and back.
"Frankie! Frankie!" You whispered sitting up out of his grasp and shaking him firmly with the hand closest to you. His chocolate curls loose from the confines of his hat.
"Hmmm, what's wrong cariño?" His low voice grumbled out, deep eyes opening. He could hear the terror in your voice.
"I heard something, I think someone's here."
He cut your eye contact as he listened harder waiting for a noise. It was deathly silent, until another clunk was heard. Frankie shot up from the bed, ripping away the covers and shoving his arm underneath the bed to find his gun safe. He smashed in the code, finding the weapon and loading it before holding it down at his side. Your eyebrows sewed together as you watched him move over to your side, pulling on a pair of boxers.
Tears brimmed sorely at your corners, threatening to spill. His eyes were strong, adrenaline pumping through his arteries.
"Stay right fuckin' here." He said firmly in a low voice. Your pulled the sheets over your bare form, shielding you from the breeze that flowed through the winter air.
He bent down to kiss your forehead with a hand gently layed to your cheek. He stepped quietly out the door, closing it til it was almost completely shut but not letting the handle move to make any more noise. The whole house was silent til you heard another crash, then Frankie voice raised in anger.
"Motherfucker!" More crashes. "What the fuck you doin in my house!" You heard the stranger moan out, Frankie must've hit him.
There were more loud noises and you couldn't hear his voice anymore.
What was going on?
Is he hurt?
You couldn't sit still and longer and pulled on one of Frankies skirts, going to investigate. You tiptoed down the steps before nearly coming to the bottom and seeing Frankie straddling the man. Dressed all in black, a single knitted ski mask on the floor beside them.
The man beneath him was beaten badly, his right eye beginning to swell as the blood rushed to it. Frankies head turned 90 degrees when he saw you. You stood onlooking the scene, unable to see a weapon at hand other than Frankies. He must have it under control.
He face flushed with annoyance before he turned back to the intruder.
"Baby, pass me the phone."
111 what's your emergency?
Frankie ordered you upstairs, whilst officers came in escorting the intruder out, hands in cuffs. The mans heavy feet crunched along the floorboards, reaching his bedroom.
"What did he want?" You asked nervously, the breeze scanning over your bare legs.
"Why the fuck you come down here!" He shot back angrily. Anger burning through his widened veins.
“W-What?" You asked nervously.
“I told you to stay there!" He was exasperated and stressed. You only now noticing a small cut along his brow bone, it would stop bleeding soon.
“I thought something happened to you." You mumbled, hands twisting together in an awkward knot.
"It doesn't matter if somin happened to me, if I tell you to stay there, you stay there! Got it?” He seethed out into the air, locking up his weapon before turning to stand in front of you.
"I'm sorry, I was scared." Frankie sighed exasperated, he settled down into calmness.
"I shouldn't have shouted." You still stood there defeated and lost, looking for reconciliation. Frankie noticed straight away. He was good like that.
"C'mere." He said holding his muscles limbs out and you gratefully walked into them, squeezing his middle.
"Don't worry, nothings gonna happen to you baby." You breathed in his scent, your face crushed into his bare shoulder. "Or me." He added at the end. You exhaled out as you stood there in the middle of the room, swaying ever so slightly.
"Who was he?" You quizzed.
"Don't worry about him."
"Tell me, Frankie."
"He was some drug lords sicario, from a raid a few jobs back." You stared back, mouth falling open in shock. Reality of what the guy was after setting in.
You instantly nuzzled into the warmth of his neck, the sparse trimmed hairs of the thinned skin pinned against you. Your arms clutched around his neck, pulling him down into you. Tears dropping from your cheeks. His heavy hands grabbed your ass pulling you as close as possible as you cried into his skin.
"Shhhhh, It's alright." Frankie pulled at your thighs, lifting you up to wrap your legs around his tanned waist. He rocked you both side to side, his nose tickling at your ear. "I love you mi amor, don't be scared."
You treasured the second. The loving words spilling from his lips and into the brisk atmosphere. You lifted up your head, slightly looking down upon the male from where you had him in his clutches. Thick branches like a wild oak trapping you around him.
“You do?” You asked, watching as his large cocoa orbs fell to your lips. His dark lashes hitting against his cheeks. His sparkling pupils met yours again, a tiny smile blooming on his lips. He nods firmly.
“Love you too.” You offered, eyebrows raised with the confession.
He laughs softly, like a deep giggle and then folds in. His small pink lips pressing against yours with passion. You let him take the lead, which he always does, moulding your lips to match his before coming back for more. There softer than you first thought before you’d kissed him, a spiced caramel taste laced them.
His tongue swiped your lip, massaging the spot with his tongue, over and over.
Before too long he’d pulled back, pecking you a few times to soothe the chafe.
“Let’s get back into bed.”
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dinsdjrn · 11 months
Congratulations on your milestone, sweetheart!!! 💜💜💜
How about: Frankie, fluff, 20/P?
i had so much fun with this one tysm lucy i hope you enjoy the fluff!!
you that i hold onto | f. morales | 1.3k
frankie "catfish" morales x f!reader
prompt: frankie, "it's always been you", singing together/slow dancing
summary: frankie has a past, but you are his future (aka: slow dancing and admission)
warnings: 18+, insecurity, fluff ❤️
a/n: im putting this in the same universe as parts we rearrange and you can't stop me :)))
megs follower celebration! | main master list
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You have always loved weddings. Granted most weddings you had attended didn’t also involve your partner's ex. You knew she would be here when you accepted the invitation, her best friend was marrying your partner's chosen brother. Frankie had always kept in touch with Gabi, his ex-girlfriend. Of course they kept in touch, they have a daughter together who he would take every other weekend. 
You and Frankie had been together for almost a year now and you admired how kind and gentle of a father and coparent he was. He wanted to make sure his daughter grew up in the healthiest way possible, whether or not her parents were together. It wasn’t her fault she was born to two people not right for one another, but she wouldn’t be loved any less for it. 
You and Gabi had met on occasion but never for more than a few minutes at a time. This was the longest you had been in the same room as her, it was also the most you had seen her and Frankie interact. 
You weren’t going to lie, they moved with one another like a river around a rock. As if they had known each other their whole lives and could anticipate the other's next step. You saw why they were together for so long, they could communicate with just a look. You weren’t one to be envious or insecure, but it was hard to feel confident when the love of your life would always be so connected to someone who he looked so right with. 
You knew there wasn’t any regret from either of them in their break up. They were ancient history, but being here and watching them you couldn’t help but wonder. You didn’t know anyone at the wedding super well either, it made it hard to not feel insecure just generally. You normally were very calm and collected, usually helping Frankie through his personal struggles with his mental health. You didn’t want to put your irrational anxieties on him, this was his best friend's wedding. 
Your own insecurities would be alleviated by morning, so you would fake wanting to be here until you made it to the end of the night. 
The reception was well underway at this point in the evening. A few songs had played since the first dance and the cake was being prepared to be cut. You had mostly been sitting at the table nursing your glass of wine from dinner, but Frankie and Santi had pulled you to the dance floor for ‘No Scrubs’ by TLC. Just as you were getting ready to take your leave from the dance floor, the music slowed and Taylor Swift’s ‘Lover’ began playing over the speaker. 
“Dance with me, cariño,” Frankie said, putting his arms around your waist. 
You nodded in response and rested your forearms on his shoulders, hands around his neck. 
“You alright? I feel like I’ve barely seen you tonight?” He whispered softly into your ear as you swayed to the music. 
“I’m okay. I’m happy to be here, Fish.” 
“But what is running through that anxious head of yours hermosa,” You went to deny it. “And don’t tell me nothing; I can read you like a book,”
You sighed, rolling your eyes fondly at him. “You’re annoying you know,“ you said resting your head on his shoulder hoping he’d drop it. 
“Please cariño, look at me?” You moved to meet his gaze. “What is it?”
“There’s just a lot of history here that I’m not a part of, and that’s okay. Obviously we had lives before each other, but…” you trailed. 
“But?” His gaze softened. 
“It’s hard not to wonder what your life would have been like with her. You two still get along so well, all that history, it’s intimidating,” Your gaze shifts away from him, embarrassed to even be thinking this. 
You know Frankie loves you, you know all of the guys love you and you know why they broke up all those years ago. Even knowing all of this it's hard not to see how handsome of a couple they would have once been; how well they fall into a rhythm with one another. 
“Oh, mi amor,” He spoke softly. 
He pulled you into him, bringing you closer, you hugged your arms around his neck and he inhaled deeply. He hummed along to the song as you swayed slowly together on the dance floor. 
“I didn’t know you were a Taylor Swift fan, Francisco,” You smiled as you rested your head against his shoulder. 
“Only for you,” He said, rubbing your back lightly. You knew he didn’t really know what to say to your admission, but you’d gotten used to Frankie saying more with his actions. 
You continued to sway softly to the music with Frankie. As you swayed you couldn’t focus on him, or anything really, your heart was heavier than you’d like to admit. 
“Frankie?” You looked up at him.
“Hmm?” He hummed in reply. 
“I think I’m going to head back to the room after this, to give everyone time to catch up with one another. Okay?” You smiled. 
“No,” He said looking directly into your eyes, his gaze was soft and concerned. 
“It’s totally fine Fish, I just feel out of pl-,”
“No.” He interrupted, raising his eyebrows at you. 
“I need you here, I can’t do the formal shit without you by my side,” He said. 
You rolled your eyes at him. 
“I mean it cariño, you keep me grounded. You support me, make me confident, give me strength to face my past. I wish I had met you sooner, I wish life had brought me to you before anyone else,” He said the truth radiating from his words. 
You smiled at him, tears welling up in your eyes. Frankie’s love language had always been physical touch, he wasn’t one to speak romantically often. When he did though you fell in love all over again. When he could find the words, they were always the right ones. 
“You’re it for me, my beginning, my middle, my end. You know I often can't find the right words to say, but I love you. Eres mío para siempre, you are my forever.” 
You had stopped swaying around the dance floor. Even though you were surrounded by people, it was only you and Frankie. Tunnel vision for one another. He had brought his hand to your face and brushed his thumb along your cheek. Your hands were still around his neck, your finger played with the curls at the nape. 
This moment gave you a second to really take him in, the way his hair was styled up and out of his face, not hidden under his signature blue cap. His eyes were so soft, you knew how much they had seen, and yet there was light behind them. You sighed and leaned into his hand. 
“From the moment I met you, it was you. It’s always been you, it will always be you, mi amor.” 
The music had stopped and the next more upbeat love song had begun, but you and Frankie stayed in place. He slowly leaned down, his lips barely brushing up against yours; as if he was unsure like this was the first kiss you’d ever shared. You brought yourself to meet him and close the gap between you. 
The kiss held everything you couldn’t say, it was soft passionate and loving. Frankies hand that had stroked your cheek, held your face. The other was wrapped around your waist and his grip had tightened slightly drawing you in closer to him. 
As your lips moved against his you felt like this was the first kiss toward a lifetime with Frankie. His admission ran through your head over and over, and suddenly you couldn’t remember why you wanted to leave in the first place. Nothing else mattered as long as you had each other to lean on, a love like this was inimitable, it was forever. 
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tag ur it: @cavillscurls @morning-star-joy @tightjeansjavi @cupofjoel @pedgeitopascal @sinsofsummers @thetriumphantpanda & @harriedandharassed @skysmiller will be adding master tag list in the morn!
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beefrobeefcal · 11 months
I wanna take chubby Frankie to the michocana and buy him whatever the hell he wants, he wants an elote he gets an elote he wants three he gets three
I may have gone a little left field. While I didn't mention specific foods (as I am not well-versed on Mexican cuisine), I hope you enjoy what our fav chubby guy has in store for us today.
Beefro 👌🥩💜 --------<3---------
Beefro Proudly Presents:
a Chubby!Frankie one shot
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The Catfish & The Mouse: Dine Out & Eat In
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Summary: Frankie wants to dine out and you're more than happy to help him out. Takes place after Part One at some point
Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI)
Word Count: 2,818 finally, a true one shot!
Content Warning: Smutty smutty smut smut, oral (f receiving), p in the v - unwrapped (don't be silly, cover you willy, kids!), eating, belly praise, belly stuffing, rough sexy stuff, weight gain, oral (both M and F), hair pulling, hand necklaces, f on top.
Author's Notes: Thank you all for the Chubby!Frankie love! Does this answer why we find him being chubby so damn hot? No! But some questions are not meant to be answered... at least not right away. And an even bigger thank you to @harryleatherfit & @theywhowriteandknowthings - your kind words and support are necessary for me to churn out smut. Bless you both!
“Anything I want?”, Frankie mused.
“Anything you want.”, you replied.
It was both of your day off and you spent a good portion of the morning in bed, limbs tangled together. You wanted to celebrate Frankie's raise and promotion at work, thinking he would want to find a new way to fuck you or eat cake off your tits. But he was full of surprises.
“I want you to take me to that Mexican place...”, Frankie hesitated, still new to the idea that you liked to keep him well fed.
“Oh?”, you sat up on your elbow and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “And what would we do there?”
Frankie flashed you a smile. “You’re gonna make sure I eat everything I order.”
Sitting across from Frankie, you watched as he’d gotten through two of the three plates of food he’d ordered. You’d already finished your one plate and were enjoying your soda and cranberry drink, eyeing him up from across the table.
“Fuck me, Mouse. I’m gonna need a wardrobe of spandex if I keep this up.”, Frankie huffed while sitting back into his seat. “I don’t think I can finish...”
“Hmmm. Frankie, you told me that my role tonight was to make sure you finish everything that you ordered.”, you said in a low voice, leaning forward. “You still have food, baby.”
“Mouse...”, Frankie whined much in the same way you did when he relentlessly pushed you to over stimulation. “S’too much.”
He watched as you got up and moved to sit next to him in the booth, reaching out to touch him.
“Oh, Frankie. You’re not that full, are you?”, you cooed as you pushed into his full, but still somewhat soft belly with a little more force while rubbing it. His cock was pushing against his belly and jeans, hard and straining.
You leaned in and purred into his ear before nuzzling him with your nose, “Come on. You got more room in here, baby.”
Frankie thought he would come right there in his pants.
Panting, he pulled the last dish towards him and began to eat it.
“Doing so good, baby... I gotta keep you nice and full... look at that belly, getting big and round... just a few more bites... baby, you getting full? no, you got room, honey... come on, baby... eat it all, get it in... every last bite, Frankie... good boy.”, you cooed into his ear, continuing your belly massage with the occasional push into him.
Once he had cleared the last plate, Frankie huffed out a breath, his swollen middle forcing him to sit back as he tried to hide a small burp. You sat at his side, continuing to console his overstuffed tummy, and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
“Good work, baby. Look at this big, heavy belly.” , you cooed again, sliding your hand under and pushing up into his much firmer, protruding stomach. “Oh, my poor, stuffed baby... look at you- so big. Now you're full, Frankie."
He looked at you and gave a hazy grin. “I’m gonna fucking destroy your sweet pussy tonight, princess.”
Once home, you kicked your shoes off and headed towards the den, thinking that Frankie would want to lay out on the couch to let his full belly settle.
“Where d’you think you’re going, princess?”, Frankie growled as he grabbed your wrist.
You turned and looked at him. His shirt was slightly riding up his engorged middle, and his eyes screamed a heated message at you: I'm not done with you.
“You said I can have whatever I want, and you think you get to walk away from me?”, he warned, stepping towards you to cage you into a corner. He put his hands on the walls either side of your head, leaning forward. You could feel the coil in your heat begin its torturous wind up.
Looking up at him through your eyelashes, you spoke in a small voice. “I figured you were going to...”
“What? You think because I'm full that I don’t wanna watch you writhe and scream under me? Think I’m too stuffed and not up for it, princess?”, he growled glaring down at you.
Your brain short circuited, leaving you whimpering under Frankie’s harsh glare.
“You’re a fucking tease, Mouse... your pretty mouth saying all sorts of sweet things to me at the restaurant. Made me almost come in my pants like a fucking teenager.”, he leaned in further, mouthing kisses along your jaw. “Shouldn’t be so mean to me, baby.”
You let out a moan as your hands reached up, one into the hair at the nape of his neck and the other to his belly. His kissing got more aggressive, turning to nips and bites along your neck, then he bit down harder at the conjunction of your neck and shoulder. You hissed and jabbed your palm into the side of his belly, eliciting a grunt form him.
Frankie grabbed your wrist roughly and spun you around, pushing your front up against the wall. His belly pressed against your back, hand still holding your wrist.
“What d’you think you’re doing? Huh? You’re mine tonight.”, he snarled into your ear.
You tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he pushed his weight against you harder. You panted, feeling your arousal gushing.
“Nuh-uh, princess. You’re not going anywhere. Can’t let you out of my hold or you’re gonna run.” He began open-mouth, wet kisses along the back of your neck and shoulders. “You think you’re so fucking smart. Keeping me full and fat... keeping me slow so I can’t catch you.”
Frankie bit down again, drawing out a whimper from you, then growled in your ear, “Jokes on you, baby. I’m still hungry.”
He dove his hand down your front into your leggings and ran his fingers in your folds. You whined and rutted your hips against his hand.
“You’re fucking soaked, princess. So fucking needy.”, he sneered, ripping his hand out from you and grabbing a fist full of your hair, forcing you to strain your neck and look at him.
“But I get mine first, princess.”, he growled, letting go of your hair and pulling you back from the wall by your arm, towards the den.
He let go of you once he got to the couch and sat down, leaning back with his knees spread to give room to his big tummy. He looked up at you, his amusement barely being contained behind his domineering exterior. But that gentleness was gone when he raised his eyebrows at you staring back at him.
“Well, princess? This dick isn’t gonna suck itself. Get on your knees.”
Kneeling between his open legs, you got to work trying to get his jeans open which was bit of challenge given that they were almost too small before dinner. Frankie was watching you with a smirk through lidded eyes, his belly rising and falling with each breath. “Come on, Mouse... don’t keep me waiting, baby.”
You huffed, giving him and irritated look, wanting to keep playing his game, but his  jeans were not opening.
He reached out and grabbed your chin forcefully. “Don’t give me attitude, Mouse. Last warning.”
Not thinking, you pulled your head back out of his grip and gave him indignant glare. “Frankie, your jeans are n-”
His hand went around your neck, and he pulled you towards him, eyes on fire and teeth clenched. “What did I just fucking say? Huh? You’re being a fucking brat and I didn’t order one of those with my meal.”
His other hand went down, and he was able to pop the button of his jeans open, his belly forcing the zipper wide. “Fucking easy, princess.”, he scoffed as he pushed you back from him. “Get to work.”
You looked up at him as you situated yourself between his knees. His face was stern with a clenched jaw, but his eyes were pleading with you to keep the game going. Moving his jeans, you could the see the damp area on his grey boxer-briefs from his leaking tip. Pulling those down, his cock sprung up against his belly, begging for your touch.
You pumped his cock and rubbed your thumb over the slit and Frankie sucked in a breath through his teeth.
“Don’t be a fucking tease, Mouse.”, he growled through gritted teeth.
His hand came out and grabbed your hair, pulling your head down, pushing your mouth over his cock. You swirled your tongue around the tip before you took his length down your throat. Your cunt was now drooling from his forceful actions and words.
“Yeah, please... baby... oh fuck yeah...”, Frankie groaned, as you bobbed your head up and down on his cock.
You needed a release. Your cunt was throbbing, and you whimpered around his length. You took a hand off his knee and snuck it down to begin rubbing your clothed pussy, praying for some relief.
Frankie looked down when you whimpered, his hand in your hair continuing to guide your movements. He saw that one of your hands on his knee and the other was nowhere to be seen. He yanked your mouth off his cock, pulling you up to look at him.
“You that fucking desperate, princess? Can’t just suck my dick, you gotta get yours, too? Fucking greedy brat.”, he snarled.
Frankie loved the vision in front of him: you were almost dangling from his grip in your hair, lips red and worried from your work on his cock, needy and begging for him. He let go of your hair, then gave you an evil smile and chuckled darkly, his hand now around your neck, holding you in place.
“Please, Frankie... please... I need ...”, you begged.
“My poor baby... what do you need, princess?”, he cooed mockingly at you.
You whimpered again, arousal robbing you of a vocabulary. You tried wriggling again from his grasp while holding on to his wrist.
“No words, huh? Just a fucking attitude.”, he sneered with a shake of his head. “You need me to fuck the attitude out of you. Teach you a fucking lesson.”
He pushed you back with enough force to have you land on your butt on the floor. Standing up, he tucked himself back into his boxers, jeans hanging off his hips and his belly pushing out. He looked down at you. “Get up, you fucking brat. Bed. Now.”, he barked.
You didn’t waste a second and all but ran down the hall to your room. Frankie came in behind you and began to roughly take your clothes off. Standing in front of him naked, he pushed you on to the bed.
“You’re gonna regret this, princess.”, he crooned as he grabbed you by the ankle and yanked you to the edge of the bed, then kneeled on the floor, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer. “Shoulda just behaved when you had the chance. You know I can stuff myself to the max and still have more than enough room to devour your pussy over and over and over...”
He bites down hard the inside of your thigh, enough so that you know there’s going to a bruise, and you cried out. You tried to get out of his grasp, but his grip on you tightened.
“I warned you, princess.”
He dove in and latched his lips to your clit and sucked. You screeched your hands went to his hair.
He pushed two fingers into your aching heat and hummed when he found that beautiful, sacred spot, and repeatedly hit it with each pump.
“Oh god... Frankie... please... please.... ohmygod....”
You could feel your walls begin to twitch and the telltale signs of your impending orgasm.
“Oh, Mouse... baby, you gonna come? Already?”, he cooed, as he slowed his fingers down.
“No, please don’t stop... Frankie, please!”, you cried out.
“Baby, I told you - you were gonna regret it.”, he said sweetly. “You gotta learn your lesson.”
You’d had enough. As much fun as it was being his plaything, you needed your release. You sat up and grabbed his shirt collar, pulling his face close to yours, nose to nose. You were vibrating from your failed orgasm and ready to draw blood.
You growled in his face. “I’m not playing anymore, Frankie. You’re either fucking me right now or I’m gonna-”
“What’re you gonna do, princess?” He gave you a cocky grin, his hands snaking their way up your body to your waist.
Your grip on his shirt tightened and you scowled. “This.”
You pushed him backward, him landing on his back on your bedroom floor. “Jesus Christ, Mouse!”, he hollered angrily, having caught him off guard. His full stomach was protesting the sudden impact he had with the floor, and he held it protectively.
He then tried to sit up, but you crawled up and sat on his thighs and pushed him back down forcefully. He tried once more to sit up, but between his heavy belly and you shoving him back, he knew it was no use.
“You had your chance, Catfish.”, you snapped at him, voice dark and demanding. “I want it. Now.”
His eyes went wide, taken aback by your use of his call sign and ferocity. Normally when you took control, you played the role of a femme fatal with a remarkable ease but were never forceful or physical like he was. When Frankie realized that he had pushed you to your limit, he melted, and he was thrilled.
“Oh fuck, baby…”, he moaned, reaching out to you.
You shoved his hands away forcefully, and pulled his boxers down, releasing his hard cock again. You grabbed it and pumped it a few times, while growling, “You throw me around like a fucking doll and look at you now. Too fucking stuffed to fight back.”
You spat on your hand and grabbed his cock, lubricating it. He grabbed your hips as you lined up with his length. Through gritted teeth, Frankie growled, “Take it, baby... yeah, take what you need.”
“Shut up!”, you snarled as you began to drop down and take him in.
You gasped as he bottomed out in you, eyes skewed in pain and relief all rolled into one. He watched your face contort and gently rubbed his thumbs soothingly over your hip bones, knowing that you would need a minute to adjust to his size.
“Come on, princess. You got me pinned to the floor and belly’s too fucking full to fight back… use me, baby… please… come on.”, he moaned, encouraging movement through his grip on your hips.
You started to rock your hips, and you planted a hand on his chest to steady you. Your rocking started to increase, and you let small gasps and cries out in time with your movement.
Between how tight and warm you were, the sounds coming from your mouth, and the view Frankie had over his belly of you bouncing on his cock, he was a wreck.
“Fuck… princess… feel so good… pussy’s perfect for me… ride me… that’s it, baby, fucking use me… take what you- what you need… fuck me, baby…”, he panted.
Your legs started to shake, growing tired, but you pushed on and increased your speed. You reached your hand down and began to rub circles over your clit, propelling yourself to the edge.
“Mouse… honey… slow down… I’m close, baby… I gotta get you- please… oh fuck, baby…”, Frankie begged, trying to hold out for you to get close, too, and then he felt your walls start to spasm.
“Yes!… yes, baby… I’m… fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck…Frankie!”, you cried out, your orgasm ripping through your body.
Frankie moaned a string of unintelligible obscenities, his hips bucking up into you as he spilled his load into you.
Both of you were breathing hard for what felt like minutes and years. You were trying not to collapse on his stomach, but he reached up and pulled you down for a kiss – the first proper one since you got home – and enjoyed the afterglow. He winced as your body laid over his strained belly.
“Fuck, Mouse…”, he breathed out, smiling.
You sat up and lifted yourself off of him then sat on his lap, while he laid on the floor, arms now behind his head.
“You okay?”, you asked quietly, rubbing his tummy with one hand.
“I’m good, baby. Just super fucking full and fucked out.”, he chuckled. “You’re a fucking beast.”
You continued to massage his tummy, and he grunted in approval. “Keep doing that… feels good, Mouse.”, he hummed.
He looked up at you, puzzled expression on his face, to you looking back at him with a smirk and an eyebrow raised.
“I’m pretty sure you said you’d eat everything… and pussy’s for dessert, Frankie.”, you cooed and batted your eyelashes at him.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, baby…”, he chuckled smiling, and grabbed your hips to pull you forward to your favourite seat.
@harryleatherfit @harriedandharassed
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emerald-chaos · 2 years
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Alright—so. On this great national holiday, what better way to celebrate than with Francisco, huh? Ever since I saw that the internet wholly agrees that this man eats it like it was his god given mission to do so, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Thus, this little drabble/ficlet/oneshot/whatever-the-fuck was born. I hope you all enjoy 😋.
Special shout out to @softlysteven and @bitchassbucky for listening to me scream about this idea.
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x fem!reader
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: smut (18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI), pussy eating (like…a lot of it), spitting, overstimulation, and uhmmm I think that’s it? Not beta’d—a hoe had to get this off her chest—all mistakes are my own.
By clicking the read more button, you are agreeing that you are at least 18 years of age or older and that you are responsible for your own media consumption.
A wave of pleasure crashed through your entire body as you writhed against Frankie’s face. The man had just pulled a third orgasm from you in the short amount of time you’d been home for.
Being away for months was hard on Frankie—hard on both of you. Of course, the reunions were always so fuckin’ sweet. The two of you spent the day wrapped up in bed and in each other as you peppered in missed conversations between rounds of mind-blowing sex. Today wasn't supposed to be any different.
It was different, however, due to the fact that you had gotten caught up in work and were unable to sneak out after lunch like you had planned with your coworker. They were going to cover for you while you ran back to home and into Frankie’s arms. Unfortunately, there was a mishap with the issue your company was set to release and thus an emergency, all hands on deck, meeting was called. No slipping away from that.
So, instead of meeting your lover at the airport after he had spent six grueling weeks away from you, a boardroom full of panicked higher ups got your full and undivided attention.
You felt fucked alright—but not in the way you had hoped.
Frankie, of course, was a champ about it. Easing your worries as you stressed out to him on the phone during your lunch break.
“Baby, baby, baby. Slow down. You’re gonna give yourself a panic attack.”
“Don’t sweat it, angel. M’not goin’ anywhere. I’ll see you when you get home.”
Little did you know the reason Frankie was so calm and collected about the entire thing was because the bastard had a plan.
A plan that started the second you crossed the threshold of your home.
You entered through the front door and your eyes locked on to his immediately. The door clicked shut softly behind you and it felt as though time stood still. The tension in the room was palpable as the two of you stared at one another.
Next thing you know, your body is shoved up against the front door—Frankie on his knees in front of you as your skirt is flipped up, panties pulled to the side, and his face is buried in your cunt.
You hadn’t even had a chance to mutter the word hello before this man had you coming undone on his tongue. The first time was fast—Frankie working to do everything he knew would make you cum the quickest. His lips wrapped around your clit, his head shaking back and forth, and the low hum that emitted from his lips that made your legs shake.
As you came down from the first high, Frankie panted against the soft skin of your inner thighs. Taking his time biting and sucking at your skin, his strong hands kneaded the flesh on the outside. A small, breathless laugh tumbled from your lips as your hands smoothed the hair they had threatened to pull from the roots not moments before.
“Well, that’s one way to say hel—“
Your words were quickly cut off with a squeak as your body was being lifted up and carried across the room. Your back thumped against the couch cushions as Frankie angled your hips just off the edge. Before you could even find your bearings, his mouth was once more attached to your cunt—pulling orgasm two and three from you.
Those two had brought you to the current circumstances in which you found yourself. Shirt pushed up, bunching just underneath your chin—bra yanked down as your breasts heaved with each deep breath you took in an attempt to ground yourself after the high you’d just experienced.
Frankie, on the other hand, looked completely level. Aside from the random strands of hair that stuck up haphazardly at the way you pulled and tugged on them during his pussy feast—and his swollen, shiny lips that were twitched upward in a sickening grin—he looked…normal.
Those gorgeous lips were once again on your thighs as he kissed them—wet and open mouthed—basically any spot that was close enough to reach. In your state of half consciousness, you thought you heard him ask if you were alright—to which you nodded.
Alright? You were on cloud fucking 9.
“Take me to bed, Frankie.” You whined, hand reaching down to tilt his chin toward you. “I need you. Need all of you. Please.”
A soft grunt was all you got in response before your body was jerked from the couch and up into his arms. As he made his way toward your bedroom, your clothes were left in a trail behind him.
Once you made it to your bed, Frankie laid you gently on your back. Your big, doe like eyes stared up at him—silently begging for something more as you felt a desperate need to feel the way he stretched you out and filled you up.
Instead, Frankie’s lips twitched upward into a grin for a fraction of a second before your body was flipped over—face down into the mattress. A gasp choked it’s way from your throat as you felt your hips being lifted into the air, knees settling into the mattress.
“Frankie.” You whined, fingers digging into the familiar sheets of your bed.
“M’not done yet, querida. Jus’ wanna taste a little bit more.” His gruff voice had you moaning before his mouth even touched your overworked cunt.
The mattress dipped underneath his weight as Frankie’s large calloused hands kneaded the flesh of your ass. He spread you open for him before he dove back into your swollen, dripping heat.
Frankie always said he could spend all day between your legs but you never thought he actually meant it. His warm mouth moved against your flesh for a moment before you realized—
This man was making out with your pussy.
Slow, wet, open-mouthed kisses placed on your folds. His tongue occasionally swiping through to tease your clit and collect your wetness. Your face quickly contorted in pleasure as you felt every inch of his tongue as it slid through your seam.
“Fuck—Frankie, baby, please.” You begged, eyes squeezed shut and voice a pitch higher than usual.
What you were begging for—you weren’t entirely sure at that point. The way his mouth felt on you was too fucking good to allow a coherent thought to enter your brain.
His mouth left for only a brief moment when he pulled back to breathlessly admire your cunt. Sliding his hands down closer to the apex of your legs, his thumbs slowly spread your lips open even further for him. A strangled, guttural moan came from behind you as Frankie watched the way your hole clenched around nothing.
“I fucking love this pussy.”
The words were followed by a harsh noise as Frankie spit onto your already soaking cunt before burying his face back into it. His nose teased your entrance as his tongue flicked repeatedly over your clit.
A loud gasp, coming out somewhat like a cry, burst forward from your chest as you pushed your hips back against his face—earning a grunt of approval from the man behind you.
Every muscle in your body was on fire and you could feel your limbs start to shake under the weight of your body. Obscene slurping and sucking sounds filled the room as Frankie chased your climax.
Like he was Ahab and it was his fucking white whale.
A string of curses tumbled from your lips as Frankie mumbled into your cunt—the friction from his facial hair starting to burn your skin in the most delicious way possible.
“That’s it—that’s it, baby. Give it to me. I want it. Give it to me.”
Suddenly it was like a thread snapped and a bomb had gone off in your ears. A loud ringing sensation took over your body as you felt your orgasm rip through your body. Your thighs shook violently and you could tell that if it weren’t for Frankie holding you up that you would have collapsed onto the bed ages ago.
The room was spinning as you felt your body float back down to earth. Frankie gently—and greedily—cleaning up from between your thighs. A soft whimper had him laying your body flat before he kissed his way up your spine.
His fingers brushed your hair from your neck before he gently kissed the base of it—trailing those kisses across your shoulder.
A soft smile danced on your face as you let your eyes flutter close. Frankie stayed at your side as he watched the way his fingertips ghosted gently up and down your back. You welcomed the moment of rest.
What felt like both half a second and a total eternity later, you heard Frankie’s voice cut through the post orgasm haze—an arrogant and cockiness to the tone that made your thighs squeeze together again.
“Mmm, you did so good for me, querida. Always so good for me…now I can’t wait to see how many times I can get you to cum on my cock.”
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endlessthxxghts · 4 months
Liquid Gold
Frankie Morales x afab!reader || W/C: 2.7k (a oneshot)
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Summary: Frankie gets turned on by your love for caramel. (Read a tiny continuation of these two here, titled Comfortable!)
Content/Warnings: Pics above are for aesthetic purposes only. No physical descriptions of reader, everything is neutral. I am in fact a nonbinary girly who describes their coochie with she/her pronouns LMFAO, and both you and Frankie do that here. Feminine pet names (querida, cariño, sweet girl). You also really love caramel - like a lot. SMUT 18+ MDNI. Inappropriate use of caramel. Food play. Kitchen sex. Hickey/marking kink. Lots of tongue action. Breast worship. Cunnilingus (He's Frankie the munch, what can I say?). Fingering/finger fucking. P in V unprotected sex. Creampie... hint of a breeding kink (I'll be tame with it.. for now..). Frankie, the aftercare KING!! (Please let me know if I've missed anything xoxo.)
A/N: I was eating caramel and apples, and I couldn't stop groaning at the sweetness LMFAOOO I really fucking love caramel. Then I got horny and started thinking about Frankie. Don't we love the ways inspiration strikes? Hope you enjoy my delulus. Much love, my babies.
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“Mmm,” you moan. “So fucking good,” you mutter to yourself, licking the tips of your fingers to clean the residue. 
“...Querida?” Frankie calls out from the living room. “What are you, uh…” he pauses to take a deep breath in and out, his cock stirring at the faint lewd noises coming from the kitchen. “What are you doing, baby?” 
“Mmm,” you hum again in delight before responding back to him. “Nothing, baby, just grabbing a snack, I’ll be right there,” you say. 
Okay, his curiosity is definitely getting the better of him. He rises from his place on the couch, and nothing would prepare him for what his eyes were about to witness. 
You’re leaning over the counter, a plate below you with neatly cut apple slices, and you have a bottle of caramel in one hand. Your other hand is placed underneath the spout as you squeeze a dollop onto your finger, the thick liquid running down your digit before you have a chance to stop it. You quickly bring your finger into your mouth, your eyes fluttering shut at the sweetness, another delicious vibration escaping your throat. 
Frankie literally has to perch himself against the nearest wall to stop his knees from buckling. He knows how much you love your caramel, but he forgets just how much. The thud of his broad body against the wall is what forces your eyes open. 
“Oh,” you gasp with a smile. “Hi, baby. Did you want some?” You ask him, sucking your finger once more for good measure, not wanting to make a mess at your impulse decision of practically drinking the sugary substance from its bottle. 
You watch as his eyes track your finger’s movement, his gaze coming back up to linger on your lips for an extra moment. “N-no, that’s okay, querida,” he replies, distracted. 
You tilt your head in response, trying to gauge where his thoughts are right now. Then, you look down. 
He’s thinking with his other head. 
You break away from your side of the counter, caramel still in hand, and you make your way in front of him. Putting your body flush against his, you put your free hand on his chest, reaching for his chin with your thumb and forefinger. “You sure you don’t want any, baby?” You ask him, voice teasingly smooth. You nudge his mouth open; his tongue flattening out immediately for you. “Just give it a little try, it’s so sweet.” 
You let the caramel dribble onto his tongue, and he retreats the muscle back inside when he thinks you’re done squeezing, but you don’t stop, letting it drip onto his pouty bottom lip. Your thumb is quick to run over it, not giving his tongue a chance to clean the mess you made. 
Before he knows it, you’re pulling his mouth into yours, your tongue briefly darting around your thumb before you’re sucking his bottom lip into your mouth, nearly dropping the bottle of caramel with how addicting your senses are being consumed. 
His response is just as quick, his arms snaking around your waist and backing you into the edge of the counter, pushing himself deeper into your mouth as your tongues overlap each other. The hand on his jaw is now wrapped tightly in his brown curls, keeping his mouth messily against yours. 
You feel his hands tap against the bottom of your ass cheeks, and you take the hint. Settling the bottle down, you pull yourself up on the counter. Finally, the kiss breaks, but now he’s reaching for the hem of your top, flinging it over your head, letting it land only God knows where. 
Frankie’s crowding your space, looking down at you, his chocolate brown eyes now pure black with lust. “Can I have another taste, querida?” He rasps into your mouth. 
“Y-yeah,” you stutter, your mind too turned on to register what he’s really asking. His hand is on the bottle instantly, squeezing a thick line of caramel across your naked chest. You choke on your breath at the sensation, your eyes fixated on the golden liquid starting to drip down, nearly reaching your nipples. 
Frankie takes a step back to admire his work before he’s diving right in, the caramel bottle tossed back onto the counter as his hands find their home on your ass, pulling your hips into his as you lean back, giving him the space he needs to lick up his mess. 
You feel his teeth softly graze the tops of your breasts, Frankie sucking with just the right amount of pressure for pretty little fireworks to ignite across your chest. 
“Oh, fuck, Frankie-” you moan, eyes rolling back at the feeling. “Didn’t know- shit- didn’t know caramel is what does it for you,” you say with a weak smirk, your last few words higher in pitch than normal. 
“It doesn’t,” he retorts, his tongue flicking across your nipple. “You do,” he growls, reaching for your other candy-glazed nipple. 
Between your legs are fucking drenched, and fuck, he feels so good attached to your chest like this, but you need more—she needs more. 
You’re yanking Frankie’s curls, pulling him off of you to look into his eyes—wild and desperate, he’s looking at you—his lips and chin glistening with a shine only sugar could provide. Fuck, you want that mouth somewhere else. You tell him as such. A cheeky grin spreads across his face. “Don’t have to tell me twice,” he says leaning back in, kissing each breast for good luck before he reaches for the caramel once more, letting another thick drop fall down your sternum and belly, daring to drip in places it shouldn’t. 
He follows the caramel’s path, open-mouthed kisses surfing down your torso, his tongue not letting any of it go to waste. 
The lower he goes, the needier you become. “Please- please, baby- need you,” you heave, your head falling back between your shoulder blades at the overwhelming fire roaring between your legs. 
“Paciencia, mi amor,” he whispers, kissing where the hem of your bottoms meets your tummy. “You’ve got me, cariño.”
His fingers reach for your bottoms, pulling them down swiftly as you raise yourself up to make it an easy removal. 
Wasting no time, his mouth is kissing hotly on your mound, his tongue swirling your pubic area as your hips buck further into his face. He drags his mouth lower, a shiny trail of his sweet saliva coating every inch of you as he brings your throbbing bundle of nerves into his mouth and sucks—a near pornographic wail reverberates the kitchen walls, your back nearly giving way if it wasn’t for your other hand being planted onto the countertop. 
“Jesus- Fuck, Frankie, oh my God, ohmyGod-” you pant, your chest rising and falling at an erratic rate as his mouth never stops its assault on your clit. One of his hands makes their way towards your entrance, Frankie’s two middle fingers surfing through your wetness before he prods inside with ease, his fingers always filling you up in a way your own fingers never could. 
He curves his fingers just right, hitting your release button, forcing your floodgates open with absolutely no warning. “F-fuck, fuck! Fuck, baby, I’m cumming, oh, fuck, mmm just like that- shit-”
He pulls his mouth off of you, pulling away just enough to watch as you cream all over his fingers—your caramel dripping down his fingers as his mouth positively waters at the sight. “Jesus, hermosa,” Frankie breathes, his hot breaths fanning across your center sending an aftershock of shivers down your spine. 
His fingers come to a halt, slowly slipping out of you as his eyes remain fixated at the sight. “Tan perfecta, mi amor,” he says mindlessly. You watch with bated breath to see what he does next. 
He brings his fingers up to his mouth, eyes slowly rolling into the back of his head as he licks his fingers clean, practically purring at the way you taste. You whimper at the sight, an entire new wave of arousal leaks from your sex—crying again, for more. 
“Frankie,” you whine. 
For a second, Frankie genuinely got lost in your taste, forgetting everything around him but the way your flavor sits so addictingly across his taste buds. He could spend forever drinking from you if he could. “Lo siento, cariño, lo siento,” he says, truly apologetic. “You just taste so fucking good, I can’t help myself,” his inflection turning desperate in those last few words. He pulls you in for a kiss, a tinge of your own flavor melting onto your tongue. “How do you want me?” he says softly into your lips. 
“Inside, Morales. Please,” you whine into his mouth as you reach for the bulge of his sweatpants, your legs spreading open impossibly more, begging him to end whatever coy teasing game you started. “You already made a mess on me,” you tell him. Bringing your mouth to his ear, you whisper: “Now you need to make another one inside.”
“Oh, fuck, baby,” Frankie groans, throwing his head back to contain himself. When he brings his gaze back down to you, you can see the determination behind his eyes. “That’s what you want, huh? Want me inside you? Want me dripping from you all day, huh, my sweet girl?” He’s yanking his sweats down. He steps closer to you, lips a hair’s width away from each other. “Wanna be filled up with my caramel?” He smirks. 
That was the dumbest shit you have ever heard, and your facial expression reveals that, yet it has your pussy clenching on nothing. Of course, Frankie catches it. “Oh, yeah, she does,” he says, running his fingers along your seam before he’s guiding the head of his cock into you. 
“Oh, God-” you moan, the girth of him is always a stretch no matter how many times he’s been inside you. “So fucking big- fuck-” your fingers digging into the nape of his neck as he pushes himself to the hilt. 
His one arm is wrapped behind you, his hand planted on the counter right where your ass sits to keep you steady as he begins to move—pulling completely out with just the tip at your entrance before slamming back inside, sobs pouring from your lips at the pleasurable plain hitting all the right places. “Fuck- so fucking tight,” he grunts, his vein popping out of his neck with every exertion of his hips. “Feel so fucking good wrapped around me, hermosa, shit-” 
“Frankie, p-please. T-touch me, k-kiss me, something, please, baby, I-” you plead, both hands reaching for his face now, grasping for his lips to be on yours. 
His mouth slams into yours in a bruising embrace, his mouth immediately latching onto your tongue to lap up the sweetness still laced in your spit. He’s groaning into your mouth, hips moving faster, harder—the wet slick of your pussy getting louder with each thrust, putting you both in a lust-filled haze. 
His hand snakes to your front, the pads of his fingers finding your clit, giving you the extra push you need to reach your high. “I feel her fluttering, baby, she’s close,” he mutters against you. “Cum for me, mamita, and I’ll fucking fill you up, baby, come on.”
“Oh, fuck- yes, baby, oh God-!” you’re screaming, eyes clamped shut and head thrown back as you soak his cock, nearly pushing him out of you with the force of your release. 
“Mierda- just like that, fuck-” Frankie moans, his chest heaving as he struggles to keep himself from finishing just yet, reveling in the sight of you fall apart around him. 
His hips have slowed, giving you a moment of breath, but you’re not having it. Your hips start to move on their own accord, wrapping your legs around Frankie’s waist as you buck your hips into him, whining for him to move, for him to fuck you, for him to- 
“Fucking cum inside me, Fish.”
That brings him to attention immediately—his hips that were once meeting your every push and pull, now stuttering as his release covers every inch of your walls. You smile wide at the full feeling inside of you even as he begins to soften and slip out of you. 
The room is filled with both of your heavy breathing, your gaze stuck on your man as he watches his cum start to leak from your used hole. 
“Christ, baby,” he breathes, his fingers collecting the spend dripping out of you only to bring it back to your opening, slowly pushing his fingers inside. Your body, now reaching oversensitivity, jerks at the feeling, a small whimper leaves your mouth. “Sorry,” he says sheepishly. “Just putting it back where it needs to be,” he tells you with a smirk, your tummy fluttering at his statement. 
He’s helping slide you off the counter now, hands gripped tightly on your waist knowing your legs must be pure jelly. “Let’s get you cleaned up, mi amor,” he says softly. “You’re all sticky,” he says in a mock exasperation, as if he wasn’t the reason for this fucking mess. 
You slap his chest, rolling your eyes as your feet hit the ground. “If I’m still sticky, it’s because you didn’t do your job properly,” you huff. 
He meets your gaze once more, licking his bottom lip before he speaks. “Oh, yeah? Telling me I need to go in one more time?” He asks, leaning in with his tongue out to reach for your chest. 
“AGH, NO,” you screech, holding your hands up to keep him away. “Last I checked, I was just trying to eat my apples-” you pause at the realization. “Oh my god, wait!!! My apples!!!” You break from Frankie’s hold, turning to see your plate of sweet, crisp apples—now brown and spoiled. “My apples,” you say softly, your lips jutting out into a frown. 
Frankie chuckles behind you, grabbing ahold of your waist as he guides you to the bathroom. “I’ll cut you a new one, sweet girl. Let’s just clean my mess up, yeah?” 
“Okay,” you submit. 
He runs your favorite soft wash cloth under warm water, adding a drop of your favorite soap to get any stubborn sugar stains. “But, Frankie?”
“Sí, cariño?” 
“Leave the mess between my legs.” 
“Baby-” he says, slightly concerned not wanting you to get a UTI or anything. 
“I’ll go pee,” you cut him off. “Just let me sit in the feeling of you for a little bit. Please?”
“Fine,” he says softly. “But we’re showering after I feed you your apple.”
“After you feed me?” You ask, your cheeks going hot at the tenderness of the gesture. 
“Yeah, baby,” he says nonchalantly as he kisses your forehead, wiping around your sensitive center. He hangs the cloth to dry before putting it in the hamper. He grabs one of your favorite comfort shirts from your drawer, putting it on you, before he’s guiding you back to the kitchen. 
In the midst of your rabid behavior, neither of you realized that caramel bottle toppled over, long enough for nearly a quarter of the bottle to make its way through. 
“MY CARAMEL!” You cry, never wanting to let the universe’s best creation go to waste. 
Frankie stifles a laugh, not wanting to upset you but finding your love for caramel so endearing. “Baby, it’s okay, we can buy more,” he comforts, rubbing your back as you freeze at the sight. 
“I know,” you say. “I just hate to waste such- such yummy things. This is literally liquid fucking gold,” you add, gesturing to the spilt thick liquid blessing your countertop. 
“I thought what was inside of you was your liquid gold?” He says with his soft chocolate puppy eyes, gesturing to your cum-filled pussy. 
“Oh my god, Frankie, what-” you start, unsure of whether to laugh or be weirded out at what just came out of his mouth. “Please just cut my apple,” you say defeated, slapping your forehead as your body begins to shake with laughter. 
As Frankie peels the skin off your fruit—he knows how much it makes your throat itchy—he mutters something that you couldn’t quite pick up. 
“What was that?” You ask again. 
“You know I’m right,” he says as he clears his throat, eyes focused on his task. “Your liquid gold isn’t the caramel,” he adds for an unnecessary confirmation. 
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
You stay silent for a moment. 
“Shut up.” 
He grins triumphantly, squeezing a generous amount of your second favorite liquid gold equivalent all over your juicy apple.
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If you enjoyed this, feel free to check out my masterlist or follow my updates blog @endlessthxxghtsnotifs to be notified when new stories come out! I love you all, thank you so much for reading and interacting with me.
Also, please check this post out to see some ways you can educate yourself on how you can help Palestine.
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harryleatherfit · 1 year
Frankie Morales Oneshot x F!Reader || 5.1 k
you’re a law school student and you just recently moved to a new neighborhood, you happen to be neighbors with frankie morales. he comes around sometimes to help fix things, but tonight you’re at the same bar, under a beautiful night in miami.
warnings: any themes in triple frontier, mention of NA, mentions of using coke, mentions of substance abuse, choking, overstimulation, squirting, cum play, unprotected p in v, oral f! receiving, pearl necklace, alcohol consumption, mentions of masturbation, mentions of creampie (WEAR A CONDOM PLS)
lmk if i’ve missed anymore thx
Disco Tits- Tove Lo
Entergalatic- Kid Cudi
Replay- Dorian Electra Remix Lady Gaga
🪩Main Master List🪩
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Frankie had suggested that he and the guys should go to the bar for a night of distress. They were all on edge for their trip to Columbia, after a long night of elongating their plan, they would all start to bicker. Never getting a second to spare for themselves, never getting a moment to slip away and forget their responsibilities, plus their past lives.
Redfly, Benny, Ironhead and Fish himself were putting everything on the line for Pope. He was fucking his informant, and he was letting his feelings get in the way for his line of work. Per usual of Santi.
Fish was bored, he had nothing to lose anymore. He was tired of chasing after the military and wasting his life away trying to get his flying license back. He was done with the fucking coke, done using and wasting his life away.
But he was hungry for more. Feral like a bear to have his life back. He wanted to settle down, start a life of his own. Run away and become somebody that he didn’t recognize. He wanted love. He wanted to be loved, but could he reciprocate that love? He’s broken and always has been.
Out of the whole group, he felt like he was the least to find love, his life was fucked the most, and after finishing his NA meetings, he felt whole as a person. For so long he was trying to push help away but it worked on him somehow. He wanted himself back.
They were walking in the Miami heat, turning down a busy street downtown, it was fucking crazy full at this hour, people from all walks of life filling every crevice of the road. Was it some holiday?
They peered into a club that was full to the brim. A dance floor, live music, a bar to drink at. Frankie couldn’t have asked for more.
They get past the bouncer, finding a corner near the back of the bar, hunkering down their space in the midst of all the chaos. It reeked of sex and alcohol. Gotta fucking love Miami, he thought.
He appreciated the small things, this crowd was beautiful and dressed so vibrantly, the dark sky with the full moon was gorgeous, and the music was floating inside his ears. Every second that passes his heart jumps for more.
He flags down the bartender, “I’ll get uh Whiskey Sour, you guys know what you want?”
They order their drinks and settle in their chairs.
An idea sparks in Frankies head, “Benny, how much money to go up to a random pretty girl and start dancin with her?”
“You’re fuckin crazy, you tryin to start some game topshot?” He barks back.
“Nah, tryin to see how far you’ll go for pussy.” He huffs under his breath, chasing it with another whiskey.
“Very fucking funny Fish, if thats what you want.”
Benny gets up, setting his jacket down, and he dove into the crowd of dancing people.
It’ll be a fun night for the pretty boy, Fish laughed.
“Hey, you guys know it’s a college night here. I think for Miami college that’s why it's so full. I don’t know if you’ll find much to do here.” The Bartender shouts over the music.
College night. Would you be here?
He glances over at the crowd, looking between every body. Searching.
“You’ve got plan s’to Fish?” Pope slurs.
“Maybe.” He can feel the pump of his heart quicken.
And finally he sees you, the sun in the room.
You were wearing this gorgeous orange sundress with golden flakes spread across the bottom, complimenting your skin tone. The top half caressing you, not only hugging you in every crevice but revealing your tattoos. He had only ever seen your tattoos when you ran in the neighborhood.
You had recently moved in next to him for the school year. You were living alone, after a long partying phase for your earlier years of college. You were in law school right now, and you had to focus.
You had met your neighbor. Ran into him a couple times around town, seeing each outside your houses, he would see you wash your car, you would drool over him through your window when you saw him cleaning his motorcycle.
There were a few times you were having house troubles, and you would saunter over, hoping he was able to help you. You didn’t exactly have thousands of dollars to pay someone to fix tiny things about your house.
When he would come over, he was always so polite, so gentle and kind to you. As you would immediately open the door, the brightest smile would wave across his face, the dimples in his cheeks deeplining into his face. The lines next to eyes, the deep furrow of his eyebrows, the strong curve of his nose. His strong, bulky arms. His fucking arms. The curve of his stomach, never failing to peek through his shirt. You screamed yourself to sleep, rubbing the ache away in your heated core, your clit craved his fingers.
He would always pick up his hat, and run his hands through his thick, dark hair. But when he would walk through the entrance of your house, you would have butterflies. You couldn’t calm yourself, and you would always be so hyper aware around him. He could never be attracted to you, you couldn’t have been his type, and you were so self conscious all the time. Being a young girl in college can really mess with your head.
You couldn’t guess how much older he was than you, you weren’t sure if he was in a relationship, so you decided to keep your distance. You didn’t want to get in the way of his peaceful life.
But from afar, you looked so happy on the dance floor. Frankie was studying your every single move. Your hair swishes, you pull strands back to relieve your face. Sweat collects all over your neck from dancing, watching the rise and fall of your chest. He watched the fast motion of your head falling back with the music, your friends crowding around you, giggling in the air.
You were so radiant, desirable, and happy.
You spotted him immediately when he walked in with his friends. Your friends immediately called dibs on all of them except for Frankie, so ironic, how could no one want a man as fucking hot as him?
You were hoping he would see you, pull you away, and wish your woes away just for one night.
But you didn’t have the courage to go up to him, you felt so small compared to him. How could you mean anything to him?
And finally you trust yourself enough to make eye contact with him. He’s already looking you up and down, sliding the last of his drink down. He looked like a lion, ready to lunge across a meadow to claim what's his.
He was wearing his usual trucker hat, his locks peeking beneath the sides. A black leather jacket, stretching across his body, unzipped. He was wearing a low cut white undershirt with a v line, for you could see his exposed happy trail. And his last addition, gold chains on his neck and wrists.
Usually guys your age tried to wear chains to make them more appealing, to lure girls into bed and get their cock sucked and go, but Frankie wearing this chain wasn’t just that. This was his flaunt, his teasing. You knew he had money, but not sure how much he had.
“Hey, what’s all this eye fucking with they guy over there, he’s looking at you like he’s gonna eat you for a meal.” Your friend Lexie yells into your ear.
“The night is still young Lexie,” You brace your hands on her shoulders, “Let him look at me.” You purr into her ear.
Immediately something ticked in Frankies brain, he needed your hands around him. He needed to be with you, alone.
“Fish, what's gotten you so quiet?” Ironhead pats him on the shoulder, “You’re practically drooling over the damn floor on the edge of your seat.”
“My neighbor, she’s here.” He chokes.
“That college girl you were tellin us about, yeah? The one with the house troubles.” Pope asks. “You thinkin anything could come out of it?”
“I don’t know, possibly. She’s a fuckin sweetheart. She gets all shaky when I come over.”
“That’s a sign man, go gettem.” Redfly claps his shoulder.
“Not after another fuckin drink.” He needed to be intoxicated enough to not be different around you, he wanted to be himself around you.
He shoots it down, getting up and receiving cheers from the boys. He couldn’t handle them anymore, he needed you.
When he gets up, the pain in your lower abdomen soothes, you could feel the gravitational pull enclosing.
He makes his way through the crowd, weaving through the bodies, making the most blood curdling eye contact with you, you break free from your friends.
“I didn’t think I would ever find you at a bar, Mr. Morales.” You smirk.
That name you always used, insisted, made his cock twitch in the tight cloth of his jeans.
“Please, call me Frankie.” You laugh and roll your eyes, with all the people on the dance floor, you two are enclosed. In your little bubble away from the loud world.
You had a tumbler full of Vodka in your hand, you took a swig of it and offered it to him.
“No I’m okay darlin, don’t want too much tonight.” He stares at you while you take another drink.
“Whatever you say, Mr. Morales.” Winking at him, edging him on. The intoxication from the alcohol makes you feel so free you can say anything around him. He moves closer to you, finding your ear to whisper in, “I know what you’re doing pretty girl, usin that name.” He whispers.
A song change, some Kid Cudi song and the crowd raised havoc, but nothing changed between you two. You were closer than ever, practically hugging each other so when you spoke you could hear each other.
“Look at you, wearing this perfect dress, your hair tied up, your tattoos peakin out.”
“You like what you see?” You ask. This is it.
“Do I like what I see? I always have darlin,” He finds your hand and kisses your wrist, “Don’t be shy on me now.”
You put your hands around his neck and dance to the beat of the song. Entergalactic.
His hands were roaming around on your back, and you could feel the tight cold leather against your chest, making your nipples harden.
You flipped around so his chest could be against your back, and his hands were touching your torso. Up and down.
You decided to swirl your ass against his lower half, falling down to the ground and getting back up, letting loose with the music. He twirled you around a few times, getting in rhythm with your body.
You feel the metal of his belt, only a thin layer of fabric on your body separating you from him.
You could feel growth expanding on your ass, you wanted more.
“You little minx, you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.” His eyes peering into your soul.
“I know exactly what I’m getting myself into Francisco.” You purr.
Not only did Frankie snarl, but the animal inside him snapped. He needed you now.
“Hm, need another drink?” He grabs your hand, pulling you off the dance floor.
Immediately you feel the slick pooling down your leg.
You didn’t care about your friends calling after you, and you didn’t care about anything that's happening right now. You needed Frankie immediately.
Frankie walks back with a water bottle in hand, smart man.
“Walk with me gorgeous.”
You follow him, he found a secluded hallway across the bathroom, behind the ruckus of the club, no one to be seen in sight.
“What could someone like you, be here at a club at this hour?” He asks, in a pitch you couldn’t even register.
“I tagged along with my friends, I was bored at home. Nothing to study, no one to screw.”
He chuckles, “No one to fuck, huh?” The heat between you both ticks up a thousand degrees, “And how do you like to be fucked angel?”
“You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.” You repeat.
The world comes crashing down when he shoves his lips onto yours. Moving so quickly you don’t know where you are in space and time. All you can smell is him, all you can feel is him.
In between breaths, “I like to be fucked rough and hard.” You reach your hand down to his cock, “I want to be fucked so hard I can’t think.”
With those words, he can’t hold back anymore, he picks you up. Pulling your legs around his waist, carrying you into the bathroom. Messily locking the door behind him. He slams you down onto the counter and grabs your face, pulling your lips in. His tongue invades your mouth. Never leaving and exploring you as a whole.
Your legs wrap around him again, the sting in your pussy hurting so bad. You needed relief. He withdrew from your lips and started to lap at your throat. You were half-lidded, barely being able to see what was going on. The ecstasy of oxytocin firing off in your brain. You couldn’t comprehend words, let alone understand that Frankie Morales was anchored to you right now.
Your skin was so soft, you melted under Frankies touch. He was sucking so hard on your neck you knew it would bruise so heavily but you didn’t care. You were his for the night. The whole world could know that. His fucking slut.
He trailed down your throat, shoving his hands under your dress finding your bare hard nipples.
“You poor thing, pretty slut not getting her fucking in for the night.” He mutters under his breath.
The pleasure you felt from his thick heavy fingers under your dress added to your fire.
He pushed the straps of your dress past your shoulders exposing your tits. He attacks each nipple, swirling one in his mouth and pinching the other. He popped off, blowing air on it. This makes you squirm, throwing your head back to the turbulent feeling.
He pushes your dress past your legs, all the fabric meeting at your stomach.
He stances wider, opening your legs wider. He grazed his hands over your covered mound, teasing you. You were laying on your elbows, looking down at his bulge, the swell of his belly meeting your core. His body fit yours so earth shatteringly.
“All wrapped up for me, sweet thing. So pretty and perfect. You wear lace every night?”
“On nights, I know I’m gonna get fucked.” You cry.
“Fucking slut, knew she was gonna get fucked from the start, didn’t think it was gonna be me, yeah?”
“If nothing happened here,” You heave, “I was gonna go home, walk my ass to your house, and get fucking pounded.”
Each word you say coaxes him more, sliding your underwear off, relieving your pussy from its tremor. He bites his lower lip, “Look at you pretty girl, pussy leakin everywhere.” He skims your entrance collecting your juices on his fingertips. “Only a slut can be this wet, my fuckin slut.” He shoves three fingers inside your sopping cunt, stretching you so wide. He starts off slow, but then he sets an unbearable pace.
“Frankie, that’s too fast, if you keep going I’m gonna come.” You wine.
“You ain’t gonna come just fuckin yet, not before my hand gets tired.” You’re practically dripping all over his wrist. The squelching of your pussy filling the room, along with the guttural mewls coming from your throat.
Frankies arm was working you so electrically, the veins in his arms were glistening. The muscles in his shoulders are so thick, his jacket was barely even on now, his shirt leaving none to the imagination.
Black ink, scaling all over his body. The thought of your pussy grazing his soft stomach, made you want to do unspeakable things. That alone made you want to be his whore. Only his fucking whore.
He spit on your cunt, lubing you up for more. The contact of the liquid makes you flinch. He wasn’t holding you anymore, he was burying his fingers inside you, bringing his other hand to work your clit.
‘Its- its- too much. Too much Frankie- I can’t last.” You gasp.
“No, you’re not allowed to cum, sluts don’t come.” He grunts in your ear, shoving his whole hand inside your tight pussy, “You think you get to come? You think just because you’re so close you get to come?”
“Please Frankie- I’ll be so good- ngh- fuck- fuck, I’ll be the best girl in the world.” You howl.
The whole club could practically hear Frankie finger fucking you.
“I can hear ya y’know? At night. I can hear callin out my name when you play with this pretty pussy. I bet you have a pretty pink dildo so deep inside ya thinking it’s my cock fillin you up.”
You can’t take anymore, the more he speaks, the tighter your walls become, “I bet you bring a little vibrator to this bud, torturing it, wishing it was my tongue.”
“I didn’t-ah- fuck-shi- I didn’t think I was that- loud. My window’s always-closed.”
“No, gorgeous. You scream so good, I can feel your body convulsing when you come because of me.” He licks a long stripe on your tit, “Look, fluttering on my fingers, fuckin pussy can’t take it can she. It’sokay ‘cause I’m gonna fuck you til you can’t see.” Fastening his pace again, “You can fuckin come now, come on these fingers like the slut I know you are,” Tears forming at the edge of your eyes, you can’t take the burn in your pussy, too powerful. Slamming your hands to his wrists, trying to make him stop but he just kept going.
“My fucking pussy.” He gives his last pump inside you, lifting his fingers to his mouth. Groaning around his digits. “You taste so sweet angel, pussy so sweet I’d get fuckin fat on eatin you out every night.”
Breaching your climax, chest heaving at a million miles per hour, “No matter what you look like,” You rub your hands along his torso, you wish you could worship his stomach, his powerful body, “I’ll always be fuckin yours Frankie.”
He sloppily finds your lips again, kissing you until you can’t feel the throb in your sopping cunt.
“Said you were gonna be a good girl?” He questions, easing the fuse on your clit. Shaking your head yes, “Give me your hands.” No questions asked, you put your hands in front of your bodies, waiting for your next instruction, just like his obedient little slut.
You watch him step back, loosening his belt and slipping it out of the loops to his jeans.
“Gonna fuckin tie me up? Tie me up like a fuckin whore, takin your cock and not able to do a thing about it?” You taunt. Rubbing your pussy on the fabric of his jeans, soaking his crotch area.
He takes the belt and slaps your pussy with it, you jump at the sensation, hitting your clit just right, groaning just thinking about being tied up like a fucking bunny, not able to move and his cock relentlessly slipping out of you.
“You fuckin dirty girl, likin her pussy to be slapped. Dirty dirty fuckin whore.” Tugging at your wrists to go above your head, weaving the belt to keep your hands snug together.
He gets on his knees, eyes level with eachother, “Give me one more beautiful, give me one more and then I’ll give you my fuckin cock.”
His tongue melding into your cunt, delving so far to a point you couldn’t reach yourself. He wrapped his hands around your waist, bringing you closer to the edge of the sink. Sitting you up as your legs dangle off his back. Heels clicking against each other.
His tongue drives inside you so fast, screaming the fire away in your lungs.
You roll your hips over his face, feeling the hook of his nose brush your clit, sinking further onto his face. He hums, moving his face side to side, pulsating his tongue. Not being able to move your hands made you squirm, trying to relieve the ache in your blazing core so quickly.
Once his tongue reaches a hole you’d never think to touch yourself, you tighten.
“Never had your ass full before?” He asks.
“No, never.” You whimper.
“It’s s’okay, one day princess.” He coos, “I heard when you fuck a girl so fast in the ass, she squirts instantaneously because the pleasur is so intoxicating the pussy doens’t know which is which.” He chuckles.
Thinking about squirting on Frankies dick, makes you spasm, the orgasm bursting out of you from nowhere.
“Hmmm, that’s it baby, come all over my fuckin face, give it all to me.”
Once he’s done devouring the last of your sensitive nub, he gets up, undoing his belt to your hands, letting it drop to the floor. Never being so relieved to touch him again.
“That was really fucking good Frankie, jesus.” You shiver.
“Don’t thank me yet, darlin. Haven’t even fucked you yet.”
The thought of seeing his cock now made your eyes roll to the back of your head, finally getting to feel his length break you open.
“Go on, get the fucker out. See it for yourself.”
You gulp, bracing yourself. You fiddle with the button to his pants, ultimately undoing it and sliding his pants down partially. You could feel your entrance fluttering, finally just one more layer.
You reach the band of his boxers, slowly bringing them down rescinding a seethe from Frankie through his teeth. And fucking finally all you were waiting for the whole night.
His cock was fucking thick and long. You’ve never seen a dick this long before. The head of his cock so red and needy, ready to fill you. Ready to fill his dumb cock whore.
“Jesus Frankie, it is gonna fit?” You whimper, you just want to feel him sinking inside you already.
“Princess, I’ll fucking make it fit, don’t worry.” He kisses your cheek.
He gives his cock a few pumps in his hand. Wait, you need a condom.
“Frankie, we need a condom, quick.” You weep.
“I’ll put out. I promise.” You side eye him, every fucking guy says that.
“I promise, no babies tonight.” He winks at you.
God your babies would be fucking adorable. His babies mixed with you. Horny motherfucker.
“No more pussy if you don’t pull out, that’s it.”
“Can’t say that now, can ya? This pussy’s been mine and always will be mine.” He snaps.
He takes his cock, rubbing his cock with the swollen lips of your cunt. Mixing your slick with his pre-cum.
“Look at ya, already got cock brain, pussy’s quiverin for me.”
“Just fuck me already, cock can’t do anything but be soft” You purr.
“I’m gonna fuck that mouth away, just you watch.” And he slams into you, “This pussy ain't gonna be the same when we go home.”
And at the hilt, he thrusts into your pussy, splitting you open. Your jaw dropping, as his dick breaches you.
“Oh my- fucking god. Frankie, you’re so big- so so big.” You mewl. He keeps pushing inside you, cock sliding in and out of you, your liquids sliding out of your hole, slipping to the ground. His shirt riding up over his love handles, pants laying on his upper thighs. The happy trail on his pillowed stomach colliding with your mound. Fucking into you so right, his balls were hitting the back of your legs. Girthy cock never failing to make you flail like a fucking thumper bunny, making your body go into shock.
“Gonna fuckin come when I say you can come. Hear me? Gonna fuck this pussy so deep your can feel it in your throat.” He yells.
You can barely acknowledge what he's saying so lost in the midst of it all, your throat bare from screaming.
“So- deep Frankie- so fuckin deep-.” You scream.
You sit up on the counter to hold onto him, to pull him closer as he fucks up into you, the angle making you go dizzy. You both were so sweaty, the slap of your bodies together making your skin flush red.
“Fuckin whore,” He grunts, “Pussy lips fittin like a glove, cock so good, it’s practically slipping out. Fuck baby.” He’s pounding into you so fast you can’t breathe, the whimpers from your body disappearing. His hands grab your waist, pulling you in and out on his dick, holding you steady.
“I’m your fucking whore,” You cry, “Always you’re fuckin whore. Been waiting- so fuckin- long to be fucked by you. Been such a good girl for this cock.” You shiver, “Want to be fuckin bruised tonight, want be used.”
“Oh baby, just my fuckin needy whole, just a fuckin cum dump. My pretty little cum dump just waitin for what's hers.”
He pumps into you, tantalizing the spongy spot inside your willowing cunt. As he pulls out, the pain is so sharp from being empty you could fall over and shrivel up.
He keeps kissing you, fucking into you and bouncing with you up an down. Saying his name over and over again as a prayer. Only Frankie can do this to you. Finally getting fucked by your next door neighbor.
“You’re right- fuck- ngh- keep going. You caught me- I’ve dreamt about this- since- shit- I moved in. The moment- ah fuck- I saw you, I wanted to suck you off. I imagined your- fingers inside me every night.” You were trembling, sweating beading over your face, you wanted to come so bad but he fucking said no.
“Strugglin their sweetheart? Pussy want something?”
“I want to fuckin cum Frankie, I want to come over your dick and feel you dripping out of me. Please, fill me up, dump into me. Fill me so full I’m dripping of you all night and everyone can see.”
“Dick brain taking over too much baby, not tonight but another night.” He soothes.
Another night, more nights with him. More nights being drunk on Frankie.
“Come on, let’s make this pussy cum again, yeah?”
You nod your head, and you aren’t prepared for what happens next.
He picks you up from the counter, walking towards a wall of the bathroom and propping you there, using the support of his thighs to keep you up. This could make you cum alone.
You were hovering over his dick against the wall, him pulling you up and down again, clamping down on his glistening cock, covered of you.
Bouncing on his cock, the angle unleashed something in you. Not only was the head of dick flittering with the spongy area of your pussy, but his length kept kissing your cervix, tearing you open.
“My dirty fucking slut, loving that my cocks breaking her tight little pussy open, “ You wail, the intermissable things he’s said to you tonight never fails to make your pussy clamp around his cock. His dirty fucking mouth making you cum to see the stars. He wraps his hand around your throat, closing your airway enough to make your eyes roll to the back of your head. His fingers over the correct veins, cutting off circulation to your brain.
“Like being choked? Like my big fuckin hand wrapped around your throat?” He snarls, “Those pretty eyes can’t focus when a dicks controlling her brain.”
You feel your stomach swell, a feeling you haven’t felt in a while, this balloon close to popping in your lower belly, never able to hide itself.
“I can feel it too, pretty girl, let go for me, douse my cock. Cum for me.” He purrs into your ear.
“Frankie- it’s strong- it’s too much- i’m gonna- im’ gonna fuckk.” Your mind blanks.
And hesitantly but surely, you hear a stream leaving your pussy, leaking all over his cock and onto the bathroom floor, soaking the hairs of his happy trail. Making the light denim of his jeans turn into a deep indigo from the leakage of your pussy.
“Yes- squirt all over my fuckin cock, yesss, pussy so perfect.” He places a hand on your stomach, feeling for his dick in the depths of your body, “See what my dick can do to your body? See when you’re a good girl you get to squirt all over me, and feel my cock all the way in this tight little pussy?”
You shudder, you almost shut down from all the pleasure, but he doesn’t stop just yet after your cunt stopped spurting out water. He forces you back on his cock a few more times, this is for himself you figure.
“God so fucking- good for me- pussy shovin me out, so tight and slick,” He shudders, “Such a pretty girl, so happy you live next to me gorgeous.” He pulls out, setting you briskly down on the floor, falling to your knees from being so numb.
Giving his beading cock a few more pumps, “Fuck where can I cum? Fuck- baby I’m not gonna last much longer, it’s-”
“Cum on my fucking neck, give me a pearl necklace Francisco.” You look into his eyes. Hot white spurts of Frankies cum falling all over your neck, your tongue managing to catch some. So salty and sweet, the perfect treat. He’s holding onto the wall, chest heaving so heavy, cock dangling in the air, your hand at the tip of his dick, collecting more cum to swirl into your mouth.
“Fuckin dirty girl, wearin me like I’m jewelry.” He laughs, “Gonna go out in public and show me off or what?”
“Couldn’t have you sleeping out my pussy, so I can have you slipping down my tits.”
He couldn’t believe the nasty head you had, but he fucking loved it, he loved everything about you. He wet a cloth to clean you up, to sooth the dull ache in your lower abdomen. You were so blissed out you would have fallen asleep.
“Come home with me.” He asks.
You did.
heyy everyone🙋🏻‍♀️ so how’d i do. tad scared this isn’t good bc it’s my first one shot BUT DAMNNNNNN
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